Bastrykin accused Deripaska of corruption, and his son of connections with Navalny. Oleg Deripaska's son supports Navalny and even participated in rallies organized by him, and his daughter vacations at expensive resorts Oleg Deripaska and Nastya Rybka

The head of the Investigative Committee reported that the son of a billionaire participated in an uncoordinated action on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin said that only a capital amnesty saves oligarch Oleg Deripaska from prosecution for corruption reasons, while his son allows himself to shout “Down with corruption!” at Navalny's rally.

Two Deripaskas - a corrupt official and an anti-corruption fighter

Alexander Bastrykin at a lecture for students of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University he said that his son Oleg Deripaska noticed at the “Unified Day of Protest against Corruption,” organized by supporters of Alexei Navalny on March 26, 2017.

« It's fun to climb on lanterns. In March last year, one comrade at the Pushkin monument climbed onto the lantern at Navalny’s call“ quotes Bastrykin. According to the head of the Investigative Committee, he personally contacted the police about the activist’s information. " Do you know who it was? Oligarch. ... Navalny caught him again... He was on vacation with some woman... Deripaska! It turned out to be Deripaska's son. He shouted “Down with corruption!”“- said the newly-minted university professor.

« Deripaska is himself a defendant, if you approach the amnesty, which is constantly being extended, in corruption cases. In the 90s they ruined the economy like that! Through corruption, outright banditry, and deception. The state pretended that this era had passed and forgave everyone. Well, it’s not for you, Deripaska’s son, to shout “Down with corruption!”“- the chief investigator of Russia is sure.

According to Bastrykin, Deripaska’s son climbed onto the lantern solely for fun. " The operational workers talked to him again and reported to me: thanks to his dad, he traveled half the world. He's already bored with life. He said so: “I was everywhere, but I was not on Pushkin Square on the same level as the great poet"- said the head of the Investigative Committee.

If Bastrykin had had the will, capital amnesties would have been ended long ago, and all the property of the oligarchs, as well as their relatives, would have been confiscated, and for this it is necessary to establish the international cooperation. « People receive huge amounts of goods and take them to the UK. Well, at least their accounts would be seized and sent here!“- Alexander Bastrykin told the students.

Was there a boy?

In turn, the lawyer of one of the teenagers who climbed the street lamps at the rally of supporters of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Anastasia Samorukova refutes the words of the head of the Investigative Committee. " This is a complete lie - I know all three of these boys personally. One of them is my client. These boys have no close relationship with Deripaska or other oligarchs, including the late Berezovsky. One of the boys is the son of a former Duma deputy from the LDPR, the rest are from ordinary families", she told MBKH Media.

Samorukova said that on March 26, 2017, three teenagers were detained on charges of disobeying the legal demands of police officers. On next month they were detained again when they gave an interview to the German television channel ZDF, talking about the events of the “Unified Day of Protest against Corruption.” They drew up protocols regarding violations of the procedure for holding the event, which created interference with transport or infrastructure.

The Commission on Minors' Affairs fined Samorukova's client on the first count of one thousand rubles and on 10 thousand rubles- according to the second. In May 2017, the Basmanny Court recognized both decisions of the commission as legal, but the Moscow City Court returned both cases for a new trial due to serious procedural violations.

According to the lawyer, one of the teenagers does not even have money to pay the fine. " He was forced to transfer from full-time college to part-time - he went to work and helped his family. Parents are pensioners. We have been fighting through the courts for the second year now, and have fought off registration for now. On Tuesday there is another hearing in Basmanny"- said Anastasia Samorukova.

Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska is a widely known personality, since he is not only the richest Russian entrepreneur. For a long time he has held the position of the most influential entrepreneur in business circles, who built his own empire on the sale of non-ferrous metals.

Currently, the entrepreneur is the sole beneficiary of the Basic Element company. At the same time, he manages to devote time to his family and children, of whom he has two. A young man recently found himself at the epicenter of a major scandal. Because he was accused of gang rape of the famous model and pickup lover Nastya Rybka.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Deripaska

After this scandalous story, everyone immediately wanted to know what the billionaire’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Oleg Deripaska is also a fairly simple question if you know exactly the date of his birth.

Oleg Vladimirovich was born in 1968, so he recently celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. According to the zodiac circle, Oleg received the sign of persistent, stable, self-confident, efficient, punctual and incredibly bright Capricorn. Eastern horoscope endowed Oleg with such character traits as curiosity, resourcefulness, wit, responsibility, stability, characteristic of Monkeys.

Deripaska's nationality also often arouses interest, since his surname sounds clearly unusual. The man is not Ukrainian, as many people think, but Belarusian.

The man’s height is no less than one meter and eighty-two centimeters, and he weighs only seventy-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Oleg Deripaska

The biography and personal life of Oleg Deripaska is a series of accidents, since he came from an ancient Belarusian family, but never lived in this country. The boy was born in Dzerzhinsk, but spent his entire childhood in the Krasnodar region with his beloved grandmother. At the same time, he went to first grade in Ust-Labinsk, graduating from school with honors.

After this, the guy joined the armed forces, where he served in missile forces, was active and received the rank of staff sergeant. After the army, Oleg managed to get two higher education at Moscow State University and Plekhanovka, and was so talented that, even while skipping classes, he could immediately pass difficult exams. The student was sent to the London School of Economics, and at the same time was engaged in self-education and read a lot.

In the dashing nineties, the guy went into business because he created his own “Military Investment Trading Company”, which received brokerage positions on all Russian stock exchanges. In 1994, Oleg managed to acquire the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter as part of Aluminproduct.

Later, Deripaska initiated the creation of the Siberian Aluminum company, which in 2001 changed its name to Basic Element. Another talented entrepreneur became one of the founders of the Russian Aluminum company, which soon broke world records for alumina production.

Oleg Pavlovich is the founder and president of the En+ Group, which occupies a high position in the energy, non-ferrous metallurgy and mining industries. The entrepreneur heads the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia.

He is actively involved in charity work, for which he has already spent eleven billion rubles as part of the Volnoye Delo foundation, which supports not only education and sports, young entrepreneurs and health, but also animal protection. Deripaska helps high school students choose a profession on time, and in 2014 he invested one and a half million dollars for the construction of the Sochi Olympic Village.

The personal life of Oleg Deripaska is a mystery, shrouded in darkness, since before his marriage he was credited with having affairs with many socialites, singers and models. At the same time, the guy just had to appear in public next to the girl in order for them to be credited with a love affair, so it is impossible to reliably say who was really close to the entrepreneur.

All stories about novels young man faded away after he got married, although recently evil tongues began to constantly link the name of the entrepreneur with Nastya Rybka’s scandalous statement that Oleg himself raped her on a yacht, and then gave her to his friends to be desecrated, although the man denied this information.

Family and children of Oleg Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska’s family and children are the source of his pride, his support and support. Therefore, he often recalls them in interviews. The guy was brought up in a single-parent family, since his father, Pavel Deripaska, died tragically when his son was still very young. Oleg practically did not remember his father.

The mother was forced to work around the clock to put her son on his feet and give him a decent education. This is why Deripaska most often calls his mother his main person in life, saying that he is grateful to her. At the same time, he considers his grandparents to be his closest people. They raised him, taught him not to be afraid of difficulties and problems. And also, they instilled a love for work and the land, which feeds everyone.

That is why the entrepreneur tries to devote a lot of time to his own children. He raises his daughter and son in strictness, the man claims that their main job is study, and therefore demands that they study well in order to achieve something in life.

Son of Oleg Deripaska - Pyotr Deripaska

The son of Oleg Deripaska, Pyotr Deripaska, was born in 2001; his mother was Polina Deripaska. The boy grew up active and inquisitive; he played football, swimming and tennis.

At the same time, the child spent all his holidays with his grandparents in the Krasnodar Territory, so he is fascinated by the idea of ​​the Kuban Cossacks and sings folk songs beautifully.

Petya studies in a regular school, he lives in Moscow. Journalists often say that he is not one of the golden youth, since his father keeps a tight rein on him, preparing a reliable replacement for himself.

Daughter of Oleg Deripaska - Maria Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska's daughter, Maria Deripaska, was born in 2003 in the legal marriage of her father and businesswoman Polina Deripaska. At the same time, in different sources the girl’s name sounds differently - Marina or Maria.

Maria studies at a Moscow school, she enjoys tennis, swimming, gymnastics and folk dances. The girl masterfully plays the piano and sings Kuban folk songs.

At the same time, Maria is a non-public girl, she does not attend parties or go to nightclubs. The girl loves to read, preferring economic and philosophical books.

Oleg Deripaska's wife - Polina Deripaska

Oleg Deripaska's wife, Polina Deripaska, comes from a fairly influential family, because she is the daughter of the former head of the Russian administration, Valentin Yumashev, and special correspondent Irina Vedeneeva.

Polina and Oleg were introduced by Roman Abramovich at one of the parties, they immediately hit it off. The girl played tennis since childhood and graduated from Moscow State University, receiving the profession of manager and economist.

The wedding took place already in 2001, but few believed in the love of the young people; it was rumored that through Oleg and Polina the property of two influential clans was united. At the same time, Polina does not just sit at home and take care of the children, but she can provide for her own life, since she owns a publishing house and several magazines, including “My Baby and Me,” “Story,” “Gossip,” and “Empire.”

For some time now, it has been stated that divorce is possible for couples of the century, because Oleg often returns home drunk, constantly argues with his wife and even sells antiques. The scandal with blogger and pickup truck maker Nastya Rybka, with whom he was vacationing on a yacht off the coast of Norway, added fuel to the fire.

Although articles constantly appear in the press about Polina’s affair with entrepreneur Alexander Mamuta. At the same time, there will most likely not be a divorce, because Polina’s stepmother said that the prudent Oleg wants to dump part of his debts on the girl.

Oleg Deripaska and Nastya Rybka

Oleg Deripaska and Nastya Rybka is a request that can most often be found on the Internet, thanks to recent events. The young people met for no more than a couple of months, although Oleg often says that the girl simply provided him with escort services while vacationing on a yacht off the coast of Norway with friends.

Oleg Pavlovich met Nastya at a social event, where the girl was sent by her pickup coach Alex Leslie. At the same time, the girl did not intend to build a long-term relationship with the oligarch, but simply seduced him. All aspects of the relationship resulted in the novel “Diary of Seducing a Billionaire or a Clone for an Oligarch,” as well as several dozen scandalous photographs.

These relationships began solely for the sake of PR and are already a thing of the past. At the same time, Rybka greatly spoiled the oligarch’s nerves, declaring that he participated in her gang rape, and therefore was obliged to marry her. After that, she denied this proposal, saying that she was simply trolling Russian fools who were waiting for this statement.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Deripaska

Instagram and Wikipedia of Oleg Deripaska are available and officially confirmed, from them you can find out only relevant and reliable facts regarding the biography and personal life of the entrepreneur.

In the article posted on Wikipedia, you can find only relevant information regarding childhood, parents, education, personal and family life, as well as children and gradual career growth.

His Instagram profile contains photographs and videos related to his charitable and entrepreneurial activity, family and children. And each of the 46,300 subscribers can read the statement that Deripaska completely denies committing illegal actions and will brutally suppress any attempts to manipulate such data.

Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin revealed the connection between the son of Oleg Deripaska and oppositionist Alexei Navalny. The oligarch himself has been elevated to the status of a person involved in corruption cases, but continuous amnesties prevent his involvement.

As Fontanka learned, on April 7, Bastrykin was introduced to students of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University as a new professor. He gave his first lecture in a commentary style, but did not refrain from going into particulars.

Among other things, Alexander Ivanovich, as reported by the telegram channel (Non)propaganda, touched upon anti-corruption rallies in March 2017, organized by Alexei Navalny. And the main hero of the Moscow protest, judging by Bastrykin’s words, turned out to be the son of Oleg Deripaska.

Calling on students to be conscious, the chairman of the TFR, as if by chance, turned to street lighting: “It’s fun to climb on the lamps. Last March, one comrade at the Pushkin monument climbed onto the lamppost at Navalny’s call.”

Judging by Bastrykin’s words, he personally inquired from the police about the identity of the steeplejack. And I received an answer.

“Do you know who it was? Oligarch. Now in a scandal... - the chairman of the Investigative Committee tried to remember. – Navalny caught him again... He was on vacation with some woman... Deripaska! It turned out to be Deripaska's son. Shouting “Down with corruption!”

The laughter in the audience seemed to bolster Bastrykin's oratorical confidence. He made a small digression from the lantern: “Deripaska is himself a defendant, if you approach the amnesty, which is constantly being extended, in corruption cases. In the 90s they ruined the economy like that! Through corruption, outright banditry, and deception.

The state pretended that this era had passed and forgave everyone. Well, it’s not for you, Deripaska’s son, to shout “Down with corruption!”

According to Forbes, which last year compiled a ranking of the richest heirs in Russia, Oleg Deripaska has a son born in 2001. Together with his younger sister, according to the magazine, he has a fortune of $2.55 billion.

Alexander Bastrykin also told students about the motivation of Deripaska Jr., who got involved with Navalny: “The operational workers talked to him [on my instructions] again and reported to me: thanks to his dad, he has traveled half the world. He's already bored with life. He said so: “I was everywhere, but I was not on Pushkin Square on the same level as the great poet.”

On March 26, 2017, a wave of mass protests took place throughout Russia, inspired by Navalny’s investigation “He’s not Dimon.”

At about four o'clock in the afternoon on Pushkin Square in Moscow, two teenagers climbed onto a lamppost and began to pour water from a bottle on the police. They tried unsuccessfully to pull them down. The crowd chanted "Don't get off."

Subsequently, they descended on their own and were detained on the ground. According to media reports, ordinary Moscow teenagers Roman and Pavel (Deripaska’s son has a different name) were sitting on the lantern. Their parents did not scold them for participating in Navalny’s protest.

For Oleg Deripaska, Alexander Bastrykin’s revelations continued the chain of troubles. The day before, on April 6, the United States added him to the sanctions list as a person who spoke for or on behalf of one of the top Russian officials.

Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin gave the first lecture for students of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University

Bastrykin signed an agreement with the university, became a professor, and will combine teaching with his main job. In his debut lecture, he went through the three-century history of the investigation, but the students remembered the courage with which a person from the presidential circle does not hide his hostility towards the oligarchs protected by the authorities and laughs at the current national idea.

The sight of the youth audience brought Bastrykin back to March 26, 2017. The chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation remembered the mass protests under the banner of Navalny as a lamppost at the Pushkin monument in Moscow. A young man climbed up there and didn’t want to come down for a long time. Bastrykin confirmed the identity of the steeplejack with the police himself.

“Do you know who it was? Oligarch. Now in a scandal... - the lecturer asked the audience for help. – Navalny caught him again... He was on vacation with some woman... Deripaska, thank you! It was Deripaska’s son who shouted “Down with corruption!”

According to Forbes, which last year compiled a ranking of the richest heirs in Russia, Oleg Deripaska has a son born in 2001. He and his younger sister are worth $2.55 billion, according to the magazine.

It's already funny that the heirs Russian oligarchs allow themselves to shout about crime, follows from Bastrykin’s message. Because no one is forgotten: “Deripaska is himself a defendant, if you approach the amnesty, which is constantly being extended, in corruption cases. In the 90s, they destroyed the economy with the help of corruption, outright banditry, and deception. The state pretended that this era had passed and forgave everyone. Well, it’s not for you, Deripaska’s son, to shout “Down with corruption!”

With his hands untied, Bastrykin would have known what to do. Amnesties would come to an unconditional end, they would be replaced by the institution of total confiscation, that is, they would also be taken away from mothers-in-law and mother’s friends. And it is necessary to establish international cooperation. “People receive huge amounts of good and bring it to the UK. Well, at least [there] they would arrest their accounts and send them here,” the head of the Investigative Committee dreamed to the students: “There is no execution, and thank God.”

Alexander Bastrykin//Gleb Shchelkunov/Kommersant

Unlike the oligarchs, Bastrykin is ready to take small businesses under his wing. He understands its business significance: “We have increased our sovereignty through military power, but the economy remains very weak.”

Thoughts about money and its absence inevitably lead to Kemerovo. Bastrykin from the pulpit named the main version of the fire. According to forensic experts, the high-power cable supplying the slot machine area could not withstand the load. The short circuit was accompanied by sparks, which ignited the foam cubes.

“They caught fire because they were made in China. What are the characteristics of Chinese goods? Quality and cheapness. An American cube costs 120 dollars, a Chinese cube costs 20 cents. But it burns easily.”

Kemerovo is also connected with the prankster who staged a show during the fire. Bastrykin promised to find him: “How much did this Ukrainian scoundrel earn, who spread information about 300–400 corpses to the whole world? There were only 64."

Cynical incidents from life forced Bastrykin to speak out. “We have gone wild lately. Let's get back to compassion. The national idea was discussed! – Mimicking his invisible opponents, he chuckled bitterly. “Let's go back to the roots!”

"RBC", 04/06/18, “Deripaska’s companies fell by $2.5 billion on the stock exchange due to US sanctions”

The strongest effect from the introduction of new US sanctions was experienced by the securities of companies controlled by Oleg Deripaska, which fell by 10–20%. Shares of state-owned companies whose top managers were blacklisted reacted with restraint.

Collapse on the news

On Friday, April 6, the US Treasury introduced new sanctions against Russian businessmen, managers of state-owned companies and officials. They involve blocking the assets of those on the sanctions list, and also prohibit American citizens and companies from conducting any economic activity with the defendants. The grounds for imposing sanctions are Moscow’s attempt to undermine Western democracies, the US Treasury explained.

Oleg Deripaska (Photo: Alexander Koryakov / Kommersant)

Among those hit by sanctions are several Russian billionaires from the Forbes list: the owner of “ Basic element» Oleg Deripaska, head of Renova Viktor Vekselberg, board member of Sibur Kirill Shamalov, chairman of the board of directors of NPV Engineering Igor Rotenberg, senator Suleiman Kerimov, as well as Alisher Usmanov’s partner Andrey Skoch, whose family owns a stake in Vnukovo airport. The list also included several Russian companies, including Deripaska’s largest public assets UC Rusal and EN+ Group.

On the Moscow Exchange, shares of EN+ Group fell by more than 20% by 17:25 Moscow time, shares of UC Rusal - by 12.44%. UC Rusal lost more than 66 billion rubles. capitalization (about $1.15 billion - up to $8 billion) - to $465, while the total value of En+ shares dropped by $1.4 billion, to $5.5 billion.

According to Freedom Finance senior analyst Bogdan Zvarich, the market reaction is more emotional than rational.

If we consider Russian market in general, the reaction can be described as calm. According to the Moscow Exchange at 17:25 Moscow time, the Moscow Exchange index fell by 0.18%, the RTS index - by 0.47%.

State companies don't care

The blacklist included not only businessmen, but also the heads of large state-owned companies: the head of Gazprom Alexey Miller, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, the chairman of the board of Gazprombank Andrey Akimov. VTB securities almost did not react to the news - they only slowed down the growth that began on the morning of April 6. According to the Moscow Exchange at 17:30, VTB shares rose by 1.69% at the start of trading. Gazprom also increased slightly, by 0.92%.

The inclusion of VTB Board President Andrei Kostin in the sanctions list does not apply to VTB, Mergen Dorayev, a partner at the EMPP law office, explained to RBC. This explains the securities' calm reaction to the news. “All legal entities whose direct or indirect ownership share is 50 percent or more are automatically subject to sanctions. That is, this “50 percent rule” automatically extends sanctions to controlled Russian and foreign companies. If a manager is subject to sanctions, then the sanctions do not apply to entity, but direct contacts with this top manager are prohibited,” the lawyer explained. VTB was already under sectoral sanctions, which limited only some financial transactions with the bank.

As for Gazprom, the company’s large projects have already suffered from sanctions, for example, Nord Stream 2, recalls Zvarich. However, despite this, the project continues, and foreign countries through whose territory the pipeline passes give their permission for its construction, he points out.

Lyudmila Petukhova, Anna Mikheeva, Elena Pashutinskaya
