When information is best remembered. How to memorize large amounts of information? What is "remember"

Bad memory? Forget something important? Need to learn something new quickly? Read how easy it is to memorize large amounts of information and become smarter!

This article will help you quickly prepare for exams, easily improve your skills at work, learn new languages, or easily master any new direction for yourself. At the same time, your brain will memorize large amounts of information better and faster, and your memory will automatically increase!

1. We remember information visually!
2. Why is it worth mentioning the video separately?
3. We connect hearing and sensations!
4. Sleep and sleep learning!
5. How to memorize large amounts of information correctly?
6. Connect new information with past experience!
6. How to learn to memorize a large amount of information at once?
7. Exercise to improve memory!
8. Program for synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain!

We remember information visually!

Scientists have found that despite the difference in the representational system (as you know, auditory, visual and kinesthetics are distinguished, you can determine your type), the brain of any person perceives basic information visually.

Moreover, vision greatly affects all other senses and often distorts the information they receive.

An experiment was carried out...

Wine lovers and connoisseurs were asked to recognize what is in their glass. And in a glass, white wine was served, to which red food coloring was added.

None of the participants in the experiment said that the wine was white, since it was red in color !!

How to use this knowledge to remember large amounts of information?

Any text the brain does not perceive information as a stream, but only as a picture. When we read a word or phrase, we use our imagination to grasp the meaning. In other words, we translate the literal text into a visual one.

But this significantly reduces the speed and quality of memorization!

But if we immediately see a picture before our eyes, then its meaning becomes clear without “translation” and is remembered much better!

Therefore, each new thought of the memorized text should be associated with a visual image. These can be explanatory pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.

Why is it worth mentioning the video separately?

Especially well visual information is perceived in motion. A static image is much less effective than a dynamic video. Therefore, if you memorize new information, include themed videos in the learning process!

We connect hearing and sensations!

Even if you are a kinesthetic or auditory person, hearing and sensations will still be additional sources for you to assimilate information. But it’s clearly not worth discounting them even for bright visuals.

The more channels of perception we use during memorization, the better the information is absorbed, and the longer it stays in our memory. random access memory.

Therefore, remembering the text, do not be too lazy to read it aloud. Also use visual aids that you can remember by touch.

Sleep and sleep learning!

Sleep itself, especially before an exam or other important event, when you need to “cash out” the knowledge you have learned, already plays an important role. Several hundred students were tested on this subject. Those students who slept peacefully the night before the exam showed much better results than those who did night cramming.

Therefore, if you sleep well, then you will have much more chances to remember what you have learned!

Also worth noting is the phenomenon of learning in a dream.

Scientists have found that the human brain remembers information well in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep. Therefore, by memorizing information aloud, you can turn on the recorder and record it, and then turn on playback when you fall asleep.

How to memorize large amounts of information?

How you organize your training also greatly affects the final result.

Many use the method of cramming and "wither away" over knowledge until they "learn". However, this approach is not efficient.

It is much easier and easier to remember a large amount of information if:

  • take breaks between studying each new block of information;
  • to study new blocks mixed;
  • write a summary of what has been learned;
  • repeat what you learned after an hour, then after 3 hours, and then the next day.

What does it mean to learn new blocks mixed up?

When learning new information, you can go sequentially. First learn one, then the second, which follows from the first, then the third, closely related to the second. It would seem that such an approach should be correct. But no.

When a person switches attention to a new aspect that is not related to the previous one, he perceives information much better. So let's say if you're studying English language, take 15 minutes to memorize new words, then rest for 5 minutes and start listening to English speech for 15 minutes, then take a break again and start reading. Again a break, then a translation of the text. And after an hour, repeat the learned words. The result will surprise you!

Separately, it is worth saying a few words about the abstract ...

No need to write down everything in a row and turn the outline into a cheat sheet. It is enough to write down one word of each new thought, while the word should reflect this very thought. With this approach, you only need to look at the written word in order to remember everything connected with it.

Connecting new information with past experience!

This is another important aspect! New knowledge should occupy its own department in your memory, then it will be easy for you to “pull out” them when necessary.

Let's look at an example...

Many people have trouble remembering new names or numbers. To fix this problem, try to memorize this information with some image that is already in your head.

For example, a new employee's name is Ivan. You remember that that was the name of the hero of Russian folk tales. All! This name will be firmly imprinted in your memory! Or, let's say, you were advised to contact Marya Ivanovna on some issue. In order not to forget this very Marya Ivanovna (after all, you have not even seen her yet), you just need to remember that that was the name of your first teacher ... In general, the essence is clear.

It's the same with numbers!

There is no need to look for some kind of logic in your reasoning when you are trying, for example, to remember the password for a new bank card. The thought may come like this: 18 - youth, 70 - old age. Now you will remember the password 1870 for the rest of your life!

All you have to do is pick your association!

And if, for example, you are learning a new business or mastering a new ability?

All you need is to analyze what aspects and details you already know.

Let's say you want to open a slate making business, and before that you were engaged in the supply of food.

What can be common?

Not as little as you think. For any business, you will need to draw up a business plan, purchase the necessary equipment, determine target audience, think over an advertising campaign, resolve the issue with employees. And you already know all this! You just have to focus on the differences and delve into the manufacturing process of this very slate.

Agree, it seems much easier than mastering a completely new and unfamiliar activity.

How to learn to memorize a large amount of information at once?

Remember at school there was such a form as retelling? But it is no coincidence!

Retelling the information received to someone, we immediately remember it, and for a very long time. Therefore, if there are "free ears", use them for the good of the cause. At the same time, it is better to retell looking at the summary, then even a large amount of information will settle down in your memory completely and completely.

But if there were no free ears at hand, a mirror will come to the rescue.

At the same time, try to explain everything to your reflection as clearly as possible - using facial expressions and gestures.

The more bodily movements you use in the process of retelling, the better the information will be absorbed. And in the “hour X” itself (an exam or other similar event), you can remember your grimaces and gestures, while the accompanying information that you tried to explain to your reflection will pop up in your memory by itself.

Also, as mentioned above, for clarity, it is worth including images in the abstract.

Exercise to improve memory!

This simple exercise gives an incredible effect!

It helps to expand the working memory of the brain and easily allows you to remember large amounts of information.

Some schoolchildren who used to have difficulty remembering lessons, after regularly doing this exercise, increased their academic performance many times over, became smarter and got rid of problems with their studies.

After several weeks of classes, adults noted that they stopped forgetting important things, they began to easily memorize large amounts of information, it was easier to endure information loads and stresses!

Just 5 minutes a day will help you quickly memorize large amounts of information!

This exercise synchronizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to remember more, faster and better!

What do we have to do?

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. With your right hand, you need to take the lobe of the left ear, and with the left hand - the lobe of the right.

3. While inhaling in this position of the hands, perform a squat.

4. On exhalation, stand up in the same position of the hands.

You can do multiple sets for a total squat time of 5 minutes, or do squats all at once. This time per day will be enough.

Yoga also has a beneficial effect on memory for the brain (practice), as it provides additional blood flow to the brain.

The program to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain!

To improve memory and memorize large amounts of information, it is also good to use a special audio program that synchronizes the activity of the hemispheres of the brain and increases its "throughput" ability to receive information. In addition, the program contributes to the self-development of the individual as a whole. It is advisable to listen to it daily during the daytime.

Program for synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Representational system - the concept of neurolinguistic programming, meaning the predominant way a person receives information from the outside world (

Tired of taking tests and not being able to remember what you read last night? You know you know it, you just can't remember at the right moment. In this article, you will learn how to memorize everything you need. Here are instructions based on how you learn. The information will be useful to you regardless of whether you want to memorize the articles of the Constitution or the number Pi up to 32 digits after the decimal point.


auditory memory

    Listen. If you are the best at hearing and can remember information that you receive orally, then you probably have an auditory memory. Here are some characteristics that will help determine if you are listening to information:

    • You memorize in detail everything you hear in lectures or in conversations.
    • you are rich lexicon, you choose the right words, it is relatively easy for you to learn new languages.
    • You are a good speaker and can have interesting conversations, articulating your thoughts clearly.
    • You have a talent for music and the ability to hear tone, rhythm, and individual notes in a chord or individual instruments in an ensemble.
  1. Take a deep breath. Review the entire amount of information so that you know what you have to read. If it is too large, break the information into sections.

    Repetition is key. Use repetition out loud to remember the order of things:

    • Read the first paragraph.
    • Tell it out loud without a cheat sheet.
    • Read the first and second paragraphs.
    • Repeat both points out loud until you can tell them without looking at the cheat sheet.
    • Read the first, second and third paragraphs.
    • Repeat all three out loud until you remember.
    • Repeat this process until you can say all three points without the cheat sheet.
    • When you come to the end of the list, repeat it without reading. Say it out loud three times.
    • If you can't tell all three times, start over.
  2. Take a break. It's important to keep your mind fresh, so when you feel like you've memorized something, take a break for 20-30 minutes. During this time, do things that you enjoy and do not require effort (that is, things that do not require the use of knowledge), such as talking on the phone or taking a walk in the park. This will give your brain a rest and time to move what you have just learned into long-term memory. Excessive repetition of new concepts and the study of different topics can interfere with this process of moving.

    Check what you remember. After the break, check yourself again to see if you still remember everything. If you did everything right, the information will most likely be assimilated. If not, work on the section where you're having problems. Then take another short break and get back to business.

    Listen to yourself. First, write down all the information that you need to remember on the recorder, then turn on the recording for yourself, going to bed. While this doesn't work well for learning new, unfamiliar information, sleep repetition will help you remember information you've already consciously mastered.

    • You can purchase or make your own headband that will hold the headphones on your head while you sleep. This bandage is often used by people who listen to relaxing music before going to bed.
  3. Listen to others. If possible and if it is allowed, try to record lectures on a voice recorder. This will help fill in the gaps in your notes and hear the lecture again. It is often enough to listen to it two or three times for it to be remembered without any effort.

    Move around. Wander around the room, studying and repeating information to yourself. When moving, you use both hemispheres of the brain, and it will be much easier to memorize the material.

Visual memory

    Look carefully. If you remember information well after studying it closely with your eyes, then you probably have a well-developed visual memory. Visuals often only need to see information to understand it. It will be easier for you to perceive information in such ways:

    • Information in pictures, drawings, diagrams or diagrams is much easier to remember than the same information presented orally.
    • As you study materials, visualize them, often looking into the distance, as if you are "seeing" this information.
    • Create vivid images in your mind as you study the materials. For example, when studying the articles of the Constitution, imagine yourself in State Duma present at the time of approval of articles.
    • Your spatial representations are very vivid: sizes, shapes, materials, textures, angles - it is very easy for you to grasp this with your mind.
    • You are able to "read" people's body language, knowing what they really think, even if they say something completely different.
    • You care about the environment in which you are, and greatly appreciate aesthetics, painting and other visual works of art.
  1. Sit in a calm environment. Find a place where there are no distractions, nothing that will catch your eye. This will allow you to focus on what you need to remember. Therefore, no TV, no open windows, and no watch in the form of a cat with shifty eyes.

    Highlight topics with different colors. For example, if you are studying the history of Russia, then mark everything by dates and emperors. Peter I - in blue, Nicholas I - in red, everything related to Alexander II - in orange, Nicholas II - in green and so on.

    Go through each color separately, write and rewrite points until you remember everything you need. By writing each item in the right color under a heading of the same color, you will cement that association in your brain, and it will also help with the next item.

    Post your notes in a conspicuous place, such as on the door to the room or on the closet door. Read them every time you pass by. Highlight the information by color and distribute the entries vertically, horizontally or over time.

    Write and rewrite your notes often. When referring to your notes, review the points, rewrite them in a new note, and replace the existing one. If you're having trouble with one of your notes, rewrite it, take the old one, and put it in a place where you'll see it more often. Change its location from time to time.

    Find a study partner. Draw graphs/diagrams, write out explanations, and teach each other the definitions so that it is easier for both of you to remember them.

    Highlight what's important. Find the keywords most relevant to what you're trying to learn, highlight them, memorize them, and then try to remember the rest. If you are reading a PDF file online, use the highlight function keywords. This will help you remember them, as well as quickly find the information you need when you re-view the document.

    Move around. Wander around the room, studying and repeating information to yourself. When you move, both hemispheres of the brain work, and it is much easier to memorize the material.

Tactile/motor memory

    If you prefer to get information about objects by touching them, then you most likely have a tactile memory. You like to feel information, if at all possible, by learning by doing. Here are some features of people with tactile memory:

    • You learn most easily when you do something - movement, practice, and tactile assistance make the information more real to you.
    • You actively gesticulate when you talk.
    • You remember events by what happened, not by what you heard, said, or saw.
    • You are good at drawing, art, cooking, construction - activities that require manual manipulation of objects.
    • You are enterprising and easy-going, it is difficult for you to sit still for a long time.
    • You don't like being cramped, you prefer to be where you can get up, move around, and take a break.
    • You don't like sitting in a classroom when you can do something that will teach you more.
  1. Find your place. You need space to move around, so don't sit in your room with the door closed when you study. The kitchen table might be a better place for your learning style.

Although the number of readers fiction people in the world has dwindled, reading is still popular and often necessary. This is especially true for students and schoolchildren, who, in addition to reading, also need to be able to remember what they have read. How to make what you read easy and quick to remember? Is it possible to facilitate the memorization process? Let's figure it out.

To make what you read easy to remember, create specific external conditions It's a calm and quiet environment. When reading takes place in a noisy environment, attention is scattered and, as a result, what is read in the head is not postponed. Agree that when reading, for example, in the subway, it is difficult to remember something. Sometimes you don't even realize what you're reading.

So, close yourself in a separate room, create silence, and start reading. If possible, find a secluded corner in nature, it helps to relax and focus. You need to learn to fully immerse yourself in the book. Nothing should be distracting!

Reading in the morning is optimal. After sleep, the head is clean and free, it easily perceives information that is quickly absorbed. Therefore, read in the morning, preferably even before breakfast. If reading in the morning is not available to you, read in the afternoon.

Most bad time to remember information - evening. At this time, the body is already tired, and the information is not absorbed. It is not advisable to read information that requires memorization after lunch or dinner, because at this time the body is busy digesting food and, as they say, it is not up to memorization.

Improve your reading speed

To understand how to better remember what you read, you need to understand that visual memory plays a huge role in this process.

When reading, try to cover the entire page with your eyes, as if reading from top to bottom. This helps to train visual memory, thanks to which the read is easier to remember. Visual memory is very important. In a situation where you can’t remember something in any way, it’s often enough just to imagine a page in a book where this information was, as visual memory immediately tells you what was written there.

Reading speed is also important. The faster a person reads, the better the information is absorbed. The ability to read well from top to bottom significantly speeds up the reading process.

To develop this skill, you can be like speed reading courses. These courses teach you to read diagonally. With this method of reading, a person covers the entire page with his eyes. As a result, he can learn and remember information quickly and clearly.

In the process of reading a chapter, do not go back to what you read, either visually or in order to reread it. This interferes with the holistic perception of information. It is better to read the chapter to the end to re-read it in its entirety again.

It is not necessary to say what you have read to yourself while reading. It is also not advisable to read the text by pronouncing it with your lips. All this interferes with the perception and assimilation of information.

Outline, fantasize, tell

Try to visualize the situation you are reading. This will help you remember the text. Compare this situation with something already familiar to you, create associations. Then, by association, it will be easy to remember what you have read.

If you read textbooks, take notes. Write out the main points, make diagrams, lists. All this makes it easier to remember.

Discuss what you read with friends and parents. Try to form your own opinion. You need to learn to reason, to consider the situation from different angles. If you have no one to discuss what you read with, just write a summary, but just write it, because writing leads to additional memorization, including visual one.

If you forgot something, do not try to immediately open the book and look for it. Try to quickly remember on your own, without peeping. If you can, you will never forget this moment. Strain and train your memory!

Train your memory

If you have a serious memory problem, develop your memory. The best way to develop memory is to study foreign languages. Choose a language that interests you and learn it. You can do it yourself or enroll in courses. In any case, knowledge of a foreign language is not superfluous, but it will help develop memory.

For the development of memory, memorize verses, and for development visual memory practice with image memorization. For example, look at a picture of animals or objects for 30 seconds, close it and quickly list the animals or objects that you remember.

A great way to train your memory is to memorize a sequence of words. Ask a family member to write you a list of 10 words. Read it 2 times and try to reproduce without changing the sequence of words. Practice until you remember all the words. Make new lists, gradually increasing the number of words in them. Such training will help you remember everything the first time.

Remembering the information you read is important. According to scientists, when reading a book, a person remembers only 20% of the information read in a day. The worse the environment in which reading takes place, the worse the information received is assimilated.

The older we get, the worse our memory works. Therefore, you can not let her rest. Memory needs to be constantly trained. Then at any age you can remember what you read easily and quickly.

And one more important factor. If you read with pleasure, then the percentage of memorization is higher!

Not only schoolchildren and students are faced with the problem of having to memorize a large amount of texts, but also people of various professions: lawyers, doctors, actors, etc. However, most people are used to memorizing texts using ordinary cramming and endless repetition of text material that flies out of their heads the next day. We will show you how to quickly learn the text, but at the same time meaningfully and for a long time.

How actors remember text

If you need to learn how to quickly memorize a text, you should take advantage of the experience of actors who have to memorize scripts for films and theater performances almost verbatim. Each of them has their own ways of remembering information that help them cope with this task, so psychologists have received generalized research results on this issue and found out what helps actors learn the text quickly and effectively.

Division into fragments

The first thing anyone who wants to quickly learn a text should do is read the material once in its entirety and then divide it into parts. It is important that they have a complete thought and be easy to remember. It is most effective to divide each paragraph into sentences.

Text grouping

After you have divided the text into parts and learned the first sentence, start grouping the material. Learn the first and second sentences. Having coped with this, memorize the first, second and third. Continue combining sentences until you have learned the first block - this could be an introduction or first appearance on stage, etc. Then do this again, adding even larger fragments together, for example, the first and second paragraphs.

Continue grouping with the enlargement of parts until the entire text is learned.

Quality checking

Each stage of memorizing the material should be accompanied by checking the text without peeping. This allows you to highlight those fragments that are difficult to work with, so that later you can focus more on them. In addition, this stage will help you consolidate what you have learned in your memory.

Immersion in context

If you have the opportunity to learn the text in the exact setting where the performance will take place, then be sure to use it. So, for example, you can link parts of the text you speak with the movements performed by you or your partners on stage, interaction with props and scenery, which will make it easier to quickly learn the text.

Automatic memory

Although the main goal is the conscious memorization of the material, you can use another mechanism of our memory, which allows us to automatically reproduce the memorized text. Thus, for example, some people memorize prayers or texts that often have to be repeated on duty, for example, the speech of a flight attendant. Although this performance is not always heartfelt and emotional, it allows you to remember the material well even in stressful situations.

Delu - time

A very important role in memorization is played by the time spent not only on studying, but also on rest. Many people can't focus effectively on material for more than forty minutes, so don't wait until you get tired and force yourself to quickly learn a text in one sitting. Take a break, go for a walk, or change activities for a while.

Do not forget about the regular full-fledged 7-8-hour sleep. Although the memorization and reproduction of information occurs during wakefulness, its processing continues even in a dream. But the lack of sleep leads to stress, as well as to the deterioration of memory and performance.

The four-step method, or the OVOD method

There is another way to learn how to memorize a large text quickly and efficiently. Use one of the most effective methods of memorizing texts called OVOD, which consists of four stages: the Main idea, attentive reading, review and fine-tuning. It allows you to quickly learn the text - in just 4 repetitions. From unsystematic memorization and repetition, OVOD differs in a meaningful, analytical approach to the text. So:

  • First of all, you need to read the text and highlight the main idea in it. Do not try to immediately memorize it from beginning to end, focus your attention only on what reveals the main idea of ​​the material. You can write down these thoughts in the form of abstracts. When the reading is finished, put the text aside and try to verbally reproduce what you have read.

  • Next, you should read the text a second time, more carefully, taking into account all the details of the narrative. Remember the main idea of ​​the text and try to connect it in your mind with the details that you have highlighted just now. How do they help develop the main idea, what do they add to the story? Now try to repeat the text, taking into account both the main idea and the details.
  • The review of the text is to create an approximate plan for reading. Read the material from the end and ask yourself questions about the points in your plan. They will help you remember what information is contained in each part of the text.

  • Fine-tuning means the end of work on the text, bringing the process of memorization to the end. Remembering the text, go from the general to the specific: start with the main ideas, then supplement them with details. Slowly repeat the text aloud, if possible, ask someone to check you. Do not peek under any circumstances. If you forgot something, then try to analyze this segment, understand why you missed it.

After a few hours, repeat what you learned again. If necessary, fill in the gaps that appear by again using this four-step scheme.

How to learn text as quickly and efficiently as possible

If you need to learn the text as quickly as possible and not necessarily verbatim, then this method will help you.

  1. Break the material down into meaningful phrases or sentences. Determine the main meaning of each fragment.
  2. Now characterize each of the fragments with a small phrase, if possible, with one word, with which you associate each specific block. The main thing is to create a memorable image.
  3. The last step is to memorize a sequence of images that will allow you to remember the contents of the text step by step.

An example of the method of non-verbatim memorization

Let's see how this method works on the example of this passage:

It remains a paradox that people in our time receive an excellent education, but they cannot boast of a great mind, they have a fairly broad knowledge, but they are not always able to assess the situation well. We have many experts, but there are even more problems, medicine is one of the best, but the majority cannot boast of health either.

Now let's divide this passage into fragments-phrases and select our vivid image for each:

It remains a paradox that people in our time receive an excellent education, but cannot boast of a great mind ( Mental hospital patient holding a red diploma). We have many experts, but there are even more pressing problems ( Man in a business suit holding a screwdriver). Medicine is one of the best, but most cannot boast of health either ( The doctor in a dressing gown lies with a plaster cast).

As a result, you do not need to memorize the entire text at once, but remember only the following images associated with it:

  • Mentally ill with a red diploma.
  • Business man with a screwdriver.
  • Doctor in plaster.

To remember the sequence of images, combine them by inventing your own story, in which the first image will interact with the second, the second with the third, etc. Our example was small and introductory, so for a large text volume you will need large quantity images. All this will take you less time than learning the text itself, and most importantly, thanks to vivid images, it will remain in your memory for a long time.

And if you are interested in how to develop memory and learn poems by heart, then you can get acquainted with one interesting technique in the following video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Almost everyone knows about famous landmark sculptures like the Statue of Liberty in New York or the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen. However, there are other, not too famous, but very unusual sculptures that adorn cities around the world - we have collected some of the most dynamic ones in this article.

We are learning throughout our lives, from childhood and ending in old age. guitar playing new software, raising a child - the human brain constantly absorbs new information, however, this happens at different speeds. In childhood, information is absorbed very quickly, but the older we get, the more difficult it is to learn.

Below you will see several ways to help hack your mind and make it work faster and better.


Like any complex mechanism, the brain requires regular maintenance, and if you do not neglect it, it will be able to cope with any task. A few good habits help to keep the brain in perfect condition, so that the learning process will be faster and easier.

go in for sports

I don't trust any thought that didn't come while moving.

Turns out, physical exercise needed not only for a great figure and healthy body but also for brain function. If your brain refuses to think, try taking a walk or working out in gym. Studies show that memory and mental clarity improve after just 15 minutes of exercise.


Regular meditation not only relieves stress but also helps improve your memory. In addition, concentration skills are developed during meditation, which is very important for the learning process.

More omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

These essential acids restore disturbed nervous processes such as attention, speed of thought and memory. Omega-3 acids are found in excess in linseed oil and walnuts, peanuts and pumpkin seeds. There are many of them in fatty fish - salmon, mackerel, sardine and halibut. No wonder they say that fish helps to think better.

get enough sleep

In order for the brain to function properly, you need to get enough sleep. Healthy sleep increases the speed of perception, helps to make sound judgments and ensures fast brain function.

If you repeat the learned material before going to bed, for example, a poem or a lecture, during the night the information will be firmly fixed in your memory and in the morning you will have an excellent command of the subject.

drink water

Scientists from the University of East London have found that simply drinking water helps you concentrate better and solve complex problems. The results of the experiment, published in the Daily Mail, show that people who are thirsty think 14% slower. So always keep a bottle of water handy.

Take a break from studying

You can not do only one thing every day - work or study. It is important to periodically be distracted by something else so that the brain sums up and processes the information during this time.

If you decide to take up a hobby, choose activities that involve concentration and hand-eye coordination, such as juggling. One study found that juggling has a positive effect on brain function. Is it true, positive results took place immediately after people gave up a new hobby.

have fun

Laughter is The best way relax and avoid burnout, especially when you have to study at an accelerated pace. Laughter has been proven to help solve problems and be creative.

How to make the process of learning easier?

Warm-up for the brain

Before diving into work, you can have a little fun, along the way, setting your brain to work. For example, you can mentally select rhymes for words or solve a simple problem. Such a “warm-up” helps to relax and tune in to the perception of more complex things.

study together

If your training is like storming a fortress, you can find someone to support you. Whether it's a group, a club, or a friend, it's easier to focus on the material in a team and make the learning process itself more organized.

Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly /

Set up a place

The environment is very important for learning. Ideally, the space should be clean, quiet, and fresh, but variety doesn't hurt either. For example, in good weather You can try to work in the park or in a cozy cafe. The only thing that should not be mixed is education and bed. Even though it's very comfortable the bed is subconsciously associated with sleep and relaxation, so it will be harder for you to concentrate.


Most of the advice on how to improve the learning process is based on metacognition. This concept can be defined as the art of awareness of one's own consciousness. You evaluate your own thinking, your ability to complete the task, and the goals that are appropriate for this.

You need to step back from the first impression of the material and evaluate how quickly you learn knowledge, are there any problems and ways to learn more productively.

Do one thing at a time

Multitasking is real talent, but, unfortunately, it reduces the efficiency of work. If you do several things at the same time, you cannot concentrate well on them, so the time needed to complete the task increases.

Don't be afraid of failure

A group of researchers in Singapore found that people who solved complex math problems without instructions or help were more likely to fail. However, in the process, they found interesting ideas that helped them in the future.

This can be called a "productive failure" when the experience gained in the solution process will help more than once in the future. So do not be afraid of failures - they will come in handy.

Test yourself

Don't wait for the last exam - test yourself often or ask a friend to give you a little test. Productive failures only deal with finding solutions, and if you fail an exam that required rote memorization, it won't help your learning, it will only hinder it.

cut material

It is useful to supplement your notes with visual elements such as graphs, charts, or maps.

Think about where it can be applied

Very often, when presenting facts and formulas, the scope of their application is missed. Dry knowledge is quickly forgotten, and if you want to remember something for a long time, try to find application in real life on your own. Knowing how, where and why to apply facts in real life will securely fix the information in your memory.

Apply different methods

The more diverse the sources of knowledge, the more likely it is that they will remain in your memory.

The coordinated work of different areas of the brain improves the perception and storage of information.

For example, it can be reading articles, listening to audio materials, watching videos, writing or retyping by hand, speaking out loud. Most importantly, don't do everything at the same time.

Link to existing knowledge

If you can mentally connect what you know with what you have learned before, it will help you learn more quickly and effectively. Don't leave knowledge in isolation - build it into the big picture of the world that is in your brain.

You will succeed

Be confident in yourself and know that you will succeed. Not only because it's true, but also because faith in the power of one's intellect really increases it.
