Prepare homemade dumplings. Homemade dumplings according to grandma's old recipe

Delicious homemade dumplings. Amazing dough recipe


(128 dumplings)

  • delicious dumpling dough:
  • 500 gr. wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • filling for homemade dumplings:
  • 500-600 gr. minced meat
  • 1 large onion
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • Dumpling dough recipe

  • Classic dough for dumplings and dumplings is usually kneaded without eggs and milk, but if you want to make real homemade dumplings, I recommend this recipe.
  • So, pour flour onto the table in a heap. Add salt immediately. Make a small depression in the center of the flour mound. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. It is thanks to the presence of oil that the dough becomes soft and pliable.
  • In a large bowl, beat two eggs and add warm milk.
  • The dough for dumplings can be kneaded on a cutting board, but if you are preparing dumplings for the first time, then in order not to stain the whole kitchen, it is better to knead the dough in a large bowl. When the dough forms a lump and begins to move away from the walls of the bowl, put it on the table and continue kneading it on the table.
  • Knead the dough very well. The dough for dumplings should be both elastic and pliable, not stick to the table or your hands.
  • When you think that the dumpling dough is ready, moisten your hands with sunflower oil and knead thoroughly again.
  • If you feel that the dough is too stiff (sometimes this happens if you put a lot of flour and not enough liquid), then add a little more butter. This will only improve the dumpling dough.
  • Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, we prepare the filling for the dumplings.

    Filling for homemade dumplings

  • Usually for dumplings I use either minced pork or a mixture of 50% pork and 50% beef. I won’t be discovering America if I say that the quality of the minced meat determines how tasty the dumplings will be. And if you add good dough to good minced meat, then the dumplings are simply doomed to be eaten in the blink of an eye))).
  • So, finely chop the onion and then fry it over low heat until it becomes soft and transparent.
  • Add fried onion, salt and black pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything well and taste it.
  • In principle, the filling is ready, but there is one secret that makes the filling absolutely extraordinary. To do this, boil two or three bay leaves in a small amount of water. Add the cooled broth, about a hundred grams, to the dumpling filling. Try it, you will notice how tender and tasty the minced meat turns out.

    Cooking dumplings

  • That's all, the filling and dough for the dumplings are ready. All that remains is to make a hundred or two dumplings. To do this, take our dough, form it into a thick sausage, which we divide into four parts.
  • Next, you can proceed in two ways. First, take one part of the dumpling dough, roll it out thinly, then use a glass with sharp edges to cut out circles. We put the filling in each circle and make the dumpling itself. With this method, all our “blanks” are equally round, so it’s easier to make dumplings of the same size.
  • The second method of making dumplings is faster and requires a little practice. We take one part of the dough for dumplings, make a thin sausage out of it, which we cut into small pieces.
  • Lightly dip each piece in flour and roll out to form a circle.
  • Add a teaspoon of filling and then make a dumpling. We do this until all the dough and filling for the dumplings are gone.
  • With any method of sculpting dumplings, do not forget that a real dumpling should be round and shaped like an ear.
  • Take a large, wide saucepan and pour enough water into it. If there is not enough water, the dumplings may stick together. If there is too much, then the taste and aroma of the dumplings will “go” into the water, which is also not desirable.
  • Put the pan on the fire. Salt and add a few bay leaves.
  • As soon as the water boils, throw in the dumplings. When the water boils again, note the time. Cook for exactly five minutes and remove. If necessary, cook the next portion of dumplings.
  • Homemade dumplings are served hot. You can have it with or without broth, with sour cream or mayonnaise. Also, don't forget to put salt and freshly ground black pepper on the table.
  • As a result, we should get a fairly soft and at the same time elastic dough.
  • Pour the milk-egg mixture into the well in the flour. Mix the dough.
  • Source

The most important secret of juicy minced meat for dumplings is making the right choice meat.

The classic proportion for minced dumplings is equal amounts of pork and beef. At the same time, the pork should be fatty: for dumplings you can buy the neck, the upper part of the shoulder blade, and the loin.

It is best if the meat is chilled, but meat that has already been frozen will also work. It needs to be purchased in stores where the correct storage conditions are provided - you must be sure that the temperature at which the meat was stored was maintained and that it has not been defrosted. Meat that has already been thawed once loses most of the natural juices contained in it.

Meat purchased frozen must be properly defrosted. You cannot put it in water for this and it is better not to use the “Defrost” mode in microwave oven. You can use the microwave only if you don’t have any time to thaw the meat. In normal mode, the meat should be taken out of the freezer and transferred to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that at a temperature of +4-5°C it slowly defrosts and the structure of its fibers is not disturbed. In this case, the meat juices will remain inside the pieces.

Ingredients (for 150-200 dumplings):
- 500 g fatty pork;
- 500 g of lean beef or veal;
- 2 large onions;
- 5-6 cloves of garlic;
- 1 tsp. ground black pepper;
- ½ tsp. ground red pepper;
-150-200 g of milk;
- 1 heaped teaspoon of salt

How to prepare juicy minced meat for dumplings:

    Rinse the meat in cold running water to remove any bone fragments that may remain after cutting. Pat the surface of the pieces with a paper kitchen towel to remove water. Cut the meat into small pieces so that they can be put into a meat grinder. Peel the onions and also cut into pieces.

    To make the minced dumplings tasty and juicy, it is better to grind it using the grid attachment on a meat grinder, which has large holes. Grind onion, garlic and meat in a meat grinder. Place everything in a large bowl, add pepper and salt, stir. Pour the milk into the minced meat, knead it well again until it has a homogeneous consistency. The milk should be completely absorbed into the meat. Cover the bowl with the minced meat with a lid or cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least half an hour to an hour. This is necessary so that all the minced meat ingredients are saturated with each other’s aromas and juices.

    When you make dumplings, add the minced meat and distribute it evenly over the surface of the circle of dough, leaving the edges free so that they can be pinched. Before cooking, it is better to freeze the dumplings slightly - then the dough will be denser when cooked. You need to cook the dumplings in broth or in salted water, to which you will need to add bay leaves and peppercorns.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

When the freezer is filled with bags of , life becomes much easier! The problem of a weekday dinner has been solved, you have a strategic reserve in case of sudden arrival of relatives or friends, and in general - at any time, depending on the mood, you can arrange “dumplings” gatherings in a pleasant company or even just with your husband.
But, of course, before the dumplings appear in the freezer, you need to stick them on, and more of them. At least from a kilogram good meat so that there is something to freeze. It’s okay that it will take more than an hour to cook, but you will be sure that your dumplings are made from real meat and not from minced meat of dubious quality, the fact that the fillings are put in them from the heart, and not purely symbolically, and the main thing is that the dumplings will be delicious, just the way you like them. So, without delay, let's make some delicious homemade dumplings. Step by step photo The recipe has been waiting for you for a long time)

for test:
- water – 250 ml (faceted glass);
- salt – 1 teaspoon;
- wheat flour – 3 cups;
- egg – 1 pc.;

for minced meat:
- lean pork – 1 kg;
- ground black pepper – 1-1.5 teaspoons (to taste);
- salt – 1 teaspoon (to taste);
- garlic – 3 large cloves;
- water – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
- onions – 1-2 pcs.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Any dough needs to rest a little after kneading, so it’s more rational to start preparing dumplings by preparing the dough. Mix the egg with water and beat with a whisk until fluffy foam begins to appear on the surface. Add salt and dissolve in water.

Add flour in parts, sifting one glass at a time into a bowl of water and egg.

You may need a little less or more flour, depending on its quality, gluten, humidity and many other factors. Therefore, we divide the third glass of flour into approximately three parts. Pour two thirds into the dough, sift a third onto a table or board. Knead the dough in a bowl with a spoon until all the flour is moistened and it comes together into a rough, loose lump. Place it on the sifted flour and begin kneading with your hands.

At first the dough will turn out lumpy and uneven, but as you knead it will begin to become softer, more tender, but it should remain dense. It feels denser than dumplings. A well-kneaded dough will spring back under your palms and become smooth and homogeneous. We collect it into a bun and cover it so that the top does not dry out. Leave for half an hour.

At this time we are working on meat, preparing minced meat for dumplings. Cut the pork into pieces, peel the onion and garlic. We turn the meat in a meat grinder, followed by the vegetables. With onions and garlic, the minced meat will be juicier and tastier, but adjust the quantity to taste. If you don't like garlic, add a small onion instead.

Add salt and pepper to taste too. But do not forget that salt interrupts the taste of meat, and it is better to under-salt the minced meat a little. In any case, the broth will be salty; it’s easy to adjust the salt by adding a little salt to the broth. But excess salt cannot be removed. After adding salt and pepper, pour in cold water, so that the minced meat is easier to knead. It is better to knead it with your hands, then the onions and peppers will be evenly distributed throughout the entire mass. The finished minced meat, even after adding water, will be tough and dense in consistency.

We divide the dough into several parts, this makes it easier to roll out and the circles will not dry out. Roll out with a rolling pin into a layer about 2 mm thick.

Cut out the dumpling circles to the size that suits you - some people like miniature dumplings, while others like larger ones. Set the cut circles aside, gather the dough scraps into a ball, and place them in a bowl with the dough.

Place minced meat on each circle. The quantity is at your discretion, but since we did not roll out the dough very thin, you don’t have to spare the minced meat; when shaping the dumplings, the dough can be stretched if there is not enough to mold the edges.

Fold the circle in half, covering the minced meat with dough. Seal the edges with your fingers, pressing the dough more tightly. Then we roll it up again, connecting the ends of the dumpling. You will get a round piece, along the edges of which you need to walk your fingers again, pressing the dough so that the seam does not come apart during cooking. Place the stuck dumplings on a board sprinkled with flour or on flat plates and put them in the freezer. As soon as they freeze, we pack them into bags with the intention of cooking them at once.

To cook dumplings, pour water into a spacious saucepan or cauldron. Salt to taste, add bay leaf and allspice. As soon as the water boils, pour out the dumplings (if not frozen, then drop them into the water one at a time). Stir carefully, not allowing it to stick to the bottom.

As soon as the water boils again, the dumplings will gradually begin to rise to the surface. Cook them for 7-8 minutes until done.

Remove from the broth with a slotted spoon, place on plates or in portioned tureens (if serving with broth). We put butter, sour cream, mustard, vinegar, black pepper or any additives with which you like to eat dumplings on the table and invite everyone to the table. Bon appetit!

Cooking secrets

We already perceive dumplings, which, according to V.V. Pokhlebkin, came to Russian cuisine from the Urals as our national dish. And this is not surprising, because they began to be prepared at the end of the 14th century. During this time, chefs adapted dumpling recipes to local conditions and delicious dough products with meat, vegetable or fish filling became a common dish on our table. Although at first dumplings were prepared only on holidays, it is only in our time that they have become a completely everyday dish. Stores sell ready-made frozen semi-finished products, but homemade dumplings according to a family recipe are much tastier, even in the photo they look more appetizing. If you have a little time, energy and desire to pamper your household, try making pelnyan (bread ear) - this is what dumplings are called in Finno-Ugric languages.

What should the dough for dumplings be like?

At first glance, the homemade recipe seems easy - roll out circles of dough, put the filling inside, pinch the edges and cook. But it's not that simple. Cooking dumplings requires skill, experience and knowledge of some tricks.

For dumpling dough, the flour must be sifted so that it is saturated with oxygen. Then make a mound of flour with a small depression in the middle, beat an egg into it, pour in water and salt. Some housewives add a pinch of semolina to the flour, claiming that thanks to it the dumplings will never boil in water. A tablespoon of odorless sunflower oil will give the dough elasticity and softness. Knead the dough around the circumference in one direction, gradually collecting flour around the edges and moving it to the middle.

The longer you knead the dough, the more pliable and elastic it will become; by the way, if you have a bread machine, it will knead the dough faster and better. After kneading, do not rush to make dumplings - let the dough rest and “breathe” a little. Cover it with a towel and let it stand for 30 minutes or wrap it in a plastic bag for an hour. If you are in a hurry, you can skip this step, but it is during the resting process that the gluten of the flour swells, which has a positive effect on the texture of the dough.

What's inside? Traditional and unusual filling for dumplings

What could be tastier than dumplings with different fillings? However, the classic filling is meat of different varieties, mainly beef, pork and lamb, taken in equal quantities. Minced pork and beef are familiar to most Russians, although many housewives prepare the filling with the addition of turkey, chicken and goose. The filling with bear meat, venison and elk meat is popular among northern peoples, but lamb is more often used in the Caucasus. The combined filling is considered more tasty, juicy and rich. And if you chop the meat with a knife, and not in a meat grinder or blender, the dumplings will be juicier and tastier. And one more important point— buy selected and high-quality meat, you should not skimp on this.

To improve the taste, add finely chopped onion, garlic and a variety of spices, the most popular of which are ground black pepper, paprika, cumin and coriander. Onions make the minced meat more juicy and tender, but you should not grind it to a puree state, otherwise the minced meat will “leak” and the onions will lose their aroma and taste. For added piquancy, the onions can be pre-fried in a small amount of oil.

Some housewives put soy or tomato sauce, others - finely chopped cabbage or grated raw potatoes. Experiments are welcome!

Dumplings: sculpt, cook, season

Roll out the dough into a layer 1-2 mm thick and cut out circles using a glass or dumpling maker. Some housewives form the dough into a sausage, cut off pieces and roll each one out. Do what is most familiar and comfortable for you!

Then the filling is placed in the middle of each flatbread, the product is folded in half and carefully joined at the edges. Make sure that there is not even the slightest crack left through which meat juice can leak. Now connect the ends of the resulting crescent so that the dumpling becomes round - in this form it really looks like an ear.

Cook the dumplings in boiling water for 8-15 minutes, depending on their size. Add a bay leaf and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water so that the dumplings do not stick together during cooking; when the dumplings float, wait a few more minutes, catch them with a slotted spoon and season with butter. Dumplings can be poured with broth and eaten like soup, adding chopped raw garlic, herbs and sour cream to the plate.

Secrets of making delicious dumplings

Some housewives first mix water with salt and egg and only then pour this mixture into a hole in the flour, always in a thin stream. This makes the dough easier to knead and homogeneous. The quality of the knead is checked with your finger - press on the dough and, if the hole does not disappear, stop kneading, the dough is ready! If the pit rises, add a little more flour, but do not overdo it, otherwise the dough will be difficult to roll out. The main thing is that it does not stick to your hands, otherwise making dumplings will be problematic. If you knead and the dough remains sticky, grease your hands with vegetable oil and continue kneading. As a rule, the texture of the dough in this case changes and you can do without adding extra flour. Touch your earlobe - this is how the dough should feel to the touch.

Be sure to keep the eggs out of the refrigerator before kneading the dough, since all products must be at the same temperature, and the water in the dough can be replaced with slightly warmed milk. If you take a decoction with bay leaves instead of regular water, the minced meat will improve in taste.

For juiciness and tenderness, you can add chopped ice to the filling, however, you will have to sculpt and cook the dumplings right away, until the ice melts. However, if you are preparing products for future use, they can be stored in the freezer. It is better to first mix the chopped onion in a separate bowl with salt and spices and only then add it to the minced meat - it will turn out tastier and juicier!

Classic dumplings: recipe with photos

This recipe is considered the simplest; it is better to learn how to cook dumplings from it, using the above recommendations. Knead the dough from 0.5 kg of flour, 2 eggs, 200 ml of water, 0.5 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Let the dough rest for half an hour while you get on with the filling.

Grind 300 g of beef and pork through a meat grinder or buy ready-made minced meat. Finely chop one onion, add it to the filling and season it to taste with salt and black pepper.

Roll out the dough, cut out circles and make medium-sized dumplings. Boil them for 10-15 minutes, place on plates and serve with sour cream and herbs.

Dumplings with chicken

Among the recipes, this dish is most suitable for children and dietary nutrition. Chicken dumplings turn out very tender and appetizing. For the dough, dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of cold water, add 2 eggs and beat well. Form a slide of 0.5 kg of flour and pour in the eggs, then knead the dough and cover it with a towel, leaving for half an hour.

Make minced meat from 900 g chicken fillet and 2 onions, scrolled through a meat grinder, add chopped garlic, salt and black pepper to the filling.

Make dumplings and cook them for 5-10 minutes in water with salt and bay leaf. Serve with hot broth, sour cream and herbs.

Dumplings with fish

They occupy one of the first places in the top dumpling recipes. The most suitable fish for minced dumplings are salmon, pink salmon, catfish and trout, since they are fatty and the filling is very juicy and tasty. If you take pike perch, chum salmon or pike, then add a little chopped lard (no more than a fifth of the volume of the fish) or fried onion in oil to the minced meat.

Dough for fish dumplings is usually prepared without butter and eggs - just 0.5 kg of flour, a glass of water and 1 tsp. salt. Knead the dough well, let it rest and prepare the filling. If you don’t want to bother with cutting the fish, buy 1 kg of ready-made fillet, grind it in a meat grinder or finely chop it with a knife. Add 2 finely chopped onions, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, pepper and salt to taste to the filling, and then sprinkle a little lemon juice for some piquancy.

Make dumplings using our tips and boil them for 5-7 minutes. Serve the dish with sour cream sauce or pesto.

Dumplings with potatoes, cabbage and Adyghe cheese

Dumplings with potatoes and Adyghe cheese will appeal to lovers of oriental cuisine. The dough is prepared according to the standard recipe - 400 g of flour is mixed with 2 eggs, then 3 tbsp is added to the mixture. l. salted boiled water. Knead the dough according to the classical scheme, leave it under a towel and prepare the filling from 600 g of boiled potatoes, mashed, adding 1 tbsp. l. butter and a little black pepper.

Finely chop 400 g of white cabbage, pour boiling water over it for 3 minutes, strain and mix with potatoes, and then add 350 g of chopped Adyghe cheese to the filling. Make dumplings, cook them for 5 minutes, pour sour cream and sprinkle with dill.

Dumplings with radish

Dumplings with radish are popular among vegetarians; daikon radish is especially good for this purpose, since it is not bitter and has a milder taste. The radish filling always turns out tasty and juicy.

For the dough, combine 220 ml of water, 1.5 tbsp. l. olive oil, a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. honey Pour oil water into 0.5 kg of flour and knead an elastic dough, then form a bun, cover with a cloth and leave it to rest for 30-40 minutes.

Grate 450 g of radish and simmer it in 3 tbsp. l. butter. Roll out the dough, cut out circles and place 1 tsp in the middle of each circle. fillings. Form dumplings and boil them in water for 10 minutes or steam them in a steamer for 20 minutes. This dish goes amazingly with sour cream and dill.

Chinese dumplings

Jiaozi is translated from Chinese as “tender ear.” Chinese dumplings, spicy and unusual in taste, will certainly appeal to you if you are a connoisseur of oriental cuisine.

The dough is prepared from 320 g of flour, 50 g of starch and a glass of cold water. The filling is made from 400 g of minced pork, finely chopped large onion and 50 g of finely grated ginger. Add 50 g of finely chopped fresh dill, salt and black pepper to the filling.

Pinch off pieces of dough, roll out round cakes, place minced meat in the center, and then lift the edges and pinch the dumplings so that they look like a flower.

Boil the jiaozi in water like regular dumplings or place them in a steamer for 25 minutes. Chinese dumplings are served with cucumber and green onion salad dressed with lemon juice. Can also be served with soy sauce.

Ukrainian dumplings with pork

Ukrainian dumplings are very unusual, but you will definitely like them. They are good to cook when you get tired of the usual tastes and food combinations. The dough for Ukrainian dumplings is prepared from 160 g of wheat and 160 g of buckwheat flour - you need to sift it, collect it in a slide and beat 2 eggs into it, and then knead the dough with 1 tsp. salt and half a glass of cold water.

For the filling, grind 600 g of fatty pork and 2 onions in a meat grinder, add salt, black pepper and any spices to taste, and at the very end of mixing the minced meat, pour in 3 tbsp. l. hot broth.

When the dough has settled, form dumplings, boil them and serve with broth, sour cream and garlic.

Kundums with mushrooms

Dumplings with mushroom filling are an old Russian dish from the 16th century. Buckwheat or rice, seasoned with spices, were usually added to the mushroom filling.

Making homemade dumplings is a family process and loved by many. We have collected the best recipes for you!

  • Premium wheat flour 450-500 g
  • Water 250 ml
  • Chicken egg 1 piece
  • Minced meat 500 g
  • Onion 150 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste

Prepare minced meat. For homemade dumplings, it is better to use mixed minced meat - beef and pork.

Add finely chopped onion.

Season with salt and pepper.

Mix well.

Sift the flour.

Add salt and egg.

Pour in water.

Knead elastic dough.

Divide the dough into three parts.

Roll out into a rope.

Cut into pieces 1 cm thick.

Form “coins”.

Roll out the flatbreads.

Place a little minced meat on each flatbread.

Pinch the dumplings into your usual shape.

Recipe 2: Delicious Homemade Pork Dumplings

  • Wheat flour 3 cups
  • Water 1 glass
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Pork 600 gr

Sift the flour and place 2.5 cups on a plate. Leave half a glass in reserve. Gradually pour water into the flour, stirring with a spoon. When the dough reaches a thick consistency, proceed to hand kneading. Knead the dough thoroughly. It should be elastic and not stick to your hands. If the dough is sticky, add a little flour and continue kneading. I don't add any eggs or salt to the dough.

Cover the finished dough with cling film and let it absorb the gluten.

During this time, we will prepare the minced meat for the dumplings. Cut the meat into small pieces and grind in a meat grinder.

Grate the onion or grind it separately in a meat grinder. This is done so that the meat does not absorb the onion juice. After all, dumplings are very tasty when they contain aromatic liquid separate from the meat.

Then mix the meat and onions, add vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste. Instead of fat from meat, I prefer vegetable oil. Add a little water to the minced meat. Knead the minced meat thoroughly.

Take a small piece of dough, make a round ball out of it and roll out a fairly thin layer of cake with a rolling pin. To prevent an accordion from forming when rolling, the dough is rolled out from the center to the edges with translational movements.

Cut the dough into desired circles. I have a special glass for this with very sharp edges. All the proposed devices for preparing dumplings did not work for me, so I switched to the old, proven method. Place some oval-shaped minced meat in the middle of the circle. The amount of minced meat depends on the size of the cut circle.

Fold the opposite edges of the dough and, as if scrolling a little, carefully pinch the edges. Then connect the opposite ends of the product.

You get a lot of dumplings. To prevent them from drying out, sprinkle a wooden board generously with flour, place the finished dumplings on it and cover with a napkin.

Boil a large number of water, salt and place the dumplings in boiling water, stirring continuously so that the dumplings do not stick together. As soon as the dumplings begin to float, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat for about 3-4-5 minutes. The dough is very thin and the dumplings will cook quickly. It is better to cook a small amount in several batches.

Place the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon onto portioned plates and serve hot with sour cream. You can sprinkle them with melted butter. There are many who like to eat dumplings with vinegar. There are many options, choose according to your taste. Bon appetit! I wish everyone good health!

Recipe 3: how to cook dumplings at home

for test:

  • water – 250 ml (faceted glass);
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • wheat flour – 3 cups;
  • egg – 1 pc.;

for minced meat:

  • lean pork – 1 kg;
  • ground black pepper – 1-1.5 teaspoons (to taste);
  • salt – 1 teaspoon (to taste);
  • garlic – 3 large cloves;
  • water – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.

Any dough needs to rest a little after kneading, so it’s more rational to start preparing dumplings by preparing the dough. Mix the egg with water and beat with a whisk until fluffy foam begins to appear on the surface. Add salt and dissolve in water.

Add flour in parts, sifting one glass at a time into a bowl of water and egg.

You may need a little less or more flour, depending on its quality, gluten, humidity and many other factors. Therefore, we divide the third glass of flour into approximately three parts. Pour two thirds into the dough, sift a third onto a table or board. Knead the dough in a bowl with a spoon until all the flour is moistened and it comes together into a rough, loose lump. Place it on the sifted flour and begin kneading with your hands.

At first the dough will turn out lumpy and uneven, but as you knead it will begin to become softer, more tender, but it should remain dense. It feels denser than dumplings. A well-kneaded dough will spring back under your palms and become smooth and homogeneous. We collect it into a bun and cover it so that the top does not dry out. Leave for half an hour.

At this time we are working on meat, preparing minced meat for dumplings. Cut the pork into pieces, peel the onion and garlic. We turn the meat in a meat grinder, followed by the vegetables. With onions and garlic, the minced meat will be juicier and tastier, but adjust the quantity to taste. If you don't like garlic, add a small onion instead.

Add salt and pepper to taste too. But do not forget that salt interrupts the taste of meat, and it is better to under-salt the minced meat a little. In any case, the broth will be salty; it’s easy to adjust the salt by adding a little salt to the broth. But excess salt cannot be removed. After adding salt and pepper, add cold water to make the minced meat easier to mix.

It is better to knead it with your hands, then the onions and peppers will be evenly distributed throughout the entire mass. The finished minced meat, even after adding water, will be tough and dense in consistency.

We divide the dough into several parts, this makes it easier to roll out and the circles will not dry out. Roll out with a rolling pin into a layer about 2 mm thick.

Cut out the dumpling circles to the size that suits you - some people like miniature dumplings, while others like larger ones. Set the cut circles aside, gather the dough scraps into a ball, and place them in a bowl with the dough.

Place minced meat on each circle. The quantity is at your discretion, but since we did not roll out the dough very thin, you don’t have to spare the minced meat; when shaping the dumplings, the dough can be stretched if there is not enough to mold the edges.

Fold the circle in half, covering the minced meat with dough. Seal the edges with your fingers, pressing the dough more tightly. Then we roll it up again, connecting the ends of the dumpling. You will get a round piece, along the edges of which you need to walk your fingers again, pressing the dough so that the seam does not come apart during cooking.

Place the stuck dumplings on a board sprinkled with flour or on flat plates and put them in the freezer. As soon as they freeze, we pack them into bags with the intention of cooking them at once.

To cook dumplings, pour water into a spacious saucepan or cauldron. Salt to taste, add bay leaf and allspice. As soon as the water boils, pour out the dumplings (if not frozen, then drop them into the water one at a time). Stir carefully, not allowing it to stick to the bottom.

As soon as the water boils again, the dumplings will gradually begin to rise to the surface. Cook them for 7-8 minutes until done.

Remove from the broth with a slotted spoon, place on plates or in portioned tureens (if serving with broth). We put butter, sour cream, mustard, vinegar, black pepper on the table - any additives you like to eat dumplings with - and invite everyone to the table. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4, step by step: delicious homemade dumplings

For the test:

  • kefir - 350 ml;
  • flour - 600-700 g;
  • fine salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • egg - 1 pc.

For filling:

  • minced meat (pork + beef) - 800-900 g;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For cooking dumplings:

  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.

Sift a glass of flour into a large bowl. In the center of the flour mass we form a depression and beat in a large egg, throw in fine salt.

Lightly beat the egg with a fork and gradually add room temperature kefir. Instead of a fermented milk product, plain drinking water is also suitable, but the dough for dumplings made with kefir turns out much more tender and tastier than usual, so we recommend trying this option!

Gradually add flour, knead pliable and homogeneous dough. You may need a little more or less flour than indicated in the recipe. It all depends on its quality, as well as on the thickness of the kefir used, so we focus on the consistency of the dough. It should come out moderately stiff and not sticky, but you shouldn’t oversaturate it with flour.

Cover the prepared dough for kefir dumplings with a napkin and leave for 20-30 minutes to rest. Meanwhile, prepare the meat filling. After peeling, grind with a blender or chop the onion into as small cubes as possible and add to the minced meat. The more onions, the juicier the dumpling filling will be, but don’t overdo it! Throw in salt and ground pepper and mix the mass thoroughly, achieving homogeneity.

Knead the “rested” dough again and then divide it into several parts. We form oblong “sausages”, each of which is cut into small pieces of equal size.

Lightly dip each piece in flour and roll into a thin flat cake. Place a portion of minced meat in the center.

Carefully seal the edges of the cake, hiding the filling inside.

We connect the two ends of the formed “crescent”, giving the dumplings their characteristic shape. Place the pieces in one layer on a kitchen board sprinkled with flour. We keep a distance between our semi-finished products so that they do not stick together. Store the formed raw dumplings in the freezer.

We load our semi-finished products into salted boiling water. For flavor, add bay leaves and large peppercorns. After floating to the surface, soak the dumplings in the broth for about 5 minutes. The most basic way to ensure readiness is to try one dumpling.

Homemade dumplings can be served as a second course with sour cream, a stick of butter or your favorite sauces, or as a soup along with the broth in which they were boiled.

Recipe 5: How to make minced pork dumplings at home

  • Boiled water 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour 5 tbsp.
  • Salt 1 tsp.
  • Chicken eggs 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp.
  • Minced pork 500 g
  • Salt 1 pinch

Gradually adding flour, knead the dough until stiff - the dough easily comes away from your hands (when we cut the dough, it should be homogeneous, like plasticine).

We place the finished dumplings on a surface sprinkled with flour and put them in the freezer - after the dumplings are frozen, they should be put into a bag and tied tightly. If you plan to cook everything at once, then there is no need to freeze.

Recipe 6: how to make homemade dumplings (with photo)

  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • pepper
  • greenery

You can make the minced meat yourself, but due to the lack of a meat grinder in the house, ready-made minced meat was used.

Prepare the dough. Sift the flour, make a hole in the mound, break an egg into it, add salt and pour out warm water.

Mix the dough.

The dough should be elastic and easy to knead, without sticking to your hands or the table.

Place the dough in a warm bowl, cover with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes, this will give the dough additional elasticity.

And at this time you can start filling.

Chop the onion and greens. I used a miracle blender machine. You can grind everything in a meat grinder, along with the meat.

Mix all ingredients (meat, onion, herbs, salt and pepper to taste).

This is what happened.

I added more onions to make the filling juicier, otherwise the minced meat was a bit dry. For the same purpose, many people add a little water or milk to the minced meat.

When the required 30 minutes have passed, take out the dough.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Rolling should be done from the middle to the edges, periodically turning (twisting) the dough. The direction of rolling needs to be changed. Then, using a special device or improvised means such as a glass, we cut out circles. Roll the scraps into a ball, knead and roll out again.

We make dumplings.

We take the circle in our hands, scoop up some minced meat with a fork or spoon, put it in the center, bend the circle in half and pinch the edges. We connect the corners together.

It’s interesting when the whole family gets together to make dumplings. And the conversations are interesting, and when someone rolls out the dough and makes circles, and someone makes the dumplings themselves, the dough does not have time to dry out.

Place the finished dumplings on a board, plate or baking sheet (you can line it with baking paper) and put them in the freezer.

We throw it into boiling salted water (you can add spices, carrots, onions and then eat dumplings with broth) and, after surfacing, cook for 7-10 minutes.

Recipe 7, simple: homemade dumplings, water dough

  • Flour - 3.5 Cups (+ for rolling)
  • Egg - 5 pieces
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons (for filling and dough)
  • Pepper - To taste
  • Meat - 1 Gram (half: pork and beef)
  • Onion - 500 grams

Measure out 3 cups of flour and sift it into a deep bowl.

Beat the eggs into the same glass and add salt.

Add water to the top of the glass and mix thoroughly.

Pour the egg mixture into the bowl with flour.

Mix everything to form a homogeneous dough. Leave it for 15 minutes.

Transfer the dough to the table, add more flour as needed, knead it for at least 7-10 minutes. Then wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator.

Wash the beef and pork, dry it and pass through a meat grinder. You can use ready-made minced meat.

Peel the onion, pass it through a meat grinder or chop it in a blender. Add to the minced meat along with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.

When the filling is ready, you can proceed directly to making dumplings. Roll the dough into a flagellum and cut it into small pieces.

Cook the dumplings in salted water. You can add bay leaf for flavor.

Bon appetit!
