The most predatory animals in the world top 10. Top animals

05/13/2015 at 03:55 pm Johnny · 19 190

Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world

Most of us love animals. What could be better visit zoo or family watching a movie about wild nature on TV. However, there are animals that pose a serious threat to people, and it is better to bypass such “our smaller brothers” on the tenth road. Fortunately, most of these animals live in tropical latitudes.

At the same time, it is not sharks or tigers that pose the greatest danger, but creatures of a much smaller size. We have compiled a list of animals that should be feared the most. These are truly the most dangerous animals in the world, many of which claim thousands of human lives every year.


Opens ten deadliest animals in the world elephant. This animal looks very peaceful in the zoo enclosure, but in the wild it is better not to approach the African and Indian elephant. These animals have a huge body weight and can easily trample a person. You won't be able to run away: an elephant can move at a speed of 40 km/h. Elephants that have been expelled from the herd are especially dangerous, they are usually very aggressive and attack anything. Hundreds of people die each year from elephant attacks.


Another very dangerous African animal. Problem in low vision rhinoceros: he attacks any moving target, without even making out if it is dangerous for him. You won’t be able to run away from the rhinoceros: it is able to move at a speed of more than 40 km / h.


A lion can kill a person very easily and very quickly. But, as a rule, lions do not prey on people. However, there are tragic exceptions. So, for example, the famous cannibal lions from Tsavo, who killed more than a hundred people who were building railway deep in the African continent. And only nine months later these animals were killed. Recently in Zambia (in 1991) a lion killed nine people. known about the whole lion pride, which lived in the region of Lake Tanganyika and in three generations killed and ate from 1500 to 2000 people, so lions are considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world.


Adult grizzly bears are not able to climb a tree in case of danger, as smaller black bears do. Therefore, they choose a different tactic: they defend their territory and attack the attacker. Usually these creatures avoid contact with people, but if you enter bear territory or the beast thinks that you are encroaching on its food, beware, it may attack you. Even more dangerous is the she-bear who guards her cubs. In such cases, the bear can attack and it threatens the death of a person.


One of the most dangerous marine animal species for humans. Present deadly threat for divers, surfers and people in distress at sea. The shark is a natural killing mechanism. In the event of an attack on a person, the latter has very little chance of escaping.

This animal has a very bad reputation, especially after the release of the book Jaws by Peter Benchley and its subsequent film adaptation. You can also add that there are four species in total that attack people. Since 1990, there have been 139 great white shark attacks on humans, 29 of which ended tragically. The white shark lives in all south seas, including in the Mediterranean. This animal has a fantastic sense of blood. True, it can be noted that people annually kill several million sharks of various species.


A very dangerous animal that can easily kill a person. The crocodile attacks swiftly and the victim simply does not have time to defend himself and respond to the attack. The most dangerous are the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile. Each year, these animals kill hundreds of people in Africa and Southeast Asia. Swamp crocodile, American alligator, American crocodile and black caiman are less deadly, but also dangerous to humans.


This massive animal is one of the most dangerous in Africa. The hippopotamus is very aggressive towards people, it often attacks a person, and does it for no apparent reason. His sluggishness is very deceptive: an angry hippopotamus is very fast and can easily catch up with a person. Especially dangerous is the attack of a hippopotamus in the water: they easily overturn boats and chase people.


This very dangerous and poisonous creature deserved the third place in the rating. most dangerous animals in the world. Exists a large number of species of scorpions, all of them are poisonous, but only 25 species of these animals have poison that can cause death to a person. Most of them live in southern latitudes. Often crawls into human dwellings. Thousands of people become victims of scorpions every year.

2. Snake

The snake takes an honorable second place on our list. most dangerous animals in the world. Although not all snakes are poisonous and dangerous, many of them can harm a person, or even kill him. There are 450 species on our planet poisonous snakes, a bite of 250 of which can lead to death. Most of them live in the southern latitudes. The only positive thing is that snakes rarely attack for no reason. Usually, a person inadvertently steps on a snake and the animal attacks.


By themselves, these insects are not so much dangerous as unpleasant. The danger is those diseases that mosquitoes carry. Millions of people die every year from these diseases worldwide. Among this list are such dangerous diseases as yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria, tularemia and many others. Particularly affected by mosquito-borne diseases are developing countries near the equator.

Every year, mosquitoes infect about 700 million people on the planet with various ailments and are responsible for 2 million deaths. So, it is the mosquito that is for humans the most dangerous and deadly animal on the planet.

We all know about the danger that various animals can pose. This applies to everyone and everyone, because we just heard about some animals, while others live next to us. Some of them are extremely aggressive, others are deadly toxic, and others are dangerous for their size. Below you will find a description of the most dangerous animals in the world, learn a lot of new and interesting things about them.

10. Common piranha - a daring predator

On the 10th position of the most dangerous animals in the world is the well-known fish - this is piranha. Common piranha is one of the most dangerous fish in the world. It is dangerous for both animals and humans. These fish are freshwater predators, they inhabit the waters of South and Central America. Most piranhas live in the rivers of Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and Central Argentina. These are relatively small fish, 30 cm long and weighing up to 3.5 kg. The main weapon of the common piranha is very sharp teeth.

Common piranha is a schooling fish, it is very voracious and has a good sense of smell. These fish instantly feel the blood and immediately pounce on the victim with the whole flock. These predators are prudent and very fast, they can lie in wait for the prey, and then attack it and devour it with lightning speed. A flock of common piranhas is quite capable of overcoming large animals. They can easily tear apart a horse or a large boar.

9. The wolf is the smartest of predators

The ninth place in the list of the most dangerous animals in the world is rightfully assigned to the owner of the taiga. The wolf is a rather large predator, a very smart and hardy animal. The wolf is the most common predator on the planet. Wolves are especially dangerous winter time. It is very dangerous to meet a hungry flock, the number of which can be up to 40 individuals. But it is even more dangerous to be on the territory of the lair of the pack, then it will be a battle not for life, but for death.

Most often, people are attacked by rabid animals. But there are many cases when a completely healthy wolf attacked. Also, wolves attack people in those regions where there is a shortage or lack of natural prey for them (deer, elk). IN summer period wolves may attack humans to feed their cubs.

8. The lion is a formidable predator

On the 8th place of the most dangerous animals in the world was the king of beasts. The lion is a predatory big cat of the panther family. It is one of the largest cats in the world. The lion is very fast, it has strong paws, powerful jaws and large sharp fangs. The size of the lion allows him to overcome even very large animals. An adult lion weighs 250 kg, with a body length of 2.5 meters and a height at the withers of 120 cm. Lions are at the top of the food chain in the animal kingdom.

Lions are the strongest animals, on the hunt they gather in groups and pursue the victim. Lions do not hunt people purposefully, but cases of cannibalism are very often observed. Most often, it is males who attack people. Sick and injured animals are more likely to attack people than healthy lions. According to statistics, about 70 people in Tanzania die from lion attacks every year. By nature everything big cats dangerous to humans. Also a considerable danger is the tiger, leopard and puma.

7. Terrible leaf climber frog - poisonous baby

On the 7th place of the most dangerous animals in the world is a small, but very toxic and dangerous frog. The terrible leaf climber is the most dangerous frog from the poison dart frog family. It lives in the rainforests of Central and South America and has a bright color. The size of this frog rarely exceeds 5 cm. The toxicity of all types of frogs from the poison dart frog family is very high. Their skin secretes a deadly poison - batrachotoxin. Previously, the Indians used the poison of this frog to lubricate the tips of their arrows with it.

When injected through the blood into any living organism, the poison causes arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. The skin of frogs contains so much toxic substance that it is quite enough to poison more than 10 people to death. But by its nature, the terrible leaf climber is a peaceful creature, so you simply should not touch it.

6. Jellyfish sea wasp - invisible death

The sixth line of the most dangerous animals in the world is occupied by a deadly jellyfish. Sea wasp - belongs to the class of box jellyfish and is the most dangerous jellyfish in the world. Box jellyfish are capable of inflicting severe burns with their tentacles, which contain a very strong and toxic poison. The sea wasp is deadly to humans. Box jellyfish burns are very painful, they can cause cardiac arrest and depress the nervous system. The venom of one sea wasp can kill 60 people in 3 minutes. The largest concentration of box jellyfish is located off the northern coast of Australia at shallow depths and in places where corals accumulate. That is why the sea wasp is called "Australian".

The sea wasp swims quite quickly and easily changes direction. The sea wasp has 60 tentacles about half a meter long and 24 eyes. The sea wasp sees well, but it is very difficult to notice it. The fact is that this jellyfish is almost completely transparent. The Australian jellyfish does not attack a person first, it stings if it is accidentally touched in the water. The dome of the sea wasp is 5 to 25 cm in diameter, and its tentacles tend to lengthen up to 3 meters. In Australia, protective nets are being installed in the water and warning signs on beaches to keep people safe. But unfortunately, this does not guarantee complete safety, because during a storm and high tide, these jellyfish still end up on the beach.

5. The blunt shark is an aggressive killer.

Fifth place in the top of the most dangerous animals in the world went to the awesome shark. The blunt shark (other names: gray bull shark, bull shark) is the most aggressive type of shark, which is very dangerous to humans. The bull shark lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, often enters rivers and is found in shallow water. Bull shark can reach quite large sizes. There are giants up to 4 meters long, whose weight reaches 400 kg.

These sharks, among other predatory representatives, are distinguished by a massive blunt snout and a gray body with a white belly. The blunt-nosed shark has the most powerful bite among sharks, besides, they do not need a reason to attack. Considerable size, strong jaws and aggressive nature rightfully give them the status of the most dangerous shark for humans. Also the most dangerous sharks in the world after the bull shark are the white shark and the tiger shark.

4. Salted crocodile - a giant cannibal

The fourth most dangerous animal in the world is the man-eating crocodile. Saltwater crocodile (other names: saltwater crocodile, man-eating crocodile) is the largest crocodile in the world. Males of this species normally reach 7 meters in length and weigh almost 2 tons. In addition, the combed crocodile has the strongest bite in the animal world. Saltwater crocodile is widespread. It lives from the east coast of India, through the territory of Southeast Asia, to Northern Australia.

Salted crocodiles are very aggressive and attack humans both in water and on land. This crocodile attacks even if it is full, because it does not tolerate intrusion into its territory. The strength, terrifying size and incredible speed of this crocodile make its attack deadly. They are absolutely not afraid of a person, therefore, in order to protect themselves from these predators, their territories should be avoided. Usually in such places special warning signs are installed. Also the most dangerous crocodiles after the combed one are the Nile crocodile and the American alligator.

3. Black mamba - the thunderstorm of Africa

The top three among the most dangerous animals in the world is opened by the fastest snake. The black mamba is a venomous snake in Africa. This snake lives in most areas of the continent and leads a terrestrial lifestyle. Most often found in savannahs and occasionally climbs trees. The black mamba is a large snake, its length exceeds 3 meters. It is also one of the fastest snakes in the world, reaching speeds of up to 11 km/h over short distances. The black mamba is a very aggressive snake, it can make high throws almost the entire length of its body.

This snake is distinguished primarily by its mouth, which is painted black. The general color of the snake varies from olive to gray-brown, with a metallic sheen. The snake is extremely dangerous, its bite is invariably fatal. The poison of the black mamba is very toxic, the bite of this snake causes paralysis and respiratory arrest. Death occurs within 45 minutes of being bitten. Many of the venomous snakes are extremely dangerous to humans, but not all venomous snake bites are fatal to humans, although many deaths have been recorded. After the black mamba the most dangerous snakes are the coastal taipan, tiger snake and king cobra.

2. Polar bear is a hunter of people

In second place among the most dangerous animals in the world is the beloved umka. The polar bear (other names: polar bear, northern bear) is a large predatory bear. The polar bear is the only large land predator on the planet that can track and prey on humans. This bear is large. It can reach a body length of 3 meters, with a height at the withers of up to 150 cm and a body weight of 1 ton.

There are known cases of polar bear attacks on polar travelers, especially when there was accumulated garbage near the tents, which attracts polar bear. These predators are very smart, have great strength and excellent sense of smell. You can’t run away from a polar bear, it runs fast, and is also an excellent swimmer. Also very dangerous bears are Brown bear and a grizzly bear.

1. Elephant - deceptive peacefulness

The elephant took the first place of the most dangerous animals in the world. This strong and powerful animal looks very peaceful, but do not flatter yourself. In the wild to African elephant better not to approach, especially in mating season. These animals are huge, normally the body weight of an elephant is 7 tons, with a height of 3 meters and a body length of up to 7 meters. They can trample you down without batting an eyelid, besides, it will not work to run away from the elephant, it can move at a speed of 40 km / h. The most dangerous are lonely elephants, which are very aggressive and attack anything. Every year about 500 people die from the attacks of elephants and their powerful tusks.

The elephant is the largest animal after the blue whale. Elephants are very often tamed to be used as transport or on the farm. An obedient animal at the usual time with the onset of the mating season becomes dangerous and can attack. And here a huge role is played by how the owner treats the elephant, because the aggression of elephants is a consequence of cruel treatment of them. Zoologists say that aggressive behavior elephants were provoked by the cruelty of people towards these intelligent animals. The elephant is unpredictable and in anger he is terrible - he will trample or pierce with a tusk.

There are several other very dangerous large animals on the territory of the African continent. The African buffalo is a powerful bull that is absolutely intolerant of a person and will certainly attack him. Rhinoceros - which does not see well, therefore, indiscriminately attacks any moving target with its horns and will attack not only people, but also riding elephants. Behemoth - which is easily able to turn the boat over, while he can drown people who have fallen out of it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a rich and unknown animal world can be fraught with danger every second. You just need to be careful when traveling around the world and be interested in possible existing threats in the territory of the country you intend to visit. We wish you safe travels! If you liked this article, subscribe to site updates to be the first to receive interesting articles about animals.

The current world has a very extensive fauna that is able not only to run away from the threat, but also to resist it. There are representatives who do not seem dangerous at all, but can kill in one moment. In this thread, we'll look at different kinds dangerous animals.

Spotted dart frog

These small frogs live in the forests of the tropics of Costa Rica and Brazil. Their bright color warns others that you should not meddle in it. Yellow, blue and green shades predominate.

The poison of this seemingly harmless animal can kill two elephants or 20 people. There have even been confirmed cases of human death at the touch of a frog.
An interesting fact: in captivity, the spotted poison dart frog stops producing poison. This is due to the fact that the diet does not contain certain insects that are necessary for the production of toxic substances.

banana spider

Outwardly, this spider does not cause any concern, but it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer. This nickname was well-deserved - a huge number of people died from the poison of this small spider. It is also worth fearing, because it does not have a specific habitat - it can be found anywhere.

Box jellyfish or sea wasp

Habitat - warm waters. It can be Asian or Australian waters. The pale blue jellyfish weighs only a couple of kilograms and has 15 three-meter tentacles. The jellyfish entangles the victim with its tentacles and it simply dissolves with poison.

A person trapped by tentacles can still get ashore, but this will be the most painful act, because the pain will be incredible.

The poison hits the target in just three minutes, then irreversible brain damage occurs, and shock can occur. nervous system. This is followed by cardiac arrest. Since 1884, there have been 63 fatal cases of human contact with a sea wasp.

ring octopus

The octopus is small - no bigger than a tennis ball - but size can be deceiving and this cute creature can easily kill you. During the attack, the octopus completely changes color and becomes dark. It has glowing spots. In this case, a person simply loses his sight and dies of suffocation. Surprisingly, no antidote has been found so far. This miracle lives in Japanese waters and the only way to escape from it is not to collide with it.

Inland taipan and Egyptian cobra

Inland taipan

An interesting fact - taipan very shy disposition and tries in every possible way to avoid interaction with other animals. However, this type of taipan is the most dangerous - as little as 30 mg / kg of body can be a lethal dose. When bitten, a snake injects 44 mg, but maybe more - up to 110. In size, it is very, very significant and can reach 2 meters in length. It lives in Australia, mainly in sparsely populated areas. Its poison is called "taipaxin" - this is the most powerful poison that is now known to science, and it acts by causing suffocation and paralysis of the brain, as well as muscles. Surprisingly, there are no confirmed deaths to date.

Egyptian cobra

This species is golden brown in color and lives in the forests of Africa. Her glands are capable of producing a poison of incredible power, which can kill a person in just a few hours. It is noteworthy that even an elephant can die from the bite of an Egyptian cobra in 3 hours. Poison causes paralysis respiratory tract, and the victim dies of asphyxia.


An amazingly massive and formidable beast that terrifies its victims by its own appearance. To date, the world knows eight species of bears that live in Asia, the Americas and Europe. Their most dangerous representatives are brown and polar bears. Most of them are considered omnivores, but there is an exception - this is a polar bear. He is considered exclusively a meat-eater and eats only animals. He is not afraid of people, but he does not particularly want to contact. It is noteworthy that when meeting with a bear, it does not make any sense to run away - it can develop an enormous speed (about 60 km / h). They rarely attack people, but by and large this is due to the fact that people do not often visit their habitat ...

African elephant

The elephant itself is a herbivore and has no enemies as such, but every year about 500 people become its victims, whom it pierces with tusks and tramples underfoot. In defense of elephants, it is worth saying that aggression is manifested only in cases of provocations from people. The elephant has excellent hearing and a strong sense of smell, and poses the greatest danger at the moment mating games. This is due to an increase in testosterone levels by 60 times. Because of this, seeing another male or person, the animal may attack.

a lion

An amazing representative of the cat family. It combines perfect beauty, grace and incredible strength and speed. This predator needs a team to hunt, but it is not a problem for lions to drive a prey of any size. It can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h and is able to jump over a fence while holding a cow in its fangs. Incredible strength ... In Kenya, a case of repeated attacks on people by an aggressive lion was recorded - he killed 135 people.


Piranha. This type gained some popularity due to artistic coverage in various books and films. No wonder, because the mouths of these inconspicuous-looking fish are filled with deadly teeth that are ready to bite into the victim at any second. They mainly attack other fish, less often marine animals, but not often people at all. Beware though, as their razor-sharp teeth can rip out whole chunks of flesh.

Scorpio Leyurus

This little black scorpion can kill you in minutes. It lives mainly in Africa, but is also found in the Middle East. Unlike the rest of his brothers, he is very dangerous and stinging the victim does not leave her the slightest chance of survival. The poison spreads throughout the body, causing wild pain, then paralysis and death occur.

In action films, you can often see the ferocity of sharks and the most dangerous spiders. But if you look, take into account the facts, it becomes clear that it is not cinematic animals that pose a danger to people.

In today's article, we will tell you which animals are the most dangerous not in the movies, but in real life.

Polar bear

The polar bear is the strongest and largest predator on land. Its weight reaches up to 1.5 tons. In appearance, a white and fluffy bear poses a great danger to people. For him, man is prey, tasty food; and that makes the beast unsafe. Every year, up to 30 people die in the clawed paws of a polar bear.

Black Mamba

The poisonous black mamba is capable of moving at speeds of over 11 km/h. Her throws to the object of hunting are fast and often deadly. 30 minutes after the bite, a person experiences paralysis and respiratory arrest. The antidote for the black mamba appeared relatively recently, so fewer people died from its bite. The snake is inherently aggressive in nature, so meeting with it should be avoided.

blue ringed octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is prone to aggression, and its poisonousness and the fact that there is no vaccine against its toxins makes it dangerous. Therefore, with such marine life It's better to never meet.

black buffalo

Black (African) buffalo has massive horns, and its weight can reach 1.5 tons. Even lions, not to mention other predators, prefer not to mess with a herd of buffaloes. Africans believe that more people die every year because of buffaloes than because of lions.

poison dart frogs

Arrow frogs have a bright color. Their color in itself hints that they are dangerous. A drop of their poison is enough for a dozen people to go to another world. The danger of these amphibians is also that their toxins penetrate not only through the blood, but also into the pores. For scientific purposes, researchers study poison dart frogs in special protective suits.


Not all elephants are kind and calm. Their mood changes quickly, and in anger the elephant is very dangerous. It can easily crush a person, ruin a dwelling (especially a temporary one) and transport. Elephants sometimes have fits of rage that last for months. Because of their changeable mood in African countries entire villages were evacuated.


Mosquitoes are also on the list dangerous inhabitants Earth. Every year they infect about 700 million people with malaria. Every year, about 2.5 million deaths are recorded from the disease carried by mosquitoes. Even through the fault of the lions, so many people do not die.

combed crocodile

Male combed crocodile reach 3.5 m in length. But scientists recorded meetings with individuals up to 7 m long. This is a real hunter. The crocodile has well-developed eyesight, hearing and maneuverability. Units are saved from his attacks.


Hippopotamuses are distinguished by a frequent bad mood and a tendency to aggression, in a fit of which they will not spare a person.

Hippos like to settle near villages and water bodies, so the locals are always on the lookout. More than one case has been recorded when hippos attacked a boat passing by. Every year there are about 1000 skirmishes with hippos, many of them have an unpleasant outcome for people.

snail cone

Among snails there is also a predator, which is called a cone. It has a rich and attractive color. Often people pick up a beautiful snail, unaware of the great danger.

The disturbed cone stings the person with its tooth. Toxins quickly spread throughout the body, if the antidote is not administered in time, the person will die.

Not all representatives of the flora are harmless, although, at times, they seem so at first glance. With which of them it is better not to meet in reality, we told in today's article.

If you think that we forgot about some animal, we will be glad if you continue the list.

Reading 5 min. Published on 05.07.2018

Although a person calls himself the “king of nature”, however, he will also turn out to be just a weak and defenseless creature if fate pushes his nose to nose with some dangerous predator. It is better to watch "our smaller brothers" from the sidelines.

For example, from a TV screen or in a zoo cage. And not only large animals can harm our frail organism. There are a lot of small living creatures in the world that can easily send us to the next world.

Below is the Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world, most of which, thank God, we are unlikely to meet in everyday life.

From the feet of this good-natured and seemingly quite peaceful healthy man, several hundred people die every year, whom the elephant mistook for his enemies and trampled like beetles crawling out onto the asphalt. These giant animals in nature can be extremely aggressive.

It will be impossible to run away from an angry elephant - he is able to reach speeds of up to 40 km / h. Especially dangerous are lone elephants, who for some reason were expelled from the herd.

Apparently, they realized that they have nothing to lose and are ready to trample on anyone who looks askance in their direction.

This overweight and at first glance clumsy creature can accelerate over 40 km / h and plant anyone who seems too suspicious to him on his horn. And it's all about the poor eyesight of this thick-skinned giant.

It attacks anything that moves without much consideration for the consequences.

The rhinoceros does not care who is in front of him, which means that he is unlikely to stop at the sight of a tourist clapping his camera, trying to take a good shot.

Usually lions do not attack people, preferring to bypass creatures from which it is not known what to expect. But there are exceptions, thanks to which the lion got into our top.

Among the lions often appear “ serial killers”, the so-called cannibal lions.

For example, in the early nineties of the last century in Zambia, one of these lions tore and ate nine people. And not far from Lake Tanganyika, a whole pride settled, for which for three generations the main object of hunting were local residents. The lions from this pride managed to deal with almost two thousand people.

4 Grizzly Bear

This bear does not like it when someone else enters his territory. Due to its too large size, it is not able to climb a tree in case of danger, therefore it prefers to strike first.

As soon as he suspects that you are planning some kind of meanness or want to deprive him of food, he will immediately pounce.

Especially dangerous are mothers who, like all creatures, try to protect their cubs from an obvious or imaginary threat.

How many films have been made about this underwater predator, how many books have been written, but people are still not afraid to swim in the ocean full of sharks. In the mouth of this insatiable fish are divers, swimmers, surfers, shipwrecked sailors and other unfortunate, caught in the field of view of a predator.

The white shark is nature's perfect killing mechanism over millions of years of evolution.

She can smell blood from a great distance. However, people do not remain in debt, mercilessly exterminating sharks without any twinge of conscience. Or maybe underwater predators are simply taking revenge on us in this way for the innocently ruined relatives?

Despite the fact that in children's cartoons, the hippopotamus most often personifies a kind and lazy creature, in fact, it is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. For some reason, the hippopotamus has an extremely negative attitude towards people.

He is ready to attack a person without any reason. Just because he wanted to.

The obesity of the hippo in no way affects its mobility - an angry animal easily manages to catch up with a man who is trying in vain to escape. And on the water, he turns into a real monster - he overturns small boats and attacks people who are in the water.

Several thousand people die each year from scorpion stings. There are a huge number of species of scorpions in the world. All of them are more or less poisonous, but only 25 species are capable of stinging a person to death.

Scorpions prefer to live in southern latitudes, where it is warm and there is enough food for them.

Often these small creatures climb into the dwellings of people, where they find victims for their next deadly bite.

In childhood, mothers often scare their naughty children with crocodiles. And there are also rumors that they live in the sewers of some megacities, where they feel at ease and feed on homeless people and plumbers.

If a person fell into the mouth of a crocodile, then it will not be easy to escape, as the predator immediately drags the victim under water.

The crocodile attacks swiftly and mercilessly. Nile crocodiles are considered the most dangerous species for humans. saltwater crocodiles. Every year, hundreds of people become a delicacy for these aggressive monsters, whose pedigree goes back to the era of dinosaurs.

Snakes are one of the most vile and hated creatures.

Despite the fact that snakes rarely attack people for no particular reason, these reptiles kill thousands of innocent people with their poison every year.

Not all snakes have deadly poison, only 250 species, but this is more than enough to keep several billion people in fear, experiencing uncontrollable fear at the sight of reptiles wriggling and crawling from place to place.

According to statistics, the mosquito is the most dangerous of all living creatures on Earth. The thing is that this small and terribly annoying insect at night with its squeak carries a lot of deadly diseases - all kinds of fevers, malaria, tularemia and so on.

Every year, more than a million people are infected with serious diseases from mosquito bites, 600 thousand of which die from malaria.

The mosquito has become a real scourge for residents of underdeveloped countries located near the equator.
