How to attach a screen to a radiator. What types of metal screens are used for radiators and how are they used?

Frequent staining and constant exposure high temperatures worsen appearance heating radiators, and therefore they need periodic replacement. If, when making renovations in your apartment, you do not plan to replace the heating radiators, the problem arises of masking them with the help of decorative screens that are firmly fixed in the interior of the residential premises. When used as finishing touches, battery screens, along with traditional decorative elements, play an important role in creating a unified stylistic concept, since they not only focus attention on the advantages or hide flaws, but also expand the functionality of the interior details for which design they are used. Despite the wide selection of decorative screens presented on the construction market, experienced craftsmen advise against purchasing a ready-made design and making a screen for the heating radiator with your own hands, which will save a good amount of money and make it taking into account the size of the heating device being decorated and your individual taste preferences. To make this task easier, in this article we will look at how to make a screen for a battery with your own hands.

Operating principle of heating radiators

At first glance, it may seem that a radiator covered with a box or decorative grille will cope worse with its main functional task, which becomes the most common cause refusal to refinish unsightly heating devices. Despite this, the experience of using decorative screens shows that the design, made in accordance with the basic laws of thermophysics, not only does not reduce, but also increases the heating efficiency. To make an effectively functioning battery screen with your own hands, let’s consider the basic operating principle of heating radiators.

The transfer of thermal energy from the heating device to the room is carried out in two ways:

  • Convection, which is based on the mixing of warm and cold air flows;
  • Electromagnetic radiation of the infrared spectrum, the power of which increases as the temperature of the radiator increases.

Old-style cast iron radiators work precisely on this principle, heating the air through convection processes. As the heating intensity increases, the ratio of radiant and convection energy changes, as a result of which heat transfer begins to occur due to infrared radiation.

The operation of modern radiators is based on a similar principle, but they differ in their ability to respond to environmental conditions and, adapting to them, redistribute energy in order to maximize its transfer. If maximum heat transfer is prevented by any external conditions, for example, a curtain that impedes air circulation, heat is redistributed towards the front panels, as a result of which heat transfer begins to occur due to infrared radiation. Thanks to this property, the operating efficiency of modern radiators is significantly increased.

Important! In order for the transfer of energy through convection to be as efficient as possible, the front panel of the screen, usually represented by a grille, must be designed in such a way that an air cushion is created between it and the radiator. Otherwise, warm air, which has an obstacle in its path, will partially accumulate inside, which will lead to disruption of heat exchange and heat transfer to the adjacent room. However, for maximum heat transfer, you need to pay attention to a number of details.

Physical basis of the functioning of heat-reflecting screens

In accordance with one of the basic rules of physics, a black body has the ability to maximally absorb and emit electromagnetic waves. This rule is also relevant for effective screens on the battery, since it must absorb infrared radiation from the radiator and, having good thermal conductivity, release heat into the room. Thus, from the presented example it is clear that the inside of the screen must be painted black, while the outside can be decorated at your discretion.

Let's consider the basic rules for designing a heat-reflecting screen, taking into account the basic laws of physics.

To achieve maximum thermal effect, the surface behind the battery is covered with a heat-reflecting screen, which should not be black, but shiny, due to which infrared radiation from the back surface of the radiator will be reflected from the wall and, passing again through the radiator, will heat up even more. Using this technique, you will significantly increase the level of heat transfer and, thereby, increase the efficiency of the heating radiator.

Despite this, the metal sheet does not ensure maximum functioning of the system, since it reduces unnecessary heat transfer only by 5-6 times. Most effective solution This problem will be solved by installing a heat-insulating mat made of fibrous material, for example, padding polyester, coated on both sides with aluminum. This design reduces the flux of infrared radiation onto the wall by more than 40 times. Experts recommend choosing synthetic winterizer, since the 5 mm thick layer of material prevents heat conduction and is a good reflector of infrared radiation.

For other fibrous materials, heat reflective mats will require a 3cm thick layer of material, which can create additional difficulties when placing the mat behind a radiator.

Advantages of screens for heating radiators

Before we begin making a screen for the radiator, let's consider the main advantages of this design.

  • Using screens for heating radiators, the advantages of which will be discussed below, you get the opportunity to effectively disguise the radiators, creating a holistic interior concept and transforming your home;
  • Prevent contamination of radiators, which will facilitate their operation and maintenance;
  • Properly designed radiators will ensure uniform distribution of air masses throughout the room;
  • By covering the radiators with a decorative screen, you will protect your household from burns and bruises in the event of a careless collision with heating devices and, thereby, ensure their safety;
  • A variety of materials, textures, shapes and colors allows you to choose a suitable decorative solution that will be an ideal complement to the main interior concept.

Types of screens for radiators: brief description

There are several main classifications of decorative screens, the first of which involves their division into several groups in accordance with design features and includes:

  • Screens in the form of a closed box are used in cases where it is necessary to completely close the radiator;
  • Flat screens are used to mask radiators located in niches;
  • Hinged screens for radiators are a design with a lid and are used to disguise unaesthetic cast-iron radiators that protrude greatly from under the window sill.

There is another current classification of screens for radiators, which involves dividing models according to the material used. Taking into account this classification, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Metal;
  • Plastic;
  • Wooden;
  • Screens made of MDF lattice;
  • Glass.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each of them.

  • Metal screens outwardly, most often, they are a box for the manufacture of which they used thin sheet metal Despite their rather laconic and somewhat primitive appearance, they fully cope with their functional task. The modern market offers more expensive screens made of stainless steel, which can be diversified by perforation. To install metal screens, you do not need to have specialized skills, since they are simply hung on the radiator;
  • Plastic screens, due to diversity model range and democratic pricing policy, are the most affordable options for all segments of the population. However, experts do not recommend using them in residential areas, since when heated, plastic can release harmful substances;

  • Wood models Most often they are made to order from valuable wood species, taking into account a previously drawn up sketch. Due to their aesthetics and noble appearance, wooden screens are an ideal complement to a variety of interior concepts, including classic, rustic and modern eco-styles. The main disadvantage of wooden screens is their tendency to dry out and deform due to changes in temperature and humidity. To protect and prolong the service life of wooden screens, only high-quality wood is used, which is the reason for the high cost of the products. Radiators, complemented with wicker decorative grilles, acquire an aesthetic appearance;

  • Screens made of MDF grids In appearance they practically do not differ from wooden models, but they are much cheaper. Thanks to the use in their production process modern technologies, MDF screens are a practical and, at the same time, affordable solution for many. MDF is a material whose quality is practically no different from wood, which can be used for the production of screens various shapes, color and stylistic design;
  • Glass screens belong to exclusive models for the production of which tempered (stained glass) glass is used. Often such models become an unusual decoration of exquisite interiors. Glass screens are decorated with patterns that you can choose at your discretion, and require careful use and constant maintenance.

What to look for when choosing a decorative screen design?

We have already noted earlier that installing any type of screen helps reduce heat transfer, which in the best case will be 5%. In this regard, remember that effective decorative screens for radiators should be characterized by the presence of the maximum number of holes, which will facilitate the unhindered movement of warm air.

To increase heat transfer from the radiator, it is necessary to install a screen made of foil material behind the battery. Thanks to this, heat will be reflected from it and enter the heated room.

Important! Experts recommend paying attention to another technique that reduces heat loss. It involves painting the inner panel of the screen black, causing the screen to absorb maximum amount heat from the radiator and release it into the room.

Due to the fact that radiators need to be washed and the water drained at the end of the heating season, the screen design must be easily disassembled and removable. This condition must be strictly observed, since frequent dismantling of decorative elements creates additional difficulties. In addition, the design must be such that free access to the battery valves is maintained. If you purchase a ready-made design, pay attention to the screen for the Leroy Merlin radiator, the model of which meets all the requirements listed above.

Ideas for making screens for radiators with your own hands

DIY radiator screen: step-by-step instructions

First of all, decide on the type of design you want. If the battery to be decorated is located in a niche, a flat screen is suitable for its decoration. In such cases, a decorative grille is selected taking into account the size of the niche and simply installed in it.

Most often, the batteries are suspended on a section of the wall under the window, and therefore it is recommended to give preference to hanging screens for radiators.

Materials and tools for installation

Among all the options for making a screen for a radiator, the most common is mounting a screen from MDF or chipboard. To make it you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Chipboard sheets, the color scheme of which is in harmony with the interior of the room;
  • Mesh, supplied in sheets, which will be used for mounting the front panel and side parts;
  • Sheet of metal for making a reflective element;
  • Nails and wood glue;
  • Fastening elements represented by construction staples and screws.

Screen installation diagram for radiator

The simplest screen design for a radiator is a box in the form of a three-sided box, which is characterized by the presence of a lid on top and legs on the bottom. To assemble the screen, you need to mark the structure, cut out the parts in accordance with the resulting diagram, connect them and secure them.

Scheme for marking and cutting parts

  • The first stage is measuring the width and height of the radiator. It is necessary to add 10 cm to the resulting width, while only 5 cm to the height. Taking these dimensions into account, the front panel of the screen is made. For installation, you can use a steel mesh, which is subsequently supplemented with an MDF profile;
  • Next, measure the depth of the radiator and add 2.5 cm to the resulting value. The resulting figure is the width of the side panels of the screen, the height of which corresponds to the height of the front panel;
  • The dimensions of the screen cover are measured in the same way, however, its dimensions should be 1-2 cm larger than the dimensions of the side panels.
  • After taking all the necessary measurements, you need to start cutting the parts. To make the front profile, sheets of chipboard or MDF are used, from which rectangular parts 11 cm wide are cut out and, using a hacksaw, an angle of 45 degrees is formed where the parts touch.

Important! After cutting out the front profile, note that it is necessary to form multidirectional angles on it. Using this diagram, it is necessary to cut out all four parts from which the internal lattice of the decorative element is made. To fix them, use wood glue and additionally secure them with wood nails.

How to assemble the screen?

After you have completed all the previous steps and cut out the required number of parts, you need to assemble the decorative screen.

  • To make a facade panel, use a mesh from which you can easily cut a part of the required size using a hacksaw. To decorate the edges, use a chipboard profile, which must be placed around the entire perimeter on the inner sides of the front corners. The side parts are assembled in a similar way.

Important! If you plan to use the top of the box as a shelf, choose a solid board for its manufacture; otherwise, give preference to options with holes designed to allow warm air to escape.

  • Make the frame of the future screen using the drawings widely presented on the pages of construction sites. It must be securely fastened, and holes for pipes must be cut in the side edges, the center of the radius of which should be at a distance of 7.5 cm from the height and width of the side strip;
  • Before you begin assembling the screen, you need to install a metal reflector screen at the back wall, the dimensions of which must correspond to the dimensions of the decorative screen. Thanks to this you will prevent heat losses and redirect the flow of infrared radiation from the radiator into the room.
  • There are several options for attaching a decorative radiator to the wall. This can be done by installing a stable frame, as described in our case; you can also attach the screen to anchor collets. The second method, due to the need to purchase expensive parts, is quite expensive.
  • The gratings can be installed on legs that are attached to the bottom of the product using construction angles. This option has some advantages, since using adjustable legs, you can adjust the height of the structure.

We looked at a fairly common method of making a screen for a radiator with your own hands, for which you only need available materials. If you are not sure that the screen you have made will cope with its functional purpose, you can purchase ready-made models, for example, screens for the Leroy Merlin radiator, made on top level and widely represented in construction and furniture hypermarkets.

How to make a screen for a radiator video

Batteries are not always pleasing with their appearance. Some models make you want to hide them. One of the solutions to the problem is grilles for heating radiators. There are a lot of options, for different wallets, in different types and styles.

A little about heat engineering and radiator grilles

Even if you need radiator grilles for decoration, do not forget that the radiators must heat the room. Any screen reduces heat transfer, even the most delicate and delicate one. Another question is that one will reduce the amount of heat transferred by 10-15%, and the other by 60% or even more. It is unlikely that you will want to sit in a beautiful but cold room, so when choosing a decorative grille you need to take into account how the heat will spread.

Heat Spread

The principle of heat transfer from a heating radiator without a grille is shown in the figure. The main idea is that air should come from below, pass along the battery, heat up, and go up. This is how our heating works. When choosing a grille or screen, you need to remember this. For normal air circulation, it is necessary that there is a gap at the bottom and no lid at the top. IN as a last resort the lid should have a large perforation area.

Not a bad option - large holes allow air to move freely

But if you look at many of the decorative grilles, you can immediately tell that the room will be cold. This especially affects grilles on heating radiators in the form of a box, which have walls on all sides. If they are very lacy, as in the photo above, there is no particular problem, but if they are made of solid wood (as in the photo below), with almost no or minimal perforations, be prepared for heating inefficiency.

The top of the battery is covered with a solid layer of wood without holes

Wood is, of course, an aesthetic material, but it has a high heat capacity. Until the wood heats up, the room will be cold. And since the array is located above the radiator and there are no holes for circulation, the radiator under such a grille will be hot, but the room will be cold.

Tasks and materials

Most often, grilles are installed on heating radiators for decoration - not all heating devices look attractive, but the grilles are sometimes made very beautiful. The second task that battery screens often perform is to cover sharp and hard edges. This is relevant in families with children, especially if old-style cast iron radiators, the “accordion” type, are installed. Their shape is dangerous, and their appearance is unattractive; they would only be suitable in loft-style rooms.

They make grilles for heating radiators from different materials:

  • Metal screens for batteries are produced in large quantities. They are made from thin sheet steel, which is then coated with paint. For the most part, they don't cost much, but they also look average. The service life depends on the quality of the paint. Powder enamels are preferable. They last longer, maintaining their attractiveness for decades. From the point of view of the effect on heating, metal screens on radiators - optimal choice. The metal heats up quickly, and then it begins to radiate heat. So the option is inexpensive (usually) and does not greatly affect the temperature in the room (if there is perforation).

The most common form, and the design can be anything

  • Forged grilles are very beautiful. But the forging is too delicate, so some kind of background is required, and it is often made contrasting in order to highlight the forged elements more clearly. To ensure normal air circulation, it makes sense to make the “background” from a perforated metal sheet.

The forging is very beautiful

  • Wooden grilles and screens. Wood has always been and remains a premium material. The high plasticity of the material allows them to be made in different styles and shapes. And although there are inexpensive products made from wood, they look very good. But, as mentioned above, a radiator covered on all sides with wood transfers little heat to the room.

Wood always looks solid

  • MDF and HDF. For production, laminated sheet materials are used. Staz should say that no binders are used in the production of MDF and HDF. The softened wood fibers are pressed, releasing lignin, a natural binder found in wood. Lignin is what glues fibers together. So both of these materials are absolutely safe. While we know products made from MDF more or less well, HDF is an unfamiliar material for many. It differs from MDF only in the pressing conditions. It is molded to fit more high pressure, as a result it turns out to be very thin (3-4 mm), but more dense and uniform. HDF holds its shape well, which is why openwork grilles for heating radiators are often made from HDF. From the point of view of their effect on heating, they are slightly better than wood - the layer is thinner, and there are usually more perforations.

Openwork decorative grilles for batteries are usually made from MDF and HDF

  • Plastic. Plastic products are most often used in bathrooms and toilets. This material is the most hygienic; it can be washed an unlimited number of times. For production, heat-resistant plastic is used, which is not afraid of heating up to 60-80°C. If the grill slats are installed at an angle, as in the photo, the heating will work efficiently. Air flows through the cracks unhindered. It all depends on how the lid is made.

Plastic washes well, is durable and unpretentious

  • Glass screens for radiators appeared several years ago. They are not ideal from a heating point of view, but they have an attractive appearance. They are made from special tempered glass, frosted or patterned.

Screen for glass radiators

Used in the manufacture of decorative grilles for radiators and more exotic materials. For example, bamboo and rattan. Such products are more demanding for interiors and are rare.

Rattan screen on wooden frame

There are also combined grilles. Most often there is a wooden frame on which some kind of decorative mesh is stretched. Bamboo and rattan wickers are most often attached to such a frame. MDF and HDF panels are usually mounted on a wooden frame.

Types and forms

In addition to different materials, radiator grilles come in different designs. All this together creates a huge number of options.

  • Flat screens. Most often used if the radiator is installed in a niche. In this case, the flat panel is attached to bars fixed around the perimeter of the niche. In addition, glass screens for batteries also have this shape, but are attached to special pins embedded in the wall. This type of decorative grille for heating radiators is also called “facades”.

Flat screens are installed if the radiator is hidden in a niche

  • Hanging screens. There are two types:
    • With top cover. They are usually used on accordion-type batteries if the radiator protrudes beyond the window sill. The shape of the cover is made so that the grille holds onto the radiator without any problems.
    • Without cover. Clings to the upper battery collector using hooks that are attached to the front panel.

Hanging grilles

  • Grate-box. From a heating point of view - not far the best option, since air circulation is difficult. Install if you need to cover the side parts of the radiator. These grilles can be made in the form of some kind of piece of furniture, most often a chest of drawers or a cabinet. If they can stand on their own, without support (like the photo below), they are also called attached. There are also boxes that require fixing to the wall - they do not have legs. For better heat dissipation, a 3-5 cm wide gap is made under the lid and above the floor in the grille box. It is also a good idea to make a hole in the top lid.

Attached grille-box for radiator

These are only the main types of screens and grilles covering heating radiators. Fantasy is limitless, there are very interesting models, but they are most often made by craftsmen with their own hands.

Homemade screen - original idea

Price often plays an important role when choosing a screen for a radiator. The price range in this segment is more than significant - from 230 rubles for a metal hinged screen to 8,000 rubles for a glass one. Some prices are shown in the table.

Radiator grille material View of the grille on the heating radiator Dimensions (height*width*depth) Price Color
27 cm * 29 cm * 15 cm 230 rub. White
Sheet metal, thickness 0.7-0.8 mm 44 cm * 39 cm * 15 cm 250 rub. White
Sheet metal, thickness 0.7-0.8 mm Hinged screen for a cast iron battery 61 cm * 49 cm * 15 cm 280 rub. White
Sheet metal, thickness 0.7-0.8 mm Hinged screen for steel radiator 53 cm * 49 cm * 10 cm 350 rub. Beige
MDF Facade (flat screen) from 1500 rub 7 shades of lamination
MDF Box from 2300 rub 7 shades of lamination
Glass Screen from 8000 rub matte, no pattern
Powder coated metal Wall mounted with one side 60 cm * 40 cm * 15 cm 1790 RUR colors upon request
Powder coated metal Wall mounted with one side 70 cm * 60 cm * 15 cm 2050 rub. colors upon request
Powder coated metal Wall mounted with two walls 60 cm * 40 cm * 15 cm 2340 rub. colors upon request
Powder coated metal Wall mounted with two walls 70 cm * 60 cm * 15 cm 2600 rub. colors upon request
Natural wood Pristavnoy from 6200 rub.

Mounting features

Grilles on heating radiators must be mounted in such a way that you can easily and quickly access heating appliances and pipes. Periodically, at least twice a year, the heating system elements must be cleaned of dirt and dust, so access is necessary. In addition, emergencies arise from time to time. In this case, a quick reaction is required and there is no time to unscrew the fasteners. Therefore, try to come up with a fastening system that allows you to remove the screen in one motion.

The easiest way is with mounted or attached screens. They are removed/retracted in seconds. But flat, covering radiators in niches and box screens that are attached to the wall are the most problematic. But even here everything is solved simply. You can secure the box to the wall using two strips: one on the box, the second on the wall. The whole secret is that the top edge of the planks is beveled (you can see it in the picture). The one that is nailed to the wall has a slope towards the wall, the one on the frame has a slope towards the grating. When the box is installed in place, it turns out something like a lock.

How to fix a screen box for a heating radiator on the wall

Another option is to attach metal plates to one of the strips and magnets to the other. Or attach not a wooden plank to the wall, but a metal corner, for example.

In the case of flat screens, the solution may be the same - metal plates and magnets. Another option is hooks and loops. It is easy to implement, but not very convenient to use: while you get into loops, you have to suffer. There is also a difficult-to-install but convenient way: make a screen like a sliding door.

Sliding screens for radiators

You can take the guides that are sold for furniture doors, install them, and insert the screens into the corresponding grooves. If you do not plan to actively use the niche near the battery, you can not install roller mechanisms, but it will be difficult to move them away. This method, by the way, can also be used for the box lattice. It can then be nailed “tightly” to the wall, and the front wall can be made movable.

Interesting design options for battery screens: photo ideas

In addition to the technical side of the issue, the aesthetic side is no less important. There are grille and screen options that are more of a design element rather than a technical detail. Some of them are in the photo.

The decorative panel that covers the radiator itself looks like the work of an avant-garde sculptor

Looks like a chest from a fairy tale. This is made using laser cutting

Openwork always looks attractive

Option for designing grilles for heating radiators in modern style

Making a backlight is an original idea

Repeat the pattern on the wallpaper - a stylish solution

Make not just an attached box, but a functional thing

Glass screens can have any design, be it a landscape, an ornament, even your personal photo

A stylish version of a metal screen for rooms in minimalist and high-tech styles

When decorating residential premises, special attention is paid to design. Property owners strive to get away from stereotypes that have been developed over the years and use every opportunity to create an exclusive interior.

A stylish decorative screen for a heating radiator will radically transform its appearance and hide all visible imperfections.

In this material we will talk about the types of decorative grilles for batteries, and also give some tips on choosing this decorative element.

This versatile decorative element can be used for various purposes. The market offers consumers a variety of models of grilles made of metal, glass, wood, MDF, plastic and other materials.

The radiator grille performs the following functions:

  1. Protection. The design of the screen of any model makes it possible to guarantee protection of heating devices from dirt and dust.
  2. Decorativeness. Using this element, you can cover up old batteries that work great, but have an unattractive appearance.
  3. Safety. Grates and boxes will reliably protect children from burns upon contact with coolant.

A stylish radiator grille is in demand when decorating residential and office premises. It allows you to reach a compromise between the aesthetic and practical sides of the issue of organizing heating.

Screens for batteries are a reliable design that will add some zest or help emphasize the sophistication of the created interior.

Regardless of the model you choose, you will certainly appreciate the benefits of using a radiator grille:

  1. It allows you to save on heating costs by ensuring uniform distribution of warm air flows throughout the living space.
  2. Reliably protects children and other family members from accidental contact with a hot radiator, eliminating the possibility of getting burned.
  3. Serves as a stylish decorative decoration for the interior, acting as an accent element or supporting the overall design concept.
  4. A wide range of screens for heating radiators of different sizes, shapes and designs allows you to choose the best option for any room.
  5. If it is necessary to update the interior, the homeowner can quickly replace the old grille with a new one.

It is worth noting that installing a stylish decorative screen has absolutely no effect on specifications and properties of heating devices.

Due to the cracks that are present in most structures, the convection of hot air increases and the heat is evenly distributed over the area of ​​the room.

Screens for radiators are in high demand, as they allow you to hide the heating device and improve the interior. The main condition is to choose an environmentally friendly, durable and easy-to-care material.

Available types of screens

Consumers are offered a wide selection of decorative grilles for batteries, which differ in size, shape, design, material of manufacture and other characteristics.

When choosing the best option, you must be guided by the task assigned to the equipment, the characteristics of the room and the personal preferences of the owner.

There are 3 main types of radiator screens:

  1. Hanging structures. Models of this type are used to hide old ones that resemble an accordion. These simple decorative designs can have 1 or more sections, with or without a top cover. They are attached with hooks or placed on the fins of heating equipment.
  2. Flat designs. They are also called façade and are used for radiators located in niches. The products have the form of a rectangular frame, inside of which there is a sheathing. They are mounted overlapping on the wall niche so that the radiator does not protrude beyond its boundaries.
  3. . This is the best option for hiding heating devices located along the wall of the room. Screens of this type are the most difficult to manufacture and install. The protective box completely covers old radiators and looks great in any interior. The disadvantage of the product is that part of the heat remains inside it, and only 40-50% enters the room.

Radiator screens can be mobile or stationary. The installation method is selected depending on how the batteries are installed in the room. The main thing is that the structure can be easily removed.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

From the following video you can learn how to decorate a radiator yourself:

Protective and decorative screens are in great demand among consumers. They are used to hide an unaesthetic heating device and improve the interior.

When choosing a grille for a heating radiator, it is necessary to take into account environmental friendliness, safety and thermal conductivity. To improve air circulation, it is recommended to leave a gap of 2-3 cm from the floor covering when installing it.

Which decorative radiator grilles did you choose? Please share your photos and tell us if you are happy with your choice? Write your comments in the block below the article.

The most modern designs of heating radiators do not fit easily into the interior of a living space, let alone traditional cast iron radiators located in the most prominent places in the room - under the windows.

To disguise radiators, decorative screens are used, made from materials that best suit the style of the interior. In addition to decorative purposes, they are also installed on radiators for safety purposes.. In educational and sports institutions radiators are covered with protective grilles to prevent injuries to students.

Since, depending on the purpose of installing grilles on radiators, they are made from various materials, manufacturers give consumers the opportunity to choose by offering entire collections of these useful devices, capable of simultaneously serving as an excellent decoration for a residential interior and protection for public spaces.

First of all screens for radiators are divided according to the features of their designs.

  • If it is necessary to cover radiators located in a niche, then for this purpose they use flat structures, or battery covers, with the help of which the recess where the radiators are located is completely closed.
  • If batteries are placed under a windowsill, the area of ​​which is covered by the radiator, then use covers without a cover. They are attached directly to the window sill, hiding the heating devices behind them.
  • If the batteries protrude beyond the surface of the window sill, then they will be perfectly camouflaged by decorative casings equipped with a lid.

Sometimes they are installed in such a place that the only way to hide the place of their installation is to make an additional box.

If the material for its manufacture is successfully selected, it will not only hide the radiator behind itself, but will also become a wonderful decoration of the interior of the room.

For each type of these products, a variety of materials can be used, which allows you to select the decorative screen that is most suitable for a particular case.

Materials for making battery grids

Not only its appearance, but also how long it will retain its appearance and how easy it will be to carry out daily care of the product depends on the correctly selected material for the decorative protection element. For many, the cost of such interior decoration is also important.

Each of the materials used for their manufacture has its own characteristics that affect the quality of the products. Let's talk about the most popular materials most often used to create these decorative structures.

  • Metal screens in the economy version they look like a thin metal box painted White color. Other colors are also available. There are no special frills in their design, which is why the cost of such products is low. The price of a hanging metal protective screen starts from 250 rubles.

The cost of products made from stainless steel is much higher, since they are usually decorated with a pattern made using perforation. This finish gives the product a more elegant look, but it is difficult to fit into the home interior. The main advantage is their ease of installation (they are simply hung on radiators) and low cost.

  • Wooden screens are manufactured in a more diverse range, so choosing a product that harmoniously matches the interior of the room is much easier. In the manufacture of custom-made wooden decorative grilles, valuable types of wood are often used. This is done not only to decorate the interior, but also to minimize the shortcomings of wooden products.

Wood tends to deform under the influence of temperature changes and fluctuations.

These factors have much less effect on high-quality wood, however, the cost of valuable wood species is higher.

The work of craftsmen who make products from valuable wood is not cheap, and purchasing the material costs a considerable amount.

However, the elegance of the manufactured structures will allow them to decorate the interior of any style, including elements made of wood.

The main advantages of decorative grilles for radiators

Screens for radiators not only hide the appearance of heating radiators, which spoil the appearance of the room, but also give its interior completeness. When changing the interior, replacing decorative structures is easy.

Since it is not easy to care for radiators with a complex configuration, installing decorative casings:

  • will facilitate cleaning of premises by protecting heating equipment from dust;
  • at the same time they will become a wonderful decoration of the room;
  • with their help, warm air from heating devices is more evenly distributed throughout the room;
  • they will protect children from bruises and burns that may occur when they come into contact with heating appliances.

The simplicity of their installation allows you to install them yourself. Even in the most difficult cases, you only need to know how to use a drill.

Methods for installing decorative screens for batteries

Method of fastening decorative elements covering heating batteries, depends on their design.

For example, mounted options often performed in such a way that they do not require fastening at all.

They are simply hung on radiators, held on to them thanks to the curved shape of their upper part.

This option is very convenient when cleaning, especially if the product is small in size. It can be easily removed and washed with a stream of water.

If the product is made in the form of a box, then manufacturers provide holes in them for mounting to the wall. The main task in this case is to transfer the location of these holes to the wall, placing them so that the fastening lines are strictly horizontal. To check, you must use a level. Then holes are drilled in the marked places and fasteners are installed, onto which the structure is hung.

Some screens provide for their installation. For this purpose, the products have legs, and the top is equipped with hooks located on the sides. With their help, decorative covers are attached to radiators. The ease of installation and maintenance make such designs extremely popular.

Since the range of protective and decorative grilles for batteries is large, each consumer can choose the most suitable option based on his taste, needs and financial capabilities.

The following videos clearly show how to independently assemble and install decorative screens for batteries.

Expert Decor includes 2 self-tapping screws and 2 dowels for all screens. To install the screen box you may need the following tools:

1. drill

2. Jigsaw

3. Level

4. Pencil

5. Screwdriver

First of all, we attach the box to the wall and, using a level and a pencil, make marks on the wall in those places where it is necessary to make a hole for a self-tapping screw. Using a D6 drill, we make holes and insert dowels into them. Then we screw in the screws so that the product can be hung on them.

How to properly install a battery screen - frame

Frames in a niche are attached to the wall as simply as boxes. To install this product, you will need the same tools - a drill with a D6 drill, a jigsaw, a pencil level and a screwdriver. We attach the frame to the wall, measure the level of the place where you need to make a hole and mark it with a pencil. In these places, use a drill to make holes, insert a dowel and screw in the screws. On back side There are special canopies located on the frame, with the help of which the frame is attached to self-tapping screws.

For a more accurate picture, we have prepared visual information on installing battery screens:

Step 1.

A. Our battery is located in a niche. We decided to choose a niche without a plinth, and a window sill located right on top. In this way, the product will be mounted on the right and left sides of the wall. Be sure to use a level, as the slightest inaccuracies may make it impossible to install the screen.

Q. For the box, we chose a standard battery, with a right-hand connection, which will be hidden along with the radiator behind the screen.

Before making marks on the wall, measure the distance to the fastening on the product itself (as a rule, all fastenings are located in the center of the product, but there may be non-standard indentations).


After you have made the hole, you need to drive a dowel into it, and then screw in a self-tapping screw on the right and left sides of the wall.

Step 3.

We use different fastenings for the box and frame.

Install or on a niche using fasteners, as indicated in the picture. As you can see, nothing complicated. It is enough to have the necessary tools at hand.
