Mesh, drying, pressing parts of a paper making machine. Paper making machine Drive of drying part of paper making machine

drying paper making machine

In the drying section of the paper machine, the paper web is dewatered to a final dryness of 92 - 95%. During the drying process, 1.5 - 2.5 kg of water per 1 kg of paper is removed, which is approximately 50 - 100 times less than in the mesh and press parts of the machine. During drying, further compaction and convergence of the fibers occurs at the same time. The result is increased mechanical strength and smoothness of the paper. The drying mode determines the bulk density, absorbency, air permeability, transparency, shrinkage, moisture strength, degree of sizing and coloring of the paper.

Drying paper on a drying cylinder consists of two phases: on the heated surface of the cylinder under the felt and in the free-running section, that is, when the paper web moves from one cylinder to another. In the first phase, under the cloth, the main amount of moisture evaporates: on low-speed machines up to 80 - 85%, on high-speed machines up to 60 - 75% of all moisture evaporated in the drying part of the machine. In the second phase, in the free-running areas, moisture evaporates from both sides of the paper due to the heat absorbed by the paper in the first drying phase. In this case, the paper, depending on the speed of the machine, undergoes a temperature drop of 4 - 15°C. As the temperature drops, the drying speed decreases, especially on low-speed machines, since the drop in temperature of the paper web is greater on them than on high-speed machines. As the speed of the machine increases, the amount of evaporated water in the free-running area of ​​the paper increases. As the amount of water in the paper web decreases, the drying intensity in the free area decreases.

The temperature of the drying cylinders is increased gradually, which helps to improve the quality of the paper and complete the sizing process. At the end of the drying part, the surface temperature of the cylinders is reduced, since heat at low moisture content of the paper, it has a destructive effect on the fibers.

The wet paper web, directed from the press part of the papermaking machine, is tucked between the heated surface of the first drying cylinder and the drying mesh (cloth). At the initial stage of movement, the drying mesh (cloth) accompanies the fabric to be dried in the free area between the upper drying cylinders and the lower vacuum rollers. This is a feature of this paper threading scheme. This filling reduces the risk of paper web breakage.

The drying cylinders are hermetically sealed with a ventilation hood, from which exhaust moist air is removed. Part of the exhaust air in the heat trap is mixed with fresh workshop air, heated in a heater and supplied through the drying air duct to the drying part of the paper machine through air distribution channels. Exhaust and workshop air, water from the scrubber, is sent to the general ventilation of the workshop. The paper web, dried to the required humidity, after processing in a calender, is wound into a roll on a reel.

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The paper drying process is intended not only to further dehydrate the paper web by evaporating moisture from it, but also to bring the fibers together after pressing under the influence of the paper shrinkage that occurs during drying with the establishment of bonds between the fibers that determine the basic properties of the paper web: mechanical strength, absorbency, air permeability etc. In addition, by using the appropriate technological drying mode, paper can be given special properties associated with the completion of sizing, coloring, imparting wet strength, etc. Thus, drying the paper ends the process of dehydrating it on a paper-making machine while simultaneously imparting to it the necessary properties that can be achieved immediately after drying or after the final paper finishing process.

If we take the total amount of water removed on a papermaking machine as 100%, then 96-97.5% of this amount is usually removed on the mesh table, and approximately 1.5% on the drying part of the machine. This 1.5% on the drying end of a modern high-speed papermaking machine that produces newsprint translates into 250-300 tons or more of water per day. Dewatering by drying is 10-12 times more expensive than removing moisture on presses, and 60-70 times more expensive than removing water on the wire table of a paper machine.

Although the currently widely used method of removing water from a paper web by contact drying it is expensive and the drying part of a modern paper machine is much more expensive than its other parts, nevertheless, the existing method of drying paper remains the most effective compared to other known methods of drying materials.

The drying part of a paper-making machine (Fig. 72) usually consists of two rows of steam-heated paper drying cylinders 2, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The total number of paper drying cylinders depends on the speed of the machine and the type of paper being produced. It usually amounts to 6-7 cylinders when producing condenser paper, 50-70 cylinders when producing newsprint and sack paper, and reaches 100 or more cylinders when producing some types of cardboard. The paper web sequentially goes around the side surface of the rotating cylinders and passes along them from the bottom to the top, again to the bottom, etc. e. In this case, in the area of ​​​​contact with the cylinders, the canvas is pressed with a drying cloth 4, ensuring tight contact between the paper and the hot surface of the cylinders. The cloth, moistened with paper, is dried on a cloth drying cylinder 3. All paper drying cylinders are divided into groups, each consisting of several cylinders covered by one cloth. In the diagram shown, the group consists of five paper drying cylinders and one felt drying cylinder.

Each two adjacent groups of cylinders (lower and upper) represent a drying section with an independent drive. The paper drying cylinders in each group on the drive side of the machine are interconnected by gear wheels mounted on the cylinder axles

and driven by a common drive for each section. The cloth drying cylinders and cloth driving rollers are driven by the drying cloths.

The presence of drying sections, each with an independent drive, makes it possible, within certain limits, to regulate the speed of the cylinders of each section and, consequently, to regulate the tension of the paper web between the sections. Obviously, the greater the paper shrinkage, the greater the number of drive sections and the fewer paper drying cylinders in each section. Thanks to this, smoother regulation of web tension in the drying part of the paper machine will be ensured, and there will be no paper wrinkles or web breaks. Thus, in the production of condenser and drawing transparent paper, made from greasy pulp and having shrinkage of up to 9-12% and higher, each cylinder (sometimes 2 cylinders) is an independent drive section. When producing paper with a shrinkage of 2.5-3.5% and containing a significant amount of wood pulp (newspaper, printing, etc.), the drive section can consist of 8-16 cylinders. To dry drying cloths, one and usually no more than two felt drying cylinders are installed in each group of paper drying cylinders.

For proper operation of drying cloths, each group of cylinders has automatic straightening and tensioning mechanisms for the cloth.

The paper making machine BDM-10 is designed to produce various types of paper: wallpaper, printing, for food packaging. In paper production, a paper-making machine is an independent unit, the main components of which are installed strictly sequentially along the mounting axis.

Technical Characteristics of Paper Making Machine

Technical specifications paper making machine BDM-10 is given in table 2.1. The general diagram of PM-10 is shown in Figure 2.1

Table 2.1 - Technical characteristics of PM-10

Parameter name


Blade width, mm:

On the coast

Cutting width

Products - base paper for wallpaper, weight, g/cm2

Productivity, kg/hour

Speed, m/min:

By drive


Limit of stable control of electric drive

Productivity when producing the calculated type of paper weighing 150 g/m2, kg/hour

Linear load in the lower grip of the calender shafts, kN/m:

From the weight of the shafts with lightweight cantilever parts

Maximum when working with additional pressure

Minimum length of meshes of 1 drying group after modernization, m:


Figure 2.1 - Diagram of the paper-making machine BDM-10:

1 - head box; 2 - mesh part; 3 - press part; 4 - drying part; 5 - calender; 6 - roll up

Paper Making Machine Composition

The paper machine includes: a headbox, a mesh, a pressing and drying part, a calender and a reel. It also includes a machine pool for the mass, equipment for its cleaning, pumps for supplying water and mass, vacuum pumps, devices for processing scrap, equipment for circulating lubrication, supply and exhaust ventilation system, control and instrumentation, etc. 1. The diagram of a closed headbox is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - Headbox:

1 - collector-flow distributor; 2 - perforated plate; 3- perforated shafts; 4 - box body; 5 - front wall; 6 - gap regulation mechanisms; 7 - defoamer; 8 - air cushion

The headbox is intended:

Distribute the flow of suspension when pouring onto the machine mesh with the same flow rate and speed across the width of the cast web;

Transfer the suspension to the outlet slot without fibers falling out and without the appearance of transverse jets;

Release a stream of fibrous suspension onto the machine mesh at a certain speed with high-intensity turbulence and its small scale.

The mesh part is intended for forming a paper web with a suspension concentration of 0.1 - 1.3%. The process of filtering fiber from the suspension and forming the web on the mesh part occurs on a relatively short section of the table and is decisive in obtaining quality indicators of paper. The main element of the mesh part is one endless mesh stretched between the shafts. The mesh part of the paper machine is shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 - Grid part:

1 - head box; 2 - chest shaft; 3 - forming box; 4 - box of hydroplanes; 5 - wet suction box; 6 - register shaft; 7 - suction box; 8 - suction shaft; 9 - drive shaft; 10 - mesh adjuster; 11 - mesh drive shaft; 12 - mesh tension; 13 - mesh

The pressing mechanism is determined by the amount of water removed and the uniformity of moisture content of the paper web. The dewatering capacity depends on the contact zone of the shafts and the number of these zones. When pressing, the structure of the canvas also changes, the strength of the paper increases, its thickness, density, breathability, opacity and other properties change. In the press section the following must be ensured: 1) maximum dehydration of the paper web to obtain the specified physical and mechanical properties; 2) uniform moisture content of the canvas across its width; 3) uninterrupted wiring of the web with minimal areas of free movement.

The press part of the paper making machine is shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 - Press part of the paper making machine:

1 - grooved shaft; 2 - suction shaft; 3 - rubber-coated shaft; 4 - smooth shaft; 5 - drive shaft; 6 - suction shaft; 7 - pressure shaft; 8 - cloth driving shaft; 9 - cloth straightening; 10 - cloth stretching; 11 - cloth

The drying part is designed for dehydration (drying) of the paper web. The drying part consists of drying cylinders heated by steam. They are staggered in two tiers. The paper web passes through the drying cylinders, alternately coming into contact with the lower and upper cylinders with one or the other surface. The tensioning of the cloths and their straightening are carried out by cloth guides, cloth tensioning and cloth straightening rollers equipped with the necessary mechanisms. Drying of cloth is ensured by cloth drying cylinders and cloth blowing rollers.

The diagram of the drying part is shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 - Drying part:

The calender is designed to achieve the required smoothness, density and uniformity of web thickness while maintaining other quality indicators within specified limits. The calender consists of: metal shafts; frames in which bearing housings and shaft levers are located; drive for rotating the lower shaft; lifting mechanism and additional shaft clamping devices. The drive shaft transmits rotational motion to adjacent shafts due to frictional forces.

Below is a diagram of the calender in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 - Calender:

1 - mechanism for pressing and lifting shafts; 2 - bed; 3 - intermediate shafts; 4 - lower (main) shaft

Figure 2.7 - Roll up:

1 - reeled roll; 2 - bed; 3 - rewind cylinder; 4 - tambour roller; 5 - receiving levers; 6 - pneumatic cylinder for pressing the vestibule: 7 - straightening roller; 8 - filling rope; 9 - drive cylinder for turning the receiving levers; 10 - drive cylinder of the main levers; 11 - main levers; 12- roll braking device; 13 - damper

The reel is designed for uniform and dense winding of the paper web into rolls. The higher the quality and uniform density of the coil winding, the better the cutting process on slitting machines. The reeling diagram is shown in Figure 2.7.

Reel includes: reel cylinder; tambour shafts; receiving levers; working levers holding the web winding tambour shaft, and drive mechanisms for turning the receiving and working levers.

Description of paper making machine operation

Basic operations: accumulation of paper pulp; adding mass onto the mesh; forming a paper web on a mesh; pressing; drying; machine finishing and paper winding 3.

The prepared paper pulp with a concentration of 2.5 - 3.5% is fed into a machine pool with a circulation device. For better concentration, it is additionally crushed by conical and disk mills. Next, the mass with a concentration of 0.1 - 1.3% is fed into the headbox.

The mesh part is used for casting and molding the paper web in order to remove excess moisture from the paper pulp. When the mesh passes through the register rollers and hydroplanes supporting it, the paper pulp is dehydrated to a concentration of 2 - 4%. Further dehydration occurs on suction boxes under vacuum to a concentration of 8 - 1.2%. Dewatering also occurs on the couch roll under the influence of vacuum in the suction chamber. The dryness of the paper web after the mesh part is 12 - 22%.

Then the paper web enters the press part, where it is dehydrated to a dryness of 30 - 42%. The press consists of two shafts, of which the lower one is a suction shaft. Between the press rollers there is an endless felt, supported by felt rollers, which transports the paper web. The formed fabric is automatically transferred by a vacuum-suction device to the felt of the press part. The press part allows for the passage of paper, where the felt is constantly supported, and therefore allows for unbroken passage of paper into the press part.

The drying part of the paper machine consists of drying cylinders heated by steam. They are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, in two tiers. As the paper web passes through the drying part, it first comes into contact with the lower cylinder, and then with the upper one, then the other surface. The tensioning of the cloths and their straightening are carried out using cloth guides, cloth tensioning and cloth straightening rollers. Dryness after the drying part is 92 - 95%, and the temperature is 70 - 90 °C. At the end of drying, refrigeration cylinders are installed. When cooled, the paper absorbs moisture and is moistened by 1 - 2%. The paper web then passes through a machine calender consisting of eight rolls to compact and improve smoothness. The machine's calender is equipped with a pressing, lifting and lightening mechanism. Then, when passing through the calender, the paper is wound onto tambour shafts into a roll with a diameter of up to 2500 mm. Refilling is carried out using special mechanisms and devices. Subsequently, the paper is cut on specialized machines and packaged.

I bring to your attention my debut article in a new key. It contains general principles paper-making machine operation for a more comfortable introduction of the translator into the topic.
Please express your suggestions on the format for presenting such material.

Paper making machine(paper machine) - multi-section unit continuous (continuous) actions on which from strongly diluted (diluted) water fibrous suspension (fibrous suspension) receive paper and some types cardboard (board).
There are 2 main types of paper making machines: flat mesh/table (four-drinier machine), used to produce the main types of paper, and round mesh/cylindrical (vat machine), which produces a limited range of paper and cardboard. These types have different release devices paper pulp (paper/papermaking pulp or stock) on mesh (wire) paper machine and low tide (formation) paper web, the design of the remaining components, as well as technological process paper making is similar.
The finished paper pulp with a concentration of about 3-4% is supplied using a pump ( feed) from mass preparation department (stock preparation department) V machine pool (machine chest), from where it goes to the paper machine. Permanent stirring (agitation) the masses in the machine basin achieve leveling grinding degree (beating/refining degree) and mass concentration throughout the volume. It is first diluted recycled water (white/back water), received from dehydration (dehydration) paper pulp on the mesh of a papermaking machine, to a concentration of 0.1-1.5% and passed through cleaning (screening) equipment - knotters ( screen/strainer), centricliners (centricleaner), centriscreens (centriscreen) etc., where various foreign inclusions and coarse particles of mineral and fibrous origin are removed. From the cleaning equipment, the paper pulp enters headbox (headbox), which provides expiration (discharge) masses with a certain speed (rate) and the same thickness jets (jet) across the entire width of the mesh.

The paper making machine consists of the following main parts:

  • mesh (wire section), where a dilute suspension is continuously formed sheet of paper (paper web ) and the first part is removed from it excess water (excess water );
  • press (press section), where dehydration is carried out and seal (compacting) paper sheets:
  • drying (dryer section), in which the moisture remaining in the paper web is removed:
  • finishing (finishing section), where the canvas undergoes the necessary processing to give gloss (glaze), density (density), smoothness (smoothness) And reeled into rolls (wind to reels ).

Mesh part - an endless mesh woven from threads of various copper alloys or synthetic materials. The mesh is driven from couch-vala (couch roll). On new machines with vacuum-suction devices (vacuum pick-up arrangement), the mesh drive shaft is also driven. To prevent the paper pulp from flowing down, the mesh edges are installed limit lines (guides). Dehydration of the paper pulp and formation of the paper web occurs due to free flow and suction action (suction) register rollers ( table roll). To obtain a more uniform paper web in longitudinal (machine/grain direction) And transverse directions (c ross direction ), when the machine speed is not more than 300 m/min, the register part is sometimes subjected to shaking (shake) in the transverse direction. Further dehydration occurs over suction boxes (suction box) under the influence of vacuum created by special vacuum pumps (suction pump). During production bond papers (fine paper) are often installed above them easy egalitarian roller (Dandy roll). Leveling roller used for applying watermarks (water marks) is called eguter (Egoutteur). After this, the paper web still contains a relatively large amount of moisture (88-90%), to remove which the mesh, together with the paper web, passes over a couch roller, which has from one to three suction chambers (vacuum chamber). Couch shaft - perforated hollow cylinder (drum) made of bronze alloy or stainless steel (perforation area is about 25% of the shaft surface). Inside the housing is a stationary vacuum chamber with graphite seals that are pneumatically pressed against the inner surface of the cylinder. The vacuum chamber is connected to a continuously operating vacuum pump. The couch roll completes the forming and dewatering (to 18-22% dryness) of the paper web on the paper machine wire.

Further dehydration occurs in the press area mechanical pressing under pressure and vacuum by passing the fabric through several (2-3, less often 4-5) roller presses (roll press), located sequentially (often the first and second presses are combined into double press - two-roll press). At the same time, they increase volumetric mass (specific density), strength properties (strength properties), transparency (transparency), are decreasing porosity (porosity) And absorbency (absorption) paper. Pressing is carried out between woolen cloths (felt), which protect the still weak paper from destruction, absorb the squeezed out moisture and at the same time transport the canvas. Each press has its own felt. On all new high-speed paper machines, the lower press rolls are made perforated (perforated) (like couch shafts). They are covered special rubber (rubber cover), which improves dehydration and increases service life. On some paper machines, instead of lower suction shafts (bottom roll) are installed shafts with special grooved corrugation (grooved roll). On powerful papermaking machines, the lower rollers of the first and second presses are made suction (similar to a couch roll). Often, in addition to felt presses, they also install smoothing (or offset) presses (second nip) without felt to compact the paper and make it smooth. Then the paper sheet with a dryness of up to 45% enters the drying section.

Drying part (the longest in length) consists of rotating cylinders, heated from the inside by steam and usually arranged in 2 rows in a checkerboard pattern. The canvas is pressed against the heated surface of the cylinders using felts, which improve heat transfer and prevent warping and wrinkling of the paper surface during drying. The upper and lower rows of drying cylinders have separate felts, with one felt covering several at once drying cylinders(dryer drum / drying cylinder). The paper sheet moves from the upper cylinder to the lower one, then to the adjacent upper one, etc. In this case, the paper is dried to a residual moisture content of 5-7%. On modern paper machines, a twin-shaft size press is usually placed in the second half of the drying section ( size press) for surface sizing of paper and applying a surface layer.

Finishing part is a calender ( calender), consisting of 5-10 located one above the other bleached cast iron shafts (cast chilled iron roll). Previously, the paper, to give it greater elasticity and softness, is cooled and somewhat moistened on a refrigeration cylinder (through the hollow necks of which it is supplied and discharged). cold water). When moving between the shafts from top to bottom, the web becomes smoother, thickens and evens out in thickness. Then the paper is wound into rolls with an endless tape on a forcibly rotated cylinder, against which a roller with paper wound on it is pressed - reel. To moisten the paper during additional finishing on it supercalenders (supercalender) (to obtain paper with increased smoothness, gloss and bulk) is installed above the roll humidifier (rewetting device). Next, the roll is cut into slitting machine (longitudinal cutter) to the required formats. At the same time, the paper is sorted cliffs (break), which arose during its production, stick together. When producing paper in sheets, the rolls for cutting are fed to a machine for cutting the paper web - self-tapping (sheeter / sheet cutter).



Course design

Discipline: "APCS"

On the topic: Development of process control systems for the drying part of the paper machine

Head: Surikov V.N.


Drying part of paper-making machine No. 1 at JSC PZBF. automation project, temperature and steam control.

The object of automation is the drying part of PM No. 1 of JSC PZBF.

The purpose of the work is to modernize the automated process control system with the detailed development of a system for regulating the supply of fresh steam.

The structure of the process control system was proposed and the technical means included in the system were selected. The structure and composition of the automated control system PLC has been developed

The MITSUBISHI FX Series hardware and software package was selected as the technical automation equipment.

The implementation is expected at the Drying part of PM No. 1 of JSC PZBF.


This course project examines the automation of the drying part of PM No. 1. JSC "PZBF"

Automatic control system for controlling steam supply to the drying part

ACS for collecting and pumping condensate into the diaerator.

Thus, it is necessary to create an automated control system, select the structure of the control system, its operation and a set of technical means.

Improving product quality indicators can be achieved through the use of microprocessor controllers. Also, the use of controllers simplifies the performance of diagnostic and protection functions.

1.Purpose and goals of creating an automated process control system

The purpose of introducing an Automated Control System based on programmable controllers is to optimize the drying process of paper web on the drying part of PM No. 1.

To do this, the government system must solve the following problems

· control of steam supply to the drying part

· level control in moisture separators.

· collection and pumping of condensate into the deaerator

· warning and emergency signaling.

To perform these tasks, the process parameters are regulated, monitored and recorded.

All parameters of the drying process are displayed on the operator’s console, including the activation of protections and alarms.

Automatic regulation

temperature and pressure of incoming steam;

drying cylinder surface temperature;

paper machine speed;

properties of ambient air;

presence of air and condensate in the cylinder;

tension of drying nets and their condition;

dryness of the paper web after presses;


Operation of the ventilation system;

Deviation of parameters from the norm;

Triggering of emergency protections;

2.Analysis of the existing automation system (ACS)

The enterprise does not yet have a centralized control system for the automation of the drying section on the paper machine. It is still local in nature.

The existing automation system includes the following automation systems;

Automatic control system for controlling steam supply to the drying part.

ACS for level control in moisture separators.

ACS for collecting and pumping condensate into the deaerator.

The drying control process is carried out by the dryer in semi-manual mode, using simple TRM210 regulators. The automation system has a very low speed, which does not provide a good dynamic process. This system does not give the slightest idea about the changing characteristics of the dynamic drying process. Constant monitoring of the operation of the regulators by maintenance personnel is required. The system does not have the ability to inform the operator about the operating status of the actuators. It is not possible for the operator to quickly influence the drying processes when switching to different kinds products.

The following measuring instruments are used:

· Gauge pressure transducer meter. Measuring range 0-10Mpa. Output 4-20mA Metran 100-DI Model 1152PG “Metran” Russia, Chelyabinsk.

· Measuring transducer of hydrostatic pressure (level). Measuring range 0-25kPa. Excess pressure 0.4 MPa. Output 4-20 mAMetran-100-DG, model 1541PG “Metran” Russia, Chelyabinsk.

· Pressure difference transducer meter. Measuring range 0-0.2 MPa Output 4-20 mA Metran 100-DD Model 1152PG “Metran” Russia, Chelyabinsk.

· Flow converter. Measuring range 20.45 - 613.48 m 3 . Output 4-20mA. Metran331PG "Metran" Russia, Chelyabinsk.

As an actuator

Globe valve with electro-pneumatic positioner. DN 150, DN 80, DN 50, 4-20 mA input ES3241EN-JL1040, Samson.

3.Requirements for automated process control systems

The developed automated process control system must comply with the requirements of GOST 34.602-89. The complex of software and hardware tools for automated process control systems should be built on the basis information technologies and products that meet generally accepted international standards, and also have an open, scalable architecture, with the expectation of increasing functionality and modernization.

3.1Requirements for the automated control system in general

The commissioning of automated control systems should lead to useful technical, economic, social or other results, for example:

*reducing the number of management personnel;

*improving the quality of functioning of the control object;

*improving the quality of management.

The automated control system must ensure compatibility between its parts, as well as with automated systems(AS) interconnected with this ACS. In cases where an automated control system or a set of automated control systems (AS) is created on the basis of a computer network, multi-level interaction protocol systems must be used to ensure compatibility between elements of such a network.

The automated control system as a whole and all types of its support must be adapted to modernization, development and expansion within the limits of the requirements specified in the terms of reference for the automated control system.

The reliability of the automated control system as a whole and each of its automated functions must be sufficient to achieve the established goals of system operation under given application conditions.

The adaptability of the automated control system must be sufficient to achieve the established goals of its operation in a given range of changes in application conditions.

The ACS must provide for monitoring the correct execution of automated functions and diagnostics, indicating the location, type and cause of violations, and the correct functioning of the ACS.

ACSs that have measuring channels must have the ability to control the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels.

The automated control system must provide protection measures against incorrect actions of personnel leading to an emergency condition of an object or control system, against accidental changes and destruction of information and programs, as well as against unauthorized intervention.

Any information entering the ACS is entered into the system once using one input channel, unless this leads to failure to meet the requirements. Installed in the technical specifications for the automated control system (in terms of reliability, reliability, etc.)

Output information of the same semantic content must be generated in the automated control system once, regardless of the number of recipients.

The information contained in the ACS databases must be updated in accordance with the frequency of its use when performing system functions.

The automated control system must be protected from information leakage if this is stated in the technical specifications for the automated control system. 3.1.13. The name of the ACS must include the name of the type of ACS and the control object.

3.2 Requirements for ACS functions

The automated control system, to the required extent, must automatically perform: collection, processing and analysis of information (signals, messages, documents, etc.) about the state of the control object;

development of control actions (programs, plans, etc.);

transmission of control actions (signals, instructions, documents) on execution and its control;

implementation and control of control actions;

The composition of automated functions (tasks, sets of tasks—hereinafter referred to as functions) of the automated control system must ensure the ability to control the corresponding object in accordance with any of the goals established in the technical specifications for the automated control system.

The composition of the automated functions of the automated control system and the degree of their automation must be technically, economically and (or) socially justified, taking into account the need to free personnel from performing repetitive actions and create conditions for their use creativity in progress.

3 Requirements for technical support of automated control systems

The complex of technical means of the automated control system must be sufficient to perform all automated functions of the automated control system.

The complex of technical means of the automated control system should mainly use technical means serial production. If necessary, the use of technical means of single production is allowed.

Replicated automated control systems and their parts must be built on the basis of unified technical means.

ACS technical means must be placed in compliance with the requirements contained in the technical, including operational, documentation for them, and in such a way that it is convenient to use them during the operation of the ACS and perform maintenance.
