Prayer for your daughter’s health and control of fate. Mother's prayer for daughter

There is no more devoted and sincere person in this world than the Mother; she reverently and with trepidation in her soul follows the fate of her children, and especially her daughters, raising them in childhood, guiding them on the right path in their youth. Strong orthodox prayer mother about her daughter: marriage, pregnancy and happiness to the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Matrona - will certainly help you! After all, mothers will sacrifice their lives at any moment for the well-being, health and happiness of their children. And, of course, so that the child’s path through fate is devoid of failures, sorrow, grief and troubles, at all times mothers pray to the Mother of God, especially for their daughters, because it is generally accepted that girls need special maternal protection.

A selection of powerful Orthodox prayers for a mother for her daughter: marriage, pregnancy and happiness.

Mothers begin to appeal to the Mother of God and all the Saints with a request to protect their daughter from trouble and misfortune from her very birth. Then, as the girl grows up, the prayer includes blessings for her studies, successful marriage, for healthy and strong offspring.

Boundless, all-consuming love for her daughter and unquestioning faith in God makes sincere maternal prayer the strongest protection that helps the girl go through life. But here it is important for every parent to be very careful and not read prayers taken from dubious sources, because there is a very big risk, without meaning to, of harming the child by uttering words that may turn out to be magical or witchcraft. It is best, if there is a desire and need to pray for your daughter, to pick up the Orthodox Prayer Book. As believers know, this is a book where all prayers are collected.

And, of course, it is there that a mother can find those necessary words of appeal to the Mother of God and All Saints that will help protect her child from earthly misfortunes. There is another way, it is suitable for those parents who have a talent for versification. Having composed her own prayer, blessing her daughter’s path in this world, the mother can be sure that there is no stronger and more sincere prayer in the whole world. The main thing is to keep these cherished words secret from a stranger who may not be kind.

Types of prayers that a Mother can read for her Daughter

Matrona of Moscow “On Marriage”

Two prayers from a mother for her daughter's marriage

Of course, one of the most important stages in the life of most worldly girls is marriage. And, of course, here the mother cannot stand aside, since the happiness and well-being of her child is important to the parent, which means she will make every effort to successfully marry the girl off. And in this case, Saints Mother Matrona of Moscow and Blessed Ksenia of St. Petersburg will come to the rescue. This is a mother’s prayer for her daughter’s marriage to Matrona of Moscow.

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you,

Having become accustomed throughout your life to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn,

With faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running,

Quick help and miraculous healing are provided to everyone; may it not become scarce even now

Thy mercy to us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere

To those who find consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in physical illnesses:

Heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil,

Passionately fighting, help me to carry my everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life

And not to lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days,

Have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for your neighbors;

Help us, after leaving this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with everyone

Pleasing God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father,

in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Ksenia Petersburgskaya “About Marriage”

The second version of the mother’s prayer for the marriage of her daughter Ksenia of Petersburg. Try reading both prayers to Saint Matrona and Saint Xenia.

“Blessed Ksenia, I, (my name), turn to you with a prayer for help in marriage!

I ask you to unite my destiny with my beloved and loving man- noble, kind,

Reliable, handsome, successful, so that he becomes a good husband for me,

To my child - a real father. So that we live in love and harmony and prosperity,

We did not need anything, so that in our hearts there was only love, kindness, and hope.

So that we become faithful, loving spouses, kind, good, happy

Parents, so that our loved ones are given love and care. Hear my prayer

Blessed Ksenia, have mercy, forgive me for my sins and help me with my request!

Show me where my destiny and happiness are!”

Healer Panteleimon “On the health of the child”

Mother's prayer for her pregnant daughter and birth healthy child Saint Panteleimon is the best thing to do if your daughter is about to give birth. To keep your child healthy, give him vitality and energy, you should pray constantly.

Otherwise, the daughter or son may be attacked by illnesses, and, as you know, there is nothing worse for a mother than the realization that the child is in danger, including in the form of a terrible disease. And you need to make a request to preserve or restore your child’s health to Saint Panteleimon.

“Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry,

Appease the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God,

May He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept an unworthy prayer

Man is the most sinful of all. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me;

May I be healthy in soul and body for the rest of my days, by the grace of God,

I will be able to spend time in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive a good end to my life.

Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that by your intercession

Grants health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen."

Holy Mother of God

A mother’s prayer for her daughter to the Most Holy Theotokos is a kind of universal prayer that is suitable in most cases. Only the Mother of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, knows about the aspirations and anxieties, experiences and problems of all mothers in this world. Who, if not she, can calm a mother’s heart, instill peace and bliss in her soul from the knowledge that everything is fine with her daughter or son. Also, the Mother of God is able to instruct children in the true path, to show the path to spiritual enlightenment, she protects a person throughout his life if his thoughts are pure and his intentions are bright.

“O Mother of God Virgin Mary, full of God’s grace, rejoice!

The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit,

born of you, because you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.”

Nicholas the Wonderworker “For my daughter”

A mother’s prayer for her daughter to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is suitable if a girl needs to go on a journey, for example, to where she is studying, or just for a friendly meeting; mothers turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for quick help

Your intercession: see us weak, caught everywhere,

Deprived of every good and darkened in mind by cowardice.

Strive, servant of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of being,

May we not be joyfully our enemies and may we not die in our evil deeds.

Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master,

You stand before him with disembodied faces: be merciful to us

May our God in this life and in the future not reward us according to our deeds

And according to the impurity of our hearts, He will reward us according to His goodness.

We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, your intercession

We call for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help:

Deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and for the sake of your holy prayers do not

The attack will overcome us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he will give us a peaceful life

And forgiveness of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Mitrofan of Voronezh “For good luck”

A mother’s prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh for her daughter’s happiness is in some way a blessing that can be read, for example, on your child’s birthday or wedding. A mother's heart is filled with happiness when she sees her child growing up, becoming wiser and gaining experience. Therefore, the period of a daughter’s studies and the time of her learning about this world is especially exciting for a parent; during these years, mothers call on St. Mitrophan, the Wonderworker of Voronezh, and also ask for help in coping with the difficulties of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker of Myra.

“To Saint Father Mitrofan, by the incorruption of your venerable relics and many good deeds,

Miraculously done and done by you with faith, flowing to you, convinced,

As we have received great grace from the Lord our God, let us all humbly fall

And we pray to you: pray for us (names) of Christ our God, that he may bestow upon all,

To those who honor your holy memory and diligently resort to you, His rich mercies:

May the living spirit of right faith and piety establish in His holy Orthodox Church,

The spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and all her members,

Pure from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the evil actions of evil spirits,

They worship Him in spirit and in truth and are diligently concerned about keeping the commandments

Him for the salvation of their souls. Let her shepherd give holy zeal for the salvation of people,

Those entrusted to them will be enlightened, the ignorant will be instructed, the doubters will be enlightened

And they will confirm that those who have fallen away from the Orthodox Church will be converted into its holy bowels,

Believers will be kept in faith, sinners will be moved to repentance, those who repent will be comforted

And they will strengthen them in the correction of life, those who have repented and corrected themselves will be confirmed in the holiness of life:

And thus everyone will be led along the path indicated by Him into the prepared eternal Kingdom of His saints.

To her, the saint of God, may your prayers arrange all that is good for our souls and bodies:

May we also glorify in our souls and bodies our Lord and God, Jesus Christ,

To Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory and power forever and ever. Amen."

Mother Sophia

Mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Faith, Hope and Love - these names are undoubtedly known to all Orthodox believers. The young martyrs sacrificed their lives in the name of faith. But their mother Sophia is not remembered so often. But it was she who experienced terrible mental anguish when she saw the suffering and death of her three small children.

“O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba,

And the wise mother Sophia of the valiant daughters, now comes to you with earnest prayer;

What else can intercede for us before the Lord,

If not faith, nohope and love, these three cornerstone virtues,

In them is the image of the named, the most prophetic thing is revealed! Pray to the Lord

May He cover us with His indescribable grace in sorrows and misfortunes,

He will save and preserve, for the Lover of Mankind is good. Glory to him, like the never-setting sun,

Now I see brightly, assist us in our humble prayers,

May the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and have mercy on us,

Sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs,

Our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send glory with His Beginning Father

And His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The Holy Martyr Sophia is ready to come to the aid of a praying mother in cases where any problems occur with the children or when a son or daughter has troubles. And the Lord hears these prayers for children before and before others.

What to expect from mother's prayers?

Turning to God with requests to protect themselves and loved ones from adversity and illness, to help in the successful outcome of this or that matter, many believers expect the result, as they say, “here and now.” And another person, not seeing an immediate result from prayer, may despair, a treacherous seed of doubt will take root in his heart, and faith will begin to fade in his soul. This should under no circumstances be allowed, because the main thing we need to realize is that God is always with us. In this case, it is necessary to ask Our Lord for humility and love. After all, the fact is that people who believe know exactly what the Lord can give, if not what the one asking for in his appeals, but much more than that.

It is very important that love for God is instilled in children from an early age; this is the mission of parents, who only by their example can show how to honor Our Lord and All Saints, how to gain humility. Also, after the sacrament of introducing a child to the church, the godmother and godfather take responsibility for the spiritual education of the child, who must accompany the godson or goddaughter through life, monitoring their piety. It is the responsibility of adults to teach a child prayers as early as possible. Let the son or daughter turn to the Mother of God or ask for the intercession of their Guardian Angel. In this case, the higher powers will never abandon the one who prays.

Miracle-working words: a mother’s prayer for her daughter to the Most Holy Theotokos prayer book in full description from all the sources we found.

Every mother worries about her child and is ready to give her life for the happiness and health of the child. For this reason, Orthodox maternal prayer is the best way to help a child.

From the moment of conception to birth, from birth and throughout life, no matter how long it is measured, a mother prays for her daughter. A mother’s prayer for her daughter is an important part of the daily prayer appeal to God, the Most Holy Theotokos and all His saints.

Girls are weaker and need special protection - maternal prayer supports and strengthens them in all matters and endeavors.

In all girlish difficulties - from illness during teething to the marriage of her beloved child, the mother reads a prayer for her daughter, asks God for her health, happiness, blesses her daughter for school and on the road, and thereby helps her in all difficulties.

Firstly, it is important to teach a daughter to pray herself - this is the duty of every mother, for a mother’s prayer will not have the proper weight before the Lord if, instead of the mother’s prayer for her daughter, the mother’s prayer “for” the daughter is constantly heard.

Never fall into magic and witchcraft, do not read homemade prayers, delve into the meaning of the words of an unidentified prayer offered to you. In general, this is not necessary in the first place - the prayer book has a whole section containing mother’s prayers for her children, including prayers for her daughter. If the Lord gave you poetic talent, dedicate a prayer in verse to your daughter, but do not use other people’s prayers, and do not force yours on anyone.

A mother's happiness is to see how her child grows and learns different wisdom. The mother asks St. Mitrophan, the Wonderworker of Voronezh, and St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker of Myra, about her daughter’s arrangement in life after and during her studies. They also resort to the help of Nikolai Ugodnik when preparing their daughter for a trip, to a place of study, or even for a friendly picnic.

Mother's prayer is also needed in the difficult task of teaching.

It is important to marry a daughter in a timely and successful manner, because a happy marriage is the basis of a person’s happiness. In this case, mothers resort to the help of the holy mothers Matrona of Moscow and Ksenia of St. Petersburg.

The Mother of the Lord is the Mother of all mothers, who better than her, the Most Holy Theotokos, should know about the problems and hardships that haunt a mother. She consoles parents, admonishes and instructs children, helps and patronizes in every possible way in every good undertaking and remains with us all the days of our lives.

Everyone knows that Orthodox Church honors Faith, Hope and Love - little martyrs who sacrificed their lives on the altar of faith. But their Holy Mother, the Martyr Sophia, is often forgotten. But it was she who saw the terrible torment and death of her little ones; she, like no other of the great martyrs, suffered in the name of Christ.

For this high humility, for this wisdom and long-suffering, the Lord hears her prayers for children before any others - there is no faster and more diligent helper in any problems and troubles with children than the one whose name is Sophia.

What to expect from prayer?

Every person would like to receive what he asks for at the same moment. But God Almighty knows what a person really needs, what is useful for him and what is harmful, so you should not despair if the mother’s prayer “does not work” in the sense in which you would like.

The person praying must show humility and respect for the Lord, asking more for admonition and increased love, rather than demanding a specific result in an extremely short time.

Pray - and the Lord will not leave you with His protection, He will give you - if not what you ask, then only better than that.

Also teach your children prayer from an early age. Let them pray to the Mother of God and the Angels, to all the saints, as soon as they learn to understand the words. And then the Lord, through the prayers of His Mother, will have mercy on them, visit them and save them.

Popular prayers for children:

Prayers for your daughter: comments

Comments - 6,

It’s a pity that nowadays not many people understand how important it is to pray, especially for children. After all, who else would ask God for help for them if not their mother?

I read it, it was written so insightfully that I really wanted it to be read as much as possible large quantity mothers. I will definitely share the link at every opportunity. After all, the main thing is to sow a seed and in most cases it will grow fruit over time.

Yes, even if they pray right away and not quite skillfully, the main thing is to start. Then, over time, each mother’s heart will tell her which of the saints’ prayers is closest to her soul and which of them helps her daughter the most.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Holy Mother of God! Holy saint Nicholas! Holy healer Panteleimon! Have pity on my little blood! My daughter, servant of God, Ksenia! Help her! Give her health and prosperity in life! Save me from a serious illness! Bring happiness and joy back into her life! Amen.

Lord Almighty, I pray

for a daughter, let her marry and have children. I pray to Christ God, help her with this

Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you for my daughter Lilia to recover.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my daughter so that she recovers and everything is fine with her.

God grant me health to my daughter. Bless her in all her good endeavors.

Prayer for a daughter: Orthodox maternal prayers

For any mother, the happiness and well-being of her child comes first. It is so inherent in nature that girls are weaker and need more maternal love. Of course, a mother will not be able to constantly, at any moment, be next to her daughter, but the Orthodox prayer for her daughter will help protect and support her dear one in all endeavors - a mother’s prayer, spoken from the bottom of her heart, with the strongest love in the world.

Prayer for a daughter: its strength and varieties

Mother's prayer about a daughter has a special miraculous power that can support the future woman at all stages of her life - from birth to the time when she herself experiences the joy of motherhood. A mother’s sincere prayer raises over her daughter an invisible shield of divine protection and care, which no arrows of evil will be able to pierce.

Prayer for a daughter should become a daily obligatory ritual of every Orthodox mother. She will help the girl in all her girlish difficulties.

Orthodox maternal prayer for a daughter is often read with a specific purpose. Depending on this, there are several varieties of it:

  • universal prayers for a daughter;
  • prayers for my daughter’s health;
  • prayers-amulets (protective);
  • prayers for help in learning;
  • prayers for daughter's marriage;
  • prayers for pregnancy and assistance in childbirth.

There is a very close psycho-emotional connection between mother and child, and it is especially deep in the relationship with her daughter. Praying to higher powers for her beloved and precious girl, mother blesses her for happiness, health, success and prosperity in all areas of life.

Orthodox mother's prayers for her daughter

With a prayer request for their daughters, Orthodox mothers turn to to different representatives higher powers. Maternal prayers to the Lord God, to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the Guardian Angel are widespread and in demand. Depending on what particular area of ​​life the mother desires heavenly protection for her child, prayers can be addressed to various saints (Blessed Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Seraphim of Sarov, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, etc.)

Universal mother's prayers for her daughter

Universal maternal prayers are prayers with which mothers ask the Lord and His saints for the life well-being of their children. They often do not contain an indication of the child’s gender, that is, they can be read for both a daughter and a son. There are a lot of similar prayer texts; if you wish, you can find them in the Orthodox Prayer Book. I will give 2 examples of common prayer.

  • First prayer. A short mother's prayer for her daughter, addressed to the Almighty. It is recommended to read it as part of a set of Orthodox prayers for bedtime, preferably immediately after the “Our Father.” Number of repetitions – 3 times. Text of a mother's prayer for her daughter:
  • Second prayer. A universal maternal prayer that lists all the main aspects of life’s well-being. It can be used as a prayer for a daughter, as a prayer for a son, and as a general prayer for children (if there are several of them in the family). Mothers can refer to this text every day, at any time, without a specific reason. If desired, you can make the necessary changes to it: word "children" replace with words "daughter" or "son", instead of plural use singular. The prayer is:

Mother's prayer for her daughter's health

Various diseases - serious and not so serious - can lie in wait for any child: both a girl and a boy. At such moments, the mother is sick along with her child, but she is sick in soul and heart. A mother’s prayer addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos will help alleviate the condition of a sick child.

The mother’s appeals directed to the Virgin Mary are very powerful, since it is the Mother of God, herself a Mother, who understands the feelings and aspirations of the mother better than anyone else and willingly responds to requests for help. You can ask the Mother of God for the health of your child (daughter, son) like this:

Mother's prayer-amulet for daughter

A mother’s prayer request is the most powerful amulet for a child. A popular prayer for a daughter and protection over her can be said by a mother to the personal Guardian Angel of her little one. This text protects the girl from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, from the influence of evil witchcraft. Words of protective prayer:

I suggest you familiarize yourself with a heartfelt mother’s prayer for her daughter in verse in this video:

A mother's prayer for her daughter - for help in studying

Education (first - first at school, then - at secondary or higher educational institution) is an important period in the life of any child. It is during their studies that many children discover their talents and choose their future destiny in life. In this long, difficult, but memorable time, maternal prayer and the divine blessing and support it bestows are simply necessary for any daughter.

A mother can help her child - daughter or son - during the period of education by regularly praying to the Mother of God in front of her image “Addition of Mind” (“Giver of Mind”). The prayer before the named icon reads as follows:

A mother's prayer for her daughter: about marriage

Marriage is the next important stage in the life of an already mature daughter. This is the stage when she herself reveals all her femininity, prepares to become a homemaker and mother.

A mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage, given below, allows a parent to ask for a successful marriage and family well-being for her grown girl. It is addressed to the Lord:

A mother's prayer for her daughter: for help in childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby

Bearing and giving birth to a child is a responsible task assigned by nature to a woman. It's a tough time when future mom must be extremely careful, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her baby, who will soon illuminate the world with his appearance. A sincere prayer for a daughter coming from the lips of a future grandmother can provide tremendous support to a young pregnant woman and protect her from possible dangers and risks.

In the process of giving birth to her grandson or granddaughter, an almost accomplished grandmother is recommended to say a prayer for help in childbirth. This petition to the Most Holy Theotokos will help relieve a pregnant daughter from the pain that arises during childbirth and will give strength for the birth of a new little person:

How to pray for your daughter?

A daughter is a continuation of her mother, a fragile and tender creature who most needs maternal love and care. The mother acts as a reliable support for her daughter throughout her life: she advises her on everyday issues and passes on her life experience to her. An additional task of an Orthodox mother is to serve as a spiritual mentor to her daughter, to take care of her spiritual well-being. And prayer for your daughter helps you realize this goal.

A true mother will express her love for her daughter with a tender heart and kind words, and not with all sorts of prohibitions and reproaches. A true mother understands her child like no one else and helps her reveal her entire feminine essence.

A prayer for a daughter should be read with all the love that fills a mother’s heart. When reciting the sacred text, the mother should keep the image of her beloved girl in her head. You need to pray in the light of lit church candles and in front of the corresponding icons. The thoughts of a praying mother must remain clear and pure even outside of prayer. Also, a woman must definitely go to church and provide all possible help to those in need.

Lord, help my daughter Ksenia grow up healthy and happy, successfully complete her studies, find Good work, become a beloved and loving mother and wife! Protect her on her life's journey! Amen! Lord, help my daughter Ksenia grow up healthy and happy, successfully complete her studies, find a good job, become a beloved and loving mother and wife! Protect her on her life's journey! Amen!

Thank you very much good prayers! My daughter is growing up, I teach her to believe in God, we often go to church together. May the Lord God, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints accompany her and protect her throughout her life!

Thank you for your prayers, I will pray constantly. And I tell my daughter about God, sometimes we go to church together. Thank you)))

Thank you for your prayers. May God grant you all peace, goodness, and health. May the tears in your eyes shine only with joy.

Save, God save, our daughters. Hear, Lord, our prayers! I pray to the Lord for Daria’s health.

Thank you to the Almighty for the fact that He exists. I ask God for happiness, health, success for my children and my spouse. Long life to my parents. I believe in you, God.

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Mother's prayers for her daughter

The main mission of parents is to help their child become happy. In difficult moments, turn to the Lord for help, enveloping your child in maternal care.

In religion and society there are certain canons according to which we live. The commandments do not bypass the upbringing of children. After all, the main task of every parent is to raise a child as he was originally born, to help develop the talents and abilities inherent in him. Education is hard work in which there is no room for omissions. The father helps his son become more courageous and stronger, the mother teaches her daughter immeasurable love, maintaining the hearth, guardianship, care, femininity directly by her personal example. In moments of despair, difficulties in parenting or worries about the future well-being of your child, maternal prayers will help you.

Every mother’s soul hurts for her child, regardless of the child’s age. For the well-being of her daughter or son, a mother is ready to give up her own happiness. But, unlike boys, girls are more fragile and weaker, so they need support and support, which mother’s prayers can provide.

You should invite the young girl to read the prayers with you. It is your duty to show her the grace of the Lord and teach her everything you know. It is advisable to read prayers every day in the morning. This will create a powerful shield around your daughter that no attack can penetrate.

Mother's prayers for her daughter's health

Intercession and good health your daughter will receive the miraculous help of Panteleimon the Healer:

“Oh, Great Pleasant of God, I trust in your help and intercession. Be merciful to the requests of the sinful slave (name), hear his prayers and beg the Lord for his name. Oh, Saint Panteleimon, grant healing of soul and body from the terrible illness that is tormenting my innocent child. Visit our lives with your beneficial presence and help us achieve health. May your mercy touch all people who are tormented and tormented. With the grace of God, may my child not know the sorrow of mortal illnesses, protect her soul. Make the Lord compassionate about the health of my child and illuminate our life with your miraculous help. In the name of the Lord and all saints. Amen".

Mother's prayer for her daughter's well-being and happiness

The prayer will be addressed to Nicholas the Pleasant: God’s all-powerful anointed will help your daughter in education, in work, in difficult situations. The Lord's help will help you get organized in life. Sacred Text:

“Oh, our good shepherd, Your mentoring will make its contribution to the life of my daughter. Hear us sinners (names), we pray in hope of Your help and assistance. Deliver our hearts from cowardice, and our thoughts - from nasty thoughts and sinful acts. With God's help, enlighten my child and help him in such an impossible task as education. Pray to the Lord, O Great Nicholas, do not leave us captive to temptations and deliver us from sinful captivity. May the life of each of us be filled with joy and participation of the Almighty. May your mercy be present both in the present and in the future. Take care of my child, so that she may not be repaid for my sins. Deliver the child from the troubles that come, the abyss of sin, mortal misfortunes and clouding of faith. Let Your salvation and intercession accompany my daughter on the path of life. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A mother's prayer to guide her daughter on the righteous path

In moments of spiritual weakness and problems when raising a daughter, mothers should turn to the help of the Great Virgin Mary. The mother of all mothers will help to enlighten and guide your child on the right path. Prayer before the image of the Virgin Mary:

“Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, I call upon Thy help. Blessed are You and blessed is the fruit born of You. I ask for your help: protect my child from worldly temptations and unfaithful paths. You, Mother of God, understand my torment like no one else. Intercede for the life of my child, guide her on the path of true happiness. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

God is almighty and will help every mother cooing over her child. However, you should not expect instant results from prayers: our Lord cultivates humility in the souls of everyone. After waiting for a while, you will see the true grace of God. Be happy, may prayers for children help you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

One of the most powerful instincts inherent in human nature is the parental instinct. This is especially true for women, whose maternal nature sometimes forces them to do desperate things and sacrifice everything, even own life, for the sake of saving children. It is not surprising that in the religious consciousness this power of primordial animal reflexes was illuminated and glorified by the words of the prophets and sacred scriptures. In Orthodoxy, for example, it is believed that the blessing of a mother is almost equivalent to the blessing of God. At the same time, the curse that one who dares to violate the will of his parents incurs is fraught with all sorts of suffering and even death. These ideas originate in the pre-Christian times of Judaism and come from the unequivocal statements of the Bible.

The power of a mother's prayer

The other side of such a close connection between a mother and her child is that there is no prayer stronger than maternal sighing. First of all, this is expressed in the teaching about the Mother of God, that is, the Virgin Mary, who, having been ascended to heaven, intercedes for believers, and especially for those who revere her. In Orthodox circles it is often said that her intercession is the most powerful and can even lead a sinner out of hell. Church legends are replete with stories about how, despite the resistance of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary literally “persuaded” him for one miracle or another. The classic of the genre here is the Gospel story about the first miracle of Christ - the transformation of water into wine, which the Son of God initially refused to perform, but was persuaded to do so by his mother. Further apocryphal calculations testify to Christ’s promise to fulfill everything that the Virgin Mary asks him to do. The latter, in turn, promised to beg for everything that sincere believers and well-disposed admirers asked her for. Of course, Christian believers who recognize the reliability of this information actively take advantage of this opportunity.

In accordance with this state of affairs, the church consciousness gives special power to the prayer of a mother for her children. It is believed that parents have special boldness and the right to demand special favors from God for their offspring. As in the case of the Mother of God, a mother’s prayer has the power to free a child from the underworld, or, for example, a mother’s prayer for her daughter can provide her with a good marriage, prosperity and healthy offspring. That is why there are so many different prayers for children. We will look at some of them below.

Intercessory prayer of a mother for her daughter

The bond between daughter and mother is often closer than that between mother and son. Although in a normal case, a believing woman will pray in both the first and second cases. However, here is an example strong prayer mother about her daughter, which can easily be converted into an intercession for her son, simply by changing a few words: “Lord Jesus, be merciful to my daughter (name). Keep her under Your protection, protect her from all evil desires, drive away every enemy from her, reveal to her ears and eyes of the heart, grant mercy and humility to her soul. Lord, we are all Your creations, be compassionate towards my daughter (name) and turn her to repentance. Have mercy and enlighten her mind with the light of Your Gospel and guide her heart on the path of the commandments Yours, so that she may learn to do Your will, for You are our Savior and our God forever and ever. Amen."

Marriage issues

A mother’s prayer for her daughter can certainly concern all aspects of the latter’s life. However, most often after requests for health, they ask for family well-being. In other words, the main petition for a daughter concerns a successful marriage and the birth of children. And therefore, here one Orthodox prayer of a mother for her daughter will be presented - about marriage. As in the example above, it will be given in Russian translation for a better understanding of the meaning.

Orthodox prayer for a mother for her daughter's marriage

“Oh, All-merciful Lord, I know that our happiness depends on us loving You with all our souls and with all our hearts. Direct Yourself, O Merciful Lord, the soul and heart of my daughter (name) to continually please Your name, for You are our Creator and our God. And since Your law commands to spend the time of earthly life in marriage, then bring her to this title. Let her marriage not be to please the flesh, but to serve You and fulfill Your holy will, since You He himself said that it is not good for a person to be alone. Hear my prayer, which I offer to You from the depths of my mother’s soul, so that through this Your name may be glorified forever and ever. Amen."

This mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage is quite short and at the same time very effective. Of course, like any appeal to God, it must be read with sincere faith, and not for show.

Petition for children

Of course, a mother’s prayer for her children is not limited to any specific range of topics, since their entire life is within her competence. Therefore, there are many different petitions for children that do not relate to marriage. Below is one general prayer of a mother for her children, briefly covering all the most important aspects, and therefore it can be read daily and without any special reason.

Prayer for children

“Merciful Lord, our heavenly Father, I entrust to You my children (names), whom You gave to me. I beg You, Father, save them through the paths that You Yourself will choose for them. Protect them from all sin and evil, so that nothing displeasing You have not touched them. But make them pure and immaculate vessels of Your Spirit, so that in innocence they may appear before Your holiness. Fill them with faith, love and hope. Send down Your blessing on them, illuminate their hearts with Your grace and open yourself to them in Your Spirit, so that they in prayer to You they found constant support and hope in their lives. May your angels always protect them. May they be responsive to the suffering of their neighbors in order to fulfill Your law of love. If they sin in anything, O Merciful Father, I ask you, give them grace for repentance and do not exact punishment from them, but forgive them according to the abundance of Your love and goodness.

When their earthly life comes to an end, accept them into your Heavenly abode, where all the saints and righteous enjoy. May Your name be glorified with Your only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

One of the most powerful instincts inherent in human nature is the parental instinct. This is especially true for women, whose maternal nature sometimes forces them to do desperate things and sacrifice everything, even their own lives, to save their children. It is not surprising that in the religious consciousness this power of primordial animal reflexes was illuminated and glorified by the words of the prophets and sacred scriptures. In Orthodoxy, for example, it is believed that the blessing of a mother is almost equivalent to the blessing of God. At the same time, the curse that one who dares to violate the will of his parents incurs is fraught with all sorts of suffering and even death. These ideas originate in the pre-Christian times of Judaism and come from the unequivocal statements of the Bible.

The power of a mother's prayer

The other side of such a close connection between a mother and her child is that there is no prayer stronger than maternal sighing. First of all, this is expressed in the teaching about the Mother of God, that is, the Virgin Mary, who, having been ascended to heaven, intercedes for believers, and especially for those who revere her. In Orthodox circles it is often said that her intercession is the most powerful and can even lead a sinner out of hell. Church legends are replete with stories about how, despite the resistance of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary literally “persuaded” him for one miracle or another. The classic of the genre here is the Gospel story about the first miracle of Christ - the transformation of water into wine, which the Son of God initially refused to perform, but was persuaded to do so by his mother. Further apocryphal calculations testify to Christ’s promise to fulfill everything that the Virgin Mary asks him to do. The latter, in turn, promised to beg for everything that sincere believers and well-disposed admirers asked her for. Of course, Christian believers who recognize the reliability of this information actively take advantage of this opportunity.

In accordance with this state of affairs, the church consciousness gives special power to the prayer of a mother for her children. It is believed that parents have special boldness and the right to demand special favors from God for their offspring. As in the case of the Mother of God, a mother’s prayer has the power to free a child from the underworld, or, for example, a mother’s prayer for her daughter can provide her with a good marriage, prosperity and healthy offspring. That is why there are so many different prayers for children. We will look at some of them below.

Intercessory prayer of a mother for her daughter

The bond between daughter and mother is often closer than that between mother and son. Although in a normal case, a believing woman will pray in both the first and second cases. Nevertheless, here, as an example, is a powerful prayer of a mother for her daughter, which can easily be converted into an intercession for her son, simply by changing a few words: “Lord Jesus, be merciful to my daughter (name). Keep her under Your protection, protect her from all evil desires , cast away every enemy from her, open her ears and the eyes of her heart, grant mercy and humility to her soul. Lord, we are all Your creations, be compassionate to my daughter (name) and turn her to repentance. Have mercy and enlighten her mind with light "of Your Gospel and guide her heart in the path of Your commandments, so that she may learn to do Your will, for You are our Savior and our God forever and ever. Amen."

Marriage issues

A mother’s prayer for her daughter can certainly concern all aspects of the latter’s life. However, most often after requests for health, they ask for family well-being. In other words, the main petition for a daughter concerns a successful marriage and the birth of children. And therefore, here one Orthodox prayer of a mother for her daughter will be presented - about marriage. As in the example above, it will be given in Russian translation for a better understanding of the meaning.

Orthodox prayer for a mother for her daughter's marriage

“Oh, All-merciful Lord, I know that our happiness depends on us loving You with all our souls and with all our hearts. Direct Yourself, O Merciful Lord, the soul and heart of my daughter (name) to continually please Your name, for You are our Creator and our God. And since Your law commands to spend the time of earthly life in marriage, then bring her to this title. Let her marriage not be to please the flesh, but to serve You and fulfill Your holy will, since You He himself said that it is not good for a person to be alone. Hear my prayer, which I offer to You from the depths of my mother’s soul, so that through this Your name may be glorified forever and ever. Amen."

This mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage is quite short and at the same time very effective. Of course, like any appeal to God, it must be read with sincere faith, and not for show.

Petition for children

Of course, a mother’s prayer for her children is not limited to any specific range of topics, since their entire life is within her competence. Therefore, there are many different petitions for children that do not relate to marriage. Below is one general prayer of a mother for her children, briefly covering all the most important aspects, and therefore it can be read daily and without any special reason.

Prayer for children

“Merciful Lord, our heavenly Father, I entrust to You my children (names), whom You gave to me. I beg You, Father, save them through the paths that You Yourself will choose for them. Protect them from all sin and evil, so that nothing displeasing You have not touched them. But make them pure and immaculate vessels of Your Spirit, so that in innocence they may appear before Your holiness. Fill them with faith, love and hope. Send down Your blessing on them, illuminate their hearts with Your grace and open yourself to them in Your Spirit, so that they in prayer to You they found constant support and hope in their lives. May your angels always protect them. May they be responsive to the suffering of their neighbors in order to fulfill Your law of love. If they sin in anything, O Merciful Father, I ask you, give them grace for repentance and do not exact punishment from them, but forgive them according to the abundance of Your love and goodness.

When their earthly life comes to an end, accept them into your Heavenly abode, where all the saints and righteous enjoy. May Your name be glorified with Your only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

For every loving mother, the well-being of her children always comes first in all cases. A real mother will never humiliate a child or reproach him for anything, she will always accept his difficulties as her own, and will give her son or daughter protection by calling on God for help.

The most powerful prayer is the one that comes from the depths of the heart, the one that is supported by the strongest power of love and a selfless, sincere desire to help another.

The standard for such a prayer can be a mother’s prayer.

Parents love their children not for their merits and deeds, they love them simply for what they are. Parents wish their children only the best, the good, and they wish it selflessly, from the depths of their souls. When a child is sick, the mother is also sick, but she is sicker - she is sick with all her soul. At such moments, mother sincerely, with tears in her eyes, turns to the Almighty with a prayer, in the hope of fast healing of your own blood. It is in such moments that the full power of prayer, its power and goodness, is “revealed.” It is at such moments that miracles happen.

And believe me - it's not easy beautiful words and strong epithets, this is the real truth, which I have felt more than once on myself and on my children. If they ask me: “Oleg, what are your earliest memories in your life?” - I will answer: “I, sick, with a fever, am hanging in my mother’s arms and dozing under a sincere prayer for my health.” It was my mother’s prayer that helped me avoid surgery (the doctors called it a miracle, but I know where it came from), it was she who helped me survive 13 pneumonias in early childhood and come out of the army unharmed. Time passes and my mother is no longer there, but her prayer still invisibly protects me and I myself, having matured considerably and aged a little, sincerely pray for the health of my baby, whom I love very much, whom I love for his smile, for his little fingers, for every hair of him - I love him deeply, to the point of pain in my heart, I love him for the fact that he simply exists in my life. And now he is better, his fever (sore throat) has subsided and he smiles in his sleep, but it couldn’t have been any other way, because a son miraculously appeared in our lives precisely because of our sincere prayer.

Of course, girls need protection most of all, so in the life of every mother there should be a prayer for her daughter, one of possible options which we bring to your attention. This prayer is most often said at bedtime two or three times in a row after the traditional reading of the “Our Father.”

Do not forget to record the prayer on a clean white sheet of paper and keep it with you, try to gradually memorize the text.

Mother's prayer for daughter

Lord my God Almighty!

Fulfill the request of Your insignificant servant (your name)!

May my beloved child be in Thy greatest mercy,

Protect her from dark forces, grief and evil, grant goodness to all her deeds!

With deep faith in Your power, I cry for help,

Have mercy, may Your will be favorable to me, amen.


Very often there is a prayer for the health of a pregnant daughter to the Most Holy Theotokos, the patroness of expectant mothers. It protects against miscarriages, illnesses of a woman and her unborn child during pregnancy.

Therefore, a mother’s prayer for the health of her pregnant daughter, addressed to the Virgin Mary, will certainly have an effect.

Orthodox prayer for the health of a pregnant daughter to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on Thy servant (name) and help in this hour so that her burden may be resolved safely. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, give help to this Thy servant, who requires help, especially from You. I bow down to you, Mother of the Most High God, be merciful, the time has come for her to be a mother, and beg Christ our God, incarnate from You, to strengthen her with His power from above. Amen".

Bless your children

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ for your children, prayer for protection and help

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve this child of mine (name) by the power of Your life-giving Cross

Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, given to us by You, fulfill our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You Yourself have chosen. Save them from vices, evil and pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their path of life be holy and blameless before God.

Bless them, Lord, may they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your Holy will, so that You, Lord, may always abide with them by Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer may be their support, joy in sorrow and consolation in their life, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. May Your angels always protect them. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors, and may they fulfill the commandment of Your love. And if they sin, then, Lord, vouchsafe them to bring repentance to You, and in Your ineffable mercy forgive them.

When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them other Your chosen servants. Through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the saints (all the patron saints of the family are listed) and all the saints, Lord, have mercy on us, as You are glorified with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Mother's prayer for children

Mother's prayer to God

God! Creator of all creatures, adding mercy to mercy, You have made me worthy to be the mother of a family; Your grace has given me children, and I dare to say: they are Your children! Because You gave them existence, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them through baptism for a life in accordance with Your will, adopted them and accepted them into the bosom of Your Church.


Prayer to God the Creator for his children

Father of generosity and all mercy!

According to my parental feeling, I would wish for my children every abundance of earthly blessings, I would wish them blessings from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, but may Thy holy will be with them! Arrange their fate according to Your good pleasure, do not deprive them of their daily bread in life, send down to them everything they need in time to acquire a blissful eternity; be merciful to them when they sin before You; do not impute to them the sins of their youth and their ignorance; bring their hearts into contrition when they resist the guidance of Your goodness; punish them and have mercy, directing them to a path pleasing to You, but do not reject them from Your presence!

Accept their prayers with favor; grant them success in every good deed; do not turn Your face away from them in the days of their tribulation, lest temptations befall them beyond their strength. Overshadow them with Your mercy; May Your Angel walk with them and protect them from every misfortune and evil path.


Prayer to Jesus Christ for children

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, Your humble daughter (name).

Lord, in the mercy of Your power, my child (name), have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect him under the shelter of Your Saints from a flying bullet, knife, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer and from a vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity.

Lord, give him your blessing for the pious family life and godly childbearing.

Lord, grant also to me, Your humble daughter, a parental blessing for my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights for the sake of Your name, for Your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Lord have mercy! (12 times)

May our children be healthy!

Prayers for a child's health

Prayer to Jesus Christ for children (Prayer for protection)

Lord Jesus Christ, let Your mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil, take away every enemy from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.

Lord, we are all Your creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel, and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Your will, for You are our God.


Prayer to the Trinity for children

O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look upon Thy servant (her) (name of the child) who is overcome by illness; forgive him (her) all his (her) sins;

grant him (her) healing from illness; return him (her) health and bodily strength; Give him (her) a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and most worldly blessings, so that he (she) together with us brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Bounteous God and my Creator. Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name). All saints and Angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen


Prayer to the Mother of God for her children

Oh, Mother of Mercy!

You see the cruel sorrow tormenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow with which You were pierced, when a terrible sword passed into Your soul during the bitter suffering and death of Your Divine Son, I pray to You: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, intercede for his health bodily with Your Almighty Son, Physician of souls and bodies.

O Loving Mother! Look how my child’s face has turned pale, how his whole body is burning from illness, and have mercy on him. May he be saved by God's help and serve with the joy of his heart Your Only Begotten Son, his Lord and God. Amen.

In infant diseases

Holy Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday

Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wonder of the wise, guardian of the Christian faith, idolatry flattery to the accuser, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the Lord’s commandments, vouchsafed to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the chamber of the Bridegroom your Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the extreme crown of virginity and martyrdom!

We pray to you, holy martyr, to be sorrowful for us to Christ God, whose most blessed sight will always rejoice. Pray to the All-Merciful One, Who opened the eyes of the blind with His word, that He may deliver us from the illness of our hair, both physical and mental; with your holy prayers, kindle the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace for our souls and bodies; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God’s grace, so that for the sake of your holy prayers sweet vision will be given to the dishonest. Oh, great servant of God!

O most courageous maiden! Oh, strong martyr Saint Paraskeva!

With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and extremely negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are extremely weak.

Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that by your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of the true faith and divine deeds we will enter into the eternal light of the never-evening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in where now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, praising and singing with everyone heavenly powers Trisagion One Deity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

They pray to her for protection of the family hearth; in marital infertility; about worthy suitors

When spoiling children and about healing from a “relative”

Great Martyr Nikita

Troparion, tone 4:

The Cross of Christ, like some kind of weapon, we zealously accepted, and you came to the fight of enemies, and you suffered for Christ, in the middle of the fire, you gave up your sacred soul to the Lord, from which you were honored to receive the gifts of healing from Him, Great Martyr Nikito, pray to Christ God, that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion, voice 2

With your standing, you cut down the power of delights, and we received the crown of victory in your suffering, with the angels rejoicing more gloriously than Nikita, with them praying to Christ God incessantly for all of us.


Oh, great passion-bearer of Christ and wonder-worker, Great Martyr Nikito!

Falling before your holy and miraculous image, while your deeds and miracles and your great compassion for people are glorifying, we diligently pray to you: show us the humble and sinners your holy and powerful intercession. Behold, it is a sin for our sake, not the imams of freedom of the children of God, who boldly ask our Lord and Master for our needs: but we offer you, a favorable prayer book to Him, and we cry for your intercession: ask us from the Lord for beneficial gifts for our souls and bodies: faith right, undoubted hope of salvation, unfeigned love for everyone, courage in temptation, patience in suffering, constancy in prayer, health of soul and body, fruitfulness of the earth, prosperity of the air, contentment of everyday needs, peaceful and pious life on earth, Christian life and death. a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ. And show your holy intercession to all Orthodox people: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, help the needy.

Hey, servant of God and long-suffering martyr! Do not forget your holy monastery and all the nuns and worldly people living in it and striving, but hasten to bear the yoke of Christ in humility and patience, and graciously deliver them from all troubles and temptations. Bring us all into a quiet refuge of salvation and make us worthy to be heirs of the blessed Kingdom of Christ through your holy prayers: may we glorify and sing the great generosity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession forever and ever. Amen.

For sleep disturbances in infants

To the Holy Seven Youths in Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian and Antoninus

Preachers of piety and exponents of the resurrection of the dead, the seven pillars of the Church, we praise the all-blessed youths with songs: for after many years of incorruption, as if rising from sleep, we proclaimed to all the resurrection of the dead.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having glorified Thy saints on earth, before Thy second and terrible coming, O Christ. By the glorious rising of the youths you showed the Resurrection to the ignorant, revealing the incorruptible garments and bodies, and you assured the king to cry out: truly there is a rising of the dead.


Oh, most wonderful holy seventh generation, praise to the city of Ephesus and the hope of the whole universe!

Look from the heights of heavenly glory at us, who honor your memory with love, especially at the Christian infants, entrusted to your intercession by their parents: bring down upon her the blessing of Christ God, saying: leave the children to come to Me: heal the sick in them, comfort the sorrowful; Keep their hearts pure, fill them with meekness, and in the soil of their hearts plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God, so that they may grow to the best of their ability; and all of us holy icon your coming, your relics kissing with faith and praying warmly to you, vouchsafe to seize the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify there with silent voices of joy the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

About patronage of children

Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver

Simeon the Elder is rejoicing today; he has taken the Infant of the Eternal God into his hand, asking to be released from the bonds of the flesh and crying out: my eyes have seen Your worldly salvation.

Kontakion, tone 4

The elder today renounces the bondage of praying to this corruptible life; they will accept Christ into their arms, the Creator and Lord.


Oh, great servant of God, God-receptive Simeon!

Standing before the Throne of the great King and our God Jesus Christ, I have great boldness towards Him, in your arms we will rush for the sake of salvation. To you, as a powerful intercessor and a strong prayer book for us, we, sinners and unworthy, resort. Pray for His Goodness, for He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved towards us by our deeds, and, having despised our countless sins, turn us to the path of repentance and establish us on the path of His commandments.

Protect our life in peace with your prayers, and ask for good haste in all good things, granting us everything we need for life and piety. Just as in ancient times Great Novograd, by the appearance of your miraculous icon, delivered us from the destruction of mortals, so now we and all the cities and villages of our country have been delivered from all misfortunes and misfortunes and vain deaths by your intercession, and from all enemies, visible and invisible, with your protection. Let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and, having passed this temporary life in the world, we will achieve eternal peace, where we will be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God. To Him all glory is due, together with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

They pray to him for those who are imprisoned or in captivity.

Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok


Guardian of infantile kindness and bearer of martyrdom, blessed Gabriel.

Our countries are precious adamante and the accuser of Jewish wickedness! We sinners come running to you in prayer, and lamenting over our sins, ashamed of our cowardice, we call to you with love: do not disdain our filth, you are a treasure of purity; Do not hate our cowardice, long-suffering teacher; but more than this, seeing our weaknesses from heaven, grant us healing through your prayer, and teach us to be imitators of your fidelity to Christ. If we are unable to patiently bear the cross of temptation and suffering, then do not deprive us of your merciful help, saint of God, but ask the Lord for freedom and weakness for us: hear the same mother’s prayers for her children, and pray for health and salvation as an infant from the Lord. : There is no such cruel heart that the holy infant will not be touched by hearing about your torment. And even if, apart from this tender sighing, we are able to bring no good deed, but with such a tender thought our minds and hearts, blessedly, have enlightened us to correct our lives with the grace of God: put in us tireless zeal for the salvation of the soul and for the glory of God, and In the hour of death, help us to keep vigilant memory, especially in our deathbed, demonic torment and thoughts of despair from our souls through your intercession, and ask for this hope of Divine forgiveness, but then and now glorify for us the mercy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your strong intercession, forever and ever. Amen.

About the development of the mind in children and assistance in learning

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her “Giver of Mind” or “Add of Mind”

O Most Holy Virgin!

You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ!

You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates.

Have mercy on us too, who have gravely sinned and failed to fulfill the commandments of God, who have broken the vows of baptism and vows of monasticism and many others that we promised to fulfill.

When the Holy Spirit retreated from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of soul tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit.

The mind has become fussy with vanity of thoughts, oblivion about God has darkened our souls, and now all kinds of sadness, sorrow, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, vindictiveness, gloating and other sins oppress the heart. And, having no joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, and beseech Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send the Comforter Spirit to us, as He sent Him to the apostles, so that, comforted and enlightened by Him, we will sing a song of gratitude to You : Rejoice, Holy Mother of God, who has added wisdom to our salvation. Amen.

Prayer for a poorly learning youth

Lord Jesus Christ our God, who dwelled in the hearts of the twelve Apostles without hypocrisy, by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of a fiery tongue, and opened these lips, and began to speak with other tongues: Lord Jesus Christ our God Himself, sent down Thy Holy Spirit upon this child ( Name); and plant in the ears of his heart the Holy Scriptures, even as Thy most pure hand wrote upon the tablets of Moses the Lawgiver, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Blessed Lord!

Send down upon us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that by listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, for glory, for our parents for consolation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland.


We thank You, Creator, for You have made us worthy of Your grace to listen to the teaching. Bless our leaders, parents and teachers, who lead us to the knowledge of good, give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Prayers to St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Wonderworker, to add intelligence to children (can be read: both for children and for parents for their children)


O sacred head, Reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius, by your prayer, and faith, and love, even for God, and the purity of your heart, you have established your soul on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, and been granted angelic communion and the visitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the gift received miraculous grace, after your departure from earthly people, you came closer to God, and partook of the Heavenly Powers, but also did not retreat from us with the spirit of your love and your honest power, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, left to us!

Having great boldness towards the All-Merciful Master, pray to save His servants, His grace existing in you, believing and flowing to you with love.

Ask us from our great God for every gift that is beneficial to everyone, observance of the immaculate faith, strengthening of our cities, peace, and deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, consolation for the afflicted, healing for the sick, restoration for the fallen, and for those who are led astray on the path of truth. and return of salvation, strengthening for those who strive, prosperity and blessing for those who do good in good deeds, education for infants, instruction for the young, admonition for the ignorant, intercession for orphans and widows, departing from this temporary life for the eternal, good preparation and guidance, for those who have departed, blessed repose, and all of us who help you through your prayers, on the day of the Last Judgment, the last part will be delivered, and the right hand of the country will be partakers and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Amen.
