Will there be snow on New Year's Day? About the weather on New Year's Eve

Guests and residents of the capital always want to know what winter will be like in Moscow, because there are whole legends about Russian frosts. According to forecasters, the 2019-2020 season will not be abnormally cold, but nature will still present some surprises.


The forecast for the first month of winter 2019-2020 in Moscow is the most unexpected: at night the temperature minimum will be only -5°C, and the maximum – +8. Usually the first frosts come to the capital at the end of November, but this year it will become really cold only in the third decade of the month.

Despite the favorable temperature forecast, the weather in Moscow will not be conducive to walking. It will be rainy in the capital until mid-December autumn weather. The first snow will fall only in the middle of the month, but given the above-zero temperatures, it will only bring slush underfoot.

Closer to the New Year, the thermometer will drop to -6...-10°C. It will snow lightly, but it will not provide stable cover.


If you rely on forecasts from weather forecasters, then the 2019-2020 New Year holidays should definitely be spent in Moscow. In early January, you should not expect severe frosts, but the snow cover will be stable enough for skiing. Guests of the capital will also be able to have fun at the outdoor skating rinks. During the day the air will be within -10°C, and at night – only -15°C, which is completely uncharacteristic for Russian winters.

Cooling will begin in the middle of the month. Temperatures will drop sharply and snowfall will begin. Windy weather will set in. The air will only warm up to -20°C. The closer to the end of January, the colder it will be. The minimum temperature is expected to be within -30…-35. But in last days During the month, sharp warming is expected: the thermometer will rise to -3 during the day and -10 at night.


Temperatures will also be moderate in February. According to preliminary forecasts, heavy snowfalls are expected. They will begin along with warming in January and will last almost the entire month. The temperature will not be lower than -10°C, while the thermometer will either fall or rise. This feature of February 2020 should be taken into account by weather-sensitive people. In addition, due to temperature changes, you should be wary of ice.

Temperature changes in the 2020 season will correspond to the calendar. In the last days of February it will become noticeably warmer, the thermometer will approach zero. The snow will gradually give way to rain, and even the first hail is possible. The March winds will begin.

Climatic features of the capital

Moscow is in a temperate climatic zone, which is characterized by harsh winters and warm summer. With the development of the metropolis' infrastructure, the temperature range has changed noticeably: frosts have become less pronounced and the humidity level has increased. Fogs are often observed in the capital, which is completely uncharacteristic for winter weather. Temperature noticeably different from other regions in the same climatic zone. There is no stability in Moscow: frosts are replaced by sharp warming and back again.

All three leading weather centers in the country give the same forecast for the winter 2019-2020 in Moscow. The Hydrometeorological Center warns about a decrease in the number of truly cold days and a shortening of the gap between temperature fluctuations.

Phobos specialists also say that the weather in December - February will be above the climate norm. First of all, this is bad news for motorists, as fog will cover the capital, sleet will fall, and there will be slush on the roads, followed by ice. But for foreign guests this weather is quite familiar, and Moscow is gradually approaching the climate of Western Europe.

Gismeteo also talks about the abnormally warm winter of 2019-2020 in Moscow, noting that the first frosts will come to the capital in November. Further, the weather will become milder and give Muscovites frequent thaws.

The long-term forecast is based on analytical data from past seasons, so it is only 50-60% accurate. More accurate information will only be available at the end of November.

Folk signs

Our ancestors could also make long-term forecasts by observing nature. For Moscow, this method is irrelevant today, since the developed infrastructure makes its own adjustments here. But residents of the Moscow region can try to predict what winter 2020 will be like.

  • If the summer is damp and the weather is warm in the fall, then there will be a long winter.
  • The rowan harvest is due to frost and snow.
  • If at the beginning of October the birch and oak trees are in foliage, then there will be late snow.
  • Thin skin on onions means a mild winter.
  • If bird flocks fly low to the south, then there will be no severe frosts.
  • If ants build high piles in the fall, then the winter will be harsh.
  • The thicker the skin of acorns and nuts, the stronger the frost in winter.
  • If the fur of animals begins to thicken already in October, then prolonged frosts are ahead.

But even nature often makes mistakes. For example, they say that the brighter the foliage on the trees in the fall, the colder the coming season will be. Scientists refute this, because the color of the leaves depends on the amount of moisture received by the tree during the year. The more it was, the longer the leaves will remain green.

Will there be snow on New Year's Day? Will the bitter frosts go away? Should you take an umbrella when going on New Year's festivities? What will the air temperature be on December 31, 2016? Many residents of our vast homeland would now like to hear answers to these questions.

The weather in December never ceases to amaze Russians with its vagaries: in Ugra it sets temperature records - minus 62 degrees Celsius is even difficult to imagine on a thermometer, and in Sochi And Crimea waters the streets with warm rain. In some places, winter has already dumped meter-long snowdrifts, and in others, everything has already melted and the smell of spring is in the air. What to expect in New Year's Eve? Romantic snowfall and light frost, or rain from the sky and slush underfoot?

Residents St. Petersburg, for example, weather forecasters have already warned: expect sharp warming and increased wind from January 1st. And when one thing adds up to the other, the city on the Neva faces a real winter flood. The chief forecaster of the city Hydrometeorological Center, Alexander Kolesov, said that January in the Northern capital is generally expected to be warmer than normal. AND average temperature will be +2…+4°С. While the norm is minus 7.8°C. Nature will also not harm you with precipitation, although meteorologists do not predict heavy snowfalls. On New Year's Eve, St. Petersburg residents will face sleet and rain and temperatures around zero.

Moscow, according to data from sites where weather forecasts are posted, you will be luckier than the Northern capital. A few days before the holiday, nature promises to throw some snow - snowfalls are expected in the last days of the month, and they will continue in early January. The ground will freeze slightly - minus 5-7°C. On New Year's Eve it will be clear, minus 5 on the thermometer and minus 10 by feeling. Anyone going to New Year's festivities should dress warmly. Starting from January 3-4, 2017, the temperature will begin to drop - by Christmas it is expected to reach minus 25°C, and then even more.

IN Vologda- in the homeland of Father Frost - the night from December 31 to January 1 promises to be very comfortable: the air temperature will drop to minus 5°C, light snowflakes will fall from the sky, swirling, and snow will creak underfoot. Fairy tale! True, it will not last very long; frosts of 30 degrees may hit by Christmas.

All last week December in Murmansk It will snow, which will add more work to municipal services to clear it. The expected air temperature on December 31, 2016 is about 0°C and light snow again. And starting from January 2, 2017, frosts will come to the region, which by the middle of the month will gain decent strength - 25-30 ° C. However, Murmansk residents, hardened by polar winters, are no strangers to cold weather.

Residents of St. Petersburg are promised rain and snow and above-zero temperatures on New Year's Eve

Residents Chelyabinsk The weather will give a short respite for the New Year: severe frosts will be replaced by quite comfortable temperatures around minus 10 degrees and all this will be accompanied by light snowfall. A couple more days of such fabulous bliss at the very beginning of the year and again harsh winter everyday life with minus 35 and below.

Novosibirsk And Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in which, as you remember, the New Year will come first, will be covered with snow. Precipitation will be heavy and prolonged. And the air temperature on the holiday night is expected to be between 6-8 degrees.

Severe weather conditions await residents for 2017 Khabarovsk And Yakutsk. In the first city it’s minus 27 and clear, in the second it’s 31 and there’s some snow. And this is a blessing, considering that now in these regions the frosts are minus 40 degrees.

And residents of the south of Russia and Crimeans are waiting for New Year's rains! IN Sochi, for example, on New Year's Eve +3 °C and precipitation. However, the entire first half of January in Sochi will be rainy, and then the sun will begin to appear more and more often and by January 17 the air will warm up to +10-14°C.

So, most weather forecasters say that the weather for the New Year in Moscow 2016 will change. But, in principle, at the end of the year there will be a plus temperature, however, on the holiday night itself it should get a little colder and even, perhaps, light snow will fall.

If we consider general recommendations weather forecasters, then both on New Year’s Eve and throughout the winter you need to prepare for a normal winter with slight frosts and air temperatures that will change. On New Year's Eve 2016, cold temperatures are expected throughout Russia, including in Moscow. But, regarding Moscow and the regions that are nearby, it should be noted that the cooling will not be severe.

But there is another group of weather forecasters who predict strong winds and frequent snowfalls for the New Year 2016, and the temperature, in their opinion, will drop much below zero. Both groups of forecasters agree that there will be snow on New Year's Eve. You and I will soon be able to see with our own eyes how accurate the forecasts will be.

Important! It is impossible to say with certainty which forecast is correct. It is difficult for a person, even a professional, to predict the weather in the long term. A couple of days before the New Year, we recommend browsing the Hydrometeorological Center website to see and observe with your own eyes how the weather forecasts for December 31, 2015 and January 1, 2016 will change.

Hydrometeorological Center forecasts

Many people, when determining the weather for any period of time, and especially on New Year's Eve, trust only the data of this important center. Today they say that the temperature on New Year's Eve will be somewhere around minus five degrees below zero. Here is the forecast from Gismeteo about what the weather will be like for the New Year in Moscow 2016.

According to this center, Muscovites can see a small amount of snow on New Year's Eve itself, as well as throughout the year. But in just the winter of 2016, according to analysts’ forecasts, no more than one centimeter of precipitation will fall.

Folk signs for the weather

So, we have already considered the opinions of various experts about what the weather will be like for the New Year in Moscow 2016. All that remains is to turn to folk signs and see what exactly they predict for the winter of 2016 in general and for New Year's Eve in particular. Which ones to cook?

If in summer often it's raining, and the autumn was warm and dry, then the winter will be long, but spring will not come until April. If it didn’t rain in September and the weather was pleasantly warm, and this is exactly what happened in 2015, then you shouldn’t expect winter and snow to come soon.

The weeds and weeds that were in the garden told our ancestors how much snow there would be in winter. If the weeds grew high, this told them that there would be a lot of snow next year. Again, the late snow was indicated by the leaves of oak and birch, which had not yet fallen with the onset of October. This is precisely the phenomenon that could be observed in October of the outgoing year.

We would like to especially emphasize the information that it does not matter what the weather will be like in Moscow in 2016. Whether there will be frost, whether there will be snow - all these attributes of the holidays are additional. What is important is your own good mood, love and kindness, the desire to celebrate the most important time with your family and loved ones.

Slowly but surely, 2015, which marched under the sign of the Goat, is leaving our planet, and the Fire Monkey is cheerfully making faces towards it, under whose sign the coming 2016 will pass.

Are you ready for fireworks, a holiday, a masquerade and surprises, incredible twists of fate and gifts, love adventures and upheavals? If not, then you should prepare, since this is exactly how intense and turbulent the year of the Fire Monkey will be, because its element is all-consuming fire. Forget all your plans, circumstances will not turn out at all as planned - let's say thanks to the fidgety monkey for that. But “differently” does not mean that it is bad, because no one knows where you will find it and where you will lose it...

Astrological forecast for 2016

You need to be prepared for the fact that this year there will be everything in abundance: grief and joy, love and sadness, meetings and separations.

Astrologers recommend that in the coming year you rely only on yourself and do not shift responsibility to others, and most importantly, do not rely on anyone’s help. The monkey is a capricious and independent animal; it will not accept anyone’s help or, even worse, pity. Since ancient times, the Monkey has been considered particularly eccentric and shocking, loving to play to the public. But at the same time, it was read as a symbol of wisdom, frugality and prudence.

In 2016, you should handle money with care, and with the right approach, you can significantly improve your financial situation.

The key to the success of many undertakings can be the possession of information - after all, the Monkey must always be in the center of events, know all the news and hot gossip. Those who are not afraid to take risks will win - the mistress of the next year is always on the side of adventurers and lovers of change. She goes through life easily and naturally, so you shouldn’t be stubborn where you can give in, otherwise you can lose everything. First of all, this applies to people who have frequent conflicts with management and people who do not accept compromises.

How surprising it is, but The monkey is a big supporter of traditional family values , she strives for prosperity and warmth of the hearth. Therefore, 2016 promises good luck to those who have not yet met their other half. Relationships will be easy to establish, and the alliances created this year will be extremely harmonious and strong. In addition, the Monkey is a wonderful mother and caring wife. Despite her eccentric nature, she greatly values ​​loyalty and devotion.

Those born in the year of the Fire Monkey should not strive for leadership positions; alas, they are not threatened with a dizzying career. Unfortunately, this cheerful animal has difficulty solving even the simplest problems, and it certainly cannot handle complex ones. Leadership qualities, perseverance in achieving goals, courage and prudence - all this is not about her, not about our eccentric and loving Monkey. But do not be upset, because each sign has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each person is given his own path - special and unique, which must be walked with dignity.

But those born in the year of the Fire Monkey will always have many friends, they can easily adapt to a partner, but at the same time they will choose only those who will take care of and protect them - and what else is needed for a happy and carefree life?

In general, the coming year promises to be dynamic and eventful, bringing with it many new discoveries and surprises. Life promises to be rich both in the world as a whole and for each person individually. No one will definitely be bored - the artistic and capricious Monkey will never allow this.

What to do before the New Year

New Year means new energy, in a sense it is the beginning of a new life. In order to let this fresh energy into your life, you need to perform some actions and even observe a few rituals.

  • Before the New Year, we clear our home of old and unnecessary trash, get rid of things that will never be worn or useful again. From all the cabinets, mezzanines and drawers, all the unnecessary little things that have been waiting for their finest hour for years, but never came, are thrown out. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, unnecessary junk and broken, broken objects absorb all new opportunities, and as a result, instead of moving forward, you are stuck in place.
  • Window sills are freed from unnecessary things so that solar energy freely penetrates into the house. If there are flowers on the windowsills, it is better to move them to another place.
  • Rearrangement is exactly what needs to be done before the New Year. Rearranging furniture starts the circulation of positive energy, which improves your mood and gives you strength. It will simply become easier to breathe in the apartment. Try to make at least a small rearrangement, and you will be surprised at the result.
  • When choosing which corner to put the Christmas tree in, think first about what exactly you want for yourself most of all. If there is wealth and prosperity, then the tree is best placed in the far left corner, if good luck in love, then the tree is placed in the far right corner. To attract health, the tree is placed in the center of the room or in the center on the left side of the wall.
  • But the most important thing to do is to let go of all old grievances and disappointments. Whom we can forgive, we forgive; whom we can forget, we forget forever. We learn to think positively - instead of wishing “may my loved ones never get sick,” we express our thoughts like this: “my loved ones are completely healthy.” This will help cleanse yourself of bad energy not only physically, but also spiritually.

If you use these simple tips, changes for the better will definitely occur in the life of every family member in the coming year. The changes may not be noticeable immediately, but they will definitely be there.

How to celebrate the New Year 2016

The Fire Monkey will enter into its legal rights only on February 8, but it will begin to establish its own rules, as expected, from January 1. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for a meeting with an eccentric hostess - after all, she loves holidays and extraordinary events.

The meeting place does not matter, but the fun should definitely be overflowing! A feast until the morning, a masquerade ball or just a night party under the tree with fireworks and champagne - this is exactly what the energetic and cheerful hostess of the coming year will like. The main thing is unbridled fun and a great mood!

Laughter, cheerful company, a sea of ​​champagne and confetti, firecrackers and tinsel, music and funny competitions - all this will help appease the Monkey and increase the likelihood of success in 2016. But you need to make sure that no one quarrels and that a conflict situation does not arise - this can scare away the hostess of the New Year, and with her the positive energy. But the Monkey will never remain indifferent to people who are in a good mood.

When inviting relatives and friends to visit, we stock up on sparklers, firecrackers and a good mood! The more noise, crackling, laughter and joy, the faster all evil spirits and spirits leave the house. negative energy, and with the Fire Monkey comes wisdom and prosperity.

New Year's interior decoration

Astrologers advise decorating an apartment for the New Year in the shades of the coming year - in 2016 it is the fire element, which means red, orange, yellow or scarlet color should predominate. But in addition to red shades, the monkey also loves green, white, yellow and gold - from these colors you can choose one or two, which will be used to dilute the main shades. If you manage to harmoniously combine several colors and not show bad taste, next year you will definitely receive an award from the grateful hostess of 2016.

The Monkey loves everything bright and shiny, so you don’t have to restrain yourself in decorating your home with tinsel and garlands. Lots of candles and lamps with dim red light are exactly what you need. They will create both comfort and a festive atmosphere, and most importantly, they will provide protection for the capricious fidget.

Be sure to use the symbol of the New Year - monkey figures should be hung and placed everywhere.

Bright garlands hung above the aisle and above the doors will help protect the house from negative energy, and a bell hung above the front door will joyfully welcome arriving guests.

When decorating your apartment, don’t forget about the windows - New Year’s compositions on the windowsill with candles and snow-white snowflakes always look original and very beautiful. Take paints in your hands and with the whole family draw something New Year's on the glass, and even if it is not a work of art, it is from the heart and will surely appeal to both children and adults.

And so, improvise and don’t skimp, and the fiery hostess of the New Year will not bypass your home with her generosity and attention.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

The forest beauty should not only decorate the New Year's interior, but also comply with a whole list of “monkey” rules. The most important rule is that the colors of jewelry are chosen only bright and catchy, and the tree itself should sparkle and shine!

Who said that the Christmas tree can only be decorated with traditional New Year's toys and tinsel? This year you can give free rein to your creative imagination and decorate the symbol of the New Year with literally anything. For example, you can hang it on a Christmas tree family photos- it will not only be original, but also interesting, especially for visiting guests.

Many people have wonderful memories from childhood - fruits and sweets that could be found not only under the tree, but also hanging on shaggy branches. Sweets in bright wrappers, tangerines, bananas and other fruits will appeal not only to children, but will also appease the capricious mistress of the coming year. As you know, the Monkey is also very partial to sweets.

Coins or even bills hanging on the Christmas tree, will help to attract wealth and abundance into your home.

Do you want to personally have a hand in decorating the New Year's beauty? Great! Homemade garlands of multi-colored buttons or toys made with your own hands together with children always look original and attract attention. And don’t forget to place at least a small Monkey figurine under the Christmas tree!

If the house has a decorative palm tree or money tree, you should take care of their decor too.

What to wear for the holiday

Appearance is very important for the Monkey, so you should approach the New Year's toilet with all responsibility. The most important condition is bright colors and some masquerade attire, and all strict trouser or office suits will simply be inappropriate this year. Boldly open shoulders and back, long Evening Dress with a large neckline, defiant minis and daring hats on the head - this is exactly what the eccentric Monkey will like.

The fire element presupposes the dominance of red and all its shades, but if this color is not to your liking, then go with your chosen outfit You can add any red accessory. For example, a handbag, shoes or just a ribbon in your hair.

Makeup and hairstyle should match, so forget about modesty and get ready to literally shine! You can even wear a masquerade mask, which will add mystery and extravagance.

This year, men are also allowed to go beyond what is permitted - away with formal suits and especially tuxedos. Unusual or even eccentric suits in the spirit of dudes from the sixties, shirts and ties of unusual color and design, pipe trousers or flared trousers of a long-forgotten style - all this can be safely dressed up in the year of the Fire Monkey. The main thing is to forget about formality and create a festive mood conducive to noisy fun.

Festive New Year's table

On the New Year's holiday table, first of all, those dishes that you and your family love are served. The main rule this year is that the table should be bursting with treats, and its decoration should be bright and festive! Everything should be the very best - from dishes to exotic dishes.

A nice addition to New Year's table There will be multi-colored lit candles, but it is better to avoid bulky candlesticks, as they take up a lot of space and will block the participants of the feast from each other.

The New Year's hostess will never refuse something spicy or even bitter, so various sauces, spices, seasonings and pickles are welcome. In addition, the New Year is a great reason to try something new, and this year you can give free rein to your wildest fantasies and combine incongruous things.

The Monkey will definitely like the abundance of fruits, but she does not accept fatty and heavy foods, because monkeys are known vegetarians. Light salads, lots of greens and nuts, crispy bread and fresh vegetables - all this will be appreciated. From meat dishes It is better to give preference to poultry dishes.

It should be remembered that the main goal of this evening is to have a lot of fun and dance, and not to eat to your heart's content. Therefore, a sea of ​​champagne, juices and fruit drinks, as well as fruits and vegetables, light salads and sweets are exactly what you need to celebrate the New Year 2016.

New Year gifts

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to give gifts not only to children, but also to relatives and friends - you must agree, there is nothing more pleasant than giving and receiving gifts and seeing the happy eyes of people close to you. The present can be purely symbolic, but it must be bright and eye-catching - like everything else in this year of the Fire Monkey. It is very important to move away from everything familiar and routine, try to evoke emotions and joy.

Unusual souvenirs in ethnic style can be an excellent gift., either good wines or bright colorful interior decorations. You can give your female colleagues large Christmas tree balls with the image of the New Year symbol or aroma lamps with essential oils, and for men, interesting keychains or stands for a mobile phone in the shape of a monkey. Good variety coffee or tea, a bottle of cognac or good wine, a box of not the cheapest chocolates - all this is perfect as a New Year's gift for friends, acquaintances and colleagues. If the person is not a close relative, then you should not give expensive gifts, this can put him in an awkward position and oblige him to give an expensive gift in return.

In general, you can give anything you want, depending on your imagination and the size of your wallet. But here’s what you absolutely can’t give: first of all, you can’t give money - the Monkey won’t like it, but he’ll hate it, you can find yourself completely without money in the coming year. Gifts in the form of sets of knives and any other sharp objects will lead to serious quarrels and discord.

You shouldn't give a watch either - it will lead to separation. Towels, napkins, handkerchiefs and boring slippers - all this is banal and uninteresting. Moreover, if you believe the signs, these things will lead to separation from your loved one. Contrary to public opinion, a book is also far from the best gift, because everyone has their own tastes and preferences.

Choose a gift with your soul, and then you will definitely like it!

The selected gift can be wrapped in red gift paper - Fire Monkey I'm sure you'll like it. And don’t forget to give your sincere smile and good mood!

What will the weather be like for New Year 2016 in Moscow and should we expect frost? Scientists have been telling people about global warming for decades. But, for some reason, no one pays attention to this in their Everyday life. But when December is warm, as in the current 2015, many begin to think only about whether there will be frost on New Year's Eve.

Of course, many New Year always associated with real winter. It's a fluffy snowball, it's frosty outside, snowflakes are falling from the sky, and everything around is shining with bright light bulbs. Will we be able to enjoy exactly this kind of weather this year, as 2015 transitions into 2016?

About the weather on New Year's Eve

Forecasters, and after them all the world's scientists, say that the winter of 2016 will be the warmest in the last five decades. Not forecast large quantity precipitation, it will be dry and sunny. This is exactly the kind of weather you can expect on the last day of 2015 and the first day of 2016.

The first month of winter, as we have already seen for ourselves, is characterized by warmth. Throughout the winter it will be the warmest, and the average temperature, according to forecasters, will not fall below 9 degrees. Frosts are expected in mid-December. But it will become warmer again before the offensive. There may be some snowfall, but the most you can count on on New Year's Eve 2016 is sleet.

January frosts in Moscow

Everyone already knows that at the beginning of the year there will be ten-day New Year holidays in Russia. It's a long period winter holiday, when you want to fully enjoy the frost, snow and fun winter activities. We have already determined what the weather will be like in Moscow, but what to expect in January?

Traditionally, January is considered the harshest month of winter in the climatic zone where the capital of our homeland is located. But at the beginning of the month it will be difficult to believe in such severity. There will be some snow in the first half of the month, but the air temperature will remain around 10-15 degrees below zero.

From the second half of the month, January promises to finally show its harsh character. Precipitation will stop and temperatures will begin to drop sharply. At the end of January you can expect frosts of up to 30 degrees cold. However, at the very end of January and before the beginning of February it will become warmer again and there will be heavy snowfalls.

Important! We know what the weather will be like for New Year 2016 in Moscow - slight frost, but should we expect snow? Forecasters say it is too early to make accurate forecasts. But there should be a high probability of snow, at least the wet version, on New Year’s Eve.

February forecasts

So, warming and snowfalls will begin at the end of January, and will smoothly move into the beginning of the last month of autumn. Snowfalls will bring warming temperatures. By winter standards, the second half of February will be warm, the temperature will not drop below five degrees below zero. After February 20 you need to wait for frosts from new strength, the temperature will drop to minus 30 degrees and will remain there for several weeks.

Folk signs for winter weather:

  • If bullfinches fly away in December, then in January and February you should expect severe frosts and a lot of snow.
  • When the Moon in the sky is surrounded by a slight haze, this indicates a frosty day and even a snowstorm.
  • If there are a lot of long icicles in January, then you can expect a good harvest in the coming year.
  • If it’s frosty and a lot of snow in January, then the same weather will happen in February.
  • If the cat lies closer to the radiator or stove, then you should expect colder weather in the coming days.

Despite what the weather will be like for New Year 2016 in Moscow, we hope that this will not in any way affect the feeling of celebration, warmth, lightness and comfort in your soul. Every person, regardless of the weather outside, is able to create a great mood for themselves and set an active pace for the holidays.
