Rustavi of the Georgian SSR. Old Rustavi

Here is a map of Rustavi with streets → Kvemo Kartli, Georgia. We study detailed map Rustavi city with house numbers and streets. Real-time search, today's weather, coordinates

More about the streets of Rustavi on the map

A detailed map of the city of Rustavi with street names will be able to show all routes and roads, where they are and how to get to Mayakovsky and Rustaveli streets. Located close to.

For a detailed view of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page is an interactive scheme-plan of the city of Rustavi with a search for the address and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Batumi and Constitution streets now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance - the "Ruler" tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (type of "Hybrid" scheme), see stations and borders.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city's infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and routes, how to get there.

Accurate satellite map Rustavi (Rustavi) with Google search is in its rubric. IN this moment use the object search bar from Yandex to show the house number on the folk scheme of the city of the Kvemo Kartli region in Georgia / world, in real time.

The Georgian city of Rustavi is located 25 kilometers from Tbilisi. It is the youngest city in modern Georgia. He turns 60 this year. Why do children there play in a real plane after lunch, adults learn the art of sculpture right in the park, and prisoners sell their works of applied art via the Internet?

Reason one. Take a trip through time

Some half an hour drive from Tbilisi, and you find yourself in a city that is a real museum Soviet era. In 1948, Rustavi officially appeared on the map of Georgia. The city of metallurgists, steelmakers, chemists, for many years it was the flagship of the heavy industry of Soviet Georgia. The main, that is, the city-forming enterprise, is the Rustavi Metallurgical Plant.

The administrative building of the once prosperous enterprise is a real gem of Soviet architecture. What is worth only a bas-relief! They say that Comrade Stalin himself gave instructions to the architects. First post-war five-year plan the construction of such a giant as this plant was a matter of honor for a huge country. Everything had to be pompous and rich!

True, now almost nothing remains of the plant. Just a huge area. The company began to fade after the collapse Soviet Union.

But tens of thousands of workers and engineers worked here at one time! They came to work from all over Georgia. The enterprise was one of the first in terms of the number of heroes of labor and shock workers of production.

“I came to this plant right after school,” says Pavel Tsereteli, Doctor of Technical Sciences. – It was 1951, that is, only three years after the birth of the new city. At that time, only one blast furnace operated at the enterprise. And years later, we began to produce more than three percent of the output of the entire heavy metallurgy of the country! The city was built together with the workshops of the plant.

The second reason. Visit the largest pedestrian square

The largest city square in Georgia is located in the city of Rustavi. And it's pedestrian. There is a square in front of the city council building. Taking a selfie here is a must!

By the way, Rustavi is divided into two parts: new and old. And they are divided by the Kura River. The old one is Stalinist architecture. New - Khrushchev. Although you can meet in the city and high-rise buildings.

However, lovers of the era of industrialization will be much more interested in visiting the outskirts, where you can enjoy almost surreal landscapes. These are abandoned railway stations, rusty wagons, frames of dilapidated buildings. Everything here looks like the scenery for a horror movie.

Reason three. Find the ruins of an ancient fortress and a clearing of mysterious sculptures

The city is not lost in time and continues to live. Breathe in fresh air and take a walk in the central park of Rustavi - this is another reason to visit the city. Here you can walk along the alley of umbrellas, where multi-colored umbrellas suspended three meters from the ground form a cheerful and multi-colored roof moving under the wind.

And you can wander into a clearing of mysterious sculptures. Here, muscular men, armed with special hammers, are working hard on a huge boulder. Having tied their heads with bandanas and wearing respirators so as not to breathe stone dust, they chip off small fragments from a shapeless block of stone.

The fact is that every year an international symposium of sculptors is held in Rustavi. This is such a master class when Georgian and foreign masters teach the secrets of monumental art to students of the Academy of Arts. The symposium ends, but the works remain in the park.

“For me, such a project is the first real opportunity to feel the stone,” says student Tamara Toidze. – Of course, we work in workshops, but, believe me, being here and watching how experienced craftsmen create their compositions is worth a lot. Every morning I come from Tbilisi with pleasure and look forward to the start of a creative day.”

A little further, there is another jump in time: the ruins of an ancient fortress. They are said to be at least 15 centuries old. The fact is that in the place of Rustavi at one time there was a great city - the capital of the kingdom of Kukheti. (Not to be confused with Kakheti).

Farmers lived here. Therefore, craftsmen built irrigation canals. In Georgian, "ru" is translated as a channel. And "tavi" is the head, the source. So, Rustavi is translated as the source of the channel. Now everything is clear.

“The kingdom went through different periods,” says archaeologist Mate Akhalaia. – There was a time when it included the lands of Kakheti and Kartli. Therefore, the population was quite large. They grew wheat, grapes, made wine, animal husbandry was developed. And this fortress served as the center. And it was built on a plain, unlike many of the fortresses of Georgia, which stood on the tops of mountains.”

You can get acquainted with the past in the ethnographic museum located next to the park. Ancient manuscripts, maps, archaeological finds are stored here. By the way, representatives of the Rustaveli family have lived in this territory since the 8th century. Therefore, there is a version that the great Georgian poet of the 12th - 13th centuries, the author of the epic "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" Shota Rustaveli, also comes from here.

“The first information about the settlement on the site of Rustavi appeared in the chronicle “Krtlis tskhovreba,” says Museum Director Nazibrola Pachikashvili. – This historical document testifies that the city was one of the oldest settlements in the region. However, during the period of unrest, from the 12th to the middle of the 17th century, it was under the yoke of foreign conquerors. Mongols, Seljuk Turks, Persians - whoever did not conquer these lands. In the end, people began to leave them and went to the mountains in order to be saved.

By the beginning of the 19th century, according to sources, there was only desert in this place. The re-development of the territory began after the Great Patriotic War.

Reason four. Buy a souvenir in an unusual store

POWs also worked on the construction of Rustavi and enterprises located in the city. That is why here, along with residential areas, so-called special institutions began to be built. Subsequently, Rustavi strict regime colonies appeared in their place. No, we do not advise tourists to be here. However, guests of the city can buy souvenirs made by the hands of prisoners in a specialized store. That's reason number four.

From felted wool, craftswomen seem to be able to make anything they want. Felt in Georgian is “teka”, many women know how to handle it from childhood.

“I myself am from Western Georgia. There, our grandmothers always made felt, and then decorated it. These products are now in fashion,” says prisoner Tamar Basharadze.

The works are exhibited in a small pavilion. Any souvenir shop can envy its assortment. Bijouterie, panels, tapestries, paintings and icons. Everything is done by the hands of the prisoners. At the same time, many of them still had nothing to do with needlework. For example, the plastic surgeon Elena Gelashvili held only a surgical needle in her hands. Now - embroider.

“The girls supported me, taught me needlework, and now I enjoy spending hours at work,” she says.

This work brings income: the products of craftswomen are sold via the Internet, money is credited to their personal accounts. The director of the women's colony Nestan Verulashvili, one of the authors of the idea, herself sought permission in various instances. Now she intends to move on.

“We want to open a bakery and a small cafe in our colony. After all, many of our prisoners know how to cook very well,” she told a MIR 24 correspondent. According to her, the most important thing is that women prisoners do not lose hope and are ready to return to society.

Reason five. Visit a kindergarten located on the plane

It is thanks to this old Yak-40 that the Rustavi preschool institution became known throughout Georgia. There are legends about how an aircraft that plied sky-high distances ended up here. Some say it flew in and landed on the football field. Someone claims that it was written off, disassembled, and then reassembled, but already for the flight of a childhood dream.

“We brought him here with the help of a tractor. At night, when there was almost no traffic, says the director kindergarten Harry Chapidze. - When we drove along the highway, as in the movie "The Adventures of Italians in Russia", the car drivers were in shock. And the residents of Rustavi, who saw this from the windows and told their neighbors in the morning, were considered crazy.”

The crew goes on a flight every day, after an afternoon snack. In the cabin, instead of chairs, there are small tables and chairs, books and soft toys - everything that is useful in flight. Who is the passenger here and who is the flight attendant is not important. The main thing is the unusual environment that the kids like so much.

“They come to us, but they don’t want to leave,” says teacher Maka Samkharadze. - Those who are older and have already flown on airplanes, then come and say that they were not afraid at all. We do not forbid them anything - they can touch and switch anything they want.

High school student Saba Chapidze comes to participate in an impromptu flight right after school. Helps educators and tries on future profession. He dreams of becoming a pilot and has already decided: he will enter the aviation industry.

“I often bring my classmates here,” he says. “They love it too. Actually, I want to have classes here for schoolchildren, say, in physics.”

The idea to leave the plane on the territory of the kindergarten saved it from being melted down. Now the veteran is not only in perfect condition, but also brings joy to children. Educators say that after such a flight, the kids fall asleep better.

Each tourist will be able to discover Rustavi in ​​his own way. By the way, this city is also called the automobile capital of Georgia. Since the largest car market in the country is located here. So if you decide, you can buy a car for yourself, and go further on it.

Rustavi (რუსთავი) is the administrative center of Kvemo Kartli. Located 25 km southwest of Tbilisi.
Population - 116.4 thousand people
It is a city located on a plain, which is unusual for most other Georgian cities. For many people, it is associated only with an unattractive Soviet industrial city, without any interesting sights. However, the history of the city is much older than is commonly believed.

Story. The first settlements are late Bronze Age. One of the first mentions refers to the IV century. d.c.e. The settlement was called OstanKalak (Persian Astana - province, region, Kalak - city).
There is a version that the appearance of the name Rustavi is associated with the name of King Trdat (end of the 4th century AD), during whose reign an irrigation canal was built. Ru (Georgian რუ) - in old Georgian this word meant an irrigation canal, Tavi (თავი) - in this case it is translated as the main one. The city becomes the administrative center of Kukheti.

Kukheti (Georgian კუხეთი)- the ancient name of the region, located between the Kura and the Gombori Range. Later, around the end of the 8th century. This region became part of the Kakheti principality. Nevertheless, the name of the region existed until the 12th century.

During the reign of Vakhtang Gorgasali (5th century), a bishopric was established in Rustavi, which existed until the 13th century.
735 - destroyed by Mervan the Deaf.
In 1068, the Seljuk Turks under the leadership of Sultan Alparsan invaded Georgia.
In 1097 King David the Builder stopped paying tribute to the Seljuk Turks. In 1115 - Liberation of Rustavi.
In 1265, the troops of Berk Khan, the ruler of the Golden Horde, invaded the Caucasus. Rustavi was again destroyed to the ground by the troops of Tamerlane. After that, Rustavi ceased to exist as a city.
And only at the beginning of the 20th century Rustavi was rebuilt. There were metallurgical enterprises, chemical plants, as well as an important railway station on the Tbilisi-Baku branch.

Today's Rustavi . The modern city is divided by Kura into two parts - Old (Dzveli) Rustavi (Georgian ძველი რუსთავი) and New (Akhali) Rustavi (Georgian ახალი რუსთავი). New town, located on the right bank, these are entirely block houses, common for sleeping areas of any Soviet city.
Supermarkets, shops, cafes, gas stations (Wissol) are concentrated in the new part of the city. There is something like a hotel near the monument to Shota Rustaveli, but nothing is known about prices and living conditions. Somehow I have not heard of tourists staying in this city.

How to get there . Minibuses run from several points. Most fast way get to Rustavi - take a minibus near Varketili metro station . The minibus will descend from above, from the side of the Tbilisi Sea. The fare is 1 GEL.
Minibuses were also seen walking along Kazbegi Street (former Pavlova). This street runs parallel to the avenue
Vazha-Pshavela (metro station Medical Institute).

Attractions . With the exception of Stalinist architecture, all sights are concentrated in the southwestern part of the old city. There are no medieval temples, old buildings (with the exception of the fortress). Almost all traces of ancient settlements are underground.

Two churches built in Rustavi first - Cathedral named after King Vakhtang Gorgosal and a little further north Church of the Annunciation are located on Tsereteli Street.

Painting of the outer walls of the bell tower near the Church of the Annunciation

Across the road, 80 meters east of the cathedral, a canopy is visible, in the middle of a grassy clearing that was once a park. Here, during archaeological excavations, the foundations of houses of the 4th century BC were found. and late burial. This is the only "open-air museum" except for the fortress. Everything else that was once dug up by archaeologists has long been hidden under the foundations of modern houses.

There are several parks in Rustavi. Youth Park in the new city, City Park and Park of Culture and Leisure in old Rustavi. It seems that the contrast between the old and the new city is manifested not only in terms of architecture, but also in the amount of greenery.
Park of Culture and Leisureon the western outskirts of the old city occupies the space between Kura and st. St. Nino, and smoothly passes into the forest park, which stretches south for 4 km. The territory of the park is currently very neglected - incomprehensible dilapidated buildings, overgrown grounds. Since 2012, work has begun on its restoration - paths are being equipped, some construction work is underway in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond. Whether it's for the best, time will tell. However, despite the abandonment, now a very pleasant atmosphere reigns here. Even there is a certain advantage in this neglect. The overall picture of detachment from the noise of the modern city is complemented by Rustavi fortress in the southern part of the park.
Despite the apparent inexpressiveness, the fortress contains many interesting details - you just need to take a closer look. At least to the author of the article, the Rustavi fortress seemed much more interesting than the same Narikala in Tbilisi.

A poultry house was spotted not far from the entrance to the park. Opposite it is another curious place. From the entrance to the left there is a fenced-off area where sculptors work. Various bas-reliefs on stone are made to order. Judging by the patterns, the main customer is the church. And very close to the workshop, the artists are clearly "drawn off" - this corner of the park is decorated with absolutely surreal works.

If you walk from the main entrance to the park along the street. Odisharia, after 150 meters, along left side see Rustavi Historical Museum. On one of the walls there is an inscription from the Soviet times "Rustavi Museum of Local Lore". Now it has the status of historical. The museum is a pleasant surprise. Despite the fact that thorough excavations were not carried out in Rustavi, the collection turned out to be impressive. The exhibits cover a rather extensive period - from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. Here you can see dishes made both in ancient Rustavi and beyond (for example, Byzantine), bronze and iron swords, axes, jewelry, medieval coins, sarcophagi and much more.
Prices: Ticket - 3 lari. Excursion for 10 GEL (I recommend). Photographing - 5 lari (for 7 shots).

Which is located in the southeastern part of the country. Despite the fact that Rustavi is more of an industrial city, it also enjoys a certain popularity among tourists. The reasons for this are its convenient location, and people go to Rustavi thanks to some of the sights of the early Christian era that can be seen in the vicinity of the city. If you decide to go on a trip to Georgia, find out everything about the rest in Rustavi in ​​2019, attractions and prices from this article.

Brief historical background

In fact, it cannot be said that the history of the city is only the history of present-day Rustavi. In this area once there was a great city, which is mentioned on the pages of chronicles, it was founded about 5 centuries BC. However, subsequently the glorious city was destroyed almost completely by the Mongol troops.

Today's Rustavi is a very young city, especially by Georgian standards. Since ancient times, Rustavi received the status of a city again in 1948, so there is practically nothing here that can be found in many other cities of Georgia. Most of the architectural buildings belong to the Soviet period or the present, there are practically no ancient fortresses and other antiques, but this does not mean that they are not in the vicinity.

The city of Rustavi is primarily known for the presence of a car racing track, which was used back in Soviet times. In addition, the city has the Rustavi Academic Ensemble, which is famous both in Georgia and abroad, as it has attended about 50 concerts with its concerts. different countries peace.

Rustavi is also known for its large car market, where a considerable number of different cars are sold every day at very competitive prices. This car market is popular not only in Georgia, but also in many other Caucasian countries, as prices are very low here, so many people tend to buy cars here.

The population of Rustavi is 120 thousand people, the ethnic composition of the city is extremely diverse, in addition to Georgians, Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and representatives of many other nationalities live here.

Brief geographic reference and climate

Rustavi is located in the southeastern part of the country, the city stands on the banks of the beautiful Kura River. It is very close - only a dozen kilometers.

The climate in the city is moderately warm, it is very pleasant at any time of the year, for example, the temperature in winter rarely drops below 5 degrees below zero. But still, the best period for rest in Rustavi is spring or summer, it is at this time of the year that most tourists come here. Summer weather will delight you with the sun and warmth - around 25 degrees Celsius.

Rustavi on the map

Security in Rustavi

As you know, Georgian cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world, kebabs, khinkali and many other dishes are very loved by many since childhood. However, only in Georgia you can taste real Georgian cuisine, and in Rustavi, as well as throughout the country as a whole, there are all opportunities for this.

In the motor park of the city, you can admire the races, as well as rent a sports car with a driver, and ride through the streets and surroundings at amazing speed.

As for shopping, it is still better to go to the capital for this - or, conversely, to the countryside (depending on what kind of shopping you want), however, in Rustavi you can find several Georgian boutiques, small shops and a market where you can buy groceries in that case. if you cook for yourself while traveling.

In Rustavi, as in almost all of Georgia, you will find wonderful natural scenery, a great climate and excellent cuisine that can give you a pleasant experience visiting this place. It cannot be said that this city is the best place in order to make it the main point of the route, however, among other cities, it is worth visiting it - after all, it is different from other Georgian cities, and yet it is part of the country.

A little more about the town - in the video:

Rustavi (რუსთავი) is the administrative center of Kvemo Kartli. Located 25 km southwest of Tbilisi.
Population - 116.4 thousand people
It is a city located on a plain, which is unusual for most other Georgian cities. For many people, it is associated only with an unattractive Soviet industrial city, without any interesting sights. However, the history of the city is much older than is commonly believed.

Story. The first settlements are late Bronze Age. One of the first mentions refers to the IV century. d.c.e. The settlement was called OstanKalak (Persian Astana - province, region, Kalak - city).
There is a version that the appearance of the name Rustavi is associated with the name of King Trdat (end of the 4th century AD), during whose reign an irrigation canal was built. Ru (Georgian რუ) - in old Georgian this word meant an irrigation canal, Tavi (თავი) - in this case it is translated as the main one. The city becomes the administrative center of Kukheti.

Kukheti (Georgian კუხეთი)- the ancient name of the region, located between the Kura and the Gombori Range. Later, around the end of the 8th century. This region became part of the Kakheti principality. Nevertheless, the name of the region existed until the 12th century.

During the reign of Vakhtang Gorgasali (5th century), a bishopric was established in Rustavi, which existed until the 13th century.
735 - destroyed by Mervan the Deaf.
In 1068, the Seljuk Turks under the leadership of Sultan Alparsan invaded Georgia.
In 1097 King David the Builder stopped paying tribute to the Seljuk Turks. In 1115 - Liberation of Rustavi.
In 1265, the troops of Berk Khan, the ruler of the Golden Horde, invaded the Caucasus. Rustavi was again destroyed to the ground by the troops of Tamerlane. After that, Rustavi ceased to exist as a city.
And only at the beginning of the 20th century Rustavi was rebuilt. There were metallurgical enterprises, chemical plants, as well as an important railway station on the Tbilisi-Baku branch.

Today's Rustavi . The modern city is divided by Kura into two parts - Old (Dzveli) Rustavi (Georgian ძველი რუსთავი) and New (Akhali) Rustavi (Georgian ახალი რუსთავი). The new city, located on the right bank, is entirely block houses, common for sleeping areas of any Soviet city.
Supermarkets, shops, cafes, gas stations (Wissol) are concentrated in the new part of the city. There is something like a hotel near the monument to Shota Rustaveli, but nothing is known about prices and living conditions. Somehow I have not heard of tourists staying in this city.

How to get there . Minibuses run from several points. The fastest way to get to Rustavi is to take a minibus near Varketili metro station . The minibus will descend from above, from the side of the Tbilisi Sea. The fare is 1 GEL.
Minibuses were also seen walking along Kazbegi Street (former Pavlova). This street runs parallel to the avenue
Vazha-Pshavela (metro station Medical Institute).

Attractions . With the exception of Stalinist architecture, all sights are concentrated in the southwestern part of the old city. There are no medieval temples, old buildings (with the exception of the fortress). Almost all traces of ancient settlements are underground.

Two churches built in Rustavi first - Cathedral named after King Vakhtang Gorgosal and a little further north Church of the Annunciation are located on Tsereteli Street.

Painting of the outer walls of the bell tower near the Church of the Annunciation

Across the road, 80 meters east of the cathedral, a canopy is visible, in the middle of a grassy clearing that was once a park. Here, during archaeological excavations, the foundations of houses of the 4th century BC were found. and late burial. This is the only "open-air museum" except for the fortress. Everything else that was once dug up by archaeologists has long been hidden under the foundations of modern houses.

There are several parks in Rustavi. Youth Park in the new city, City Park and Park of Culture and Leisure in old Rustavi. It seems that the contrast between the old and the new city is manifested not only in terms of architecture, but also in the amount of greenery.
Park of Culture and Leisureon the western outskirts of the old city occupies the space between Kura and st. St. Nino, and smoothly passes into the forest park, which stretches south for 4 km. The territory of the park is currently very neglected - incomprehensible dilapidated buildings, overgrown grounds. Since 2012, work has begun on its restoration - paths are being equipped, some construction work is underway in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond. Whether it's for the best, time will tell. However, despite the abandonment, now a very pleasant atmosphere reigns here. Even there is a certain advantage in this neglect. The overall picture of detachment from the noise of the modern city is complemented by Rustavi fortress in the southern part of the park.
Despite the apparent inexpressiveness, the fortress contains many interesting details - you just need to take a closer look. At least to the author of the article, the Rustavi fortress seemed much more interesting than the same Narikala in Tbilisi.

A poultry house was spotted not far from the entrance to the park. Opposite it is another curious place. From the entrance to the left there is a fenced-off area where sculptors work. Various bas-reliefs on stone are made to order. Judging by the patterns, the main customer is the church. And very close to the workshop, the artists are clearly "drawn off" - this corner of the park is decorated with absolutely surreal works.

If you walk from the main entrance to the park along the street. Odisharia, after 150 meters, on the left side you will see Rustavi Historical Museum. On one of the walls there is an inscription from the Soviet times "Rustavi Museum of Local Lore". Now it has the status of historical. The museum is a pleasant surprise. Despite the fact that thorough excavations were not carried out in Rustavi, the collection turned out to be impressive. The exhibits cover a rather extensive period - from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. Here you can see dishes made both in ancient Rustavi and beyond (for example, Byzantine), bronze and iron swords, axes, jewelry, medieval coins, sarcophagi and much more.
Prices: Ticket - 3 lari. Excursion for 10 GEL (I recommend). Photographing - 5 lari (for 7 shots).
