The meaning of the name is Benedict. Benedict Cumberbatch Benedict Cumberbatch generator

Fate itself ordered Benedict Cumberbatch to become a great actor. He was born into the family of English artists Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham. And despite the fact that dad stubbornly dissuaded his only son from this thankless profession, Ben began to take the initiative to get involved in art at the age of 12: while studying at an elite closed school Harrow, he performed on stage in improvisational theater, and on weekends he attended productions at London's Amadeus Theatre.

At school, Cumberbatch managed to find a common language with all his classmates, but this did not save him from the offensive nickname “Cucumber” (the actor’s surname Cumberbatch is similar to English word"cucumber") Later, when Benedict began to actively act in films and on TV, his parents suggested that he shorten his long, unpronounceable surname or take a fictitious pseudonym, but he insisted on keeping his comfortable name.

Thanks to his parents and excellent education, Benedict was raised in accordance with British concepts of aristocratic behavior and honor. Therefore, Ben always stood out for his compliant character and gentle disposition, which were later greatly needed on the set - he found a common language with almost all his colleagues and directors.

Benedict received the basics of his future specialty at the Manchester Institute (where he studied acting) and at the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art.

Star Trek Benedict Cumberbatch

Before becoming an artist, Benedict managed to work as an English teacher in a monastery in Tibet (it was after this that he took up Bikram yoga seriously) and as a perfumer in a London store. It was, rather, not a way to make money, but an experience to get to know yourself and your true desires. He tried not to rush things, and the decision to become an actor became a deliberate choice.

Benedict is one of several modern actors who have harmoniously combined work in the theater, TV and cinema. Intelligence, noble manners and excellent education helped the star get the roles of geniuses, artists and even prime ministers. He played in many English theaters, including the Royal National Theatre. Cumberbatch was named best artist for his role in the production of Frankenstein, and was nominated for a BAFTA award for the television films Hawking and Marple: Killing is Easy. Benedict managed to star in episodes of the famous English films “Atonement”, “The Other Boleyn Girl” and “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!”.

But true fame came to Cumberbatch after the BBC television series Sherlock, the first episode of which aired in the summer of 2010. The story of the world-famous couple - detective Sherlock Holmes and his devoted companion Dr. Watson - received a new development thanks to screenwriters Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, who made modern London the setting. The creators of the show, and the artists themselves, were worried that the British would not forgive them for the fact that Victorian England was so easily replaced by the 21st century with its liberated morals and power technological process. However, after the release of the first episode, social networks were flooded with enthusiastic statuses addressed to new version works of Arthur Conan Doyle. And the tall, blue-eyed, dark-haired man (by the way, for the sake of this project Ben dyed his hair, because his native hair color is red) attracted the girls so much that Benedict, to his amazement, acquired the title of sex symbol from many glossy English magazines. Even Cumberbatch's parents finally came to terms with their son's artistic calling and played the main character's parents in one of the episodes of the series.

Benedict's merits were noticed in Hollywood and they began to invite him to films famous directors. He landed a role with Steven Spielberg in the Oscar-nominated film War Horse; starred in the second and third parts of Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" trilogy and ended up in the franchise's most profitable film " Star Trek" - "Star Trek: Into Darkness". In 2013, two Oscar-nominated films starring Cumberbatch were released - “August” and “12 Years a Slave.” In the same year, Benedict was named artist of the year in his native UK.

Personal life of Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch's longest relationship was with actress Olivia Poulet, whom he met at the Manchester Institute and lived together for 12 years. After breaking up, Benedict Cumberbatch found peace in the arms of designer Anna Jones, but this relationship lasted only a few months. Anna was beautiful and ambitious, but did not share Benedict’s hobbies at all and was not interested in either literature or theater.

In 2013, Benedict was spotted in the company of Russian model Katya Elizarova, who has lived and worked in London for many years. But a few months later, this novel became history. Ben's girlfriends also included model Lydia Hearst and actress Charlotte Asprey.

In 2015, it became known that Benedict Cumberbatch and his girlfriend Sophie Hunter, an English theater and opera director, playwright, actress and singer, were expecting their first child. In November of the same year, Benedict's parents reported to The Times that their son and Sophie Hunter were engaged. After a while, the gossip was confirmed, and on February 14, the lovers got married. The wedding ceremony took place at the Church of Peter and Paul in Mottistone. 3 months later, June 13, 2015. Benedict and Sophie had a son, whom they named Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch.

Benedict spends all his free time from filming with friends or at home watching TV. He boldly confesses to his "sins", declaring that he loves the X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing.

The love story of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter

The young family of actor Benedict Cumberbatch and theater director Sophie Hunter welcomed their first child! We don’t yet know the boy’s name and, while waiting for details, we decided to recall the facts about the romance between Benedict and Sophie - one of the most secret star romances.

They met on the set

Future newlyweds Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter starred together in the English drama Burlesque Tales directed by Susan Luciani in 2009. True, love did not happen at first sight. Actors long time communicated with each other as colleagues and good acquaintances, and their romance began only in 2014.

Despite the fact that Benedict and Sophie did everything to avoid becoming victims of journalists (they went to the restaurant separately), they were unable to escape from the gossipers. The lovers were first seen together last summer at one of the matches of the French Tennis Championship at Roland Garros. Why there? The fact is that Sophie is a true fan of France. She studied French at Oxford, studied theater at the Jacques Lecoq theater school in Paris, and in 2005 she recorded an album with the French The Isis Project, where she accompanied herself on the piano, and Sophie also has a house in Paris.

Benedict Cumberbatch's parents officially announced their engagement

“The engagement has been announced between Benedict, the son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch, residents of London, and Sophie, the daughter of Catharine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London,” said page 57 of the new November issue of The Times in the section “ Upcoming weddings" The English tradition of announcing engagements in print is a very ancient one, and most English youth consider it antediluvian, but Benedict convinced correspondents that he did not consider this step to be in any way surprising. The actor said that he would have done the same if he were not famous.

They got married on Valentine's Day

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter got married on February 14, 2015 on the British Wight Peninsula. Opposite the old medieval Church of St. Peter and Paul, where the wedding took place, is Mottistone Manor, once owned by Sophie Hunter's maternal family. The wedding celebration took place on the estate. Among the few guests (about 40 people), photographers saw actor Tom Hiddleston and Martin Freeman, Cumberbatch’s partner in the series “Sherlock.” At the time of the wedding, the bride was already expecting a child.

The Cumberbatch family has its own romantic tradition

Every Monday Benedict Cumberbatch's dad Timothy gives his wife scarlet rose as a sign of romance and love. The actor’s friends told reporters about this, also expressing the hope that the newly-made husband and father will observe this ritual in his family. “She's proud of my work, she's proud of me, she adores me. That’s the point, isn’t it?” - Cumberbatch confessed in an interview with People magazine immediately after the wedding was announced in November 2014. We think that roses on Mondays will be only a small part of Benedict Cumberbatch’s expression of love for Sophie Hunter.

Benedict Cumberbatch chose an unusual name for his son

Three months have passed since British actor Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife, theater director Sophie Hunter, became parents. However, the name of the newborn still remained a mystery. Finally, it's done! The British newspaper Mirror learned that the boy was named Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch.

Christopher - after the character Cumberbatch played in the Tom Stoppard miniseries Parade's End, based on the novels by Ford Madox Ford. The name Carlton is the middle name of Benedict and his dad, actor Timothy Cumberbatch.

By the way, the actor prepared for the birth of the baby with all seriousness. He bought a four-story house for $4 million in north London. Although they say that Sophie insisted on purchasing a new mansion, because it was unpleasant for her to live in the place where Cumberbatch had previously lived with his previous lover, artist Olivia Poulet.

After the birth of the baby, the couple actively goes out into the world. Not long ago, Sophie could be seen at the premiere of the theatrical production of Hamlet, in which Benedict played main role. And even earlier, the couple appeared at the Serpentine Summer Ball party at Kensington Castle. Sophie wore an Erdem indigo dress with a voluminous skirt that accentuated her waist. And, judging by the photographs, she did not gain any weight after giving birth.

Benedict Cumberbatch is a world film and television star from Great Britain, whom most viewers associate with Sherlock Holmes, despite the fact that he starred in large quantities wonderful films and TV series. Critics say Cumberbatch is best at playing geniuses and villains.

The Game of Life, performed by Cumberbatch

Heir to Richard III

Benedict Cumberbatch's birthday is July 19, 1976, and the location is the British capital. It was here that popular television actors Wanda Ventham and Timothy Carlton had a son. Thanks to his parents, Benedict began to master stage acting from childhood.

It is worth noting that Cumberbatch has several eminent relatives, one of which is His Majesty Richard III. The actor is his grandson in the sixteenth generation.

The family tree of the actor’s family is quite extensive. His grandfather is Henry Cumberbatch, a former submarine officer whose submarine participated in both world wars. Arnold Cumberbatch's great-grandfather's profession was diplomacy. He served as Consul General in Lebanon and Turkey.

First steps on stage

The future Sherlock Holmes received a good education. True, he studied at several schools. IN educational institution Harrow, he began to master the stage. Here Cumberbatch played his first role at the age of thirteen - the fairy queen Titania in the theatrical production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The talented boy always listened to his parents' professional advice. For this reason, rehearsals with him took place on high level, and the performances amazed at the maturity of the game.

After graduating from school, Cumberbatch went to Asia, where he taught Tibetan monks English for a year.
After returning to the UK, Benedict was a drama student at the University of Manchester for four years, after which he was enrolled in one of the oldest universities in England - the London Academy of Dramatic Art.

From student love to church marriage (the actor’s personal life)

IN student years The girlfriend of the future celebrity was his colleague Olivia Poulet. The young people dated for twelve years, but in 2011 the couple decided to end their relationship.

Then a new girlfriend appeared in Benedict’s personal life - designer Anna Jones, whose romance did not last even a year.

After finishing filming “The Hobbit,” the actor briefly dated Russian model Ekaterina Elizarova. Journalists caught Cumberbatch with a girl during their joint vacation in Ibiza. The Russian model claimed in an interview that she was having an affair with the British star, but the actor himself denied her words.

During a conversation with reporters in 2013, Benedict said that he lives in the British capital, he is single and has no children, although the actor would not mind having them in the future. Cumberbatch noted that he devotes most of his time to work, and prefers to relax with friends.

There were rumors in the press that the actor was a member of sexual minorities and was interested in men, but there was no confirmation of this information.

Benedict Cumberbatch's wife Sophie Hunter

In 2009, during the filming of the film “Burlesque Tales,” Benedict met Sophie Hunter. For five years they were simply friends, and a romantic relationship between this couple began to develop in 2014, although no one knew about them for a long time.

At the end of autumn of the same year, the wedding section of the Times published an announcement about the engagement of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter.

Modern Englishmen rarely announce their intention to tie the knot through newspapers, but the actor has always liked this tradition. Benedict noted that he would have used it even if he were the simplest resident of Great Britain.

The newlyweds were married in February 2015 in the Church of Peter and Paul on the English Isle of Wight in Mottistone. The wedding celebration was modest with the participation of forty guests, in particular, close friends of the groom, his colleagues Tom Hiddleston and Martin Freeman.

Two little boys

When photos from Cumberbatch's wedding appeared on the Internet, many noticed the slightly rounded belly of the actor's bride. It turned out that at this time Hunter had already been carrying her future husband’s child under her heart for five months.

The boy was born on June 1, 2015. Happy parents named him Christopher. In one of his interviews, Benedict noted that he became a husband and father in in the right order, and expects several more Cumberbabies to appear in the future.

In October of the following year, Benedict Cumberbatch's biography was updated with the news that the famous actor's wife was pregnant again. On March 3, 2017, Sophie gave birth to her second boy, youngest son Benedict Cumberbatch was named Hal.

Celebrity lifestyle and clothing

Sexiest Male Actor

Before filming the famous television project “Sherlock” began, Cumberbatch prepared very seriously to portray the greatest detective of all time on screen.

He had daily swimming and yoga training. The producers demanded that Benedict lose a lot of weight. The actor was taught violin by his Australian colleague Eos Chater.

In 2013, Empire named Cumberbatch “the world's sexiest male actor” and featured him on the cover of its February issue as Khan Singh from Star Trek Into Darkness.

The following year, Time included Benedict in its top 100 influential people on our planet.
The actor has a great sense of humor. In 2016, Cumberbatch participated in the filming of a video that became a parody of the famous Macintosh computer advertisement, which Steve Jobs commissioned from Steven Spielberg in 1984.

Elegant hooligan

Cumberbatch is considered a serious and intelligent actor. To maintain this image, Benedict prefers a strict English style of dress.

On the red carpet, the actor can be seen in a black tie tuxedo with satin lapels, and for ordinary cocktails he wears colorful and varied suits. In any case, his clothing should have some element of Spencer Hart, such as a jacket or tie. Creative director company Nick Hart sells Cumberbatch entire sets of his clothes. On the set of Sherlock, Benedict also wore suits from Spencer Hart.

The actor loves to wear scarves and caps, but not sports baseball caps. His hats always go well with tweed jackets, cardigans, jumpers and shirts. Cumberbatch prefers Coppola caps, which were once worn by commoners in Sicily. It was from there that the fashion for them began. In addition, the actor’s collection contains a lot of checkered eight-bladed boots, which, by the way, were also worn by the famous detective. Cumberbatch wears them on the street, but he wears scarves for any occasion.

In everyday life, the actor can be found in a striped T-shirt and jumper, a wrinkled shirt with suspenders and a suit without a tie. When he's being hooligan, he can go out in public in a jacket, shorts and rubber slippers.

British Star's Royal Talent

Recognition in the theater

Since 2001, Cumberbatch has become a professional theater actor. At first he was taken to the famous Open Theater, located on the territory of Regent's Park, after which he performed on the stages of the Royal National Theatre, Almeida and Royal Court. The first professional award in Cumberbatch's life is the Laurence Olivier Award, which is awarded annually by the London Theater Society. The actor received it for his role in the production of Hedde Gabler.

In 2015, Benedict was lucky enough to play Hamlet in the capital's Barbican. The performance was broadcast live all over the world, including Russia.

Getting started in television and film

Cumberbatch's television career began in 2002 with episodes in Velvet Feet, Fields of Gold and Heartbeat. Benedict made his debut appearance on the big screen in the dramatic film “Kill a King,” where his partner was Tim Roth.

A year later, the actor could be seen in the television project “A little over forty.” Cumberbatch played the son of the main character played by Hugh Laurie.

In 2004, Benedict played in the biopic Hawking, dedicated to the famous physicist. It was this film that gave Cumberbatch his first recognition in cinema. He was nominated for a BAFTA award. He also won the main prize at the television festival in Monte Carlo.

The following year, Benedict was invited to the action-packed television project “Journey to the Ends of the Earth,” in which he became the aristocrat Edmund Talbot.

In 2007, in the drama “Inseparable,” the actor played two roles at once. These were twins whose characters were radically different.

The second BAFTA award was awarded to Benedict for the drama film “Small Island”, and for his role in the dystopia “The Last Enemy” he was nominated for the “Satellite” award.

In 2010, the actor portrayed the famous artist Van Gogh in the documentary film “Portrait Written in Words.”

Sherlock and others

According to the recollections of the producer of the cult television project “Sherlock” Mark Gattis, after he watched the video sent by Cumberbatch for the audition, he realized that he no longer needed to look for actors to play the role of the great detective.

In July 2010, an updated version of the adventures of the famous detective and his friend Dr. Watson premiered on British television. It was unexpected, challenging and talented.

In 2011, Benedict starred in another film adaptation of Frankenstein. Then there was a detective story about the secret services, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!, where, in addition to Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman were involved. For his work in this film at the Raindance festival, Benedict was nominated for “Best male role background."

A year later, the television project “The Empty Crown” was released, where the actor played the role of Shakespeare’s Richard III.
At the same time, the premiere of the first part of “The Hobbit” took place. Cumberbatch got the image of the Necromancer, who is the spirit of Sauron. True, the actor is practically invisible in the film, but his menacing voice is clearly audible. In the second part, Benedict reincarnated as the dragon Smaug. This required motion capture technology, since this monster was completely computer generated, but with the habits and facial expressions of Cumberbatch.

In 2013, the actor played the role of Khan Singh, the main villain of the science-fiction blockbuster Star Trek Into Darkness.

At the same time, he studied all the information about the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange, whom he later played in the film “The Fifth Estate.” His intelligent and kind slave owner Ford from the drama “12 Years a Slave” looked good on screen.

In 2014, The Imitation Game, a biopic about the brilliant cryptologist Alan Turing, was released. The film had 8 Oscar nominations, including Best Actor, but this time Cumberbatch was unlucky.

The following year, the premiere of the film “Black Mass” took place, in which Johnny Depp became Benedict’s partner on the set.

One of the actor's latest successes in cinema was the image of Doctor Strange in the sci-fi film about the superhero of the same name.

Cumberbatch is a "racist"

In a 2015 appearance on The Tavis Smiley Show, Benedict shared his thoughts on the lack of support for actors of color in British cinema. American producers supposedly treat them better, and their British colleagues should follow their example.

Cumberbatch had only the best intentions in mind, but after the interview he was called a racist. There was especially a lot of noise about this on social networks.

After some time, the actor apologized for his statements and called himself an idiot. Benedict noted that he had no intention of offending anyone, but simply raised the topic of racial inequality in cinema, but apparently chose the wrong words to convey his message to the audience. Fortunately, this incident was quickly forgotten.

Another scandal occurred with the actor after the premiere of Zoolander 2, directed by Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, where he played a transgender man from the modeling business. Many fans were openly outraged and even created an online petition, which was signed by thousands of loyal Cumberbatch fans.

Benedict Cumberbatch is a British actor whose name has become a meme due to its difficulty in pronunciation and spelling. Benedict Cumberbatch's first and last names are replaced with consonant words, similar to children's teases.


Benedict Cumberbatch is 42 years old; in 2001 he began acting in the theater, and in 2004 he received his first significant role on television - he played a mathematician in the film “Hawking”. His role as Sherlock Holmes in the BBC series “Sherlock” brought him worldwide fame. The series began airing in 2010, which is when the name Benedict Cumberbatch became widely known, and his face began to be widely used in fan art and memes.

They began to joke about the actor’s name almost immediately, and on August 27, 2013, a Tumblr user with the nickname Wandaventham launched the Benedict Cumberbatch Name Generator. The site substitutes different letters in the actor’s first and last name, leaving only the endings.

In October 2013, Benedict came on Katie Couric's show and said that he didn't like his last name, he compared it to farting in the bathtub. At the beginning of his career, he used his middle name, Carlton, instead of his last name, like his father, actor Timothy Carlton. But Benedict had no luck with the surname Carlton, and after he began calling himself Cumberbatch, his career took off.

For six months I could not find a job. I found a new agent and she said, “Why don’t you use the name Benedict Cumberbatch?” And I told her it was because it sounded like a fart in the bathtub.


Benedict Cumberbatch's name has become a meme due to its difficulty in pronunciation and spelling. Even for carriers in English it looks quite unusual, let alone foreigners. Due to the popularity of the actor, jokes about his name have also become popular - in the phrase Benedict Cumberbatch, you can replace almost any letters, and it will still be clear who you are talking about.

In this material you will find information about the meaning male name Benedict, his origin, history, learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Benedict

Short name - Benya, Beni

Synonyms for the name - Venedikt

Origin: Latin, "blessed"

Zodiac - Pisces

Planet - Jupiter

Color - Blue

Animal - Dolphin

Plant - Lavender

Stone - Ruby

This name is of Latin origin and means "blessed". Its patron is Saint Benedict of Nursia, who became the founder of the Western monastic movement and the author of the Rule of Saint Benedict.

The young man bearing this name is kind and sympathetic. He is very careful and reasonable. Before doing anything, he will think more than once about how best to proceed. Benedict is hardworking and goes his own way through life, although it is very difficult for him to move along it. But the guy doesn’t complain, he’s ready for difficulties.

He has many friends, he feels good with them, he is always ready to come and help. Some people use this shamelessly. He is not afraid of any work, does not divide it into male and female. In his spare time, he designs model ships. He likes to do everything on his own, and almost everything turns out perfectly for him. And if he doesn’t know something, he doesn’t hesitate to ask. He drives his car well and doesn’t trust anyone to repair it.

The guy’s character helps him to go through all the troubles with a smile, which, ultimately, does not have a negative impact on his fate. Even in bad things you will definitely find something good. He is sure that next time everything will be completely different.

Love named Benedict

Hysterical, noisy and hectic girls are a horror for him, and he will never communicate with such people in his environment. But calm, respectable, flexible and quiet cuties are his ideal. If he realizes after a few dates that his chosen one was not who she said she was, he will break off all relationships, even if he really likes the girl in appearance. He will not be comfortable with her in the future. And he himself will continue to search for his ideal.

Sexuality of the name Benedict

This is not to say that this young man is super sexy. But to a girl who is faithful to him, loves, and is loved, he will bring many sweet minutes and hours.

Marriage and family named Benedict

Most often, a guy gets married at a fairly late age. It happens that he never meets his one and only. But happiness is still destined for him with the advent of children. He will put his soul into them and will be happy. Benedict is a caring and kind father, loves to tinker with his children, and tries to devote as much time as possible to his offspring. He treats his wife patiently and with respect, especially appreciates her for giving birth to his heirs.

A very hospitable host, an excellent housekeeper. He likes to do everything with his own hands. Loves fishing and hiking in the forest. In such an environment he rests mentally and physically. He doesn’t mind being alone for a while; it doesn’t bother him.

Business and career

Benedict can achieve significant things career growth. Although he does not particularly strive to occupy a high position. He makes decisions slowly, having previously thought through all the pros and cons. In business, Benedict is careful and insures himself. He is a committed, principled and responsible worker. Tries to do the work as required by technology, and not according to orders from his superiors. Therefore, friction and disputes arise with management.

The young man is very punctual, and if his colleague is late or is not always precise in fulfilling his duties, he may not focus on this just a couple of times. Then he will either fire this employee or stop contacting him. In any case, he will do it correctly and politely. Sometimes he shows stubbornness, but this only benefits everyone. Can be a scientist, auto mechanic, engineer, teacher, sculptor, artist, writer.

The meaning of the name Benedict in character

IN at a young age The boy does not cause much trouble for his parents. Benedict is a smart, active and inquisitive kid. He studies well at school, participates in various sections, and enjoys sports. He loves animals; a cat or a dog, or even both, always lives in his house.

It turns out that most often the boy is raised by one mother, so she tries to raise him to be a worthy man. The guy is developing harmoniously, the mother is trying to create all the conditions for her beloved son. But despite such all-encompassing love, he does not become selfish.

Teen Benedict

Despite his calm character, the guy will never deviate from the intended path. In this case, he shows extraordinary stubbornness and will not deviate from his principles. It is useless to argue with him; he will remain at his point of view. Even if he agrees with his opponent, in his heart he will still adhere to his opinion. Benedict does not like to be late and he himself does not like unpunctual people.

He has an amazing ability to listen to his interlocutor; sometimes he can listen for a long time to other people’s conversations or the stories of friends. He loves reading aloud, but audio recordings also give him pleasure. Loves sports and just physical activity.

Successful people and stars:

Benedict Spinoza - philosopher

Benedict of Nursia - founder of the Western monastic movement

Benedict Cumberbatch - actor

Benedict Livshits - poet

Bénédict Augustin Morel - psychiatrist

Ideal compatibility: Anastasia, Alena, Taisiya, Natalia

Unlucky compatibility: Dina, Marina, Elizaveta, Nellie
