Jan Amos Comenius biography. Jan Amos Comenius biography briefly Jan Comenius biography briefly

Jan Amos Komensky (Czech: Jan Amos Komenský, Latin: Comenius). Born March 28, 1592 in Nivnica, South Moravia - died November 15, 1670 in Amsterdam. Czech humanist teacher, writer, public figure, bishop of the Czech Brotherhood Church, founder of scientific pedagogy, systematizer and popularizer of the classroom system.

Jan Komensky was born in Moravia, in the town of Nivnice. Son of Martin Komenský and Anna Chmelová. Martin Comenius was a native of the neighboring village of Kamen. Martin's father, Jan Segeš, moved to Moravia from Slovakia. And he took the surname Komensky - in honor of the village of Kamne, in which he settled... Martin and Anna Komensky were members of the religious community of the Czech (Moravian) brothers.

Ian received his initial education at a fraternal school. In 1602-04. His father, mother and two sisters died from the plague. In 1608-10, Jan studied at the Latin school in Přerov. In 1611, Jan Comenius, in accordance with the tenets of his church, underwent baptism and received his second name - Amos.

He then studied at the Herborn Academy, at the University of Heidelberg, where he began to create a kind of encyclopedia - “The Theater of All Things” (1614-27) and began work on a complete dictionary of the Czech language (“Treasury of the Czech Language”, 1612-56). In 1614, Comenius became a teacher at the fraternal school in Přerov. In 1618-21 he lived in Fulnek, studied the works of Renaissance humanists - T. Campanella, H. Vives and others. During the Fulnek period, Comenius wrote the book “Moravian Antiquities” (1618-1621) and compiled detailed map native Moravia (1618-1627).

In 1627 Comenius began to create a work on didactics in the Czech language. Due to persecution by Catholic fanatics, Comenius emigrated to Poland, to the city of Leszno. Here he taught at the gymnasium, completed his “Didactics” in Czech (1632), and then revised it and translated it into Latin, calling it “Great Didactics” (Didactica Magna) (1633-38), prepared several textbooks: “ Opened door to languages" (1631), "Astronomy" (1632), "Physics" (1633), wrote the first manual for family education in history - "Mother's School" (1632). Comenius was intensely involved in developing the ideas of pansophia (teaching everything to everyone), which aroused great interest among European scientists.

In the 40s published a number of textbooks. In 1651, the Transylvanian prince Gyorgy II Rakoczi invited Comenius to carry out a reform of schools in his lands. Teaching by new system began in the city of Sárospatak. Comenius managed to partially implement the plan of establishing a pansophical school. The scientific basis for its principles, curriculum, and daily routine were set out by Comenius in his essay “Pansophical School” (1651).

In an effort to revive teaching and awaken children's interest in knowledge, Comenius applied the method of dramatizing educational material and, based on “The Open Door to Languages,” wrote a number of plays that made up the book “School-Game” (1656). In Hungary, Comenius completed the first illustrated textbook in history, “The World of Sensual Things in Pictures” (1658), in which drawings were an organic part of educational texts.

Having moved to Amsterdam, Comenius continued work on the major work “General Council for the Correction of Human Affairs” (Latin: De rerum humanarum emendatione culsultatio catholica), which he began back in 1644, in which he gave a plan for the reform of human society. The first 2 parts of the work were published in 1662, while the manuscripts of the remaining 5 parts were found in the 30s. 20th century; The entire work was published in Latin in Prague in 1966. Comenius summed up his long life in his essay “The Only Necessary” (1668).

1618 - marries the stepdaughter of the burgomaster of Psherov, Magdalena Vizovskaya.

1622 - wife and two children died of the plague.

1624 - in Brandys Comenius marries the bishop's daughter Maria Dorothea.

1648 - Comenius's second wife died.

1649 - Komensky marries Yana Gayusova.

In his philosophical views, Comenius was close to materialist sensationalism, which Comenius himself saw as the philosophy of the common people. Recognizing three sources of knowledge - feelings, reason and faith, Comenius attached the main importance to the senses. In the development of knowledge, he distinguished 3 stages - empirical, scientific and practical. He believed that universal education, the creation new school will help raise children in the spirit of humanism.

At the same time, in defining the purpose of education in Comenius, the influence of religious ideology is clearly felt: he talks about preparing a person for eternal life.

Based on the knowability of the world, Comenius considered all phenomena associated with pedagogical process, concluding that it is possible to control it. Since man is a part of nature, then, according to Comenius, he must obey its general laws and all pedagogical means must be natural. At the same time, the principle of nature-conformity of education, according to Comenius, presupposes the study of the laws of human spiritual life and the coordination of all pedagogical influences with them.

The great didactics of John Amos Comenius:

The most famous theoretical work Comenius on pedagogy “Didactics”, i.e. general theory of learning. It was originally written in Czech, and then translated into Latin in a revised form, at that time international language science, called “The Great Didactics”.

Human education must begin in the spring of life, i.e. in childhood.
Morning hours for classes are most convenient.
Everything to be studied must be distributed according to the stages of age - so that only what is perceptible at a given age is offered for study.

Preparation of material: books, etc. teaching aids- in advance.
Develop your mind before your tongue.
Real educational subjects are preceded by formal ones.
Examples should be used as a prelude to the rules.

Schools should establish a routine in which students study only one subject at a time.

From the very beginning, young men who need to be educated should be given the basics general education(distribute educational material so that the subsequent lessons do not introduce anything new, but represent only some development of the acquired knowledge).
Any language, any science must first be taught in its simplest elements, so that students develop general concepts of them as a whole.

The entire set of educational activities must be carefully divided into classes - so that the preceding always opens the way for the subsequent and illuminates its path.
Time must be distributed with the greatest precision - so that each year, month, day and hour has its own special work.

The education of youth must begin early.
The same student should have only one teacher for the same subject.
By the will of the teacher, morals must first of all be harmonized.

In all possible ways, it is necessary to affirm in children the ardent desire for knowledge and learning.
The teaching method should reduce the difficulties of learning so that it does not arouse displeasure in students and does not turn them away from further studies.

Every science must be contained in the most concise but precise rules.
Each rule must be stated in few but the clearest words.
Each rule should be accompanied by numerous examples so that it becomes clear how varied its application is.

Only those things that can be beneficial should be seriously considered.
Everything that follows must build on the previous one.
Everything must be strengthened by constant exercises.
Everything needs to be studied sequentially, focusing on one thing.
You need to dwell on each subject until it is understood.

“A school without discipline is a mill without water”
To maintain discipline, follow:
The teacher himself must set an example by constant examples.
Instructions, admonitions, and sometimes reprimands.

9 rules of the art of teaching science by John Amos Comenius:

1. Everything you need to know needs to be taught.
2. Everything you teach must be presented to students as something that really exists and brings some benefit.
3.Everything you teach must be taught directly and not in a roundabout way.
4. Everything that you teach must be taught as it is and happens, that is, by studying causal relationships.
5. Everything that is to be studied, let it first be offered in general view, and then in parts.
6. All parts of a thing must be considered, even less significant ones, without missing a single one, taking into account the order, position and connection in which they are with other parts.
7. Everything needs to be studied sequentially, focusing attention on each this moment only on one thing.
8. You need to dwell on each subject until it is understood.
9. The differences between things should be conveyed well so that the understanding of everything is clear.

16 rules of art to develop morality by John Amos Comenius:

1. Virtues must be instilled in young people without exception.
2. First of all, the basic, or, as they are called, “cardinal” virtues: wisdom, moderation, courage and justice.
3. Young men should gain wisdom from good instruction, learning the true difference of things and their dignity.
4. Let them learn moderation throughout the entire period of study, getting used to observing moderation in food and drink, sleep and wakefulness, in work and play, in conversation and silence.
5. Let them learn courage by overcoming themselves, restraining their attraction to excessive running or playing outside or beyond the allotted time, in curbing impatience, grumbling, and anger.
6. They learn justice by not offending anyone, giving each their due, avoiding lies and deception, showing diligence and courtesy.
7. Types of courage especially necessary for youth: noble straightforwardness and endurance in work.
8. Noble straightforwardness is achieved by frequent communication with noble people and carrying out all kinds of assignments before their eyes.
9. Young men will acquire the habit of work if they are constantly busy with some serious or entertaining activity.
10. It is especially necessary to instill in children a virtue akin to justice - the willingness to serve others and the desire to do so.
11.The development of virtues must begin from a very young age, before vice takes possession of the soul.
12. Virtues are learned by constantly doing honest things!
13. Let examples of the decent life of parents, nurses, teachers, and comrades constantly shine before us.
14.However, examples need to be accompanied by instructions and rules of life in order to correct, supplement and strengthen imitation.
15. Children must be protected most carefully from the community of spoiled people so that they do not become infected from them.
16. And since it is unlikely that in any way it will be possible to be so vigilant that no evil can penetrate to children, then discipline is absolutely necessary to counteract bad morals.

Jan Komensky is a famous Czech teacher and writer. As bishop of the Czech Brethren Church, he gained great fame for his innovative classroom teaching methods.

At this time, John Comenius wrote many articles aimed at returning his people to their rightful territories and faith. Soon he began to be persecuted, as did his brothers in faith.

As a result, the reformer ended up in Leszno, Poland, where he was in relative safety.

The first wife of Jan Komensky was Magdalena Vizovskaya, with whom he lived for 4 years. In 1622, she and their two children died of the plague.

2 years later, Comenius remarried, marrying the bishop's daughter Maria Dorothea.

Despite continuous wars and religious persecution, Comenius continued to engage in writing. One of his most famous works is the Great Didactics, in which he collected most of his works.

Comenius paid serious attention to the reform of knowledge. He constantly strived to improve.

Recognition in society

In the early 1630s, the popularity of John Comenius began to gain momentum. It was translated into different languages and aroused great interest in society.

For example, the textbook “The Open Door to Languages” (1631) made it possible to learn Latin faster and easier.

In this book, unlike its analogues, instead of traditional declensions, conjugations and rules, a description of reality was given.

Soon Jan Komensky wrote another book, “Christian Omniscience.” It was translated into and published under the title "School Reform".

His vision of raising and educating children was completely new, as a result of which it was actively discussed in society.

Jan began to be invited to and, where he had many supporters. Cardinal Richelieu even invited him to continue working in, promising to create all the necessary conditions for him. But Comenius refused.

Soon, he managed to meet with (see), whose name was known throughout Europe.

Pansophia of Jan Komensky

Having settled in, Jan Komensky again encountered difficulties. Oxenstierna's management insisted that the teacher write to teach schoolchildren.

However, at that point in time, Kamensky was working on pansophia (teaching everyone everything). Moreover, this idea was gaining popularity among European scientists.

As a result, in 1651 he managed to finish writing an essay called “The Pansophical School.” It outlined the structure of the pansophical school, the principles of its work, the curriculum and the general daily routine.

In essence, this work was a model for the general acquisition of universal knowledge.

Failure in Sárospatak

In 1650, Prince Sigismund Rakoczi from Transylvania invited John Comenius to discuss school reforms that were planned to be carried out in the near future.

In addition, Sigismund wanted to consider Comenius' pansophia in more detail. The teacher agreed to help the prince, and soon got to work.

In one of the schools he carried out many changes, but after several years no serious results followed.

Despite the lack of noticeable success, Comenius was able at this time to write the work “The Sensual World in Pictures,” which became a real breakthrough in pedagogy.

An image of Comenius on a bas-relief decorating a school building in Dolany (Czech Republic)

In it, Jan Komensky began to use pictures to study languages, which no one had done before. He will soon say that “words must be accompanied by things, and cannot be studied apart from them.”

An interesting fact is that modern ones also include color illustrations. In addition, pictures or images are used in most mnemonic techniques.

last years of life

After Jan Komensky returned from Transylvania to Leszno, war began between Sweden.

As a result, all of Comenius’ manuscripts were lost, and he himself had to move to another country again.

Next and last place Comenius's residence became. While living in this city, he completed a voluminous work, “The General Council for the Correction of Human Affairs,” consisting of 7 parts.

Jan wrote it over 20 years, and thus was able to summarize all his activities. And although fragments of the work were published at the end of the 17th century, it was considered lost.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the remaining 5 parts of the book were found. This work was published in full in Latin only in 1966.

John Amos Comenius died in November 1670 at the age of 78. He was buried in Naarden, near Amsterdam.

Ideas and didactics of Jan Komensky

After reading short biography Comenius, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the main ideas of the great teacher.

Path of light

The Path of Light is a program developed by Comenius aimed at human enlightenment. Its main themes were piety, knowledge and virtue.

Comenius paid great attention to God. He believed that a person must open himself to 3 revelations:

  • visible creation, in which the power of the Creator is visible;
  • a person created in the likeness of God;
  • word, with its promise of good will towards man.

All knowledge and ignorance must be taken from 3 books: nature, reason (human spirit) and Holy Scripture.

In order to achieve such wisdom, an individual must use feelings, reason and faith.

Due to the fact that man and nature were created by God, they must have a similar order of things, thanks to which harmony can be achieved in everything.

Know yourself and nature

This doctrine of macrocosm-microcosm makes it possible to verify that a person can comprehend hitherto unrealized wisdom.

As a result of this, each individual becomes a pansophist - a little god. The pagans are unable to comprehend such wisdom due to the lack of the revealed Word, which, according to Christianity, is Jesus Christ.

According to John Comenius, a person needs to turn only to divine works and learn something through direct encounters with things.

He argued that all learning and knowledge begins with feelings. The life and world of any person is a school.

Nature teaches, the teacher is nature's servant, and naturalists are priests in the temple of nature. Based on all that has been said, every person should strive to know himself and nature.

Encyclopedia of Omniscience

This concept refers to the method by which a person is able to see the order of things, realizing their causes.

Thanks to this, each individual will be able to fully comprehend various knowledge. Moreover, man will be able to achieve the state in which he was before the fall of Adam and Eve.

Innovation in education

According to Jan Komensky, a child should be raised in such a way that he can compare things and words. When teaching him his native language, parents need to avoid empty words and complex concepts.

Books in educational institutions should be distributed into groups. That is, a child should be taught only what he is able to comprehend at a given time.

Life is like a school

Jan Komensky believed that all life is a school for a person and preparation for eternal life. Girls and boys should study together.

Teachers should not exert emotional pressure on students, much less subject them to physical punishment.

The learning process should take place in a playful manner. If a child cannot master one or another, this is in no way his fault.

In his writings, Jan Comenius argued that pansophia should be at the heart of the transformation of humanity, while theology would be the guiding motive.

In his own works, the teacher used many quotations from the Holy Scriptures.

Among the biblical books, he was most interested in the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation of John the Theologian.

He believed that by reading these books a person could gain the essential knowledge necessary for the biblical millennium.

A man of his time

It is worth noting that Jan Komensky had little interest in the development of science. Instead, he emphasized theology.

He borrowed all his ideas from the theology of the Bohemian Brethren. Moreover, he actively studied the works of such famous figures as Nicholas of Cusa, Bacon, Jacob Boehme, Juan Luis Vives, Campanella and other thinkers.

As a result, Comenius managed to collect a large amount of knowledge, which helped him formulate his own views regarding the problems of education, theology and scientific pedagogy.

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Jan Amos Comenius (born March 28, 1592 in Nivnica, Moravia, died November 14, 1670 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands) was a Czech educational reformer and religious leader. Known for innovative teaching methods, in particular languages.

Jan Amos Comenius: biography

The youngest of five children, Comenius was born into a moderately prosperous family of devout members of the Protestant community of the Bohemian Brethren. After the death of his parents and two sisters in 1604, presumably from the plague, he lived with relatives and received a mediocre education until he entered the Latin school of the Bohemian Brothers in Přerov in 1608. Three years later, thanks to the patronage of Count Karl Gerotinsky, under the influence of Johann Heinrich Alsted, he entered the Reformed University in Herborn. Many aspects of Comenius's thought are very reminiscent of the latter's philosophy. Alsted, an opponent of Aristotle and a follower of Peter Ramus, was deeply interested in Raymond Lull and Giordano Bruno, was a chiliast in theology and worked on a collection of all knowledge in his famous Encyclopedia (1630). After finishing his studies in Heidelberg in 1614, John Comenius returned to his homeland, where he first taught at school. But in 1618, two years after his ordination as a priest of the Bohemian Brethren, he became pastor at Fulneck. His first published work, A Grammar of Latin, dates from these years.

And the Battle of White Mountain in November 1620 had a significant impact on the life of Comenius, since much of his work was aimed at returning the land and faith to his people. For the next eight years he was not safe until the final expulsion of his brothers from imperial lands brought him to Leszno, Poland, where he had previously visited, negotiating the possibility of settlement.

John Amos Comenius, whose biography over the years was marked by the death of his first wife Magdalena and their two children, married a second time in 1624. He completed The Labyrinth of Light and the Paradise of the Heart in 1623 and Centrum securitatis in 1625, publishing them in 1631 and 1633 respectively in Czech.

From 1628 to 1641, Jan Comenius lived in Leszno as a bishop for his flock and rector of the local gymnasium. He also found time to work on the reform of knowledge and pedagogy, writing and, among other things, his first major book, Didactica magna. Written in Czech, it was published in 1657 in Latin as part of the Opera didactica omnia, which contained much of the work produced since 1627.

Another book that Jan Amos Comenius wrote at this time, “Mother's School,” is dedicated to the first six years of raising a child.

Unexpected popularity

In 1633, John Comenius unexpectedly gained European fame with the publication of Janua linguarum reserata (The Open Door to Languages), which was published that same year. This is a simple introduction to Latin according to a new method based on principles derived from Wolfgang Rathke and the textbooks published by the Spanish Jesuits of Salamanca. The reform of language teaching, which made it quicker and easier for all, was characteristic of the general reform of mankind and the world that all chiliasts sought to achieve in the remaining hours before the return of Christ.

John Comenius entered into an agreement with the Englishman Samuel Hartlibe, to whom he sent the manuscript of his Christian Omniscience under the title Conatuum Comenianorum praeludia, and then, in 1639, Pansophiae prodromus. In 1642 Hartlieb published English translation called "School Reform". Jan Amos Comenius, whose contributions to pedagogy aroused great interest in certain circles in England, was invited by Hartlib to London. In September 1641, he arrived in the capital of Great Britain, where he met his supporters, as well as people such as John Pell, Theodore Haack and Sir Cheney Culpeper. He was invited to stay in England forever, and plans were made to create a pansophical college. But the Irish Rebellion soon put an end to all these optimistic plans, although Comenius remained in Britain until June 1642. While in London, he wrote Via Lucis ("The Way of Light"), which circulated in manuscript form in England until it was published in 1668 in Amsterdam. At the same time, the Czech educator received an offer from Richelieu to continue his activities in Paris, but instead he visited Descartes near Leiden.

Work in Sweden

In Sweden, Jan Komensky again encountered difficulties. Chancellor Oxenstierna wanted him to write useful books for schools. Comenius, at the insistence of his English friends, proposed working on pansophia. He focused on two issues at once, retiring to Elbing in Prussia, then under Swedish rule, between 1642 and 1648. His work Pansophiae diatyposis was published in Danzig in 1643, and Linguarum methodus nouissima - in Leszno in 1648. In 1651, Pansophia was published in English language as a model of universal knowledge. His Natural Philosophy Reformed by the Divine Light, or Lumen divinuem reformatate synopsis (Leipzig, 1633), appeared in the same year. In 1648, returning to Leszno, Comenius became the twentieth and last bishop of the Bohemian Brotherhood (later transformed into the Moravian Brotherhood).

Failure in Sárospatak

In 1650, the educator Jan Komensky received a call from Prince Sigismund Rakoczy from Transylvania, the younger brother of George II Rakoczy, to come to Sárospatak for consultations on issues of school reform and pansophia. He introduced many changes in the local school, but despite his hard work, his success was small, and in 1654 he returned to Leszno. At the same time, Comenius prepared one of his most famous works, Orbis sensualium Pictus (The Sensual World in Pictures, 1658), in Latin and German. It is important to note that the work opened with an epigraph from Genesis when Adam gave names (Gen. 2: 19-20). It was the first school book to use pictures of objects to teach languages. It illustrated the fundamental principle professed by John Amos Comenius. Briefly it sounds like this: words must be accompanied by things and cannot be studied separately from them. In 1659, Charles Hoole published an English version of the textbook, The Visible World of Comenius, or a Picture and Inventory of all the chief things that exist in the world, and human occupations.

The lack of success in Sárospatak is probably explained to a large extent by the fascination with the fantastic prophecies of the visionary and enthusiast Nikolai Darbik. Not for the first time Comenius bet on the prophet last day- a weakness to which other chiliasts also succumbed. They placed too much faith in predictions of apocalyptic events and unexpected turns that would occur in the near future, such as the fall of the House of Habsburg or the end of the papacy and the Roman Church. The publication of these statements with the aim of influencing political events had a negative impact on the reputation of an outstanding teacher.

Last years

Soon after Comenius returned to Leszno, war broke out between Poland and Sweden, and in 1656 Leszno was completely destroyed by Polish troops. He lost all his books and manuscripts and was again forced to leave the country. He was invited to settle in Amsterdam, where he spent the remaining years of his life in the house of the son of his former patron, Laurence de Geer. During these years he completed a great work that occupied him for at least twenty years, De rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio catholica. Consisting of seven parts, the book summed up his entire life and became a comprehensive discussion on the topic of improving human things. The Pampedia, instructions for universal education, is preceded by the Pansophia, its foundation, followed by the Panglottia, instructions for overcoming the confusion of languages, which will make possible the final reformation. Although parts of the work were published as early as 1702, it was considered lost until late 1934, when the book was found in Halle. It was first published in full in 1966.

Comenius is buried in the Church of Wallonia in Naarden, near Amsterdam. His thoughts were highly appreciated by the German Pietists of the 18th century. In his own country he occupies a prominent place as a national hero and writer.

Path of light

Jan Amos Comenius devoted his works to the rapid and effective reform of all things related to human life in the sphere of religion, society and knowledge. His program was the "Way of Light", designed to ensure the greatest possible enlightenment of man before his imminent return to the earthly millennial kingdom of Christ. The universal goals were piety, virtue and knowledge; wisdom was achieved by excelling in all three.

Thus, the source and goal of all Comenius' works was theology. His beliefs and aspirations were shared by many of his contemporaries, but his system was by far the most complete of many that were proposed in the 17th century. It was essentially a recipe for salvation through knowledge raised to the level of universal wisdom, or pansophia, supported by an appropriate educational program. According to the divine order of things at that time, when it was believed that the last century was coming, it was possible to achieve general reform through the invention of printing, as well as the expansion of shipping and international trade, who for the first time in history promised the worldwide dissemination of this new, reforming wisdom.

Since God is hidden behind his work, man must open himself to three revelations: to the visible creation in which the power of God is revealed; a man created in the image of God and showing proof of his divine wisdom; word, with its promise of good will towards man. Everything that a man should know and not know must be drawn from three books: nature, the mind or spirit of man, and Scripture. To achieve this wisdom he is endowed with feelings, reason and faith. Since man and nature are God's creations, they must share the same order, a postulate that guarantees the complete harmony of all things among themselves and with the human mind.

Know yourself and nature

This well-known macrocosm-microcosm doctrine gives confidence that man is truly capable of acquiring hitherto unrealized wisdom. Everyone thus becomes a pansophist, a little god. The pagans who lack the revealed word cannot achieve this wisdom. Even Christians, until recently, were lost in a labyrinth of errors due to tradition and under the influence of a stream of books that, at best, contain scattered knowledge. Man must turn only to divine works and learn from direct encounters with things - through autopsy, as Comenius called it. Jan Amos based his pedagogical ideas on the fact that all learning and knowledge begins with feelings. It follows that the mind has innate ideas which enable man to comprehend the order which he encounters. The world and life of every individual is a school. Nature teaches, the teacher is nature's servant, and naturalists are priests in the temple of nature. A person must know himself and nature.

Encyclopedia of Omniscience

To find a way out of the labyrinth, a person needs a method with which he will see the order of things, understanding their causes. This method should be presented in a book of pansophia, in which the order of nature and the order of mind will gradually move towards wisdom and insight. It will contain nothing but concrete and useful knowledge, replacing all other books. Full entry information organized in this way constitutes a veritable encyclopedia, much like Robert Hooke's "repository" of natural curiosities in the Royal Society, organized according to the categories of John Wilkins in his Essay on Genuine Symbolism and Philosophical Language. By following this natural method, people can easily acquire complete and comprehensive mastery of all knowledge. The result will be true universality; and again there will be order, light and peace. Thanks to this transformation, man and the world will return to a state similar to what it was before the Fall.

Innovation in education

Jan Komensky, whose pedagogy required that from early childhood the child learn to compare things and words, considered native speech to be the first acquaintance with reality, which should not be clouded by empty words and poorly understood concepts. At school, foreign languages ​​- first of all those of neighboring countries, and then Latin - should be studied in the native language, and school books should follow the method of pansophia. The Door to Tongues will offer the same material as the Door to Things, and both will be mini encyclopedias. School textbooks should be divided by age group and deal only with those things that are within the child's experience. Latin is best suited for universal communication, but Comenius looked forward with interest to the emergence of a perfect philosophical language that would reflect the method of pansophia and would not be misleading or uninformative. Language is merely a vehicle of knowledge, but its right use and teaching are the right means of attaining light and wisdom.

Life is like a school

Jan Comenius, whose didactics were directed not only towards formal school education, but also at all age groups, believed that all life is a school and preparation for eternal life. Girls and boys should study together. Since all people have an innate desire for knowledge and godliness, they should learn in a spontaneous and playful manner. Corporal punishment should not be used. Poor academic performance is not the fault of the student, but indicates the inability of the teacher to fulfill his role as a “servant of nature” or “obstetrician of knowledge,” as Comenius said.

Jan Amos, whose pedagogical ideas were considered the most significant and, perhaps, his only contribution to science, himself considered them only a means of the general transformation of humanity, the basis for which was pansophia, and theology as the only guiding motive. The abundance of biblical quotations in his works is a constant reminder of this source of inspiration. John Comenius considered the books of Daniel's prophecies and John's revelations to be the main means of acquiring knowledge for the inevitable millennium. The story of Adam's distribution of names in Genesis shaped his idea of ​​man and his belief in order, which was reflected in pansophia, because God “arranged everything by measure, number and weight.” He relied on complex metaphorical and structural properties Solomon's temple. For him, man was, like Adam, at the center of creation. He knows all of nature and thus controls and uses it. Therefore, the transformation of man was only part of the complete transformation of the world, which would recreate its original purity and order and would be the final tribute to its creator.

A man of his time

Jan Amos Comenius made no contribution to natural science and was deeply alien to the development of science that was taking place at that time. Other assessments of his work have been made, but they completely ignore his dependence on a priori postulates and his theological orientation. On the other hand, several distinguished members of the Royal Society have shown a close affinity with much of his thought. The society's motto, Nullius in Verba, figures prominently in Comenius' book Natural Philosophy Transformed by Divine Light, and in both contexts it has the same meaning. It is a reminder that tradition and authority are no longer the arbiters of truth. It is given to nature, and observation is the only source of concrete knowledge. The much debated problem of the relationship between Comenius and the early Royal Society is still unresolved, largely because the discussion of the issue is based on a scanty knowledge of his works and almost complete ignorance of his correspondence.

Claims about the influence of the Czech reformer on Leibniz are greatly exaggerated. He was such a typical manifestation of the beliefs, doctrines and problems of the time that the same thoughts were expressed by others who occupied a more prominent place in Leibniz's early work. Jan Amos Comenius drew his ideas from the theology of the Bohemian Brothers (with their strong chiliastic tendencies), as well as from such famous personalities as Johann Valentin Andreae, Jacob Boehme, Nicholas of Cusa, Juan Luis Vives, Bacon, Campanella, Raymund de Sabunde (Theologia naturalis which he published in Amsterdam in 1661 under the title Oculus fidei) and Mersenne, whose correspondence shows a positive attitude towards Comenius and his work.

Jan Amos Comenius - an outstanding Czech humanist teacher, years of life: 1592-1670

The life path of Comenius, expelled by the German conquerors from his native Czech Republic and forced to wander around, was difficult. different countries(Poland, Hungary, Holland). His activities were varied - teacher, preacher, scientist, philosopher. And deep democracy, concern for the fate of the disadvantaged, faith in people, and the desire to raise the culture of the native people run through it.

Facts from biography, views, worldview

More than once Comenius had to leave native land, to see how his manuscripts and books perish in the fires of war, to begin again what had already been done. Religious wars and foreign invasions shook the Czech Republic, the birthplace of Comenius. And that is probably why the dream of peace, of a perfect structure of human society, sounds so constantly, so invariably in Comenius’ books. Comenius saw the surest path to this in enlightenment - it is no coincidence that one of his last works, “Angel of Peace,” formulates the idea of ​​​​creating international organization, protecting peace everywhere and spreading enlightenment - an idea that was centuries ahead of its era.

But even at that time, in a disunited and war-torn Europe, Comenius’ activities were truly international. It is impossible to estimate how much Czech culture owes to Comenius. But the memory of Comenius has reason to be honored in England - his best books were first published here; and in Sweden - he prepared a project for the reform of the Swedish school and wrote many textbooks for it; and in Hungary - Comenius also worked here; and in Holland - here he spent last years, the first collection of his pedagogical works was published here.

Comenius was a member of the Czech Brothers sect. In a religious guise, this sect opposed the power of the rich and the feudal order. In the book “The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart,” Comenius wrote that some are fed up, others are hungry, some are amused, others weep.

In the 17th century the lands and political power The Czech Republic was in the hands of German feudal lords. In Comenius' activities, the struggle against the oppressors of the people naturally merged with the struggle for the national independence of the Czech Republic, with the struggle against wars, for peace between peoples. “People,” Comenius wrote, “are citizens of the same world, and nothing prevents them from establishing a broad association on the basis of human solidarity, common knowledge, rights, religion.”

Comenius, naturally, could not in that era correctly determine the ways to eliminate social contradictions. He thought that they could be overcome by means of religion, moral improvement, and education. But in contrast to the medieval church, he emphasized that man is not a “servant of God,” but “the creator of the universe.”

Yae Amos Comenius as a teacher

Pedagogical activity begins to take shape in early years scientist, while Comenius was a priest, the first work “Letters to Heaven” was written, and the anti-Catholic book “Exposure of the Antichrist” was created. As the rector of the national school located in the city of Leszno, Komensky begins to work on the main work of his life, consisting of four volumes, called “The Great Didactics”. In “The Great Didactics,” the scientist tries to convey to the public that the most important science of humanity is pedagogy. In parallel with his work on the four-volume work, Comenius created several works reflecting the same idea of ​​​​the primacy of pedagogy - “The Open Door of Languages”, “The Open Door of Objects”, “The Harbinger of Pansophia”. In this period Jan Amos Comenius gains fame, his activities become recognized. In the first part of his “Didactics” teacher develops the idea of ​​school reform, which Sweden picks up and implements.

Comenius becomes a good teacher, abandons his political views and begins to write a new work, “The World of Sensual Things in Pictures,” and a little later he develops a manual that provides for teaching children the Latin language.

Comenius, developing new approaches in pedagogy as a science, was guided by several principles: the desire to cover a large mass of people with knowledge, to build life knowledge in a certain system, to come from regularity to general harmony.

Komensky on raising children in the family

Comenius also laid democratism and a deep faith in man in the basis of his pedagogical ideas. He was convinced that all people - both men and women - should receive an education, they are all capable of education. Dividing children into six types according to mental acuity, pace of work and degree of diligence, Comenius believed that even the most difficult children (stupid, slow, lazy) could be taught. He demanded that a native language school be organized in every village. All children have the right to move from primary school to middle and high school.

Jan Amos Comenius put forward the idea of ​​systematic raising children in a family. In the “mother's school” - as he called education up to the age of six - children should be given the opportunity to play, run, and frolic. It is necessary to instill in them hard work, truthfulness, respect for elders, and politeness. Children should be given a wide range of ideas about the natural environment and public life. They must have an idea of ​​what water, earth, air, fire, rain, snow, trees, fish, rivers, mountains, sun, stars, etc. are. Know who runs the city; be familiar with the most important events; learn to remember what happened yesterday, a week ago, last year. We consistently need to equip children with an ever-expanding range of work skills. Parents should instill in their children love and interest in school, and respect for the teacher.

All this was the first well-thought-out system of raising children in the family.

Pedagogy of Jan Komensky

Comenius introduced the same deeply thought-out system into school education. In his pedagogical views The desire to develop the spiritual strength of students and provide joyful learning was clearly expressed.

Comenius sharply criticized the medieval school for the fact that it taught “to look through someone else’s eyes,” “to think with someone else’s mind,” which turned the school into “a scarecrow for boys and a place of torture for talents.” He demanded that school be a place of “joy and happiness.”

The building should be bright with a playground, the classrooms should be clean and beautiful. You should be friendly towards children; “The teacher’s voice itself should penetrate the souls of students, like the most delicate oil.”

Comenius formulated « Golden Rule visibility", according to which everything should be perceived by the corresponding sense organ (visible - vision, audible - hearing, etc.) or several organs, if possible:

“...everything should be presented to the external senses, as far as possible, namely: visible - to sight, audible - to hearing, olfactory - to smell, tasted - to taste, tangible - to touch, but if something can be simultaneously perceived by several senses, then represent this object simultaneously to several senses.”

Instead of cramming incomprehensible material, he suggested proceeding from the fact that “there is nothing in memory that was not previously understood.” Having summarized the experience of advanced schools, including fraternal schools of South-Western Rus', Komensky developed a class-lesson system of organization academic work. He proposed conducting training in classes with a constant composition of students, starting classes at a certain time of the year (September 1), dividing the material into lessons, and constructing each lesson in a methodologically thoughtful and expedient manner.

This was a huge step forward compared to the medieval school.

Comenius also approached the issue of school discipline in a new way, pointing out that the main means of its education is not a stick, but correct positioning classes and teacher example. He called the school a “workshop of humanity” and pointed out that a teacher will achieve success only when he is “burning with impatience to dispel mental darkness” and treats children like a father.

Immeasurable contribution to pedagogy

Jan Amos Comenius made a huge contribution contribution to the development of pedagogy as a science. At one time, no one approved of the methodology developed by Comenius, in which completely new pedagogical ideas were sanctified. The technique was not accepted by contemporaries, as it was considered too “heretical”. Many directions had a deep Christian bias; studying at his school was very simple and interesting. At that time this was considered impossible. However, after a short amount of time, Comenius’ method was accepted in society and recognized as one of the most effective.

Tutorials created by Comenius For primary education, were translated into many languages ​​during his lifetime. His pedagogical ideas had a profound influence on the development of school and pedagogy in many countries. They were also adopted by Russian advanced pedagogy.

Visibility, activity, accessibility of learning - these principles today are included in the methodology of any subject. They were first set out by Comenius in the Great Didactics. And one more principle, which, perhaps, was not formulated by him, but which permeated all his activities - the boldness of the search, hatred of ready-made truths, courage in the rejection of everything inert, dogmatic, anti-human. The principle of every true scientist. This is what John Amos Comenius was like.

And today, any teacher, no matter where he lives, no matter what field of education he works, certainly turns to the works of Comenius - the founder modern science about education and upbringing. And don’t these words sound modern: “Let the guiding basis of our didactics be: research and discovery of a method in which students would teach less, and students would learn more.”

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It's me -
And an aviator...

V. Kamensky

Vasily Kamensky was born in April 1884. The birthplace of the future poet is considered to be the village of Borovskoye on the border of present-day Perm and Sverdlovsk regions. But in fact, Kamensky was born in the cabin of one of the steamships sailing along the Kama, the captain of which was his grandfather, Gavriil Serebrennikov.
Vasily hardly remembered his parents, who died when he was not yet five years old. The boy was raised by his mother's sister. He attended a parish school and then a city two-year school.
At the age of eleven, Kamensky began writing poetry.
Due to family circumstances, Vasily had to leave his studies. He got a job in the accounting department of the Perm Railway. In 1902, V. Nikulin’s theater group came on tour to Perm. Kamensky, fascinated by the theater, decided to try himself as an actor. Despite all the persuasion of his family and friends, he quit his service and joined the troupe, taking the pseudonym “Vasilkovsky”.
The acting path led Kamensky to Nikolaev, to the troupe of V. Meyerhold. One day, Vasily, considering that a poetic monologue in one of his roles was no good, wrote poems that he read at a rehearsal. After this, Meyerhold advised him to quit the theater and devote himself to literature. Following his advice, Kamensky left for his homeland.
He got a job again railway. Kamensky became close to the Marxists and in 1905, when the railway strike began, he was elected to the strike committee, and then in December of the same year he was sent to prison near Nizhnyaya Tura.
Having been released in May 1906, Vasily again set out on a journey: from Perm to Sevastopol, from there to Persia, and then to St. Petersburg. Once in the capital, he passed the matriculation exams as an external student and entered higher agricultural courses. During the courses, Vasily began to study painting and after a few years he took part in exhibitions. In 1909, for example, at the exhibition “Impressionists” his painting “Birches”, painted using the pointillism technique, was presented. Nevertheless, Kamensky did not become a professional artist.
Kamensky entered literary circles thanks to the famous journalist N. Shibuev, who in 1908 decided to create a literary almanac “Spring”, where the works of novice authors would be published. In the fall of 1908, Kamensky became co-editor of the magazine “Spring”, which published L. Reisner, Igor Severyanin, A. Averchenko and many others. While working in the magazine, the young poet met many venerable writers - A. Blok, A. Remizov, F. Sologub, A. Kuprin. he owed his first publication to Kamensky.
In March 1910, a poetry collection, “The Judges’ Tank,” was published, where, along with the works of Nikolai Burlyukov and Velimir Khlebnikov, Kamensky’s poems, written in the summer of 1909, were published.
In 1911, Kamensky decided that he should become a pilot. Having made friends with the famous aviator Vladimir Lebedev, Vasily, with his help, purchased a Bleriot airplane. While the plane was being delivered to Russia, the poet visited Berlin, Vienna, Paris and Rome. Having passed the pilot exam in Warsaw, he made demonstration flights in various cities. On May 29, 1912, in the Polish city of Czestochowa, in front of numerous spectators, the plane fell into a swamp. Newspapers reported the death of a talented poet and fearless pilot. But Kamensky survived, although he received numerous serious injuries. But the airplane could not be restored. Vasily again, for the umpteenth time, changed his occupation: he acquired a plot of land near Perm and founded the Kamenka farm, trying himself as an architect and builder. In addition, he designed an aeroship, a type of glider capable of moving on water and snow. In the summer of 1913, construction in Kamenka was completed, and in the fall the poet went to Moscow, where he met Mayakovsky, which resulted in a Futurist tour of Russia. Kamensky, Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov and the Burliuk brothers took part in it.
In 1914, he became editor of the First Journal of Russian Futurists, which published; At the same time, Kamensky’s poetry collection “Tango with Cows” was published, the following year - the poem “Stenka Razin” (which in 1919 the poet reworked into a play, and in 1928 into the novel “Stepan Razin”), in 1916 - collection “Barefoot Girls”.
Kamensky enthusiastically accepted the revolution, hoping that the new social system would open up unlimited scope for creative self-expression for the futurists. In 1917, he wrote his famous “Decree on fence literature...”, which in the early days Soviet power was posted on fences all over Moscow.
After the revolution, Kamensky lost the desire to shock the reader, his poems became simple and sincere.
Kamensky sincerely believed that he lived in the happiest and most advanced country. He didn't have to step on the throat of his own song. He won a prominent place at the Soviet Parnassus (in 1933, when the twenty-fifth anniversary was celebrated creative activity poet, one of the Kama steamships was named after him). The poems “Emelyan Pugachev” (1931), “Ivan Bolotnikov” (1934), “Meetings with the World” (1934), the novel “Pushkin and Dantes” (1922), the novel in verse “Power”, dedicated to Soviet pilots (1938), Kamensky wrote other works completely sincerely. He admired Pushkin, admired brave pilots, was devoted to the revolution and the Soviet country, and the spirit of Russian rebellion was close to his freedom-loving nature.
In 1918, Kamensky’s poetry collection “The Sound of Spring Flowers” ​​was published. At the same time, Vasily tried himself as a film actor, starring in the film “Not Born for Money.”
His ebullient nature found outlet in active social activities: in 1918 he was elected to the Moscow Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies; acted as the organizer of the Union of Poets, which existed until 1929, and became its first chairman. In 1919 he began working in the Higher Military Inspectorate and as cultural worker went to the Southern Front. There he was captured by the White Guards and was in the Yalta prison before the capture of Crimea by the Red Army. Then he went to the Caucasus, to Tiflis, where, remembering the past, he went to work as an accountant, but soon returned to Russia. Since 1924, the Perm newspaper “Zvezda” published many of his essays and stories dedicated to the Ural village. In 1931, Kamensky’s memoirs “The Path of an Enthusiast” were published. In 1934, the poet headed the Central Theater of Water Transport Workers and hatched the idea of ​​​​creating a “floating” theater. At the same time, he transferred Kamenka with all its property to the ownership of the collective farm, and he himself moved to an empty house in the village of Trinity. In 1940, his book “Life with Mayakovsky” was published. In the early 40s, the poet began work on the poem “Ermak Timofeevich,” which he completed in 1947.
He did not grow old in soul, but the years took their toll. In 1944, in a Tbilisi hospital, his leg was amputated, and a year later - the second. The speech, delivered on April 14, 1948 in Moscow at an evening dedicated to the memory of Mayakovsky, was the poet’s last public performance: five days later, Vasily Vasilyevich was struck by a stroke, depriving him of speech and the ability to move. In the early 1950s. he, his wife and eldest son moved to the South, and in 1956 the Kamenskys returned to Moscow: the poet did not want to give up; the thought of becoming a disabled person living out his life was unbearable for him. Kamensky recovered somewhat from the blow: his hands were working, he could sit - which means life went on. The poet's wife, Valentina Nikolaevna, and his three sons, Vasily, Alexey and Gleb, did everything so that he would not feel cut off from life.
November 11, 1961 Vasily Kamensky died. The urn with his ashes rests at the Novodevichy cemetery. Kamensky's house in Trinity was transferred to the Trinity Rural Library, and a museum of the poet was created in it.


The clear springs have bloomed
In the spring springs -
Maya's wings have become blue
Secret thoughts sparkled
The non-extinguishing ones caught fire
On dewy greens.
The heart rang with calls
With turquoise kisses -
The long road has passed
Most pure.
Crystal angels
Swept through the sky.
Dropped it
To me.


The sky was covered with canvas.
A long rain falls.
Smells like wet dog.
Boring. Oh, how lonely and boring.
Gray, endlessly gray.
Chomp-chomp... chav-chomp...
Chomp-chomp... chav-chomp...
The clock is ticking.
I've been sitting for a long time, always alone
At the usual worn out window.
On the other window he is dozing,
Lonely like me
My old bitch.
Bitch - "Boredom."
We've been sitting like this all our lives
At the usual windows.
Everyone was waiting and waiting for something.
They didn't wait. They've grown older.
This is how we looked through our whole lives:
It rained every day...
Just as boring, boring, boring.
The clock ticked.
This is the sky tomorrow
It will be covered with canvas.
And again it smells old
A wet dog.


Ring, Sun! Spears, bright swords,
pour life-giving rays onto the Earth.
Ring, sultry, red-cheeked,
clear, clear day!
Sing, birds! Sing, people!
Sing, Earth!
I'll run to the merry fields.
Ring, sultry, black earth,
full-full day.
Heart, rejoice and, belt, untie!
Hey, my soul, open wider!
Ring, sultry, red,
Bright, bright day.
Ring, Sun! Everyone has one life,
I want to get drunk with happiness.
Ring, sultry, daring,
Drunk, long day!

Flying apart
Flying over Sastinia
I'm flying
To the stray camp
Openness concealing
Hot meteor
My song is winged
Incessant hum - motor
Flying spirit
Chapped forehead
Years of flying wings to meet
Migratory winged
In the sky scream at the eagles
Hey! way!
With the attention of a goshawk
With a smile the clouds follow
Like two bear vultures
Clumsy in the den
Yielding a cow's udder and heart
Where to look for mercy on earth
Letokean, Letokean.
In flight wings
Vigorous swings falter
Necks - snakes of red swans
Curved in reflections
Let - valleys - belly
Mountains are the breasts of the earth
Inspired ships will cover us
We will begin to cheer and wing
And I clearly don’t care about non-humans.

God bless you and your horses!
I will teach you to plow the land.
Know, brother, hold on as we drive.
And our lack of time will exhaust us.
Why did you grab your lower back?
Look, you're lazy, you eat vigorously, -
You should go to the girls in the chariot
Spin around, goblin, for fun.

I'll make them turn out the stumps.
You and I will not waste our strength,
Let's begin to beat you with our fists,
Why are you scratching the back of your head with your claws?
flex your strength more quickly,
Yes, make the red snout cheerful.
Grab - catch - press harder.
God bless you and your horses!
We'll kill anyone at work!
We won't burn, we won't drown in the water,
Let's stand - two bulls - in!

I.E. Repin.

This is when I met you for tea

In a clearing, a red foal neighs,
And the bells are ringing,
And I'm lost, child poet
Came to the sea in Kuokkala.
I went out to sea - holy morning,
The waves were shining - calling to play,
The sea was so simple
Dahl caressed her as if she were a mother.
And he laughed, and it was strange to his heart
It was possible to believe in spring in winter.
I randomly opened a door
And he went home cheerfully.
And in the evening, completely by accident
I met a simple old man -
He sat at the tea table,
And I remember his hand at the glass.
Everything was simple - unbearable,
And in simplicity it is magnificent,
Ilya Efimovich the great Repin was sitting.
In a clearing, a red foal neighs
And the bells are ringing.
I became a clear child
Blessed One in Kuokkala.
1915 (?)

And blossomed
My life is good
In the morning, windy through the meadows.
And my heart -
A child's heart is not suitable
To the shores.

Bird songs
Yes the wings are white
Opened up through the forests,
Free flights are brave
Accustomed to heaven.

From the pine mountains
Radiant distance
I catch with my soul
I bend the branch, clean
I love the girl.

And I don't know where they end
Scarlet days
And I don’t believe that they are dating
Bumps and stumps.

There is only one life -
One path -
The share is great.
Won't judge
Clear God
My heart is childish.

Girls barefoot -
These are my poems
The flocks are spontaneous.

On shoulders with golden jugs
These are Circassian women
In the Daryal Valley
On the rocks near the Terek.

Girls barefoot -
Villagers fetching water with painted
Buckets - rocker arms
On the banks of the Volga
(And a steamer goes by).

Girls barefoot -
Tanned during the rice harvest,
Singing-curving Indian women
With the eyes of tigresses,
With the movements of primrose plants.

Girls barefoot -
My poems are resonant
Heart to Heart.
Girls barefoot -
Sad sunshine girls,
Woke up in the morning
For love and
Trembling touches.

Girls barefoot -
Oh, poetic possibilities -
Like the northern lights -
Nights of my loneliness.

All the girls are barefoot -
Everything in the world -
All my beloved brides.


Tsia-tsintz-tsvilyu-tsii -
Tsvilyu-tsii-tsii-tyurl-yu -
Day after day along the ringing birch tree
Like God's heavenly doors
Or like a source of joy,
The voices of forest birds are heard.
Through thick green curls
The sky's eyes turn blue.
I'm lying on the grass. I'm not hiding anything
I don’t know anything - I don’t know anything.
I just know my own - I also sing songs,
I give my heart and soul to the earth,
I’m also happy, jumping, running.
Over my head
My flying friend flew by.
“Hey, where are you going?”
And I don’t wait for an answer - I sing.
Sun with diamond ribbons
My chest is burning.
The good sun protects me.

(Excerpt from the novel)

Hey, get up - set your sails,
Get ready for the distant surroundings,
Blow the ringing voices with the wind,
Start a friendly song.
Yes, take the oars, free brothers,
Well, falcon falcons,
Know to set sail.
Rock it.
And ehhh-nna.

Saryn on the kichka,
Vigorous bast shoe
I went to wander along the banks.
Saryn on a kitty.
Kazan - Saratov.
To the friendly squad
For roll call
It's too much for enemies.
Saryn on a kitty.
Barrel of mash
We'll drink
At three fires.
And in the Volga region with a wagon
Let's charge the feast
Near the islands.
Saryn on a kitty.
Vigorous bast shoe -
Scratch the head of the Persian dog.
Let's start from the bottom
Grab, scratch
And tear off the skin -
Brocade from a merchant.
Saryn on a kitty.
Thumb in the belt.
My head itches
Rampant to the bottom.
Whistle - deafening,
Yawn - spread out!
Blind bitch - don't get caught.
<1912 — 1918>


Have mercy on me
And I'm sorry.
I flew on an airplane.
Now in a ditch
I want nettles

From Simeiz from Cypress Glade
I like to walk to Alupka
So that at the dacha the morning iris
Meet on the balcony
Snow dove.

I am a Poet. But I don't know her.
And she is afraid - strange - of people.
Oh she doesn't know
What's hidden in me
A trembling flock of swans.

And she doesn't know
That I was born
In the Ural mountains among the lakes
And that I am accidentally famous
The most desperate dreamer.

I'm just - Near.
I'm just passing by.
I'm near the Truth
And love.
Everything is wonderful to me
That everything is created
That everything is loved
In any blood.


The comitragic howl of my soul
Spilled like a picnic on the Kama
How long will I stand - Alive
From nuclear meat Monument.

Please -
Look louder
With all the bells and eyes -
It's me - your conqueror
(Pressed in the mouth)
Celebrating life against and for.
And you - hey audience - just
They nailed them onto cast iron monuments.
Today is different - I look at the crowd alive -
I came from Kamenka on purpose.

Enough of deceiving the Great Poets
Whose bee's life is more difficult -
Creating tropical summer
There - where you freeze from the cold of everyday life.
It's time to lift up the song fighters
During life on a pedestal -
Let the talents triple again
So that everyone becomes a miracle.

I believe - when we are dead
You will be surprised
Saint of our modesty -
And now you’re calling me futuristic robbers
Genius Children of Our Time.
You are accustomed to honor and glorify the dead
Insulting academies with monuments -
With jackdaws.
And us alive -
True, Free and Proud
Ready to grind with rolling pins.

What kind of audience are you - angry and stony?
Not warmed by the fire of futurism
After all, I am the only fiery prophet
I'll burn myself with the ideas of Anarchism.
What kind of audience are you - strange and rough
I know that you will get bored with heights -
I took off on an airplane in Warsaw
I often saw a pile of ants below.
And no one cared
Before the futurist pilot
Crowd at the markets - in the alley
Or on an anniversary
Do you really need genius for profit?
Grocery and commercial clubs.
That's why I'm alive before you
I stand alone as Columbus.

All my Destiny -
A ghost for a moment -
Like the link of a flying Bird -
Let Vasily Kamensky Monument
Only the Beloved will dream of it.


The radiotelegraph pole is buzzing,
Embedded on the mainland,
Dangerous - dynamite box,
Five-pudovka - in five.

And he is the upset girl
Before the explanation with the groom,
Both nervous and flexible,
Sung in love by verse.

Or a suddenly capricious child,
The son of modernity is a super-neurasthenic,
And the bully is a neighing foal,
When you have a lot of money in your pocket.

And he is the Poet, and the Prince, and the Pauper,
Columbus, Ostrilo, and Apache,
Who is looking for meaning in the Riot of the Spirit -
Vladimir Mayakovsky is ours.
