Is it possible to give zakat money during Ramadan? Zakat al-fitr - purification of those who fast during Ramadan

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Fatwas of Sheikhs Ibn Baz, Albani and Usaymeen (may Allah have mercy on them) regarding zakat fitr.

Ruling regarding Zakat Fitr?

Imam Ibn Baz: “Zakat fitr is an obligatory Sunnah and should be given before the Eid.”

“Fatawa nur ala darb”

Imam Usaymeen: “Zakat fitr is an obligatory donation. The evidence for this is the hadith of Ibn Umar:“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made it obligatory to pay zakat fitr for every Muslim man and woman, free and slave, adult and child in the amount of one sa [a measure of bulk solids, which is equal to approximately 2.5 kg] of dates or wheat » (Bukhari).”

“Sharh Mumti”, 6/150

For whom is Zakat Fitr obligatory?

Imam Usaymeen: “A reliable opinion is that everyone should give zakat fitr for himself if he has the financial ability to do so: wife, father, daughter, etc. - everyone gives for themselves. For small children who do not have property, their parents must give zakat fitr. This is exactly what the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) did.”

“Sharh Mumti”, 6/150

Imam Ibn Baz: “A man gives zakat fitr for himself and his family: his wife and small children who are in his care. If a woman does not have a husband, then she pays zakat fitr for herself.”

“Sharkh bulugh al-maram”

What is the wisdom of issuing Zakat Fitr?

Imam Usaymeen: “Narrated from the words of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him and his father):“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) made zakat fitr obligatory on those who fast as a purification for idle talk and foul language. [which could occur for a fasting person during his fast - Sharh of Sheikh Usaymeen]and also to feed the poor [so that they rejoice on the holiday in the same way as wealthy people do - Sharh of Sheikh Usaymeen]" (Abu Dawud. Sheikh Albani called the hadith good)."

“Fatawa haram makkiy”, 1407 AH.

To whom is Zakat Fitr given?

Imam Albani: “The words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as reported by Ibn Abbas:"to feed the poor" indicate that it is allowed to be given only to the poor. This is the opinion of Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. Therefore, Ibn Qayyim said in his book “az-Zad”:“In accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), this donation is allowed to be distributed exclusively to the poor.” .

“Tamam al-minna”

Can a father give Zakat Fitr to his married daughter?

Imam Ibn Baz: “You cannot give zakat fitr to your daughter. If her husband is poor, then she can give it to him, but only if he is poor. As for the daughter, or the daughter's daughter, the son's daughter [i.e. granddaughters], grandmother, father and other direct relatives [i.e. those who come from him or from whom he came], then Zakat Fitr is not due to them. You can also give it to your sister, aunt, or uncle if they are poor. That is, to those who do not live in the same house with him.”

“Fatawa nur ala darb”

When should Zakat Fitr be given?

Imam Ibn Baz: “In accordance with the Sunnah, it should be distributed shortly before the Eid prayer, if possible. You can also give it a day or two before the holiday, as some companions did. Nafi reported that Ibn Umar said:“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered us to distribute zakat fitr before people go out for Eid prayers.” . Nafi further said:“Ibn Umar himself distributed it in a day or two [before the holiday] « (Abu Dawud).”

“Fatawa nur ala darb”

At the same time, it is not permissible to give zakat fitr after the holiday prayer. In this case, this charity will not be accepted as Zakat Fitr. The evidence for this is the hadith reported from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:“The zakat of fitr of the one who gives it before the Eid prayer will be accepted. For the one who gives it after prayer, it will be considered an ordinary donation from among voluntary donations (sadaqah)." (Abu Dawud. Sheikh Albani called the hadith good).

“Fatawa haram makkiy”, 1413 AH.

How much zakat fitr should be given?

Imam Ibn Baz: “Zakat fitr should be given in the amount of one sa of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), which is equal to four full handfuls of both hands of a normal adult person. This is the definition of sa in the dictionary.”

“Majmoo fatawa”, volume 14

Imam Ibn Baz: “Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) said:“We gave zakat fitr at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the amount of one saa of food, or saa of dates, or wheat, or raisins.” . In another version of the hadith:"or sa cottage cheese" (Bukhari, Muslim).

It is obligatory to pay zakat in the amount of SA for any type of product. Sa is four full handfuls of both palms, which equals approximately three kilograms in weight. If a Muslim gives sa rice or any other food item common in his country, then that will be enough.”

“Majala al-bukhus al-Islamiya”, 17/79-80

Is it possible to give Zakat Fitr in monetary currency?

Imam Ibn Baz: “Giving zakat fitr in monetary currency is wrong, and the one who does it will not receive reward, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):“The act [worship] of one who does it without our instructions will be rejected.” , i.e. will not be accepted from him. In Sahih Bukhari and other reliable sources it is reported that Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made it obligatory to give zakat fitr in the amount of one sa dates or wheat.” . “Made it a duty” , - i.e. made absolutely mandatory. This is precisely the opinion of Imam Malik.”

“Fatawa nur ala darb”

Imam Usaymeen: “Imam Malik’s opinion that zakat fitr is distributed in the form of food and not paid in money is correct. Imams Ahmad and Shafi'i shared the same opinion. This opinion is correct because the Sunnah indicates it.”

“Majmu fatawa wa rasail”

Prepared by: Ramin Mutallim

This is charity for the body of a Muslim, and not for his property. It is obligatory for every Muslim who has additional funds other than those necessary for him to provide for himself and those who are dependent on him, if they are Muslims, on the day of the holiday of Fi T r, and also on his night.

Alms are given in the amount With a‘a products most consumed in a given area (for example, wheat). Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, determined the size WithA‘and so: four handfuls of medium-sized palms.

Alms are given to the poor, the needy, and to everyone who has the right to receive Zakat.

A man must give alms for himself, his wife (a Muslim) and his children who have not reached the age of majority, as well as for each relative whom, in accordance with Shari'ah, he must provide, such as needy parents and so on. Zakat Al Fitr is not allocated for a non-Muslim (it is not obligatory).

Alms are not accepted if they are given to an adult son without his permission. You need to pay attention to this, as many people do not know this rule and give Zakat Al Fitr to their adult sons without their permission.

When devoting Zakat Al Fitr, like any other Zakat, it is necessary to make niyyat (intention). It can be done at a time when a certain amount of food is separated, which must be distributed as Zakat. And also the intention can be made when distributing Zakat. But it is necessary that the intention be made no later than this.

An example of intention in the heart: “This is Zakat for my body.”

This is in accordance with X adi With oh Prophet, peace be upon him:

﴿إِنَّمَا الأعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ﴾

It means “Truly, the reward for good deeds depends on the intention.” . When performing good deeds, the right intention is necessary.

Zakat Al Fitr is obligatory from the moment of sunset last day Ramadan, for every Muslim who lived even in last part the month of Ramadan and at least part of the month of Sha uh al. For example, he was born before sunset on the last day of the month of Ramadan and lived until the day of the Eid, i.e. survived after sunset on the last day of Ramadan.

That is, the father or guardian is obliged to pay Zakat Al Fitr for a newborn born in the last days of Ramadan and remaining alive until the full sunset of the last day of Ramadan.

Alms should be given to the poor before sunset. holiday. You cannot be late in giving alms without good reason. It is allowed to do this before the specified time, starting from the first day of Ramadan, but it is better to give alms on the day of the holiday before, that is, the festive Namaz Fi T ra.


According to the school of Imam Abu X Anifah is obligated to give Zakat Al Fitr, and also to make a Sacrifice. With ab (equivalent to about 83 grams of pure gold).

According to the school of Imam Abu X Anifa's husband does not give Zakat Al Fitr for his wife.

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Every believer in the month of Ramadan with a special feeling awaits the great night, which is called “Laylatul Qadr” or “Night of Predestination”. This is the best night of the year, which occurs only in the month of Ramadan. Said in the Qur'an this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن that she is the most honorable, and a good deed performed on this night is better than additional worship performed over a thousand months in which this night is not present.

The night of Laylatul Qadr can be on any night of the month of Ramadan, but there is a high probability that it will be in the last ten days of this blessed month. However, the exact date of this night is known only to Allah in the name of God in Arabic “Allah”, the letter “x” is pronounced like ه Arabic. The wisdom of this is for believers to try more to observe the Commandments of Allah and do good deeds throughout the month of Ramadan

At different times on this majestic night, Allah sent down famous Sacred Books: Zabur, Taurat, Injil. It was on this blessed night that Al-Qur'an Al-Kyarim was sent down to the first heaven in Beit Al-'Izza. And after this, the Ayats of the Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad gradually over a period of twenty-three years. It was said by the Prophet, peace be upon Him, that the Qur'an was completely sent down to the first heaven on the night of the twenty-fourth of the month of Ramadan.

It is also said in the Qur'an that angels descend on this night, among which the most honorable of them is the angel Jnbranl, peace be upon Him. Abu Huraira said that the number of angels on earth on this night more quantity stones.

Why is this night called the night of predestination Laylatul Qadr?

On this night, Allah lets the angels know about the events that will happen over the next year: who will die and who will begin new life; which of Allah's servants will be struck by illness, poverty or misfortune; to whom Allah will give blessings, health and wealth, etc. This night is named so because on this night the earth is filled with angels who descend from heaven.

There are some signs by which you can recognize “Lailat Al-Qadr”. Of these is the vision of the special light that Allah created. This light is large and bright, different from the light of the sun, moon or electricity. The sign is considered to be the vision of a bowing tree or the ability to hear the voices of angels, as well as the vision of angels in their real form.

It is necessary to be sure that the sun has already set before breaking the fast. When the believer is sure that this has happened, he must immediately stop fasting. The Prophet Muhammad said this in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced like ح in Arabic, peace be upon him, in the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, meaning:

“People will be prosperous if they hurry to break the Fast”

Breaking the fast, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. advised to eat a date, but if it is impossible to get one, in this case you should drink water. Abu Dawud reported that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning:

“If one of you completes the Fast, then he begins his meal with a date. If he doesn’t find a date, he drinks water.”

Before starting your meal, it is advisable to say the following:

“I was wasi’al-magfirati igfirli Bismillahir-Rah manir-Rah im”

“Oh Allah! You are the All-Merciful, the Forgiving! Forgive my sins! I begin with the Name of Allah, Merciful for everyone in this World and only for believers in the Next World.”

“Allahumma laka suumtu wa `ala ryzkykya aftartu”

“Oh, Allah! For Your sake I fasted and accepted the food that You gave me."

Blessed time of sahur

Sahur is the time before dawn when Muslims can eat for the last time before each day of fasting in Ramadan. At this time, it is advisable to drink at least a sip of water. Imam Muslim reported this. what the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning:

“Observe sahur - this is a blessed time”

During the month of Ramadan, it is advisable to give more alms, maintain contact with relatives, read the Qur'an, treat those fasting at iftars, and be in the mosque.

It must be remembered that it is very important to constantly control your speech and actions, do as many good deeds as possible, constantly think about doing good deeds, and also suppress intemperance and aggressiveness. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning:

“Fasting is a fence. Anyone who fasts should not have sexual intercourse during the daytime and should not use foul language, and if anyone intends to provoke him into swearing or fighting, let him tell that person that he is fasting.” Narrated by Imams Al-Bukhariy and Muslim from Abu Hurayrah.

In Muslim countries, there is a tradition of notifying believers about the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan with a cannon shot. Some believe that the Ramadan cannon first appeared in Egypt in the 9th-10th centuries; they say that the same specimen from which the first shot was fired is still located in the Cairo Citadel.

The tradition of notifying Muslims of the beginning of the month of Ramadan with a cannon shot

It is believed that the use of cannons to notify believers about the beginning of Lent began due to the expansion of the borders of Cairo - one call was no longer enough, and the echo of the shot was heard far around, and residents not only of the city, but also of the surrounding area learned that the next day was beginning Fast. This tradition gradually spread to other Muslim countries.

In some countries, believers began to be notified with a cannon shot and the end of fasting every day at sunset.

Today this tradition is preserved in Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. Tunisia and many other Muslim countries.

Another Muslim tradition of waking up those fasting for Sahur with the beating of drums has Ottoman roots. During the Ottoman Empire, drummers (dayaulci) specially hired by the ruler woke up residents before dawn.

Night round "al-musaherati" (tradition of waking up those fasting for sahur)

Drummers walked through all the streets, beating a special drum (dawul) and singing quatrains in which they praised Ramadan. The beating of the drums roused the faithful from their sleep so they could rise and eat before the day's work. According to custom, the housewife (usually the mother of the family) or the cook who cooks in the house was the first to rise at the beat of the drum to prepare food for the whole family, and then they woke up all the other household members to receive the beggar. After the end of Lent, residents rewarded the dawuljis with money for regularly waking them up throughout the month.

The presence of alarm clocks and mobile phones in modern homes leaves no need for drummers, however, in Turkey, from where this tradition spread to many Muslim countries, you can still meet a dawulji in the holy month of Ramadan, and today in large cities, each district has its own drummer, who, like many centuries ago, awakens those who are fasting and praises Ramadan.

One of the hadiths says: “The mercy of the worlds, Muhammad made it an obligation to pay fitr sadaqa to cleanse from bad words and treat those in need.” (Muslim, Abu Dawud).

The word "fitr" means breaking the fast or abstaining from fasting. Therefore, the holiday after the fast of the month of Ramadan is called Eid al-Fitr (Feast of Breaking the Fast), since on this day the fast ends. On this holiday, as gratitude to the Almighty, it is necessary to distribute a certain amount of alms, which is called fitr-sadaqa. Like zakat, sadaqah fitr is a type of worship that requires material costs.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) made fitr-sadaka obligatory as a cleansing of fasting from useless conversations and empty conversations, as well as as food for the poor. (Abu Daoud)

Fitr sadaqah purifies the fast and also helps the poor and needy so that they can rejoice in the happy day of Eid al-Fitr with their brothers.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) ordered the distribution of sadaqah in the amount of one saa of dates or barley on the day of breaking the fast to slave and free person, man and woman, young and old from among Muslims, ordering this to be done before people go out for holiday prayer. (Imam al-Bukhari).

Distributing to the poor the amount of money, barley, dates, etc. determined by Islam on the Festival of Breaking the Fast is wajib. Such almsgiving on this significant day is called “Sadaqat-ul-Fitr”. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered the distribution of fitr sadaqah in the same year (2nd year of the Hijri) when fasting in the month of Ramadan was made obligatory. The reasons for its distribution are the following:

  1. To accept the post.
  2. Thanks to the Almighty for giving us enough strength to fast during Ramadan.
  3. Purification of fasting and receiving all the benefits from it.
  4. Celebrating the end of Lent.
  5. Demonstration of the greatness of the holiday.
  6. Help the poor also feel the festive atmosphere.

Sadaqat-ul-Fitr is an obligatory charity that must be paid before the Feast of Breaking the Fast. If this is not done, it will remain a debt, no matter how much time passes after the Holiday.

Rules for distributing fitr sadaq.

Fitr-sadaka (or fitrah) is wajib for all Muslims: men, women and children, who have the nisab of zakat on the day of the Feast of Breaking the Fast.

If the child is born before dawn, then fitrah is paid for him. If a child is born after dawn (on the Feast of Breaking the Fast), fitrah for him is not wajib.

A father must pay fitrah for all his immature children.

The husband is not obliged to pay fitrah for his wife. If she has the nisab, she must give alms herself.

If an immature child has property equal to the nisab, fitrah for him can be paid from his property.

It is better to distribute fitrah before the holiday prayer. It is not permitted to delay the distribution of fitrah until next days(after the day of the Holiday). But if it was not distributed on the day of the Eid or earlier, then the obligation remains and the fitrah must be distributed.

It is permissible to distribute fitrah in advance, at any time during the month of Ramadan. Fitrah can be distributed even before Ramadan. Sadaqat-ul-fitr is wajib both for all those who fasted and for those who did not fast for one reason or another.

Fitra cannot be used for any other charitable purpose other than giving to the poor. Therefore, if money from fitrah is collected and then used for some other charitable purpose, the obligation of fitrah from those who paid for it in this way is not removed.

To whom can one give fitr alms:

  • Those in need - these include people and families who do not have the nisab discussed above.
  • The disadvantaged are people who are experiencing some financial difficulties and are in distress.
  • Persons involved in collecting and distributing zakat. As a rule, these are employees of special zakat funds, Muslim clerics and other people involved in charity.
  • Converted Muslims (neophytes). This is so that such sadaqah can help strengthen their iman and help them financially.
  • Freeing slaves. This category is no longer relevant in our time, but, unfortunately, slavery still exists in some parts of our planet. If a person seeks to free another from slavery, then he too can be a recipient of fitrah alms.
  • Debtors. Here we are talking about people “mired in debt” - any alms will help alleviate their situation.
  • Those who are on the path of Allah, which means people who finance or are engaged in any godly deeds. For example, charity, building wells in Africa, helping orphans, and so on.
  • Travelers, that is, people recognized as such, according to the Sharia interpretation.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The fast is delayed between heaven and earth until fitrah is given.”

These words illustrate the importance of fitrah and its direct relationship to the acceptance of our fast. Fasting is presented for acceptance by the Almighty only when the obligation of fitrah is fulfilled in the correct manner. Therefore, Muslims should be very conscientious in distributing fitrah. If the fitrah collectors misuse or distribute the fitrah, the obligation of fitrah from those who paid them the fitrah in this way will not be removed.

The payment of fitr sadaqa is the responsibility of every Muslim, man or woman, who is in possession of 613.35 grams of silver or its monetary equivalent that is in free circulation. Each person who owns such an amount must pay fitr sadaqa (alms of breaking the fast) not only on his own behalf, but also on behalf of his minor children.

Fitr - sadaqa is one of the conditions for fasting in the month of Ramadan. Paid from all family members (including infants) before the start of the Eid al-Adha prayer. Amount (depending on family wealth): 100 rubles. - for the poor; 300 rub. - people of average income; from 500 rub. and higher - for the wealthy.

Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made it obligatory to distribute zakat al-Fitr in the form of one sa’ food. He imputed this to slave and freeman, man and woman, young and old from among Muslims, commanding him to do this before going out for holiday prayer” al-Bukhari 1503.

Imam al-Khattabi said: “This hadith indicates that Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory, and that it is obligatory is the opinion of all scholars.” See Ma'alima-Ssunan 3/214.

Imam al-Nawawi said: “All scholars agree that zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for every Muslim.” See “al-Majmoo’” 6/106.

Imam Ibn al-Mundhir also pointed out the unanimous opinion (al-ijma’) that zakat al-Fitr is obligatory. See al-Ijma' 34.
For whom is Zakat al-Fitr obligatory?
Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for every Muslim who is able to pay it. However, scholars disagree on the question of whether a person is obligated to give Fitr for those whom he is obligated to support or whether everyone is obligated to give it only for himself. Imam an-Nawawi said: “A person is obliged to give this zakat for himself, as well as for those on whom he is obliged to spend his money, namely, for his wife, children and parents.” See “al-Majmu'” 6/128 .

Supporters of this opinion, that a person is obliged to give Fitr both for himself and for those whom he is obliged to support, rely on the following hadith from Ibn ‘Umar, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Give Fitr for those you are obliged to support” ad-Darakutni 2/141, al-Bayhaqi 4/161.

But scholars differ on the authenticity of this hadith. Imams Ibn al-'Arabi, al-Dhahabi, an-Nawawi and Ibn Hajar called this hadith weak, and ad-Daraqutni said: “It is correct that these words belong to Ibn 'Umar himself, but not to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). )". However, some imams, including Sheikh al-Albani, relied on this hadith and strengthened its authenticity with other similar messages. See “Iruaul-gaalil” 835.

The scholars of the Standing Committee (al-Lajnatu-ddayimah) also tended to this opinion. See “Fataawa al-Lajna” 9/367.

As for Imam Ibn Hazm, he believed that Fitr should definitely be paid for the fetus in the mother’s womb. However, this opinion is erroneous, and none of the imams spoke about this. Imam Ibn al-Mundhir said: “Scholars are unanimous that it is not necessary to pay Fitr for the fetus in the womb of the mother.” See “al-Ijma’” 31.

As for the well-known and widespread message cited by Ibn Abu Shaybah that ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan gave Fitr for his family and even for those who were in the womb, it is weak. See “Iruaul-gaalil” 3/330.

But even if this message were reliable, the most it points to is the permissibility of paying Fitr for an embryo, but not obligatory. Abu Kilyaba said: “The Salaf loved to give Fitr even for children in the womb.” Ibn Abu Sheiba 3/173, Abdur-Razzak 5788. Isnad is reliable.

Also, scholars disagreed on the question of whether every Muslim is obligated to pay Fitr or only those who fast. Most scholars, including the imams of the four madhhabs, believe that Fitr should be paid even to a Muslim who has not observed fasting, such as a sick person or an old man, unable to fast. Some scholars believed that only those who fasted were obligated to pay Fitr, since the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prescribed Zakat al-Fitr as a cleansing for the fasting person from empty talk.” Abu Daud 1609, Ibn Majah 1827, ad-Darakutni 2/138. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Hakim, Hafiz al-Zahabi, Imam Ibn Qudam, Imam an-Nawawi, Hafiz Ibn al-Mulyakkin, Sheikh al-Albani and Sheikh ‘Abdul-Qadir al-Arnaut.

However, the answer to this argument is simple. Isn't a person who did not talk idle talk during the fast of Ramadan, based on this, not obliged to pay Fitr? Of course I must. See “Fathul-Bari” 3/364.

Zakatul-fitr and sadakatul-fitr are different names for one obligatory type of zakat, which is paid in the month of Ramadan immediately after its end.

Zakatul-fitr is a tax on breaking the fast, paid from each family member before the start of the holiday of breaking the fast (‘Idul-fitr, Eid al-Adha) , or rather, before the holiday prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of poor and disadvantaged Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities.

This type of zakat became obligatory in the second year of the Hijri.

Ibn ‘Umar reported: “The Messenger of the Almighty made zakatul-fitr obligatory. This alms tax is equal to 1 sa' of dates or 1 sa' of barley. This is a must for absolutely everyone. For both men and women; for both children and Muslim adults. [Paid on behalf of the children by their parents .] The Prophet ordered us to pay it before the Eid prayer." .

“Sa‘” mentioned in the hadith is a measure of dry solids equal to 3261.5 g, according to scholars of the Hanafi madhhab, and - 2172 g, according to other Muslim scholars . The discrepancy in this issue arose as a result of the fact that in different areas measuring vessels of different volumes were used when selling bulk materials .

The essence and meaning of zakatul-fitr are set out in the following hadith, transmitted by Ibn 'Abbas: “The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made it obligatory to pay zakatul-fitr to cleanse the fasting person from unnecessary words spoken by him and rudeness, and also so that she served as a source of nutrition for the poor [support, help for them]. If a person fulfills this obligation [manages to transfer, pay this alms] before the holiday prayer, then this is zakat accepted from him [one of the types of obligatory alms, which, by the will of the Almighty, will be accepted by Him]. If he fulfills this duty after prayer, then this is alms from among the alms.” .

Who pays and who receives zakatul fitr

Who pays. Due to the lack of a clear narrative about this in the hadith texts, Islamic theologians have expressed two opinions.

First. Whoever has food and everything vital for himself and his family on the holiday and at the same time still has the opportunity to pay (or transfer food) zakatul-fitr, he is obliged to do this. This is what most scientists thought.

Second. The person must be one of those who pay the annual obligatory zakat, which represents one of the five pillars of religious practice. If a believer is such, then he pays this alms from himself and everyone who is under his material care. This is what Hanafi theologians thought, drawing an analogy between zakatul-fitr and the annual obligatory zakat.

Who gets it? Islamic scholars are unanimous that zakatul fitr is paid in the same eight areas in which the annual zakat is paid. . Typically, believers donate their Zakatul Fitr to local mosques. It is important to note that this form of alms cannot be given to people who are far from the concepts of faith. .

The Quran says: “Verily, charity (zakat) belongs [to be paid]:
- the poor [who do not have nisab, that is, who are not among those who are obliged to pay zakat];
- the poor [poor and disadvantaged];
- those who collect and distribute zakat;
- those who are close to faith or are still weak in their religiosity;
- for the ransom and liberation of slaves;
- to pay the debts of those who are unable to pay them off;
- on the path of the Lord (fi sabil-lyah) ;

To travelers [who find themselves in a difficult situation].

This is obligatory for you, the Lord is All-Knowing and Infinitely Wise” (Holy Quran, 9:60).

Deadlines for payment of Zakatul-Fitr

It is possible to pay zakatul fitr from the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This was the opinion of a significant part of Islamic theologians, including scholars of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs.

It would be more appropriate to pay (or transfer food) a day or two before the holiday of ending the fast (‘Idul-Fitr).

The most correct thing would be to pay zakatul-fitr between sunset on the last day of fasting and until the morning, before the start of the holiday prayer.

If the believer did not have time to do this before the holiday prayer, then the obligation still remains. It is highly desirable that this obligation be fulfilled on the first holiday. According to all scientists, leaving this until a later time is sinful. .

Cash equivalent of one sa' zakatul-fitr

Here it will be useful to quote the words of the modern theologian Yusuf al-Qaradawi: “This form of zakat (zakatul-fitr) has a certain amount established by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) - one sa‘. And it seems to me that the wisdom of this is this.

(1) In those days, money was rare [commodity exchange was common. - Sh.A.], especially among those who lived in the desert, far from cities. And the most common form of payment was what was grown, such as dates, barley, etc.

(2) The cost and value of certain monetary units and currencies often change, and sometimes they go out of use altogether. Therefore, when in the month of Ramadan they announce the amount of zakatul-fitr this year in monetary units of a particular Arab state, it is not surprising that this figure may differ from last year.

It is precisely through the measure of bulk solids - sa‘ - (translating it into known units of weight) that one can obtain the quantity of products or Money, which will be quite enough to feed one family.

Islamic scholars have said that the form of payment of zakatul-fitr is not limited to the products mentioned in the hadith (dates, barley, wheat or raisins), but is determined by those products that are most common in the area. Scholars of the Hanafi madhhab also spoke about the possibility of paying zakatul-fitr in monetary terms.

If the person paying this form of obligatory charity is wealthy enough, then it is better to give more than one sa‘.

In many countries, including Arab countries, where religious practice is dominated by the madhhab of Imam al-Shafi'i, the amount of zakatul-fitr in monetary units is determined at the state or local level, the equivalent of which is announced to people in advance in mosques and through the media. Believers subsequently take the zakatul-fitr to the mosque or independently donate it to those in need. There is also a practice when the monetary equivalent is transferred to special ministries and departments that implement these funds for the needs and aspirations of the poor and orphans in the form that is most useful and necessary for them.
