Fedor popov hero of the soviet union biography. Fedor Kuzmich Popov: biography

Hero of the Soviet Union Fyodor Popov was born on December 8, 1921 in the II Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district in the Synapalaakh area, into a poor family of Kuzma Samsonovich and Praskovya Konstantinovna Popov.

There were 7 children in the family, he was the sixth child and the youngest of the sons.
Kuzma Samsonovich from an early age taught children to work and the first assistants in all household affairs were boys. As was customary in the Yakut family, Fedya went hunting with his father from an early age. He liked very much to check the muzzles on the lakes for crucian carp, he himself got used to alert the hair loops on the hare.

At the age of 9, Fedor was distinguished by a physically strong physique and purposefulness. When the Popovs joined the collective farm in 1930, Fedya, along with adults, harnesses himself to the hard work of a collective farmer. The following year, in pursuance of the Law on General Education adopted in 1929, Fedor enters school. The school was located seven versts, in the area "Kördugen", in the house of the local rich man Neustroev L.N.

Fedor grew up as a dexterous, physically developed, strong-willed and hardy person. IN school years As before, he helped his parents with the housework: he studied at school in the winter, and in the summer he worked with other schoolchildren on the collective farm. Fedor was fond of sports. He especially liked to compete with his peers in running and swimming, in the national Yakut jumps: on one leg (kylyy) and on two legs (kuobah), he was also engaged in the national type of freestyle wrestling - hapsagai. As a child, he was no different from his peers, he was an ordinary boy.
In 1936, due to the illness of his parents, he was forced, after graduating from the 5th grade, to leave school and start working life.

With the beginning of the war, on June 22, 1941, all life on the collective farm took a different turn. And people have changed. Fedor has also changed. Most of the male collective farmers went to the front. Immediately there was a shortage of workers. Those who left for the army were replaced by women, old people and teenagers. Labor days have begun. At the age of 19, in 1940-1942, he was appointed foreman of the field-growing brigade "Synaalaakh" of his native collective farm "October". He was very demanding of himself, at any work (when cultivating the land, sowing) he was always with the brigade. Soon all the collective farmers of F. Popov's brigade appreciated their disciplined, demanding and sympathetic young leader.
From the first days of the war, Fedor longed for and expected to be drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, he was lit with a desire to voluntarily go to the front. And with these thoughts he turned to the chairman of the collective farm Cherkashin N.A. But the always calm and reasonable Nikolai Afanasyevich explained to him: “Your work in the rear is also a front, do not rush; your turn will come anyway."
In the first military winter, the load on the young
the brigadier has grown several times. By the spring of 1942, the loss of livestock began, some families began to starve. In order to somehow feed the members of his brigade, Fedor organized an under-ice fish catch. Thanks to his skillful leadership and the selfless work of all the collective farmers, the brigade overwintered with the least losses.
In 1941, according to the Decree of the Soviet Government, training of Russian colloquial speech for conscripts was organized at recruiting stations in the national republics and regions. In the autumn of 1941, conscript Fedor was the first to enroll in Russian language courses organized at a local school. During one winter of 1941-1942, conscripts began to understand colloquial Russian, radio broadcasts, and read newspapers in Russian.
On June 24, 1942, Fedor was drafted into the army; he handed over his brigadier affairs to his older brother Peter.
Leaving his father's house and his family, Fedor left a memory of himself on the day of departure: in a picturesque meadow not far from his home, he installed a 3-meter pole from a larch trunk.

When the war ended, he had to return and make a notch on the trunk (mark) about his return ...

On June 29, 1942, Fedor and other conscripts were escorted to the front. 64 conscripts gathered, their relatives and friends of Fyodor, except for his mother, brothers and sisters (his father died in 1941), were escorted by members of the brigade. In parting parting words sounded firm confidence in victory over the enemy. Saying goodbye to friends and comrades, he
swore with honor to fulfill his duty as a defender of the Motherland, to justify the high rank of a soldier of the Red Army.
from the memoirs of a WWII veteran Nikitin Nikolai Vasilyevich:

participant in the Great Patriotic War labor veteran Nikitin Nikolai Vasilievich, who still lives in the village of Symakh and remembers well how on that cold day in June 1942, together with Fedor, he sailed on the steamer Propagandist from Yakutsk, according to his memoirs: “I remember very clearly how in that cold June day we were loaded into the paddle steamer Propagandist. Fedor Popov was with us. In appearance, he was short, thin, dexterous, no different from other conscripts. Together we traveled for about a month to the Yug station in the Urals. Before getting to the front, F. Popov and fellow Yakutians called up with us underwent military training in the deep rear for several months.

Mobilization point in Yakutsk. 1942

Conscripts from Yakutia were placed in a training unit near Perm. Heavy military training began. In August 1943, Fedor gets to the front line. Arriving at the front in the second half of 1943, he was enrolled in the 81st Rifle Division of the 467th Regiment of the 3rd Company. Participated in many offensive battles on the outskirts of the Dnieper. He showed himself to be a brave, determined and brave warrior.
By the end of September 81st rifle division, having thrown back the Nazis beyond the Dnieper, entrenched itself on the left (eastern) bank, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Lyubech, Chernihiv region. The command of the Red Army decided to force the Dnieper River in the area occupied by the 81st Rifle Division. The 3rd Rifle Company, in which Fedor Popov served, received an order: to cross the Dnieper on the night of October 2 to 3, 1943 and, having established a foothold on the right bank (western), by all means hold the bridgehead until the main forces of the Red Army approach .

At dawn, under the cover of fog, the crossing began. F.K. Popov was one of the first to jump into the water and boldly pushed off the shore. But it was not possible to cross unnoticed by the enemy. Noticing the melters, the Nazis opened fire on them.
F.K. Popov, among the first to swim up at a run, got ashore and, disguised as bushes, began to climb the slope of the coast. Fedor was the first to “jump onto the enemy’s trench, with fire from his weapon and in hand-to-hand combat destroyed 23 enemy soldiers and officers, grabbed the enemy light machine gun". Meanwhile, more and more soldiers of the 3rd company, having crossed, occupied the enemy's trenches. Throughout October 3, 1943, an unequal battle took place. Large German military units that arrived from the reserve made 9 counterattacks, bombers and artillerymen furiously bombed the tiny bridgehead. During a whole day of battle, there were critical moments when the enemy tried to cut off the combat company from the river and surround them. But, having learned the enemy's plan, our troops changed their combat positions. Making their way into the flank of the counterattacking enemy infantry, they smashed the enemy with flanking fires. In such a fight, Fedor destroyed 50 enemy soldiers and officers. Leaving many corpses, the Nazis hastily rolled back to their original positions. In the afternoon, when our ammunition was running out, between attacks they crawled up to the corpses of the enemies and picked up German machine guns, machine guns and grenades, then they used this captured weapon. By the evening, when the enemy's onslaught began to weaken, large formations of the Red Army began to be melted down along the floating bridge built during the day.

Replacing the heroic defenders of the bridgehead on the right bank, soviet soldiers drove the Nazis from the banks of the Dnieper. Hundreds of corpses were left by the enemy at this nameless Dnieper crossing. During this day, F. Popov alone defeated 70 enemy soldiers and officers.
In the autumn of 1943, Soviet soldiers waged fierce battles with the German invaders in the Loevshchina. It was here, on this piece of Belarusian land, that they, despite their origin and nationality, shoulder to shoulder mercilessly entered into bloody battles with the enemy. Many of them forever remained lying on Loev's land. Among them are Uzbeks and Russians, Ukrainians and Georgians, Tatars and Yakuts. They once, being very young guys, went to defend their homeland from the Nazi invaders, but never returned home. They are buried here, on Loev's land, far from their native land.

Trying to regain lost positions, the Nazis launched several counterattacks, which were repulsed in fierce battles. When one of these counterattacks was repelled on October 11, 1943, Fyodor Kuzmich Popov was seriously wounded and died on October 13 in the medical battalion.

Fyodor Popov's relatives received a notice that “Faithful to the oath, Private F.K. Popov, showing courage and courage, died a heroic death in a fierce battle with the Nazis and was buried in a mass grave with military honors on the right bank of the Dnieper, on the outskirts of the village of Glushets, Gomel region of the Byelorussian SSR " .

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1944 F.K. Popov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his military feat.

The heroic death of the compatriot filled the hearts of the Batarinians with bitterness and pride for Fyodor Popov, and having gathered for a rally, they pledged to significantly exceed the tasks for the supply of meat and other agricultural products to the state, to begin raising funds for the construction of the tank "Hero of the Yakut Popov Fedor Kuzmich". They were supported by the entire Megino-Kangalassky region, which decided to collect the necessary amount for the construction of several such tanks. Fundraising was successful.

In October 1944, the 54th Guards Tank Brigade received five named tanks:
"I inform you that the tank“Hero of the Soviet Union Fedor Kuzmich Popov”, made with funds raised by the workers of the Megino-Kangalassky district, was handed over to the troops of Colonel-General Rybalko ... I ask you to inform everyone who took part in the fundraising about this.
Major General of Armor tank troops Lipodayev.

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars (Ministers) of the Yakut ASSR of April 12, 1944:
1. In accordance with the desire of the party organizations of the Megino-Kangalassky district
assign the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Popov F.K. II Batara incomplete high school Megino-Kangalassky district.

2. The name of the glorious son of the Yakut people assign collective farm "October" II Batarinsky nasleg Megino-Kangalassky district.
3. Rename Proletarskaya street in Yakutsk to Geroya Popov street.
4. To issue a one-time allowance from the Republican Fund for Assistance to the Families of Military Personnel to her sister Evdokia Kuzminichna, in the amount of 3 thousand rubles.
Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the YASSR I. Vinokurov.

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December 8, 1921 in the II Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bSynapalaakh, Fyodor Kuzmich Popov was born into a poor family of Kuzma Samsonovich and Praskovya Konstantinovna Popov. The family had 7 children, Fedor was the sixth child and the youngest of the sons. Kuzma Samsonovich taught children to work from an early age. From the age of 7, Fedya went hunting and fishing with his father. In 1930, the Popov family joined the Oktyabr collective farm, when Fedya was 9 years old. Together with adults, he became a participant in the collective labor of collective farmers.

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I went to school in 1931. at the age of 10, when the law on universal education began to be implemented. He went to school from a remote alas, daily walking 7 kilometers and the same back. Historical documents show that the first Soviet school in the Batarinsky nasleg was opened on November 10, 1921 in the Kordugen area, in the house of a local rich man Neustroev L.N. (6-7 km west of the village of Symakh). In 1923, she moved to the Ebe area, in the private house of Zakharov P.I. (2 km from the village of Symakh). A new school building with two classrooms was opened in 1924 in the village. Symakh. In 1926, the third, and in 1930, the fourth classes were opened. Fedor spent his childhood and studied here. In 1936, an annex was built and the school was transformed into a seven-year school.1 The school worked on this basis until 1995, until a 2-storey stone building for 81 students was built, to mark the 75th anniversary of Hero Popov.

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In 1936, due to the illness of his parents, he was forced, after graduating from the 5th grade, to leave school and start working life. And in 1937, the young collective farmer himself began to teach adults to read and write. After completing a 3-month teacher training course for educational program points, Fedor taught 20 people to read and write in his native collective farm during one winter. Then he was assigned to campaign work. When Fedor was 19 years old in 1940-1942, he was appointed foreman of the field-growing brigade "Synahalaakh" of his native collective farm "October". He was very demanding of himself, at any work (when cultivating the land, sowing) he was always with the brigade. Soon all the collective farmers of F. Popov's brigade appreciated their disciplined, demanding and sympathetic young leader. Soon his brigade became advanced.

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With the beginning of the war, on June 22, 1941, all life on the collective farm went differently. And people have changed. Fedor has also changed. Most of the male collective farmers went to the front. Immediately there was a shortage of workers. Those who left for the army were replaced by women, old people and teenagers. Difficult days have begun. From the first days of the war, Fedor longed for and expected to be drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, he was lit with a desire to voluntarily go to the front. And with these thoughts he turned to the chairman of the collective farm Cherkashin N.A. But the always calm and reasonable Nikolai Afanasyevich explained to him: “Your work in the rear is also a front, do not rush; your turn will come anyway." In the first winter of war, the workload on the young brigadier increased several times. By the spring of 1942, the loss of livestock began, some families began to starve. In order to somehow feed the members of his brigade, Fedor organized an under-ice fish catch. Thanks to his skillful leadership and the selfless work of all the collective farmers, the brigade overwintered with the least losses. In 1941 According to the Decree of the Soviet Government, training of Russian colloquial speech for conscripts was organized at recruiting stations in the national republics and regions. In the autumn of 1941, conscript Fedor was the first to sign up for Russian language courses organized at a local school. In one winter of 1941-1942. conscripts began to understand colloquial Russian, radio broadcasts, and read newspapers in Russian.

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On June 24, 1942, Fedor was drafted into the army. Leaving his father's house and his native land, Fedor left a memory of himself on the day of his departure: in a picturesque meadow not far from his home, he installed a 3-meter pole from a larch trunk ("Karies ostoolbo"). This pillar is still standing today. When the war ended, he had to return and make a notch on the trunk (mark) about his return ... June 29, 1942. Fedor and other conscripts were escorted to the front. 64 conscripts gathered, their relatives and friends of Fyodor, except for his mother, brothers and sisters (his father died in 1941), were escorted by members of the brigade. In parting parting words sounded firm confidence in victory over the enemy.

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Like many Yakutians, they had to become a submachine gunner. In one of military units stationed near the city of Perm, and his military training began. Military studies and work were hard: I had to ski along the paths covered with pine branches with all the soldier's equipment on my shoulders, carry logs and make dugouts. In letters to his relatives, our countryman was constantly interested in the harvest and affairs in his native collective farm. After monthly military training, in August 1943 he was sent to the army. 1942 was the year of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War. After the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, the offensive initiative passed to the Red Army. In the autumn of 1943 the German command made desperate attempts to delay the unfolding offensive of the Soviet troops on the line Smolensk - r. Sozh - the middle and lower reaches of the river. Dnieper. A grandiose battle for the Dnieper unfolded. It was here that in the autumn of 1943, after the battles near Orel, 81 divisions, fighting as part of the 61st Army, approached.

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In the days of the battle for the Dnieper, tens of thousands of Soviet troops swam across the river, overcoming it with all means at hand. Among them was the machine gunner F.K. Popov. Arriving at the front in the second half of 1943, he was enrolled in the 81st Rifle Division, 467th Regiment, 3rd Company. Participated in many offensive battles on the outskirts of the Dnieper. He showed himself to be a brave, determined and brave warrior. By the end of September, the 81st Rifle Division, having driven back the Nazis beyond the Dnieper, entrenched itself on the left (eastern) bank, near the village of Lyubech, Chernihiv region. The command of the Red Army decided to force the Dnieper River in the area occupied by the 81st Rifle Division. The 3rd rifle company, in which Fedor Popov served, received an order: to cross the Dnieper on the night of October 2-3, 1943. and, entrenched on the right bank (western), by all means hold the bridgehead until the approach of the main forces of the Red Army. At dawn, under the cover of fog, the crossing began. F.K.Popov was one of the first to jump into the water and boldly pushed off the shore. But it was not possible to cross unnoticed by the enemy. Noticing the melters, the Nazis opened fire on them. But it was not possible to cross unnoticed by the enemy. Noticing the melters, the Nazis opened fire on them.

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The command of the Red Army decided to force the Dnieper River in the area occupied by the 81st Rifle Division. The 3rd rifle company, in which Fedor Popov served, received an order: to cross the Dnieper on the night of October 2-3, 1943. and, entrenched on the right bank (western), by all means hold the bridgehead until the approach of the main forces of the Red Army. At dawn, under the cover of fog, the crossing began. F.K.Popov was one of the first to jump into the water and boldly pushed off the shore. But it was not possible to cross unnoticed by the enemy. Noticing the melters, the Nazis opened fire on them. But it was not possible to cross unnoticed by the enemy. Noticing the melters, the Nazis opened fire on them. F.K. Popov, among the first to swim up, ran ashore and, disguised as a bush, began to climb the slope of the coast. Fedor was the first to “jump into the enemy’s trench, with fire from his weapon and in hand-to-hand combat, exterminate 23 enemy soldiers and officers, grab an enemy light machine gun.” Meanwhile, more and more soldiers of the 3rd company, having crossed, occupied the enemy's trenches. Throughout October 3, 1943. an unequal battle ensued. German big military units, who arrived from the reserve made 9 counterattacks, bombers and artillery furiously bombed the tiny bridgehead occupied by the rifle company on the right bank, trying to destroy them or drive them back to the river. During a whole day of battle, there were critical moments when the enemy tried to cut off the combat company from the river and surround them. But, having learned the enemy's plan, our troops changed their combat positions. Making their way into the flank of the counterattacking enemy infantry, they smashed the enemy with flanking fires. In such a fight, Fedor destroyed 50 enemy soldiers and officers. Leaving a lot of corpses. The Nazis hastily rolled back to their original positions. In the afternoon, when our ammunition was running out, between attacks they crawled up to the corpses of the enemies and picked up German machine guns, machine guns and grenades, then they used this captured weapon. By the evening, when the enemy's onslaught began to weaken, large formations of the Red Army began to be melted down along the floating bridge built during the day. Replacing the heroic defenders of the bridgehead on the right bank, the Soviet soldiers drove the Nazis from the banks of the Dnieper. Hundreds of corpses were left by the enemy at this nameless Dnieper crossing. During this day, F. Popov alone defeated over 70 enemy soldiers and officers.

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After forcing the Dnieper, F. Popov participated in heated battles for the liberation of the right-bank Ukraine for a week. On October 6, the 467th Infantry Regiment, supported by divisional artillery, went on the offensive in the direction of the village of Glushets, Gomel Region (Gomelytsyny) and liberated from the invaders. Trying to regain lost positions, the Nazis launched several counterattacks, which were repulsed in fierce battles. When one of these counterattacks was repulsed on October 11, 1943, F.K. Popov was seriously wounded and died on October 13 in the medical battalion. From the command of the relatives of the deceased, a notice was received that “Private F.K. Popov, faithful to the oath, showing courage and courage, died a heroic death in a fierce battle with the Nazis and was buried in a mass grave with military honors on the right bank of the Dnieper, on the outskirts of the village of Glushets Gomel region of the Byelorussian SSR. The comrades-in-arms fired a farewell salute with a volley of 24 weapons. Later, the remains of the soldiers were reburied in a mass grave in the village of Derazhichi, Loevsky district, in Gomelytsin. There, on the high bank of the Dnieper, 1264 soldiers were buried, including 8 Heroes of the Soviet Union, incl. and F.K. Popov. A monument was erected to them, near which separate memorial plates with their names were installed for the Heroes of the Soviet Union, including our fellow countryman. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1944 No. F.K. Popov was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his military feat. The village of Glushets, Gomel region in Belarus, where Fyodor Popov was buried in December 1943

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Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1944 on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union F.K. Popov

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Billaria No. 35 Popova Paraskovya Konstantinovna5a Ikkis Baatara ne'ilieger Mene-Khanalas oroyuonugar Sakha ASSR-ga toroobut ​​ehigi olgut Popov Fedor Kuzmich military biriseege5e erelleehtik, Khorsun bylyyny wanna heroic cordoron 1943 p. altynny 10 kunuger socialist Iie I'll go and iin ohsuyuuga ollo. Gomel wobalas Glushets selienne5e komulunne. 45804 Headquarters Chief Major KHIRIASATICH 45804 Headquarters Headquarters KomoloLoochute Administrative Suluusba ... Pinhasy.

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A note in the newspaper "Socialist Yakutia" dated March 15, 1944 on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on Popov F.K.

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Perpetuating the memory of the Hero Collective farmers of the 2nd Batarinsky nasleg - fellow countrymen of the hero, having learned about his feat and heroic death, gathered for a rally and pledged to significantly exceed the tasks for the supply of meat and other agricultural products to the state, to begin raising funds for the construction of the tank "Hero of the Yakut Popov Fedor Kuzmich ". They were supported by the entire Megino-Kangalassky region, which decided to collect the necessary amount for the construction of several such tanks. Fundraising was successful. Soon M.N. Popov, Chairman of the Board of the II Batarinsky Nasleg, was in the Board of Supervisors. and secretary of the party organization Bryzgalov E.N. received a telegram: “Give the workers of the 2nd Batarinsky Nasleg, who collected 56,000 rubles. for the construction of the tank "Hero of the Yakut Popov FK", thanks to the Red Army and my fraternal greetings. Supreme Commander Stalin

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Perpetuating the memory of F.K. Popov In perpetuating the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union F.K. Popov by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars (Ministers) of the Yakut ASSR dated April 12, 1944: - In accordance with the desire of the party Soviet organizations of the Megino-Kangalassky region, the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Popov F.K. was awarded to the II Batara incomplete secondary school of the Megino-Kangalassky district. - The name of the glorious son of the Yakut people was given to the Oktyabr collective farm of the 2nd Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district (and then to the enlarged collective farm, which united several collective farms of the same district). -Proletarskaya Street in Yakutsk was renamed Hero Popov Street. -Give a one-time allowance from the Republican Fund for Assistance to the Families of Military Personnel to his sister Evdokia Kuzminichna, in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the YASSR I. Vinokurov. I.Gorsky, manager of the Council of People's Commissars of the YASSR. Further in 1946. in the village of Maya - the center of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, a monument-house was erected, inside which a sculpture of a valiant warrior was installed. In 1947, at the school of the Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, where Fedor studied, a special room for Hero Popov was organized. This room, on the initiative of the director of the school, Sysolyatin I.A. and teacher Sysolyatina-Popova M.P. turned into a museum of Hero Popov. Now there is a new museum-complex named after Hero Popov, dedicated to the history of the Batarinsky nasleg, which was opened for the 80th anniversary in 2001.

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School No. 20 was opened in 1944 as Primary School. In 1960 became eight years old, and in 1973. general education. The school has long traditions and ties with the homeland of the first Hero of the Soviet Union from the Yakutians F.K. Popov, whose name was in 1973. assigned to the pioneer squad, since 2001. The school bears his name.

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December 8, 2010 in the village. Symakh of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, the grand opening of the new building of the museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Fyodor Kuzmich Popov took place. The event was attended by residents of the village, the leadership of the ulus, on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Informatization of the RS (Y) T. Ptitsyna, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RS (Y) V. Chlenov. The museum will not only be a place to store 4.5 thousand exhibits collected by countrymen and local historians over the years, it is also intended to become a center for active work to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and patriotic education of the younger generation.

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About F.K.Popov Serguchev Georgy Mikhailovich, History of development public education Megino-Kangalassky ulus of the RS (Y), p. Maya 1997 (TsGA, f.56, on.103, l.1-6, 13-17, 21-23, 28.29) Borisov, Savva Egorovich. Tyynnaakhtar umnubat syllara / S. E. Borisov; Sakha Rep. kulturatyn a lot of spirits. saidyytyn m-vota w.d.a. - Djokuuskay: Bichik, 2002. - 60, p.; 20 cm. - (Yak49662 KH, Yak49516 KH) The contribution of the peoples of Yakutia to the cause of the Victory (1941 - 1945): methodology and bibliography. material / Department of nat. and local historian. lit. National b-ki Rep. Sakha (Yakutia); comp.: V. N. Pavlova, L. E. Everstova. - Yakutsk: [b. and.], 1994. - l. : portrait; 30 cm. - Bibliography: p. 25-28. - 3000 r. - (k61419 KH, k61420 KH) Izbekov, Dmitry Dmitrievich. Yakutians - heroes of the Great Patriotic War: Essays. - Yakutsk: Prince. publishing house, 1961. - 139 p.: ill.; 20 cm - in lane. - (k10890 KX, k10891 KX) Yakutians - Heroes of the Soviet Union: Album / Ed. S.N.Sizykh. - Yakutsk: Prince. publishing house, 1975. - 21 sheets. - (k26641 KH, k26642 KH) Arzhakov, A. Mene djono - ie I will reach kemyskaliger. // Erkeyi. - 2001. - Bes yyyn 22 k. - P. 5 Bryzgalov, I. Sygyry, terebut alaahym, kiniehe: [Hero F.K. Popov doydutugar, Symakh s.]. // Sakha Sire. - 1996. - Ahsynny 7 K. - P. 3. Pivovarov, Nikolai Nikolaevich. Argystakhan ayannaabyppyt: [Soviet Union Hero F. Popov tuhunan biir dodulaa5yn akhtyyta]. // Sakha sire. - 1997. - Yam yyyn 8 k. - S. Serguchev, G. Hero of the museum haidah teryttenmitey? : [F.K.Popov Museum]. // Erkeyi (Maya). - 1994. - Tohs. Popov, F.K. Sallaat [Hero F.K.Popov] biir suruguttan. // Sakha sire. - 1996. - Ahsynny 7 k. - S. 3. Popov, Yu. : Uluu Kyaiyy 55 sylygars. // Erkeyi. - 2000. - Setinny 10 Sidorova, V. Heroybut baar buolan ... // Erkeyi. - 2001. - Setinny 16 k. - P.4. Filippov, Dmitry. 20 N-deeh oskuola5a - F.K. Popov aatyn: [Soviet Union Heroyun F.K. Popov aatyn ineriekhhe] // Sakha sire. - 2001. - Ahs. 26 k. - S.3. Cha5yl5an, I. Hero Popov tuhunan yrya. // Sakha sire. - 1996. - Ahsynny 7 k. - P. 3. Brevnov, A. Soldier Fedor Popov: [People and ships] // Lighthouse of the Arctic. - 1987. - 17 Oct. - P.2-3 Evstafiev, Alexey. The feat of a fellow countryman: [About the Hero of the Soviet Union F. Popov, a native of the 2nd Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, who died. in 1943 in Belarus] // Yakutia. - 2001. - 23 Nov. - P. 7 Kolesov, Luka. And one warrior in the field: . // Yakutia. - 2001. - 7 Dec. - C.4. Yakutians - Heroes of the Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory: [Photo and short biography Heroes of the Soviet Union and holders of the Order of Glory] // Care of Archy. - 2002. - May 8. - pp. 8-9

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Many years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But the memory of the brave sons who gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of the Motherland lives and will live for centuries. And the Yakut people will forever keep the bright memory of their glorious son F.K. Popov, of his heroic deed

What I know about the war In total, during the Great Patriotic War, 25 Yakut warriors were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 1 Hero of the Russian Federation, five became full holders of the Order of Glory, more than 2300 soldiers were awarded military orders and medals. More than 62 thousand sons and 418 daughters of the peoples of Yakutia were called to defend the Motherland.

Fedor Kuzmich Popov - Red Army soldier, Hero of the Soviet Union.

December 8, 1921 in Batarinsky nasleg now Megino-Kangalassky ulus in peasant family Popov's son Fedor was born. There were 7 children in the family, he was the sixth child and the youngest of the sons. Kuzma Samsonovich taught children to work from an early age. The boys were the father's first assistants in all household affairs. From the age of 7, Fedya went hunting and fishing with his father. I went to school in 1931 at the age of 10, when the law on universal education began to be implemented. He went to school from a remote alas, daily walking 7 kilometers and the same back.

On June 24, 1942, relatives escort F.K. Popov to the front. In 1942, he was drafted into the Red Army. In the same year he was sent to the front. Leaving his father's house and his native one, Fedor left a memory of himself on the day of departure: in a picturesque meadow not far from his native home, he installed a 3-meter pole from a larch trunk (“Karies ostoolbo”).

With his bold actions, he contributed to overcoming the river by other rifle units of the regiment: in hand-to-hand combat in the enemy's trench, he destroyed up to 50 enemy soldiers and officers and held the bridgehead until the main forces crossed. In battle on October 11, 1943, he was mortally wounded and died two days later on October 13 from his wounds. On October 1, 1943, the shooter of the 3rd rifle company of the 467th rifle regiment (81st rifle division, 61st army, Central Front), Private Fyodor Popov, was one of the first in the regiment as part of the squad to cross the Dnieper River near the village of Glushets.

Bust of the Hero of the Soviet Union F.K.Popov. Secondary school No. 20 in Yakutsk had long-standing ties with the homeland of the hero of the Soviet Union F.K. Popov. In 1972, the administration of the state farm named after Baikalov, Megino-Kangalassky district, presented a bronze bust of F.K. Popov to the school. In 2003, the school was named after the Hero. The bust was erected in the square near the school. The monument to Fyodor Popov is located in his homeland, in the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, the village of Maya

Hero of the priests tu4unan yrya Dnepr tymnyy dolgunnaryn Tuoruur sakha uola Tula uuga byrdaattanar Ardakh buuldya suola. Tuoraan nyiemes okuopatyn Kuden ta4aan teber Yesteeh uere kuoppatyn dien Kerder kimen kiirer. Dnepr tymnyy dolgunnaryn Ky4yl serii tuoruur Esteeh uerun bu samnaran Kenul suolun soluur. Dnepr ar5aa eneriger Sakha sirin bulan Irbisteehtik seriile4er Sakha tuigun uola.

Perpetuation of the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union F.K. Popov by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars (Ministers) of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of April 12, 1944: 1 . In accordance with the desire of the party organizations of the Megino-Kangalassky district, the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Popov F.K. was awarded to the II Batara incomplete secondary school of the Megino-Kangalassky district. 2. The name of the glorious son of the Yakut people was given to the Oktyabr collective farm of the II Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district. 3. Proletarskaya Street in the city of Yakutsk was renamed Hero Popov Street. Already at the end of the war in 1946 in the village of Maya - the center of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus - a monument-house was erected, inside which a sculpture of a valiant warrior was installed. In 1947, at the school of the Batarinsky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, where Fedor studied, a special room for Hero Popov was organized. This room, on the initiative of the director of the school, Sysolyatin I.A. and teacher Sysolyatina-Popova M.P. turned into a museum of Hero Popov. Now there is also a cadet boarding school.

He was buried in the village of Glushets, Gomel region, in a mass grave (subsequently reburied in a mass grave on the northern outskirts of the village of Derazhichi, Loevsky district of the same region).

History creators, Defenders of the Motherland, The world you saved Gave us the opportunity to live! Your feat is not forgotten, We will be proud of it And will forever keep it in our memory!


Fedor Kuzmich Popov

Red Army soldier F. K. Popov
Life period

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Date of Birth
Date of death

USSR 22x20px USSR

Type of army
Years of service

467th Rifle Regiment


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Job title

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Awards and prizes

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By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1944, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown by the first of the Yakuts, the Red Army soldier Fyodor Kuzmich Popov was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War, Popov's countrymen organized a fundraiser for the construction of a tank. In response to this initiative, a telegram was received from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin and a letter of thanks was received from Major General of the Tank Forces Lipodaev, which says: “I inform you that the tank“ Hero of the Soviet Union was built with the funds raised by the workers of the Megino-Kangalassky region Popov" and handed over to the troops of Colonel General Comrade. Rybalko (field post No. 16180)."


  • The name of the Hero Fedor Popov was given to:
streets in the cities of Gomel, Yakutsk and at home; school number 20 in Yakutsk.
  • A monument was erected in the Maya village of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus.
  • The poem of the Yakut poet L. A. Popov “Yrya buolbut oloh” (Life that has become a song) is dedicated to the feat of F.K. Popov.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Popov, Fyodor Kuzmich

But not everyone can, of course. It takes a lot of courage to dare to end one's life... I just didn't have enough... But Grandpa shouldn't be bothered with that! Anna smiled proudly.
I saw how much she loved her kind, wise grandfather... And for a brief moment my soul felt very empty and sad. It was as if a deep, incurable longing had returned to her again ...
“I also had a very unusual grandfather ...” I suddenly whispered very quietly.
But bitterness immediately squeezed my throat, and I could no longer continue.
- Did you love him very much? the girl asked sympathetically.
I just nodded in response, indignant at myself for such an "unforgivable" weakness...
Who was your grandfather, girl? the old man asked kindly. - I don't see him.
“I don't know who he was... And I never knew. But I think that you don’t see him because after death he came to live in me... And, probably, that’s why I can do what I do... Although I can, of course, still very little. ..
- No, girl, he just helped you "open up." And everything is done by you and your essence. You have a big Gift, honey.
– What is this Gift worth if I know almost nothing about it?! I exclaimed bitterly. “If you couldn’t even save your friends today!?”
I frustratedly flopped down on the fluffy seat, not even noticing its “sparkling” beauty, all offended at myself for my helplessness, and suddenly I felt my eyes sparkle in treachery ... But I can’t cry in the presence of these amazing, courageous people why I didn’t want to! .. Therefore, in order to somehow concentrate, I began to mentally “grind” grains of unexpectedly received information in order, again, to hide them carefully in my memory, without losing a single important word without missing any clever idea...
How did your friends die? the witch girl asked.
Stella showed the picture.
“They might not have died…” the old man shook his head sadly. “There was no need for that.
- How could it not have happened? - the disheveled Stella immediately jumped up indignantly. They were saving others good people! They didn't have a choice!
– Forgive me, little one, but THERE IS ALWAYS THE CHOICE. It is only important to be able to choose correctly... Look, and the elder showed what Stella had shown him a minute ago.
“Your warrior friend tried to fight evil here just as he fought it on Earth. But this is already a different life, and the laws in it are completely different. Just like the other and the weapon... Only you two did it right. And your friends are wrong. They could live a long time... Of course, every person has the right to free choice, and everyone has the right to decide how to use his life. But this is when he knows how he could act, knows all possible ways. Your friends didn't know. Therefore, they made a mistake and paid the highest price. But they had beautiful and pure souls, so be proud of them. But now no one will ever be able to return them ...
Stella and I were completely limp, and apparently in order to somehow “cheer us up”, Anna said:
“Do you want me to try calling my mother so you can talk to her?” I think you would be interested.
I was immediately ignited with a new opportunity to find out what I wanted! .. Apparently Anna had time to completely get to the bottom of me, since this really was the only means that could make me forget everything else for a while. My curiosity, as the witch girl rightly said, was my strength, but also my biggest weakness at the same time ...
- Do you think she will come? .. - I asked with hope for the impossible.
We won't know until we try, right? No one will be punished for this, - Anna answered, smiling at the effect.