Class hour "Dedicated to the young heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad ...". Presentation "Battle of Stalingrad" presentation for the lesson (senior, preparatory group) on the topic Presentation on the topic of the Battle of Stalingrad for elementary school

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Slides captions:

Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 63 "Asterisk" THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD was prepared by the educator of the highest qualification category Aleksandrova M.Yu.

STALINGRAD is a city located on the right bank of the Volga. Now this city is called Volgograd.

During the Great Patriotic War, in August 1942, Nazi tanks broke into Stalingrad, followed by enemy infantry. Over the city like predator birds bombers circled. They dropped thousands of bombs on houses. Thus began the attack on Stalingrad.

The Nazis were met by the heroic resistance of our army.

The city gradually turned into a heap of ruins. Our infantrymen, tankers, artillerymen fought for every house.

“The flames of the fires rose several hundred meters. Fascist planes flew overhead. Not only the earth, but also the sky trembled with explosions. Buildings collapsed, walls fell, iron warped,” Colonel-General Alexander Rodimtsev wrote about these days.

On November 19, 1942, the Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the Nazis in the Stalingrad region. Our troops went on the offensive.

February 2, 1943 The battle for Stalingrad ended with the victory of our people. The Nazi soldiers surrendered.

Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights From July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943. Stalin, Stalingrad was named among the first hero cities. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 8, 1965, for outstanding services to the Motherland, courage and heroism shown by the city's workers during the Great Patriotic War, the Hero City of Volgograd was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Developed by:

Kuznetsova Yulia Vladimirovna

teacher primary school

schools x. Hospital branch

MKOU Burkovskaya secondary school

Target : acquaintance with an important historical date hometown.

Tasks: 1. Clarify and expand students' knowledge of the Battle of Stalingrad, its significance during the Great Patriotic War.

2. Develop interest in the history of the Fatherland, the history of your native land; observation, curiosity.

3. Cultivate a sense of patriotism, solidarity, responsibility.

Equipment : multimedia presentation "February 2 - Battle of Stalingrad", poems about the war, recording "Minute of Silence".

During the classes.

1. Organizing moment.

2. Conversation. The song "Do the Russians want war"

Guys, today, February 2, we have an unusual class hour. ( slide 1) On this day in 1943, the last volleys of one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War, Stalingrad, sounded. (Slide 2)

Student 1:

Homeland, harsh and sweet,

This battle began on July 17, 1942. ( slide 3) Heavy bloody battles began under the city. All the men went to the front, and the children, women and old people helped in the rear - they worked in factories, went to the partisans.

Student 2:

The battle for Stalingrad was very difficult. It was a matter of honor to defend the city. Indeed, with the capture of such a large center of industry as Stalingrad was, the Nazis would not only have been able to weaken the country, but also approach the capital of our country, Moscow, and also surround Leningrad. Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Army I.V. Stalin issued an order - "Not a step back." ( slide 4) Song "Cranes" without words (Background)

Student 3:

Soviet soldiers fought for every street, for every house, every floor, for every pebble native land. The Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights. One of the terrible days for the inhabitants of the city is August 23, 1942. ( slide 5) Then back in 1942, German military aviation intended to wipe Stalingrad off the face of the Earth. Several thousand bombs were dropped on the houses of the townspeople, destroying most of Stalingrad, killing more than 40 thousand people, thereby turning the city into a vast territory covered with burning ruins. A stunning picture of the legendary military photojournalist Emmanuil Evzerikhin has survived to this day - the Children's fountain, preserved during the bombing, against the backdrop of incinerated Stalingrad. The official name of the photo is: "August 23, 1942. After a massive raid by Nazi aircraft."

Student 4:

The car is surrounded in parking lots,

And unripe plums pop...

And only a shirt with a bubble.

It was a difficult fight. Everything now, as if awake,

And I just can't forgive myself

Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

At the cost of incredible efforts, our troops were able not only to repel the offensive of the Nazi troops on November 19, 1942 ( slide 6), but also to surround the advanced units of the German army, led by Field Marshal Paulus - February 2, 1943. ( Slide 7)

Student 5:

In the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet Army defeated 5 armies of the enemy, captured 91 thousand people. But even among the Soviet soldiers there were many losses. ( Slide 8)

Student 6:

Yes, many Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence. (Moment of silence.)

For outstanding services to the Motherland, our city was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. (Display images of awards.) ( Slide 9)

In memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, there are many monuments in our city. And what monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad do you know? (Children's answers.)

One of the most famous monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad all over the world is the complex of monuments "Mamaev Kurgan". ( Slide 10)

Student Message

Song "On Mamayev Kurgan"

Another memorable place of the Battle of Stalingrad is the Square of Fallen Fighters. ( slide 11)

Student Message

People did not spare themselves in this war. They fought to the last, performed feats, sacrificing their lives. Such a feat was accomplished by the Red Army soldier Mikhail Panikakha, whose monument is located in the Krasnooktyabrsky district of the city of Volgograd. ( slide 12)

Student message:

3. Bottom line.

Guys, many years have passed since the Battle of Stalingrad, but we honor the memory of the fallen, bow to the living. ( slide 13)

Student 7:

Student 8:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls out to people.
Come on people never
Let's not forget about it!
May the memory of her be eternal
Store, about this flour,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren grandchildren.
Student 9:

Student 10:

The Battle of Stalingrad is known and remembered in all corners the globe. In honor of this event, obelisks and monuments were erected in many cities of the world. The name of Stalingrad is borne by dozens and hundreds of plants, factories, schools and cultural institutions, streets and squares. In Poland alone, the name "Stalingrad" is reflected in the names of streets, squares and parks in 160 cities and towns. Over 30 French cities, including Paris, have squares and streets named after Stalingrad...

Centuries will pass, and the unfading glory of the valiant defenders of the Volga stronghold will forever live in the memory of the peoples of the world as the brightest example of courage and heroism unparalleled in military history. The name "Stalingrad" is forever inscribed in golden letters in the history of our Fatherland.

The song "Let's bow to those great years"

Student 11:

This concludes our class.

Student 1:

Homeland, harsh and sweet,

He remembers all the fierce battles, Groves grow over the graves, Nightingales glorify life in the groves. Slowly the story is flipping, The chronicle syllable is getting heavier. Everything grows old, the Motherland does not age, Does not let old age on the threshold. Student 2:
Wait for me, and I'll be back, Just wait very long, Wait for the gray rains to make you sad. Wait for the snow to sweep, Wait for the heat, Wait for others not to wait, Forgetting yesterday.

Student 3:

From birth, the earth has not seen Neither a siege nor such a battle, The earth trembled, And the fields turned red, Everything was burning over the Volga River. In the heat, factories, houses, the station, Dust on a steep bank. The voice of the Motherland told him: - Do not hand over the city to the enemy. Faithful to the oath, a Russian soldier, He defended Stalingrad. The time will come - the smoke will dissipate, The military thunder will fall silent, Taking off his hat at a meeting with him, People will say about him: This is an iron Russian soldier, He defended Stalingrad.

Student 4:

It was a difficult fight. Everything now, as if awake,

And I just can't forgive myself

Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

What's his name, I forgot to ask.

Ten or twelve years old. troublesome,

Of those that are the leaders of children,

Of those in the front-line towns

They greet us like honored guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots,

Carrying water in buckets for them is not difficult,

They bring soap with a towel to the tank

And unripe plums pop...

There was a fight outside. The fire of the enemy was terrible,

We broke through to the square ahead.

And he nails - do not look out of the towers -

And the devil will understand where it hits from.

Here, guess what house

He perched - so many holes,

And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!

I know where their gun is. I unraveled...

I crawled up, they're over there in the garden...

But where, where? .. - Let me go

On the tank with you. I'll bring it straight.

Well, the fight doesn't wait. - Get in here, buddy! -

And here we are rolling to the place four of us.

There is a boy - mines, bullets whistle,

And only a shirt with a bubble.

We drove up. - Here. - And with a turn

We go to the rear and give full throttle.

And this gun, along with the calculation,

We sank into loose, greasy black earth.

I wiped off the sweat. Suffocated fumes and soot:

There was a big fire going from house to house.

And, I remember, I said: - Thank you, lad! -

And shook his hand like a friend...

It was a difficult fight. Everything now, as if awake,

And I just can't forgive myself

Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

But what's his name, I forgot to ask him.

Student 5:

Do not forget those formidable years, When the Volga water boiled, But that iron soldier withstood, But the immortal Stalingrad withstood.

Student 6:

Even lines fall into a notebook ... Let hundreds of times Snow come down from the slopes, The heart will still skip a beat At this figure - 20 million.

Student 7:

There was a deadly battle near Stalingrad
Everyone defended our native city,
The fire burns like a memory of terrible years,
We will remember everyone who is not here today.

Student 8:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls out to people.
Come on people never
Let's not forget about it!
May the memory of her be eternal
Store, about this flour,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren grandchildren.
Student 9:

Don't worry, birches, never, never

A star will not fade over the silent soldier,

We, Russian children, have a big

The feat of a soldier will be a guiding star.

Student 10:

Lucky me guys, envy me.

I live in Volgograd on a soldier's land.

He is my native city and love and joy.

The Volga is next to me, and I'm happy, guys!

Student 11:

Let's bow to those great years, To all our commanders and fighters, To all marshals of the country and privates, Let's bow to both the dead and the living. To all those whom we must not forget, Let's bow, bow, friends. With the whole world, with all the people, with the whole earth Let us bow for that Great battle.

Student Message: Mamaev Kurgan, a hill in the central part of Volgograd (north of the Central Station), dominating the city, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich during the Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43 stubborn battles took place. In 1963-67, a monument-ensemble was created on Mamaev Kurgan to commemorate the victory at Stalingrad (a group of authors led by sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and architect Ya. B. Belopolsky; Lenin Prize, 1970). In the center of the ensemble is a monument to the Motherland (height 52 m). At the foot of the mound there is a monument “To stand to the death”, under it are the ruins of two walls with relief compositions revealing the theme of heroic struggle.

Student Message: In the summer of 1942, the Square of the Fallen Fighters became the place where militia units and regular units of the Red Army left to defend the city. When the enemy entered the city, the Square of the Fallen Fighters became the scene of fierce fighting. The 13th fought here Guards division General Rodimtsev, there was a cemetery of German officers, here, in the basement of a department store, on January 31, 1943, Field Marshal Paulus was captured. More than 100 Soviet soldiers were buried in a mass grave, next to the defenders of the red Tsaritsyn. To commemorate the end of the Battle of Stalingrad on February 4, 1943, a crowded rally of victorious soldiers and residents of the city took place on the Square of the Fallen Fighters. Commanders of the armies V. I. Chuikov, M. S. Shumilov, commander of the 13th Guards rifle division A. I. Rodimtsev. The secretary of the regional party committee A. S. Chuyanov, pointing to the ruins of the city, said: “In the battles with the hated enemy - the Nazi invaders - our city was turned into piles of ruins. Today we swear to our Motherland, the party and the government that we will revive our beloved city.” And the city was reborn.

Student message: On October 2, 1942, Red Army soldier Mikhail Panikakha went to the lead tank with a grenade and Molotov cocktails. When one of the bottles was broken by a fragment of an enemy shell, and the clothes ignited, Panikaha rushed to the enemy tank and, breaking another bottle on his armor, set it on fire and died himself. The rest of the tanks turned back. The place of Panikakha's feat was marked for a long time with a memorial sign with a commemorative plate. On May 8, 1975, a modern monument was unveiled at the place of the feat. He depicts a sailor at the time of the throw to the fascist tank. The authors of the project are the sculptor R. P. Kharitonov and the architect Yu. I. Belousov. The sculpture is made of forged copper and mounted on a reinforced concrete pedestal measuring 8×13 meters and 0.8 meters high. The sculpture itself is 6.3 meters high.

slide 1

slide 2

slide 3

slide 4

slide 5

slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

slide 11

slide 12

The presentation on the topic "Battle of Stalingrad" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: History. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

The Battle of Stalingrad - the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War

“Here we will learn, in these very steppes ...” Mikhail Sholokhov

slide 2

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany attacked the Soviet Union. This treacherous act was committed despite the existence of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact. The Great Patriotic War began, which lasted 1418 days and nights - almost 4 heroic and tragic years.

slide 3

On June 28, the offensive of Army Group South began. About 90 fascist divisions attacked the positions of the Soviet troops. Our troops in mid-July 1942 were forced to retreat to Voronezh, left the Donbass and took up defensive positions in a large bend of the Don. There was a direct threat to Stalingrad and the North Caucasus.

slide 4

Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad

On July 17, 1942, the advanced units of the fascist Army Group B met with the troops of the Stalingrad Front in the big bend of the Don. The Battle of Stalingrad began.

At the headquarters of the 62nd Army: N.I. Krylov, V.I. Chuikov, K.A. Gurov, A.I. Rodimtsev

slide 5

"No step back!"

On July 28, 1942, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued Order No. 227, which went down in history under the title "Not a step back!"

Attack German tanks recaptured

slide 6

Defense of Stalingrad

Plants, especially the tractor plant, Krasny Oktyabr, Barrikada, and the shipyard, were to play a huge role in the defense of the city. The Stalingrad Tractor Plant began producing tank engines, artillery tractors and T-34 medium tanks.

Tanks from the factory go to the front

Slide 7

Trying to capture the city on the move, the fascist hordes threw all the aircraft of the 4th Air Fleet at Stalingrad. On August 23, the enemy launched the first bombing strike of colossal force on the city. In a few hours, entire neighborhoods turned into ruins.

Assault on Stalingrad

Slide 8

In his hands the fate of the army and the people

On August 25, 1942, by order of the Military Council of the Front, Stalingrad was declared under a state of siege. To provide practical assistance to the fronts in the Stalingrad region, the Stavka sends General G.K. Zhukov, who was appointed on August 27 to the post of Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Slide 9

Battle for Mamaev Kurgan

One hundred and forty days and nights the fierce battle on Mamaev Kurgan did not subside. In the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau, the mound was called the height of "102.0". From its top there is a panorama of the city, a large section of the Volga, the Volga forests, where at that time the rear of the Soviet troops were located. The battle for the mound began on September 14, 1942.

Memorial complex on Mamaev Kurgan (modern view)

Slide 10

The feat of soldiers in the defense of Pavlov's house

The feat of the soldiers who defended the four-story house on January 9th Square from the fierce attacks of the Nazis is known throughout the world. 58 days and nights 24 warriors heroically defended the house. 58 days of continuous fighting, without sleep and rest. And on the 59th day - November 24 - the garrison went on the offensive and threw the enemy behind the railroad tracks.

Pavlov's House

slide 11

Soviet counteroffensive near Stalingrad

On November 19, in the morning, the troops of the South-Western and Don Fronts with a combined powerful blow broke through the defenses of the German army. On November 23, the advanced tank units of the Stalingrad Front entered the Soviet farm area, where they met with units of the Southwestern Front, closing the encirclement ring of the Stalingrad enemy grouping.

Operation Uranus

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

Target : acquaintance with an important historical date of the hero city of Volgograd

Tasks: 1. Clarify and expand students' knowledge of the Battle of Stalingrad, its significance during the Great Patriotic War.

2. To develop interest in the history of the Fatherland, the history of their native land; observation, curiosity.

3. Cultivate a sense of patriotism, solidarity, responsibility.

Equipment : multimedia presentation "February 2 - Battle of Stalingrad", poems about the war, recording "Minute of Silence".

During the classes .

1. Organizing moment.

2. Conversation.

Guys, today, February 2, we have an unusual class hour. ( slide 1 ) On this day in 1943, the last volleys of one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War, Stalingrad, sounded.(Slide 2)

Homeland, harsh and sweet,

Remembers all the fierce fights

Groves grow over the graves,

Nightingales glorify life in the groves.

Slowly the story is turning

Chronicle becomes heavier syllable.

Everything is getting old

Motherland does not age

Does not let old age on the threshold.

This battle began on July 17, 1942. ( slide 3 ) Heavy bloody battles began under the city. All the men went to the front, and the children, women and old people helped in the rear - they worked in factories, went to the partisans.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait a lot

Wait for sadness

Gray rain.

Wait for the snow to come

Wait when it's hot

Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

The battle for Stalingrad was very difficult. It was a matter of honor to defend the city. Indeed, with the capture of such a large center of industry as Stalingrad was, the Nazis would not only have been able to weaken the country, but also approach the capital of our country, Moscow, and also surround Leningrad. Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Army I.V. Stalin issued an order - "Not a step back." ( slide 4)

From birth, the earth has not seen

No siege, no battle,

The earth shook

And the fields turned red

Everything was aflame over the Volga River.

In the heat of factories, houses, station,

Dust on a steep bank.

Do not hand over the city to the enemy.

Faithful to the oath Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

The time will come - the smoke will dissipate,

War thunder will be silent,

Taking off his hat when meeting him,

The people will say about him:

This is an iron Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

Soviet soldiers fought for every street, for every house, every floor, for every pebble of their native land. The Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights. One of the terrible days for the inhabitants of the city is August 23, 1942. ( slide 5 ) Then back in 1942, German military aviation intended to wipe Stalingrad off the face of the Earth. Several thousand bombs were dropped on the houses of the townspeople, destroying most of Stalingrad, killing more than 40 thousand people, thereby turning the city into a vast territory covered with burning ruins. A stunning picture of the legendary military photojournalist Emmanuil Evzerikhin has survived to this day - the Children's fountain, preserved during the bombing, against the backdrop of incinerated Stalingrad. The official name of the photo is: "August 23, 1942. After a massive raid by Nazi aircraft."

What's his name, I forgot to ask.

Ten or twelve years old. troublesome,

Of those that are the leaders of children,

Of those in the front-line towns

They greet us like honored guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots,

Carrying water in buckets for them is not difficult,

They bring soap with a towel to the tank

And unripe plums pop...

There was a fight outside. The fire of the enemy was terrible,

We broke through to the square ahead.

And he nails - do not look out of the towers -

And the devil will understand where it hits from.

Here, guess what house

He perched - so many holes,

And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!

I know where their gun is. I unraveled...

I crawled up, they're over there in the garden...

But where, where? .. - Let me go

On the tank with you. I'll bring it straight.

Well, the fight doesn't wait. - Get in here, buddy! -

And here we are rolling to the place four of us.

There is a boy - mines, bullets whistle,

And only a shirt with a bubble.

We drove up. - Here. - And with a turn

We go to the rear and give full throttle.

And this gun, along with the calculation,

We sank into loose, greasy black earth.

I wiped off the sweat. Suffocated fumes and soot:

There was a big fire going from house to house.

And, I remember, I said: - Thank you, lad! -

And shook his hand like a friend...

It was a difficult fight. Everything now, as if awake,

And I just can't forgive myself

Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,

But what's his name, I forgot to ask him.

At the cost of incredible efforts, our troops were able not only to repel the offensive of the Nazi troops on November 19, 1942 ( slide 6 ), but also to surround the advanced units of the German army, led by Field Marshal Paulus - February 2, 1943. ( slide 7)

Don't forget those terrible years

When the Volga water boiled,

But that iron soldier withstood

But the immortal Stalingrad survived.

In the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet Army defeated 5 armies of the enemy, captured 91 thousand people. But even among the Soviet soldiers there were many losses. ( slide 8)

Lines lie flat in a notebook ...

Let hundreds of times

The snow will fall from the slopes

Still the heart will stop

With this figure - 20 million.

Yes, many Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence. (Moment of silence.)

For outstanding services to the Motherland, our city was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. (Display images of awards.) ( slide 9)

In memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, there are many monuments in our city. And what monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad do you know? (Children's answers.)

One of the most famous monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad all over the world is the complex of monuments "Mamaev Kurgan". ( slide 10)

Student Message: Mamaev Kurgan, a hill in the central part of Volgograd (north of the Central Station), dominating the city, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich during the Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43 stubborn battles took place. In 1963-67, a monument-ensemble was created on Mamaev Kurgan to commemorate the victory at Stalingrad (a group of authors led by sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and architect Ya. B. Belopolsky; Lenin Prize, 1970). In the center of the ensemble is a monument to the Motherland (height 52 m). At the foot of the mound there is a monument “To stand to the death”, under it are the ruins of two walls with relief compositions revealing the theme of heroic struggle.

Another memorable place of the Battle of Stalingrad is the Square of Fallen Fighters. ( slide 11)

Student Message: In the summer of 1942, the Square of the Fallen Fighters became the place where militia units and regular units of the Red Army left to defend the city. When the enemy entered the city, the Square of the Fallen Fighters became the scene of fierce fighting. The 13th Guards Division of General Rodimtsev fought here, there was a cemetery of German officers, here, in the basement of a department store, on January 31, 1943, Field Marshal Paulus was captured. More than 100 Soviet soldiers were buried in a mass grave, next to the defenders of the red Tsaritsyn. To commemorate the end of the Battle of Stalingrad on February 4, 1943, a crowded rally of victorious soldiers and residents of the city took place on the Square of the Fallen Fighters. Army commanders V. I. Chuikov, M. S. Shumilov, commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Division A. I. Rodimtsev spoke at the rally. The secretary of the regional party committee A. S. Chuyanov, pointing to the ruins of the city, said: “In the battles with the hated enemy - the Nazi invaders - our city was turned into piles of ruins. Today we swear to our Motherland, the party and the government that we will revive our beloved city.” And the city was reborn.

People did not spare themselves in this war. They fought to the last, performed feats, sacrificing their lives. Such a feat was accomplished by the Red Army soldier Mikhail Panikakha, whose monument is located in the Krasnooktyabrsky district of the city of Volgograd. ( slide 12)

Student message:On October 2, 1942, the Red Army soldier Panikakha went to the lead tank with a grenade and Molotov cocktails. When one of the bottles was broken by a fragment of an enemy shell, and the clothes ignited, Panikaha rushed to the enemy tank and, breaking another bottle on his armor, set it on fire and died himself. The rest of the tanks turned back. The place of Panikakha's feat was marked for a long time with a memorial sign with a commemorative plate. On May 8, 1975, a modern monument was unveiled at the place of the feat. He depicts a sailor at the time of the throw to the fascist tank. The authors of the project are the sculptor R. P. Kharitonov and the architect Yu. I. Belousov. The sculpture is made of forged copper and mounted on a reinforced concrete pedestal measuring 8×13 meters and 0.8 meters high. The sculpture itself is 6.3 meters high.

3. Bottom line.

Guys, many years have passed since the Battle of Stalingrad, but we honor the memory of the fallen, bow to the living. ( slide 13)

Let's bow to those great years,

To all our commanders and fighters,
