Competition for large family of the year.

The All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held in pursuance of paragraph 37 of the Action Plan for 2015–2018 for the implementation of the first stage of the Concept of State Family Policy in Russian Federation for the period until 2025, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 9, 2015 No. 607-r, as well as order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2017 No. 194 “On carrying out All-Russian competition"Family of the Year" The responsible executors of the event are: the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Fund for Support of Children in Difficulty life situation, and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

General management of the Competition is carried out by Organising Committee chaired by Z.F. Dragunkina, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture, Co-Chairman of the Coordination Council of the All-Russian public organization"National Parents Association for Social Support of Family and Protection family values" The Organizing Committee includes representatives of federal and regional government bodies, non-profit organizations, and public figures. Organizing Committee approved Regulations on the Competition.

The competition is held in order to promote and increase the public prestige of the family lifestyle, family values ​​and responsible parenthood, to promote the dissemination of the positive experience of socially responsible families, family dynasties, leading healthy image life, developing the hobbies and talents of family members who actively participate in the life of the local community, region, and country. The Competition is aimed at stimulating and supporting similar events - competitions, festivals, events organized in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and federal districts.

The competition is held in 5 categories:

  1. "The large family";
  2. "Young family";
  3. "Rural Family";
  4. "Golden Family of Russia";
  5. “Family is the keeper of traditions.”

Based on the results of the Competition, an honorary book “Family of the Year” will be published, which contains the stories of the winning families, describes their traditions and family values.

Summing up the results of the All-Russian competition and awarding the winners will take place in November in Moscow.

A meeting of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” 2018, which is held by the Children’s Support Fund and the Russian Ministry of Labor, determined the winners in the main competitive categories.

A meeting of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” 2018, which is held by the Children’s Support Fund and the Russian Ministry of Labor, determined the winners in the main competitive categories.

Let us recall the statistics of the country's main family competition. All 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in it. The regions were represented by 329 families vying for the honorary title “Family of the Year.” According to the nominations of the All-Russian competition, they were distributed as follows: “Large family” - 74 applications, “Young family” - 69 applications, “Family - the keeper of traditions” - 70 applications, “Rural family” - 68 applications. 48 applications were accepted in the “Golden Family of Russia” nomination.

Members of the Organizing Committee, which is headed by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Zinaida Dragunkina, representatives of regional authorities and partner organizations were unanimous in their opinion: the level of organization and conduct of the competition has significantly increased. Separately, the active work of regional organizing committees in the Volgograd, Kaluga, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - YUGRA, the Republics of Bashkortostan and Karelia and in Moscow was noted. In these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, families were especially actively involved in participating in the regional stages; the presentations for the winning families were distinguished by their content and colorful design. In some territories, local governments also actively participated in the competition. Municipal stages took place in the Murmansk, Orenburg, Smolensk, Tyumen regions, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region e and other regions.

The meeting participants also noted interesting practices in holding the “Family of the Year” competition in different parts of the country. For example, in Tatarstan, the regional beauty contest of motherhood and family “Nechkebil” became part of it. In Sevastopol, families prepared and presented colorful family presentations and participated in a reading competition. Residents of the Bryansk region will probably remember the unusual show - the Stroller Parade that took place as part of the competition; in the Belgorod region, everyone was captivated by Grandmothers of the Year and Grandfathers of the Year. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, competing families completed the task “Sports in Family Creativity” and prepared a performance “Creating the Future Together.” And in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, many interesting creative works dedicated to the value of the family way of life, caring for family traditions. The nomination topics for the contestants were: “Happiness in living in a family”, “I want to do good”, “Everything is in your hands”, “I am proud of my family”. In short, in every region the “Family of the Year” competition has become an Event with a capital “E”.

PR support organized by the Foundation played a significant role in the growing popularity of the competition - and all meeting participants agreed with this. A thematic section on the official website of the Foundation has been created and regularly updated, work is underway to cover the All-Russian competition in the media, and special events are held. Thus, together with the Children’s Media Association “Boomerang”, within the framework of the All-Russian competition of children’s media works “Field of Family Victories”, a special nomination “Family Miniature” was established. Young journalists took part in the competition and made interesting videos about the winning families of the “Family of the Year” competition.
A significant event in support of the All-Russian competition was the holding of the photo exhibition “Family of the Year 2017” in State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation. The winning families of the competition became participants in the Foundation’s unique communication project – the “Family Box” campaign. It united 10 regions of the country, including the Novgorod, Vladimir, Rostov, Astrakhan, Smolensk, Omsk, Kursk regions, as well as the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As we have already noted, the main topic of the meeting was summing up the results of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” - 2018. Members of the Organizing Committee, as well as authoritative independent experts, carefully studied the submitted documents, publications, videos, and presentations. Following the discussion, 85 families were named winners. In the most popular nomination “Large Family” 15 families were awarded, in the “Young Family” nomination - 19 families, in the “Rural Family” nomination - 17 families. 18 families became winners in the “Family – Keeper of Traditions” nomination, and 16 families were recognized as “Golden Families of Russia”.
The famous names of the leaders can be found out. The final events of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” - 2018 will be held in the capital on November 21-23. And on November 22, in the concert hall of the Cosmos Hotel, a solemn ceremony will be held to honor the best of the best, the most friendly, creative, socially active, most outstanding families of our country. Their stories will become bright pages in the honorary book “Family of the Year” - 2018. Stay tuned for news!

MOSCOW, November 25 – RIA Novosti. The awards ceremony for the winners of the all-Russian competition “Family of the Year” took place on November 24 in Moscow. The event was organized by the Foundation for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

A total of 322 applications were received for the competition. The winners were chosen in five categories: “Large family”, “Young family”, “Rural family”, “Family - the keeper of traditions”, “Golden family of Russia”.

Before the start of the awards ceremony, all the winning families gathered in the foyer of the Izmailovsky concert hall. Here, both children and adults could take part in various creative master classes, watch musical performances, take memorable photographs, and just get to know each other.

“For the families themselves, it’s probably the conviction that our lives are on the right trajectory, we’re doing everything right, it’s an opportunity to communicate with other interesting families. And for our society, it’s the authority and value of the family, affirmation of the family’s status, that important in our time,” this is how the Smirnov family from the Yaroslavl region, who won in the “Rural Family” category, talks about the competition.

The Smirnovs say about their nomination that they and other families from the villages are contributing to the prosperity of their small homeland, the area where they live.

The awards ceremony began with welcoming words from the presenters.

“Of course, it was difficult for the organizers to choose the best of the best, because each family is wonderful in its own way,” said TV presenter Svetlana Zeynalova.

The large concert hall received 85 winning families from all over Russia. The winners of each of the nominations were invited to the stage, the largest of which was “Rural Family” - 21 winners.

The winners received awards and flowers from the hands of famous public and statesmen, and then took joint memorable photographs.

“Dear mothers, you and I, it would seem, are doing such a small thing in the grand scheme of things - we want our children to grow up happy people, but in general, by investing our souls, we create a whole future. And I really want everything to be fine for your children,” Anna Kuznetsova, authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation for children’s rights, addressed the families.

The winners in the “Keepers of Traditions” nomination were dressed in national costumes, and some families decided to choose outfits in the same color scheme: for example, in the Klementov family, all the girls chose light green dresses for the competition, but they could be noticed not only because bright color— there are 18 children in this family! They became one of the winners in the Large Family category.

“Dear fathers, dear mothers, boys, girls, you are our asset, you are the best and, as was already said here today, the best of the best,” said the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin.

Young families were honored here, where the spouses are not yet 35 years old, and “golden” couples - winners in this category have been together for more than 50 years! One of the winners had two holidays coincide on this day: the “Family of the Year” award and her birthday - she turned 89 years old. The couple has been together for 63 years, and the husband of the birthday girl took the floor:

“Thank you for sharing my joy today - today we are celebrating my wife’s birthday,” said Boris Gorshuk. He also thanked the organizers of the competition for what they are doing to ensure that family culture grows in our country.

A big festive concert was organized for the competition participants: between nominations, Russian pop stars congratulated the families from the stage.

As a result of the competition, an honorary book “Family of the Year - Russia 2017” was published, which all families received.

The results of the all-Russian competition “Family of the Year” 2018, which is held by the Children’s Support Fund and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, have become known. The jury determined the winners in the main competitive categories.

All 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the main family competition of the country - that’s 329 families vying for the honorary title “Family of the Year”. According to the nominations of the all-Russian competition, they were distributed as follows: “Large family” - 74 applications, “Young family” - 69 applications, “Family - keeper of traditions” - 70 applications, “Rural family” - 68 applications. 48 applications were accepted in the “Golden Family of Russia” nomination.

Ugra was represented at the competition by 3 families who became leaders at the district stage - the Poluyanov family from Khanty-Mansiysk in the “Large Family” nomination, the Ivanov family also from the district capital in the “Family - Keeper of Tradition” nomination, and the Shitorov family from Kondinsky District in the “ Rural family."

According to the results of the competition, the Ivanov family was among the winners in their category. She will be awarded an Honorary Diploma and included in the honorary book “Family of the Year in Russia.”

We would like to remind you that, as part of the district stage, the Ivanov family presented a family pedigree book on the maternal side to the jury. Its layout, as well as photographs, awards and stories of family members were sent to Moscow, where they were also appreciated.

According to Natalya Ivanova, the history of her family is rooted in the history of Ugra. Her grandfather’s ancestors always lived here; relatives on her grandmother’s side came from Poland.

“My hobbies include reading and music. It so happened that we never part with books and start reading quite early – from the age of 4-5. For example, already at the age of 6 my mother read Belyaev’s “The Head of Professor Dowell” and Gogol’s “Viy”. Apparently, this is where her passion for science fiction and mysticism began, which later passed on to us, her daughters. My great-grandmother Anfisa Pavlovna Popova, although she was almost uneducated, graduated from three or four classes, but she knew Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” by heart,” Natalya shared.

For many, the love of reading played an important role in their choice of profession - their family formed its own teaching dynasty. My mother works as a teacher of Russian language and literature, my grandmother worked, as well as the niece and sister of Natalya’s grandfather. In addition, other relatives and teachers dedicated their lives to work there: my grandfather was a labor and music teacher, my aunt and younger sister are history teachers, and my older sister works as a head teacher.

However, one of the main traditions of the family is an interest in pedigree. So, as a result of common work, the family book “On the Waves of Our Memory” was born, which was published in 8 copies. According to Natalya, they have now released the second edition of the book, because the study of the genealogy continues.

We would like to add that the final events of the all-Russian competition “Family of the Year” 2018 will be held in Moscow on November 21-23. A solemn ceremony honoring the best of the best, the most friendly, creative, socially active, most outstanding families of our country will take place in the concert hall of the Cosmos Hotel.

The All-Russian competition “Family of the Year,” organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations, is being held in 2018 for the third time.

In 2018, it welcomed more than 3 thousand families from 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At a meeting of the Organizing Committee of the “Family of the Year” competition, its results for 2018 were summed up and the winners were announced.

The All-Russian competition in 2018 is held under the motto “My family is my Russia” in 5 nominations. In the most popular nomination “Large Family” 15 families were awarded, in the “Young Family” nomination - 19 families, in the “Rural Family” nomination - 17 families. 18 families became winners in the nomination “Family - Keeper of Traditions”, and 16 families were recognized as “Golden Families of Russia”.

Ceremonial events following the results of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” will be held in Moscow on November 21-23, 2018.

The winning families will be invited to participate in a two-day program, including an awards ceremony, a family get-together, and an excursion program.

The awards ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” with the participation of honored guests and popular artists will be held on November 22, 2018 in the concert hall of the Cosmos Hotel.

Based on the results of the All-Russian competition, the Honorary Book “Family of the Year. Russia 2018”, including the stories of all the winning families.

Detailed information about the All-Russian competition is posted on the Internet portal
