A powerful spell to gain weight from thinness. How to gain weight or gain weight through prayer


Just recently we talked about or, which is harmful to health and prevents us from living actively. But there are also people who are underweight and feel the need to look more well-fed. After all, thinness is not always justified; in life it is important that everything is harmonious, including weight. There are cases of weight loss due to illness. There are many ways to gain weight folk remedies, power regulation. You can also add prayers to help you gain weight.

Fill the bath with water, read a special spell over it and bathe in it. The plot is like this:

Don’t stand, thinness, in God’s servant (name),

Neither in the wild head, nor in her eyes,

Neither in brown eyebrows, nor in red blood,

Not in seventy veins,

Not in seventy joints.

Go, thinness, into the dark forests,

On quicksand swamps, on flammable stones,

On the steep banks, on fast rivers,

On the yellow sands.

Don’t stand there, thinness, there’s not a pinch in your bones,

No body aches,

No heaviness, no yawning.

Thin, thin, go to the north side,

There's a place for you there. Amen.

Rite to get better

Take the shell from chicken eggs from which the eggs hatched, crush it and boil it three times at midnight (at 12 o’clock at night) three times (it boils - turn it off, wait a little, boil again and so on 3 times)

Early in the morning at 4-5 o'clock, before the birds sing, get out of bed, make the bed, boil the water with the shells three more times and go out into the yard, pour everything through a birch fence (you can use someone else's). At the same time, uttering the words of the conspiracy:

The bird hatched, and I, God’s servant (name), was cured.

Give me, Lord, completeness. Amen.

And immediately leave without looking back. The ritual is carried out for a full month and no more than three times, at intervals, so as not to gain much weight.

Prayer to gain weight

Another simple and easy prayer. While washing your face, say:

I, servant of God (name), will go to the blue sea.
A white swan will swim out of the blue sea,
It flows from that white swan,
The water rolls down
This water is not easy,
This water is holy and living.
So all the thinness would roll off me.
Splashing, splashing, talking to the Mother of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Water spell

They slander the water while washing in it. Then they take it away and pour it out to the owners’ gate, where there are pigs.

I know from whom I removed the fat, I know to whom I gave my thinness. Amen.

Pepper spell

They perform the ritual on the full moon. Prepare the dish before sunrise, and eat it before noon of the same day. They don’t cook for future use. The course is two weeks, and so on every day. You can change the fillings, you can have vegetable or meat ones.

You need to take three sweet peppers, peel them and stuff them with any minced meat and say the following on them:

I correct the thinness, I fill the thinness. For today. For tomorrow. Forever.

When the peppers are cooked, just before eating them, whisper

The thinness is corrected, the thinness is tucked in, sent where it needs to be. Amen.

You need to cook peppers only for yourself, secretly from other family members, and eat, of course, alone.

For apples

Take three apples and whisper the spell on them three times:

I pouring block, you remove thinness, fill me with health, my body, slaves (name),

You will cure this disease! For today. For tomorrow. Forever. Let it be so!

Start performing this ritual on the full moon. Spell apples before sunrise,

and eat before noon of the same day. The course is three weeks, perform manipulations daily.

Well, in conclusion, don’t worry that you are underweight, everything changes over time, perhaps something in the body will change, metabolism will occur differently and you will gain the desired weight. And remember, thinner people are healthier and live longer.

It happens that a person is naturally very thin. They say that he has such genetics and it is very difficult for him to get better. It happens that thinness is even associated with damage or illness. In this case, traditional methods for weight gain are ineffective. You can try to get rid of thinness using various conspiracies. In general, it is better to resort to them when other methods have already proven useless.

Simple conspiracies for thinness

Exists a large number of various conspiracies for thinness. Some of them are very difficult to implement. However, there are a sufficient number of quite simple conspiracies that any person can perform. You can get rid of excessive thinness forever if you turn to the help of such conspiracies. In any case, you will need to be patient, because sometimes it can be very difficult to gain your treasured kilograms. Let's look at one of these effective and relatively simple conspiracies - a conspiracy against thinness on water. First you will need to say the cherished words into the water, and then swim in it. The ceremony must be performed on Friday. The words of the conspiracy are:

“Do not stand, thinness, in the slave (name), nor in the wild head, nor in her eyes, nor in the brown eyebrows, nor in the red blood, nor in the seventy veins, nor in the seventy joints. Go, thinness, to the dark forests, to the quicksand swamps, to the flammable stones, to the steep banks, to the fast rivers, to the yellow sands. Don’t stand there, you’re thin, there’s a ache in your bones, there’s aching in your body, there’s no heaviness, there’s no yawning. Thinness, thinness, go to the north side, there you will find a cemetery. Amen".

Conspiracy from thinness with a pig

There is one conspiracy for thinness that requires the participation of a pig. Of course, not everyone will be able to find this funny animal. It will be very difficult to do this in the city. However, if you often spend time in the village or in the country, you can use just such a conspiracy. You will need to wash yourself in water, repeating the words: “I know from whom I removed the fat, knowing to whom I gave my thinness. Amen". When you read these words, you should attribute this water to pigs. This will help you get rid of thinness once and for all.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you spells for thinness and appetite. Painful thinness and exhaustion are no less unattractive than its opposite – obesity. Excessive weight loss inevitably affects a person’s well-being. Weakness, exhaustion, exhaustion, change mental state inevitably accompany a person suffering from cachexia.

Strong conspiracies for the waxing moon from thinness

Gaining weight is no easier than losing excess weight. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, offer you good and repeatedly proven conspiracies that allow an excessively thin person to gain weight. If this problem and the power of magic are relevant to you, do the following yourself:

  • water spell
  • spell for a decoction of barberry leaves
  • honey spell
  • spell for spikelets

The spell of water has great power. Read this strong thinness spell to the waxing moon. The energies that dominate the world during this period contribute to taking, acquiring, receiving. Including gaining weight. They speak to the water, then bathe in it:

“Do not stand, thinness, in (name), nor in the wild head, nor in the eyes, nor in the brown eyebrows, nor in the red blood, in the seventy veins, nor in the seventy joints. Go, thinness, to dark forests, to fast rivers, to quicksand swamps, to flammable stones, to steep banks, to yellow sands. Don’t stand there, thinness, there’s no ache in your bones, no ache in your body, no heaviness, no yawning. Thinness, thinness, go to the northern side, there you will find a cemetery. Amen".

Here is another white ritual for water. This conspiracy against thinness should also be read on a waxing moon. While swimming in the river, whisper:

“Mother water, deep and full, you wash, rinse the steep banks, feed the fish, swing the logs on the boats. The sun sets in your waters, the moon is visible, the stars bathe in you, drowned people decompose. Let my thinness disappear in your water, and I won’t suffer, won’t get sick, won’t lose any more weight. As stated, so be it. Exactly".

And finally, here is a white plot for thinness and appetite.

Here the natural healing power of water is used, and the magician-performer also appeals to the Powers of the Christian egregor:

“I, God’s servant (name), will go to the blue sea. A white swan will swim out of the blue sea, and water flows and rolls off that white swan. The water is not simple, the water is holy, alive. That way, all thinness would roll away from me, God’s servant (name). I splash water and talk to the Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Self-conspiracy to gain weight using a decoction of barberry leaves

Harness not only the power of water, but also the magical healing power of plants. A homemade plot for thinness should be read using a decoction of barberry leaves or rose hips. You can combine these plants. Prepare a decoction and divide into 3 parts.

During the day, the decoction should be drunk, each time before drinking, read healing words on it 9 times. spell words for thinness and good appetite:

“Leave me, thinness, any food is dear to me. I'm letting go of thinness for fun. Get lost, thinness, behind forests and waters, go away, sickness, vegetable gardens. You won’t make me feel good, you’ll leave my body with water. My word is strong. No one will break it, no one will break my spell. Amen".

At home, read the text of the conspiracy against anorexia on honey

Is not quick way, a is a serious long-term ritual that helps get rid of the causes of thinness. This magic ritual lasts a week. Start on the waxing moon, and time it to complete the ritual, and read a conspiracy against thinness on a full moon. You can perform the ceremony yourself, but you will need the help of another person.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Before you start casting magic, you need to drink milk and honey for 3 days. Take a cup of fresh heated milk, add a spoonful of flower honey. You need to drink milk 3 times a day. Avoid the time before sunrise and after sunset, i.e., when you drink milk, it should be light outside. For the ceremony you need to prepare:

  • 4 wax candles
  • 4 cups of clean water
  • 4 cups of honey
  • spoon
  • piece of lard

Start the ritual and reading the text of the plot to gain weight just before sunset. You need to take one sip from each cup, and eat 1 spoon of honey from each cup as well. The assistant takes the remaining honey and rubs it on the patient’s body with his left hand.

At the same time, read the words of the conspiracy against thinness and for a strong appetite:

“(name) will go around the house and the city, and into the distant heights, and into the near distance. He will take away the bear's strength, take the sinews from the wolf, and ask the fat hog for meat. A sip and a piece on the body are white, with honey markings. Where it is sweet, there will be more, where it is dry, there will be more. The hog will give meat fat, (name) will pay with milk and honey, and will thank him with a sweet tribute. From a distance close to (name) to the body, to the cheeks, to the legs, to the stomach, to the back. A spring of honey through the veins, fast, for three years of sea and light.”

Modern world dictates its own rules. Nowadays it is very popular to be thin. To achieve this, women with curvy figures constantly torture themselves with diets or physical activity. Surprisingly, the fact is that some women, on the contrary, are trying to gain weight. Usually, the first steps to achieve this result are that they begin to eat unbalancedly or engage in weightlifting. But such torture of one’s body does not always bear fruit. Even such a difficult situation has a way out. It involves turning to magic. A woman should only read the plot against thinness.

It is more effective compared to conventional traditional methods. In just a few weeks you will be able to see the long-awaited result, without torturing your body. It is best to carry out such rituals yourself at home during the waxing moon. As the moon grows, your weight will increase.

Ritual with water

A thinness spell is very often used, which involves the use of water. You should read special words of prayer over the water and then wash with it. The ideal day to perform the ritual is Friday. According to experts, this day has the strongest energy and helps you gain weight in the shortest possible time.

The magic spell for thinness goes like this:

“I, the servant of God (name), have been suffering for a long time from the fact that I cannot increase my weight. They say that this is a consequence of damage or the evil eye. Thinness haunts me and quite actively destroys my body. Doctors cannot understand the reason for this behavior of my body and do not prescribe me treatment. I can do all the procedures myself, but they don’t give the desired effect. I really ask the higher powers to direct their blessing to me so that I can achieve what I want. If I don't gain weight, I could drive myself into anorexia. And in this case, it will be very difficult for me to help. I don’t want to lose weight anymore, so I decided to read important words. Hear the words of my prayer. I pin my hopes only on you. I hope for your understanding and prudence. Amen".

If you do not have the opportunity to perform this ritual at home, then you can say the cherished words to the pond in which you will swim. It is very important that the spell be applied to any water.

How to increase your kilograms with the help of a pig

In some cases, experts advise talking to the pig. You can approach her and tell her about your problem. Ask her for help. Talk about wanting her fat. If you don't live in a rural area and don't have the opportunity to talk to a pig, then you can go to the zoo.

There is also a very simple, but quite effective method. It consists in the fact that you must fill the bathtub with water and wash yourself in it. In this case, it is very important to pronounce the following conspiracy against thinness:

“I, the servant of God (name), ask the pig to give me his kilograms and take away my thinness. I want me to gain weight and become more attractive to others, because men have already told me that I am very thin. That's why they don't pay attention to me. I want to arrange my personal life, but for this I need to acquire attractive female forms. This is the only way I can find a man who will become my husband. I really want to be happy and receive compliments from others. I don't want to die of anorexia and look like a goose. I ask for a big appetite for myself. Amen".

If you have a very small appetite and for this reason you are not gaining weight, then you need to give the pig bread. At the same time, you should pronounce special words so that she eats, and the kilograms go away for you.

How to exchange weight with an overweight friend

If you have a curvy friend and she wants to lose weight, then you can perform a simple ritual. To do this, you should do the following:

  • you should meet your girlfriend;
  • place a lighted candle between you;
  • treats and a small amount of bread should be placed on the table;
  • after that you can start reading the plot for thinness.

“I, the servant of God (name), want to ask my friend to give away her extra pounds. She wants to lose weight, and I want to gain weight. May our wishes come true and we achieve our goal. For all this to work out, I must eat all the treats on this table. Only in this case will I become beautiful and acquire feminine forms. I want me to have ample breasts and wide hips, because these are the symbols of a real woman that I lack. Doctors said that I would not be able to bear and give birth to a child, since I have narrow hips. I am a woman and I really want to have children. But for this you need to gain weight. This will allow me to purchase the right health for bearing children. But my friend wants to lose weight and I can give her my thinness. May higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help us. Lord, I ask you, hear me. Amen".

Natural ritual

You must understand that this effective way take a lot of time. You will have to spend a whole week. Make sure you have an assistant. As soon as you see the waxing moon in the sky, immediately begin the ritual. It is very important to finish it before the full moon arrives.

The first stage of the ritual is that you must adhere to special diet and observe it for three days. Your diet should consist only of milk and a dash of honey. It is very important to follow one rule. You should use the product only during the daytime and three times a day. As soon as the sun sets below the horizon, you should stop eating.

There are cases when a person wants to gain a few kilograms so as not to be too thin. Men like appetizing women, with beautiful breasts and the right shape, and not too thin, who look like people suffering from anorexia.

The thinness spell will be effective not only for adults, but also for children. You can do your best to gain a few kilos in the classic way. If this method does not work, it is recommended to believe in the power of magic and a good conspiracy against dryness. There are professional conspiracies for thinness that will help a person solve any problem. The conspiracy to lose weight should be read daily and done with faith in a speedy recovery and gaining the necessary weight. This is the only way magic will work, without faith - it’s just a bunch of words.

The thinness spell will help you gain weight

The conspiracy must be pronounced only after determining the cause of the unhealthy condition. If the cause is hidden in the progression of the disease, then it must first be cured.

Today, good health is a lot of work. Increasingly, residents of megacities are complaining about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is important not only to read the plot, but also to adhere to a certain diet that normalizes the intestinal flora.

Diseases of the central nervous system. Sometimes their presence causes apathy towards food, a person is afraid to eat high-calorie foods. Not only a gastroenterologist will help here, but also a psychotherapist.

Refusal to eat causes food apathy

The evil eye, damage to weight loss and loss of vital energy. If a person has no complaints about his health, but still rapidly begins to lose weight, it is not strange that this is the influence of the evil eye or damage.

There are a lot of symptoms of damage and the evil eye: constant apathy, quarrels in the family, craving for alcoholic drinks and drugs, the appearance of cancer or other malignant tumors. Pets react sharply to damage. If before this a friendly pet began to run away from its owner, this is a dangerous symptom.

A blessed candle will help identify the evil eye. The person sits on a chair in the center of the room, and the relative begins to light a candle while reading church prayers. It is better to do this in the evening, when other family members are sleeping peacefully. If the candle begins to crackle, smoke and even go out, then the evil eye is cast on weight loss. The conspiracy to eat for thinness is read while reading “Our Father.”

Illuminated candle for the ritual of determining the evil eye

Conspiracies against unhealthy thinness

If the usual methods could not solve the problem of weight loss, you can resort to magic. Sometimes gaining weight is many times harder than losing it, so it is important to be patient and know that there is no magic wand - this is a big and difficult job that everyone can do. It is important to read all conspiracies with faith and on the waxing moon.

Conspiracies on the water

The spell for drinking water is quite effective. Initially, you can use it simply for drinking, then for bathing. It is advisable to perform this ritual on Friday. This plot also reads like a prayer for a child who is sick.

You can talk about drinking water and for bathing

Need to say:

“Do not stand, thinness, in the slave (name), nor in the wild head, nor in her eyes, nor in the brown eyebrows, nor in the red blood, nor in the seventy veins, nor in the seventy joints. Go, thinness, to the dark forests, to the quicksand swamps, to the flammable stones, to the steep banks, to the fast rivers, to the yellow sands. Don’t stand there, thinness, there’s no whispering in your bones, no aching in your body, no heaviness, no yawning. Thinness, thinness, go to the north side, there you will find a cemetery. Amen".

“Mother water, you are deep and full, you wash and rinse the steep banks, you store and feed fish, you swing logs on your waves. The sun sets for you, the moon looks into your waters, the stars bathe in you, the drowned in you decompose. Perish my thinness in your water, and I, God’s servant (name), will not suffer, will not get sick, and will never lose weight again. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Bathing in charmed water

When you wake up early in the morning, you can not only drink the charmed water, but also wash your face with it. Need to say:

“I, servant of God (name), will go to the blue sea. A white swan will swim out of the blue sea, water flows and rolls from that white swan, this water is not simple, this water is holy and living. So all the thinness would roll off me. Splashing, splashing, talking to the Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Read the spell for thinness on the waning moon

Women and men often feel envy towards the person who is more successful, beautiful, healthy and thin. Today, the problem of losing excess sentiment and the percentage of body fat is especially pressing. If a person is opposed to his thin form, you can find a thicker relative who wants to get rid of a few kilograms and carry out an energy exchange. To do this, people must exchange wardrobe items that they wear often.

The waning moon is needed for a ritual of energy exchange

Anyone who wants to lose a few kilograms must read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“The slave (name of the thin one) is thin, and the slave (name) is fat for me (the name of the thin one). You slave (name) was thin, but became fat. I gave you my fat - I took your thinness for myself. Truly."

While reading these words, you need to run your palms over an element of the wardrobe, as if sending all the energy there.

Wardrobe spell for those who want to lose weight

Then the thin man reads his plot:

“Your slave (the fat man’s name) is fat, my slave (name) is thinness. You were fat, you became thin, and you gave me your fat alive. The exchange has taken place, I seal it, I conjure it. Amen".

After this, people must look each other in the eyes, spit on their palms and seal the agreement with a handshake. Then there is an exchange of things that need to be worn until the desired result occurs.

Words for rosehip decoction

This plot is read with a decoction for drinking or washing. For its preparation, not only rose hips can be used, but also barberry leaves. You can combine drinking and washing - this will only enhance the effect of the spell and speed up the onset of the desired effect.

Rose hips are used to prepare a decoction

The prepared and charmed decoction should be divided into three equal portions and taken in the morning, lunch and evening. Spell words are read 9 times.

“Leave me (name), thinness, any food is dear to me. I am getting fatter and stronger, I am letting go of the thinness from my body in the walkway. Lose your thinness behind the forests and waters, go into the vegetable gardens. You won’t bring me to any good, if you drink the water you will leave your body forever. My word is strong, and no one will break it, no one will destroy my spell.”

An effective plot with a bee product

If the spell for drinking water has not brought the desired result for a month, you need to resort to a magical effective remedy, uttering stronger words. The person himself cannot cope with this, so the help of a relative is needed. All spells and word readings must be repeated for 7 days.

It is necessary to wait until the time of the waxing moon comes outside the window; by the full moon the magic should be completed. 72 hours before reading the magic words, anyone who wants to get better must fast, eat bee product and drink milk. Honey can be washed down, diluted in milk, or taken separately from each other. These products will become a person’s only meal for 72 hours. It is important that the last meal occurs before sunset; in the evening you can drink some water.

Bee honey for a ritual performed by two people

The relative must also fast, eating only bread and water for 72 hours. If the assistant is a woman, it is important that during the ritual she is completely healthy and not pregnant. After 72 hours, it is recommended to start the ritual in the morning. Wax candles, 4 bowls of water and the same number of containers with bee product are placed on the table. As soon as dusk comes, a person who wants to gain weight should drink all the cups of water and eat a few spoons bee product. The assistant anoints the person losing weight with it and says:

"The slave will go<имя>in the circle of the house and the city, to the distant heights, to the near distance. He will take away the bear's strength, take the sinews from the wolf, and ask the fat hog for meat. A sip and a bite, a white body, honey markings. Where it is sweet, there will be more, where it is dry, there will be more. The hog will give meat fat, slave<имя>He will pay with milk and honey, and will thank you with a sweet tribute. From a distance close to a slave<имя>, to the body, to the cheeks and legs, to the stomach and back. With a honey key through the veins, fast, for 3 years, sea and light.”

Fresh meat for rubbing the body during the ritual

After this, the body is wiped with lard or a piece of fresh meat. It is stored until the end of the ritual on the windowsill. Then, within a week, the ritual is repeated, using the same piece of lard or meat for rubbing. It is necessary to carefully ensure that no one touches or eats it. At the end of the conspiracy, the lard is buried in the ground. Within two weeks the first results should appear, the person will begin to gain weight. When the weight reaches the desired level, the lard is dug out of the ground or a new piece is bought, and the following words are read:

“From the stomach and legs, from the cheeks and back. I burn the words, I open the lock.”

Spell on ears of wheat

This plot must be read by an assistant or close relative; using it for yourself is strictly prohibited. A person who wants to get rid of thinness should be drawn along the back of a person from top to bottom with collected ears of wheat (their number should be unpaired). Then it is said:

“Thinness and tossing, fall off, roll off the human frame, the body of the white servant of God (the name of the recovering person), come out of his seething blood. Fall down, roll down, fall into the ground and live there from now on. Depart now and forever.”

The amount of wheat for the ritual must be unpaired

If a woman reads the words, she must be completely healthy.

Pig conspiracy

It's quite hard to find one like this in the city. pet. But those who have friends in the village or close relatives can use it without any problems.

“I know from whom I took the fat, I know to whom I gave my thinness. Amen".

After this, the water is given to the animals to drink.

“As full and fat as you, pig, are, so would I, the servant of God (name), be given fullness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Feeding the animal during the ritual will help overcome apathy towards food

If there is apathy towards food, you need to take some bread and start feeding the animal. Sentenced:

“How you, pig mouth, eat with joy, how you, pig, rejoice in food, so that I want to eat everywhere and everywhere. Amen".

This conspiracy is very effective and it has been confirmed in many works of Siberian healers. If someone who is losing weight does not want to feed pigs and have contact with them, you can cast a spell on any other animal in the house. For example, it could be a rooster or a goose.

Spells using glass are effective.

  • Running water is poured into a glass container.
  • Use a piece of soap, tar soap or a simple household soap that you leave on the table near the water will do.
  • A person stands facing the glass and reads Orthodox or Catholic prayers, and then a simple spell, repeating it an odd number of times.
  • Soap and water should not be touched until sunset, then in the evening they are washed with them.

Using soap for a spell will help with thinness

The described ritual for the waning moon and not only will be effective if you carry it out with faith that it will help. If traditional and ethnoscience powerless and the person is still rapidly losing weight, it is necessary to resort to magic, light spells that will help heal the soul and body. Often, relatives should help someone losing weight in this matter, not only with rituals, but also with moral support. Food apathy is a psychological problem that does not appear on its own.
