Dream interpretation of a big black cat in a woman's dream. Cat attacks in a dream

What does it mean if you dreamed of a pet, a cat? After all, she is essentially a sweet and harmless creature, which, as a rule, is associated with patience, wisdom and independence, but seeing a cat in a dream turns out to be not good at all, since it is a symbol of a hidden enemy. So why do cats dream? Consider the interpretation of various dream books.

Cats - Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a cat in a dream is not good, especially if it is extremely irritated and aggressive, as well as preparing for an attack. A cat is an enemy that has hidden nearby and is preparing to strike a sudden blow. Also, the image of a cat in a dream can mean intrigues and hidden intentions of ill-wishers.

If the cat attacks or prepares to attack, hisses, claws out and shows aggressive behavior, then trouble is coming soon, but if the cat was driven away, it means negative consequences It won't, but you have to be careful.

If you hear a cat meow, then perhaps bad influence, gossip and slander that can be harmful.

If you dreamed of a dirty cat, then you should think about your health, as well as worry about the well-being of relatives and friends. Perhaps, in this way, consciousness warns of impending troubles.

You should also be wary if a sick cat appears or it has obvious injuries, such an image in any guise does not bring anything favorable, but warns that you should be careful and attentive to yourself.

Although the image of a healthy and beautiful cat also does not carry positive information, this means uncertainty in life and upcoming minor troubles.

Why do cats act according to Freud's dream book

A famous psychologist believed that the image of a cat is sexual side human consciousness. The cat, as it were, symbolizes sensuality and desires in bodily pleasure. If a cat fawns over its legs or sits next to it purring, then an intimate evening will take place soon.

It may also mean that the desire to experience sexual pleasure has become too great and through self-awareness the body gives a signal.

If a cat in a dream is aggressive and scratches, then there is a hidden desire for a little sadomasochism, as well as a desire to cause physical pain to a partner during intimate relationships. If a person sees himself in a dream, at the moment when he strokes a cat, this means a desire to feel the same emotions on himself.

Cats in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

The great soothsayer Vanga believed that cats in any form are not good for acting, because in her concept they symbolize trouble in any manifestation. Vanga believed that even the harmless appearance of a cat in a dream already indicates an imminent break in relations and a major quarrel, as well as upcoming troubles on a professional path.

Vanga also believed that a cat could dream of shame, with which the sleeping person would be covered not of his own free will, but as a result of the actions of his ill-wishers, it would be especially difficult if several cats appeared in a dream, and not one. If a cat scratched a sleeping person or bitten, you should expect trouble, and this also indicates groundless jealousy on the part of a loved one.

Why do cats act according to Hasse's dream book

According to the famous Russian soothsayer, cats in a dream do not come with good intentions, and, accordingly, their appearance should be considered as a warning that the enemy is close. Miss Hasse believed that stroking a cat in a dream means ingratitude and betrayal on the part of loved ones and friends, as well as resentment for rewarding another.

Seeing cat droppings means betrayal. loved one, in a sense, they will literally shit the soul of the sleeping person. The appearance of a black cat in a dream means an obstacle and trouble in the near future, especially if the animal has bitten or scratched, in which case all plans may collapse and a series of unfortunate days may come.

If you dreamed of a lot of cats that surround the sleeping person, then in real life he is surrounded by imaginary friends who will betray him at the first opportunity.

Why dream of a black, white, red cat

As can be seen from the predictions of famous seers, a cat is by no means a good dream, but if a sleeping person dreams of his own pet, then such a dream is not a warning of danger. If you dream of someone else, and even more so a cat that has not been seen before, then it is better to take such a dream seriously.

If the image of a black cat came to the sleeper, then this could mean big quarrel or even a fight that will bring trouble later. In the case when a cat goes to meet a sleeping person or is already nearby, it is advisable to take care, since such cases are interpreted as an upcoming illness and betrayal by people who seem friendly.

If you dreamed of a white cat, then you should not rejoice, since this cat symbolizes the hidden intentions of enemies who disguise themselves as friends and wait for the right moment to strike. Also, the appearance of a white cat may mean that the enemies have so far taken a wait-and-see position, since the sleeper has sufficient strength to resist.

In any case, the image of a white cat must be taken seriously, since its appearance only at the beginning seems to be a minor problem, which later, like someone, will develop into huge troubles.

A red cat in a dream is considered the most dangerous, since its fiery energy carries the negative in multiplied quantities. As a rule, the appearance of a red cat means unsuccessful love, a break in relationships, as well as unrequited love that will bring suffering. The image of a red cat can also symbolize the betrayal of a loved one and imminent betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of cats

Seeing one cat in a dream is already considered bad luck, but if the cat is not alone, you should think about the number of your enemies, as well as your lifestyle. Perhaps so many enemies were acquired through the fault of the sleeper, and it's time to worry about cardinal changes in life itself.

Seeing a cat fight means troubles that will have a strong impact on life, seeing cat love games means acquiring new enemies, as well as new troubles that will grow out of old unfinished business.

Dream Interpretation - biting, giving birth, pregnant cat

If in a dream the sleeping cat dreamed of a cat that was aggressive and also tried to bite or she succeeded, then we can safely say that troubles lie ahead, a serious illness, as well as the betrayal of a close friend, since often damage to the sleeping person in a dream means real physical or psychological trauma, as well as troubles, both in personal life and professional.

If you dream of a giving birth cat, then you should think about what obstacles have recently begun to suddenly appear on the way to the implementation of your plan, and also how sudden and unpredictable they turn out to be. After all, birth, as a rule, is always a sacrament that occurs suddenly, respectively, and a giving birth cat means suddenness and problems.

If a cat in a dream was able to give birth to kittens, then you should also take a closer look at the process itself, if the birth was difficult, the cat was in torment, then such a dream does not bode well and speaks of serious troubles that deeply hurt the sleeping person.

If the cat is easily relieved of the burden, then the problems will not be serious and will end quickly, especially if live and beautiful kittens appear as a result, which can bring good luck and profit, naturally with serious efforts, which is exactly symbolized by a giving birth cat.

A pregnant cat dreams of hidden intentions and troubles, possibly a disease that is dormant inside the body of a sleeping person or may affect his loved ones. In any case, the image of a pregnant cat symbolizes secrecy, which can result in serious problems over time.

Why dream of a dead, dead cat

Of course, see dream dead the animal is unpleasant, but, nevertheless, such a dream can mean the collapse of a secret enemy, as well as failed intrigues that turned against the enemy.

Also, such an image can mean the end of a certain life period in the life of a woman who, as it were, is reborn and becomes a different person. Or seeing a dead cat can mean trouble that will arise due to old errors.

If in a dream a cat is killed in front of a sleeping person, then this may mean sudden help that will come from an unknown well-wisher, and such a scene may also indicate petty troubles that might come out of nowhere.

Seeing a cat that is dying or the desire to kill a cat can mean a personal struggle with one's shortcomings, as well as love triangle, where in the image of a cat there will be a woman who cannot decide, as a result of which love for her rises and threatens to destroy everyone, then dies.

Unfortunately, some dreams prophesy troubles and problems. But one must perceive such signals favorably, because they suggest in advance about impending trials. And if forewarned, then armed, and there is a chance to correct the situation, or prevent large losses.

These dreams include those in which the cat will attack. In such cases, the dream book often predicts the machinations of enemies, the slander of slanderers and treason. However, not everything is so clear. Details will help to accurately decipher what you saw while you were sleeping.

Enemies gossip behind your back

So, why dream that a cat is attacking? The dream book warns - you are destined for a difficult test. If she is, then colleagues are plotting against you.

And if the animal rushes to, then one of the relatives started something unkind. Take a closer look at the behavior of others, and perhaps you will be able to calculate the insidious personality.

The aggressive behavior of a pet also indicates that there is a deceitful, two-faced person next to you. And if the cat hurt to the point of blood, then the enemy is from among recent acquaintances.

When in a dream a cat scratches and jumps on you, then this is a sure sign that you have become the target of gossip spreading dirty speculation. Such a dream sometimes predicts jealousy that will torment the dreamer. He (or she) will begin to suspect the beloved of all sins.

If a friend suddenly turned out to be ...

You need to be more attentive to your well-being, because there is a high probability of a serious illness, that's what you dream about, how it attacks. If there were many evil pussies in a dream, then you should know that there are many traitors and liars among your acquaintances. The dream interpretation recommends not relying on them, and relying only on one's own strength.

The same plot also predicts business people, joint work, contacts with unscrupulous partners who do not hesitate to deceive, appropriate part of the profits and even ruin.

Enemies do not sleep

When a person in a nightmare sees that several cats are attacking him at once, then in reality the enemies will attack him on all fronts at the same time. One furious, according to the dream book, suggests that they will try to hide some important information. The same plot can be dreamed of before new enemies appear on the dreamer's life path, or his former haters are activated.

The mystery of the black cat

Dreamed what? Unfortunately, on the love front, the dreamer will face defeat, disappointment, and unpleasant discoveries. If the clawed creature rushed into battle with the dog first, then in reality a quarrel with a loved one, comrade is possible.

Very soon, your main enemy will strike, that's what, according to the dream book, dreams that a black cat will attack! A different version of this vision also does not inspire much optimism - there are troubles ahead, which cannot be avoided. By fur color

Much in the interpretation of sleep depends on the color of the raging cat. Let's say if it was black, then the sleeping person is in danger. White? Then take some time to publish, present your ideas and projects until they are accepted by either colleagues or investors. The bandit's red-haired pussy predicts a strong emotional shock to the dreamer, and the gray one hurries to warn that troubles will fall on his head at the most inopportune moment and suddenly.

Did you see a wild representative of the cat family? Then in your soul you are a rebel, protesting against the gray everyday life and the measured life of an ordinary person.

The dream book also clarifies that a fight with can be dreamed of by someone who has not yet settled into the new team. be patient time will pass and you will be yours.

And if in a dream an unkind, but still domestic kitty came to you, then beware of lies and insincerity of the people dearest to you.

Did you notice an unkind red-haired beast with a tail in a dream? This is a symbol of your other half, which will have a reason for a serious showdown with you. Remember: what did you do wrong?

Miller summarizes

The eminent interpreter of dreams, Miller, believes that an enraged pet can be seen, just at the moment when the dreamer's comrades cheat on him and try to discredit his name. If she managed to inflict injury, then you can lose your savings and property.

If you drove away a malicious animal in a dream, then in reality you will be able to cope with all the trials that fall to your lot with honor. And as a result, you will noticeably improve your position, both social and material.

Dream interpretation black cat

A lot of beliefs and rumors are associated with a black cat. They are usually unfavorable. Dreamed of a black cat? What does it mean? Is this a negative dream? To answer, you should look into the dream book.

Dream interpretation

Absolutely all dream books do not bypass the interpretation of the image - a black cat. But you should not rely only on their opinion, your feelings during sleep are more important.

Miller's dream book

Miller has an answer to the question: why is a black cat dreaming? It was not possible to neutralize it in a dream - a negative dream. She attacks you, bites, which means that you have strong enemies who will stop at nothing in order to harm you. Their goal is your reputation, and possibly property.

For a woman, a cat with kittens is participation in a dubious enterprise, not of her own free will.

If you dreamed of a black cat

In addition to general interpretations, Miller also gave specific hints:

  • A cat that is dirty, unkempt - bad news from friends regarding their health.
  • Drive away a skinned cat - a sick friend will recover
  • Many meowing cats dream - imaginary among friends, makes attempts to annoy.
  • To be scratched - enemies will be able to get the lion's share of your profits.
  • White big cat - confusion in business, can be expensive.
  • A cat and a snake nearby - the beginning of an open conflict with the enemy.

Modern dream book

Seeing a cat in a dream is a failure if you cannot get rid of it.

She dreams that a cat attacks, bites - the machinations of enemies. Again, to cope, it is worth driving the animal away in a dream.

A white cat means there is a small obstacle that you do not pay due attention to. But it can reach universal proportions. Two cats - two obstacles.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

For a man to see in a dream a cat caressing in search of food, it means that the man is subordinate to a domineering aggressive woman, mother, wife. The appearance of such dreams means that he does not like this state of affairs.

If a woman dreams that she is a cat, she occupies a dominant position in life.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

What did they do in a dream

Mrs. Grishina gives the most detailed interpretation of dreams about cats. Namely:

  • stroking a cat - to doubt;
  • caressing cat (cat) - insidious temptress (tempter);
  • cat meowing - you will be asked for help, but it will be very difficult to do this;
  • bites or scratches you - a disease or false accusations in your direction;
  • to see how it scratches and bites another person - the disease will affect you only indirectly;
  • catch a cat - you will soon find out who is gossiping;
  • to see a fight of cats - you will reveal a conspiracy against you, you will suffer from a thirst for entertainment;
  • play with kittens, a cat - a life partner is cheating;
  • black cat - an unfamiliar enemy;
  • to see a dream with kittens - to profit;
  • a crushed cat - the lifestyle that you are now leading will not lead to good.

General dream predictions with cats

Seeing cats in a dream is a fairly common occurrence. They can be fluffy, smooth-haired, wild domestic, various colors. The interpretation of dreams depends on the behavior of the cat, and your actions.

The iconic role of a black cat in a dream

Black cat persona non grata. Thoughts that a black cat is a positive message are not allowed. But the dream book has its own vision of this symbol.

negative predictions

To see a cat just passing by, interpretation - in the near future, quarrel with someone.

if you crossed the road

To see that she is crossing your path, or heading towards you - you have an enemy, take a closer look at your surroundings.

Hear her meow, but not see her - you will be deceived. The message of dreams in which the cat meows in front of your eyes is that your love is not mutual.

Catch her - you will become aware of all the intrigues about you.

The familiar black purr bites, scratches - its owners are very offended by you. It is likely that their revenge has already taken place.

See how many black cats fight - beware of night robbery.

To fight a black cat and defeat him, the dream book gives the following interpretation - you yourself will be able to cope with your enemies and troubles because of them.

positive predictions

Not every dream book believes that black cats dream of good. But nevertheless such opinion exists.

If in a dream a big black cat behaves peacefully and does not show any aggression towards the sleeping person, then there is hope that the difficult period in your life will soon end.

When she sleeps peacefully on the carpet, it means that your enemies are also at rest and do not want to harm you yet.

if there were kittens

After dreams in which two black cats fight among themselves, you have a real chance to neutralize your enemies, to defeat them.

The dead black cat is yours worst enemy will soon disappear without a trace.

A black and white purr is a positive symbol - if she caresses you, soon all hardships will calm down, and complete calm will come in your life.


Black cat with kittens, cute but disturbing, especially for women. Such dreams are dreamed as harbingers of infidelity on the part of her husband. At least you already have an opponent.

If the kitty feeds the kittens - you will live on your own, leaves with the kittens - to move. Many kittens - more trouble.

hurt the cat

As in life, in a dream you can harm a cat, either by accident or on purpose. Of course, this will affect the interpretation of sleep.

The main rule is that you yourself must kill the cat in a dream, then all the negative interpretation will come to naught. In the event that in a dream, before your eyes, someone else can kill a cat, especially your domestic one, the attackers will be able to harm you, not only materially. Perhaps the threat hangs over your life.

To kill a cat from your dreams - such a dream promises a lot. All your plans will come true, while your enemies will be left with a nose.

For couples, kill a cat promises peace and tranquility in your home.

Trying to kill a cat, but at the same time it will meow heart-rendingly - the enemy hid among his closest friends, it will be extremely difficult to figure out and neutralize him.

What can be taken out of dreams, where you have to see a lot of aggressive cats, and this pack attacks you, bites - to defeat, kill them, it means that you can handle any difficulties.

There are dreams with little kittens that you are trying to drown, oddly enough, the dream book considers it as a positive action. So, you will cope with the minor difficulties that have appeared on your way. If there are a lot of them, then you can get rid of absolutely all the interference.

White doesn't mean best

When people dream of white cats, they sigh with relief, thinking that such a dream is good. And they are very wrong.

If black cats dream, you are warned of the danger and begin to act. The opposite situation is when a white woman dreams, but she predicts exactly the same as her brunette friend. Only at the beginning, enemies, troubles are insignificant, almost imperceptible. You pay no attention to them, and they grow like a snowball, threatening to crush you. By this, a white pet is more negative than a black one.


Whatever cats dream of, they are a serious warning of danger. And they dream for a reason. It means that you did not suspect that someone might wish you harm, and your affairs are not perfect.
Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, insure property, pull up your tails at work, be more attentive to loved ones - and perhaps everything will work out.

Often dreaming cats and cats, and even black, are given a negative meaning. No wonder, since it has long been believed that they help witches and sorcerers.

And when you look at them, you involuntarily recall something demonic. In the culture of ancient Egypt, domestic cats were attributed magical meaning; there was even a cult of a goddess with a cat's head. Until now, they are considered animals from the other world, and the appearance of such a character in dreams is always alarming and rarely bode well.

If such a pet lives in your house, then it is not surprising that he will often dream. Most interpreters believe that your own animal in a dream does not mean anything. But there is a minority of researchers who believe that belonging to someone in particular does not change anything, that is, a black cat is black everywhere. How to deal with personal pet in a dream - you decide.

If such a cat appeared in a dream in a house, a fight or a noisy quarrel should be expected in the near future.

Dreaming of a cat that attacks

If a black cat or a cat attacked you in a dream, this may mean someone's hidden malice. There is a high probability that the anger has already somehow spilled over to the offender (that is, to you). Most of the time it's some kind of slander. When an animal attacked someone else in a dream, it is still a bad sign - soon you will have a slight ailment. If you coped with the guest, in reality you will be able to deal with troubles.

According to dream books, if the cat does not attack, but hisses, danger should be expected from a loved one, that is, from where it was not expected, and you should be on your guard.

Sleep - a black cat bites

The beast bites - in reality, you should be wary of gossip or illness. If the cat showing aggression belongs to friends, its owners are offended by you. It is worth finding out what is the cause of the offense, and try to somehow make amends. If the bite was too painful, it is advised to reconsider the circle of your loved ones, since a blow to the back from one of them is possible.

The animal did not bite you - later your health will worsen. Or you already hold a grudge against someone. Pay attention to who owns the creature that attacked or bit you.

The cat in a dream sits on hands

Holding her in your arms means that they will try to drag you into some bad deeds. You should be careful not to regret later on your actions.

There is also a second interpretation. You held a dark-colored cat in your arms - it means that someone close to you urgently needs help, and it is not recommended to refuse it. In addition, if the animal was in the blood at the same time, the dream indicates someone from close relatives (that is, the same blood as you).

Black cat dreams with a kitten

When the animal had a dream with one or more kittens, this is a warning for you about upcoming minor troubles. When an animal is also a mother of fluffy babies, there is a chance of losing reputation. The betrayal of someone close is not excluded, after which these minor problems will begin.

If the kittens are not from the guest herself, troubles can begin in various areas of life. But killing or throwing away kittens is a positive sign.

In this case, the problems will not last long and you can easily deal with them.

Sleep - the cat caresses and purrs

It happens that the animal in a dream is friendly to you. This may mean spiritual doubts, the need for some serious choice. A purring and caressing cat portends the appearance of vile people.

An impudent and affectionate guest is dreamed of by men who are interested in a woman in their environment. If a woman had a dream, for her this is a sign of her own accurate intuition and some secret abilities.

What is the dream of a black cat with green eyes

A large animal with green eyes is a sign that someone is hatching bad plans against you. Most often it is a woman. In the near future you may have a serious enemy. It is best to communicate frankly with the person you suspect. A woman dreams of such an animal for the appearance of a rival in the struggle for a man's heart.

Miller's dream book about a black cat

According to the dream book of the famous psychologist Miller, to see a cat with a dark color in a dream is a failure. If the animal attacks, you have enemies plotting evil against you. A dirty and timid animal dreams of loneliness or defenselessness. And aggressive means that in the near future you will be drawn into some kind of quarrel or fight.

Next is the cat information:

Prophetic and not prophetic dreams about cats

Attention! -

IN esoteric dream book it is said that the appearance of a cat in a dream indicates that a flattering person will soon appear in your environment. However, other interpreters tend to pay much more attention to the representatives of the cat family in dreams and interpret such dreams depending on appearance and behavior of the animal.

Tsvetkov In his interpretation he points out that the cat is the personification of your enemy- her appearance in a dream portends tears or betrayal, while a black animal indicates the presence of obvious ill-wishers, and the white color of a cat or cat will tell you that the enemy is cunning and has not yet shown itself.

A Loff's dream book advises turning to intuition after such dreams, because the magical features of cats have long been known.

There is a special clarification on this subject in Miller's dream book, it says that a dream with the appearance of a cat is bad in itself, but if you drove away or killed the animal in a dream, all troubles and misfortunes will not affect you. So, for example, according to Miller, a dirty and thin cat, whose hair is unkempt and disheveled, will warn you about a serious illness of a friend, but, having driven him away in a dream, be sure that the friend will recover soon.

Black, white, striped. What was the cat?

According to some dream interpreters, the color of the animal's coat in your dream is of decisive importance. Miller tends to think that a white cat is dreaming of uncertainty in life and possible financial ruin.

French the dream book reports that a white cat is considered a signal of a future betrayal of you by a friend, and in modern dream book the white feline personifies profit.

black cat even in Everyday life considered a bad sign, many believe in omens and believe that a black cat running across the road promises failure in business. In dreams, a black cat or cat is also considered a bad sign.

IN dream book Hasse it is directly stated that the appearance of a black cat in a dream is a warning of an impending misfortune.

French people in their dream book they interpret a black cat as an indication of female infidelity.

Modern the dream book warns of the possible loss of something if you dreamed of a black cat the day before.

It is worth noting that any dream in which you killed a cat or saw a dead animal, is regarded by all interpreters as a message that the plans of the enemies have been revealed, and nothing threatens you. A dead cat indicates that problems and misfortunes will bypass you.

I was attacked by a cat in a dream

If you dreamed that an animal scratched or bit you, most likely, you are surrounded by enemies who are ready to go to great lengths to create trouble for you - this is how such a dream is interpreted in Miller's dream book. There is a risk of losing part of the profit if the cat scratched you in a dream.

Hasse also tends to interpret such dreams as a harbinger of resistance to your ideas and beliefs.

In French dream book there is a mention of a fight between cats, such a dream can warn you of an attempted robbery.

Modern dream book indicates that a cat bite in a dream indicates that an insidious enemy, a traitor or a notorious liar has appeared in your life. If, which was formed after a cat bite, then such a dream should be interpreted as a warning against sudden new acquaintances.

Many cats in your dream

A lot of cats that filled the city, in dream book of Nostradamus are considered a harbinger of ecological catastrophe, famine.

Hasse believes that such dreams warn of a big gathering of traitors around you.

In the English dream book a large number of cats are considered to be an indication of your big family but an empty and vain life.

Cat and kittens

Kittens in your dreams are interpreted in the same way as adult cats, denoting only a smaller size of the upcoming problem. Pay attention to the number and color of kittens, this is what will tell you what to fear.

If in a dream you saw how does a cat give birth to kittens, be especially careful with your secret and overt enemies, perhaps their number is growing and the conspiracy is already braiding you from all sides.

Specific interpretations

What brings an unpleasant dream about a cat that did not have body parts.

Be sure to take into account the details of the red cat dream when trying to decipher it.

How should you behave if you had a dead cat in a dream?

A dream about a white cat requires a special approach - find out how to interpret it correctly.

Is it enough to spit over your left shoulder if you dreamed of a black cat in order to avoid trouble.

The details of a dream in which there were many cats will tell you how to avoid problems.

Why dream of giving birth to a cat

Such a dream promises a long stagnation in business and numerous obstacles on the way to the goal, perhaps they will even be caused by the fact that the person himself no longer wants to get to the end and the business he is doing has long bothered him. For those who are thinking about replenishing the family, such a dream speaks of their unpreparedness for this, of fear of responsibility for new life. For those who already have children and who do not want pregnancy, this dream will symbolize empty hopes and the collapse of everything that a person has longed for for a long time.

What is the dream of a gray cat

This dream is a harbinger of intrigue, gossip and unpleasant conversations behind your back. The gray cat symbolizes that you will not be able to find out who is trying to annoy you and figure out the enemy, as he is good at disguising himself and adapting to any situation. Perhaps this person is even trying to impersonate your good friend.

Why is the big cat dreaming

If a big cat behaved aggressively, tried to attack you, hissed and showed its claws, this dream warns that in real life you will have very strong and powerful ill-wishers with great power. If the cat behaved kindly, this is a positive sign. A joyful meeting and a pleasant time in the company of old friends awaits you.

Why is a caressing cat dreaming

Expect trouble. If you are serious and attentive to what others say, you can find an easy way out of an unpleasant situation for you. If you fail to do this, the created problem will unsettle you for a long time. But when you come to your senses, you will have even more strength and ideas than before, and you will continue your work with even greater perseverance and a desire for prosperity.
