The main types of accidents are not. Main types of accidents, their causes and consequences

Every year in regulations, defining basic concepts, measures of responsibility, adjustments are made that are relevant for use in imposing punishment by judicial authorities. The rules governing the behavior of drivers in the current year, those driving vehicles, as well as pedestrians, have the same meaning and legal force for all citizens. The most negative consequence of non-compliance with the norms established by the legislator regarding driver positioning on the roads are considered to be road traffic accidents. What is a road accident as defined in the traffic rules, regulated by the rules traffic, published as amended on January 3, 2018.

Road accidents occur under various circumstances and causes. The abbreviation of road accident and its decoding “Road accident” has its own definition in the traffic rules, which is described in paragraph 1.2, and is characterized as a case when, during the movement of one or more cars, or with their participation, as a result of which damage is caused (physical, material ), people were injured (injured, died), vehicles, as well as other structures and buildings were damaged.

This concept is taken into account when assigning punishment to the perpetrator of the incident if the following signs are present:

  • when the car, while moving, created an emergency involving the manager and other persons and vehicles (if it was standing still, this situation is not included in the category of an accident);
  • in order to record an offense, it is necessary that the accident involves a type of transport belonging to any of the types - cars, trucks;
  • an event is considered an incident when, as a result of someone’s actions, physical or psychological harm (health, psyche) is caused to other people, as well as material damage (to other means of transportation), structures, buildings and structures.

If an incident that occurred on the road between several drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists has the above-described signs, then it belongs to an accident. Citizens need to call traffic police officers, who will record all the circumstances, draw up protocols, clarify details and transfer the documents to a higher authority to make a decision about the culprit and the victim.

Video: What is an accident according to traffic rules

Who is considered to be involved in accidents?

In any incident that occurs on the roadway in a city or highway, there are people who are aware of all the events, their sequence, nuances and details. These include citizens who have committed an unlawful act, that is, they are the culprits who caused the accident, as well as those who suffered as a result of it.

Victims include not only those who became victims of an accident while driving a car, but also passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and animals (the latter are regarded as obstacles on the road). One of the consequences of misconduct can be harm. If a person remains alive, but has experienced physical and mental pain, he is classified as wounded; in the event of death occurring within 30 days from the moment of the accident, the citizen is considered dead.

Types of incidents related to emergencies

Drivers getting into accidents are interested in what types of accidents exist, how they differ from each other, and how they are qualified law enforcement agencies when conducting professional activity in the field of protocol preparation.

Classification according to Appendix 3 of the Traffic Regulations includes the following types of traffic accidents:

  • collision of several vehicles (tangential, frontal, side, rear). Often occurs as a result of mistakes when overtaking, changing lanes, or failure to comply with the provisions described in the traffic rules;
  • car rollover - occurs when the driver does not comply with the speed limit, does not take into account bad weather conditions, does not undergo a technical inspection on time or does not notice a vehicle malfunction;
  • hitting any obstacle (stationary object), for example, a tree, a pole. Such cases are more dangerous, especially when the car does not have a security system at the appropriate level that can protect a person;
  • hitting a person - can occur not only when crossing the roadway in a prohibited place, but also at a pedestrian crossing, where maximum safety for citizens is expected;
  • hitting a cyclist - it is necessary to distinguish that the category of road accident includes a situation when a car and a cyclist collided with each other at a certain speed, or one hit the other while performing a maneuver. If a person riding a bicycle falls on a car, this cannot be considered an accident;
  • hitting an animal - in the practice of traffic police officers there are many cases when domestic or forest animals suddenly enter the road without choosing the right place to cross. The driver, noticing such an obstacle, has to slow down or swerve to the side, which can lead to injuries that are dangerous to life and health, and damage to transport;
  • hitting a cart - this is quite rare, but as a result of this event, a car, horse-drawn transport, as well as animals that were to be transported with its help can be damaged;
  • other types of accidents - each case has its own nuances and characteristics, so not every one of them can be classified as the types described above.

According to this classification, a specialist working on accident scene, it is easy to navigate the concepts, consider the reasons and circumstances, understand whether a specific situation relates to the incident or not.

Mechanism for drawing up a protocol when registering an accident

If an emergency situation occurs, its circumstances are necessarily recorded by law enforcement agencies going to the scene of the incident, upon a call from citizens who are participants. Traffic police officers inspect the position of vehicles and the damage caused to objects. If there are victims, an ambulance is promptly called to hospitalize people and save their lives.

The main document on the basis of which higher authorities work on the case is the protocol drawn up directly at the scene of the accident. During the proceedings, each party is subject to questioning, which is recorded in writing.

In such a situation, outsiders are also involved, who are subsequently present when the circumstances are explained. This is necessary to exclude facts of bias towards the perpetrators and victims, and a subjective assessment of what happened.

The protocol reflects the following information:

  • territorial plan of the area;
  • traffic conditions;
  • position of vehicles;
  • objects and traces directly related to the case;
  • signatures of all participants and witnesses.

A record file regarding each offender is formed by the internal affairs bodies and transferred to the judicial authority.

Road accidents can be viewed from various points of view, for example, as an offense or from a technical point of view.

Let's consider a traffic accident in accordance with traffic rules Russian Federation: what is an accident, what types of accidents exist, their main characteristics and causes.

How do traffic rules treat a traffic accident?

According to the Rules, an accident is an event that occurred while a car was moving on the road, involving the vehicle itself, as a result of which death occurred, damage to health, property, structures or other material things was caused. This concept is fixed in clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations, the Federal Law “On Road Safety” and other legislative norms.

Signs of an accident

In order for an incident to be truly recognized as an accident, it must meet certain conditions:

  • Event sign: as a result of the action or inaction of an individual, a phenomenon arose that subsequently continued without his participation. Driving into the oncoming lane (action) or not turning on a turn signal (inaction) happen at the will of motorists, and harm occurs due to the operation of physical laws.
  • Sign of vehicle movement: To recognize the fact of an accident, at least one of the cars involved in it had to be in motion. If a stationary car is damaged by a passerby, then the situation is an accident, even if there were no people in the first car. The fall of various things from a window or trees onto a car in the yard is not considered an accident, but is a cause of harm by citizens, public utilities, organizations, etc.;
  • Traffic process sign: in case of an accident, the movement of vehicles, people, and cargo on the road surface is established - a surface for movement, including roadsides, sidewalks, railroad crossings, and tram tracks. Despite the fact that courtyards and other adjacent areas are not roads, traffic on them is regulated by traffic rules, therefore collisions on them will be considered accidents;
  • Vehicle sign: a technical device must be used, the purpose of which is to move people or goods along roads. Vehicles can be driven by engines, human power, animals. Bicycles, motorcycles, trailers, carts and carriages driven by donkeys or horses correspond to the concept of a vehicle, but the animals themselves are not recognized by them;
  • Sign of consequences: after an accident there must be Negative consequences as material damage environment, other vehicles or people, including their death.

Participants in an accident

Participants in the incident are persons involved in the accident as perpetrators or victims. The SDA identifies the following participants:

  • driver– the person driving the vehicle, drivers, driving instructors sitting in the passenger seat while students are driving the car;
  • passenger– a citizen who gets into or out of a car driven by a driver, or is in it directly while driving or parking;
  • a pedestrian- a person who is not in any vehicle, but moves along the roadway, sidewalk, tram tracks or other element of the road. This includes people who skate, drive a bicycle, a scooter, or a stroller;
  • cyclist– a person driving a bicycle, which, according to traffic regulations, is a vehicle.

Also, according to traffic regulations, the following categories of road accident participants can be distinguished:

  • car owners;
  • accident culprits;
  • those responsible for the damage;
  • victims and victims.

The culprit of the accident may be a pedestrian, and the mechanic who repaired the car may be responsible for causing the damage.

What are the types of road accidents?

Incidents can be divided into different types depending on the characteristics.

Based on the nature of the incident, the Rules distinguish the following types of accidents:

  • collision– an accident due to contact of means between themselves, trains, an impact on a suddenly braked car;
  • capsizing– an incident in which the vehicle overturned;
  • hitting a standing vehicle– a moving car collided with a standing vehicle or trailer;
  • hitting an obstacle– the vehicle ran into a stationary object (building, fence, fence, green space, poles) or was hit;
  • – an accident in which a car runs over a person or the latter collides with a vehicle transported by cargo or objects;
  • hitting a cyclist– the car collides with the bicycle being driven or vice versa;
  • collision with a horse-drawn vehicle– an accident in which a vehicle collides with carts driven by animals, or with the animals themselves;
  • passenger fall– persons transported in cars fall outside the vehicles or in their interiors due to changes in speed or trajectory of movement.
  • other types of accidents– any types of accidents that cannot be classified as above: a wheel bouncing onto a pedestrian, a collision with a flying load, etc.

There are also non-contact accidents that are not indicated in the traffic rules. They are possible in situations where the driver provokes other road users to actions that cause them harm, but physical contact does not occur between the culprit’s vehicle and the victims.

According to the nature of the harm:

  • minor;
  • large;
  • with damage to cars;
  • with damage to non-vehicles;
  • with damage to human health;
  • with the death of individuals.

By number of participants

  • one driver;
  • two participants (most common);
  • three or more participants.

According to the severity of bodily injury:

  • light– short-term health disorder;
  • average– long-term health disorder;
  • heavy– life-threatening at the time of injury, loss of an organ or its function, termination of pregnancy, permanent disability or loss of professional skills;
  • fatal outcome;
  • difficult situations– death of several or injury of many people.

A person killed in an accident, according to the Rules, is a person whose death occurred as a result of the actions of other road users at the time of the accident or within seven days after it as a result of injuries received.

A wounded person in an accident is considered to be an individual who has received injuries and damage that necessitate outpatient treatment or hospital stay for at least 24 hours.

What is not a traffic accident?

Situations when no vehicles were involved in the incident, they did not move, or no damage was caused to anyone cannot be classified as accidents.

In addition, if the collision occurred outside of places where traffic is regulated by traffic rules, then it is not an accident. For example, if cars collided in a field or on the ice of a lake, then the damage caused should be considered from the point of view of civil law.

Causes of road accidents

Road accidents are accompanied by certain factors that influence the behavior of road users. Statistics show that the following conditions most often influence road accidents:

  • fatigue, illness, malaise of the driver;
  • distraction (telephone, conversation with a passenger, loud music, animals in the cabin);
  • meteorological phenomena that obstruct vision or affect technical condition roads (snow, rain, fog, hail, hurricane, ice);
  • damage to the road surface;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication, taking medications that affect the perception of traffic conditions;
  • technical malfunctions of vehicles.

These reasons can be divided into three types:

  1. Subjective.
  2. Road conditions.
  3. Technical factors.

Other factors include the behavior of wild animals, various objects falling on the road, insufficient driver training, and ignorance of traffic rules.

Visibility and conditions accompanying an accident

The traffic rules define the concept of limited visibility, which is typical for the occurrence of an accident. This concept refers to a distance that does not meet the prescribed standards due to the physical characteristics of the road section or weather conditions.

Road conditions that accompany an accident are the conditions in a specific location on a section of the road at the time of the accident. If the causes of the incident are such conditions, then this must be established in a court decision on the basis of investigation materials and research examinations.

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When determining the culprit of a traffic accident, as well as when assessing the damage caused to property or human health, it is very important to correctly classify and determine the type of accident. Knowing what type of accident this is, you can determine the reasons that led to its occurrence.

Anyone will agree with the statement that the main cause of road accidents is violation of traffic rules. Although collisions often occur for reasons not directly related to road users. A striking example is the appearance of animals on the road, or the entry of foreign massive objects, such as tree branches, onto the roadway. The driver is forced to sharply change the trajectory of movement, thereby provoking accidents or collisions with pedestrians.

Very often, accidents occur due to the irresponsible attitude of road services to their duties: road signs are hidden behind trees, the quality of the surface leaves much to be desired, and drivers have to avoid holes and potholes.

The list can be very long.

If we approach the issue on a larger scale, then there are the following types of accidents:

  • collision of two or more motor vehicles;
  • collision various types vehicles, for example, a cyclist crashes into a car;
  • collisions with pedestrians;
  • collisions with various obstacles and obstacles: fences, power line supports, buildings, sewer manholes;
  • attacks on animals;
  • vehicle rollover;
  • other types of accidents.

Each of these species can be divided into a huge number of subspecies, so we will try to understand them in more detail.

In addition, road accidents are classified according to the severity of the damage caused:

  • fatal;
  • injuries;
  • material damage.

The latter are the most common. However, according to traffic police reports, the statistics of road deaths in Russia as a whole are not reassuring - 25-27 thousand people die per year, and direct material damage reaches huge amounts of trillions of rubles.

Car collision

A car collision is one of the most common types of road accidents, which include:

  • frontal;
  • lateral;
  • rear

Most often, cars collide when performing various maneuvers and for a number of the following reasons: when overtaking and entering the oncoming lane, when going around obstacles or standing vehicles, when crossing intersections (especially roundabouts), when ahead of the curve while moving to the far left lane, when changing lanes, etc. Further.

It is clear that the most serious are head-on collisions, when one driver overtakes, not noticing moving cars in the oncoming lane. Side collisions also lead to serious consequences, for example, at intersections when motorists do not follow the order of passage.

Speeding is another common reason Road accident. At high speeds, the driver does not have time to adequately react to changing road conditions. In addition, a lack of basic driving skills often affects the vehicle, which can cause the car to skid or roll over. This is especially common on roads covered with snow and ice.

If we talk specifically about the causes of all these accidents, then, unfortunately, they will be very banal:

  • basic ignorance of traffic rules;
  • indiscipline;
  • drivers drive while intoxicated;
  • non-compliance with sleep and work schedules;
  • violation of the rules for operating a car, which is why it is in unsatisfactory condition;
  • poor training of cadets;
  • absent-mindedness, inattention.

Very often you can see a picture of tinted foreign cars rushing along the central streets of cities at great speed, from which loud music can be heard. Car owners' attention may be distracted from the road by the behavior of passengers in the cabin. That is, passengers can also provoke accidents. For example, a young mother is distracted by her child in a child restraint and does not notice the traffic lights changing or another vehicle speeding along the road she is crossing.

The main causes of accidents:

  • violation of the rules of overtaking and advancing;
  • over speed;
  • failure to comply with road signs and traffic signals;
  • improper maneuvering on the roadway;
  • failure to maintain distance.

To avoid all these accidents, it is necessary to use all the knowledge that was acquired during training at a driving school. Often, drivers demonstratively violate traffic rules, taking advantage of the fact that this moment traffic police officers do not monitor their behavior.

It is worth noting that after the widespread introduction in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities of photo and video recording cameras, as well as stationary installations for measuring speed, the situation with accident rates and the number of accidents has changed for the better.

Pedestrian collisions

A very common cause of road accidents is hitting a pedestrian. Unfortunately, in many cases, pedestrians themselves are to blame, since they, as a rule, have a poor understanding of the rules of the road. However, according to the same traffic rules, the driver is always obliged to remain vigilant on the road, regardless of where he is currently: on a busy city street or on a deserted highway.

The most common circumstances of a collision with a pedestrian are:

  • a person crosses the roadway from right to left, in the direction of traffic;
  • sudden appearance of people on the roadway, for example, in a stop zone public transport or under the sign “Children on the road”;
  • crossing the road not at a zebra crossing;
  • failure of pedestrians to comply with traffic lights.

When a person drives along a city street, it is best to look at the roadway and sidewalk on the left. On the right there is a “blind zone” formed by the right pillar. Accordingly, when a person quickly enters the road on the right, he often does not have time to react and press the brake pedal.

That is why pedestrians are required, before crossing the road, to assess the situation, wait until the cars stop, and only then step onto the roadway. If the distance to the car is less than a hundred meters and the car’s speed does not decrease, it is better not to take risks, but to wait on the sidewalk.

Also, very often, a collision occurs when a pedestrian suddenly appears on the road due to vehicles parked along the sidewalk. No wonder the old saying says that the most dangerous car is a stationary one, since it blocks the view of both people and motorists.

In this case, the pedestrian must first assess the road situation, and only then cross the road. The same applies to drivers - in the parking area along the sidewalk, you need to carefully monitor the movement of passers-by and adhere to the optimal speed limit.

A constant situation with road accidents develops in the area where route transport stops, especially trams, if they stop directly in the center of the roadway. It is also not uncommon to encounter people when driving at uncontrolled intersections: when turning left or right, the driver lets other cars pass, while they block the view in the chosen direction of travel. If a person is crossing the road at the moment, he may simply not be noticed.

Pedestrians walking along the side of the road in the direction of traffic often suffer. According to traffic regulations, you must move along the side of the road against the general flow in order to maintain good visibility of the road situation.

Unfortunately, children and pensioners become victims of collisions, and this despite the fact that when teaching in driving schools, great attention is paid to the child psychology of behavior on the road. In a word, car owners must be vigilant in any situation.

Other types of accidents

As we wrote above, there are a huge variety of types of traffic accidents.


The main reason is poor theoretical and practical training. Causes of capsizing:

  • not reducing speed when driving with two right wheels onto a dirt or slippery shoulder;
  • braking on a descent when driving at high speed;
  • inability to get out of a skid on an icy road;
  • engine braking at high speed;
  • driving on inclines and descents with the gearbox turned off.

As a rule, all these points are discussed in driver courses, but car owners do not fully understand the danger of neglecting the knowledge gained.

Hitting obstacles

For example, if a driver tries to pass a speed bump at high speed, a huge load will be placed on the suspension. The consequences due to this reason can be unpredictable: skidding, torn rear axle, tipping over.

Collisions with fencing elements of bridges or highways occur due to improper maneuvering, speeding, and failure to comply with sign requirements.

Animal attacks

Typically, sections of the road that pass through forests or nature reserves have “Caution” signs. wild animals" Here you need to keep your speed low and pay attention to the road.

In the city, stray cats and dogs most often get run over. Some drivers try to brake sharply or go around them, but this leads to even more disastrous consequences. Motorists driving behind do not have time to brake and a rear-end collision occurs.

Collisions with cyclists

According to traffic rules, cyclists must move in the far right lane, no more than a meter from the curb. They must also comply with all the requirements of road signs, which, unfortunately, they do not do.

The results of accidents involving cyclists are disastrous: unlike the driver, the cyclist is protected only by a helmet. So broken limbs are not the worst option.


As we can see, the main cause of any accident is non-compliance with traffic rules. The only thing that can be advised to all road users without exception: take into account the situation on the road and never rush. It is haste that often forces us to take rash actions.

It would also not hurt to re-read some articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. Thus, fines and liability can be imposed not only on car owners, but also on pedestrians. If the accident is fatal, then criminal liability is provided. There are various prison terms ranging from three to ten years.

Don't forget about reasons such as seat belts and child restraints. According to numerous studies, the number of deaths would be greatly reduced if all car owners and passengers remembered to wear seat belts.

Reading time: 6 minutes

A traffic accident is more than just a collision between cars. This term also covers many other situations. Knowing the exact list of incidents related to accidents will help you respond to them correctly. And this is fundamentally important for a competent solution to the problem. Read on to learn more about what a road accident is, its types and causes.

Definition of the concept

The deciphering of the abbreviation for road accident is as follows: “road traffic accident.” From the term it follows that this is always some kind of emergency situation that relates to one or more vehicles (vehicles). At the same time, the concept does not make it possible to understand what kind of situation can be regarded as an accident. Therefore, it is useful to know not only how an accident is deciphered, but also what this term implies.

The relevant federal law, the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF), as well as the MTPL Rules, the Rules for Recording Road Traffic Accidents and the Code of Administrative Offenses spell out in detail what is considered an accident under the law. Let's take a closer look at the definitions provided in these official documents.

The federal law and the Rules for recording road accidents give the following definition of an accident: this is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle and resulted in damage and/or damage to the integrity of other vehicles, cargo, and real estate.

In the text of the traffic rules, the definition of the term road accident is similar.

But the Code of Administrative Offenses gives a slightly different interpretation. The concept of an accident in the Code of Administrative Offenses is a violation of traffic rules or failure to comply with the requirements for the operating principles of a given vehicle, which resulted in damage to the health of other people. Moreover, only light or moderate damage is considered administratively. In other cases, information about an accident will already be transferred to specialists in criminal practice.

What exactly is a traffic accident?

Proceedings related to traffic accidents can often be labor-intensive, lengthy and confusing. And all because it is not always possible to assess from the first time whether a specific situation is an accident or not.

When understanding what event is considered an accident, it is first necessary to proceed from the very definition of the concept. As a result, it becomes clear that a situation cannot be considered a traffic accident when:

  • no vehicle was involved.
  • The vehicles were static.
  • no damage was caused to either the vehicle or other road users.

You need to be able to correctly assess what is an accident and what is not in order to be able to properly protect your rights in the current situation. For example, a traffic accident may include an injury to a car passenger resulting from a sudden change in the speed or trajectory of the vehicle. Agree, few of the citizens who suffered in this way from the recklessness of minibus drivers know about this.

It is not difficult to define the participants in an accident yourself: they are considered to be those traffic participants who were, to one degree or another, involved in the accident. That is, persons belonging either to the category of those responsible for the incident, or to the group of victims.

An even better understanding of who is considered a participant in an accident will be made possible by the Traffic Rules, which define the concept of “road participant”. According to the traffic rules, this is a person who takes part in traffic as a pedestrian, driver of a vehicle or its passenger:

  • Driver. This is the one who drives the vehicle. This category of citizens also includes cattle drivers leading the herd along the roadway. A driving instructor sitting next to his student who is driving the car is also considered a driver.
  • Passenger. They are considered not only the person who is in the vehicle with the driver, but also the one who enters or exits the car. That is, a participant in an accident is, for example, a person who got off the bus and was injured because the driver closed the doors too early and started driving.
  • A pedestrian. This is a person who is moving outside of a vehicle on a road or in a pedestrian area located near it. Pedestrians include, among others, those driving a bicycle, motorcycle or other similar vehicle. Those who ride on skates, scooters or similar devices. Pedestrians are also considered to be persons driving a child or wheelchair. Persons managing wheelchair, not equipped with a motor.

Depending on the situation, either an accident with one participant (the driver crashed into a pole) or an accident with several dozen or even hundreds of parties can occur.

Causes of road accidents

First of all, it is worth mentioning what can be attributed to the causes of an accident. These include all those risk factors that are related either directly to the actions of one of the traffic participants, or to the external influence of the environment.

At the same time, an analysis of the causes of road accidents, which is regularly carried out by statistical services and research centers, shows that most often road accidents occur due to incorrect actions of drivers. In most cases, they simply violate the Traffic Rules in one way or another, which inevitably leads to accidents of varying severity.

It is customary to identify the main causes and conditions for the occurrence of road accidents, which actually build up the negative statistics of road accidents that we are talking about now. From year to year, the quantitative indicators change somewhat - sometimes up, sometimes down, but the qualitative criteria still remain approximately the same. This allows us to talk about established negative trends, which they are trying to combat at the legislative and executive levels.

Thus, the main reasons for road accidents in Russia in 2020 remained the same as in the past few years:

  • traffic violation;
  • physical fatigue of the motorist;
  • factors that take the driver's attention away from the road (for example, telephones);
  • negative weather conditions;
  • problematic road surface;

Types of accidents

In accordance with the Rules for recording road traffic accidents, it is customary to distinguish several categories of road accidents.

Types of road accidents and their brief characteristics:

  • Collision. There may be a collision between two moving vehicles or a collision between a car and another that has braked sharply (in front of an obstacle, a traffic light). It could also be a collision of one or more vehicles with a moving train.
  • Rollover. We are talking about the overturning of a moving vehicle for one reason or another.
  • Colliding with a vehicle in a static position. For example, a collision with a car standing on the side of the road or with a vehicle parked in the yard.
  • A passenger falls while the vehicle is moving. This could be a person falling from the passenger compartment of a vehicle onto the roadway/pedestrian area, or a fall directly in the passenger compartment due to the driver’s too sudden maneuver or a sharp decrease in speed.
  • Hitting an immovable obstacle. It could be anything - road sign, bridge support, pillar, fence, tree, real estate.
  • Hitting a pedestrian. This includes, but is not limited to, situations in which a pedestrian suffers from goods carried by vehicles. For example, when a person was injured by a board, brick, or box of groceries falling from a car.
  • Hitting a horse-drawn vehicle or an animal. This is a collision with animals traveling in a harness and/or with the carts that they move.
  • Hitting a cyclist. This refers to a situation where a vehicle hits a person driving a bicycle, that is, also in motion.
  • Another type of accident. These are different groups of road accidents that do not fall into any of the listed categories. For example, hitting a wheel that flew off another car. Or hitting a large object that fell from another car.
  • In addition, there are also such types of road accidents as:

    • . A situation where the vehicle driver caused an accident, but did not collide with any other road participants. For example, if the driver of a car drove into the oncoming lane, which caused a sharp change in the trajectory of movement and subsequent collisions with other cars.
    • Recorded traffic incident. In order to understand what a registered road accident is, you need to refer to the Rules for recording incidents and remember that in statistical reporting indicate road accidents in which people were injured lightly, moderately or severely or died. That is, it is precisely such cases that are countable. If no people were injured in the accident, it is not subject to accounting.
    • Hidden incident on the road. Not everyone knows what a hidden accident is. But here everything is extremely simple, since the decoding of the concept follows from the term itself. These are road accidents in which the culprit of the incident occurred without objective reasons and in order to conceal his involvement in the accident.

    As you can see, there is a very detailed classification of road accidents, and therefore the types of road accident analysis are also very diverse. Thus, situational and correlational, statistical and probabilistic techniques are used. Legal and . Sociocultural and technological factors, absolute and specific indicators are taken into account.

    In general, we can talk about the analysis of single road accidents, designed to understand the nature of each individual emergency situation and the reasons for its occurrence. And also about the analysis of road accidents as a mass phenomenon. It allows us to identify the main types of accidents and the causes of their occurrence. The obtained data is then used to develop competent preventive measures necessary to reduce the number of accidents on the roads both in each individual locality, region of the Russian Federation, and throughout the country as a whole.

    What to do in case of an accident

    In many ways, the outcome of the emergency will depend on the competent behavior of the parties to the conflict. This is especially true for the injured party, because in most cases it is she who has to take a direct part in protecting her civil rights.

    To put it very briefly, the scheme of actions is something like this:

    • Analyze the condition of persons and/or vehicles injured in the accident.
    • Take control of the process of compensation for material and moral damage from the culprit of the incident.

    In fact, each of these points can be divided into several dozen extremely important sub-points. Any driver should know about each of them, because only in this case does he have a chance to fully compensate for the damage.

    What is an accident: Video

The definition of an accident is specified in the following regulatory documents of the Russian Federation:

  • Federal Law No. 196 of 1995 (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 196);
  • Traffic rules (hereinafter referred to as traffic rules);
  • Rules for recording road accidents on the roads of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the “Registration Rules”).


What is a traffic accident? All 3 documents agree that the term road accident should be understood by the dictionary as an incident that occurred while a car (other vehicle) was moving on public roads and with its participation. Required condition damage is considered to be present, which includes:

  • Causing injury to people;
  • Death of people;
  • Damage to the vehicle (including hidden damage);
  • Damage to transported cargo;
  • Damage to buildings and structures.


Clause 3 of the appendix to the Accounting Rules established the following types of accidents:

  1. Collision. An incident during which 2 moving cars (other vehicles) collided, or a vehicle collided with a moving train. Only an incident during which movement was carried out by both participants in the accident can be recognized as a collision. However, the third paragraph of paragraph 3 made a reservation that this type should also include a collision with a vehicle that has suddenly stopped (due to a breakdown, due to emergency braking, etc.) or a collision of a train with a vehicle standing on the tracks.
  2. Rollover. Rolling a vehicle onto its side or onto its roof while driving.
  3. Hitting. There are the following subtypes of collision:
  • On the TS. Collision of a moving vehicle with a stationary vehicle (car, motorcycle, trailer). A collision does not include cases of road accidents, the main signs of which indicate that this is a collision (a collision with a vehicle that has suddenly stopped).
  • To the obstacle. Impact of a car, motorcycle or any other equipment on an immovable obstacle: house, fence, pole, tree, etc.
  • On a pedestrian. A collision between a vehicle and a person due to the fault of the driver or pedestrian. This type should also include damage from cargo transported on the road: boards or pipes protruding from a trailer, etc.
  • For a cyclist. The situation is similar to a collision with a pedestrian.
  • For horse-drawn transport. A collision with a cart or an animal harnessed to this cart, as well as a collision with an animal not harnessed to the cart.

  1. Passenger fall. A passenger falls while the vehicle is moving, regardless of the reasons for the fall. However, if the accident can be attributed to another type (collision, run-over, etc.), the accident should not be considered a passenger fall. Also, a passenger falling from (from) a stopped vehicle is not considered a fall.
  2. Other accidents. This includes all other possible situations: a load falling on a person (car), a wheel (another part) coming off motor vehicle) etc. A separate category is a non-contact incident, when a road user, through his action or inaction, created a situation that led to material damage or harm to the life and health of third parties, but no direct contact occurred. For example, when the actions of a cyclist forced the driver to make sharp maneuvers, which caused the car to slide into a roadside ditch.


IN Russian legislation The definition of the concept of road accident is clearly defined. However, not a single regulatory document contains a definition of the concept of participants in the incident. But if we take all the available information, then the concept “Participants in an accident” should be understood as all persons who, in one way or another, participated in the accident. The legislation divides participants into 2 main categories:

  • The culprits who caused the accident;
  • Victims who suffered damage in an accident through no fault of their own.

Any person who is a participant in road traffic can become the culprit and the victim. Article 2 of Federal Law No. 196 classifies pedestrians, drivers, cyclists and passengers as such. You should know that drivers are considered to be persons driving a horse-drawn cart, as well as cattle drivers driving animals across the road (along the road).

The participants in the incident are divided separately according to the degree of damage received:

  • Wounded.
  • Dead. A road traffic fatality is a person who dies from their injuries within 30 days of receiving them.

Both the perpetrators and the victims can be wounded and killed.

Driver's actions in case of an accident

If the driver of a vehicle is involved in a traffic accident, then, according to paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 of the traffic rules, he must:

  1. Stop your vehicle and turn on your hazard lights. You cannot continue driving the car, just as you cannot drive away from the scene of the accident. However, paragraph 2.6 of the traffic rules determined that if a car completely blocks the roadway, then the driver must, if possible, move the car to the side of the road, having previously recorded the scene of the incident. If possible, recording is done through photos and videos.
  2. Provide the required assistance to the victims and call a team medical care. If the situation requires it, the victim must be sent to the hospital by passing vehicles.
  3. Set up a stop sign. The sign is posted on the road in the direction of travel. The minimum distance of the sign from the vehicle: in populated areas - 15 meters, outside the city - 30 meters. Traffic regulations determined that the distance from the sign to the vehicle should allow other drivers to notice the obstacle in time, slow down and make a detour maneuver.
  4. Call the traffic police and wait for them on the spot.

Documents to be processed

Having arrived at the scene of the accident, traffic police officers draw up the following documents:

Resolution about the incident, which indicates the cause of the accident, the main circumstances, date and exact time, and a description of the damage to all vehicles. The following is attached to the protocol:

  • photo and video recording materials prepared by traffic police officers, the participants in the accident themselves or eyewitnesses;
  • a diagram of the incident, hand-drawn by a traffic police officer;
  • testimonies of eyewitnesses of the accident and its participants.

Protocol on administrative offense and where the culprit of the accident and the traffic rule that was violated are indicated. Several copies are made: to traffic police officers for transfer to storage, to the perpetrator for review, and to the victim for transfer to the insurance company.

If the culprit is not identified, a resolution is drawn up to initiate an administrative case. If there is no culprit for the accident, a resolution is drawn up to refuse to initiate an administrative case.

If the situation requires it, the participant in the accident (one or more) is taken for a medical examination to establish the fact of intoxication (alcoholic, toxic or narcotic) and to determine the number of ppm of alcohol in the blood.

Registration according to the European protocol

Clause 2.6 of the traffic rules established that if the following conditions are simultaneously met, participants may not call the traffic police officers:

  • Only 2 vehicles are involved in the incident;
  • Each driver has a valid MTPL policy;
  • Material damage was caused only to vehicles (one or two);
  • The drivers have no disagreement in determining the circumstances of the incident.

In this case, drivers must independently fill out a European protocol form issued by the insurance company. The European protocol is drawn up only on the form and model approved by the insurer. One copy is enough to fill out, so drivers can take the European protocol of the perpetrator or the victim at their discretion. The document displays the following information:

  • Place and date of the accident;
  • Number of vehicles that suffered damage;
  • Witnesses;
  • Information about the damaged vehicle;
  • Information about the owner;
  • Place of first impact;
  • List of damages;
  • Circumstances of the incident and scheme;
  • Signatures.

From June 1, 2018, the maximum amount of compensation under the European protocol is 100,000 rubles. Even if the damage caused to the vehicle exceeds this figure, the insurance company will not pay more than this amount. If the damage to the car clearly exceeds the specified amount, drivers are advised to call traffic police officers to the scene of the accident.
