Vus 117 transcript. What is VUS and what groups of accounting specialties exist

Every citizen of Russia must have an identity document. Men can use a military ID, which is equivalent in legal force to a passport.


A military ID is issued to all male citizens, regardless of whether they served in law enforcement agencies or not. For those who, due to health reasons, are not able to serve along with everyone else, a “military officer” is also issued. Popularly, such citizens are called white ticket citizens. This name is due to the fact that previously, before the revolution, those unfit for military service were given a white military ID.

The document contains basic information about the identity of the serviceman, as well as his military specialty. What is it for? The VUS in the military ID is necessary for high-quality registration of Russian citizens liable for military service.

A specialty can be assigned to a cadet based on completed higher education. At the same time, he receives an officer position and the corresponding military registration certificate in his military ID. Upon graduation from the military department, the student receives only a specialty. Such citizens do not serve under urgent conscription and are assigned to the reserves.

Under the fingerboard

The list of military specialties is classified state information and belongs to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 (as amended on December 21, 2013) “On State Secrets.” This provision, Article 5, states that state secrets are information that relates to the military field.

It can be noted that the degree of secrecy is determined by the damage that the dissemination of information can cause to state security. There are several types of secrecy to which this or that information can be classified:

  • Of particular importance.
  • Top secret.
  • Secret.

The storage period for state secrets cannot be more than 30 years, after which the information is declassified by a special decree of the Government. At the same time, every 5 years the bodies that are empowered to determine the status of information review this list.


The list of VUS in a military ID can be divided into several categories. At the same time, the document indicates figures from several subsections, which generally give an idea of ​​the specialization, purpose and position of the person liable for military service not only in the armed forces, but also in civilian life.

Usually, full list specialties and their transcripts are not published in the public domain. Nevertheless, information on this list is available.

Decoding military registration specialties includes determining the number of military personnel, position code and special characteristics of the service. For example, we can consider the digital designation of a specialty in the military - VUS-100097R. The first block of numbers (100) indicates the specialization - rifle, the second three of the code (097) determines the position - deputy platoon commander, the letter designation determines the branch of service (P) - border troops.

Thus, the decoding is a breakdown of the full code into subcategories with a definition of military and professional affiliation.

In practice, this specialty is important only during general mobilization and to facilitate the registration of citizens liable for military service in the military commissariat.

Command military positions

The commander's specialty involves managing the composition of the unit. The person appointed to this position must have the organizational qualities necessary to achieve a certain result. In the military and Peaceful time the commander is responsible for preparing soldiers or sailors professionally and psychologically.

The VUS in the commander’s military ID can be indicated as follows:

  • 70201 – track platoon commander;
  • 70203 – commander of a mechanized platoon;
  • 70204 – commander of the communications unit;
  • 01001 – commander of the sapper unit, etc.

Compliance with civilian specialties: administrator, paramilitary security officer, tourism and parachuting instructor, trainer, industrial training manager, etc.

Due to the fact that open and accessible information does not exist, the VUS codes may contain errors. Decoding the VUS in a military ID makes sense for everyone who received it, and only in their specialty.

In addition, all officers of the Armed Forces, personnel officers and other specialists who, by the nature of their work, are required to know this information, can be aware of the purpose of numbers and letters in codes.

Operator military positions

The cameraman's job of a military man is to control the military equipment with which the modern army is equipped. By doing functional responsibilities a specialist goes through several stages to achieve the final result: obtaining and processing information, making and implementing decisions, final control.

The operator must have the following personal qualities: observation, accuracy of perception, stability of attention and responsibility.

The operator's military specialty may correspond to the following civilian professions: specialist in working with various mechanized devices, including complex software, airfield dispatcher, technician, programmer, equipment adjuster and others.

Approximate digital specialty codes:

  • 97001 – optical reconnaissance unit;
  • 31000 – specialist in maintenance of radio engineering and radar equipment;
  • 20300 – engineer for repair of automatic support for tanks and special equipment;
  • 30202 – control software troop control systems and other similar positions that are included in the military ID.

Communication Specializations

Communication in military affairs has great importance. Without communication, troops become uncontrollable and may suffer losses. The types of communications between units or units are quite diverse: telephone, telegraph, signal communications, telecode and videotelephone communications.

It should be noted that the signalman must have the same qualities as the operator. In addition, he must have excellent memory and intelligence, since this specialist has to recognize various codes and ciphers established as part of military service.

Civilian specialties corresponding to the records contained in the transcript of military registration specialties: sound engineer, sound designer, orchestra artist, telephone and similar communication equipment installer, radio mechanic, radio operator and others.

Codes indicated on the military ID:

  • 121000 – communications units;
  • 121202 – units with medium power radio stations;
  • 121400 – units with low-channel communications;
  • 129000 – provision of military postal services;
  • 121702 – divisions for the operation of long-distance communications and others.

Driving positions

The position of a military driver involves performing a variety of tasks. These specialists operate not only automobiles, but also armored vehicles, as well as trains, surface and underwater ships.

The driver, who has the corresponding military specialty recorded in his military ID, ensures the mobility of troops and their timely movement, which includes movement as personnel, and the necessary equipment.

In civilian life, a military personnel with this specialization has the right to perform the functions of the following professionals: a car driver and a machine operator that is used in various niches of heavy industry.

Digital designations of specialties:

  • 121702 (124259) – driver of an armored personnel carrier;
  • 167259 642 – driver-radio operator;
  • 157259 – anti-aircraft gun driver-mechanic;
  • 180994 – excavator driver and others.

Special purpose positions

A special VUS in a military ID reflects the specific nature of the conditions in which military personnel have to function. Positions in this category involve solving particularly important and dangerous tasks, which require not only special knowledge, but also appropriate training.

Divisions special purpose exist in all branches of the military: airborne, marine, reconnaissance, radiation and chemical defense troops.

For those transferred to the reserve who have a military specialty, the list of civilian professions is as follows: blaster, diver, rescuer, fire brigade instructor, parachute instructor, gas rescuer and others.

According to code designations, there are the following VUS:

  • 107654 – reconnaissance diver of a special purpose reconnaissance unit;
  • 107746 – senior instructor for training special forces units and other similar positions.

Military registration specialties of Ukraine

The military training systems of the Ukrainian troops almost completely coincide with the Russian ones, since they were at one time borrowed from the list of military training systems of the USSR.

The decree of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated December 12, 2013 No. 860 contains only a list of positions that correspond to the specializations of military personnel training:

  • 021000 - Management of units of mechanized troops;
  • 021100 - Control of tank troops units;
  • 030300 - Control of the actions of missile force units, etc.

Accordingly, the full list of military specialties is classified in the same way as in the Russian Federation.

As he progresses through his service, based on the professional and personal characteristics of the soldier, he is assigned a military specialty. Briefly VUS.

On what basis is the VUS assigned?

The rank and file is assigned a military training certificate on the basis of education, most often after completing the training part of the service, because it is during this period that the personal qualities of a fighter are manifested.

Having a license to drive a car can have a great impact on military training; as a rule, such soldiers occupy the positions of drivers military equipment. Officers are assigned a higher education qualification on the basis of educational diplomas.

Decoding VUS codes

This is only at first glance, the VUS code is difficult to decipher, but if you know all the symbols, then it’s not difficult to navigate the codes.

An example of decoding the VUS code:

For example, we will take the code 101097, and now the decryption.

The first three digits are used to indicate specialization.

101 specialization machine gunner.

The position is determined by the following three numbers.

097 position: deputy platoon commander.

If, for example, there is a letter at the end, then it denotes special characteristics of the service.

For example, if it costs D, then it is the Airborne Forces.

Complete list of VUS designations
Which includes all the specialization codes, positions, and special characteristics of the service known to us.

034 - ZRV Anti-aircraft rocket troops;
100 - rifle;
101 - machine gunners;
103 - grenade launchers;
106 - military reconnaissance;

Codes of specialties for which military educational institutions prepare and educational institutions with the military department.

420200 Operation and repair of armored combat vehicles
420300 Operation and repair of electrical and special equipment and automation of armored vehicles
131-149 Artillery specialties
155-162 Anti-aircraft artillery specialties
166, 168, 183 Engineer-sapper, engineering reconnaissance and controlled mining
167, 170, 177 Pontoon-ferrying equipment, bridge-building equipment and bridge-layers
866-874 Specialties of military services

Remember, a military specialty is given to you for life, in the army you are trained with an increased bias in this specialty, and in the event of hostilities, you will be called up and assigned to a position specifically according to your specialty.

Military professions

The military profession is considered to be truly masculine, but women can also successfully build a military career, fully realizing themselves from the point of view of civil service. Upon receipt military ranks and advancement up the career ladder is traditionally associated not only with prestige, but also with a high level of responsibility.

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

** — expert review editors of the portal on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low barrier to entry in terms of knowledge and accessibility to obtaining it and the most promising, and 0 is the opposite.

What are the benefits of military professions?

At all times, people have been characterized by a fear of war, and therefore society always needs organized, competent, physically trained fighters. Mental work in this area is no less in demand: equipment and technology are often key strategic moments in military affairs, and science constantly contributes to ensuring social and state security.

In connection with such divisions of spheres military activities Within their framework, various positions are distinguished. All of them belong to the category civil service, the carrying of which implies the employee’s right to receive a number of benefits and benefits:

  1. Fairly high salary.
  2. Possibilities career growth(promotion).
  3. All conditions for training and advanced training.
  4. State and social guarantees for the employee and all members of his family (for example, housing, medical service etc.)
  5. The breadth of choice of specialization within military affairs (read about this below).

In addition, military service encourages a person to maintain physical and mental shape, makes him organized and collected.

Decoding the VUS on a military ID

However, these are purely personal advantages of this profession, and as for the economic and social benefits, they are listed above.

What are the military professions?

As already mentioned, within the civil service there is a fairly wide choice of military professions. Each of them is specific and strategically important: in general, they all make up a certain defense complex. Depending on personal inclinations and compliance with certain criteria of professional suitability, a person can build a career in the following military fields:

  1. Special purpose professions. They constitute perhaps the most extensive segment of military affairs and require high level physical training. Airborne troops, special forces, navy, ground troops, FSB and others - all of these are traditional military professions, within which there is their own job differentiation.
  2. Military-technical professions. Serve to ensure the functioning of military vehicles and equipment. They are in demand in the fields of communications, military aviation, etc.
  3. Driving military professions - no comment. War vehicles, military vehicles, airplanes, ships and submarines: if there is a vehicle, there is a driver.
  4. Research activities within the framework of military affairs. These are technologies, developments, research, etc. This can also include teaching work in the relevant field.

Study and career

To successfully and quickly build a military career, you need to go through the following stages of education:

  1. Average general education- school with a military-professional orientation (cadet corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools).
  2. Higher professional education- military schools and academies, upon completion of which you can receive the rank of lieutenant.

Further career advancement is natural, but largely depends on the personal qualities of the graduate. If a person received a general secondary education in a regular school, he can also build a military career, but for this he must undergo military service. Then you can sign a contract and, having received a minimum length of service, continue your education.

Military professions, the list of which you saw above, are the most in demand and prestigious. After reading their descriptions, you can make sure whether a military career is right for you, and if so, you will choose the right direction.


Recluse 22-06-2006 03:54

Where can I find a more accurate and complete list of VUS?

D mb_2007 22-06-2006 15:19

In the secret directory of personnel officers and mobsters

headhunter 23-06-2006 13:52

“secret”, how... it’s all bullshit. full list, perhaps secret, and most of the VUS numbers are not even chipboard.
in the VUS for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers, the first three digits are the group, the remaining three are the specific specialty.
for example, 100 are rifle specialties, 106 are military reconnaissance, 107 are special reconnaissance...
my VUS, for example, is 100868, and there is no sinister secret here. classified information cannot be written on a military ID and handed over to an owner who does not have official clearance.

Dmb_2007 24-06-2006 19:06

PS. Actually, I've been dealing with this for a long time...

mirage-2 24-06-2006 19:19

And the educational qualifications cannot change in any way depending on education.

mihon 24-06-2006 21:05

Both officers and soldiers have a full 6-digit VUS. For example, I have 901100 (officer). Wife (private) - 881000A

headhunter 06/24/2006 22:20quote:Originally posted by Dmb_2007:
And what, the military identification card also contains a full transcript of the VUS?
IMHO, it is the correspondence between the number and its full decryption that is considered secret.

The full decryption is not indicated, but the ticket owner knows it! Moreover, oh horror! without access to classified information!
By the way, the military ID indicates the position, type of equipment, weapon... mirage-2 24-06-2006 22:25

I looked in the documents. My VUS is 170/parachute service specialist/.

headhunter 06/24/2006 22:40quote:Originally posted by mirage-2:
I don’t know how it is now, in Soviet time The VUS was made up of 3 numbers. I doubt that now out of 7? There can’t be that many military specialties.
And the educational qualifications cannot change in any way depending on education.

the number of the specialty itself is a three-digit number. for example, sniper - 868. and three more numbers - the group number. 100868 - sniper in rifle units, 106868 - military reconnaissance sniper, 107868 - special forces reconnaissance sniper.
squad leader - number 182 everywhere (last digits). 100182 - commander of a rifle squad. 106182 - commander of the military intelligence department. 460182 - commander of the radio relay communications department

mirage-2 24-06-2006 22:44

That is, you want to say that the VUS changes along with the position? Something seems to fit. For me, from lieutenant to major, the VUS remained constant.

headhunter 24-06-2006 23:02

I don’t know about officer VUS. the officer's VUS can be called a phrase like "commander of motorized rifle units on infantry fighting vehicles" and, accordingly, will not change in the range of positions from platoon commander to battalion commander. that is, sometimes even from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel.
The VUS does not change with the actual position of sergeants either. squad commander - 182, platoon deputy commander - 097. but in fact there are people who served in “castle” positions, and their specialty remained the same.
I also remember that the 120th group numbers are technical specialties (all kinds of mechanical drivers, vehicle commanders), the 140th are artillery.

mirage-2 24-06-2006 23:11

Nope! Some kind of bullshit. We have to wait for comments from experts.

spec 25-06-2006 14:24quote:Originally posted by mirage-2:
Nope! Some kind of bullshit. We have to wait for comments from experts.

I think it's useless
The topic is murky, on the edge of the vulture, so it is imprudent to share it.
I advise you to look at Desantura, they came very close there in one of the topics.
On the topic of officer military training. Micro hint. Let’s take Pidzhakovsky’s 261001, which seems to be very common in the automobile troops. How is it decrypted? "Use of automobile units, combined arms units." Well, with personnel it’s a slightly different story, but it’s closer to chipboard.
And then download the list from the Landing Forces and analyze

Charnota 26-06-2006 13:11quote:Originally posted by mirage-2:
I looked in the documents. My VUS is 170/parachute service specialist/.

I have only three numbers on my military ID: 422.
In some documents my FULL VUS is written, but these documents were not given to me, and when I asked my father-commanders about the second group of numbers, they said that I was not supposed to know it. Here.

Dmb_2007 28-06-2006 02:13

(like an extract, quoted from the old notebook, and the order has already been replaced by another)
The VUS number has a three-digit digital designation, and the full designation of the VUS and position code has a seven-digit designation:
i i i— (letter) Special characteristics of the service
i i——- (digits) Position code
i———— (digits) VUS number
Those transferred to the reserve in the military registration documents are given a conclusion from the command of the unit about their use in wartime, indicating the number of the military training system, the code of the position and the special characteristics of the service and the code of the name of the weapons and equipment for which they are trained, regardless of their suitability for combat or non-combatant service.
==============end quote======

I think fundamentally not much has changed over the years.

There is no position code in officer military schools. Only purpose. Like “Combat use of something and somewhere,” “Operation of such and such.”
But, if you look in a smart book called “State? XXX/YYY “Super Duper Automobile Regiment”, for example, then the VUS will be indicated for each position.
So, the officer’s VUS will most likely be seven figures. The last digit is the code of education required to occupy this position (theoretically).

extractor 28-06-2006 12:25

I'm retired!

What is VUS in a military ID and its decoding

You can also decipher: in 1972 they wrote down “3212 - repair of CO and close combat weapons”, then they corrected something for us with many, many numbers, we need to look.

Fake 02-07-2006 14:24

VUS-261100 - “Aerodrome technical flight support equipment.”
Lieutenant of reserve. The radishes were not sent for collection. The whole stream was repairing the Military Department.

leshiy362 05-07-2006 17:41

Some kind of bullshit))))) in your opinion: 100868 is a sniper in rifle units. I have it written again, only as a senior shooter. And before that, just shooter VUS 1000915. By the way. And service in the reserve is generally under 100182 "M". Fun))))

NYSE 06-07-2006 23:01

On the issue of secrecy: pay attention to the order number, or rather its first digit.

quote:Originally posted by Dmb_2007:
Order of the USSR Ministry of Defense N 0ХХХ of 1980.

rufei 11-07-2006 16:37quote:Originally posted by Dmb_2007:
Well, we were talking about the COMPLETE list.
For officers, the system is approximately the same. The seventh digit, which in the states of the VUS is seven-digit, indicates the level of education - 3 - college, 2 - academy, 1 - General Staff Academy.
And what, the military identification card also contains a full transcript of the VUS?
IMHO, it is the correspondence between the number and its full decryption that is considered secret.
PS. Actually, I've been dealing with this for a long time...

Gee! I graduated from YarFin I have 310101

Dmb_2007 11-07-2006 19:18

Take an interest in what VS for your position is registered in the unit’s staff

Military specialty

Categories of suitability for military service

To determine ability young man to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in general and in particular to serve in certain branches and types of troops, the eligibility categories of conscripts for military service. The fitness category of an individual young person is determined when passing a medical commission in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases. The awarded fitness category will determine whether he is fit for military service or will be exempt from military service.

Fitness category A

The conscript is fit for military service, there are no health problems,
subject to conscription without limitation by branch of service.

  • A1 Passable without restrictions, has no deviations in health or pathologies. He had no serious illnesses.
  • A2 Passable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, seriously ill, suffered a serious injury (fracture or concussion). Does not interfere with service in special or special forces.
  • A3 Suitable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, designation indicator 3 means that minor difficulties with vision are detected (for example, myopia of less than 2 diopters).
  • A4 Passable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, destination indicator 4 means that minor difficulties with the foot have been detected (for example, flat feet of the 1st degree).

Fitness category B

The conscript is fit for military service with minor restrictions.
This fitness category is assigned to conscripts who have diseases that do not qualify them for exemption from military service. The stronger the disease, the lower the group in the category, and any kind of existing disease must meet the criteria in the military medical schedule of diseases and not go beyond the scope of non-combatant types of diseases/not fit for combat duty.

  • B1 Special forces units, marines, airborne, air assault military units, border troops Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.
  • B2 Submarines, surface ships; drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors.
  • B3 Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile launchers; other units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, guard units; chemical parts, fuel refueling and storage specialists; anti-aircraft missile units.
  • B4 Special structures, military security and defense specialists missile systems; communication parts, radio engineering parts; other parts of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

When distributing conscripts into units for further service, fitness categories, especially B1-B4, are very often not taken into account. The fighters are distributed according to the principle of personnel shortage.

Fitness category B

A conscript is limitedly fit for military service, is exempt from conscription, is enlisted in the reserves and receives a military ID. In wartime, with fitness category B, they are subject to conscription to staff the rear units of the 1st and 2nd lines (based on the reserve military registration group of the RA). They are also subject to conscription for military training. At military training camps, or in a voluntary sequence, a citizen can undergo re-examination and be sent to the Military Military Commission. If your health status changes, your fitness category may also change.

A number of conscripts have symptoms of diseases corresponding to fitness category B. To determine the presence or absence of such a disease, it is necessary to undergo an independent medical examination. The diagnosis must be detailed, with detailed description degree of dysfunction. For a number of diseases, the duration of observation in a medical organization, the frequency of treatment for this diagnosis, and the availability of inpatient treatment play an important role.

Nuance: Until 2005, conscripts with category “B” were required to undergo re-examination every 3 years. Since 01/01/2005, mandatory re-examination has been canceled (based on the RF Regulation No. 886 of 12/31/2004)

Suitability category G

The conscript is temporarily unfit for military service.
A deferment for health reasons from conscription into the army is given for a period of 6 months to 1 year, after which a repeated medical examination is carried out at the military registration and enlistment office. At the repeated military medical commission, the fitness category is again determined, in accordance with which a new decision is made.

Fitness category G is assigned to a conscript if there are deviations in health, underweight, after surgery or injury. A deferment from conscription in accordance with fitness category G can be given for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of a year.

One of the violations committed by military registration and enlistment office employees is the incorrect examination of a conscript and the incorrect assignment of fitness category G instead of fitness category B in cases where there is a corresponding disease confirmed by documentation. In this case, it is necessary to appeal the decision of the draft commission to a higher draft commission or to court.

Fitness category D

The conscript is not fit for military service. This category exempts you from conscription and from military service in general. Conscripts with this category are issued a military ID, which indicates absolute unfitness. In addition, a corresponding stamp is placed in the passport.

Fitness category in the military ID

The conscript's fitness category for military service is indicated on the military ID in a special column. If a conscript is exempt from conscription for health reasons, for example, hypertension, only fitness category B or D will be indicated on the military ID, but without indicating the specific disease for which the conscript was exempt from conscription.

What is VUS and what groups of accounting specialties exist

The fitness category on a military ID can be challenged in court if the health status of the person liable for military service has changed in better side. However, military commissars do not always meet such people halfway, because a situation may arise when a conscript received fitness category B, was released from conscription, and after 27 years decided to get a job in the law enforcement agencies and wants to receive fitness category A1.

Restrictions related to the category of fitness for military service

When a conscript is assigned fitness category B or D, there will be restrictions on employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSIN, SVR, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The situation has changed due to innovations in the “Regulations on military medical examination”. Now a repeated medical examination of a citizen is provided in connection with a change in his health status, which previously had a fitness category of B-limited-fit. In cases of successful completion of a repeated medical examination, a mark is made on the military ID, where a new category of suitability for military service is assigned: A-fit, or B-fit with minor restrictions. Thus, restrictions can be partially lifted when recruiting for service in the law enforcement agencies and departments listed above. But this does not mean at all that the military medical commissions of the departments will not request data from the military registration and enlistment offices for what reason this or that citizen was exempted from military service upon conscription. The requested data will also be taken into account when making a decision on the issue of declaring a candidate fit or unfit for service in a particular law enforcement agency.

There are also a number of myths about the ban on obtaining a driver's license. However, most often only serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sensory organs, mental illness interfere with obtaining a driver's license, for example, cardiac pathologies are rarely taken into account by the medical commission when determining the possibility of obtaining a driver's license. However, some diseases may not prevent you from obtaining a driver's license in general, but from obtaining driver's license with a separate category or the right to engage professional activity in this area.

Any questions? Sign up with us for your first free consultation.

What does the number 121100 of the Military Specialty mean?! When passing conscript service had the position of deputy commander of an infantry fighting vehicle, gunner-operator. The military registration and enlistment office said that the number of my military specialty had nothing to do with my previous specialty. But nothing was explained. Decipher... the meaning of the number 121 100

Apparently, there are no open sources containing decryption of the codes of all currently operating VUSs: the VUS catalog is a document of the Russian Ministry of Defense with the secrecy level “Secret”. The first three digits of the VUS of warrant officers, sergeants, foremen and soldiers indicate specialization (VUS code), for example: 100 - rifle 101 - snipers 102 - grenade launchers 106 - military reconnaissance 107 - special forces units and units 121 - sanitary specialists 122 - BMD 461 - HF radio stations (in my opinion, average power) 998 - without military training, fit for military service 999 - the same thing, only LIMITED fit for military service. service, etc. The next three digits indicate the position (position code): 097 - ZKV 182 - KO 259 - MV 001 - battery operator, etc. The letter at the end indicates “special characteristics of the service”: A - having none B - specialists in missile weapons D - Airborne Forces K - crew of surface ships M - MP P - VV R - PV (FPS) S - Ministry of Emergency Situations (?) T - construction units and units F - Special Forces, etc. E - Flight crew for warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers Examples of military specialties: VUS-901200 - medical care on ships, VUS-901000 - medical practice in ground forces, VUS-905601 - general hygiene. VUS-121400 - signalmen, the first three digits indicate specialization, and the next three indicate the position

Each specialty has its own code, probably this is the code of your specialty

You're a nurse in short

what does the entry on the military ID number VUS 900 mean, VUS code 900629A

VUS - military registration specialty

Assistant unit commander for financial services

VUS is a military registration specialty. The numbers and encodings are all chipboard, so who knows how to decipher them.

some kind of military logistics specialty. Maybe medical.

900629 Assistant unit commander for financial services

A summons came to the military registration and enlistment office. it is written on the issue of military registration specialty. what is it for?

hello sky in the clouds, hello youth in boots. oh well, it’s only a year)))) believe me, then there will be something to remember))))

Why what? To the call

the VUS will be assigned to the registration of the VUS in the common people; if you piss, ask to join the landing force, there you will also fight!!!

Not good... If there is no deferment, of course =)) And then go boldly, you will write tests on military orientation and brain activity. In any case, if you know how to walk, you are fit for military service!

But don't worry! Everything will be as usual in this country! First they will ask where you want to serve. and then they will be sent to guard the booth in Oymyakon.

We want to take you to the training camp.

How many years? If you are not of draft age, then as always... Either they will offer contract service, or the specialty code has changed, or some other nonsense. My husband goes there every year. They are always inventing something.

This means that you will become a real man, a born killer, a son of your Fatherland! HOORAY! HOORAY! HOORAY!

Military accounting specialty(VUS) - an indication of the military specialty of an active or reserve service member of the Russian Armed Forces. Information about the military service is entered into the military ID. All VUS are divided into groups; the VUS designation itself is a multi-digit number (for example, VUS-250400). The procedure for assigning a VUS to ordinary personnel is usually assigned on the basis of existing education, or after completion of training in the educational unit. Persons studying at universities are assigned a higher education qualification upon graduation from a military department, but the actual assignment of an officer rank occurs only upon receipt of a diploma, that is, upon graduation from a university, and not from the military department of a given educational institution. It has also been established that since 2008, persons who received an officer rank at an institute with the appropriate military training system are not subject to conscription and are automatically enrolled in the reserves. A possible list of military registration specialties from open sources containing decryption of the codes of all currently operating VUS, apparently, does not exist: the VUS catalog is a document of the Russian Ministry of Defense with the secrecy level “Secret”. The first three digits of the VUS of warrant officers, sergeants, foremen and soldiers indicate specialization (VUS code), for example: 100 - rifle 101 - snipers 102 - grenade launchers 106 - military reconnaissance 107 - special forces units and units 122 - BMD 461 - HF radio stations (in my opinion average power) 998 - without military training, fit for military service 999 - the same thing, only LIMITEDLY fit for military service. service, etc. The next three digits indicate the position (position code): 097 - ZKV 182 - KO 259 - MV 001 - battery operator, etc. The letter at the end indicates “special characteristics of the service”: A - having none B - missile weapons specialists D - Airborne Forces K - crew of surface ships M - MP P - VV R - PV (FPS) S - Ministry of Emergency Situations (?) T - construction units and units F - Special Forces, etc. E - Flight crew for warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers Examples of military specialties: VUS-901200 - medical practice on ships, VUS-901000 - medical practice in ground forces, VUS-905601 - general hygiene.

You will come to the military registration and enlistment office and find out everything.

How to decipher VUS 100 code 915 A?

VUS (military specialty), decoding of VUS. Colonel. User. ... flagmin writes 100915A - 100 - VUS code (arrows) 915 - position code (gunner, 868 - senior gunner) A - ground forces of the RF Armed Forces.

code in military ID 037a

military registration specialty - autobat

Means F*O*P*A

What are the military specialties?

VUS (military specialty) - an indication of the military specialty of an active or reserve service member of the RF Armed Forces. Information about the military service is entered into the military ID. All VUS are divided into groups; the VUS designation itself is a multi-digit number (for example, VUS 250400). Apparently, there are no open sources containing decryption of the codes of all currently operating VUS. The VUS catalog is a document of the RF Ministry of Defense with the secrecy level "Secret". The procedure for assigning a VUS to ordinary personnel is usually assigned on the basis of existing education, or after completing training in the educational unit. Persons studying at a university are assigned a university degree upon graduation from the military department. For example, VUS 901200 - medical practice on ships, VUS 901000 - medical practice in ground forces, VUS 905601 - general hygieneР\'РЈРЎ

The VUS catalog is a document of the RF Ministry of Defense with the secrecy level "Secret". some in civilian life are the same in the army, some are taken for retraining, others only go to the front! God forbid, of course!

how to decipher the code VUS 908219r? military specialty code 908219r - what is it?

Let's try: The first three digits of the VUS of warrant officers, sergeants, foremen and soldiers indicate specialization (VUS code), for example: 100 - rifle 101 - snipers 102 - grenade launchers 106 - military reconnaissance 107 - special forces units and subunits 122 - BMD 461 - HF radio stations ( in my opinion, average power) 998 - without military training, fit for military service 999 - the same thing, only LIMITEDLY fit for military service, etc. The next three digits indicate the position (position code): 097 - ZKV 182 - KO 259 - MV 001 - battery operator, etc. The letter at the end indicates “special characteristics of the service”: A - not having any B - missile weapons specialists D - Airborne Forces K - crew of surface ships M - MP P - VV R - PV (FPS) S - Ministry of Emergency Situations (?) T - construction units and units F - Special Forces, etc. E - Flight personnel for warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers Examples of military specialties: VUS-901200 - medical treatment on ships, VUS-901000 - medical treatment in ground forces, VUS-905601 - general hygiene. doesn't work. The fact is that the sources are mostly closed. So you can only assume that you will serve in the border guards and at first in the privates, maybe you will end up in the signalmen, but this is already an option

Military specialty. What does VUS 021 104 mean?

Evgeniy, this is classified, proprietary information. It is intended ONLY for military registration and enlistment office employees and persons involved in mobilization training. Consider this a service record. This is a destination code in case of mobilization (war, declaration of a state of emergency, etc.).

Decoding the VUS number on a military ID

Apparently, there are no open sources containing transcripts of all currently operating VUS codes, since such a list is an official document of the RF Ministry of Defense. The first three digits of the VUS for warrant officers, sergeants, sergeants, foremen and soldiers indicate military specialization (VUS code). For example, anti-aircraft missiles, motorized rifle, reconnaissance, engineering, etc. The next three digits indicate the position (position code): deputy. platoon commander, squad leader, driver mechanic, grenade launcher, driver, telephone operator, etc. The letter at the end indicates “special characteristics of the service”: A - having none, etc. according to their classification. As for your specific record, you can guess by looking at the section of your military ID about military service (which troops you served in and what your position was). This is your military specialty. This entry does not affect anyone or anything. Until the thunder strikes. So don’t worry, forget and live in peace.

If sclerosis serves me correctly, then VUS 021 is motorized rifle troops, and 104 is a specific position, but I don’t remember exactly which one, something like a rifleman. If you yourself served in the army, you should remember very well where and with whom you served. They simply wouldn’t write such a VUS for you because you have nothing better to do.

Military registration specialty 956647-T - what does it mean?

You need to ask military personnel officers about this; only they know about VUSs!

The only thing I can say is that the officer’s VUS number is seven-digit, the soldier’s, sergeant’s number is six-digit. The letter designation at the end of the digital code indicates the branch of service. The VUS directory is available in the appendix to the 1C program "household book", this is for house offices, and military accounting desks of enterprises and universities. it opens only after subscribing to the program.

For military personnel (as well as for reserve officers) there is a special order of the Ministry of Defense (\"vusovka\"), which has a SECRET NIC and defines all possible military specialties and their interchangeability. You are unlikely to see it anywhere... What is available is by mail

The main activity of maintaining military records is the collection of data about a citizen liable for military service, which has information value for the armed forces when mobilization is announced. One can well imagine that it is almost impossible to distribute the large flow of conscripts according to the needs of military units. To avoid wasting valuable time, military registration documents, in particular the military ID, contain not only personal anthropometric data, but also information about the education received.

It is known that certain specialties are simply necessary for the army in wartime conditions, therefore their holders are under special attention from the accounting authorities, and the specialty itself (VUS) is entered in encrypted form in a personal file, personal card and military ID.

A military specialty can be obtained during military service, upon graduation from an educational institution with a military department, or in ordinary civilian life. One way or another, not only an officer, but also a private can have one of the specialties.

Decoding the record of military specialty

A specially designated column on the military ID contains a record of specialty, position and special characteristics. All this is subject to coding, as it is a military secret. Often citizens who have received a military ID take the initiative to decipher the records. This procedure is available for, you just need to understand the basic principle of recording encoding.

Information about the VUS consists of three parts. The first two parts are represented by combinations of three numbers, and the third part is written in the form of a letter. In a military ID, the first three digits indicate specialization, for example, VUS 999 indicates its absence. There is no need to remember all the VUS codes, because to find out what this or that combination means, just open the table with specialization encodings.

According to statistics, a significant proportion of citizens are sent to the reserve with VUS 998 or 999. They differ in that in the first case the citizen is fit for combat, and in the second case he has category “B”. Having a driver's license is considered a registration specialty number 838, and the well-known construction battalion will lead to the entry “166” being entered on the military ID.

The presence of a certain specialty directly indicates that the serviceman has the right to occupy the established position. For example, combination 097 codes the position of deputy platoon commander. If a private retired from the Armed Forces and did not hold a position, then the code “000” will be entered on the military ID.

If we consider the VUS encoding according to all the established rules, then a letter of the Russian alphabet must be added to the sequence of numbers. The letter "A" means service in the ground forces, "D" - in the Airborne Forces, and "C" - the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Finding out your personal service attribute is not difficult. To do this, you can enter the corresponding query in any search engine. Our task is to review VUS 999000a.

Find out: How to change a military ID when changing your last name, algorithm of actions

Decoding example

So, the entry “999000a” appeared on the military ID. First you need to decide what the first three numbers mean. It was not by chance that we gave an example with such code. He points out that the young man did not receive a specialty, at least one useful for the army, and moreover, he is also considered to have limited fitness. That is, with such an entry on his military ID, he will not be sent to attack the enemy, but will first be forced to acquire certain skills at organized training camps.

The next three zeros indicate that the person liable for military service has not held any position and cannot yet hold one. This is understandable, since without a specialty you will not be given a position. The letter means that the citizen will be recruited into the ground forces during mobilization. This encoding turns out to be more than sufficient.

    Military registration specialty (VUS)- category of military registration, indicating the military specialty of a serviceman (person liable for military service) and his affiliation with the branch of the Armed Forces, branch of the military (forces) or service. The VUS has a real and conventional name (code), which facilitates military registration... Glossary of military terms

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

    This is a military faculty where specialized training of officers is conducted. Upon admission, young people enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense, and upon completion they will have to serve three years as officers of the Armed Forces or, in agreement with the Ministry of Defense, in ... ... Wikipedia

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    John Smith John Smith Colonel Smith in a ceremonial uniform with a cigar, in the circle of his subordinates Appearance January 23, 1983 ... Wikipedia

    VUS- vacuum device military registration specialty military registration table All-Russian Teachers' Union (1917 1918) auxiliary amplifier station auxiliary communication unit rectifier universal standard viscoelastic system (petroleum) ... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

    VUS- military registration table Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. VUS auxiliary amplification station Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.:… … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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  • Judicial protection of the rights of military personnel, Team of authors. The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the thematic plan and curriculum training specialists in the military registration specialty VUS 850100 “Judicial work” at the military department at...

Regulates the types of activities of military personnel, as well as civilians related to service.

A military registration specialty (MSU) is assigned to each active, reserve or retired military personnel armed forces Russian Federation, as well as other troops, forces, special services and formations . The specialty is always indicated on the military ID. For example, the entry VUS - 212 956 means “parachute handler for parachute and airborne equipment.”

This is what a military ID looks like (Fig. 1)

The list of military specialties in Russia is regulated by Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 “On approval of the list...” and two more government resolutions . But these documents are kept classified as “Secret”. Therefore, we have to rely only on random sources.

Sample list

All VUS can be conditionally divided into several groups. The first 2-3 digits of the VUS number indicate the type of military service, and the last 3 digits indicate the direct type of activity.

Military specialties

01 Rocket Forces

02 Motorized rifle, tank forces, Airborne Forces and Marine Corps

021600 Commander of rescue units, civil defense units

03 Artillery and rocket forces

04 Air defense

05 Aviation and air defense forces

061800 Pilot

07 Navy

071404 Use of search and rescue vessels

08 Space Force

10 Corps of Engineers(clearance of mines, construction of pontoon bridges)

101900 Use of civil defense engineering units for explosive ordnance disposal

11. Chemical, biological and radiation protection of troops

17 Railway troops

178543 Operator

18 Road Troops

22 Operation and construction of military infrastructure facilities

220256 - Aircraft and engine mechanic

25 Supply of clothing and food

250300 - Organization of food supply
250400 - Organization of clothing provision

26 Transport support (by rail, water, air, road and pipeline transport)

262256 Electrical equipment mechanic

29 Mobilization work

290400 Mobilization, registration, conscription and military registration work in military commissariats

31 Financial support

310200 Organization of banking services for troops

36 Psychological service

360202 - Information and educational work

39 Other specialties
390200 Ensuring fire safety

390800 Service dog breeding

Military-civilian specialties

80 Military-humanitarian and pedagogical profile

808200 Sociological work
808500 Teaching of humanities and socio-economic disciplines

82, 83, 84 Repair and operation of various equipment

(84)0791 Senior driver

85 Legal profile

850300 Legal support for military activities

90 Medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary profiles

901300 - Surgeon

902000 - Therapist

902009 - Nutritionist

902100 - Pediatrician

905600 - Hygiene

905000 - Neurologist
902500 Epidemiologist

909100 Veterinary and sanitary provision

Combined arms specialties

(100) Rifle units
(101) Machine gun
108 Cavalry

113 Tank

121 combat infantry vehicles

167 Pontoon-ferrying facilities

171 Logging

200 Search for victims

202 Robotics

203 Rescue operations

Operation, repair and storage of equipment (logistics specialties)

837 Car use

841 floating cars

854 Tractors

866 Food Service
867 Clothing service
869 Troop supply
870 Bakery
872 Baths, laundries and dry cleaners
873 Sewing and repair of clothing
874 Sewing and repairing shoes

Various specialties

900 Staff specialties
901 Financial Service

902 Office work
903 Drawing and graphic works
904 Special Communications
906 For repair of special communications equipment
907 Physical training and sports
908 Road Commandant Service

909 Commandant's offices and checkpoints

912 Clubs and libraries
914 Military Seal
917 Military Bands
918 Ensembles and theaters

922 Typographic works

956 Construction work
958 Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning
959 Refrigeration equipment and installations
960 Water supply and sewerage
962 Mine hoists and elevators

971 Welding work
976 Painting works
978 Woodworking

Military personnel without military training

998 Fit for military service (with minor restrictions)
999 Limited fit for military service
