Collectors: how a debtor should behave, his rights and other important points. How to talk to collectors: complete instructions from lawyers How collection agencies behave

Most of the problems that debtors encounter when working with debt collectors are related to a simple ignorance of the laws and their rights. The Civil and Criminal Codes protect borrowers from debt collection lawlessness and provide effective means countering ransomware. In this article we will tell you how to deal with debt collectors and how to prevent them from ruining the life of you and your loved ones.

Communication with collectors: getting to know each other

Communication with debt collectors must begin by obtaining all the necessary information about who is bothering you and on what basis. If your debt is sold, ask the representative of the collection company in addition to his identification:

  • Certificate, Charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the organization he represents (copies certified by seal). You need to do this in order to understand that it is not a scammer talking to you, and your debt was sold legally.
  • A certified copy of the assignment agreement (taken from collectors and the bank).
  • An account statement confirming the fact of transfer of the balance of the debt from the bank to the collection company.

The next stage is to obtain a detailed calculation of the amount of debt. Collectors can quote numbers that are several times larger than the size of the actual debt: to obtain reliable data, we recommend contacting the bank (if your debt has not been sold) or the collection company with a written request to provide loan settlements.

After that, find out if your loan is past the statute of limitations. It is 3 years. Even if you have not repaid the loan, but for 3 years from the end of the agreement (or the last payment) you have not communicated with the bank (there is no written evidence of your communication with employees or collectors), then the debt is essentially canceled, and No one has the right to make demands on you.

Only after making sure that the collectors’ demands for debt repayment are legal, and finding out exact amount debt, you can begin further communication. Read on to learn how to properly conduct a dialogue with debt collectors.

We conduct the dialogue correctly

There are many articles on the Internet that advise borrowers to avoid dealing with debt collectors. Is not The best decision, because if the case goes to court, you will lose. The courts will not be loyal to clients who do not cooperate. If, while working with collectors, the borrower tried to conduct a dialogue with them, he can count on concessions (for example, a reduction in penalties or a deferment of debt repayment if there are good reasons).

The basic rules of communication are as follows:

  • do not communicate anonymously: ask collectors to introduce themselves (show documents during a personal meeting);
  • if you notice that the debt collector is using unlawful methods of influence, record your conversation using a voice recorder (audio and video recording of communication). Typically, warning your opponent that the conversation will be recorded helps to calm his excessive ardor;
  • if the collector calls too often or at night, ask colleagues or relatives to write appropriate statements to confirm this fact, in which you must accurately indicate the time of calls (later you can attach a printout received from the cellular operator to the statements);
  • stop attempts at rude communication: remind them of your right to contact law enforcement agencies.

Naturally, collectors are not limited to conversations alone. Read on to learn how to counter other methods of their work.

How to deal with threats and other illegal actions

If collectors use aggressive methods of influence (threats, attempts to enter your home), contact the police (more details about the rights of collection agencies). Let's consider several options for the development of events:

  • Collectors are trying to get into your home, arguing that they need to describe and seize your property. Urgently call the police and ask 2 neighbors who will witness the crime to come out. Demand that the creditors present documents so that if they leave before the police arrive (this is usually what happens), you can file an application with law enforcement agencies. Remember: inventory and confiscation of property are the powers of employees of the executive service, which they receive on the basis of entering into legal force court decisions. Collectors have nothing to do with this process;
  • debt collectors threaten you and your loved ones with imprisonment. Record the fact of the threat and contact the police and Rospotrebnadzor. The law does not provide for criminal liability for non-payment of a loan. Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”) involves bringing the borrower to criminal liability only if he took out a loan and did not make a single payment. If you have paid off the loan at least once, this article will not apply to you. The same applies to Articles 177 and 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (collectors often refer to them in their letters). Letters can be presented as evidence of violation of the law by debt collectors: both articles provide for punishment for malicious and deliberate evasion of loan payments. In this case, it is important not to initially refuse contacts with the bank and the collector, but to try to explain in writing the reason for the untimely repayment of the debt. Then, failure to repay the loan can in no way be attributed to “malicious” actions;
  • collectors distribute information about your debt to third parties. If the debt is not sold and the collectors work on the basis of an agency agreement, they can be influenced through the bank. File a complaint with the Central Bank against your creditor in connection with the violation by him and related persons of the Bank Secrecy Act. A complaint should be filed with Rospotrebnadzor against both the bank and the collection agency for violating the law on personal data, and a complaint about extortion should be filed with the police. In all instances, ask to put a mark with the number of the incoming document and send copies to the collection agency. Usually this is enough to get rid of annoying debt collectors;
  • the collector demands that the payment be made not to an account at a bank or collection company, but to be given to him in cash. In this case, there is evidence of extortion and abuse of power (you can file a police report) - money is deposited only into accounts.

Thus, by following simple recommendations and thoroughly studying your rights, you will calmly respond to any attacks from debt collectors: all illegal actions that they commit against you will subsequently be directed against them. You, as a “victim of debt collection terrorism,” can subsequently count on relief in court or from a creditor (if you can provide evidence of a violation of your rights). The main thing is to be confident in yourself and not be afraid of ransomware.

No one is immune from incurring loan repayment debts. And so the bank transfers the case. How to act correctly in this case, and what mistakes should be avoided when communicating with debt collectors, is described in detail in this article.

How to communicate: basic rules

Most problems for debtors arise due to the fact that they do not know their rights and are poorly versed in the law. The activities of collection agency employees are strictly regulated and they have no right to violate them.

In the process of communicating with collectors, several main points should be highlighted:

  1. The very first thing you should check is whether the agency employee has the right to communicate with you. To do this, you need to carefully read your loan agreement, it must contain a clause that indicates that the bank, in the event of debt, can transfer rights to it to third parties. If this is not the case, then only bank employees can communicate with you.
  2. After you have understood the rights of a collector, you must definitely ask for documentary evidence. As proof of his authority, he must provide you with the original agreement or power of attorney with the bank to represent its interests in terms of debt collection.
  3. Now it’s worth finding out the real amount of debt; most companies sin by overestimating it, sometimes even several times. To do this, you need to write an application to the agency with a request to provide loan calculations in writing.

Attention! It’s definitely worth checking to see if the . If more than 3 years have passed since the last payment and during this time you have not communicated with the bank or debt collectors, then they have no right to collect debts from you.

What rights do debt collectors have and can they come home?

Collectors have a number of rights that allow them to take certain measures for pre-trial collection, but they also cannot exceed their powers. So what measures can collectors take:

  1. Send a letter to the debtor demanding repayment of the debt, which must include the following information:
    • the total amount of debt as of the current date, as well as what it consists of, i.e. how much principal, debt and fines there are;
    • information about the repayment period, as well as about the measures that will be taken if it is not fulfilled on time. The letter is usually sent by registered mail, less often it is delivered in person against signature.
  2. Personally visit the debtor. There are also a number of restrictions on this measure. The agency representative has the right to visit the debtor only at his place of residence. It is strictly forbidden to come to the place of work or to visit relatives. Also, collectors are not allowed to enter the house without the consent of the debtor, otherwise their actions fall under the article “illegal entry,” which provides for criminal liability. The debtor, in turn, has every right not to open the door to them and not to answer.
  3. Phone calls. Employees of collection companies very often use this measure of influence on the debtor. But at the same time, we must remember that they have the right to call no more than once a day from 8 am to 10 pm on weekdays, and on weekends from 9 am to 8 pm and only at their place of residence. Calling relatives, friends or acquaintances is illegal.

The activities of collection agencies involve only pre-trial persuasion measures. They cannot oblige or collect.

How to behave and what to do when visiting home

The main advantage of collectors when visiting home is the element of surprise. It is much easier to influence a confused debtor. So how should you behave when visiting agency employees:

  1. You should not let them into your house or apartment. Just open the door a crack.
  2. It is advisable to record the conversation with them on a voice recorder or camera. In case of illegal threats, this way you will be able to prove your case.
  3. Be sure to ask for an identification document.
  4. During the conversation, you do not need to make any promises or name specific numbers. In the future, all this information can be used against you.
  5. When communicating, you should try to remain calm. You need to remember that according to the laws you are not in danger.

How to communicate on the phone

In most cases, agency employees make calls from the office and all conversations are automatically recorded. They even have a plan for the number of calls. This measure of influence is designed to create psychological pressure that it is easier for the debtor to pay than to communicate with the collector on a daily basis. So how should you answer calls?

First of all, you should ask about the contact information of the employee who is calling you. They can be checked in the future. If this information is not provided to you, you can immediately stop the conversation and hang up. The conversation should be conducted with restraint, without showing emotions, because making you lose your temper is their primary goal. You can agree in advance on the date and time of the next call and until this moment you can safely not pick up the phone.

In order to protect your rights and prove the illegal actions of debt collectors, lawyers give the following advice:

  1. The most important and, perhaps, most effective method of countering the illegal actions of a collector is statement to the police. You can write it on any occasion, if you are called at night, threatened or promised to take away your property. The police will look into it and take appropriate action.
  2. You can also contact statement to the prosecutor's office, which oversees the activities of organizations and their compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The most important thing is that your complaint is justified.
  3. Check all documents carefully and find fault with even the slightest defects. Documents with errors are invalid.

Personal experience

In the video below, the owner of one of the popular video channels shares personal experience effective communication with collectors.

The growth of mortgage and consumer lending over the past few years has led to the formation of a large share of overdue debts. This phenomenon, caused by the instability of the economy and the careless provision of financial instruments to the population, generates a market for collection services.

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Every year there are more and more organizations (agencies) specializing in debt collection from unscrupulous clients of credit institutions. Banks sell about half of their total debt through such companies.

For many citizens, communicating with debt collectors is not an easy process. The procedure for debt collection, the rights of organizations and the rights of debtors are determined by current legislation. Persons with loan debts and debt collectors are obliged to act within the legal framework, and all violations by agencies are suppressed on the basis of current laws.

Debt collection by intermediaries

Collection organizations are currently collaborating with banking institutions two forms are used:

  • Agency agreement (contract), drawn up on the basis of Article 779 of the Civil Code (Civil Code) Russian Federation, stipulating that the collector receives a reward for actions contributing to the return of the debt. The agency may act on behalf of the bank, but the relationship between the debtor and the creditor does not change. The agent acts on behalf of the bank under a power of attorney. The debtor has the right to resolve issues related to the loan debt directly with the creditor.
  • An assignment or assignment of rights of claim in accordance with Chapter 24 of the Civil Code provides for the sale of loan debt to a collection agency. Under such an agreement, the collector has the right, on the basis of documents provided by the bank, to demand execution of the loan agreement, but the loan agreement remains in force.

Currently, banks and organizations specializing in debt collection are guided by several legislative and regulatory acts. A separate law on collection activities exists in the form of a draft and references to it by agencies have no legal basis.

Legislative grounds

A collection organization is a commercial enterprise that does not have any special status or powers. Such companies operate without accreditation, licensing and standardization. To resolve disputes, collection agencies must, like all subjects of the legal field, use negotiations, courts, claims work and contact law enforcement agencies.

In their activities, debt collection organizations are guided by:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law “On Personal Data”
  • Federal Laws (FL) “On Banks”, “On credit histories", "On the protection of consumer rights", "On the protection of information" and other regulations.

Companies specializing in debt recovery operate in addition to the banking sector in the housing and communal services market, debt consulting, debts for telecommunications services and others. Collectors are responsible for their actions in accordance with the Criminal Code (CC) and the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO).

How to deal with debt collectors?

The principles of relationships with companies and individuals who, on their own behalf or on behalf of the bank, make demands to repay the loan debt, are based on the rights defined by law.

Regardless of the form of communication, the debtor cannot be subjected to pressure that is not provided for by current laws.

General rules of conduct include:

  • You need to start communicating by finding out the name of the collector, his position and the name of the organization he represents;
  • check the information provided by calling the institution back;
  • contact the creditor and find out which company and under what conditions the debt was transferred;
  • request a document certifying the transfer of rights to collect debt to a collection company;

At the meeting

It is not necessary to communicate with an employee of a collection company who arrives at the debtor’s place of residence. There is no rule to open doors for him and talk to him. If a citizen decides to discuss the situation at home and lets the collector in, then it is necessary to conduct the conversation politely and present the requirements outlined above.

The debtor is not obliged, even upon presentation of the necessary documents, to provide the collector with any information, including personal data, etc.

The debtor's reaction depends on how the collectors behave. If the behavior is aggressive, they should be reminded of criminal liability for illegal entry into housing. It is not recommended to sign any documents, with the exception of papers directly indicating a reduction in debt.

In a telephone conversation

First of all, the representative of the organization must introduce himself. You should not share your personal information over the phone. The conversation should be concise and boils down to the fact that the collector must provide an agreement on the assignment of rights, details of the account and a statement of debt calculation for negotiations. Without such documents, further conversation makes no sense.

If a list of documents is provided and the debtor agrees with the calculations, then the collectors should be informed that the data is correct, and they can contact the judicial authorities to further resolve the issue.

When making multiple calls, the representative must be reminded of the existence of the article “Extortion” in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the conversation itself must be recorded, if possible. If the debtor is threatened in such cases, it is not superfluous to mention other articles of the Criminal Code related to causing harm to health.

It is advisable to warn the collector that the conversation will be recorded. If aggression is obvious, it is recommended to contact law enforcement authorities, providing audio evidence. As a last resort, you can change your phone number, but you shouldn’t follow the organization’s lead.

Many agencies use the provisions of the Law “On Consumer Credit”, which came into force in July 2019. IN normative act it is stated that if the agreement provides for the rights of creditors to call, personally meet with the debtor and invite him to negotiations and the borrower has signed such conditions, then the actions of the collectors are completely legal. Calls cannot be received between 10pm and 8am. weekdays and 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. on weekends.

In any case, the conversation with collectors should be limited, first of all, to receiving written notification of the assignment of claims. Until the documents are submitted, you don’t have to communicate with the companies representing the bank’s interests on the loan. If a person cannot cope with the situation on his own, it is recommended to contact a lawyer and draw up a pre-trial claim, which, when reviewed, will act on the collection office as a ban on debt collection for a certain period.

Such a document appeals to the provisions of the law “On the Protection of Personal Data”, “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other legislative acts. Experienced lawyers will be able to prove by providing information to the court that the actions of collectors exceed their powers and thereby suspend the process of communication with such an organization.

In addition, the judiciary always faces the following questions as a dilemma:

  • organizations that do not have a license for lending activities?
  • Do credit institutions have the right to disclose banking secrets by transferring customer data to third parties;
  • Is the borrower's consent required for the transfer of claims?

Formation of a correct pre-trial claim can eliminate the work of a collection company and return the actions of interested parties to the legal field.

To the debtor's relatives

Representatives of debt collection companies do not have any privileges. They are legally obliged, on behalf of the bank, to sue the debtor and not take any other actions in relation to him, much less. Any calls, visits or SMS messages are designed to put pressure on the bank client.

The response to such calls should be unambiguous. Collectors must resolve this issue in court, and other negotiations are possible only with the voluntary consent of the debtor. In practice, it is more profitable to resolve the debt problem in court, and paying any even insignificant amount to the bank’s receivers is fraught with further actions that may indirectly affect the interests of relatives.

To the guarantors

Guarantors or co-borrowers bear the same responsibility for repaying the debt as the borrower himself. Communication with debt collectors should be based on the same principles as for the debtor.

The only legal body that makes a verdict on debt repayment and can transfer the case to the executive authorities is the court.

In relation to guarantors, collectors can only act as representatives of the bank in legal proceedings. A person who is jointly and severally liable for a loan, for example a spouse, has the same rights as a debt collector and, if subject to unlawful pressure, can appeal the actions in court or contact the police.

The debt may not be your fault. How then to explain to the collector. what he .

Even at a car dealership you can encounter fraud when selling a car. ?

If you didn't take out a loan

In the event of demands from a bank or collection agency to repay a non-existent loan, citizens must invite interested parties to contact the judicial authorities with a statement of claim.

There is no point in reacting to demands.

Independent proceedings will take up personal time and will negatively affect your nervous health.

When should you complain?

Appeals about illegal actions of collection agencies, depending on the circumstances, can be sent to government and public bodies. If actions bear signs of crimes provided for by the Criminal Code or offenses for which liability is determined by the Code of Administrative Offenses, complaints and statements should be submitted to the police or to court.

Enterprises that behave unethically and thereby violate the rules of business accepted by society may be disqualified by professional communities, the main of which in this area is NAPCA (National Association of Collection Companies). For public opposition to companies helping credit institutions repay debt, Russia has created public organizations to counteract debt collectors.

In addition, certain actions may be considered by the Central Bank of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and other bodies within their competence. To effectively counteract debt collectors, it is recommended to seek help from qualified lawyers, but it should be noted that under any circumstances, debt obligations will be valid and the loan will have to be repaid.


The activities of collectors in our country were legalized quite recently and are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. What kind of phenomenon is this? Collection agencies can repurchase debts of citizens from financial institutions or deal with the return of loan funds without purchasing debt from banks. Unfortunately, there are still many collectors who operate in the shadow segment of the market without a license. They may resort to illegal debt collection methods in their work. However, there are also legal agencies. At the same time, many citizens do not know how to behave with debt collectors. We will try to answer this question.

How to behave if collectors come

If you are behind on payments on a loan or urgent loan, be prepared for the fact that collectors may come to you. In such a situation, you should know the basic rules of behavior so as not to aggravate the situation and correctly solve the problem that has arisen. We offer you a few basic rules.

Rule 1. Collectors have come to your home.

How should a debtor behave with collectors if they visited his home? Here we should proceed from two points - the behavior of the agents and the warning about the visit. If you have been notified in advance that an agency employee will come to you to clarify questions about your debt, you can let him in. In addition, pay attention to how the person behaves - if he is aggressive or threatens you, you should not open the door.

An agency employee may inspect your property to assess your solvency. However, he does not have the right to confiscate or arrest anything.

If you are threatened or your rights are violated in any way, you can call the police. In some cases, it is enough to simply warn the debt collector that you will call the police in order to stop inappropriate behavior.

The collector is also required to present his documents authorizing his activities. If at least one of the above points is not met, you have the right not to allow the person into your home. Moreover, you are not legally required to open the door to a debt collector.

Rule 2: Collectors call you on the phone.

Many clients of credit institutions do not know how to behave if collectors call. There are also several recommendations for this case. First of all, you should introduce yourself after you pick up the phone. If the person immediately starts talking about the debt, being rude or threatening, you can reject the call.

The interlocutor must tell you what organization he represents and name his collection agency. There is one more point that determines how collectors should behave over the phone - this is information about whether your debt has been redeemed. If not, then it is best to immediately contact the bank to write a statement that you are against the dissemination of your data.

The borrower should also know how to deal with debt collectors over the phone. Remain calm and do not resort to foul language or rudeness. Find out from your interlocutor all the necessary information, answer questions if they are relevant and do not seem provocative or inappropriate to you. If the person you are talking to is aggressive, you can record the conversation or hang up.

Rule 3. Collectors have contacted your relatives.

One example of how debt collectors behave with debtors is when they contact the borrower’s relatives.

Remember! Relatives are not responsible for your financial activities. If collectors contact them, they may contact law enforcement agencies, since such actions are not legal.

Also, when you contact your relatives again, you have the right to write a statement to the prosecutor’s office, reporting that the collectors have exceeded their powers.

Rule 4. Collectors came to the guarantors.

If you act as a guarantor during the loan application process, be prepared for the fact that you may be required to repay the debt. This happens in situations where the debtor cannot cope with the payment on his own.

This practice is completely legal, since the citizen himself agreed to act as a guarantor and assumed these obligations. If the guarantor is a relative of the borrower, the previous rule becomes invalid.

Rule 5: Collectors are threatening you.

Many citizens, especially those who are faced with threats from debt collectors for the first time, do not know how to properly behave with debt collectors in this case. Such actions cannot be ignored. There are several points that are important to remember:

  • record conversations with debt collectors using a voice recorder;
  • during a telephone conversation, activate conversation recording;
  • contact law enforcement authorities with a statement about receiving threats;
  • keep a copy of the record for possible future legal proceedings;
  • if it comes to assault, be sure to record the beatings in the emergency medical service and contact the police.

And remember: never respond to the actions of debt collectors with aggression or threats. All this can be used by creditors against you.

What are the powers of debt collectors?

Knowing how to talk to a debt collector is important. But it is also important to know what claimants are entitled to, what their powers are, and where exactly they end.

On this moment collectors have virtually no powers. This is why in many cases their actions are illegal. Collectors have the right to periodically call people and warn them about the debt. They also have the authority to contact the police if they detect fraudulent activities on the part of debtors. Finally, debt collectors can go to court to initiate enforcement proceedings.

Separately, it should be noted that collectors are strictly prohibited from doing:

  • break into the debtor's house without his permission;
  • seize or seize his property;
  • call at night and often during the day;
  • threaten the debtor;
  • contact the borrower's relatives;
  • use physical violence.

No matter how collectors contact you, always clarify which agency your case was transferred to. If the debt is with the bank, then immediately contact them and solve the problem directly with the creditor.

Collection companies created to demand repayment of debts from a troubled borrower who has fallen behind on payments on a loan to a bank or other credit institution or has stopped repaying his debt altogether. Collectors show up at your home uninvited and are often quite impudent and rude. How to behave when meeting with employees of a collection agency, what can you say, how to respond so as not to harm yourself?

To communicate or not to communicate with a debt collector?

The direct dependence of collectors’ income on the amount of debts collected requires them to improve their skills and come up with new ways to collect debts. At the same time, new forms of working with debtors are not always correct. And many citizens who communicate with them often have to complain about the work of these individuals. You need to know that each of us has a choice whether to communicate with debt collectors or not. If you do not want to kill your health, it is better to refuse communication with them and do not make contact. If you want to resolve the issue with your ill-fated loan, it will be better if you find an acceptable way out of the situation together with them.

If the case goes to court, the lawyer’s advice below will help and tell you how to properly deal with debt collectors.

  1. You should not have any fear of debt collectors. Before you start speaking, you need to take control of your emotions and act calmly. Request the collector to state his name and position, show an identification document confirming the authority granted to him to collect the loan debt from you. The collector is obliged to present to the borrower everything Required documents, including the original assignment agreement, which assigned the rights to claim the debt. If at least one document is not presented to you, there should be no conversation. You need to stop communicating immediately, since most experienced debt collectors can psychologically influence the borrower, thereby forcing him to defend himself or retreat.
  2. If the representative of the collection agency immediately began to behave politely and calmly convey the essence of the issue to the borrower, listen to him silently. Be attentive to his every word. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. If there is no original document granting the debt collector the right to collect the debt, the borrower has the right to consider his demands extortion.
  3. If the bank sold the borrower's debt to a collection company, it should have warned him about it. If the borrower is not familiar with this document, the transaction between the bank and the collection company is considered illegal and the presence on the threshold of your home of a person who has nothing to do with the bank is illegal. There is no need to open the door and communicate with such a visitor.
  4. If the collector has shown absolutely all the documents with the original power of attorney, take the trouble to find out from him whether he has the authority to perform the actions that he has already begun to perform or whether he plans to do so. This means that the borrower who is approached by the collector must carefully read the documents provided and compare the actions of the collector with what is written in the power of attorney. For example, he demands that all household appliances be prepared, which he must seize to pay off the debt. Remember, the collector has no right to describe, seize or carry out any other actions with the debtor’s property. This is the prerogative of bailiffs, who can only do this by court order.

Demand from the collector an explanation of which clause of the power of attorney he refers to when making unauthorized demands. If this clause does not exist, and it cannot exist in principle, do not obey its requirements. If he insists, call the police and invite witnesses.

  1. An important point when communicating with a collector is to record what is happening. A video camera, a camera, a voice recorder, or a mobile phone with photo and video recording capabilities are suitable for this. It would be a good idea to invite witnesses from the very beginning of the conversation. Show the debt collector when you meet that you know the laws and your rights. Warn him that you are recording the conversation, and in case of illegal actions, the recordings will be handed over to the prosecutor's office. Watch your composure; no threats should be made on your part. Try to speak calmly, behave correctly, do not allow yourself to shout, be rude or insult. This can be used against you.
  2. Communication with collectors should not be conducted by the borrower in an exculpatory manner. Under no circumstances should you cry unless you can withstand the pressure and rude behavior of the claimant. Collectors do not have special rights to collect debts, since they do not belong to law enforcement agencies.

Representatives of collection agencies can behave impudently and unbridledly, using various techniques psychological impact, because they are confident that the population does not know their rights and does not have legal literacy. They are often right about this, their manipulations and pressure do their job, and many borrowers fall for these tricks. Therefore, you need to know the laws and use them in dealing with debt collectors.

  1. If the conversation with the collector from the very beginning went in a negative way, threats, accusations, insults, humiliation, attempts to disgrace come from the collector’s lips, dial the police number, call the police, write a statement against the collector.

Tips on how to behave with a collector during such a conversation: do not follow the collector’s lead, do not support his manner of communication if it is rude.

The ruder the collector behaves, the calmer the debtor needs to communicate with him and the more confident he should behave.

  1. Do not sign any documents under any circumstances. Whatever the document, tell the debt collector that you need to hear legal advice on this matter.

How to talk to debt collectors and not pay your loan

The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains the concept of immunity privacy. Even if a person has debts, all the rights of a citizen of the country continue to apply to him. Every person has the right not to allow strangers into his home. We need to use this right. If a citizen does not carry out illegal actions, and there is no court decision to collect the debtor’s property in favor of a bank or collection company, there is no need to allow a collector into your home.

There are cases when debt collectors come under the guise of bailiffs with fake IDs. No need to rush to the door quickly. If possible, go to the official website of the bailiffs and check whether a court case has been filed against you.

We hope that these tips will help you correctly and confidently build your relationship with representatives of the collection company.
