Ghosts of Koenigsberg (mystical history of the Second World War). Ghosts of the Koenigsberg laboratory Ghost squad of the SS in Koenigsberg


Alexander Aderikhin

The taxi driver was simply carried away. Having learned that among his passengers there were guests from St. Petersburg, the “chef” voluntarily began a tour along the trip route. Although no one asked him about it. Everything is in the “best” Kaliningrad traditions. Here we had the Gestapo (KSTU building, former court lands of East Prussia), and here (the building of the construction college) they trained reconnaissance saboteurs. Well, everything in the same spirit. This is how two St. Petersburg artists became acquainted with one of the Kaliningrad myths: in German times, in every surviving German mansion “we” trained either submariners, or pilots, or thugs-saboteurs...

The truth about Prussian intelligence schools: against the USSR

The State Archives of the Kaliningrad Region contains a document modestly entitled “Certificate”. Its authorship is attributed to the regional KGB and dates back to the 60s of the last century. According to one version, at that time there were so many stories about German intelligence schools in Kaliningrad that local security officers prepared a special “Certificate” especially for lecturers and propagandists.

The “Help” of the security officers states that “Abwehrstelle” was the largest intelligence structure of Nazi Germany directed against the USSR. The headquarters of this powerful organization was located in Königsberg at Kranzallee 40. Nowadays it is Alexander Nevsky Street. If you are heading out of the city, there is an old German house right behind the university building. That's where the spy headquarters was.

Before the start of the war, German agents, having completed their mission in the USSR, often returned to their homeland through Königsberg.

The “Certificate” indicates the address of the safe house where they were received – Steindamm, 44. Now this place on Leninsky Prospekt is a residential building with an arch. Even the name of the owner of the safe house is known - the owner of the boarding house, Leina Danti.

Counter-revolutionaries who had not been killed in 1917 often worked with German agents. For example, Petliurite Dyachenko, who found refuge in Germany.

Shortly before the attack on the USSR, the employees of Abverstelle Königsberg had a lot of work. In the town of Gross Mission (now Kuznetskoye), literally a month before the start of the war, the first intelligence school appeared. Radio operators and intelligence officers were trained here for deployment to the rear of the USSR. The first graduates, 20 agents, departed for the area of ​​the Leningrad Front, through which they were dropped. A secret radio station was also created in the village of Noygoff (now Orlovka, Guryevsky district).

And just a month after the start of hostilities against the USSR, employees of the Abverstelle Königsberg began interrogating the first Soviet prisoners of war in a specially organized camp.

Having proven themselves appropriately

In July 1943, the Warsaw intelligence school was transferred to East Prussia, closer to the front. She was placed in the same modern Orlovka. The school was disguised as military unit Russian Liberation Army (ROA). The main contingent of school cadets was recruited from Soviet prisoners of war, according to the “Certificate”, “who proved themselves in the concentration camps in an appropriate manner.” In the same 1943, not far from Königsberg in the town of Rosenstein, the Borisov intelligence school was located in its entirety, which occupied the barracks of a French prisoner of war camp.

And in November 1943, the women’s branch of the same Warsaw intelligence school was transferred to the seaside town of Neukuren (now the Pioneer Resort). This unit was commanded by ROA captain Natalya Berg-Popova. Female agents were trained for six months. These were radio operators, partners to male agents. The women's branch of the Warsaw intelligence school in Neukuren graduated only 20 spies. After which the management was forced to evacuate both the men's branch in Neuhoff and the women's branch in Neukuren deep into Poland, away from the approaching front.

But the barracks of the intelligence school on the territory of what is now Orlovka did not remain empty for long. Russian speech was replaced by Estonian and Latvian languages. Their task was to settle in territory captured by the Red Army to “organize an insurrectionary movement.” Which is what they did until the mid-50s of the last century.
In addition to training agents, Abverstelle Königsberg employees also collected intelligence data using technical means. For example, at the intersection of Kannonenweg and Eidstrasse (Artilleriyskaya Street and Sportivny Lane) there was a particularly secret facility - a powerful radio interception station. It was an eight-story tower, stuffed with equipment. The tower was serviced by 50 people. Not only career Nazi spies were involved in the radio interception work, but also teachers (especially reliable ones) of the University of Königsberg, who were fluent in several foreign languages. In August 1944, British aircraft bombed the tower. The Germans restored it with heroic efforts, but it was no longer the same.

"Werewolves": children and elderly

The front was advancing, the situation was changing, and in 1944, in what is now Orlovka, they began to train the Germans. Also for settling in territory “controlled by the Red Army.” A total of 500 agents were released in two age categories: 15 - 17 years old, and 50 - 55 years old. Apparently, the experiment was successful, and in the same 1944, Himmler’s department decided to start training saboteurs. The founding father of the SS ordered the creation of a special unit “Werewolf” (“Werewolves”). The task of the "Werewolves", recruited from the civilian population, was terrorist activity behind the lines of the Red Army. The Werewolves recruited only local residents, from among members of the National Socialist Party and youths from the Hitler Youth. In Königsberg, the headquarters of this organization was located at Lenzstrasse, 3 - 5 (now Lermontov Street). The “werewolves” approached the task of the party and government with typically German diligence.
In 1945, the Smersh counterintelligence department of the 3rd Belorussian Front neutralized more than a dozen Werewolf groups. Weapons caches and well-equipped bunkers for “werewolves” were discovered. The “Reference” provides a list of items seized from the caches: 2,491 kg of explosives, 803,500 rounds of ammunition, 4,030 machine guns, 300 machine guns, 152 anti-tank rifles, two mortars, two artillery pieces and 17 duplicating machines. Were all the Werewolf hiding places discovered by our counterintelligence in those days? The Help does not answer this question.

But there are spare lines, behind which there is hard operational work: raids, ambushes and shootouts.
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In February 1945, for example, a group of ten people whose task was to blow up buildings occupied by Soviet soldiers was neutralized. During the liquidation, the group offered armed resistance.

"Werewolves" were distinguished by extreme fanaticism. For example, the “werewolf” from the city of Kranz, the German Gunn, did not manage to cause much harm to the Soviet army. With a single shot from around the corner, he wounded our senior sergeant. But after Gan was detained, it turned out that when he went to kill the “Reds,” he poisoned his wife and two young children.


In total, together with the “werewolves”, 43 sabotage groups and seven gangs were liquidated by Smersh in 1945. The latter consisted of deserters from the Red Army. For example, on April 24, a gang led by a deserter, former captain Pyotr Krutko, was neutralized. In addition to Soviet deserters, the bandit group included one German and four German women.

In addition to saboteurs and deserters, state security agencies had to do a lot of work to check the citizens of the USSR who were deported to East Prussia during the war.

The “Reference” provides the following figures: as of August 1945, a total of 165,766 repatriates were checked. Of these: 34,634 were sent to the USSR, 99,119 were sent to the army, 12,494 were sent to special camps, 2,421 were arrested.

And in February 1947, security officers uncovered an entire spy organization in the Kaliningrad region. 20 captured German officers were found guilty of working for British and American intelligence. To be honest, today it is doubtful that captured German officers, sitting in a camp in the Kaliningrad region closed to foreigners, could establish any contacts with American and British intelligence services. But you can’t erase the words from the verdict. Especially in 1947. In the same 1947, the Kaliningrad security officers had another major success. They managed to arrest one of the leaders of the Abverstelle Königsberg, a certain Captain Brauneck. However, success quickly turned into failure - Braunek died in a prison cell.

Ideologically correct ending

The “reference” ends with the words that from the autumn of 1947 to the summer of 1951, 110,000 Germans - residents of the former East Prussia - were deported to Germany.

“On the territory that had long served for military and political adventures against the Baltic and Slavic peoples, he began to build new life Soviet people,” - this is ideologically correct sentence ends with the “Information” about saboteurs, spies and deserters on the territory of East Prussia. But not the history of intelligence in the Kaliningrad region.

(based on materials
State Archives of the Kaliningrad Region)

  • Braunek Adolf Adolfovich

Born in 1875, Bialystok; German; engineer of the Vodokanal trust.. Lived: Kaliningrad.
Arrested on January 15, 1947, UMGB of the Kaliningrad region
Sentenced: by the Military Tribunal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kaliningrad Region on August 26, 1947, ob.: under Article 58-6 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR..
Sentence: 15 years in labor camp. Died on December 1, 1947. Rehabilitated December 14, 1992

The May Victory fireworks died down. All European countries breathed freely - the global brown plague, carried by the hordes of fascists, was defeated. And suddenly, on the peaceful streets of Koenigsberg, a month after the Nazis signed the act of complete and unconditional surrender, an armed column of fascists unexpectedly appeared. And they behaved as if they did not know about the defeat in the war. The Germans walked through the city in an organized march, singing songs. They then opened fire, killing everyone who got in their way. Military units of the Red Army were alerted. And when it seemed that it was possible to surround the Germans and only a few hours remained before the destruction of the Nazis, the Germans disappeared... Even the dead were not found, although the Nazis were fired upon with heavy fire. It was decided to close not only the city, but the entire region. And the information on these events was classified, and with the stamp “Keep forever”!

At that time, two versions were put forward: it was the result of Hitler’s secret project to create an invisible man, or the unresolved souls of fascists came to the city. After all, now everyone knows that the mystical fascist organization Ahnenerbe was working on creating invisible warriors. In addition, the archives contain interesting information “about the affairs of bygone days.” They indicate that back in the 18th century, cases of disappearances of military personnel were recorded in the Königsberg area.

Note that, based on surviving documents, during the time of Chancellor Bismarck, a huge underground city was built near Koenigsberg. And there is no need to look for evidence of this, since it is known that the underground tunnels under the city are the most extensive and extensive in Europe. Their construction began in the 13th century. Each ruler of the city considered it necessary to replenish the underground city with new halls, galleries and, of course, hiding places. Under the city center there are huge basements and an inclined shaft that goes deep into the underground.

Myself Royal Palace rests on huge boulders filled with mortar. Under the castle itself there are numerous narrow passages. Even inside the castle walls, spiral staircases wind and lead to underground small and large galleries and spacious halls. By the way, from the underground premises of the castle you can easily get to any area of ​​the city.

The layout of the complex underground labyrinth was discovered completely by accident. Ancient builders, while laying tunnels, also drew up a plan of dungeons using specially “embedded” bricks, which were found.

After Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, one of the most secret research laboratories of the Third Reich, Königsberg-13, was organized in the Königsberg underground catacombs. Erich Koch himself supervised the work of this secret facility. A very narrow circle of those close to the Fuhrer knew about its existence. The new laboratory had two main tasks. First, the study of the occult sciences, including magic, astrology, hypnosis and numerous mystical cults. Secondly, the development of psychotronic weapons, based on knowledge of the methods of metaphysics.

Particular attention in the laboratory was paid to the study of Eastern mystical teachings. In connection with which the city appeared Buddhist monks in white robes and followers of the most sinister Tibetan order in red robes.

After the war, the archives of Laboratory No. 13 disappeared without a trace. According to one version, the Soviet government made an exchange - an archive for American and captured German industrial machines. According to the second, the archive was destroyed by members of the Soviet secret services. According to the third, the employees of Laboratory No. 13, before leaving, flooded the archive in the basements of the castle.

In April 1945, Soviet troops approached Konigsberg. The city was a fortress and could withstand a months-long siege. But under the attack of Soviet troops, the fortress fell four days later! What was surprising was that no resistance was offered to the Red Army soldiers who entered the city, although explosions were heard in different parts of the city. As it turned out later, the retreating Germans did not blow up strategic objects, but the entrances to tunnels and dungeons.

It is known that immediately after the liberation of the city from the Nazis, Soviet intelligence officers arrived in Koenigberg to investigate the activities of the occult fascist organization Ahnenerbe.

Over the ten years of its operation, Ahnenerbe carried out more than 3 thousand secret expeditions to all regions of the world. To date, only a few of their developments are known. Thus, Ahnenerbe employees came very close to nuclear fusion, participated in the creation of rocket technology, and mastered the methods of genetic engineering. But still, the main part of the information remained unknown, since the archives of this organization were never found. What the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition managed to get are crumbs of what actually happened.

"Ahnenerbe" was under the patronage of the highest ranks of the Reich - Hitler, Himmler, Wirth ("godfather"), Richard Walter Dare (racologist). The main goal of the Ahnenerbe was the search for such knowledge that could provide Germany with world domination. And one of the means of achievement was the creation of a superman with super knowledge and super strength. There were world-famous scientists in the service of Ahnenerbe.

During the war, the Nazis were able to conduct their sadistic physiological and genetic experiments to create a superman on captured soldiers, women and children. Experiments were conducted on prisoners to study various poisons, pain thresholds and the effects of high and low temperatures were studied. A special place was occupied by “scientific programs” to study the organization of mass psychosis, the effects of psychotropic substances, the creation of new weapons of mass destruction, as well as the possibility of communication with alien civilizations.

It is possible that Ahnenerbe scientists have achieved significant results in all their intended goals. It is not without reason that the Soviet and American intelligence services made titanic efforts to search for the secret archives of this organization, any materials and equipment from the Ahnenerbe laboratories. Everything that they managed to find was secretly taken away. And most importantly, now the victorious countries continued the work begun by fascist scientists. This is confirmed by the huge and simultaneous post-war breakthrough of the USA and the USSR in the field of electronic and atomic fields, in the fields of mechanical engineering and aerospace technologies.

Memoirs of eyewitnesses of one of Ahnenerbe’s most secret projects have been preserved. During the war years on the territory of the present Kaliningrad region there was a secret object, which was described in Ahnenerbe documents as Paradies (paradise). The facility was led by one of the founders of the organization, Zeltser, which confirmed the importance of the research conducted there. It is now known that scientists on Paradies were developing methods for time travel. Such a topic is still considered absurd, since the accepted modern science Einstein's theory of relativity states that time warping is not possible on Earth. But the Nazis carried out research in this direction. In the underground premises of Königsberg, the Germans built a unique installation capable of deforming the space-time continuum. The only obstacle was that the Nazis did not have a powerful power source with the necessary characteristics. German scientists were counting on a nuclear reactor, which was also being developed at Ahnenerbe. But they had no time to praise - the war was already lost. Despite this, the “time machine” was tested by the Germans, several times! There is information that in 1942, Soviet soldiers met a group of French soldiers from the time of Napoleon's invasion near Leningrad. In May 1944, on the territory of Belarus, local residents were shocked by the unexpected appearance of a detachment of German knights. There were many similar events, but all this information was completely classified.

60 years after the Victory, frightening and very strange events began to occur in Kaliningrad. They immediately remembered Hitler's secret laboratories. So, recently a group of young people decided to take a photo near the grave of the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. When the pictures were printed, the guys were amazed to notice a mysterious stranger in them. He was dressed in an SS uniform and had a helmet with holes on his head. He was behind the group taking pictures. The soldier held a machine gun in his left hand, and his right hand was raised in the traditional fascist salute. This could only be explained by the fact that the soldier was a ghost. Almost at the same time, the ghost of the Nazi art scientist Alfred Rohd was seen near the Royal Castle. They say that he was the custodian of the famous Amber Room, stolen by the Nazis in Russia.

It's unlikely that the ghosts were pranks. It is possible that they are the result of experiments to create “memory fields” carried out in secret fascist laboratories. Research into isolating the astral body could lead to the materialization of information about events that took place here earlier.

Perhaps the nature of these phenomena is associated with the occurrence of visual effects when exposed to the human psyche. We must not forget that the Germans created psychotronic weapons in their laboratories!

Since no one knows what results Nazi scientists achieved in their research and where the archive of secret laboratories disappeared, unexpected events may await us.

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On the territory of modern Kaliningrad, formerly the German city of Königsberg, according to rumors, during the war there was an underground bunker where the Nazis conducted their secret experiments...

The system of underground tunnels near Kaliningrad is one of the most extensive and extensive in Europe. It began in the 13th century. Each successive ruler of the city added his own halls, galleries and hiding places to the huge labyrinth. In its center were extensive cellars and a deep inclined shaft under the Royal Palace.

The castle rested on a kind of pillow of huge boulders filled with mortar. Between them stretched narrow passages that began within the walls of the central tower of the castle, the last refuge of its defenders. Spiral staircases twisted inside the walls, and under the castle there were large and small galleries with vaulted ceilings and spacious halls. Through the tunnels leading from the castle, one could get to any corner of the city and even beyond.

The key to the underground labyrinth was discovered by accident. The ancient builders, at the same time as laying the galleries, drew up a plan for the city dungeons. Moreover, it was made not on paper that was susceptible to decay and fires, but on special “mortgage” bricks. The latter were found at the site of the castle museum.

Soon after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, one of the most secret laboratories of the Third Reich, Königsberg-13, arose in the dungeons under the former royal castle. Its activities were personally controlled by the Gauleiter of East Prussia, Erich Koch, and only a narrow circle of insiders from the Fuhrer’s inner circle knew about its very existence.

The newly formed secret unit was given two main tasks. The first is the study of occult sciences, including astrology, magic, hypnosis, and various cults. The second task was of a more practical nature - developing the concept of psychotronic weapons based on the results of the study of metaphysical knowledge. Much attention was paid to Eastern mystical teachings. Buddhist monks in white and red robes of the sinister Tibetan Bon order appeared on the streets of the city...

After the war, the archive of mystical laboratory No. 13 disappeared without a trace. According to one version, after the end of the war, the Soviet government exchanged it as “unnecessary” from the Americans for captured German machines. Another version says that the papers disappeared within the walls of the KGB, according to the third - before the retreat, the laboratory employees managed to flood the basements of the castle, which contained numerous folders with records.

60 years have passed. It would seem that the story of “Hitler’s secret laboratory” in Koenigsberg should have simply turned into a legend, but... Recently, strange and frightening things have begun to happen in Kaliningrad. For example, a few years ago on Victory Day, a group of students decided to take a photo near the grave of the philosopher Immanuel Kant.

When the pictures were printed, the guys saw a mysterious stranger on them. A man dressed in an SS uniform and a helmet with holes in it stood behind a group of people taking photos. He held a Schmeisser machine gun with his left hand, and raised his right hand in a Nazi salute... There was no doubt that the soldier was a ghost.

Later, another ghost was seen in the vicinity of the Royal Castle - the Nazi art critic Dr. Alfred Rod. It was he who was the custodian of the Amber Room taken from Tsarskoe Selo.

It's unlikely that the ghosts could have been someone's prank. Perhaps, within the walls of the laboratory, some experiments were carried out related to the isolation of the astral body or the creation of the so-called “memory field”, capable of materializing information about all the events that took place in this place.

We can also talk about visual effects caused by the impact on the human psyche: after all, in the laboratory they worked on the creation of psychotronic weapons! What scope for research...

On the territory of modern Kaliningrad, formerly the German city of Königsberg, according to rumors, during the war there was an underground bunker where the Nazis conducted their secret experiments...

The system of underground tunnels near Kaliningrad is one of the most extensive and extensive in Europe. It began in the 13th century. Each successive ruler of the city added his own halls, galleries and hiding places to the huge labyrinth. In its center were extensive cellars and a deep inclined shaft under the Royal Palace.

The castle rested on a kind of pillow of huge boulders filled with mortar. Between them stretched narrow passages that began within the walls of the central tower of the castle, the last refuge of its defenders. Spiral staircases twisted inside the walls, and under the castle there were large and small And e galleries with vaulted ceilings and spacious halls. Through the tunnels leading from the castle, one could get to any corner of the city and even beyond.

The key to the underground labyrinth was discovered by accident. The ancient builders, at the same time as laying the galleries, drew up a plan for the city dungeons. Moreover, it was made not on paper that was susceptible to decay and fires, but on special “mortgage” bricks. The latter were found at the site of the castle museum.

Soon after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, one of the most secret laboratories of the Third Reich, Königsberg-13, arose in the dungeons under the former royal castle. Its activities were personally controlled by the Gauleiter of East Prussia, Erich Koch, and only a narrow circle of insiders from the Fuhrer’s inner circle knew about its very existence.

The newly formed secret unit was given two main tasks. The first is the study of occult sciences, including astrology, magic, hypnosis, and various cults. The second task was of a more practical nature - developing the concept of psychotronic weapons based on the results of the study of metaphysical knowledge. Much attention was paid to Eastern mystical teachings. Buddhist monks in white and red robes of the sinister Tibetan Bon order appeared on the streets of the city...

After the war, the archive of mystical laboratory No. 13 disappeared without a trace. According to one version, after the end of the war, the Soviet government exchanged it as “unnecessary” from the Americans for captured German machines. Another version says that the papers disappeared within the walls of the KGB, according to the third - before the retreat, the laboratory employees managed to flood the basements of the castle, which contained numerous folders with records.

60 years have passed. It would seem that the story of “Hitler’s secret laboratory” in Koenigsberg should have simply turned into a legend, but... Recently, strange and frightening things have begun to happen in Kaliningrad. For example, a few years ago on Victory Day, a group of students decided to take a photo near the grave of the philosopher Immanuel Kant.

When the pictures were printed, the guys saw a mysterious stranger on them. A man dressed in an SS uniform and a helmet with holes in it stood behind a group of people taking photos. He held a Schmeisser machine gun with his left hand, and raised his right hand in a Nazi salute... There was no doubt that the soldier was a ghost.

Later, another ghost was seen in the vicinity of the Royal Castle - the Nazi art critic Dr. Alfred Rod. It was he who was the custodian of the Amber Room taken from Tsarskoe Selo.

It's unlikely that the ghosts could have been someone's prank. Perhaps, within the walls of the laboratory, some experiments were carried out related to the isolation of the astral body or the creation of the so-called “memory field”, capable of materializing information about all the events that took place in this place. We can also talk about visual effects caused by the impact on the human psyche: after all, in the laboratory they worked on the creation of psychotronic weapons! What scope for research...

Yuri Suprunenko

True ru.

A month after the end of the war, a column of fascists suddenly appeared in Königsberg, who behaved as if Germany had not recently lost the war. The soldiers walked through the city, singing Aryan songs and shooting everyone they came across on the way. When the Nazis were surrounded by Red Army units, the Germans simply disappeared. Soviet authority was forced to close first the city, then the entire region. Reports on this case are classified and have a rare stamp - “Keep forever.”
What was it: the restless souls of the dead or Hitler’s secret project? Is Ananerba, which was working on creating an invisible man, involved in what happened?
If we exclude mysticism, then the question arises: where did the soldiers disappear? The archives yielded interesting finds: as early as the 18th century, disappearances of military personnel were noted in Königsberg. They put forward a version that an entire underground city was built near Königsberg during the time of Bismarck.

The system of underground tunnels near Kaliningrad is one of the most extensive and extensive in Europe. It began in the 13th century. Each successive ruler of the city added his own halls, galleries and hiding places to the huge labyrinth. In its center were extensive cellars and a deep inclined shaft under the Royal Palace.
The castle rested on a kind of pillow of huge boulders filled with mortar. Between them stretched narrow passages that began within the walls of the central tower of the castle, the last refuge of its defenders. Spiral staircases meandered inside the walls, and under the castle there were large and small galleries with vaulted ceilings and spacious halls. Through the tunnels leading from the castle, one could get to any corner of the city and even beyond.
In April 1945, Soviet troops began the siege of the fortress city of Königsberg (present-day Kaliningrad).
The city, which was prepared for months-long defense, fell within 4 days. At the same time, there was practically no resistance to the Soviet troops that entered the city - although explosions continued to thunder in different parts of the city.
The retreating Nazis did not blow up strategic objects, but the entrance tunnels to the dungeons, which were laid, in fact, under the entire city. Including under the fortress itself.
A little-known fact - immediately after the occupation of Koenigsberg by Soviet troops, NKVD officers arrived in the city, studying the activities of the Ahnenerbe - the secret order “Heritage of the Ancestors” - whose main task was to study the occult and everything that could be defined as the unknown.

It is known that during the period from 1935 to 1945, Ahnenerbe employees undertook about 3 thousand secret expeditions around the world. What they managed to collect over the years, no one will probably know, but the fact that there was more than enough information is a fact that does not require confirmation.
At least the fact that German scientists in their research reached the secrets of nuclear fusion, created rocket technology, and mastered the basics of genetic engineering remains a generally accepted fact. The archives of the order itself were never found. The Allies managed to obtain only a small fraction of documents - barely one thousandth of what actually happened.
The residence of the educational, historical and educational society for the study of German history was located in the small provincial town of Weischenfeld, Bavaria. The initiators of the creation of the Ahnenerbe, in addition to Hitler, were Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, SS Gruppenführer Hermann Wirth (“godfather”) and racologist Richard Walter Dare. By and large, Ahnenerbe was looking for sources of “special knowledge”, those that could contribute to the creation of a superman with superpower and superknowledge. During World War II, Ahnenerbe received full of cards blank to conduct “medical” experiments to create it. The institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: captured soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children laid down their lives on the altar of genetic and physiological experiments of the Nazis!
Moreover, the masters of science also tormented the SS elite - members of the “knightly” orders: “Lords of the Black Stone”, “Black Knights of Thule” and a kind of Masonic order within the SS itself - “Black Sun”. The effect of various poisons, exposure to high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the main “scientific” programs. And in addition, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic influence, work on the creation of superweapons was explored. To conduct research, Ahnenerbe attracted the best personnel - world-famous scientists. However, one should not think that everything was thrown together. No, Ahnenerbe, with German pedantry, divided the work into the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons (including mass destruction, including atomic weapons), the possibility of using religious and mystical practices and... the possibility of intercourse with alien highly developed civilizations.

Not weak?! Have Ahnenerbe scientists achieved any significant results? It is quite possible, especially if you consider that after the defeat of the “thousand-year Reich”, the USA and the USSR made titanic efforts to search for Ahnenerbe archives, all kinds of materials, employees, material assets. What was discovered was taken out in complete secrecy. Scientists mastered new, again secret laboratories of the victorious countries, where they continued their work in the same vein. The achievement of certain successes by Ahnenerbe scientists can be confirmed by the huge breakthrough of the USSR and the USA in the field of atomic, electronic, aerospace and mechanical engineering technologies in the post-war period. But let's take things in order.
Now let's turn to the memories of several surviving eyewitnesses of one of Ahnenerbe's secret projects.
In 1943, on the territory of the current Kaliningrad region, there was a secret facility under code designation Paradies (paradise). The laboratories were managed by Zeltser himself, the founding father of the Ahnenerbe. Which in itself is a significant sign of the importance of the research presented there. And the reason for such interest was really significant - Nazi researchers were searching for methods of time travel. Until recently, the prerequisites for this kind of research were considered absurd - since, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, deformations of time as a physical quantity are possible only when reaching the speed of light or exceeding the speed of light. Which in the local world of the Earth is simply unattainable in principle.
And yet such studies were carried out. Presumably, in the catacombs near Königsberg, the Nazis built an installation capable of causing deformation of the space-time continuum. And the only problem that stood in the way of the developers was the lack at their disposal of a power source sufficient in terms of power characteristics. It could have been a nuclear reactor - but its creation was somewhat late - the war had already been lost by that time. And, nevertheless, the “time machine” was tested - and more than once!
In January 1942 near Leningrad Soviet soldiers met a group of French soldiers from the Napoleonic era, and in May 1944, on the territory of today's Belarus, local residents were frightened by the appearance of a small detachment of German knights. At that time, witness testimony was classified as “Top Secret,” and several overly talkative eyewitnesses ended up in Kolyma.
These are just a few evidence of the success of the research being carried out - in fact, there are many more.
