Rating of the country's most golden children (2008). Who were the first wives of Russian oligarchs? And what did you affectionately call them?

Their dad sells loans and vodka to the population (all under the name “Russian Standard”), so there is no doubt that the fortune of the girls, who are now 4 years old, will grow with their age. But now they are real princesses among their peers: each accounts for 2.1 billion of daddy’s dollars.

Little heirs of Rustam Tariko's big fortune. Eva and Anna with mom

In terms of age and wealth, Tariko’s daughters were overtaken by Marina and Petya Deripaska (5 and 7 years old, respectively). They account for more than 10 billion. Their peers Ilya and Arina Abramovich can boast of a cooler dad - Roman Abramovich higher Oleg Deripaska in the ranking of the richest Russians [the author used data from 2007, - K.Ru’s note], but at the same time, for each of the five children of the owner of Chelsea there is “only” a little over 4 billion dollars. The costs of the largest family richest families Russia.

TO younger group daughter is also considered a billionaire co-owner of Alfa Group German Khan 7-year-old Eleanor, heiress to $4.25 billion.

School years are wonderful

The young children of oligarchs live, one might say, in golden cages. They don’t attend kindergartens, they don’t go to playgrounds, they are hidden from the attention of the press. These kids do not yet understand what a treasure their parents are, literally. This understanding comes later, at school. The children of the “golden hundred” of the Forbes list study mainly in Russian schools. But this is only geographically. In fact, this is the same abroad, only with a Moscow address - paid education, small classes, individual approach, elite environment. “Heir”, Lomonosov School, Slavic-Anglo-American School and others. And if this level is not satisfactory, you can found your own school, as the owner of Inteko, the only female oligarch Elena Baturina, did for her daughters. Her daughters, Alena and Olga Luzhkov (16 and 14 years old), as it is easy to assume, are excellent students at the school “named after” their mother and have every chance of adding a school gold medal to their existing gold reserves (3 billion dollars each for their sister). .

Dad, give me a billion

Athlete Nastya Potanina (pictured) will not let her father’s business drown if something happens

Most wealthy parents, along with a school certificate, strive to give their children a ticket to a prestigious international school. The most popular routes are UK or USA. The country's richest child, the son of the president of LUKOIL, 17-year-old Yusuf Alekperov, lives and studies in London. Along with his passport, the young man received 1 million shares of his father’s oil company, which, according to business press reports, he “bought.” It is unknown whether the guy had to save on school lunches, but Yusuf Alekperov is in first place in two lists at once: the richest heirs ($12.3 billion) and, accordingly, the most profitable suitors in the country.

The 21-year-old son of the owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Jahangir Makhmudov ($6 billion), is studying in the British capital. The children of another major businessman, Viktor Vekselberg, are receiving education in the USA, while dad is working at home to increase the family capital. 29-year-old Irina and 20-year-old Alexander Vekselberg are the heirs of 11 billion between them.

The daughters of the main shareholder of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman, 17-year-old Laura and 20-year-old Ekaterina, live with their designer mother in France. They are calm about their future - their place in the top five richest heiresses is unshakable.

Three daughters of Gazmetal co-owner Vasily Anisimov live in America. The youngest of them, Anna, became known as the “Russian Paris Hilton” for her love of expensive shopping, clothes and a social lifestyle.

Her father's 3 billion helps her a lot with this.

22-year-old Victoria Tsvetkova spends the money of her father, owner of the Uralsib financial corporation Nikolai Tsvetkov [...] - $9 billion, of which Victoria is the heir.

[...] The offspring of the founder of the Sistema holding and the MTS company, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, are involved in business. The 32-year-old daughter is with her father and holds a responsible position in the MTS company.

30-year-old son Felix already has his own own business- by no means small and directly related to the parent’s company.

Three children Head of Interros Vladimir Potanin[...] race jet skis almost as fast as their father makes money. In the sports world, the names of Anastasia (24 years old) and Ivan (19 years old) Potanins are well known. And not at all thanks to my father’s participation. But Potanin’s children study at MGIMO, perhaps not without his participation. [...]

The owner of the Russian Standard Bank and the vodka king, Rustam Tariko, won against common-law wife Tatyana Osipova's claim for child custody. The court decided: the children will remain with their father, and the mother must now pay him child support.

Vsevolod Belchenko

Ironically, Tatyana Osipova herself was the first to turn to Themis: in the spring she filed a lawsuit with the Solntsevsky Court in Moscow to collect alimony and to determine the place of residence of Tariko’s daughters, the twins Anna and Eva. The billionaire filed a counterclaim. The proceedings between the former common-law spouses took place in Moscow and Sardinia, where Villa Tariko is located. The result is that the entrepreneur won both cases.

Then the story, it would seem, began to develop along the well-worn track for Russia - a rich father hides his children from a not so rich mother. The Sardinian newspaper L'Unione Sarda published an interview with Osipova's lawyer, Robert Campesi, who claimed: the billionaire isolated the twins from their mother. But Tariko, instead of finishing off his rebellious rival, went to peace. He most likely will not demand actual payment of alimony, and Osipova will maintain contact with the children. “Everything will end in an absolutely peaceful way,” they say around the banker. Osipova herself has already denied her lawyer’s interview and stated: “I know where my daughters are. I also know that everything is fine with them.”

In search of the reasons for the non-standard outcome of the conflict, Ogonyok turned to the character and history of Rustam Tariko.

Solo part

Rustam Tariko was born in 1962 in the provincial town of Menzelinsk, 300 km from Kazan. A school, a distillery, a machine and tractor station and a population of 16 thousand, Russians and Tatars approximately equally divided - a typical settlement in the Tatar outback. The future tycoon grew up with his mother Rosa: his father left the family when Rustam Tariko was one year old.

“I grew up in an atmosphere of great maternal love,” the businessman recalled. “Although she often went on business trips, sometimes she was gone for a whole month, but my mother always sent me parcels with sweets and toys.

According to the recollections of teachers, Rustam was an independent child. Tariko’s first project - the Menzelin vocal-instrumental ensemble - he also organized at school. The team he assembled performed at a local disco and in the palace of culture. Repertoire - songs Soviet stage, solo and guitar - Tariko himself. He liked to sing: for example, at the graduation of his class, Tariko sang almost the entire evening.

“I still feel some nostalgia for that time and dream of having a strong voice and singing,” the businessman admitted.

But the stage is not a pragmatic thing, Tariko decided and, having sung at his graduation, he went to Moscow to enter the Institute of Transport Engineers. As classmates recalled, I managed to get into a prestigious university only on the second try.

In parallel with his studies at the institute, Tariko worked as a janitor and rented an apartment together with several people from Menzelinsk.

“Mom sent money to Rustam in Moscow, and he returned it back and asked her not to send it anymore, saying that he had his own,” recalled friends of the Tariko family.

According to them, Tariko, both then and later, when he became rich, helped people from Menzelinsk enter the capital’s universities and hired them. With the support of Tariko, the House of Pioneers was built in the city and the Orthodox cathedral was restored.

They say that in 2003, after the birth of twin daughters, the billionaire sent a special plane to the city for his mother’s friends: the women were taken to Italy so that they could celebrate the joyful event with Rosa Tariko.

Settlement of Italians in "Russia"

The real conquest of the capital began for the provincial Rustam Tariko in 1988, when he got a job in the travel company of Emanuella Carboncini "Business Tour". The company was engaged in the accommodation of Italians who came on business trips to Moscow hotels. The manager of rooms for foreigners was the state travel giant Intourist, which worked slowly and charged exorbitant prices from third-party cooperatives. Carboncini once complained to Tariko about Intourist and said: “Give me access to decent hotel rooms in Moscow. If you succeed, you will become rich.”

Tariko took the Italian woman’s remark as a call to action: that same day he tried to get to a meeting with the director of the Rossiya Hotel. The secretary did not let him go further than the reception area, but Tariko did not leave: he waited until the end of the working day and caught the official leaving the office.

“You have connections with officials who issue permits to foreigners to enter the USSR,” said Tariko. “At the same time, for each foreigner, “Russia” is paid 3 dollars, and “Intourist” - 70. I have a list of hundreds of businessmen who would like to come to Moscow, but they cannot get permission and a hotel room.

Tariko suggested housing foreigners bypassing Intourist. The director accepted the offer: a few days later a group of Italian entrepreneurs was already entering “Russia” through the “Business Tour”, and Tariko received a commission of 5 thousand dollars for the transaction, crazy money at that time.

“Before that, I never had more than 50 dollars in my pocket,” the businessman later admitted.

The saga of settling Italians in Soviet hotels lasted until 1990 and brought Tariko several tens of thousands of dollars and extensive connections in Italian business circles. As a result, the businessman became a supplier of Italian products to Russia. At first, he imported chocolate from Ferrero SpA, including one of the symbols of the onset of capitalism - the famous Kinder Surprises. A little later, another symbol fell into Tariko’s hands, this time for adults - Martini vermouth. In 1992, Tariko registered the company Roust Inc. and received the rights to be the exclusive distributor of the brand in Russia. The secret of success is that he promised the Italians to sell as much vermouth in two months as they sold in Russia in a year. Tariko personally unloaded the first boxes of vermouth imported by Roust Inc and brought them into the Eliseevsky grocery store, his colleagues recall. A little later, the Tariko company became the exclusive distributor of Johnnie Walker whiskey in Russia, and in 1998 the businessman received the rights to Smirnoff, Bailey's and Metaxa.

It was not without conflicts: for example, in 2002, Tariko quarreled with Martini, his alcohol company lost up to half its turnover. A little later, the businessman agreed to cooperate with Martini’s competitors - the producers of Chinzano vermouth, but the entrepreneur was unable to repeat the success of the early 1990s with this brand.

True, Martini's lessons were not in vain: in 2006, Tariko launched his own vodka distillery in St. Petersburg and introduced the Russian Standard vodka brand. The brand was presented on a grand scale: the businessman spent $3 million on the and domains alone, purchased for the occasion. One of the most popular Russian brands, oddly enough, is aimed primarily at foreigners. According to Tariko himself, today more than half of Russian Standard vodka goes abroad. The entrepreneur also produces vodka under the Imperia brand, and in the summer of 2010 he announced that he was eyeing the manufacturer of vodkas and liqueurs Nemiroff.

By the end of the 1990s, the alcohol market became less attractive, and Rustam Tariko began to look at new areas of business. In 1999, he bought a small Agrooptbank, renamed it “Russian Standard” and began to develop a direction hitherto unprecedented in Russia - retail lending.

“The bankers were skeptical about him, they believed that this was not his business,” recalls the chairman of the Association of Regional Banks, Anatoly Aksakov. “They said: the guy worked in the alcohol market with a high income, received excess profits and now wants to do the same in the banking market.” They predicted failure for him, but he caught the bird of happiness by the tail and did not let it go.

Russian Standard became one of the pioneers of express lending in Russia, and entered this market at the very beginning of the consumer boom and managed to skim the cream off it. Issuing loans without collateral or guarantors, cash loans, imposing loans in shopping centers, sending credit cards by mail and huge hidden commissions - all these lending techniques were introduced into use by Rustam Tariko's bank in the mid-2000s.

— At the beginning of the credit boom, two or three banks adopted extremely aggressive policies. They “distributed” loans left and right, without particularly caring about repayment. And the losses were compensated for by the extremely high real value of money. Once a debtor from one of these banks came to see me. He thought that he had to pay, say, 22 percent per annum, but the effective rate that we calculated with him was 100 percent,” says Pavel Medvedev, chairman of the subcommittee on banking legislation of the State Duma.

Meanwhile, Tariko Bank continued to expand its loan portfolio and became a market leader in its segment. Thunder struck in 2007, when defrauded borrowers began to challenge hidden commissions and payments in the courts, which brought the lion's share of income to the bank. The bank lost the case, and the antimonopoly agency, financial intelligence, the Central Bank and even Rospotrebnadzor sided with the complainants. The fight with consumers ended for Rustam Tariko with a visit to the Prosecutor General’s Office, after which the businessman announced: all hidden commissions will be canceled, and interest rate reduced. This decision cost Russian Standard $200 million in lost profits.

“Russian Standard pursued a policy that was too risky from the point of view of the Central Bank, although it earned good money from it, it ended up in conflict with both clients and the authorities,” says Anatoly Aksakov. “As long as the legislation allowed working in such a mode, he worked, but as soon as he was told he couldn’t do it, Tariko held his cap.

The Russian Standard conflict became a landmark for the market: immediately after it, the authorities announced that an effective interest rate would be introduced in the country.

“This made it impossible for banks, due to the high cost of money for paying borrowers, to cover losses from a significant share of non-paying borrowers,” says Pavel Medvedev. “As a result, banks that occupied the niche of expensive risky loans rebuilt, and a flood of complaints from citizens who, when signing an agreement, did not understood how much they would have to pay quickly came to naught.

The crisis forced the bank to finally reconsider its policy. Tariko himself stated in numerous interviews that the bank at a certain moment was in dire need of money and suffered losses, although in the end the crisis passed without noticeable losses. Colleagues in the banking department note that the bank had to urgently look for capital. After additional capitalization, the image and policy of the bank changed completely: they do not impose loans in stores, they try to use credit histories, in general, work like other banks.

The calm of a tycoon

“He was always a risky, aggressive guy, and the risk was not always justified,” says Anatoly Aksakov.

The appetite for risk manifested itself not only in business, but also in privacy: the banker owns a high-speed boat with the telling name Terrible, capable of accelerating to 144 km/h (on which he participated in the Primatist Trophy race, a kind of “Formula 1” on the water), he is interested in piloting airplanes and alpine skiing. For a long time, Tariko enjoyed the fame of a famous partygoer and party organizer. So, it was he who became one of the discoverers of Sardinia for the Russian secular public, and his parties at the fashionable Cala di Volpe hotel are considered the most smashing Russian parties on the island. In 2003, for example, a party ended with Rustam Tariko throwing undressed models into the hotel pool, and Lord Portman and Natalia Vodianova throwing clothed guests.

Perestroika, the creation of the Russian Standard brand and the birth of children are the three main events in life, said Rustam Tariko. It was the latter - the birth of twin daughters in 2003 - that seems to have become a turning point for the entrepreneur. Tariko began to prefer respectable receptions to parties, for example, the annual reception at Bill Gates, where world businessmen talk about the fate of humanity, or intimate meetings at the Association of Russian Banks, where 10-20 financiers argue about the Central Bank refinancing rate.

— The parties ended a long time ago. “And I forgot the last time I held them,” he said in the summer of 2010.

Today, by in my own words, Tariko spends more and more time with friends, family and at work.

“I really love Russian Standard... I’m mainly friends with people inside the company,” says the businessman. “My house is always full of people.” I feel comfortable when everyone is around me. For this reason, I don’t have an office as such in my office - there’s only one open space for all. And I never think about material well-being. I think more about risks.

Lately, it seems that Rustam Tariko prefers to take less and less risks: the crisis has shown that risk not only brings profit, but can easily lead to the brink of collapse. Not everyone was able to escape unscathed; Rustam Tariko was lucky, but he apparently does not intend to try his luck a second time.

Father's share


The story of Rustam Tariko and Tatyana Osipova is not unique. Almost always the division of children in wealthy Russian families accompanied by loud scandals

Kristina Orbakaite vs Ruslan Baysarov

In the summer of 2009, businessman Ruslan Baysarov once again took their 11-year-old son Denis from singer Kristina Orbakaite - the boy was supposed to spend his holidays in Chechnya. But by September 1, Denis had not returned to Moscow. The singer accused Baysarov of kidnapping her son, who responded by filing a lawsuit in the Grozny court to determine the boy’s place of residence. The court decided: the son should live in Grozny. Kristina Orbakaite responded by launching a campaign in the press; at her instigation, specialized hearings on mothers’ rights were held in the State Duma; diva Alla Pugacheva intervened in the situation. As a result, Baysarov and Orbakaite signed a settlement agreement: when one of the parents is on a business trip, the son stays with the other, and the rest of the time he chooses with whom to live. In front of the television cameras, Denis chose: with dad.

Olga Slutsker vs Vladimir Slutsker

On June 3, 2009, the guards of Senator Vladimir Slutsker, armed with machine guns, did not allow the senator’s wife, owner of a chain of fitness clubs, Olga Slutsker, into the territory of his house in Serebryany Bor. The children - 11-year-old Misha and 6-year-old Anya - remained in the house. Thus began one of the most bitter divorces recent years: it was accompanied by mutual threats, a war of incriminating evidence and extremely harsh behavior of the senator’s lawyers. As a result, the court left the children with their father, and Olga was allowed to see them in the house ex-husband- every second day from 16:00 to 21:00. The senator's defense intends to challenge this decision.

Victor Baturin vs Yana Rudkovskaya

The battle between producer Yana Rudkovskaya and businessman Viktor Baturin for the sons of Andrei and Nikolai has been going on since 2007. At first, the entrepreneur isolated the children from their mother, and then began to sue. Yana Rudkovskaya systematically won the courts, but ex-spouse constantly found a reason to delay the proceedings. So, one of the latest finds: a claim for recognition as the mother of Baturin’s eldest son, Andrei, another woman, Baturin’s second wife, Yulia Ivakhnova. As a result, the court still granted Rudkovskaya the right to communicate with children, but in practice she cannot achieve communication with them.

Marianna Savelyeva vs Vladimir Savelyev

In 2007, middle-class millionaire Vladimir Savelyev decided to divorce his wife Marianna. The divorce began in the best tradition of Russian business - with a mask show: the businessman’s security and orderlies burst into Marianna’s house, tied up and beat the businessman’s wife and her mother in front of the Savelyevs’ three small children. Both women were diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, but doctors soon declared them healthy. Marianna was able to return her children only at the end of 2007: at the premiere of the film “12,” she approached director Nikita Mikhalkov, told him her story and asked him to give a letter to President Vladimir Putin. Mikhalkov handed over the letter, Putin read it and intervened: criminal cases were opened against Vladimir Savelyev and the psychiatrists who helped him. The doctors served 7 months, the businessman himself is wanted.

To get rid of Alena Gavrilova, billionaire Rustam Tariko planted a handful of diamonds in her purse

Faces, normal human faces, cannot be bought for any amount of money. This thought came to my mind when I was lying on the field of the Agalarov Estate golf club near Moscow and watching the life of insects. Cute fussy insects scurried between the droplets of champagne sprinkled by me, but never drank to the newlyweds, although the wedding of the richest singer in Russia, 38-year-old Emin Agalarov, and 30-year-old “Miss Mordovia 2004” Alena Gavrilova took place just 20 meters from us.

Well, you certainly won’t refuse dessert,” after catching my breath among God’s creatures, I crawled towards the blinding lights of the holiday to the wild howl Grigory Leps, who keeps promising to go and live in London, but continues to smoke the Russian sky.

A barrel-shaped body blocked my path Steven Seagal. A striking representative of the breed of fat men, with a girl’s ponytail instead of a hairstyle, shoved delicacies into himself with both hands at once. But at the same time, he did not for a moment step out of the role of an oriental sage and looked at everyone with such eyes, as if he alone had learned the meaning of life here.

“And I’ll tell you this,” I said, although I had absolutely no intention of speaking.

Standing proudly opposite the overseas glutton with a glass of red in my right hand and a glass of white in my left, I drained both vessels in one gulp and repeated the operation twice.

Yes, it was not easy for me to compete international arena, but my asymmetrical answer produced the desired effect, and a piece of sushi with an eel got stuck in the throat of a representative of the American film industry, which is alien to us.

Can you stand? - sympathetically stuck her surgically shortened nose into my personal life Kristina Orbakaite.

Sitting down on a pulled-out chair, I finally took a look at the guests. Nothing special really. Solid representatives of show business. Approximately the same composition of this team comes to the opening of some glamorous cheburek or lace panties boutique.

Here, of course, the personality of the groom played a role. Emin Agalarov - the guy is undoubtedly charming and handsome, that’s basically all he deserves. The son of a brilliant businessman who made his fortune from scratch Arasa Agalarova could have become the president of Azerbaijan, but he became an ordinary singer. Mediocre both in terms of talent and level of project implementation. Well, judge for yourself: all our artists earn money mainly from corporate events, but Emin cannot afford it. Just imagine how he, the son of a billionaire, will sing for $10 thousand at the birthday party of some poor millionaire from Mukhosransk? This is nonsense!

Emin, of course, is listed as a nominal director and president of several of his father’s companies, but main project He failed his family miserably.

In 2006, he was married to the sweet-as-baklava beloved daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva. Of course, it was rumored that the young people united their destinies at the request of their parents, but this is precisely what promised the most promising prospects for the union. The gorgeous beauty Leila gave birth to two sons to her husband, but after nine years of marriage a divorce followed.

It is necessary to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be for both of us only under the condition of absolute freedom,” Emin admitted then.

And then a middle-aged bride appeared on the blue horizon Alena Gavrilova. The life experience of this woman many times exceeded the height of the jelly banks, among which Emin, from birth, swam along the milk river with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Many mistakenly believe that Gavrilova is just a screen to cover up the singer’s intimate adventures. In fact, this is a stone wall, behind which Agalarov Sr. guessed to hide his son and family fortune. The bride in our case is head and shoulders taller than the groom, and this is not just obvious banal anthropometry, but a stubborn fact.

Gavrilova and Tariko. Image: © ITAR-TASS

Vodka Queen

Born in Saransk, Gavrilova, barely fledged, immediately found her Prometheus and pecked a piece of female happiness from his liver. I mean " vodka king» Rustam Tariko. But he, naturally, was not the first to pick a bouquet of pleasures in her clearing.

In Saransk they say that it was this beauty that caused a family quarrel between the two sons of the then governor Nikolai Merkushkin. Alexander and Alexey, as well as the whole of Saransk, supposedly still cannot forget the unpleasant episodes of rivalry for the favor of this young lady. Wise Nikolai Ivanovich provided her with the title “Miss Saransk” along with “Miss Mordovia” and sent the apple of discord to Moscow for All-Russian competition beauty. He did everything to prevent Alena from returning to her native Mordovia, which still became too small for her, like an old school dress.

As Miss Mordovia, 17-year-old Alena participated in the Miss Russia 2004 competition, where banker and alcohol magnate Rustam Tariko was one of the general sponsors. Although most beautiful girl country, another participant in the competition was recognized, Gavrilova grabbed the main prize.

Tariko at that time was on the verge of divorce with Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two twin daughters - Anna and Eva. There were rumors that he had cheated on his wife before, but the last straw in the woman’s cup of patience was Alena’s youthful charms.

I remember how in 2004 Tatyana cried, sitting in a rattan chair at the Villa Minerva, which Rustam bought on occasion from Veronica Lario, wife of the then Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi. “Minerva” went to him with all the furniture, bed linen, spoons, forks and Berlusconi’s favorite piano, on which he played music during his thoughts. Osipova said goodbye to all this farming without even having time to enjoy it. It’s really a shame to the point of tears, especially since the golden years of Russian parties began in Sardinia, during which champagne corks flew all the way to Portofino.

In the constant frenzy of fun, no one noticed how in 2007 Alena gave Tariko a son, Rustam. Through the years social life I still couldn’t remember who told me how that same year at the Sardinian Billionaire Imperia party Gavrilova made an indelible impression when she tried to explain Alexandru Mamutu origin of the word "Mordovians". Like, it appeared after arriving in those parts PetraI. The Moksha and Erzya peoples then lived in dugouts and did not want to move into normal five-wall buildings. So the king ordered them to be starved with some kind of caustic rubbish so that they would come out. For this purpose, two barrels were delivered, on which were written “mortality 1” and “mortality 2.” The crap from the second barrel worked more effectively, which is why this name stuck. The girl passed off a stupid joke as historical fact, which, by the way, none of those present at the party understood.

Before breaking up with Emin, Leila couldn’t hold back her tears even in public (photo taken at the same golf club)

Tariko spoiled Gavrilova as best he could. In 2008, he showed off quite a bit by buying at a charity ball Natalia Vodianova for $320 thousand the right to name an orchid recently discovered in Madagascar Alena.

However, the fairy tale did not last long. A year later, the billionaire began an affair with an even younger beauty - Sofia Rudyeva, who received the title “Miss Russia 2009”.

Having already gone through a difficult divorce from Osipova and not wanting to get on his nerves again, Tariko developed a very elegant plan for parting with his annoying companion.

In 2010, Alena was detained at Sheremetyevo airport. The banker's companion's purse contained undeclared jewelry - four boxes of diamonds. She didn't know where the pebbles came from. A lot of nerves were spent, but everything worked out without initiating a criminal case. Tariko appeared at the most difficult moment in the relationship law enforcement and his girlfriend. He explained to all participants in the events that diamonds were a parting gift. Alena then had to choose from two evils: go to jail alone or be left alone, but with diamonds.

Dominant female

Living under the wing of a billionaire, Alena did not become a gallery owner or designer, like many kept women like her. After breaking up with him, she didn’t waste time on sucker’s ventures like running a fitness blog or cooking courses. The girl was doing the real thing - she was looking for a worthy man. And then she found it and even, as they say, got pregnant. Under the white dress of the bride, certain outlines were really visible.

Do you know where our young lovebirds met? - making the most touching face possible, I turned to the singer Dawn.

“You better come out into the air,” the woman made of steel and alloys took pity on me.

You need some kind of character. When a deputy Leonid Slutsky I touched a couple of journalists on the side, they immediately screamed about this misunderstanding to the whole world, but Zara endured it, remained silent.

By the way, Gavrilova is from the same breed of dominant females. I recently found myself at the zoo and listened to a lecture on this burning topic. Unlike an alpha male, such a female does not have a harem of males or promiscuity. She is interested not in quantity, but in quality: to choose the most optimal genotype that will be passed on to her children. Therefore, the dominant female chooses the male herself. This is not necessarily an alpha male, but he is her choice.

Then I remembered that I had promised to bring the insects a piece of cake, and, having drunk once again to the health of the young, I took the wrong step into the next morning.

...I woke up on the same golf course, wrapped in a tablecloth from the holiday table. In the middle of the virgin white canvas there was a beautiful wine stain. My faithful companion lay nearby - an empty bottle of Bordeaux. Still, it’s nice that I’m always the first, and sometimes even the only, for my brides.

Rustam Tariko (born 1962) is a major entrepreneur who created the Russian Standard holding in 1992. Born in the city of Menzelinsk (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. For more than 25 years, he has been known in the business areas of alcohol production, banking and insurance.

First business projects

Rustam Tariko founded the first company back in the USSR, in the late 80s. The company helped foreign tourists who wanted to visit find a hotel Soviet Union, and then Russia.

But already in the early 90s, Tariko began to successfully engage in the alcohol business. The entrepreneur founded the company Rust Inc., which began importing foreign goods to Russia. Quite quickly, a significant part of imports was made up of alcoholic products.

Already in the mid-90s, Tariko’s enterprise became one of the largest Russian companies importing alcohol from the USA and Europe. The businessman’s company brought Martini vermouth, Cointreau liqueur and other elite drinks to Russia, which quickly became popular. The success of the Tariko company is also explained by the fact that the businessman was able to build a developed distribution network for goods throughout Russia.

Soon Tariko created new company, called “Russian Standard”. According to the businessman, new brand was supposed to symbolize qualitative changes in the life of Russia. The brand had to be associated with quality products that were available to all consumers.

The new company began not only to supply alcoholic beverages from abroad, but also to produce premium Russian vodka. It is noteworthy that at that time this segment was not represented at all in Russia.

Over the years, Russian Standard has become a symbol of premium alcohol in the Russian Federation. Soon the company expanded the line of alcohol it produced. This is how the brands “Russian Standard Platinum”, “Russian Standard Gold” and “IMPERIA” appeared. This brand began to belong to the “super luxury” category.

Today the company's products are in high demand. Thus, more than 3.5 million deciliters of Russian Standard vodka are sold annually. The company's alcohol is supplied to 85 countries around the world.

Tariko successfully developed alcohol production using advanced business practices and effective acquisitions. For example, in 2011, the businessman’s structures acquired the ancient Italian company Gancia, one of the world leaders in the production of wines and vermouth, founded in the mid-20th century.

In 2013, the Russian Standard holding, through the Rust Group of Companies, which is part of its structure, acquired the CEDC company, a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages. After this, Russian Standard became one of the largest alcohol producers in Central and Eastern Europe. "Rust" continues to increase its momentum. Thus, the company has production facilities in Poland, Italy and Russia. Annual sales have already reached 40 million boxes.

Russian Standard Bank"

Since 1999, the bank has also been operating under the Russian Standard brand. Today it is the largest private bank in Russia, which entered the history of the formation of the country's banking sector. Russian Standard, at the height of the economic crisis in Russia, offered new services that were not yet available to Russian consumers. For example, Russian Standard was the first to offer unsecured loans. This bank was also the first in Russia to issue credit cards.

Today, Russian Standard branches serve more than 28 million clients and provide jobs for more than 12 thousand people.

The businessman is actively involved in charitable activities. The main priority is given to the education of talented children from low-income families. Thanks to the active work of Rustam Tariko and his team, talented children are provided with the opportunity to receive a quality education.

Their dad sells loans and vodka to the population (all under the name “Russian Standard”), so there is no doubt that the fortune of the girls, who are now 4 years old, will grow with their age. But now they are real princesses among their peers: each accounts for 2.1 billion of daddy’s dollars.

Little heirs of Rustam Tariko's big fortune. Eva and Anna with mom

In terms of age and wealth, Tariko’s daughters were overtaken by Marina and Petya Deripaska (5 and 7 years old, respectively). They account for more than 10 billion. Their peers Ilya and Arina Abramovich can boast of a cooler dad - Roman Abramovich higher Oleg Deripaska in the ranking of the richest Russians [the author used data from 2007, - K.Ru’s note], but at the same time, for each of the five children of the owner of Chelsea there is “only” a little over 4 billion dollars. Costs of the largest of the richest families in Russia.

A daughter is also included in the younger group of billionaires co-owner of Alfa Group German Khan 7-year-old Eleanor, heiress to $4.25 billion.

School years are wonderful

The young children of oligarchs live, one might say, in golden cages. They don’t attend kindergartens, they don’t go to playgrounds, they are hidden from the attention of the press. These kids do not yet understand what a treasure their parents are, literally. This understanding comes later, at school. The children of the “golden hundred” of the Forbes list study mainly in Russian schools. But this is only geographically. In fact, this is the same abroad, only with a Moscow address - paid education, small classes, individual approach, elite environment. “Heir”, Lomonosov School, Slavic-Anglo-American School and others. And if this level is not satisfactory, you can found your own school, as the owner of Inteko, the only female oligarch Elena Baturina, did for her daughters. Her daughters, Alena and Olga Luzhkov (16 and 14 years old), as it is easy to assume, are excellent students at the school “named after” their mother and have every chance of adding a school gold medal to their existing gold reserves (3 billion dollars each for their sister). .

Dad, give me a billion

Athlete Nastya Potanina (pictured) will not let her father’s business drown if something happens

Most wealthy parents, along with a school certificate, strive to give their children a ticket to a prestigious international school. The most popular routes are UK or USA. The country's richest child, the son of the president of LUKOIL, 17-year-old Yusuf Alekperov, lives and studies in London. Along with his passport, the young man received 1 million shares of his father’s oil company, which, according to business press reports, he “bought.” It is unknown whether the guy had to save on school lunches, but Yusuf Alekperov is in first place in two lists at once: the richest heirs ($12.3 billion) and, accordingly, the most profitable suitors in the country.

The 21-year-old son of the owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Jahangir Makhmudov ($6 billion), is studying in the British capital. The children of another major businessman, Viktor Vekselberg, are receiving education in the USA, while dad is working at home to increase the family capital. 29-year-old Irina and 20-year-old Alexander Vekselberg are the heirs of 11 billion between them.

The daughters of the main shareholder of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman, 17-year-old Laura and 20-year-old Ekaterina, live with their designer mother in France. They are calm about their future - their place in the top five richest heiresses is unshakable.

Three daughters of Gazmetal co-owner Vasily Anisimov live in America. The youngest of them, Anna, became known as the “Russian Paris Hilton” for her love of expensive shopping, clothes and a social lifestyle.

Her father's 3 billion helps her a lot with this.

22-year-old Victoria Tsvetkova spends the money of her father, owner of the Uralsib financial corporation Nikolai Tsvetkov [...] - $9 billion, of which Victoria is the heir.

[...] The offspring of the founder of the Sistema holding and the MTS company, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, are involved in business. The 32-year-old daughter is with her father and holds a responsible position in the MTS company.

30-year-old son Felix already has his own business - by no means small and directly related to his parent’s company.

Three children Head of Interros Vladimir Potanin[...] race jet skis almost as fast as their father makes money. In the sports world, the names of Anastasia (24 years old) and Ivan (19 years old) Potanins are well known. And not at all thanks to my father’s participation. But Potanin’s children study at MGIMO, perhaps not without his participation. [...]
