Mushroom "deer horns". How to collect, what can be cooked, and what makes “hornets” enjoyable

Description of deer horn mushrooms

among the people deer horns so called because in shape it really resembles the branched antlers of a male deer.

What kind of mushrooms are “deer horns”, are they edible?

To many it resembles coral.

Rules for collecting horned animals:

Important tip!


Taste qualities

Where does the mushroom live?

Deer antlers live in central Eurasia and North America.

Description of the mushroom Deer Horns

In Russia it can be found in Siberia, near Caucasus Mountains. They prefer pine forests, but they are also found in deciduous forests. They grow on healthy or dead tree trunks.

Classification of mushrooms


Conditionally edible:

The world of mushrooms is truly fascinating and unique. These organisms are unique in themselves and can surprise with their forms, complex life cycles, taste qualities.

In the forests you can sometimes find unusual mushroom, similar to coral. People call it " deer horns" Let's talk more about these mushrooms.

Description of deer horn mushrooms

The correct botanical name is Ramaria flava. From Latin it is translated as Ramaria yellow. Belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Gomphaceae, family Rogataceae.

The habitat of this mushroom is the mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests of the Caucasus, the North-West of our country, as well as the forests of Central Europe.

Sometimes in mushroom picker reference books you can find the following names:

The above-ground part of the ramaria grows approximately 15-20 cm in height. The fruiting body grows diametrically and reaches 20 cm in diameter. In the middle there is a dense hyphal plexus that forms a common stalk, and branched processes “horns” emerge from it. These “branches” are cylindrical in shape and branch dichotomously at their apex.

The color of the aboveground part of the fruiting body is yellow, and the palette of yellow can have different shades. This depends on the substrate on which the ramaria grows, as well as the intensity of sunlight in the undergrowth.

Closer to the bases of the horns, the color can be rich yellow. If you press on the fruiting body, a brownish color appears at the place of compression. When cut, the flesh is marble yellow. The smell is quite pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of freshly cut grass.

Ramaria has a low food grade. On the botanical scale of food categories - fourth. There is no particular pronounced mushroom taste. If the fruiting bodies are collected old, the tops must be removed, as they accumulate substances that give a certain bitterness.

Collection rules and precautions

Many horned mushrooms are poisonous. In this regard, you need to know yellow ramaria and be able to distinguish it from other “forest corals”. Collection and preparation are carried out in August and September. At this time, deer antlers can be found in the undergrowth as single fruits or small groups of 3-4 “bushes”.

Rules for collecting horned animals:

Important tip! If you are a novice mushroom picker, it is not recommended to collect horned mushrooms. Whether the horned mushroom is edible or not is difficult to determine. Some of them are so similar to each other that they can only be distinguished under a microscope. There is only one reassuring point - among these mushrooms there are no highly poisonous ones that lead to death.

How to properly cook mushrooms

The soup made from “reindeer horns” is especially tasty. To prepare it you will need the standard ingredients of mushroom soup - a clove of garlic, onions, herbs, carrots, potatoes, butter, salt, pepper and 300−400 g of this wonderful mushroom.

Boil the mushrooms separately in salted water for 20 minutes. This broth must be drained and not used. It may contain toxins. You can boil it twice for 10 minutes. It will be even better that way.

Then the soup is cooked in the standard way. Throw onions, potatoes, garlic, carrots into cold water, bring to a boil, add mushrooms. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and add salt, pepper and herbs. This makes a very tasty light mushroom soup. Children will especially like it, since the mushrooms in the soup are unusual.

Ramaria can be salted, fried with potatoes, or added to salads. The main condition for cooking is to always simmer the mushrooms over low heat for 10-15 minutes in salted water. This helps get rid of toxins. This is especially important, because among the horned ones there are many moderate poisonous species.

Edible deer horn mushrooms: description of the type and recipes

Primary thermal treatment allows you to destroy and reduce the concentration of toxic substances to a minimum.

Young deer antlers can be dried. Overripe fruiting bodies can rot when dried, but young ones dry out easily. To do this, they need to be divided into the maximum possible number of “branches” with part of the stem. A thread is threaded through the leg. Next, the mushroom garlands are hung in the shade in a dry and ventilated room.

When preparing dishes from dried ramaria, it must be soaked in water for 12 hours, and then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 10 minutes.

Collect deer horns, prepare culinary masterpieces from them, but be careful and careful!

This amazing specimen is found in forests from time to time. He is very unusual and even a little exotic due to his appearance. This name, of course, is associated with its unusual appearance and shape. After all, it is very similar to deer horns or corals. Because of such an unusual shape and color, many mushroom pickers pass by these amazing specimens.


Deer antler mushrooms look very exotic and unusual. As mentioned above, they are similar to corals. The color of these mushrooms varies from light yellow to bright orange. Young specimens have light and delicate tones, but older specimens look a little brighter.

By weight, the deer antler mushroom can reach a size of about one kilogram. And in diameter and height up to 20 cm. It is interesting that at first they grow in width, and then begin to grow in height. That is, from one copy you can prepare dinner for a large company.

Taste qualities

The taste of this mushroom is legendary. They say that it tastes incredible, although it belongs to the fourth category. Deer horns are incredibly tender, pleasant and slightly similar in taste to chicken or shrimp. Of course, if they are well prepared for this.

Also, only young mushrooms are tasty. Old specimens are bitter and unpleasant. Alas, even soaking and heat treatment cannot remove their bitterness. Therefore, you should not collect them, but rather look for young mushrooms.

Deer antlers are used for cooking, soups, salads, pies, and they are also used as a filling for any dish. Also, deer horns are pickled, fried, stewed, and there are many more different ways to prepare them.

On the Internet you can find a bunch of the most different recipes to prepare these mushrooms. They are all very tasty and interesting.

Where does the mushroom live?

This mushroom is a rare specimen, so it is not found often. Although, if you find a place where they grow, you will probably meet not just one representative, but a whole bunch. Sometimes, in one place you can collect a whole bag of these mushrooms. They can grow in a bunch or in a circle.

Deer antlers live in central Eurasia and North America. In Russia, it can be found in Siberia, near the Caucasus Mountains. They prefer pine forests, but they are also found in deciduous forests.

deer horns

They grow on healthy or dead tree trunks.

Interestingly, its taste depends on what tree this mushroom grows on. They say that deer antlers that grow on linden and oak trees are considered the most delicious, but those on pine and cedar trees are less tender.

This mushroom has no poisonous counterparts, but there are conditionally edible ones.

Classification of mushrooms


  • Horny bunch (color from soft red to rich brown).
  • Coral-shaped hedgehog (color white, cream).
  • Rogatik is purple (color varies from dark purple to deep lilac).
  • Amethyst horn (purple color).
  • Rogatik is golden yellow (light yellow color).
  • The mushroom is formidable (color cream, slightly brownish).
  • Rogatik is yellowish (color is dirty pale gray-yellow).
  • Rogatik comb (white color).
  • Mushroom cabbage (color white with a yellowish tint).
  • Mushroom noodles (color white - pink).
  • Horny bulavastik truncated (brownish color).
  • Sakhalin Horntail (ocher color).

Conditionally edible:

  • Rogatik is dull (the color is dirty - cream, ocher).
  • Spruce hornet (color yellowish-brownish, slightly ocher).
  • The horn is beautiful (pink, ocher color).

These listed mushrooms are replicas of staghorn mushrooms. They are all very similar, both in taste and appearance. It is difficult to distinguish them from each other.

If you accidentally confuse edible with inedible, you will immediately feel it, because they will be too bitter and tasteless. This only threatens you with a spoiled mood.

Deer horn mushrooms: edible and inedible

The world of mushrooms is truly fascinating and unique. These organisms are unique in themselves and can surprise you with their shapes, complex life cycles, and taste.

In the forests you can sometimes find an unusual mushroom that looks like coral.

Deer horns - unusually shaped mushrooms

People call it “deer horns”. Let's talk more about these mushrooms.

Description of deer horn mushrooms

The correct botanical name is Ramaria flava. From Latin it is translated as Ramaria yellow. Belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Gomphaceae, family Rogataceae.

The habitat of this mushroom is the mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests of the Caucasus, the North-West of our country, as well as the forests of Central Europe.

People call deer antlers so because in shape they really resemble the branched antlers of a male deer. To many it resembles coral.

Sometimes in mushroom picker reference books you can find the following names:

The above-ground part of the ramaria grows approximately 15-20 cm in height. The fruiting body grows diametrically and reaches 20 cm in diameter. In the middle there is a dense hyphal plexus that forms a common stalk, and branched processes “horns” emerge from it. These “branches” are cylindrical in shape and branch dichotomously at their apex.

The color of the aboveground part of the fruiting body is yellow, and the palette of yellow can have different shades. This depends on the substrate on which the ramaria grows, as well as the intensity of sunlight in the undergrowth.

Closer to the bases of the horns, the color can be rich yellow. If you press on the fruiting body, a brownish color appears at the place of compression. When cut, the flesh is marble yellow. The smell is quite pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of freshly cut grass.

Ramaria has a low food grade. On the botanical scale of food categories - fourth. There is no particular pronounced mushroom taste. If the fruiting bodies are collected old, the tops must be removed, as they accumulate substances that give a certain bitterness.

Collection rules and precautions

Many horned mushrooms are poisonous. In this regard, you need to know yellow ramaria and be able to distinguish it from other “forest corals”. Collection and preparation are carried out in August and September. At this time, deer antlers can be found in the undergrowth as single fruits or small groups of 3-4 “bushes”.

Rules for collecting horned animals:

Important tip! If you are a novice mushroom picker, it is not recommended to collect horned mushrooms. Whether the horned mushroom is edible or not is difficult to determine. Some of them are so similar to each other that they can only be distinguished under a microscope. There is only one reassuring point - among these mushrooms there are no highly poisonous ones that lead to death.

How to properly cook mushrooms

The soup made from “reindeer horns” is especially tasty. To prepare it you will need the standard ingredients of mushroom soup - a clove of garlic, onions, herbs, carrots, potatoes, butter, salt, pepper and 300-400 g of this wonderful mushroom.

Boil the mushrooms separately in salted water for 20 minutes. This broth must be drained and not used. It may contain toxins. You can boil it twice for 10 minutes. It will be even better that way.

Then the soup is cooked in the standard way. Throw onions, potatoes, garlic, carrots into cold water, bring to a boil, add mushrooms. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and add salt, pepper and herbs. This makes a very tasty light mushroom soup. Children will especially like it, since the mushrooms in the soup are unusual.

Ramaria can be salted, fried with potatoes, or added to salads. The main condition for cooking is to always simmer the mushrooms over low heat for 10-15 minutes in salted water. This helps get rid of toxins. This is especially important, because among the horned ones there are many moderately poisonous species. Primary thermal treatment allows you to destroy and reduce the concentration of toxic substances to a minimum.

Young deer antlers can be dried. Overripe fruiting bodies can rot when dried, but young ones dry out easily. To do this, they need to be divided into the maximum possible number of “branches” with part of the stem. A thread is threaded through the leg. Next, the mushroom garlands are hung in the shade in a dry and ventilated room.

When preparing dishes from dried ramaria, it must be soaked in water for 12 hours, and then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 10 minutes.

Collect deer horns, prepare culinary masterpieces from them, but be careful and careful!

Amethyst horn

Amethyst horn. Clavulina amethystina

Amethyst horn. Amethyst clavulina (Clavulina amethystina) photo

Grows in deciduous forest mixed with birch from late August to October, singly or in groups. The fruiting body is up to 7 cm in height, highly branched, lilac-violet, paler at the base. The branches are cylindrical, initially smooth, later finely wrinkled, with a blunt or serrated ending. Either there are no legs, or it is very short.

Amethyst horn edible, belongs to the fourth category. Used boiled and dried.

Clavulina cristata (Clavulina cristata)

Rogatik comb, clavulina combClavulina cristata

Fruiting body


Can only be confused with other white horned birds.


The mushroom is not tasty.

Rogatik grape-shaped

Horntail (Ramaria botrytis)

Rogatik grape-shapedRamaria botrytis

Fruiting body

with a pleasant smell and mild taste.

Season and place

Grows in summer (until autumn) in deciduous and mixed forests, especially near beech trees. Rarely seen.


The mushroom is edible while it is young.

Description of the deer horns mushroom

Yellow hornet (Ramaria flava)

Yellow hornet (Ramaria flava) photo

Grows on the ground in deciduous and coniferous forests in August-September. The fruit body is up to 20 cm in height, up to 20 cm in diameter, very branched. All branches and legs are creamy, lemon-yellow in color, later becoming ocher or almost orange. The branches are flattened and equal in length.

The pulp (tissue) is white, pale yellowish, fragile, watery. The spore powder is pale ocher. The leg is up to 8 cm in height, 4-5 cm in diameter, whitish at the base, and turns reddish when pressed. Button edible, fourth category.

In cooking, yellow hornet is used boiled.

Golden hornet

Beautiful hornet, beautiful ramaria (Ramaria formosa)

Rogatik is beautiful, ramaria is beautifulRamaria formosa

Fruiting body

whitish-yellowish, yellowish-pink or salmon-colored at the top, yellow ends. Old specimens are distinguished by a uniform leather-brown color. Pulp white, brittle, sometimes turns red when pressed, tastes bitter.

Season and place

Grows in deciduous forests.


The mushroom is POISONOUS! Possible disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Horntail truncated

Rogatik reed. Clavariadelphus ligula

Rogatik reed. Clavariadelphus ligula photo

Grows in coniferous, (less often in deciduous) forests on fallen needles in July-September. Occurs rarely, singly or in small groups (3-6 pieces). The fruit body is small, club-shaped or elongated-linguate, up to 10 cm in height, up to 15 mm in diameter, smooth, creamy, then ocher-yellow or yellow-orange.

The flesh is white or creamy. Spore powder is white. Little known edible mushroom of the fourth category.

They use boiled reed horntail.

10 best sites on the topic: Horned mushroom

  1. Pictures upon request Horned mushroom - edible

  2. Encyclopedia of mushrooms > Rogatik

    Clavulina cristata Other names: Rogatik... Clavariadelphus ligula) - edible mushroom from the genus Clavariadelphus (lat.

  3. Horntail mushrooms- Alexander

    19 Sep 2013 Horntail mushrooms- ramaria and horned reed. ... horned reed - just refer (at a young age) to mushrooms edible.

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  6. Rogatik yellow (Ramaria flava). — Edible mushrooms and poisonous

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  7. Rogatik reed. — Edible mushrooms— Description of mushrooms

    June 9, 2010 Although mushroom and is considered unfamiliar, however, in some regions it is found quite often, and even abundantly. Rogatikimushrooms Not …

  8. Cooking Club Mushroom Picker's Guide Edible mushrooms Rogatik

    Mushroom Picker's Guide Edible mushrooms Rogatik yellow, or yellow ramaria.

  9. mmarym - it's true edible mushrooms? horned yellow

    4 Oct 2011 I found it on the Internet. This horned yellow, conditional edible, they make soup from it... gribov/rogatik-ametistovyiy.html

Rogatik, or as they are also called horned mushrooms, belong to the family of basidiomycetes. They have a fruit body of fleshy consistency. They are coral-branched, club-shaped and awl-shaped. Most common white with a yellow tint. Completely covered with a spore-bearing smooth layer.

You can find such a crop in the forest on the soil; less often they are found on wood residue. They are not poisonous.

Rogatiki have a large variety and germinate in large quantities, we just sometimes don’t pay attention to them. Many mushroom pickers pass by. This may be correct, because unfamiliar plants can be poisonous, but some cattails are quite edible. Even if you pick such an unfamiliar mushroom, you will not get poisoned, the only thing is that you will ruin your dinner, since some types have a specific taste.

Rogatik is a very curious representative of the mushroom kingdom. It plays a big role in the life of the forest. It is also a close relative of chanterelle mushrooms, and as you know, chanterelles can improve human health.

A variety of horntails

This mushroom has a wide variety. Let's look at the most common of them and their descriptions.

Type of pistil. Can be found in deciduous forests in the southern regions. It has a fruiting club-shaped body. The height can reach 15 cm. The spores released are white. Does not have a specific smell. Completely edible.

Truncated is a prominent representative of basidiomycete plants. It has a club-shaped shape with an expanded and thickened apex. The height is no more than 14 cm. The mushroom itself is wrinkled and dark orange in color. In places of damage it immediately becomes dark. Odorless, sweetish taste.

Reed. Belongs to the genus clavariadelphus. Vertical tongue-like shape. Height no more than 13 cm. Has a smooth and dry surface. If you are already old, then the surface of the body begins to wrinkle. The color is soft cream, but with age it acquires a yellowish tint. The pulp is dry, white and without a characteristic odor. Produces light yellow spore powder.

Comb. The shape is coral-shaped. Grows up to 10 cm in height. The pulp is quite fragile and light. It has no specific odor, but has a bitter taste. Can be found in mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests. They germinate on soil and grass.

Fawn belongs to the crab family. It grows in the form of a bush with branched and pointed branches. The apex is lobate-flat. Rogatik is white with a creamy tint. Produces white spores. When cut, it is fragile, has no special smell and has a bitter aftertaste.

The yellow horned mushroom can be found in deciduous, coniferous or mixed forest. Mainly grows in the forests of Karelia. Body color is yellow. No more than 18 cm in height. Many branched, dense bush-like branches of a cylindrical shape grow from thick white stalks. Fruiting body yellowish color. The pulp is moist, off-white in color. The smell is reminiscent of grass, the taste is dull. The older the plant, the more bitter the taste.

Edibility of mushrooms

Very often in the forests you can meet mushroom pickers who claim that they know everything about mushrooms. But what can they say about the slingshots? In order not to accidentally get poisoned and to know for sure whether this mushroom is edible or not, we have prepared a small cheat sheet.

Benefits of edible cattails

Very often they are called coral, since in appearance they are very similar to them. Compared to others, they have a number of advantages:

  • when fully ripe, the weight is almost one kilogram, which easily allows you to feed all family members;
  • are not affected by worms, so when cleaning you will not encounter unpleasant disappointment;
  • have a fragrant smell (but not old ones);
  • there are no poisonous imitators;
  • easy to prepare.

Due to their specific appearance, you are unlikely to confuse them with other plants.

Use in cooking

Before cooking, you need to prepare them properly. Mushrooms should be washed thoroughly under cold running water. Since they have a tortuous structure, dirt penetrates into the most difficult places. Then boil them for 30 minutes. The water in which they were boiled is poured out. It should absolutely not be used. We rinse again under running water and set to cook for 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. Now you can start preparing various dishes.

A simple recipe for delicious mushroom soup. First, chop all the vegetables, namely, onions and (you can add half). Fill everything with cold water and cook until half cooked. Then add mushrooms and 15 g. . IN winter period You can add a few cloves to the soup. As soon as the soup boils, add pepper to taste. Reduce the heat to low and cook for another 15 minutes. The peculiarity of this soup is that it can be eaten not only hot, but also cold. When serving, sprinkle and add a spoon.

For the second course, you can simply fry them in addition to the main dish, for example mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. To start with vegetable oil fry the onion, having first chopped it finely. Add chopped mushrooms. It's better to cut them larger. And fry until golden brown, just remember that you need to stir them constantly. Add salt and pepper to taste.

To make the dishes delicious, we will tell you a few little secrets. Firstly, they should be eaten no later than 4 days after harvest. Secondly, do not pickle them or can them. Otherwise they will become bitter and rubbery. Third, don't season the mushrooms. big amount seasonings, otherwise you will overpower their unique taste.

Precautionary measures

There are many plants that look like deer legs. Many of them are quite poisonous. Therefore, if you are new to this business, then ask an experienced mushroom picker to tell and show how to correctly collect and distinguish deer legs from other plants.

Remember that after harvesting, before cooking, you must wash and process them well, because if not prepared correctly they can have serious negative impact on your body.

Do not harvest near highways, as plants quickly absorb toxic substances.

Similar in appearance to deer antlers, it was not for nothing that the deer horn mushroom was so named. At the same time, it also resembles sea coral. It is not popular, and most people do not even realize that it is edible and very tasty. Listed in the Red Book as rarest species and is considered the highest mushroom.

Places of growth and main characteristics

Most often, the deer horn mushroom can be found on Far East, in Karelia, Eurasia, Eastern and Western Siberia, in North America and in the Caucasus. It grows mainly in damp places of pine and deciduous forests among white moss and on rotten wood from June to October. In areas with warm climates it is collected in winter months. Found on roots and stumps. Grows in groups, forming arcs and rows.

Deer horns have several names:

  • coral mushroom;
  • horned;
  • latticefoot hedgehog;
  • Coral hedgehog.

Unable to determine, where it has a cap and where it has a leg, and therefore, when described, it is characterized as a body consisting of many fragile branched processes of light yellow, orange, light brown and purple. The branches grow up to 5-7 cm in height, while they reach 15-30 cm in width.

Only young specimens should be collected for food. It is advisable to cook freshly picked mushrooms. The tender flesh of horned mushrooms tastes like shrimp or champignons.

They can be used fried, dried and salted, and used as first and second courses. Fans of exotic dishes make caviar and filling for pies and dumplings from them. Potatoes fried with them are no worse than with other mushrooms. Rogatiki are marinated in a sauce that includes butter, salt, sugar, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar. But at the same time, doctors do not recommend consuming them in pickled and canned form.

Before cooking, reindeer antlers must be washed thoroughly, because special structure they accumulate a lot of dirt on their body. After washing, cook for 15-30 minutes. Drain the broth and do not use it in food.


Every mushroom picker is interested in how to cook deer horns. There aren't many recipes that use them as an ingredient. But the basic cooking methods are the same as with other mushrooms. Those lucky enough to find them can make some delicious dishes out of them.

Mushrooms “deer horns”, or coral-shaped hedgehogs, are also known to many mushroom pickers under the names coral mushrooms, coral-shaped hericia or lattice-shaped hedgehogs. The Latin name of this edible mushroom from the genus Hericium or Hericium is Hericium coralloides.

Botanical description

Full description Hericium coralloides can be found in the Red Book of Russia, where the coral hedgehog is listed as a rare species. “Deer horns” have a very beautiful exotic appearance. In the coral-shaped hedgehog it is difficult to distinguish the cap and stem, therefore, when characterizing and describing this species, we can only talk about the fruiting body as a whole. The fruiting bodies of Hericium coralloides look a bit like coral branches.

The above-ground part of hericia is very decorative, multi-branched, snow-white in color. Relatively long spines 10-20 mm high, thin and quite brittle, cover the branches of the fungus almost to the very base, most often located on the lateral side. The average diameter of the fruiting body does not exceed 25-30 cm.

The pulp is initially white, but as the mushroom grows and develops it acquires a characteristic yellowish color. Elastic in its raw form, after cooking it becomes harsh. There is no pronounced mushroom aroma. Fruiting occurs from June to October.

Deer horn mushrooms: description (video)

Where does it grow

Most often the fungus grows on trunks, branches and hollows deciduous trees, as well as on stumps. Most often it can be found on aspen, oak or birch. In the southern regions, the hedgehog prefers to colonize the wood of elm, oak and linden. In temperate latitudes it is most often found on birch and aspen. In our country, “deer horns” can be found in almost any forest zone, except for the forests of the most northern regions.

Poisonous or edible

The mushroom of the species Hericium coralloides belongs to the category edible mushrooms. The fruiting bodies have such an unusual appearance that they are inedible and poisonous doubles Hericia does not have them. Nutritionally and chemical composition, as well as pharmacological value, Hericium coralloides is highly similar to the relatively common combed hedgehog.

100 g of raw pulp contains:

  • potassium – 254 mg;
  • phosphates – 109 mg;
  • sodium – 8 mg;
  • calcium – 6.7 mg.

In addition, the composition of mushroom pulp is enriched with all free amino acids, except methionine and tryptophan, and also includes a significant amount of ketones, lipid substances, phytoagglutinin and sterols.

Hericium coralloides is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is used to treat stomach and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as to improve function respiratory system. Pronounced antitumor and immunostimulating effects are noted, as well as antigeriatric effects and hypoglycemic activity of mushroom pulp.

Cooking methods

The vast forests of our country abound with all kinds of mushrooms. However, not every lover of quiet hunting is lucky enough to encounter a coral-shaped hedgehog. From "Deer Antlers" you can prepare very a large number of very tasty and incredibly healthy dishes.

You can cook perfectly different ways. Dried coral hedgehog can be soaked and then boiled or fried in batter. A very tasty and aromatic mushroom dish is obtained if the fruiting bodies of “deer horns” are marinated in a sauce made from oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar, as well as salt and lemon juice.

Mushrooms: varieties (video)

According to experienced mushroom growers and amateur mushroom pickers, the coral hedgehog does not have a pronounced taste, therefore, regardless of the cooking method, the culinary impression of it is quite mediocre. The main advantage of “deer horns” is their extraordinary beauty.

Deer horns are a mushroom that is included in the Red Book of Russia and belongs to basidiomycetes, a class of higher fungi. It got its name because of its peculiar exotic appearance. People also call the mushroom differently, for example, coral, horned mushroom, coral-shaped hedgehog, etc. Hericium coralloides is the full scientific name of the lower plant.

Botanical description

Staghorn mushrooms resemble coral branches or deer antlers in appearance. The photo shows a clear resemblance. The aboveground part of the plant is very branched and decorative. The spines are snow-white, 10 to 20 mm high. The body diameter of the mushroom is 16-30 cm; specimens weighing up to 1 kg are found in nature. It is worth noting that most often the height and width of the exotic mushroom are the same. The branches of the plant are thin and quite brittle. The coral hedgehog only affects the wireworm; other worms are indifferent to it.

The color of the mushroom changes as it grows, acquiring characteristic yellow shades. Obsolete copies may be bright orange. Horntails and amethyst colors grow. The active growing season of basidiomycetes falls from June to October. The biological culture does not have the usual mushroom aroma; in its raw form, the deer horn mushroom has an elastic consistency; when cooked, the fruiting body becomes harsh.

The most commonly mentioned mushrooms can be seen on tree trunks and stumps. Like other woody lower plants, they are not difficult to notice on rotten wood of any species. It is believed that among a certain variety of coral-shaped mushrooms there are no poisonous ones, while there are plants that are conditionally inedible and suitable for consumption. It is better to use young species of deer antlers for food. Large hedgehogs can disappoint with their taste: they are bitter and have an unpleasant aftertaste.

The best collection period is August and September; in the southern regions of our country, slingshots are also collected in winter. They often grow in whole clusters; collecting such mushrooms is an endless pleasure. Knowing the description of edible cattails, you can easily prepare the required amount of forest product and prepare wonderful dishes.

Cooking methods

The description of mushrooms says that these plants are used in folk medicine, with their help they treat joints, expel worms, etc. It must be remembered that poisoning often occurs due to negligence or complete illiteracy. You should not eat foods that you have doubts about.

There is a separate opinion that convinces mushroom pickers that this type The plant is not suitable for classical cooking. Experts fundamentally disagree with this statement.

Edible hornets are prepared for future use, fried, added to soups, dried, and mushroom caviar and other dishes are prepared from them. Without any doubt, all existing recipes for forest “brothers” are also suitable for corals. In winter, the dry prepared semi-finished product is soaked in water, then fried in batter. Many exotic lovers use these specimens as a filling for dumplings and pies. They are also good fried with potatoes and onions.

A fragrant and tasty mushroom dish can be created from mushrooms marinated in a special sauce. It’s not difficult to prepare, just collect the necessary ingredients: oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and salt with sugar. Pickled blackberries in a jar look like coral.

Mushrooms should be washed well before use, then placed in a pan of water and cooked after boiling for at least 10-15 minutes. Ready-made semi-finished products are used as desired. To prepare the filling, the lower plant is passed through a meat grinder, combined with other ingredients to taste and the main dish is prepared.

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