Poems in English for children, toddlers and schoolchildren with translation and pronunciation. Where to read poetry in English Modern poetry in English with translation

And how it helps to learn English. Today we want to talk about poetry. Just imagine how wonderful it is to know by heart a couple of poems about love in English to show off in front of your loved ones!

In our article you will find 30 love poems on English language, ordered by increasing difficulty - the very first can be understood by knowing only the basic rules of grammar.

For some poems, we will give a literary translation, for others we will show you cool videos with star performances, but we will offer to study each poem in the original. Do not be afraid, it will be feasible even for a beginner: by clicking on the links in the article, you will find the texts of poems with clickable subtitles. You can click on an unfamiliar English word and see its translation.

Love poems include not only reflections on love in a romantic way, but also poems dedicated to love for life, family, homeland, etc.

Love Is Elementary, or Short Love Poems in English

by Pablo Neruda (read by Madonna)

A poem by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, sung by the singer Madonna, for those who crave romance in Everyday life. Try to learn it and tell your soulmate!

by Robert Frost

Before you, probably, the most famous translation of this poem is the translation of D. Eidelman.

by P. Sebes

A beautiful modern piece, expressed in an understandable way.

Shakespeare's sonnets are written in a variant of English known as Early Modern English and can be difficult at first. But this is not a problem, catch our short cheat sheet for this sonnet.

Thou - you (subject in the sentence).
Thee - you (addition in the sentence).
Thy / thin - your.
Ye - you (you, i.e. plural).

Also don't forget to click on any unusual expressions - Leo understands Shakespeare's English. 🙂

by Walt Whitman

This is just a snippet from Walt Whitman's beautiful Highway Song, a hymn to life and freedom. A must read aloud in the morning!

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,

Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,

Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,

Strong and content I travel the open road. by Robert Frost

  • by Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Welcome to the World of Poetry: love poems by English poets

    We tried to find love poems that will open the door to the world of English poetry for you, and, we hope, will make you stay in it forever. Reading poetry in English is one of the most unusual ways to learn English. At the same time, it is one of the most harmonious ways to feel literary language. Follow the links to the materials and learn poetry. We wish you success and inspiration!

    This program can be used in teaching elective specialized literature courses in the humanities classes of a secondary school. This elective course "English Poetry" has an educational and upbringing focus and, along with the expansion of the language horizons and skills, contributes to the spiritual and aesthetic development of students.

    The main goal of the program is to introduce students to British poetry.

    The elective course introduces students to the main stages in the development of English poetry from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century and contributes to the development of students' oral speech skills.

    English literature has a great upbringing, educational and developmental potential and, in accordance with this, serves to form the qualities of a personality, its orientation, which will ensure the use of the creative capabilities of each student.

    Raising the cultural level of older students by means of the English language is becoming increasingly important.

    The elective course "English Poetry" is implemented through a system of improving language training, which is focused on developing students' ability to communicate in a foreign language, which allows them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication.

    The course lays the foundation for the development of educational and cognitive abilities of students necessary for further study of the English language and for self-education.

    The main goals are the following:

    Meeting the needs of students in language, cultural education (in the field of literature);

    Deepening and expanding students' knowledge of reading and translating authentic texts.


    Develop translation skills into Russian and English;

    Enrich lexicon students;

    Realize interest in the subject, deepen linguistic knowledge in all types of speech activity;

    Expand ideas about the socio-cultural portrait of the country of the language being studied;

    Prepare students for learning the subject high level under the advanced program;

    To form students' readiness for cultural self-development.

    This program is designed for students in grade 11, it is designed for 17 hours per academic year, once every 2 weeks. The program contains new knowledge representing cognitive interest for students.

    This elective course is built on the basis of the following principles:

    multicultural development students, which implies a dialogue of cultures and bilingual verbal behavior of students;

    Reliance on interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of students;

    Competence-oriented equipment.

    The learning process for this course involves the use of various methods and forms of organizing the speech activity of students:

    Application of various reading strategies depending on the communicative need;

    Methods of working with various sources (viewing, selection, analysis, adaptation for further use);

    Technique for preparing and conducting discussions, role-playing games, interviews;

    Carrying out independent work.

    The program provides for the establishment of the degree of achievement of the final results through the control system in the form of oral answers, tests, written works - essays, interviews and in the form of participation in the defense of design works.

    Criteria for evaluation of oral and written works:

    Compliance with the given topic;

    Linguistic correctness;

    Reasoned expression of opinion.

    Requirements for the level of mastering the course.

    At the end of the course, students should:

    demonstrate the level of formation of language, speech, sociocultural, subject and informational competence, which consists in the skills and abilities to search for new information;

    be able to translate excerpts from works of fiction;

    be able to write creative work(essay, project, article);

    be able to participate in the discussion;

    be able to make oral presentations in English using multimedia tools.

    The following should be considered as the determining criteria for the level of formation of communicative skills:

    For reading - the ability of students to find the necessary information in English, to understand and identify the main facts, to separate the main facts from the secondary ones, to complete a number of tasks;

    For listening - listening comprehension of a small message, built on the study of material in a sound recording; the ability to ask two or three questions, perform a series of tasks;

    For writing - the student's ability to correctly, in accordance with the communicative task, fill out a table, diagram and write a plan;

    For oral-speech interaction - the student's ability to build a coherent statement on the topic, possession of different speech forms, compliance with the communicative task.

    Methods and techniques used in the elective course "English Poetry".

    Usage modern technologies in the learning process in order to involve students in interactive teaching of the English language (the use of information technology).

    Organization learning activities in various modes


    steam room;


    3) The use of multi-level learning in the organization of reading, speaking, listening and writing.

    4) Conducting lectures, seminars; preparation, presentation and protection of projects using a computer.


    Number of hours

    W. Shakespeare

    Richard Michael Fox

    5. Educational and thematic plan


    The form of organization of the activities of the teacher and the student

    form of control

    The dawn of English literature. Poem Beowulf.

    Lecture with elements of conversation. Commenting on concepts new vocabulary.

    Conversations, discussions

    Folk ballads about Robin Hood

    Presentation and development of terms. Reading, analysis, translation.

    Oral survey on lexical units. Discussion on the topic "Robin Hood - the national hero of England."

    Renaissance in England. William Shakespeare. Sonnets

    W. Shakespeare

    Lecture with elements of conversation. Reading and analysis of sonnets, their translation.

    Discussion topics on questions. Discussion on the theme "My favorite sonnet of Shakespeare".

    John Milton - 17th century English bourgeois revolution poet

    Presentation and development of new vocabulary. Reading and analysis.

    Oral survey on lexical units.

    Oliver Goldsmith is a representative of the sentimental trend in English literature of the 18th century. Poem "Abandoned Village"

    Lecture with elements of discussion. Reading and translation of poetry.

    Analysis. Translation.

    Robert Burns is the most democratic poet of the 18th century.

    Introduction, development of lexical units. Reading and translation of poetry.

    Oral presentations of projects on the topic "Enlightenment in the UK".

    William Wordsworth. "Poets of the Lake District"

    Introduction and development of lexical units. Lectures with elements of conversation.

    Essay writing "Poets of the Lake District".

    George Gordon Byron - a fighter for the freedom and independence of peoples.

    Lectures with elements of discussion. Reading and translation of poetry.

    monologues. Answering questions (role-play, press conference)

    Percy Bysshe Shelley - representative of English revolutionary romanticism

    Presentation and development of new vocabulary. Mini-lecture with elements of conversation. Reading, analysis and translation of poems

    Oral survey on lexical units. Translation analysis.

    John Keats - English Romantic poet

    Introduction and development of lexical units. Lecture with elements of conversation. Practical grammar. Role play preparation.

    monologues. Answers on questions. Grammar test. Role-playing game.

    Thomas Moore "Irish Melodies"

    Mini lecture. Reading, analysis, translation.

    Answers on questions.

    Elizabeth Barreta Browning "The Cry of the Children"

    Mini lecture. Reading, analysis of translations.

    literary test.

    Williams Jones - representative of the revolutionary Chartist poetry

    Introduction and development of lexical units. Lecture with elements of discussion.

    Conversations. Discussions.

    Robert Bridges "London Snow"

    Mini lecture. Reading and translation.

    Discussion on questions.

    Jonathan Denwood - English working class poet of the early 20th century

    Mini-lecture with elements of conversation.

    Translation analysis.

    Richard Michael Fox

    Presentation of new vocabulary. Reading and analysis.

    Answers on questions.

    Edward Lear is the best writer of short poems

    Lecture with elements of conversation. Reading and translation of poetry. Project preparation.

    Translation analysis. Preparation of projects on the theme "English poets of the 20th century".

    Implementation of control.

    The control parameters are the formation of students' skills in using reference and popular science literature, as well as a computer when performing various kinds tasks, projects. Current control provides for testing the ability to use reference and popular science literature, a computer in the search for given information and is carried out on the following topics of the course:

    - "Robin Hood is the national hero of England";

    - "My favorite Shakespeare sonnet";

    - Enlightenment in Great Britain;

    - "Poets of the Lake District";

    - English poets of the 20th century.

    The final control includes the defense of projects on the topic “English poets of the 20th century. Their contribution to world literature.

    Forms of control:

    Oral responses on the topic;

    Written assignments;


    Analysis of translations;

    Open discussions and conversations.

    1. Literature:
    2. Volosova T.D. "English literature". M., Enlightenment, 1974
    3. Gekker M.Yu. "English literature". M., Enlightenment, 1975
    4. Pagis N.A. "The Wonderful World of English Literature". M., Flinta, Nauka, 2003
    5. Anikst A. and Kornilova E. "Selected English Poems of Classical and Modern Poets". M., Education, 1952

    The English language is very melodic and pleasant to the ear, and therefore learning it can easily be called an exciting activity. But if you are a beginner, and it is still a very, very long time to reach the pinnacle of mastery, over time, learning English may cease to bring joy, and lessons - or rather, self-study will become less interesting and productive. To prevent this risk, there is an effective way, which in all respects is suitable for both children and adults. It's about learning English through poetry in English - that's where the really diverse vocabulary comes in!

    Studying poetry in English is not easy, but at the same time it has several advantages:

    • You will immediately learn a lot of new words, which, thanks to the presence of rhyme, are not difficult to memorize and master;
    • You see how sentences are formed - knowing each word separately will help less in life than the ability to express a thought in English words;
    • You get acquainted with creativity in English - in particular, the work of famous American and British poets, who gave the world poems in english that have become widely known.

    Poems of poets

    If you decide to look for poems in English to learn it faster, you will most likely look for them on the Internet or in a library. In both cases, it is the poems of famous poets that are the first thing that comes to your hand.

    Through the use of beautiful poems in English in teaching, it turns out that it is most effective to replenish the literary stock, and at the same time remember for yourself the existing grammatical rules and constructions. Even if the verse does not differ in special sizes, it will be of great service in learning the language, and the learning process itself will bring absolute pleasure.

    Nevertheless, when starting to study English poetry, be sure to understand an important point for yourself - it will be easier for an adult to learn poetry in English than for a child. Home to that the reason is more developed intellectual abilities and memory. Therefore, if a small child is engaged in English lessons, you should not try to learn the language through the poems of famous poets. For this case, short children's poems, which we will discuss later in the article, will be effective.

    As for the poems that are the creation of real British poets, you can find some nuances in them. First, remember that poetry is predominantly an artistic style, and mastering it will be useful for scientific purposes. If you are learning a language for everyday conversational use, use this option, but at the same time think about more suitable ones.

    Another nuance that is important to know about when taking on English poetry is that authors can use abbreviations in poems, so be prepared for the fact that you will not immediately understand every word, as well as the meaning of individual sentences.

    To be convinced of the beauty of English poetry, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the work of several poets known for their poems. We offer their poems in English with translation try to check for yourself whether you understand the meaning of the poem correctly.

    Lord Byron's poem

    Byron is one of the most popular representatives of English poetry. The famous "Sun of the Sleepless" is a perfect example of melodic poetry with deep meaning. The poem was written at the end of 1814, and after that it was completely set to music.

    Sun of the Sleepless!

    Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star!

    (Sleepless sun, sad star)

    Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far!

    (How tearfully your beam always flickers),

    That show's the darkness thou canst not dispel,

    (How the darkness is even darker with him),

    How like art thou to joy remember'd well!

    (How it resembles the joy of former days)!

    So gleams the past, the light of other days,

    (So ​​the past shines on us in the night of life)

    which shines, but warms not with its powerless rays;

    (But powerless rays do not warm us),

    A nightbeam Sorrow watcheth to behold,

    (The star of the past is so visible to me in grief),

    Distinct, but distant - clear - but, oh how cold!

    (Visible, but far away - bright, but cold)!

    English poetry by Charlotte Brontë

    Mine own style and special melody can be traced in the work of Charlotte Brontë. The British novelist poet is often found today in English textbooks, because her poems are the best suited for mastering foreign vocabulary. Try to read the following poem aloud and figure out what its sentences are about:

    LIFE, believe, is not a dream

    (Believe that life is not a dream game)

    So dark as sages say;

    (Not fairy tales dark forest).

    Oft a little morning rain

    (How often light rain in the morning)

    Foretells a pleasant day.

    (He promises us a day of miracles)!

    Sometimes there are clouds of glow

    (Let the sky look gloomy) -

    But these are transient all;

    (The clouds will rush);

    If the shower will make the roses bloom,

    (And a shower of roses will revive)

    Why lament its fall?

    (withered slightly).

    Rapidly, merrily,

    (Crazy, irrevocable)

    Life's sunny hours fly by

    (The days of life are leaving);

    Gratefully, cheerily,

    (Cheerful, pleasant),

    Enjoy them as they fly!

    (They will leave us).

    What though death at times steps in

    (So ​​what if death is always)

    And calls our best away?

    (Goes after life)?

    What though sorrow seems to win

    (After all, trouble seems terrible),

    O'er hope, a heavy sway?

    (When there is no hope)

    Yet hope again elastic springs,

    (Hope in spite of difficulties)

    Unconquered, though she fell;

    (We are held by every moment);

    Still buoyant are her golden wings,

    (She is the wing of calm)

    Still strong to bear us well.

    (And a spring of fresh strength).

    Manfully, fearlessly

    (Although many and difficult)

    The day of trial bear,

    (Obstacles will meet here),

    For gloriously, victoriously,

    (But nice and wonderful)

    Can courage quell despair!

    (Years of life are waiting for us)!

    Short poems

    Now that you already have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200breal British poems, it's time to decide where to start learning poems in english with small children. Agree, the above poems were difficult even for your perception - therefore, there is no doubt that a novice child cannot cope with such a volume of information. In this regard, the best option is the gradual development of short poems that use the most simple words and phrases. Often in books that involve independent study of a foreign language, those poems are specially published where the words are easy to pronounce and, in principle, light and often encountered - so it will be easier for the child to understand the meaning of the poem.

    Analyze small sizes poems in english which are offered below. Will you be able to quickly understand the meaning of the poem on your own - or will you need additional help in this?

    Snow on the ground.

    (Snow on the ground).

    Snow on the tree.

    (Snow on the trees).

    Snow on the house.

    (Snow on the house).

    (Snow on me)!

    Just a few words mentioned in the poem, without extra effort and without much difficulty formed into melodic sentences in a rhymed version!

    And here is another version of a short poem in English for memorization:

    The leaves are falling

    (Leaves are falling)

    (In sequence).

    (Summer is over)

    School's begun.

    (School has started).

    The proposed version of the poem is light and exciting. This is the perfect option for learning English in the lower grades!

    By the same principle, you can compose or find many more poems. A complete meaning, accessible to understanding, can be made up of only four lines of a poem. If the child does not have difficulties with quatrains, one can gradually take on longer poems:

    (on a summer day)

    has rain or sun,

    (It happens rain or shine).

    (But anyway),

    (It's fun).

    to stand in the rain

    (Stand in the rain)

    That's pouring down

    (which pours from the sky),

    (Or lie under the sun)

    That paints me brown.


    The more poems you and your child can master, the more vocabulary and previously unknown words will remain in memory. Therefore, do not stop there - periodically study new poems in english- both children's short ones and more professional ones from real poets.

    Congratulations in verse

    Probably, in life, absolutely every person sooner or later faces the need to congratulate someone close on an important holiday. And it’s good if this is a person living in your country - in this case it’s not difficult to compose and beautifully present congratulations.

    Nevertheless, there are more and more situations when you need to congratulate a person “abroad” on an important date. If one of your relatives and friends lives in an English-speaking country, be prepared to congratulate him not in Russian, but in your "native" English - and you must definitely prepare for this in advance.

    Any person, be it a relative, colleague, partner, client, will be pleased to receive English congratulations. This is an original way to emphasize your predisposition and strengthen trusting relationships. And given that English is the most common and popular language in the world, it is doubly necessary to know and be able to compose congratulations in English. Besides, what if not congratulations in English - the perfect way to demonstrate your knowledge and success in learning the language!

    You can decide for yourself whether this congratulation will be in prose or in poetic form. However, we guarantee that a poetic greeting will make a double sensation - after all, you need to spend twice as much time and effort on this. Your relatives or friends will definitely appreciate such a gesture.

    We bring to your attention several common congratulations in English in poetic form. For example - a beautiful and pleasant birthday greeting:

    Birthday girl, today's your day!

    (Birthday girl, today is your day)!

    Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!

    (Time to eat cake, sing songs and play).

    There are so many ways to have birthday fun.

    (There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday).

    Here's hoping you get to do every one!

    (I hope you try them all)!

    Another version of a creative poetic congratulation in English is given below:

    Have an amazing birthday!

    (May your birthday be amazing)

    Have a wonderful life every day

    (May every day life seem beautiful)

    May you have plans for success

    (And all things are shrouded in amazing success),

    And try to avoid making a mess.

    (You avoid polemics in vain).

    Save problems with the "cold" reaction,

    (You look at all the problems calmly)

    Take from love hot satisfaction.

    (And enjoy the passion from love).

    May all dreams really come true!

    (All dreams come true let them worthy)!

    All the best! Happy birthday to you!

    (Best birthday, Se lja Vi)!

    Why do you need to know English poems?

    So, we have seen with you that English poems exist in a wide variety of variants and can have the most diverse purpose. Poems themselves are an integral part in the culture of every country and in every language. Using the poetic form, you can creatively express emotions and feelings, in addition, poems are always full of verbal variety. And rhyme, which is the main feature in any poem, helps to memorize words and set expressions in the best possible way. In English, both beginners and those who have been mastering the language for a long time use the poetic form for development. The more verses you learn, the more words remain in your memory - and in combination with various other words, they can acquire new meanings and meanings.

    It does not matter at what age you start learning the language, but it is recommended to start classes as early as childhood. From an early age you can remember more information, although at first it will be given with great difficulty. Therefore, if your child has started learning English, offer him as many interesting exercises as possible. small size nursery rhymes can be an excellent basis for effective practice.

    Finally, here are the main reasons why poetry in English is not only possible, but also necessary to study:

    • All learned poems are deposited in long-term memory to one degree or another, which gives positive results in vocabulary replenishment;
    • Each traditional poem contains patterns for constructing English sentences. The language is unique in that it has a clear order in which the members of a sentence are used. Thus, you learn in verse not only vocabulary, but also master grammar;
    • By studying poems in a foreign language, you help develop memory and learn associative thinking. Poems in Russian are not always easy to come by, and for convenience we use associations, comparing words with certain pictures “in our head”. The same thing happens in English speech - this will certainly have a positive effect on your intellectual abilities.

    Finally, learning English in poetic form is always interesting and fun! Many poems are playful and positive in their content. Such poems will help improve and improve the emotional mood, charge everyone with optimism, which means they will do their own, positive work in advancing linguistics. In schools, higher educational institutions also always practice a way of learning the language through the study of poems, allowing students to independently choose a poem to their liking.

    It is not difficult to learn poetry in English. Look for simple poems right now and try to learn a few - just imagine with what pride you will recite the first English verse to your family and friends! We wish you success in your endeavors. And then - more: try to compose your own poem in English.

    The reasons for learning poetry in English are the same as when using songs: any authentic material allows you to hear how “real English” sounds, not adapted for foreigners.

    Why learn poetry in English

    Memory and pronunciation training are far from all the advantages of English-language poetry as an element of learning. Working with poetry gives you many opportunities to personalize your lessons: you can write an essay based on a poem you like, discuss poetry in English with friends or classmates, practice the artistic style of writing and get to know the culture of English-speaking countries better. Poems will dilute boring classes and bring a touch of aesthetics to the learning process.

    How to teach poetry

    1. Choose a poem. The first thing you should focus on is your level of language proficiency. If you are at the beginning of your English learning journey, long classical poems will be beyond your power, as they contain a lot of obsolete words and complex speech patterns. Therefore, choose short rhymes with short lines. However, it is important to maintain a balance here, because very simple nursery rhymes will not be interesting to learn and read. Stop at poems that you can get the gist of or that have a Russian translation.

    2. Write or print the selected poem on a piece of paper and cut it line by line to make a kind of puzzle. Shuffle all the lines and try to put them in the correct sequence. This will help you learn the poem and memorize new vocabulary along the way.

    3. Read English poems aloud to develop correct pronunciation and learn to speak without unnecessary pauses.

    4. Record on a tape recorder how you read the poem with expression. Listen to your own voice, try to find mistakes in pronunciation and correct them. Repeat this until you can read the poem perfectly.

    5. Write your own poem. Choose a simple topic and try to make at least a couple of rhyming quatrains. Do not chase deep meaning, your task is to learn how to choose a rhyme for English words. To make it more interesting, write a playful epigram to your friend.

    6. Choose a poem with dialogue and act it out as a small performance with friends or family. Let everyone learn a small part and try to play it like in the theater. Excerpts from the classic plays of Shakespeare are suitable for this purpose.

    5 short poems for children

    5 short poems for beginners

    A Farewell
    My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
    No lark could pipe to skies so dull and gray;
    Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
    For every day
    Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
    Do noble things, don't dream them all day long:
    And so make life, death, and that vast forever
    One grand, sweet song.

    Charles Kingsley

    My wonderful child, I don't have a song to give you;
    There is no joke to dispel the dullness and boredom of the sky;
    But before we part, one lesson I can leave you
    On every day.
    Be kind, dear, and let the other be smart;
    Do noble deeds, don't dream about them:
    And thus make life, death, and all that comes after,
    One big, beautiful song.

    Charles Kingsley

    5 short poems for intermediate level

    5 difficult poems

    In law an infant, and in years a boy,
    In mind a slave to every vicious joy;
    From every sense of shame and virtue wean'd,
    In lies an adept, in deceit a fiend;
    Vers'd in hypocrisy, while yet a child;
    Fickle as wind, of inclinations wild;
    Woman his dupe, his heedless friend a tool;
    Old in the world, though scarcely broke from school;
    Damœtas ran through all the maze of sin,
    And found the goal, when others just begin:
    Ev'n still conflicting passions shake his soul,
    And bid him drain the dregs of Pleasure's bowl;
    But, pall'd with vice, he breaks his former chain,
    And what was once his bliss appears his bane.

    Lord Byron

    Disenfranchised, like a child, and a boy in years,
    Soul devoted to murderous passions,
    Knowing no shame, not believing in virtue,
    Deception demon and lies sympathetic witness,
    Artful hypocrite from the earliest days,
    Changeable, like a whirlwind on the liberties of the fields,
    Deceiver of modest maidens, careless friends,
    From school years connoisseur of the conditions of false light, -
    Damet has tasted the path of vice to the end
    And before the rest reached his crown.
    But passions, still tormenting the heart, domineeringly
    They tell him to eat the bastards of the passionate cup;
    Permeated with lust, he breaks chain after chain
    And in the cup of former bliss he drinks his death.

    Lord Byron

    The heart of a song
    Dear love, let this my song fly to you:
    Perchance forget it came from me.
    It shall not vex you, shall not woo you;
    But in your breast lie quietly.
    Only beware, when once it tarries
    I cannot coax it from you, then.
    This little song my whole heart carries,
    And ne'er will bear it back again.
    For if its silent passion grieve you,
    My heart would then grow too heavy;-
    And it can never, never leave you,
    If joy of yours must go!

    George Parsons Lathrop

    The heart of the song
    My love! Let this song come to you
    You will probably forget that she is my creation ...
    I do not ask for love and affectionate speeches in return,
    I only know that your heart will become a little warmer.
    My love won't stay with you forever
    Evaporate, turn into a gray haze on a rainy day ...
    With this song I wanted to tell about the soul,
    I do not expect your reciprocity at all, my dear ...
    Tell me, please, to throw off a heavy stone from my soul,
    Tell me, I pray, do I offend with submissive quiet passion?
    You are glad - and a furious flame blazes in your heart!
    It will be with you on a hot day, and on a rainy day ...

    George Parsons Lasrop

    Nurse's Song
    When voices of children are heard on the green,
    And laughing is heard on the hill,
    My heart is at rest within my breast,
    And everything else is still.

    'Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down,
    And the dews of night arise;
    Come, come, leave off play, and let us go,
    Till the morning appears in the skies.’

    'No, no, let us play, for it is yet a day,
    And we cannot go to sleep;
    Besides, in the sky the little birds fly,
    And the hills are all covered with sheep.'

    'Well, well, go and play till the light fades away,
    And then go home to bed.'
    The little ones jumped and shouted and laughed
    And all the hills echoed.

    William Blake

    evening song
    Echoes of the game come from the mountain
    The darkening meadow is announced.
    After a hard day, I have no worries.
    Quiet in the heart, and quiet around.

    “Children, children, go home!” The day goes out behind the mountain,
    Night dew appears.
    Take a walk and sleep. We'll go out again tomorrow
    Only a beam will light up the sky.

    “No, oh no, not now! The bright day has not faded.
    And we are happy and fun.
    We won’t fall asleep anyway - the birds are flying around,
    And the herds roam the hills.

    - Okay, let's wait, but with the last beam
    We will retire to rest. -
    Again the stomp and din through the forests, through the meadows,
    And the hills answer in the distance.

    William Blake

    Video about poems in English:

    2016 is declared the Year of Shakespeare, because on April 23 the whole world celebrates 452 years since the birth of the poet and at the same time 400 years since his death. And although many experts argue about when the great playwright was born (and whether he existed at all!), We suggest that you also celebrate this celebration in an original way. Arrange a day of poetry for yourself, and we will supply you with the necessary material and tell you where to read poetry in English. You will learn about sites offering to read English-speaking poetry and Russian poetry in English.

    It would seem that reading poetry in English is a waste of time. However, we are convinced of the opposite: you can improve your knowledge by reading such works. Firstly, rhyming lines are well remembered, so it will be easier to learn unfamiliar words than when learning vocabulary from ordinary text. Secondly, from poems you can learn about the history of the people, their mentality, significant events, etc. Thirdly, this is just a great technique for “immersing” in English for those who love poetry. Let's try!

    To get started, we suggest you watch a lesson with a native English speaker Gill. She will tell you how you can learn English with the help of poems.


    One of the largest sites with poetry in English. Here are collected the works of the most famous authors from all over the world: from Burns to Rilke and from Akutagawa to Pushkin. The resource has brief information about each poet. The most useful is the audio recording of the poem: you can read it and listen to it at the same time, thus remembering the correct pronunciation of each word.

    2. University of Toronto Libraries

    The University of Toronto Library website features a galaxy of classic Irish, American, British, Scottish and other English-speaking authors. Moreover, each poem has comments explaining outdated words and expressions, as well as shedding light on the true meaning of the masterpiece. In addition, the site will delight you with convenient sorting by authors or their nationalities, eras, etc. You will definitely find everything you are looking for.

    3. The Poetry Archive

    At the link provided you will find an excellent archive of poetry in English. Each work is read by a professional speaker, and before listening to the text, they can tell you the story of the creation of the poem, explain the archaisms used in it or other features of the masterpiece. Thus, here you can practice your listening skills and immerse yourself in the world of classical poetry.


    Is it difficult to read classical literature? Then we invite you to a site where you can find a lot of modern poetry in English. This page contains books with poems that can be read online or downloaded for free. Modern poems are easier to read than classics, in addition, you will find new words in them that are widely used in modern English speech. Learn useful phrases and use them in conversation.

    5. Famous Poets And

    This site brings together the most famous English-speaking authors of all time, from Edgar Allan Poe to Charles Bukowski. In addition, biographies of each of the authors are presented here and their most interesting quotes. To date, more than 20,000 poems by more than 550 poets have been posted on the site.

    6. Famous Poetry Online

    The creators of this resource have collected famous works of English authors and sorted them by subject. You can choose which works suit your current mood and read English love poems, inspirational or sad masterpieces.


    Bartleby is a project that provides users with free access to the masterpieces of world literature, both in prose and in verse. On this page you will find links to works that are rightfully considered the pearls of world literature, as well as biographies of their authors in English.

    8. Poetry Foundation

    The Poetry Foundation is dedicated to popularizing poetry in society. The site contains poems by various authors: from classical to modern. You can conveniently sort works by authors, topics, events, years of writing, etc.

    9. Project Gutenberg

    Project Gutenberg is a universal digital library available to everyone. The authors of this resource have collected for you classic works that can be read directly on the pages of the site or downloaded for free.

    10 Love Poetry

    This resource contains one of the best collections of love poems in English on the Internet. Here you will find classic and modern romantic pieces that will make you remember the most beautiful feeling on Earth. Or maybe it is here that you will find the best words for an original declaration of love to your soulmate. Dare!

    11. Poetry in Translation

    12. English for students

    The site contains a selection of poems by foreign authors. Basically, these are poems with simple vocabulary, selected specifically for students of English.

    Russian poems in English

    And now we want to present you with several resources with poems by Russian authors translated into English. Reading such works will be doubly interesting, and you will definitely understand their meaning.

    13. Poetry Lovers" Page

    The site contains translations of Russian poems into English, made by the famous translator Evgeny Bonver. This linguist perfectly translates the poems of Asadov, Pushkin, Tsvetaeva, Gumilyov, Akhmatova, Okudzhava, Pasternak and other wonderful Russian authors into English. At the same time, Eugene manages to keep the size of the verse, so that they are all very recognizable. Here you will also find a small selection of poems by American and British authors.

    14. Russian Poetry in English

    Not too big, but very interesting selection of poems by Russian authors in English. In most cases, the translator managed to keep the size, and the meaning of the work was conveyed extremely accurately. Most importantly, next to the English one, the text of the Russian poem is given here, so you can read them in parallel to better understand the meaning.


    On this page you will find works by Russian authors in English, made by the linguist and poet-translator Alik Vagapov. In most of the poems, he managed to keep the size and accurately convey the feelings of the author. Poems in English are well recognized and easy to remember.

    We hope you enjoyed our selection and found useful sites with poems in English. Read poetry, enjoy the masterpieces of world literature and learn English!
