Ussuri Nature Reserve: animals and plants. Ussuri Reserve: Animals and Plants Presentation on the Ussuri Reserve

"Economy of the Far East" - Horse-drawn transport. The main occupation is agriculture. Ship repair shops (Dalzavod). In 1888, the Suchanskoye deposit was discovered. Sea transport. 22% of the population are engaged in crafts: fishing and hunting. Amur Shipping Company and Amur-Ussuri Cossack Flotilla. Transport. Tithes of land suitable for economic development.

"Lesson Far East" - Fill in the table. The territory is far removed from Central Russia. Far East: features of the EGP and natural resources. The objectives of the lesson: to form knowledge about the features of the EGP area, natural resources. Type of lesson: lesson learning new material. Name the features of the EGP of the Far East. Name the ore minerals of the region. Name the sedimentary minerals. Name the peoples living in the Far East.

"Alakol Reserve" - ​​Durban Congress. Phenological and hydrological observations are carried out. Animal world. initially amounted to 12520 ha, then it was increased to 20743 ha. Kazakhstan, carrying out reforms, confidently ranks among the developed countries of the world. Types of protected natural areas. Alakol GPP: delta of the river. Tentek (17423 ha) and the islands of Lake.

"Prioksko - Terrasny Reserve" - ​​Here are some of the Russian reserves: Altai, Vitimsky, Darvinsky, Kivach, Rdeisky. The forests of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve are mixed, i.e. made up of conifers and hardwoods. The most remarkable animal of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is the bison. Geographical features of the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

"Natural complexes of the Far East" - Relief. Tundra zone - occupies the northern mainland of the Far East. Forest zone - occupies most of this natural complex. Far East. On Far East fairly dense river network. The rivers are fed mainly by rain. Soils. natural areas; Flora and fauna. In the south, the annual amount of precipitation is 500–1000 mm, and in the north 1000–1600 mm.

"Far East of Russia" - Reserves. The population is more than 235.6 thousand people. (2005). Sovetskaya Gavan - city Khabarovsk Territory, port special economic zone. Population 580.7 thousand people (2010). Blagoveshchensk is the center of the Amur Region, a major trade center on the border with China. Up to 100 species (often the rarest) birds nest here.

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USSURIYSK STATE NATURE RESERVE Nalchik Hovhannisyan Maryam, Kenetov Nadir Kerefov Damir, Etueva Ilona, ​​Etueva Elina Head: Kandrokova Faina Soslanovna teacher of geography

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USSURI STATE NATURAL RESERVE - specially protected natural area in Russia. The reserve bears the name of academician Vladimir Leontievich Komarov, the largest domestic botanist, researcher of the flora of East Asia. It is designed for animals that are part of wildlife. The actual date of foundation of the reserve is considered to be 1934, since then its area has significantly increased, which now amounts to 40.4 thousand hectares.

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The Ussuri Nature Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the Primorsky Territory. It stretches for 40 km in breadth and 19.5 km in length. The relief of the protected area is flat, only in the east the low-mountain system of the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin rises gently, protecting reserved places from climatic hazards.

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The territory of the reserve is part of the Amur-Ussuriysk climatic region of the temperate zone with well-defined features of the monsoonal climate of East Asia. Summers are warm and humid, winters are mild and moderately severe.

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The main wealth of the Ussuriysky Reserve is a fairly large array of virgin coniferous deciduous forests, which almost did not survive either in the Far East or in neighboring countries.

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The reserve plays an important role in the protection of rare species of animals and plants. The flora of the Ussuriysky Reserve is very diverse, despite the fact that about 98% of the territory is occupied by mixed, coniferous and broad-leaved forests. But the most common here are coniferous broadleaf forests(of the total area 42%). The workers of the reserve conducted a study and counted the number of plant species among them: mushrooms - more than 1000, about 820 species of vascular, 250 mosses, about 200 species of algae, hundreds of lichens. One of the main values ​​of the reserve are plants listed in the Red Book. These include spiky yew, real ginseng, Chinese princepia, hard juniper, seven-lobed calopanax and densely flowered pine.

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Since the area is completely under the forest cover, this has created excellent conditions for many living creatures. In these places, animals typical of forests found refuge. So the Ussuriysky Reserve protects in its halls 62 species of mammals, more than 160 species of birds, 7 reptiles, 6 amphibians, 12 fish and cyclostomes. There are many invertebrates here, among which 32 species are in the Red Book. In the reserve you can meet the largest beetle in the country - the relic barbel. Large butterflies also fly here - Maak's tail-bearer, Tancre's brameya, Artemis saturnia. The reserve is home to many badgers, wild boars, squirrels, red-backed voles, Siberian weasels, deer. Birds include woodpeckers (gray-haired and white-backed), oatmeal (gray-headed and yellow-headed), hazel grouses, black-headed chickadees and white-bellied tits. But it is worth noting that river birds predominate here.

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The purpose of creating the reserve is to preserve rare species from extinction, so many individuals listed in the Red Book live here. Among birds, these include hawk buzzard, mandarin duck, needle-footed scoop, crested honey buzzard, black stork and others. In addition to birds, there are such animals as the Far Eastern forest cat, the giant shrew, the Himalayan bear, the East Siberian leopard, the spotted deer and many others, which are protected by the Ussuri Nature Reserve.

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The Ussuri tiger is one of the most important and unique inhabitants of the reserve. The Ussuri (Amur, Far Eastern) tiger is a subspecies that just recently could have completely disappeared. It is the northernmost tiger. Listed in the Red Book International Union nature conservation and the Red Book Russian Federation. According to the 2015 tiger census, there are about 540 Amur tigers in the Russian Far East. The Amur tiger is traditionally considered the largest living member of the cat family.

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The Amur tiger is one of the largest subspecies, the coat is thicker than that of tigers living in warm regions, and its color is lighter. Basic coat color winter time is orange and the belly is white. This is the only subspecies of the tiger, whose representatives have a five-centimeter layer of fat on their belly, which protects them from freezing winds at extremely low temperatures. The body is elongated, flexible, the head is rounded, the paws are not long, the tail is long. The ears are very short, as it lives in cold areas. The Amur tiger distinguishes colors. At night, he sees five times better than a human. In nature, a tiger lives up to 15 years, in captivity a little over 20 years. For example, the life limit of the Amur tiger in captivity was noted by R. Jones and estimated at 26 years.

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The body length of males of the Amur tiger to the tip of the tail reaches 2.7-3.8 m, females are smaller. Height at the withers up to 115 cm, weight 170-270 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. An ordinary adult male in nature weighs between 180-270 kg, on average about 200 kg, with a height at the withers of 90-106 cm. A very fast animal, capable of running at a speed of about 80 km / h.

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The Amur tiger is the ruler of vast territories, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich for the female is 300-500 km², and for the male - 600-800 km². If there is enough food within its possessions, then the tiger does not leave its territory. With a lack of game, the number of cases of attacks by tigers on large livestock and dogs increases. The Amur tiger is active at night. They mostly hunt alone.

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The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Measures for its conservation are enshrined in Decree of the Government of Russia dated August 7, 1995 No. 795 "On the conservation of the Amur tiger and other rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants in the territories of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories." In April 2007, experts from the World Fund wildlife(WWF) announced that the Amur tiger population has reached a century high and that the tiger is no longer on the brink of extinction. In July 2010, Russia approved the national strategy for the conservation of the Amur tiger.

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In November 2010, St. Petersburg hosted the International Forum on Problems Related to the Conservation of the Tiger on Earth, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries of the tiger range (Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal). During the forum, a global program for the restoration of the number of tigers was approved and a declaration on the conservation of the tiger was adopted. In the summer of 2013, the Russian Geographical Society, on the initiative of Russian President V.V. Putin, created a special Foundation - the Amur Tiger Center. The Foundation will be engaged in the conservation and increase of the Amur tiger population. Fund "Konstantinovsky" In China, the death penalty is provided for the killing of the Amur tiger.

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Physico - geographical features The relief of the territory where the reserve is located is low-mountainous, formed by the southern spurs of the Sikhote - Alin (Przhevalsky Mountains). The average height of the mountains is meters above sea level, some peaks reach meters. The origins of mountain rivers in canyon-like narrow valleys are peculiar and beautiful. Here there are small waterfalls and water cauldrons in the rocky ground, filled with transparent cold water. The climate in general can be described as summer - warm and humid with moderately severe winters with little snow. Most cold month- January ( average temperature-17.9º C), the warmest - August (+19.7º C). The absolute minimum on the soil is -32º C, the maximum is +60º C.

History of creation The main wealth of the Ussuriysky Reserve is a fairly large array of virgin liana coniferous - broad-leaved forests, which are almost not preserved either in the Russian Far East or in neighboring countries. The reserve bears the name of academician Vladimir Leontievich Komarov, the largest domestic botanist, researcher of the flora of East Asia. He was the first to give a description of this territory, having visited it in 1913. The reserve was created back in 1932, since then its area has significantly increased, which now amounts to 40.4 thousand hectares.

Flora of the reserve The flora of the reserve is composed almost entirely of forest species. Mainly, these are cedar - deciduous forests. They are distinguished by high species diversity and, according to this indicator, have no analogues either in Russia or within the borders of the former USSR. There are frequent areas of cedar forests, where only trees, shrubs and lianas grow to species. Even more species richness of the grass cover, which includes many rare plants, including ginseng. In addition to ginseng, the Red Book species include hard juniper, mountain peony, Chinese princepia and other species.

The fauna of the reserve The fauna of the reserve is typical for coniferous - broad-leaved and broad-leaved forests. Wild boar, red deer, musk deer, white-breasted bear, Siberian weasels live here. Of the birds, warblers, blue nightingale, nuthatch, hazel grouse are common. Here live the largest beetle of the fauna of Russia - the relic barbel, large tropical butterflies - Artemis saturnia, Tancre's brameya, Maak's tail-bearer. Interestingly, several attempts to "diversify" the species composition of the fauna did not bring the expected results. Thus, the release of Barguzin sables in the 1960s to accelerate the restoration of the range turned out to be ineffective. The introduction of sika deer also did not bring results.

Ussuri Nature Reserve

About the Reserve The Ussuriysky State Nature Reserve is a specially protected natural area in Russia. Located south. spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the Primorsky Territory. The reserve is under the control of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. The main wealth of the Ussuriysky Reserve is a fairly large array of virgin liana coniferous-broad-leaved forests. The reserve bears the name of academician Vladimir Leontievich Komarov, the largest domestic botanist, researcher of the flora of East Asia. He was the first to give a description of this territory, having visited it in 1913. The reserve was created back in 1932, since then its area has significantly increased, which now amounts to 40.4 thousand hectares.

Climate The territory of the reserve is part of the Amur-Ussuriysk climatic region of the temperate zone with well-defined features of the monsoonal climate of East Asia. The average annual air temperature is 2.5 ° C. The temperature of the coldest month (January) is on average -17.9 ° C, the warmest (August) 19.7 ° C; the absolute minimum on the soil is 32° C, the maximum is 60° C. The amount of precipitation varies from 500 to 1200 mm over the years and averages 700-800 mm. The average annual air humidity is 70-80% (the lowest in April-May, the highest in July-August).

Flora The reserve is dominated by forest vegetation, the forested area accounts for 40,291 ha. The most characteristic tree species are Korean cedar pine (Korean cedar), whole-leaved and white fir, Ayan spruce, yellow birch, Amur, Manchurian and Take lindens, Manchurian walnut, etc. In total, 868 species of vascular plants, 252 - bryophytes, 118 - lichens, 1364 - fungi and 210 species of algae. TO rare species, listed in the Red Book of Russia, include hard juniper, real ginseng, seven-lobed calopanax, Chinese princepia, dense-flowered pine, spiky yew and high lure ..

Fauna The background animals of the reserve are wild boar, red deer, badger, Siberian weasel, squirrel, red-gray vole, hazel grouse, yellow-throated and grey-headed bunting, tits - white-bellied and black-headed chickadees, gray-haired, white-backed and large mottled woodpeckers. The following are listed in the Red Book of Russia: the Amur tiger, the East Siberian leopard, the mandarin duck, the black stork, the Ussuri clawed newt. Vertebrate animals are represented by 62 species of mammals (including Red Data Book species - giant shrew, Amur tiger, Far Eastern forest cat, spotted deer, Himalayan bear, etc.); more than 160 species of birds (among them Red Book species - mandarin duck, black stork, needle-footed owl, hawk buzzard, crested honey buzzard, etc.), 7 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians (including the Ussuri clawed newt listed in the IUCN Red Book), 12 species of fish and cyclostomes The world of invertebrates is no less rich, 32 species are rare and endangered (Uvarov's grasshopper, narrow-breasted ground beetle, etc.). On the territory of the reserve live the largest beetle of the fauna of Russia - the relic barbel, large butterflies - Saturnia Artemis, Bramea Tancre, tail-bearer Maaka, a freshwater mollusk is found here - the Primorskaya pearl mussel.

Location The Kuril Reserve is located in the Far East, in the Sakhalin Region, actually on the border with Japan. It is located on Kunashir Island and several other nearby islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge. The Kuril Reserve is located in the Far East, in the Sakhalin Region, in fact, on the border with Japan. It is located on Kunashir Island and several other nearby islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge.

The area of ​​the southern section is ha. The relief is low-mountainous, with absolute heights of m. In the central part of the reserve, in the caldera of the Golovkin volcano, there is Lake. Hot and connected by a channel of the lake. Boiling. In the northern part of the southern section of the lake. Sandy lagoon origin. The river flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Alekhine and streams Vodopadny, Krivopotka and Bystry. The area of ​​the southern section is ha. The relief is low-mountainous, with absolute heights of m. In the central part of the reserve, in the caldera of the Golovkin volcano, there is Lake. Hot and connected by a channel of the lake. Boiling. In the northern part of the southern section of the lake. Sandy lagoon origin. The river flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Alekhine and streams Vodopadny, Krivopotka and Bystry.

Square northern section equal to ha. The relief is mid-mountain, of volcanic origin, with an absolute height of 1822 m (Tyatya volcano). The Tyatinka, Saratovskaya and Nochka rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean; Bird.

The third area of ​​96 hectares consists of a group of small islands Demina and Oskolka. The latter include the islands of Fox, Cones and rocks Cave, Sail, Candle and Kira. The third area of ​​96 hectares consists of a group of small islands Demina and Oskolka. The latter include the islands of Fox, Cones and rocks Cave, Sail, Candle and Kira.

The climate of the reserve The climate of Kunashir is humid, maritime and is characterized by the dominance of the East Asian monsoons. In addition, the climate of the island is significantly influenced by warm and cold sea currents. So, from the north and west, the island is washed by a warm current, and from the south and east by a branch of the cold Kuril current. The climate of Kunashir is humid, maritime and is characterized by the dominance of the East Asian monsoons. In addition, the climate of the island is significantly influenced by warm and cold sea currents. So, from the north and west, the island is washed by a warm current, and from the south and east by a branch of the cold Kuril current.

Winters are snowy and mild, but winds reaching hurricane force up to m/s are not uncommon. Periodically in winter, warm subtropical air penetrates, causing thaws of up to 8-10°. The amount of precipitation reaches 1000 mm or more per year. On the warmer Okhotsk coast of Kunashir, spring and, accordingly, the vegetation of plants and the nesting of birds begin days earlier than on the coast. Pacific Ocean, and in summer and autumn there are more warm sunny days. Winters are snowy and mild, but winds reaching hurricane force up to m/s are not uncommon. Periodically in winter, warm subtropical air penetrates, causing thaws of up to 8-10°. The amount of precipitation reaches 1000 mm or more per year. On the warmer Okhotsk coast of Kunashir, spring and, accordingly, the vegetation of plants and the nesting of birds begin a day earlier than on the Pacific coast, and in summer and autumn there are more warm sunny days.

Fauna The largest animal Brown bear. IN coniferous forests sable inhabits the northern protected area. The fox and hare are numerous. Weasel and ermine are rare. Of the insectivores, there are clawed and Far Eastern shrews. The largest animal is the brown bear. Sable lives in the coniferous forests of the northern protected area. The fox and hare are numerous. Weasel and ermine are rare. Of the insectivores, there are clawed and Far Eastern shrews.

The main inhabitants are the yew tit, the Japanese yellow-backed flycatcher, the Japanese hawk and the red sparrow. Rare green birds, dove, large piebald kingfisher. Kunashir is the southern wintering place for the pink gull. Rare species include diurnal predators, white-tailed and Steller's sea eagles and golden eagles. The largest of the night birds of prey fish owl. Sea colonial birds are the Pacific sea gull, puffin rhinoceros, etc. The main inhabitants are the yew tit, the Japanese yellow-backed flycatcher, the Japanese hawk and the red sparrow. Rare green birds, dove, large piebald kingfisher. Kunashir is the southern wintering place for the pink gull. Rare species include diurnal predators, white-tailed and Steller's sea eagles and golden eagles. The largest of the nocturnal birds of prey is the fish owl. Sea colonial birds Pacific sea gull, puffin rhinoceros, etc.

All types of reptiles are endemic to Kunashir. These include the Far Eastern skink lizard and three species of island snakes, low-scaled and Japanese snakes. Of the amphibians, two species were noted - the Far Eastern tree frog and the Far Eastern frog. Some of the islands that are part of the reserve serve as a place for molting, resting and breeding of the largest seals in the Far East Pacific basin - sea lions and anthur. All types of reptiles are endemic to Kunashir. These include the Far Eastern skink lizard and three species of island snakes, low-scaled and Japanese snakes. Of the amphibians, two species were noted - the Far Eastern tree frog and the Far Eastern frog. Some of the islands that are part of the reserve serve as a place for molting, resting and breeding of the largest seals in the Far East Pacific basin - sea lions and anthur.
