Nikolay Peychev secrets. "Fast healing of the body

✓ Who created you and why?

✓ Who created this Universe and why?

✓ What laws connect you with the people around you and the world around you?

✓ Why are you sick?

✓ What is SICK?

✓ How to make sure you never get sick at all?

✓ What is absolute health and how to achieve it in order to live a long and happy life?

These and many other questions worried me since early childhood. To say that I was often sick as a child is an understatement. I literally lived in the hospital. Many times I was on the verge of life and death, when the temperature rose to forty degrees and the blood began to clot. The doctors miraculously managed to save me, but how? large quantity I took more medications, the worse my health became.

But one day, my mother was recommended to go with me to a clairvoyant, traditional healer. After several sessions with this woman, I simply stopped getting sick. The knowledge that I received from her turned my life upside down.

At the age of ten, I read all the books that this healer had. But I didn’t stop there: magic, esotericism, religion, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, occult sciences, Eastern philosophy - I began to absorb all this with great speed, feed my brain, develop my consciousness and my abilities.

I realized, even as a child, that the only thing valuable in this world is knowledge, practical knowledge that turns a person into a wizard. When everything you want comes true quickly.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you receive true practical knowledge, you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live by them, stop breaking the “rules” traffic", and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing are what I have been drawn to since childhood, but since I had no practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences perfectly and develop psychic abilities.

The goal was very clear and specific - to find a practical system for the rapid and complete restoration of health, having learned which, a person should never get sick at all.

I traveled a lot, studied with the best esoteric practitioners, clairvoyants, traditional healers. Lived in India, studied Ayurveda, eastern philosophy, practiced mystical yoga. Then I returned to my homeland and began hosting receptions, conducting seminars and classes.

To date, my health system has been tested for large quantities of people. It allows a person to very quickly get rid of almost all diseases, including those incurable by modern medicine. At the same time, the rate of recovery of patients is simply amazing, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by their excellent health, but also by the opinions of various doctors.


This book is a practical guide for helping yourself and those around you. Here we collect only practical developments in the field of energy information therapy, after reading which you will take a fresh look at the causes of various diseases and you will be able to solve your health problems in a short time, as well as help your loved ones.

The book is based on expanding our understanding of the world around us, studying the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases, research activities in the study of human biofield structures, philosophical understanding of the world, as well as my practical developments in the field of energy-informational diagnostics and therapy.

This book has a powerful healing effect in contact with the human body, with water, as well as with other objects. This amazing property was revealed during studies using various diagnostic devices: Kirlian apparatus, various bioresonance diagnostics, hemoscanning, etc.

It is enough to apply the book to the body for a few minutes, and immediately the human biofield begins to quickly increase in size, energy centers and channels open, strength and flexibility appear in the body, and the process of restoration of the body begins.

If you place a glass of water on a book for 1–2 minutes, and then give this water to the patient to drink, then after 10–15 minutes his blood becomes liquid, saturated with oxygen, blood cells, red blood cells, unstick and begin to flow freely, delivering oxygen And nutrients to all cells of the body.

The unique properties of the book are explained simply - this book has a very powerful biofield. Take a pendulum or frame and use radiesthesia to check it yourself.

Every object in space carries information and also emits energy. Reading any book, you come into contact with the author at the information level, and an energy-information exchange begins. Just by reading this book, you are already beginning to recover and receive a huge boost of energy.

If you take the time to conduct a full examination of your health before and after reading this book, you will be very surprised at how much your health indicators have improved.

But the most important thing is to put the contents of this book in your head, accept the information at the level of consciousness, and not just constantly carry this book in your inner jacket pocket.

Problems of modern medicine or why doctors live 15–20 years less?

When dealing with issues of restoring human health and searching for the causes of diseases, I always look for the causes of their occurrence.

In order for the mechanism not to fail, it is necessary to at least know its structure and operating rules. Well, if a breakdown occurs, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will quickly fix it, explain the reasons for the breakdown and explain how to avoid similar situations in the future.

In our case, the mechanism is our body, and the specialist is the doctor, who must have the skills to short term rid the person of all his “malfunctions” and explain to the patient the rules for operating the mechanism, called human body.

But the deeper medicine and science penetrate into human body, the more diagnoses and medications appear that not only do not relieve a person of his illness, but also cause new, so-called “medicinal diseases.”

All over the world, doctors live 15-20 years less than those they treat - the population of the planet, which, in their opinion, leads an unhealthy lifestyle.

With their advice they lead to horror, fear, torment and suffering, from which they themselves die prematurely.

The people whom the government has entrusted with protecting the health of citizens, by the way, is called their main governing body - the Ministry of Health - in fact, they cannot do anything, first of all, for themselves. But they receive the right and license to treat other people.

Here, for example, is an excerpt from a medical journal: “Russia ranks among the first in the world in terms of the number of cancer diseases per capita. According to some data, there are more than 2.5 million cancer patients in the country. A third of cancer patients could be saved from death by identifying the disease at an early stage. But high-tech diagnostic methods are not yet available to most Russians.” Further, the article talks about modern diagnostic equipment, its parameters and cost. Not a word about cancer prevention.

We see that scientific medicine He looks at any reason for aging as a way to make money, no matter what words are used to cover it up.

Nikolay Peychev

Rapid healing of the body. Secrets of the soul

Why did I decide to write this book?

Because I saw that almost all people live with their minds, and only a few live with their souls. They think that they know how to love, in fact they love with their minds, they do not see the souls of others. People think they know how to build relationships, but they build them only on the mind. Once you begin to feel your soul, you begin to FEEL the souls of others, and this is where the fun begins...

When I began working with the human soul in my seminars, bypassing the mind, incredible miracles of healing began: completely blind people began to see, and this is no joke! In front of 300 people, a woman who had been completely blind for 20 years, with an atrophied retina, began to see after renouncing the power program and entering the stream of the Heavenly Father. I sat her on a chair, she closed her eyes, we worked with her, and after 5 minutes she opened her eyes and started crying because she began to see with both eyes! People in the hall exclaimed in one voice - she has different eyes. Yes, Heavenly Father put spiritual fabric in her eyes. They became alive.

Such incidents happen all the time at every seminar. Oncology goes away before our eyes, hearing and vision are restored, the most severe diseases go away, it is after the Heavenly Father puts new layers of energy into a person, there is no other way to call it. On the subtle plane, I see how spiritual energy is implanted into a person, a new spiritual organ is “sewn on.”

We know strength qualities: anger, fears, aggression, pressure, rigidity, brute force, manipulation, etc. But we also know spiritual ones: gentleness, mercy, kindness, tenderness, awe, tenderness. Our energy structure contains certain qualities. And only God, at his will, with his strength, at the humble request of the soul that has opened up to Him, replaces strength qualities with spiritual ones. Rough fabrics, for spiritual ones. AND THIS IS THE ONLY way healing happens. Only Father Heavenly Spirit It makes an earthly person holy – holy and divine.

Modern philosophy, science, medicine are all in the sphere of reason, in the sphere of mental concepts; there is no truth there, and there never will be. Truth is soul and love.

Think about it, how can a child of God get sick? No, a child of God cannot be sick by definition.

Or maybe we just left the Father and fell under the influence of... other Gods? After all, now there are so many religions, so many Gods, choose whoever you want. Is not it? What egregor is a person in? Which God does he serve: the one-eyed one (TV), the God of power and money, the God of violence and death, the God of oblivion, the God of black magic, the God of debauchery? This pantheon can be continued for a very long time.

When a person continues to live with his soul, he never gets sick again; he develops love for God not in his mind, but from within his heart. New pure spiritual feelings appear in him. We can say that he develops a soul body. His soul grows, becomes stronger, becomes more sensual.

If I manage to transfer a person from mind to soul, then I know for sure that all his diseases will disappear.

What is the soul?

How to learn to see and feel the souls of other people?

How to awaken endless energy in yourself and never get sick again in your life?

How to feel constant love within yourself every moment of your life?

How to be in a constant flow of joy?

How can you heal other people with your soul, as the saints did?

How to become a conscious, awakened person and enter the game of life, earning applause from the audience?

How to awaken creative potential and strength in yourself?

How to learn to play in life, as small children do?

If you, my dear reader, are interested in learning and feeling this, then you are welcome to study you as a person, as a soul.

For 10 years now, every day I work with people, where every person is A new book, and each book is unique in its own way, always different from others.

And as accumulated experience has shown me, there is no more effective way to heal a person from any disease than awakening his soul. As soon as the soul begins to “breathe,” a person becomes healthy.

A person, as a personality, as a soul, was formed as a set of sensations from other people. They either gave me a feeling of pain, guilt, fear, or people invested me with joy, happiness, love and care.

Until the age of 5–7 years, the basic set of personal feelings is formed, and the person becomes open to the world, or closed. Depending on the pain or lack thereof in the heart.

Personality, like physical body human, temporary, impermanent. Every day your ideas about life, philosophical views, feelings associated with people and opinions about yourself change.

Only the consciousness that you always are remains unchanged. Having reached this level of perception, a person is no longer affected by how others treat him. Even if all people turn away from a holy man, an enlightened master, he will only smile.

What if all your friends and family turn away from you tomorrow? What will you do?

What if they don’t even remember you at all? Won't it hurt?

Personality is a set of relationships and connections with other people. By healing relationships, the personality, soul and body are healed.

We will discuss how to do this in this book. But in short, you need to get rid of all the pain that you received from people. Pain overwhelms the ability to feel. How to remove pain? You need people to start giving you love, acceptance, the feeling that you are exactly the way they love, a good, perfect and absolute person.

Once a huge bank of positive feelings fills your personality, you will feel that life is easy, accepted and loved. Then the guilt and feeling of inferiority will go away. After this, openness to people and relationships will appear. An open state gives a lot of energy and joy in life. And where there is energy, there is health.

But if you understand that persuading all your friends to invest acceptance and love in you is difficult and impossible. Know that you, as consciousness, are capable of entering into their image through meditation and doing it for them. The result will be the same. I wrote down meditations on how to do this. Find them on my website, listen, and the result will not keep you waiting long.

“The Multidimensional Model of Man” is a book that, in fact, has saved a huge number of people from the most complex diseases. She helped a huge number of people restore their health, improve the functioning of their energy centers, and restore the integrity and symmetry of the outer field shell. But in order to keep all the chakras constantly open, and the field shell intact and unharmed, this requires the power of the soul.

And this book, precisely, was written as a continuation of the first book, as well as for those who have already completed training at the “Academy of Healers” and those who are just about to undergo training. After all, it is in the “Academy of Healers,” my author’s school, that we learn to develop the ability to perceive and see the world through the soul, and not through the lenses of the mind that distort reality. The world is alive, and all people have a soul, but we don’t see it. Once you begin to see the souls in people, you automatically begin to see only the good in them, which means that you stop judging, criticizing and thinking badly about people. And when you don’t judge or criticize anyone, you don’t get sick. Everything is very simple. Health is the ability to see only the good in people.

For everyone who wants to learn to see the world from the soul, through the soul, to feel their soul and live by the soul, I am writing this book. I am aware of the fact that it is very difficult to transfer a person from mind to soul through text. After all, the text itself refers to the mind. In my personal presence, at my seminars, all people feel themselves in their souls. But I will still try to be bold and convey my feelings to you through printed text. Moreover, I will try to convey to you the channels of the Heavenly Father, who feeds the human soul with spiritual energy and fills it with spiritual fabric, through this book.

I realize that this is already happening. Do you already realize that the process has begun, that your condition is already changing? Are you already in another force field, in another flow? Is your body already vibrating in a new way?

I have a request to you: try not to immediately evaluate some knowledge, try to feel what will be given. After all, when you begin to see the reality of the world of the soul, your mind begins to jam, and it cannot logically explain and understand what is in this amazing and magical world.

When you are in love, to others (who live by reason) you seem crazy, don't you? And for lovers, those who live by reason and do not have love seem like madmen. Feelings and logic are two different things.

Current page: 1 (book has 17 pages total) [available reading passage: 12 pages]

Nikolay Peychev
Rapid healing of the body. Secrets of the soul

Why did I decide to write this book?

Because I saw that almost all people live with their minds, and only a few live with their souls. They think that they know how to love, in fact they love with their minds, they do not see the souls of others. People think they know how to build relationships, but they build them only on the mind. Once you begin to feel your soul, you begin to FEEL the souls of others, and this is where the fun begins...

When I began working with the human soul in my seminars, bypassing the mind, incredible miracles of healing began: completely blind people began to see, and this is no joke! In front of 300 people, a woman who had been completely blind for 20 years, with an atrophied retina, began to see after renouncing the power program and entering the stream of the Heavenly Father. I sat her on a chair, she closed her eyes, we worked with her, and after 5 minutes she opened her eyes and started crying because she began to see with both eyes! People in the hall exclaimed in one voice - she has different eyes. Yes, Heavenly Father put spiritual fabric in her eyes. They became alive.

Such incidents happen all the time at every seminar. Oncology goes away before our eyes, hearing and vision are restored, the most severe diseases go away, it is after the Heavenly Father puts new layers of energy into a person, there is no other way to call it. On the subtle plane, I see how spiritual energy is implanted into a person, a new spiritual organ is “sewn on.”

We know strength qualities: anger, fears, aggression, pressure, rigidity, brute force, manipulation, etc. But we also know spiritual ones: gentleness, mercy, kindness, tenderness, awe, tenderness. Our energy structure contains certain qualities. And only God, at his will, with his strength, at the humble request of the soul that has opened up to Him, replaces strength qualities with spiritual ones. Rough fabrics, for spiritual ones. AND THIS IS THE ONLY way healing happens. Only the Heavenly Father, through the Holy Spirit, makes earthly man holy and divine.

Modern philosophy, science, medicine are all in the sphere of reason, in the sphere of mental concepts; there is no truth there, and there never will be. Truth is soul and love.

Think about it, how can a child of God get sick? No, a child of God cannot be sick by definition.

Or maybe we just left the Father and fell under the influence of... other Gods? After all, now there are so many religions, so many Gods, choose whoever you want. Is not it? What egregor is a person in? Which God does he serve: the one-eyed one (TV), the God of power and money, the God of violence and death, the God of oblivion, the God of black magic, the God of debauchery? This pantheon can be continued for a very long time.

When a person continues to live with his soul, he never gets sick again; he develops love for God not in his mind, but from within his heart. New pure spiritual feelings appear in him. We can say that he develops a soul body. His soul grows, becomes stronger, becomes more sensual.

If I manage to transfer a person from mind to soul, then I know for sure that all his diseases will disappear.

What is the soul?

How to learn to see and feel the souls of other people?

How to awaken endless energy in yourself and never get sick again in your life?

How to feel constant love within yourself every moment of your life?

How to be in a constant flow of joy?

How can you heal other people with your soul, as the saints did?

How to become a conscious, awakened person and enter the game of life, earning applause from the audience?

How to awaken creative potential and strength in yourself?

How to learn to play in life, as small children do?

If you, my dear reader, are interested in learning and feeling this, then you are welcome to study you as a person, as a soul.

For 10 years now, every day I have been working with people, where each person is a new book, and each book is unique in its own way, always different from others.

And as accumulated experience has shown me, there is no more effective way to heal a person from any disease than awakening his soul. As soon as the soul begins to “breathe,” a person becomes healthy.

A person, as a personality, as a soul, was formed as a set of sensations from other people. They either gave me a feeling of pain, guilt, fear, or people invested me with joy, happiness, love and care.

Until the age of 5–7 years, the basic set of personality feelings is formed, and the person becomes open to the world or closed. Depending on the pain or lack thereof in the heart.

Personality, like the physical body of a person, is temporary and impermanent. Every day your ideas about life, philosophical views, feelings associated with people and opinions about yourself change.

Only the consciousness that you always are remains unchanged. Having reached this level of perception, a person is no longer affected by how others treat him. Even if all people turn away from a holy man, an enlightened master, he will only smile.

What if all your friends and family turn away from you tomorrow? What will you do?

What if they don’t even remember you at all? Won't it hurt?

Personality is a set of relationships and connections with other people. By healing relationships, the personality, soul and body are healed.

We will discuss how to do this in this book. But in short, you need to get rid of all the pain that you received from people. Pain overwhelms the ability to feel. How to remove pain? You need people to start giving you love, acceptance, the feeling that you are exactly the way they love, a good, perfect and absolute person.

Once a huge bank of positive feelings fills your personality, you will feel that life is easy, accepted and loved. Then the guilt and feeling of inferiority will go away. After this, openness to people and relationships will appear. An open state gives a lot of energy and joy in life. And where there is energy, there is health.

But if you understand that persuading all your friends to invest acceptance and love in you is difficult and impossible. Know that you, as consciousness, are capable of entering into their image through meditation and doing it for them. The result will be the same. I wrote down meditations on how to do this. Find them on my website, listen, and the result will not keep you waiting long.

“The Multidimensional Model of Man” is a book that, in fact, has saved a huge number of people from the most complex diseases. She helped a huge number of people restore their health, improve the functioning of their energy centers, and restore the integrity and symmetry of the outer field shell. But in order to keep all the chakras constantly open, and the field shell intact and unharmed, this requires the power of the soul.

And this book, precisely, was written as a continuation of the first book, as well as for those who have already completed training at the “Academy of Healers” and those who are just about to undergo training. After all, it is in the “Academy of Healers,” my author’s school, that we learn to develop the ability to perceive and see the world through the soul, and not through the lenses of the mind that distort reality. The world is alive, and all people have a soul, but we don’t see it. Once you begin to see the souls in people, you automatically begin to see only the good in them, which means that you stop judging, criticizing and thinking badly about people. And when you don’t judge or criticize anyone, you don’t get sick. Everything is very simple. Health is the ability to see only the good in people.

For everyone who wants to learn to see the world from the soul, through the soul, to feel their soul and live by the soul, I am writing this book. I am aware of the fact that it is very difficult to transfer a person from mind to soul through text. After all, the text itself refers to the mind. In my personal presence, at my seminars, all people feel themselves in their souls. But I will still try to be bold and convey my feelings to you through printed text. Moreover, I will try to convey to you the channels of the Heavenly Father, who feeds the human soul with spiritual energy and fills it with spiritual fabric, through this book.

I realize that this is already happening. Do you already realize that the process has begun, that your condition is already changing? Are you already in another force field, in another flow? Is your body already vibrating in a new way?

I have a request to you: try not to immediately evaluate some knowledge, try to feel what will be given. After all, when you begin to see the reality of the world of the soul, your mind begins to jam, and it cannot logically explain and understand what is in this amazing and magical world.

When you are in love, to others (who live by reason) you seem crazy, don't you? And for lovers, those who live by reason and do not have love seem like madmen. Feelings and logic are two different things.

You can comprehend the world with an evaluative mind, or you can through feelings. What do you choose?

Ban on love in favor of reason

“Anahata chakra,” as it is called in Sanskrit, is the center where the soul is located in the human body, located in the human chest, in the area of ​​the heart. The thymus gland is responsible for the functioning of the immune system. When a person kills love in himself, his immunity drops.

In my practice, a huge number of people with autoimmune diseases were healed very quickly when they began to live with their souls. All diseases disappear in the person who begins to live with the soul. Don't even doubt it. After all, the practice of repentance from the soul, and not from the mind, destroys those mountains of karma, those mountains of illness, those mountains of suffering.

Anahata is responsible for the ability to love. It is for the ability to experience this feeling. You can take away a person's money, but you cannot take away the ability to earn it. The object of love can be taken away from a person, but the ability to love cannot be taken away.

Thou shalt not kill...(there is love in you). The greatest sin a person can commit is killing love in oneself. You cannot kill a person until you kill your love for the person. You cannot kill an animal until you kill your love for it. You cannot kill anyone until you have killed the feeling of love in yourself.

It's sad, but most people, without noticing it, gradually kill love in themselves. There is only one reason - the mental wounds that those around us inflict on us. And instead of thanking you, it was thanks to this spiritual wound that your soul became wiser and more sensitive to other souls. You have experienced for yourself how painful it can be, and now you will never allow yourself to cause the same pain to other people. You are holding a grudge.

Resentment closes feelings of love and pain becomes a person’s companion. He blames others, he blames himself, he blames God for this happening.

Do you think that if you harbor resentment or anger in your soul, God’s grace leaves you? Does God feed a soul that is not evil, or that remembers evil? Touchy or forgiving?

If you have been hurt, rejoice, you have a unique chance to enlarge your soul. Ask the Father Heavenly power forgive a person for the pain and betrayal towards you. That he wanted to close your ability to love, and you opened your soul even more. And you not only forgave him with all your heart, but also asked God to saturate his soul with God’s grace. We prayed for the offender and sent the most tender and warm feelings towards him. Understanding that these warm energies will reach the address, and the person, sooner or later, will repent before you and God for causing you so much pain, suffering and mental wounds. And after he repents, he will never again inflict wounds on other souls. He took a lesson on soul acquisition.

But if you did not send the warmth and grace of your soul to the offender, did not forgive, did not transmit a warm ray from your heart, then you have lost peace and grace in your soul, and have not learned the lesson of finding a soul. It will now become difficult for you to forgive and love.

You will turn on your mind and begin to sow cold around you, you will freeze people away instead of reviving their souls with your presence.

Heaven is not out there somewhere. He is right in your heart, in the warmth of your soul and close, loving connection with the Heavenly Father and all His creations.

Don’t just forgive everyone with your mind, but from your heart, send to all offenders and cold people the warmth of your soul, all the tenderest and warmest feelings, wishes and blessings.

Pray to God, the Heavenly Father: “Heavenly Father, put Divine warmth, spiritual fabric into these people, fill them with Your Grace.”

Collect all your emotional wounds, grievances, sufferings into a “bag” and throw this bag out of your soul, turning it into a white cloud of light and never again accumulate grievances, wounds, suffering, but thank God for another opportunity to grow in soul by forgiving another offender .

People in whom others have invested a lot of pain, like wild dogs, only know how to bite, bark, and get angry. Therefore, you should not condemn them, because they cannot do otherwise. The pain blocked their ability to feel.

Practical tasks:

1. Hug your loved one, hold him tightly to you and allow your soul to love him. (If he is not nearby, you can do it mentally).

2. Hug your parents and let all the pain associated with them leave your heart in this hug.

3. Then hug the person who caused you the most pain. Hug your worst enemy and convey to him the warmth of your soul.

4. Forgive everyone and the Father will forgive you everything.

5. Tell people only about their good qualities, and never talk about their bad sides. Learn to see only the good in people, then you will connect with them bright qualities souls, constantly increasing the love space on the Planet.

Meditation “Getting rid of the bag of grievances”

Close your eyes and imagine yourself high in the mountains. You climb to the top, the Sun is shining around you.

And behind your back is a backpack full of grievances and emotional wounds. All your hidden anger towards different people sits in this backpack like an essence.

Throw your backpack into the abyss without opening it. There is no need to remember in detail everyone who inflicted a mental wound on you, offended you, or caused suffering. With a pure child's heart, throw this little man in a backpack, who loves to judge everyone, into the abyss, so that you yourself do not go into the abyss with him at the hour of death.

Say out loud:

I free my memory from all grievances, emotional wounds and suffering.

I thank all the people who hurt me. I am sending you a ray of love.

I have no enemies - all are my teachers.

I am a forgiving person!

From this moment on, there is only a flow of love for all people.

I see only souls in people, and everyone’s souls are pure, shining, Divine.

I will never again carry around grievances and mental pain.

All dark energies leave my aura.

All illnesses and suffering leave my life.

I will carry the light within me. I am my own light. I am a light for others.

How to warm a person's soul?

You need to imagine the person in the form of a child who did not receive love, but received pain in his feelings, and convey to him your warmest and most tender feelings. Next, you mentally look at the center of his chest, at his heart, and meditate on his soul. You turn on the state of unity with it, as if merging into one. Next, you must immerse yourself entirely in the Heavenly Father and feel the flow of love. Then you transfer this flow of love to the person’s soul. The “ray of love” comes from your soul. If you turn on condemnation of this person, it means your pride is higher than your soul, higher than love. See with your inner vision what kind of relationship your souls have with this person: mother-son, father-daughter, brother-sister, friends, etc.

In order to see the relationship between your souls, you need to immerse yourself in meditation and feel the heart of another person with your heart. When you see the world through your soul, then there are no strangers for you. All one family.

A woman can live with her husband, and in her soul feel him as a son, father, friend, brother. Also, the husband seems to live with his wife, but feels her as a friend, mother, sister, teacher, or as a wife. Materially, we are in one relationship, and spiritually, in another. For example, a developed soul becomes a father or mother to other, younger souls. That’s why saints are called father, mother. Therefore, God is called “Heavenly Father”, “Theotokos - Mother of God”.

When your soul becomes big, all people will feel you as a Father or Mother. God Himself puts the soul in this position. Remember, all souls are familiar, all souls are from the same family, from the same God. In souls we are all family and friends: all brothers, sisters, friends, parents, children, loved ones. I give you a 100% guarantee that when you begin to perceive this world not from your head, but from your heart, you will immediately see it. You will directly see who this person is to you at the soul level. Even passers-by whom you don’t know are like your relatives. But it’s difficult to see this with your mind.

Imagine that in your palms there is a small person, like a “Little Thumb” or “Thumbelina”, to whom you want to convey a flow of love. Just love the baby and feel the mutual warmth. Everything is very simple. You warm up a piece of ice in a person, and then that person will warm up others.

How to get rid of pain and overcome illness?

Never run from the pain in yourself! If you run away from pain in your soul, then this pain will become pain and illness in your body!

When you learn to love pain and enjoy it, from that moment all your illnesses will go away forever, and all pain will become a source of joy. I urge you to learn to adore pain, to become a masochist who looks for buried pain in the soul, digs it up, and fully feels it, savors it, and allows the pain to come out.

Allow the abscess to break through and turn into a powerful volcano of unbearable pain and tears that you carry within yourself. You carry a lot of ulcers within you, let them break out. Spend a few days in tears, let your soul cry. The tears came out, the illnesses came out. Love tears, the road to heaven opens with tears. Isn't that what the saints did?

Pump all the energy out of your pain until it dies. Remove the pain with your awareness, feel it. This is the most quick way to be healed. Light is awareness. The holy or the light is the conscious one. Become aware. Are you aware of yourself now?

Every pain in your soul is a stake driven into you, a knife inserted. It is very painful to pull the knife out of you; it has already grown into you. The arrow has grown into the body, and the body is rotting, the arrow needs to be pulled out, and this is very painful. Do you have another option?

REMEMBER! All the negative qualities that you begin to accept in yourself, realize, re-experience, become them, immerse yourself in them - after completely dissolving in them, turn into warmth and love. Check it out for yourself now. Choose the pain that you have been running away from for many years, months. And run towards it, feel its fullness, immerse yourself and become it, enjoy immersion in pain.

If you feel that you are in pain, this is a sign that you have a soul. When there is no soul, a person becomes a robot. He doesn't feel pain. The more pain you can feel in yourself, the better. Rejoice. Love the enormous pain, the unbearable pain, the terrible pain, the tearing pain. Get pleasure, taste from the feeling of heartbreaking pain. It's like muscles in gym, You deliberately tear them apart by lifting the barbell, tear the fiber, and it grows even more. Tear the fiber of your soul, lift heavy weights, take on a lot of pain and feel it. This way you will pump up a big muscle of your soul. Love pain with all your soul.

If you don't accept your illness, it won't go away.

Every day I work with people, most of whom have various health problems. Incurable diseases, chronic, autoimmune - all this is easy to remove if a person starts working according to my system: cleansing the body, cleansing the feelings, mind, reason, changing the attitude towards life, getting rid of power programs, getting out of dark channels, switching to the channel of the Holy Spirit , revelation of the soul, and, oddly enough, acceptance of one’s illness. Full acceptance of all your shortcomings, including physical ones, frees you from these shortcomings.

For example, a girl suffers greatly and hates her acne on her face. She hates herself with them, the entire Universe, which unfairly awarded her with this gift of “beauty.” But as soon as she consciously says the following words, the disease will leave its carrier. I wrote the following thought forms for this problem, but you can use some of them for any disease. And you are guaranteed to get a healing effect. Example of self-acceptance:

“What beautiful pimples I have on my face, they decorate me so much, they make me look beautiful. Yes, I accept them. I will not be afraid that I will have them all the time. As soon as I love them, they will immediately leave. Everything I reject haunts me. Everything I take leaves my life. I run from fear, and he runs after me. I run from myself, from my body, and my body begins to hurt in order to attract my attention. I pay attention to my body. I consciously immerse myself in my body, realize all its shortcomings and accept them. I am the most beautiful and Divine in this body. Yes, it has disadvantages, but these are the ones I accept as advantages. I feel like I’m in a new suit with a clean face, sparkling eyes, a smiling face, an open soul, a gentle look and healthy body. I always feel healthy."

“Awareness is acceptance. Those who are awakened and aware have no disease. I become aware and awakened. Emotions no longer have power over me. I change my lifestyle, start cleansing my body and accept the fact that there will be a cleansing crisis, I accept it too. I cleanse my soul from sins and realize that there will be tears, I cleanse my life from unconscious people, and I realize that it will be painful and scary, but I also realize that conscious, holy and awakened souls will come into my life, shining like millions Suns with the beauty of your inner world of the soul. I'm entering new world full awareness and acceptance of everything. I have nothing to fear anymore, because I am constantly aware of myself in the flow of love and Spiritual grace.”

“I realize that the mercy of God feeds me with the Light of the Holy Spirit and the Love of the Heavenly Father, who loves me and never punishes me, because He is only love. I remove my self and become a Father in my soul. I am the Father and mother of all souls living on Earth and in all other worlds. As the Divine Mother and Father, I love the souls of people and nourish them with the warmth of my soul. I no longer have enemies, all are my children who need my love and attention. I love my children, and children love me. All people will love me when I feel them as my children. My soul needs love, and the souls of all people love me with my own love.”

“Let my body be cleansed of dirt and disease by the flow of my love, the flow of the Holy Spirit, the flow of the love of the Heavenly Father. Let my mind be cleared of fears and worries, of all desires. Let my mind be cleared of all plans for the future and trust the will of the Divine. Let my mind become a slave to my soul and serve it. Let all my feelings sink into my soul, let my whole body sink into my soul, let my whole mind sink into my soul. I constantly feel myself in my soul. I see myself in a heart filled with love and light. All the cells and organs of my body vibrate with joy.”

“My love for the body and all the cells in it heals my body. I will no longer poison the cells of my body with unhealthy foods, drinks, and intoxications. I realize that my body is an aquarium in which trillions of fish cells live. Let all the fish in my body swim in me as in a stream of love. I put on the image of a healthy, beautiful, radiant person. All the bright images that I create and accept consciously with my soul enter into me. All saints enter my soul, all spiritual streams nourish me. Health and happiness fills my whole body and my whole life.”

“I am moving from the kingdom of power to the kingdom of love, and this is my conscious choice. In the world of love there is only joy and health. I choose a world of love for all living beings. May all living beings in all worlds enter the world of love and tenderness. May everyone become healthy and happy, may love and light abide forever in all souls. May the love of the Most High God, the creator of Our Souls, our Dear Father, be with us all. May all people gain Divine consciousness and be nourished by the love of their Holy Parents. In this case, no one will ever get sick, suffer or die. The world of love is eternal, I enter this eternal world and realize myself in it.”

“Prayer is constantly in my soul, and health is in my body. My mind shines with the light of peace, and all the feelings of my body are filled with love and joy for all of Mother Nature. Is it possible for me to get sick in this state of mind and body? I wish everyone health and happiness. This is my Divine nature - every moment of my life to be in love, calmness, peace and to nourish the souls of all living beings with love.”

Nikolay Peychev

Rapid healing of the body. Secrets of the soul

Why did I decide to write this book?

Because I saw that almost all people live with their minds, and only a few live with their souls. They think that they know how to love, in fact they love with their minds, they do not see the souls of others. People think they know how to build relationships, but they build them only on the mind. Once you begin to feel your soul, you begin to FEEL the souls of others, and this is where the fun begins...

When I began working with the human soul in my seminars, bypassing the mind, incredible miracles of healing began: completely blind people began to see, and this is no joke! In front of 300 people, a woman who had been completely blind for 20 years, with an atrophied retina, began to see after renouncing the power program and entering the stream of the Heavenly Father. I sat her on a chair, she closed her eyes, we worked with her, and after 5 minutes she opened her eyes and started crying because she began to see with both eyes! People in the hall exclaimed in one voice - she has different eyes. Yes, Heavenly Father put spiritual fabric in her eyes. They became alive.

Such incidents happen all the time at every seminar. Oncology goes away before our eyes, hearing and vision are restored, the most severe diseases go away, it is after the Heavenly Father puts new layers of energy into a person, there is no other way to call it. On the subtle plane, I see how spiritual energy is implanted into a person, a new spiritual organ is “sewn on.”

We know strength qualities: anger, fears, aggression, pressure, rigidity, brute force, manipulation, etc. But we also know spiritual ones: gentleness, mercy, kindness, tenderness, awe, tenderness. Our energy structure contains certain qualities. And only God, at his will, with his strength, at the humble request of the soul that has opened up to Him, replaces strength qualities with spiritual ones. Rough fabrics, for spiritual ones. AND THIS IS THE ONLY way healing happens. Only the Heavenly Father, through the Holy Spirit, makes earthly man holy and divine.

Modern philosophy, science, medicine are all in the sphere of reason, in the sphere of mental concepts; there is no truth there, and there never will be. Truth is soul and love.

Think about it, how can a child of God get sick? No, a child of God cannot be sick by definition.

Or maybe we just left the Father and fell under the influence of... other Gods? After all, now there are so many religions, so many Gods, choose whoever you want. Is not it? What egregor is a person in? Which God does he serve: the one-eyed one (TV), the God of power and money, the God of violence and death, the God of oblivion, the God of black magic, the God of debauchery? This pantheon can be continued for a very long time.

When a person continues to live with his soul, he never gets sick again; he develops love for God not in his mind, but from within his heart. New pure spiritual feelings appear in him. We can say that he develops a soul body. His soul grows, becomes stronger, becomes more sensual.

If I manage to transfer a person from mind to soul, then I know for sure that all his diseases will disappear.

What is the soul?

How to learn to see and feel the souls of other people?

How to awaken endless energy in yourself and never get sick again in your life?

How to feel constant love within yourself every moment of your life?

How to be in a constant flow of joy?

How can you heal other people with your soul, as the saints did?

How to become a conscious, awakened person and enter the game of life, earning applause from the audience?

How to awaken creative potential and strength in yourself?

How to learn to play in life, as small children do?

If you, my dear reader, are interested in learning and feeling this, then you are welcome to study you as a person, as a soul.

For 10 years now, every day I have been working with people, where each person is a new book, and each book is unique in its own way, always different from others.

And as accumulated experience has shown me, there is no more effective way to heal a person from any disease than awakening his soul. As soon as the soul begins to “breathe,” a person becomes healthy.

A person, as a personality, as a soul, was formed as a set of sensations from other people. They either gave me a feeling of pain, guilt, fear, or people invested me with joy, happiness, love and care.

Until the age of 5–7 years, the basic set of personality feelings is formed, and the person becomes open to the world or closed. Depending on the pain or lack thereof in the heart.

Personality, like the physical body of a person, is temporary and impermanent. Every day your ideas about life, philosophical views, feelings associated with people and opinions about yourself change.

The only thing valuable in life is knowledge. By understanding the laws of this world and starting to live by them, a person will be able to solve all his health problems, develop love for God, perceive reality with his soul and see only the good in people. The book is based on an expanded understanding of the world around us, the study of the mechanisms of disease occurrence and a philosophical understanding of reality. The author's goal is to teach you practical system quick and complete restoration of health, once you know it, you will forget about your ailments forever.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Rapid healing of the body. Secrets of the soul (Nikolai Peychev, 2016) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

What is the soul?

How to learn to see and feel the souls of other people?

How to awaken endless energy in yourself and never get sick again in your life?

How to feel constant love within yourself every moment of your life?

How to be in a constant flow of joy?

How can you heal other people with your soul, as the saints did?

How to become a conscious, awakened person and enter the game of life, earning applause from the audience?

How to awaken creative potential and strength in yourself?

How to learn to play in life, as small children do?

If you, my dear reader, are interested in learning and feeling this, then you are welcome to study you as a person, as a soul.

For 10 years now, every day I have been working with people, where each person is a new book, and each book is unique in its own way, always different from others.

And as accumulated experience has shown me, there is no more effective way to heal a person from any disease than awakening his soul. As soon as the soul begins to “breathe,” a person becomes healthy.

A person, as a personality, as a soul, was formed as a set of sensations from other people. They either gave me a feeling of pain, guilt, fear, or people invested me with joy, happiness, love and care.

Until the age of 5–7 years, the basic set of personality feelings is formed, and the person becomes open to the world or closed. Depending on the pain or lack thereof in the heart.

Personality, like the physical body of a person, is temporary and impermanent. Every day your ideas about life, philosophical views, feelings associated with people and opinions about yourself change.

Only the consciousness that you always are remains unchanged. Having reached this level of perception, a person is no longer affected by how others treat him. Even if all people turn away from a holy man, an enlightened master, he will only smile.

What if all your friends and family turn away from you tomorrow? What will you do?

What if they don’t even remember you at all? Won't it hurt?

Personality is a set of relationships and connections with other people. By healing relationships, the personality, soul and body are healed.

We will discuss how to do this in this book. But in short, you need to get rid of all the pain that you received from people. Pain overwhelms the ability to feel. How to remove pain? You need people to start giving you love, acceptance, the feeling that you are exactly the way they love, a good, perfect and absolute person.

Once a huge bank of positive feelings fills your personality, you will feel that life is easy, accepted and loved. Then the guilt and feeling of inferiority will go away. After this, openness to people and relationships will appear. An open state gives a lot of energy and joy in life. And where there is energy, there is health.

But if you understand that persuading all your friends to invest acceptance and love in you is difficult and impossible. Know that you, as consciousness, are capable of entering into their image through meditation and doing it for them. The result will be the same. I wrote down meditations on how to do this. Find them on my website, listen, and the result will not keep you waiting long.

“The Multidimensional Model of Man” is a book that, in fact, has saved a huge number of people from the most complex diseases. She helped a huge number of people restore their health, improve the functioning of their energy centers, and restore the integrity and symmetry of the outer field shell. But in order to keep all the chakras constantly open, and the field shell intact and unharmed, this requires the power of the soul.

And this book, precisely, was written as a continuation of the first book, as well as for those who have already completed training at the “Academy of Healers” and those who are just about to undergo training. After all, it is in the “Academy of Healers,” my author’s school, that we learn to develop the ability to perceive and see the world through the soul, and not through the lenses of the mind that distort reality. The world is alive, and all people have a soul, but we don’t see it. Once you begin to see the souls in people, you automatically begin to see only the good in them, which means that you stop judging, criticizing and thinking badly about people. And when you don’t judge or criticize anyone, you don’t get sick. Everything is very simple. Health is the ability to see only the good in people.

For everyone who wants to learn to see the world from the soul, through the soul, to feel their soul and live by the soul, I am writing this book. I am aware of the fact that it is very difficult to transfer a person from mind to soul through text. After all, the text itself refers to the mind. In my personal presence, at my seminars, all people feel themselves in their souls. But I will still try to be bold and convey my feelings to you through printed text. Moreover, I will try to convey to you the channels of the Heavenly Father, who feeds the human soul with spiritual energy and fills it with spiritual fabric, through this book.

I realize that this is already happening. Do you already realize that the process has begun, that your condition is already changing? Are you already in another force field, in another flow? Is your body already vibrating in a new way?

I have a request to you: try not to immediately evaluate some knowledge, try to feel what will be given. After all, when you begin to see the reality of the world of the soul, your mind begins to jam, and it cannot logically explain and understand what is in this amazing and magical world.

When you are in love, to others (who live by reason) you seem crazy, don't you? And for lovers, those who live by reason and do not have love seem like madmen. Feelings and logic are two different things.

You can comprehend the world with an evaluative mind, or you can through feelings. What do you choose?

Ban on love in favor of reason

“Anahata chakra,” as it is called in Sanskrit, is the center where the soul is located in the human body, located in the human chest, in the area of ​​the heart. The thymus gland is responsible for the functioning of the immune system. When a person kills love in himself, his immunity drops.

In my practice, a huge number of people with autoimmune diseases were healed very quickly when they began to live with their souls. All diseases disappear in the person who begins to live with the soul. Don't even doubt it. After all, the practice of repentance from the soul, and not from the mind, destroys those mountains of karma, those mountains of illness, those mountains of suffering.

Anahata is responsible for the ability to love. It is for the ability to experience this feeling. You can take away a person's money, but you cannot take away the ability to earn it. The object of love can be taken away from a person, but the ability to love cannot be taken away.

Thou shalt not kill...(there is love in you). The greatest sin a person can commit is killing love in oneself. You cannot kill a person until you kill your love for the person. You cannot kill an animal until you kill your love for it. You cannot kill anyone until you have killed the feeling of love in yourself.

It's sad, but most people, without noticing it, gradually kill love in themselves. There is only one reason - the mental wounds that those around us inflict on us. And instead of thanking you, it was thanks to this spiritual wound that your soul became wiser and more sensitive to other souls. You have experienced for yourself how painful it can be, and now you will never allow yourself to cause the same pain to other people. You are holding a grudge.

Resentment closes feelings of love and pain becomes a person’s companion. He blames others, he blames himself, he blames God for this happening.

Do you think that if you harbor resentment or anger in your soul, God’s grace leaves you? Does God feed a soul that is not evil, or that remembers evil? Touchy or forgiving?

If you have been hurt, rejoice, you have a unique chance to enlarge your soul. Ask your Heavenly Father for the strength to forgive a person for the pain and betrayal towards you. That he wanted to close your ability to love, and you opened your soul even more. And you not only forgave him with all your heart, but also asked God to saturate his soul with God’s grace. We prayed for the offender and sent the most tender and warm feelings towards him. Understanding that these warm energies will reach the address, and the person, sooner or later, will repent before you and God for causing you so much pain, suffering and mental wounds. And after he repents, he will never again inflict wounds on other souls. He took a lesson on soul acquisition.

But if you did not send the warmth and grace of your soul to the offender, did not forgive, did not transmit a warm ray from your heart, then you have lost peace and grace in your soul, and have not learned the lesson of finding a soul. It will now become difficult for you to forgive and love.

You will turn on your mind and begin to sow cold around you, you will freeze people away instead of reviving their souls with your presence.

Heaven is not out there somewhere. He is right in your heart, in the warmth of your soul and close, loving connection with the Heavenly Father and all His creations.

Don’t just forgive everyone with your mind, but from your heart, send to all offenders and cold people the warmth of your soul, all the tenderest and warmest feelings, wishes and blessings.

Pray to God, the Heavenly Father: “Heavenly Father, put Divine warmth, spiritual fabric into these people, fill them with Your Grace.”

Collect all your emotional wounds, grievances, sufferings into a “bag” and throw this bag out of your soul, turning it into a white cloud of light and never again accumulate grievances, wounds, suffering, but thank God for another opportunity to grow in soul by forgiving another offender .

People in whom others have invested a lot of pain, like wild dogs, only know how to bite, bark, and get angry. Therefore, you should not condemn them, because they cannot do otherwise. The pain blocked their ability to feel.

Practical tasks:

1. Hug your loved one, hold him tightly to you and allow your soul to love him. (If he is not nearby, you can do it mentally).

2. Hug your parents and let all the pain associated with them leave your heart in this hug.

3. Then hug the person who caused you the most pain. Embrace your worst enemy and convey the warmth of your soul to him.

4. Forgive everyone and the Father will forgive you everything.

5. Tell people only about their good qualities, and never talk about their bad sides. Learn to see only the good in people, then you will contact them with the bright qualities of your soul, constantly increasing the space of love on the Planet.

Meditation “Getting rid of the bag of grievances”

Close your eyes and imagine yourself high in the mountains. You climb to the top, the Sun is shining around you.

And behind your back is a backpack full of grievances and emotional wounds. All your hidden anger towards different people sits in this backpack like an essence.

Throw your backpack into the abyss without opening it. There is no need to remember in detail everyone who inflicted a mental wound on you, offended you, or caused suffering. With a pure child's heart, throw this little man in a backpack, who loves to judge everyone, into the abyss, so that you yourself do not go into the abyss with him at the hour of death.

Say out loud:

I free my memory from all grievances, emotional wounds and suffering.

I thank all the people who hurt me. I am sending you a ray of love.

I have no enemies - all are my teachers.

I am a forgiving person!

From this moment on, there is only a flow of love for all people.

I see only souls in people, and everyone’s souls are pure, shining, Divine.

I will never again carry around grievances and mental pain.

All dark energies leave my aura.

All illnesses and suffering leave my life.

I will carry the light within me. I am my own light. I am a light for others.

How to warm a person's soul?

You need to imagine the person in the form of a child who did not receive love, but received pain in his feelings, and convey to him your warmest and most tender feelings. Next, you mentally look at the center of his chest, at his heart, and meditate on his soul. You turn on the state of unity with it, as if merging into one. Next, you must immerse yourself entirely in the Heavenly Father and feel the flow of love. Then you transfer this flow of love to the person’s soul. The “ray of love” comes from your soul. If you turn on condemnation of this person, it means your pride is higher than your soul, higher than love. See with your inner vision what kind of relationship your souls have with this person: mother-son, father-daughter, brother-sister, friends, etc.

In order to see the relationship between your souls, you need to immerse yourself in meditation and feel the heart of another person with your heart. When you see the world through your soul, then there are no strangers for you. All one family.

A woman can live with her husband, and in her soul feel him as a son, father, friend, brother. Also, the husband seems to live with his wife, but feels her as a friend, mother, sister, teacher, or as a wife. Materially, we are in one relationship, and spiritually, in another. For example, a developed soul becomes a father or mother to other, younger souls. That’s why saints are called father, mother. Therefore, God is called “Heavenly Father”, “Theotokos - Mother of God”.

When your soul becomes big, all people will feel you as a Father or Mother. God Himself puts the soul in this position. Remember, all souls are familiar, all souls are from the same family, from the same God. In souls we are all family and friends: all brothers, sisters, friends, parents, children, loved ones. I give you a 100% guarantee that when you begin to perceive this world not from your head, but from your heart, you will immediately see it. You will directly see who this person is to you at the soul level. Even passers-by whom you don’t know are like your relatives. But it’s difficult to see this with your mind.

Imagine that in your palms there is a small person, like a “Little Thumb” or “Thumbelina”, to whom you want to convey a flow of love. Just love the baby and feel the mutual warmth. Everything is very simple. You warm up a piece of ice in a person, and then that person will warm up others.

How to get rid of pain and overcome illness?

Never run from the pain in yourself! If you run away from pain in your soul, then this pain will become pain and illness in your body!

When you learn to love pain and enjoy it, from that moment all your illnesses will go away forever, and all pain will become a source of joy. I urge you to learn to adore pain, to become a masochist who looks for buried pain in the soul, digs it up, and fully feels it, savors it, and allows the pain to come out.

Allow the abscess to break through and turn into a powerful volcano of unbearable pain and tears that you carry within yourself. You carry a lot of ulcers within you, let them break out. Spend a few days in tears, let your soul cry. The tears came out, the illnesses came out. Love tears, the road to heaven opens with tears. Isn't that what the saints did?

Pump all the energy out of your pain until it dies. Remove the pain with your awareness, feel it. This is the fastest way to heal. Light is awareness. The holy or the light is the conscious one. Become aware. Are you aware of yourself now?

Every pain in your soul is a stake driven into you, a knife inserted. It is very painful to pull the knife out of you; it has already grown into you. The arrow has grown into the body, and the body is rotting, the arrow needs to be pulled out, and this is very painful. Do you have another option?

REMEMBER! All the negative qualities that you begin to accept in yourself, realize, re-experience, become them, immerse yourself in them - after completely dissolving in them, turn into warmth and love. Check it out for yourself now. Choose the pain that you have been running away from for many years, months. And run towards it, feel its fullness, immerse yourself and become it, enjoy immersion in pain.

If you feel that you are in pain, this is a sign that you have a soul. When there is no soul, a person becomes a robot. He doesn't feel pain. The more pain you can feel in yourself, the better. Rejoice. Love the enormous pain, the unbearable pain, the terrible pain, the tearing pain. Get pleasure, taste from the feeling of heartbreaking pain. It's like muscles in the gym, you deliberately tear them by lifting a barbell, tear the fiber, and it grows even more. Tear the fiber of your soul, lift heavy weights, take on a lot of pain and feel it. This way you will pump up a big muscle of your soul. Love pain with all your soul.

If you don't accept your illness, it won't go away.

Every day I work with people, most of whom have various health problems. Incurable diseases, chronic, autoimmune - all this is easy to remove if a person starts working according to my system: cleansing the body, cleansing the feelings, mind, reason, changing the attitude towards life, getting rid of power programs, getting out of dark channels, switching to the channel of the Holy Spirit , revelation of the soul, and, oddly enough, acceptance of one’s illness. Full acceptance of all your shortcomings, including physical ones, frees you from these shortcomings.

For example, a girl suffers greatly and hates her acne on her face. She hates herself with them, the entire Universe, which unfairly awarded her with this gift of “beauty.” But as soon as she consciously says the following words, the disease will leave its carrier. I wrote the following thought forms for this problem, but you can use some of them for any disease. And you are guaranteed to get a healing effect. Example of self-acceptance:

“What beautiful pimples I have on my face, they decorate me so much, they make me look beautiful. Yes, I accept them. I will not be afraid that I will have them all the time. As soon as I love them, they will immediately leave. Everything I reject haunts me. Everything I take leaves my life. I run from fear, and he runs after me. I run from myself, from my body, and my body begins to hurt in order to attract my attention. I pay attention to my body. I consciously immerse myself in my body, realize all its shortcomings and accept them. I am the most beautiful and Divine in this body. Yes, it has disadvantages, but these are the ones I accept as advantages. I feel like I am in a new suit with a clean face, sparkling eyes, a smiling face, an open soul, a gentle look and a healthy body. I always feel healthy."

“Awareness is acceptance. Those who are awakened and aware have no disease. I become aware and awakened. Emotions no longer have power over me. I change my lifestyle, start cleansing my body and accept the fact that there will be a cleansing crisis, I accept it too. I cleanse my soul from sins and realize that there will be tears, I cleanse my life from unconscious people, and I realize that it will be painful and scary, but I also realize that conscious, holy and awakened souls will come into my life, shining like millions Suns with the beauty of your inner world of the soul. I am entering a new world of complete awareness and acceptance of everything. I have nothing to fear anymore, because I am constantly aware of myself in the flow of love and Spiritual grace.”

“I realize that the mercy of God feeds me with the Light of the Holy Spirit and the Love of the Heavenly Father, who loves me and never punishes me, because He is only love. I remove my self and become a Father in my soul. I am the Father and mother of all souls living on Earth and in all other worlds. As the Divine Mother and Father, I love the souls of people and nourish them with the warmth of my soul. I no longer have enemies, all are my children who need my love and attention. I love my children, and children love me. All people will love me when I feel them as my children. My soul needs love, and the souls of all people love me with my own love.”

“Let my body be cleansed of dirt and disease by the flow of my love, the flow of the Holy Spirit, the flow of the love of the Heavenly Father. Let my mind be cleared of fears and worries, of all desires. Let my mind be cleared of all plans for the future and trust the will of the Divine. Let my mind become a slave to my soul and serve it. Let all my feelings sink into my soul, let my whole body sink into my soul, let my whole mind sink into my soul. I constantly feel myself in my soul. I see myself in a heart filled with love and light. All the cells and organs of my body vibrate with joy.”

“My love for the body and all the cells in it heals my body. I will no longer poison the cells of my body with unhealthy foods, drinks, and intoxications. I realize that my body is an aquarium in which trillions of fish cells live. Let all the fish in my body swim in me as in a stream of love. I put on the image of a healthy, beautiful, radiant person. All the bright images that I create and accept consciously with my soul enter into me. All saints enter my soul, all spiritual streams nourish me. Health and happiness fills my whole body and my whole life.”

“I am moving from the kingdom of power to the kingdom of love, and this is my conscious choice. In the world of love there is only joy and health. I choose a world of love for all living beings. May all living beings in all worlds enter the world of love and tenderness. May everyone become healthy and happy, may love and light abide forever in all souls. May the love of the Most High God, the creator of Our Souls, our Dear Father, be with us all. May all people gain Divine consciousness and be nourished by the love of their Holy Parents. In this case, no one will ever get sick, suffer or die. The world of love is eternal, I enter this eternal world and realize myself in it.”

“Prayer is constantly in my soul, and health is in my body. My mind shines with the light of peace, and all the feelings of my body are filled with love and joy for all of Mother Nature. Is it possible for me to get sick in this state of mind and body? I wish everyone health and happiness. This is my Divine nature - every moment of my life to be in love, calmness, peace and to nourish the souls of all living beings with love.”

How to find a clamp in the body?

If you have a tightness in your body, muscle spasms, it means that you don’t accept something in yourself, there’s some kind of pain.

If you have a serious illness, then know that what you have accepted in yourself, the negative emotions that you are, have gained a critical mass for you to pay attention to them.

The practice of finding hidden pain in yourself and cleansing it.

Close your eyes and begin to immerse yourself in the part of your body where there is pressure or pain. Go into your illness, all your attention is on the place where the problem is. Feel your problem in your body right now and wait for emotions, images, prompts to come from pure consciousness.

Then begin to experience the emotions that come out, give them free rein. The volcano should explode in a stream of tears. Let all the pain, all the rejection of something, be lived in you now. Don’t run from this pain, become it, and at the very peak ask your soul: “What kind of sin have I committed that such suffering has come?”, and wait for the answer. When sin comes, ask for forgiveness from everyone who suffered because of you, as well as from God, for your heart of stone, and ask to invest in you at least a little love, mercy and the feeling of other souls, so as not to hurt anyone in the future.

Important condition in this practice, do not run away from pain and fear if it is inside you. You need to run towards pain and fear. All negative emotions must be loved and enjoyed. Become a masochist who waits for all the pain to come out of him. Straight up your pain to the limit. Work through the pain of losing loved ones, the pain of rape, the pain of betrayal, the pain of parting with your soulmate, the pain of losing a child, etc. Bring everything that torments you inside to the surface.

Many people are unloved children who are embittered at the whole world and try to find surrogate happiness in casual relationships, in money, alcohol, and drown in an ocean of sinful passions, drowning out their pain.

The child learns the world feelings of your soul. He is open to the world, he greedily absorbs the feelings of every person, every animal, every plant, thereby enriching his sensory world, making it richer and more colorful.

This is the Divine plan, to be open to the world, life, love, joy. But why does a person close himself off, become clamped down, experience mental discomfort and pressure? The answer is simple and obvious, because according to the law of the genre, everything true is very simple.

“Don't run, don't scream! Don't party so loud! Don't cry, don't throw a tantrum! Don't stomp your feet! Be serious! You must be such that mom and dad are happy with you!” – Is this how your parents raised you?

Or like this: “Come on, child! Show what your sensory world is capable of. Play like this on the stage of the theater of life so that everyone explodes in a new burst of creativity! Do whatever makes you happy in your soul. Let nothing hold you back on stage as a great actor! Play life for real, so that the world around you freezes in amazement, from the power of emotions that burst out of you and awaken everything around you to life! And let everyone condemn you for being too big, they are not able to accommodate your huge Universe within themselves, but be even bigger, even more grandiose, let your anthem of life sound!”

“Come on, laugh very loudly and loudly! Even louder! More! Great, don't stop!"

From your laughter, scream, crying, anger, fear, cry of joy, there should be an explosion in this world of squeezed people, placed within the framework of false rules invented by someone.

Blow up this world with yourself! Show all the facets of your soul! Awaken in yourself all the hidden power of the potential of God, who erupts volcanoes, explodes lightning, awakens nature to sensual excitement and mutual penetration of all living beings into each other!

Indeed, in a fit of Divine excitement, your parents connected with the sensory worlds, and the image of a new life was born in their heads, in the form of a boy or a girl. And you continue to build up this bright image, enriching it with new sensory experience, and further multiplying it in a new intercourse with a new partner, for the birth of another Divine image.

In this world there is only one meaning - to make the sensory world of the imagery of each person as GOD-atized (GOD-in-ATOM) as possible. And any philosophy and religion is initially false if it does not develop the sensory world in a person, without teaching a person the science of imagery. Without mastering this Divine science, you create your own images unconsciously, and often they are so ugly and scary that you and everyone around you fear and shuns them.

Remember the most important thing - an image without feelings will not come to life! Reveal all your feelings: love, joy, inspiration, dream, beauty, grace of the dance of your life.

Explode right now! Scatter all the ignorance around you! Scream like you screamed as a child! Cry out loud! Stomp your feet! Laugh so much that you feel good!

Let all your feelings come out, and illnesses will not accumulate in you in the form of mental blocks, fears of not being recognized as an actor in front of the audience of this world in the theater of God.

Play, explode and run away! Isn’t that what you liked to do as a child? Is not it?

Until you learn to play like a small child, you will not be happy, not to mention the joy that NEVER comes to serious people!


Look inside yourself right now, look into your feelings. What emotion, energy, is now lying on the surface? What feeling: fear, sadness, despondency, disappointment, or joy, love, calmness, anticipation of the celebration of life at the carnival of the future of your life?

Look within yourself, study very carefully the feeling that is already lying on the surface of your consciousness. Don’t overwhelm him with anything, not coffee, not cigarettes, not TV, not unnecessary work. Don't run away from yourself, just look into the feelings of your soul. Study yourself very carefully and intelligently.

Once you see the feeling that is currently lying, ask your soul: “What image from my life is holding this feeling? “What can I do to release this mental block, this clamp, this fear, this anger, this greed and feeling of scarcity in the vast Universe, with limitless energies, elements, planets and endless potential of possibilities?”

Just let the feeling, emotion, image absorb you, get the experience of experiencing with all your being what is deep inside you. Open yourself, become open, like a window, like a door for all guests.

Dress yourself as an inspirational genius. Be in the clothes of the master of life. Live in the image of a sensual artist, painting a picture of your life with different colors, a rich palette of new emotions, new feelings that you collect in the world around you: from birds, people, nature, animals, angels, saints, enlightened ones, geniuses of art, and also don’t forget that without dark colors the picture will not work. Do not reject the energies of fear, sadness, anger and resentment. Let them play with you. Love your fears, love your anger, love the dark sides of your nature. Do not run away from the energies of the dark worlds, on the contrary, look at them until they turn into white light and joy through the power of your love. Play!

As soon as all the feelings, emotions suppressed in you from the moment of your birth come out of you, then ALL DISEASES OF THE BODY will immediately disappear as unnecessary.

God will not need to point out the pain sitting in you. Illness is a conversation between God and man. Illness of the body indicates illness of the soul, and the soul is feelings. Wounded feelings of the soul and personality cause physical illnesses.

Why do feelings get hurt? Why does the soul get sick?

The soul is an actress, it is a creative force, it is an ocean of emotions, feelings, experiences. If you have now caught this thought, then now you realize that if you do not allow the actress to create, she will get sick. The actress is beyond the laws, beyond the rules, beyond any concepts. She is beyond good and evil. She plays different roles on stage, and the audience loves her performance, her ability to penetrate deeply into the character and convey the full depth of feelings to the theater audience.

Now imagine that you are stopping the actress from screaming and stamping her feet. “Don’t laugh so loudly, don’t throw a tantrum at me, don’t live!”

Is this what they told you in childhood, school, college, in your family?

And remember, if you suppress your feelings, you will get sick. Stop playing with life and get sick.

If you suppress the pain within yourself, expect pain in physics.

If you become serious, expect death.

Became a child and gained eternal life. (That’s what Jesus said in the Gospel, by the way.)

The world is created only for children!

God is bored with serious people, he wants to play with children.

It is children who live in the flow of creating new images of reality-game.

Continuously create images, revive them, explode a volcano of new feelings inside yourself every moment, live only by feelings, collect new colors and don’t think too much. Look at the world as if it were a huge theater, where every person on stage plays a different role. Show everyone how to play for real, so that everyone plays your game by your rules. Become a genius! Create as the Creator creates his worlds!

Healing Mood

US-THREE (THREE OF US: Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

To be upset is the disintegration of the Trinity. When you are upset, you have fallen out of the Trinity. When you feel constant oneness with God, you are in the Trinity. God is always around us, we are in Him like a fish in water, but for some reason we cannot find Him, and we feel the feelings of an abandoned, forgotten child left in this world.

Can the material mind see the immaterial, spiritual God?

Obviously not. This is the root of the problem, we see the world with the material mind, without having spiritual eyes. But as soon as we go beyond the mind, look at the world with something that is subtler than the mind, with the soul, God immediately begins to smile at us from every living creature. And you realize that you have been blindfolded all your life, and the light has always surrounded you. You just had to ask the teacher, the awakened master, to remove the bandage from you.

You need to stop, stop running like a squirrel in a wheel, realize the eternity of your soul and the temporary nature of earthly life. You received a gift from GOD - to be born a human, so thank the Creator with the fruits of your life, do not cause violence to anyone and follow your intuition, develop your talent, serve this talent to all the people of the Earth, feel that everyone loves you and people need you. The very feeling that people need me already gives a person the meaning of life and energy for creativity.

Man is a creative mind and a loving heart.

Realize that you are life itself, you, as a soul, are the main meaning of all life. Right now, God himself is inside you, as well as in the heart of every person, so communicate with your God with God in the heart of another, and this will be the communication of the Gods, but can the Gods be afraid of something?

Now direct the entire flow of your attention, an enlightened state of consciousness, to experiencing a state of fullness of life, or a warm stream of spiritual warmth flowing from your soul to other souls. You are a stream of infinite consciousness, You are an initially enlightened being, You are a soul, You are an observer of life, You are a river of consciousness, attention. Direct this river towards fear, and you will become fear, your stream of consciousness will begin to create an infinite number of those very dark creatures that everyone is afraid of. Direct the river of your consciousness towards absolute calm, and you will become an ocean of calm, you will become calmer than the Buddha himself, and you will create with your consciousness an infinite number of Buddhas, calm beings.

Direct the flow of your conscious attention to tenderness, and a very gentle energy will begin to emanate from your body, which will be felt by the people around you and they themselves will become gentle, loving and calm.

Tell yourself more often that I am a river of consciousness. Where the river flows, it is colored. Attention will flow into experiencing states of calm, and the whole world around you will appear in complete calm. Next, direct the river into the channel of experiencing the state of maternal love and tenderness, which you may not have received enough in childhood, and your consciousness already creates within you the image of a gentle mother who holds the baby in her arms and feeds you with her love and tender care, putting gratitude and light.

Just decide right now what state you want to be in? What do you want? Where will you direct your attention?

I become where my river flows, the river of pure consciousness. All you have to do is choose for yourself where to direct the river, into what state of experiencing life?

I merge with life, I am life itself, and life itself is me. I stop separating myself from God, my ego does not set boundaries. God is love and I am love. God is care and tenderness, and I am care for everything and tenderness. God is light and warmth, and I am light for myself and everything I see.

God is the Creator, and I create bright images in my soul and fill the surrounding space with them. God is grace, warmth and the Sun, God is a loving Father, and I will not feel separate from God. I am in the Father, I am in God, and the Father is in me, God is in me. The feeling of unity and inseparability makes me whole and calm.

The Holy Trinity is in me, and I am in the Holy Trinity. I have nothing to fear anymore, I am a river of pure consciousness, I am radiant love and a tender experience of life. May all beings in all worlds be peaceful and happy. May everyone achieve the greatest peace and tranquility.

When I was a child

When I was born, my parents came up with a name for me, and I began to consider myself this name, but I am not this name, I am what was before the name appeared. Next, my parents began to explain to me what is good and what is bad, although before that I was simply, I simply looked at the world without division into good and evil, I lived in the world, I was life itself, and not thoughts about it.

Oh, how good it would be if from birth I was raised by Buddha, or any holy person who simply studies the world and fills it with the light of love.

Think about how the Buddha would raise you? He would teach you to divide the world into good and evil, or... this loving father would explain to you that the whole world is one, that there are different energies, different worlds, different types life, there is pure consciousness, and you just be, just shine with the light of pure consciousness.

But I was taught not by enlightened individuals, but by ordinary people fighting for survival in this world. Therefore, I am trained by this world, by teachers at school, by television, by social conventions. My brain was simply programmed with what was beneficial for the system, but I decided to get out of the system of social zombies, I decided to awaken, wake up, become a Buddha.

I now remember how, as a small child, I smiled at the Sun, rejoiced at every ray of light, every dawn. I rejoiced in life itself, in the fact that I exist. Every morning I saw my parents, and they seemed to me something extraordinary, for me they were everything, life itself.

When I first saw the sea, I didn't know what it was, but that wave powerful energy bliss, the power of the sound of the surf and the first steps of my child’s feet on the sand - I still remember this. My mother told me that my eyes became 2 times larger, and with joy I began to blush and swell like a balloon, and was ready to burst with happiness. She didn’t understand with her mind why this bubble was so happy? Because there is simply life, and it is beautiful!

When I visited my grandparents, I ran into the forest every day. I was pure and simply loved life, so I felt with every cell of my body the energy of the forest, trees, birds, animals in the forest. I was simply beaming with happiness from the incessant wave of ecstasy that filled me. And I am sure that all children feel the world this way, until their sensitive abilities to experience every moment of life without thinking or evaluating what they see are dulled by their parents with their explanations and prohibitions.

How did I fall in love for the first time?

It started from the moment I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I was already love itself, placed in a human body. My relatives said that as soon as they looked into my radiant eyes, they immediately felt joyful. My fountain of happiness flooded the entire space of my house, and I did not make any effort for it. And now I have to strain my convolutions in order to evoke happiness in myself, but this is not happiness, but an attempt to artificially create such a state for myself. Joy is spontaneous and is my nature. You just need to cleanse yourself of everything unnecessary.

Why do children shine so much, especially newborns, before they learn to speak?

Yes, because they do not yet have assessments, but have a direct perception of life, life itself, in its original form. But as soon as their mind begins to divide the world into good and evil, the light of consciousness will immediately disappear and life will begin inside the mind, and the mind is struggle, war, suffering. In the Bible, it is not for nothing that the mind was called the serpent, and “do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” but remain to shine with your nature, just love and nothing extra.

As soon as thoughts come, they take me along with them and I become these thoughts. Until the first thought came to me, there was only I, but as soon as the thought came to me, I disappeared, I began to identify myself with the thought. This is why Buddha sat motionless and looked within himself for many years, without thoughts.

Buddha became awakened. All people are originally Buddhas, only they forgot this and went after thoughts. I am not the conventions of this world. I am not a single thought. I am not this name that was given to me at birth. I am not my profession. I am not a citizen of my state, people explained this stupidity to me. I am not a disease that doctors invented to sell me medicine. I am not the television and films that are shown to me. I am not even this planet on which I live. I am something more, I am all life entirely.

I became an awakened Buddha when I learned who I am. I became a light for myself and for others. I no longer trust a single thought, a single human mind, a single philosophy. All knowledge comes from within myself.

I don't read books anymore, I write them myself. I know more than all the books. In each life situation my soul answers me very precisely what to do, and I am never mistaken again. I gained a pure perception of the world. All Creative skills themselves awakened in me, I saw that I was always the Creator Himself, taking the form of a man.

I am grateful to myself for allowing myself to go beyond the adult mind and become again what I was before I was given a name and knowledge of this world - a child.

I am now a baby who knows nothing and at the same time knows everything. I simply am, I simply experience every moment of life, I am life itself, the continuous experience of life, this stormy stream.

I am what I have been looking for all my life, I am the very love of life. I am the pure perception of being without thoughts and evaluations. I saw that love and light are my natural state. I love everything and love everyone. I spent my whole life searching for myself, it was a funny game, but I woke up. I no longer trust my mind and thoughts. I love everything that can only be!

The child continues to play his game

Without a sense of play in life, creativity dies. Children all play, musicians play, actors play, speakers play, husband and wife play husband and wife, mom and dad play mom and dad for their children, that’s how they were taught. We were all taught the skills of the game, and you are simply what you were taught. Realize this. It’s hard for you to live because you’re living someone else’s life, but at that moment when you’re ready to throw off all your masks and enter into new role, You die and are reborn. It is not necessary to change your body for this, but you are already different, different. Your acquaintances will not recognize you, you have been reborn into a new image, which now gives you a feeling of happiness from the game.

For example, there lived ordinary girl until one day she became pregnant. And she has to be born a mother, play the role of a caring mother for the unborn child. She can have an abortion, give him to a shelter, but she will no longer go through the experience of being a mother. She will not be able to experience these feelings and experience the soul. Please note, it is the sensory experience of the soul.

A guy who finds out that he will soon become a dad may not be immediately ready to die to his past life, but gradually puts on the image of a father and begins to take care of his child with love. He is reborn into new game in the Father.

The most paradoxical thing is that a person who lives in a sense of play and extreme frivolity towards everything that happens in life will always be extremely talented and brilliant in all areas, everyone will love him madly, with all their soul.

On the contrary, a person is programmed, dogmatic, boring and serious, full of stereotypes and prejudices, too focused on himself and not on the process of the game, boring, unattractive and dead to life. Everyone will run away from this. Remove all programs from yourself, and the whole world will fall in love with you. The less prejudice you have, the more people around you love you.

Why did God create everything? To play! Or do you have other explanations for this?

Didn't you love to play as a child? Don't you just love kids these days who just throw themselves into the game? Don’t you love movie actors, and don’t you experience their roles with them, unwittingly becoming these roles yourself? Don't you go away for months and years with your head in computer games to forget yourself and become the hero of the game? Don’t you right now want to be on the shore of a warm ocean, where talented musicians will play for you, playful dancers will dance and the best comedians, whom you love so much for their flexible nature, will make you laugh?

Don’t you love those who are talented, and with their play, make you forget yourself, your problems and simply become life itself.

Take off all your masks, all your roles right now, and look at yourself from the outside. Feel yourself outside the role, outside the mind, outside any concepts about yourself. Become no one and everything at the same time. Imagine that you have become invisible, and people’s opinions of you no longer concern you. You are the game itself, life itself, the flight of creativity itself, you are everywhere at the same time, in every brilliant and talented person you reside. You are talent itself, become more subtle, throw off the rough shell and take a fresh look at the reality of this world.

Take a close look, life is the most frivolous thing that exists!

So why do you then take so many problems to heart? Don't you want to play? Then you are an unnecessary element for the game. The Universe will remove you as an unnecessary figure because you do not accept the rules of the game.

Allow God to play with you. Allow all the energies of the Universe to play with you. Get a new experience from this game. Don’t take anything you see or hear seriously, because it will all very quickly go back to where it came from. Everything that has a beginning also has an end. Which means it is not forever. Only that which has neither beginning nor end, that which is indivisible, is worth true attention to itself. And everything else is just a game of life.

Everything comes, but music is eternal. What is music? Yes, that's right - it's a game. What part do you have in the Ecumenical Orchestra?

I invite you to your game. Just please, play for real so that the viewer enjoys your game, although only you realize that this is just a game where you shine with your Divine talent, and do not bury it in the ground.

Yes, and most importantly. God is constantly watching you, and right now he is reading this text with you. After all, God is omnipotent and all-pervading, isn’t it? And since God himself, who endowed you with talent, is watching your play, then be so kind as to give Him true pleasure in your play, show your talent in full force, so that not only God the Almighty Father Himself would thank you for the brilliantly played role, but also all the inhabitants of heaven would freeze in amazement, with their mouths wide open at this extremely talented actor, who even forced them to experience this production, even they believed in the reality that the world really is the way you showed it, because you experienced it.

I hope I have aroused at least a little interest in the game in you? The closer you are to the child, the more natural your feeling of play is.

Will God allow smart, boring and tedious adults to approach him? He will drive them out of paradise. He is bored with those who do not want to play, but want to teach him. Who do you love more: children or adults?

Find that moment in your life when you stopped playing at life and became serious, restless, and stressed.

Did you see the trap?

Get out of it into the game world and... play!

How to stop playing the role of a sick person?

People only get sick because they like to be sick. There is no other reason.

Anyone who wants to be treated goes to doctors. Anyone who wants to be healthy takes care of their health every day.

If I don't want to play the role of a sick person, then I don't play it. Personally, I chose a role in the theater of life - an absolutely healthy and happy person.

I work on improving my health every day. I run in the morning, stretch my spine, do yoga, drink only water and no intoxicants, not even tea, eat only fresh food, my diet is vegetarian, closer to a raw food diet, swimming in ice water all year round is something I don’t miss day. I realize that any of my violence to the outside world: physical, verbal and mental, will cause violence from the outside world towards me. I radiate thoughts of light, feelings of love and words of tenderness to the people around me, nature and the entire Universe. Clearing the mind through prayer, meditation and constantly being aware of who I really am and what I am aware of right now: health or illness, fear or love - this is my daily practice.

I don’t want to play the role of a whiner, a patient, the role of a victim, the role of a person who lacks something in life. I realized myself in my soul and now I have everything in abundance. I don’t need anything else from this world, it can’t give me anything. Now only I can give this world my love, knowledge, attention and awareness. I don't need the role of a sick person, so I don't play it, so I don't get sick.

At the age of 15, I made a vow to myself, a word that I would never stay in a hospital in my life, and I really never lay there again. And before that, from the age of 2, I not only often stayed in the hospital, I lived there. I suffered from all the chronic diseases that children suffer from. I was just tired of being sick, I started working on health, and I quickly restored all my sagging body systems.

I realize now that I hated school and classes, and that is why I was constantly on sick leave. I loved playing the role of a sick child, to whom more attention was paid when I was sick, and when I was healthy, only what was demanded of me.

I set myself a program that I would do yoga, pray, fast, fast, realize the cause of my illness, repent of my sins, ask for forgiveness from the one I caused suffering, but I would not get sick.

Now I know for sure that people love to play the role of a patient who needs attention. Everyone needs attention. Attention is one of the forms of love. Love is attention. The formula is simple: illness = attention = love. Realized? It's on the subcortex. If you now have a runny nose or a fever, then your loved ones will immediately bring you tea in bed and treat you more gently and attentively. They will begin to show you care, love and mercy. Is not it?

But I don't need it. I will never play the role of a sick person so that they will love me more. I don't need other people's attention. I realized that I am attention. I am love, light, awareness, the flow of God, the son of the Great Heavenly Father.

If your loved ones are sick, do not help them get treatment. No one will ever become healthy if they undergo treatment. Help them first take off the sick suit and put on the healthy suit. Explain to them that they themselves must want to forever refuse to play the role of the sick person and put on the role of the healthy one. Image healthy person let them try it on themselves, get used to it.

Become one with the image of an absolutely healthy person. Turn on the light of awareness, love and attention to everything within yourself. Shine this light and the darkness will disappear. The light of attention and awareness opens your soul. Awareness takes a person from the animal world to the Divine. I know for sure that an unconscious, unawakened person is just an animal. He is guided by unconsciousness, reflexes, stereotypes, complexes, fears, programs and attitudes of the mind.

A conscious person is a person. He consciously reads one prayer, and it achieves its goal. He consciously speaks words of love to his beloved, to his beloved, and these words enter the heart and warm the soul.

A conscious person does not believe in dogmas or authorities; he checks and feels everything. A conscious person is aware of himself always and everywhere. In any role he plays now, he recognizes himself as just a player, but nothing more. He realizes that death will put everything in its place and all his roles that he played on Earth are just roles that he played. A conscious person easily reaches any world. The world of people, the world of spirits, the world of Gods, the world of light, the world of the Heavenly Father, the world of love, everything in one moment becomes accessible to a conscious person. He recognizes himself as a soul, capable of penetrating in an instant into any dimension, entering any body and playing any game.

There is nothing impossible in all worlds for an awakened person. Are you aware of yourself now? Are you aware of all the roles you are playing now? Do you realize that you are not these roles? You are just playing a role. But if you are unconscious, then the roles play you. Realized?

Suffering is when a role is played by you, and you are not aware of it. When a person sleeps and has a nightmare, he suffers greatly. But if you wake him up, the nightmare will not be able to play with him. If your life is a nightmare and suffering, then just wake up, wake up.

Have you seen a very drunk person? This clear example complete unconsciousness. Try to explain to a drunk how to awaken and see the soul, to remove all deceptive images from yourself. This is impossible. But an awakened saint can do this with his own strength.

In the theater of my life there are a lot of roles that I want to play, and the audience is already sitting in their seats in the hall in anticipation of new experiences. And if I truly get into the role, only then will I play in such a way that they will believe.

Wake up, dear actor, go on stage, choose a role and play it. But don't forget that you are not this role. Feel the audience in the hall, yourself on stage, and the observer who is enjoying the process. He alone exists, and everything else is His game.

What is there outside of the game?

When you have tried everything in this world and played every possible role, you will sit down and just sit there, doing nothing. Then you will begin to listen to yourself, feel yourself, be aware of yourself in this world, and you will begin to see the world in your consciousness.

When your consciousness opens, at that moment you will begin to laugh very loudly, and your laughter will last forever. The opening of consciousness is the most amazing thing that can happen to you. Enduring happiness and love are only a small part of the reward for your efforts to open consciousness and go beyond the mind.

Start with simple things:

Right now, become aware of yourself where you are.

And just study very carefully the state of your soul in this moment. Every moment the experience will intensify if you are very attentive. What is the point of your knowledge if you have no experience of experiencing this knowledge?

Becoming attentive to your body means never getting sick.

Become attentive to the mind and you will never grieve.

By carefully looking at feelings, you will reach the depth of ecstatic, spiritual experiences of the soul and love.

Looking carefully at a person will show love between you.

Begin any business with care, and you will achieve everything you dare to achieve.

The flow state is the highest state

Go with the flow, don’t be distracted by anything, just act, gaining new experience.

When you remove your will, then the Divine will will lead you, this is the flow. Your will is your desires, when you have no desires, you are free.

All saints and enlightened people did not have their own desires and their own will, they were free and happy. A holy man is God himself in the human body. God enters the body and works through it, making everyone happy.

Saints make everyone happy during life and after death. All the rest are truly unhappy during life and will not make anyone happy after death.

Therefore, become a holy person, it’s very simple - remove your will and the bridge over your head between you and God will be removed, and at that very moment the Spirit of God will descend on you, and without having your own will, you will begin to hear the will of God. As long as you have your own will, you will not have a vision of the complete picture of the world, your intuition is asleep, your life is unconscious, you are controlled by different forces, you are a puppet.

Why don't you try to fulfill God's desires? Just remove your will, remove the bridge over your head, and allow the Divine will to enter you. Just relax and live. Go with the flow, with the flow of the Holy Spirit, with the flow of the Divine will.

As long as you are rude and forceful, you will suffer, and everyone around you will suffer. Is not it?

When you are soft and gentle, you are happy all the time and everyone around you is happy. You accept everything as it comes. You see the unity of all things.

The universe is a mirror, all people are mirrors. Feel it right now, that you are constantly receiving what you send. If you received a negative, you spat in the mirror with a dark image, which took the form of a demon of suffering, sadness or fear. If you felt love today, you sent love to someone before.

If tenderness enveloped you in its magic blanket, and sweet feelings awoke in your soul, then in the past, you sent tender energy to someone and enveloped with your tenderness the one who needed it.

If you constantly experience bliss within yourself and the joy of being, then you are free from the shackles of the mind, from all limitations. You have stopped weaving a web of views and left the world as it is, and simply observe every moment with the purity of a blissful mind. Freedom is bliss and endless joy. And all people are always free from suffering, but they themselves hold on to it. Let go of clinging and become blissful, like a soul free from all restrictions and responsibilities. Yes, right now, realize that you are always free by your very nature.

Throw away all fears and become like pure space, like the sky, like the Sun, like that Universal consciousness in which the whole world is reflected.

You feel the universe like a mirror. You only get in life what you create with your mind. You only observe what you yourself create. Like a child who takes a lifeless doll and creates a bouquet of experiences, tears, intrigue, love and separation, endowing the doll with himself. He believes that all his toys have their own consciousness, not realizing that he himself has endowed them with his own consciousness and plays with himself. That’s how you endow everything, like the toys in your room, with your consciousness, and then you play with these people and see in them only what you yourself have endowed them with.

And many do not even communicate with people, but live in fantasies, worlds of imagination, and like science fiction writers create their own virtual worlds, because for the mind it makes no difference where to live, in reality or imagination. The same sensations arise. And the whole world is imagined by the Great God, and as images dance in a dream, they are born and suddenly absorbed into sleep. And what should I cling to in this world? After all, my past is like a dream, and the future is just my dreams and dreams. And at night in my dreams I again play with images and desires, in my dreams I get different experiences. And in reality I only add a dense body to my dream and continue to watch 3D movies in the cinema again, I begin to comprehend myself as a viewer, an actor, a role, a person, or what other costume did I sew for myself in my children’s room and what other game do I want to play? play?

And I will play as a healthy person, whose image carries bright, powerful, natural energy. What is stopping me now from taking on the role of someone who has dedicated himself to health?

I brought everything to the altar bad habits To burn them, come on, light a match, and let your memories of pills, doctors, diagnoses and junk food burn with fire. Play walrus, athlete, yogi, you can go to fitness now. Eat fresh food, juices, and fill your diet with greens. Forget about all your ailments and set goals to rise to the level of absolute health. You can master qigong, su-jok, breathing, which allows yogis to live for 200 years. Do at least something that gives your body health, but to do this, you must first immerse yourself in the role that will inspire you to this feat.

What is love?

Love cannot be expressed in words.

It flows from heart to heart, with the warmth of the soul and mutual tenderness.

Love is God, and God called Himself love.

What is love?

That power that holds everything together and fills it with meaning.

Without love you cannot even take a step.

Love is everywhere, but you cannot see it while you look at the world through narrow glasses and blinders.

Remove your limitations that fears and doubts have created and continue to create in you. Forget all the garbage of past knowledge, and don’t litter yourself with new ones.

As long as your consciousness controls your soul, you are a robot, not a person. You are just a stupid program that is no better or worse than all other programs.

Love is beautiful and tender, stop, feel how it flutters like a butterfly from a flower and fills your heart with purity and light.

How a child looks at you, through innocent and pure eyes until... Until they made him a slave of the system.

But let's talk about good things. Look carefully around you now.

What do you see? How are you feeling now?

Whatever feeling lies on the surface, look and dive into it. Squeeze everything out of yourself with love in a flood, so that only the light of love remains and nothing else.

When you make yourself a flow of love, then to the question: “What is your name?”

You will only answer: “I am the flow of love and light of God, I am eternal bliss and attention that embraces and realizes everything. I am the love to whom you just asked a question. Yes, I am the love of a soul shining and eternal. This is the only way I can call myself now that I have begun to see my eternal, incorruptible nature. But “I” is also not appropriate here, there is no “I”, but there is Universal love.”

All people are woven from the light of God, and by the grace of the Heavenly Father they live, creating their own worlds within themselves.

You do everything with love, even when you are angry, love gives you energy to feel anger. Look carefully, and you will see the movement of energy.

With a heart full of love, you will reveal the meaning of God’s creation and you will compose poems on the go, just as I now composed this poem that you are reading, inspired it with love, filled it with the tenderness of your soul and passed it on to the world.

And now you felt warmth inside your soul and a certain calmness, because through this verse you and I united, and two souls bonded in love, a pure union that, without passion and lust, will give the world a new birth, and everyone will begin to shine in love, such you create an image.

The Primordial God loved Himself so much that He showed all creation as an expression of love for Himself.

After all, there is only one God, and who else can He love if not Himself?

And out of love for himself, God creates and manifests everything.

And this verse, out of love for himself, God writes through my fingers. Everything originates from love, and we are trying to find love.

See how all of nature whispers tenderly in your ear: “I love you. Love is scattered everywhere, but you don’t see it, in the chase, bustle and haste.”

Stop and awaken to love, my dear friend. Relax your fist, why do you live in tension? Why are you fighting for life? All life is a stream of love. Bathe in it, you don't need anything else. Just stop and look at God.

Love cannot be found, it is already everywhere you look.

Love has always been and will be, it now enters your nose as you inhale, but you are clamped like a stone in your mind, and are not able to feel that grace.

Why and how does a baby manage to always be joyful, shoot lightning with his eyes and fill him with light?

His gaze is innocent and attracts God. “Until you become like a little child, you will not enter the kingdom of God.” Again, I took a phrase from the Gospel that serves as a support for all saints, but the main thing is that I understood it.

All children are small - they came down from heaven, they are love and light for this earth. And that’s why the family is so valued and shines, because that light comes from children.

Give birth to a child together with your spouse, and learn from him love, innocence, and the salvation of your soul.

The holy fools and the blessed were all like children during their lifetime. And Seraphim of Sarov, he was generally aware of himself as a little child and played a joyful life among people who were puzzled by themselves and their own pride.

You are a saint in the depths of your soul. Find that holiness, awaken it, and you will begin to see love everywhere. And after that, how can I offend you?

One day you will see and feel with your body that every atom in the Universe is held together by love, everything vibrates with love, dances in the Universe. There is nothing but love.

There is only love, and there is no peace, no problems, no death and illness. What you stubbornly believe in doesn’t exist either. All your desires, expectations, disappointments are gone. There is no illusion that your restless mind creates.

You don’t have to think too much and create problems for yourself. Close your eyes, open your eyes, renew yourself, and love everyone in peace.

Love like a little child, so you will find your way to the house of the Father, who looks down on you and whispers in your ear:

"I am the love. And you are confused in diapers of time.

See me with your soul, my dear and eternal child.

I love you so much and I do everything for you.

Open your heart, and look, love is poured out around you now.

You breathe it, you are aware of it, and you will not find anything but love in this world.

There is nothing but love! And if so, then create!”

Worlds inside a person, how to open a new door?

Each person has his own inner world, so do not immediately judge people who have hurt you. No one is to blame for anything, neither are you. If you can enter the world of a person’s consciousness and see his motives, you will be surprised that he did not intentionally cause you pain, he simply could not do it any other way, because pain is now his nature. He received too much pain from other people.

When we are judgmental, we are in constant tension. The mind is a calculator that you need to take out sometimes and then immediately put it in your pocket. And you need to live without thoughts, without tension, just love with your heart and feel unity with everyone. It is the feeling of the world, and not the comprehension of it. Feel your soul right now, feel the souls of other people right now. Don’t take out your mental calculator and calculate life, don’t analyze how profitable and what’s best. Do the opposite, not as profitable, but as you please. Whatever brings you more warmth and grace into your life, do it. Life itself brings you pleasure every minute when your mind is turned off and your soul leads you through life.

The beauty is that when you don’t plan and don’t know what will happen in your life even in 2 minutes, you are open to miracles. You didn’t expect it, and then you got it, cool? Enter the state of a hero from a fairy tale who lives in amazing world, where miracles, magical insights, adventures and difficulties await you at every step that you need to overcome, it is not clear how. You don’t understand this life, you learn and take strength from God, you believe in miracles. Feel that something magical can happen in your life today.

Children live in exactly this state, the state of a fairy tale, constantly expecting miracles. This state is called living in the soul. In the world reasonable people For logicians who do not believe in fairy tales and miracles, this looks funny and absurd. But after death, when the soul enters the subtle world, where every image instantly comes to life and becomes reality, people-wizards find themselves in the fairy tale that they expected, that they created.

Parallel worlds exist, and by believing in fairy tales, in miracles, you open a portal to other dimensions, and here the crossing of worlds occurs, the fairy-tale world and the one in which you now live. This has even been proven by scientists studying the phenomenon of poltergeists, anomalous phenomena, contacts with creatures from other worlds, that if the neighboring reality intersects with ours, then incredible things happen. People discover phenomenal abilities, knowledge and insights.

By reading fairy tales and spiritual literature, a person opens the door to neighboring worlds. Each religion has its own reality, each teaching. Every science fiction writer, writer is simply a contactee with parallel world, from which he draws endless images. If neighboring worlds exist, and there are an infinite number of them, it means that I can enter them with my consciousness and get creative ideas and images from there!

Personally, that's what I do. I jump into one of the realities, and then broadcast into our world what I found there. The same applies to health, there are worlds where the power of images is enormous, worlds of great, bright souls. By tuning into them, any person immediately becomes a powerful healer, capable of working miracles.

Try it for yourself, read some good fairy tale, or the life of a holy man, or anything else where miracles are the norm, and keep in mind the connection with this world. And then begin to intertwine your life with the power of this world, believing that miracles are the norm, everything should work out for you easily and simply, according to the pike’s command, according to my desire.

By believing in any of the worlds, you take the power of this world. Example, someone believes in Jesus and the world of Christian saints, and what we see is millions of miraculous healings at icons and relics every day all over the world, help in life, etc.

Every extraordinary person is the same as everyone else. He simply opened the door to the neighboring reality and takes his powers from there. All the geniuses of art and science spoke openly about this. All the saints talk about this.

All dark geniuses also do not hide where they get their strength from.

I have now given you the key to any door to any world. Faith is the basis of communication; as long as there is faith, the world is open. All that remains is to open by faith the world with which you want to establish contact, and... miracles will not keep you waiting long.

My advice, open the doors to worlds where bright images create love and mercy for the benefit of all. Then bliss will become your natural state.

Read fairy tales, learn from children, do not deprive them of faith in magic, in miracles. Let your child live in good old age fairy tale world where love reigns and good fairies, angels. To be serious is to lose your soul. Not believing in love and miracles is losing your soul. I live only in miracles and for miracles. Everything that is understandable and reasonable does not attract me, but everything that smells of magic attracts me very much. For example, love is a complete fairy tale. When you fall in love, you immediately find yourself in a fairy-tale world, where everything comes to life, everything contributes to your love.

And I ask you one thing, fill the space around you with bright, kind images. After all, thought is a living entity, and the image carries enormous energy and meaning.

You are not a person, but an image. And each person, like a picture in a museum of life, carries a real image. There is an incredibly powerful machine between your ears, capable of changing the whole world, if you only learn the figurative science.

There is a living world, Mother Nature, there is a world of the Heavenly Father, there is a world of technocratic civilization, there is a world of deception, power and profit, the exploitation of others. There is a world where there is a forest all around and a river, and there is a world where there is concrete, asphalt, subway and exhaust fumes. There is a world of natural images and meanings: the movement of animals, the murmur of water and the singing of birds, the movement of stars, and the light of the Sun, the energy of the Moon - they can show us a lot. But there is a cunning world - this is television, which draws a person into the world of images that are beneficial to the dark “guys”.

And if a person forgot nature, soul, God, and began to roll asphalt into concrete dear Mother, what feeds his body with fresh food, and nourishes him with the juices of the Earth through the legs and lower centers, then how will this person be healthy? And what kind of children will he give birth to? Do you understand why there is such a high percentage of infertility among city residents, and why everyone who lives in nature gives birth?

The Earth itself nourishes children with its juice, the energy of the one who loves life and all its children. The Heavenly Father feeds the human soul with tender feelings and the Holy Spirit. But everyone watches TV, reads dead books in libraries, no one wants to read living books. Nature is all around you - there is a best book, if you can read it, you will immediately become alive, healthy, clear, clean. And the tricky light from the laptop screen will no longer be able to have power over you, you will see the truth clearly. After all, all people need little to be happy: pure water, clean food, fresh air, pure relationships, where there is pure love, and of course, everyone wants healthy children, a strong family. Well, then you need to take the path of truth and stop living in a dark world where everything was created by a cold intellect. Feel the truth in your heart, dear friend. Follow the feeling in your heart, and so you will return to the sources of joy, to the world of life, to the world of true love.

Awakening the image of God within yourself

When I woke up in a human body, I created a bright image in an instant. I am pure and bright, like God himself, now I have opened a channel of creativity and inspiration.

I am God - Earthly, Heavenly - Man! I am the Son of the Great Creator, I call Him Father, as I would address the earthly Father.

Dad, You are everywhere and I love You. Let me serve Your beauty, I want to eradicate the lies in myself.

May I create like You, begin the Universes around me, and populate them with bright living beings.

I will become a father for my children, the Creator of my images, who will also soon become Light Gods.

I am the image of the original God, the same as He.

I am made of His energy, but the dark worlds have closed this ancestral memory, now I am a sinful slave, an insignificant dog who whines and whines, is sick and suffers.

This is how the “dark” people explained to me that they are turning all God-People into slavery.

Why are man-made systems drying out my brains? Why am I playing this game?

Why should I be a slave to my Native Father, who gave birth to me in love?

It's possible that I prodigal son, but I am a son, not a slave!

Yes, Jesus was the son of God and called everyone around him brothers. He called everyone to the Heavenly Father, to return to their origins and to virtuous love.

He told everyone that they were the sons of the Great Father. But the dark ones again distorted everything, and they overthrew the dark image onto all people who are initially free by nature.

The dark little people crucified the Son and declared him to be God, and turned all the Divine children into slaves and sinners by their cunning will.

After all, if every person recognizes himself as God, how will it be possible to control free Gods?

How to control the most pure God, who has revealed his intuition and sees all the worlds of the Universe?

Why are there all the worlds, he creates new worlds of wonderful beauty, where prophetic birds sing like singers in an opera, dedicating their words and hymns to me, the Creator, who created them with his imagination!

I don’t listen to anyone, and I recognize myself as the God of my images. And since I am the God of my Universe, then I myself will populate it with pure beauty and light.

I am the image of the Light Father, and you are my friend, like God you create your worlds with your imagination, and endow your creation with the feelings of your soul.

Since you are the Creator, then there is no one to blame, you yourself are able to fix everything, and direct all your attention to the creation of bright images that will begin to circle around you, you begin to create the space around you with love.

You unconsciously create your worlds, and you yourself play with them in expectations, just as in childhood you played with your toys, animating them with your soul, and creating various experiences in yourself.

As soon as you start playing by the rules of someone else's game, you will immediately become unhappy. And this is the most main principle life, mystery and its secret.

Only you know why you came to Earth and what experience you want to gain in this birth.

We will never be happy playing other people's games.

Are you playing other people's games now? For what?

Do you want to be happy forever?

Then start creating your own game now!

You are not a person, but the Creator, now you do not suffer.

And from this moment on, you fill the space around you with bright angels.

Communication with parents

Do this practice: close your eyes and imagine your parents as they were in your childhood. Look from your childhood at your parents and send them the warmth of your soul, realizing that you are immensely grateful to them just for the fact that you exist, that you are in the body and reading this book. Just because they gave you life, you do not have the slightest claim against them. Hug your parents in your thoughts, feel a new bond of love with them. If your parents have already left this world and moved to another, then ask the Heavenly Father for mercy for them in prayer. And if they open their soul to the love of the Father, then by His grace they will immediately enter the world of eternal love.

Just feel immense love and gratitude to your parents for your soul experience in this incarnation on Earth, as well as to all people, because they are all your teachers. Love everyone, it's so simple.

Dear son/daughter. I love you very much.

Forgive me for unwittingly giving you a feeling of pain and hurting your childhood feelings.

Know that you are my dearest child. There is no one better than you in this world. You are the light of my life.

Your mother is very grateful to God for such a gift, for you.

I love you only because you already exist.

I put tender feelings into you and take away all the pain and coldness from your heart.

I accept, respect, appreciate and fill you with the light of my love.

You clever. You are the child one can only dream of. Mom accepts you completely and completely.

If only you knew how much I love you and how dear you are to me.

May you and I, your mother, establish a warm bond of mutual love and gratitude.

I hug you, and a warm river of spiritual love flows continuously from my heart to you.

Feel that you no longer have the pain that we, your parents, put into you, but there is only joy in your soul.

Mom hugs and kisses you, now you are accepted by your parents.

Next, you do the same on behalf of your dad, simply entering his image and saying to yourself the warmest words that bring joy to your heart. The task is to heal the personality, the soul, it’s simple. When there is no pain in the heart, a person is healthy. Parents give pain. Through meditation, we take the pain from our soul through them, because our consciousness is able to reside in several images and bodies at once.

Besides your parents, other people have hurt your soul. I recommend entering into the image of each person who gave you pain, and speaking directly out loud, on his behalf, to yourself the warmest words of love and acceptance.

If warmth flows through the body, peace and joy appear in the soul, you succeed.

Don’t forget to exhale all the blocks and clamps that come up in this meditation. Simply taking deep breaths and sharp exhalations will free your body from illnesses and emotional blocks.

Ultimately, your body should become more vibrant and lighter. The feeling of warmth and movement of energy throughout the body is a consequence of freeing oneself from pain.

Once you have worked with all the people, you will become open and joyful. You will understand the mechanism that when I am praised, loved and accepted, I blossom and smell. When I am rejected, not loved, and even scolded, I feel guilty for not being able to be perfect and receive the love of others. Tension arises, because I cannot immediately become so perfect that everyone loves and accepts me all the time.

My advice: realize that you are always perfect, like the Universal Soul, and if others scold you, then you still praise and love yourself. The more you love yourself, the healthier your personality, soul and body. This way you will learn to accept, praise and fill other people with warmth. They are all just waiting for this. Everyone received too much pain from their parents in childhood. It's time to replace this pain with love.

You are the most cool person in the world, don’t even doubt it. There will be people who will notice this. Find yours and relax.

We, as souls, are all light and love. And as people, individuals, we are tied to relationships, and are highly dependent on how others treat us. And only a holy person is above these concepts, he draws boundless bliss from his very nature, he is free from everything that you can think of.

Everyone is already free right now, but for some reason they limit themselves with conventions. You are now free from everything that your mind can come up with, because you are the purest consciousness, a blissful soul, the size of the entire Universe!

When you get rid of all the pain, you will immediately begin to feel a huge range of emotions. In the meantime, your heart is heavy, your whole life is compensation for pain, running away from yourself, eating and drinking away stress, or running headlong into work. But inside the spring is compressed and ready to shoot with another breakdown. Just take it and relax forever, act in bliss and joy, and not out of a sense of duty, guilt or fear of rejection.

Once you free yourself from the desire to be accepted and praised by people, you will find genuine freedom and happiness that you never even dared to dream about. You will no longer be dependent on anyone, you will not stand with an outstretched hand and beg: “Love me, I’m good, give me a little attention and affection, what else can I do for you so that you accept me?”

People's whole life is an outstretched hand and begging. All love comes from within me, which means that we also need to look there. Free yourself from the concept of waiting for happiness from people, find it in yourself, and then everyone will come running to you with an outstretched hand, and you will show them the way to their heart, where God lives.

An open state is when there is no pain in the heart. So remove all the pain yourself with this amazing and magical practice. But if you want a person to accept, praise and love you, then do the same with others. Praise everyone and tell them that they are the best in the world. Everyone is just waiting for this, so that they can take off all their masks in front of someone and open up completely. When I am accepted with all my qualities, the good, the bad, and the most terrible, as well as with all the defects of my body, then such a person automatically becomes very dear to me, and I relax in his presence. And when I am relaxed, my original, blissful nature immediately reveals itself, my soul begins to manifest itself, love flows from me itself, naturally and naturally.

Make people around you relax, they will feel good with you and they will think that they love you, although in fact, love is our natural state when we are relaxed and open.

How will you feel now if I tell you: “I love you and say that I accept you completely with all your good and not so good things?” good qualities. Don’t change anything, I like you exactly the way you are now?!”

Start to behave relaxed around people, and you will immediately make a thousand friends.

How to independently renounce power programs, as well as identify them in yourself?

A person takes power programs, consciously or unconsciously, from representatives of the kingdom of power, out of fear of living with the soul, trusting God, and living by intuition. A programmed person loses the ability to see Souls in people, to communicate at the level of souls, that is, to build deep relationships.

The soul feeds the body with energy. The soul begins to weaken - energy drops. A person is deprived of vitality, fatigue sets in, and many diseases arise.

When a powerful strength program is introduced into a person, many diseases arise, such as diabetes, oncology, psoriasis, autoimmune diseases, mental illness, cerebral palsy, etc.

A person may also have constant headaches, problems with the thyroid gland, constant heaviness in the heart, pain in the spine, and blocks in the legs.

All chronic diseases have the same nature - the introduction of strength programs into the human body. I want to teach you how to identify them, diagnose them, and then get rid of them.

First. You can do this in a state of meditation.

You close your eyes and relax. Take an hour or half an hour of your time to work with one or two strength programs today.

For about 2–3 minutes you tune into your inner world of the Soul. You are waiting for all your feelings to come into harmony, for your mind to be filled with peace, for your passions to subside. And you turn to your Soul, in a state of complete calm, asking the following question: “Soul, tell me, what negative character quality in me at the moment is blocking you the most, preventing you from opening up?”

Waiting for an answer. The first word that comes out is the quality that currently has a more negative impact on your Soul. This is where we need to start.

This may be different for each person. Here it is important not to listen to your mind, which can tell you: “Well, all the problems are because of pride, because of fear,” but to feel the Soul.

Maybe your soul will say: fatigue, or despondency, or greed, or cunning, or fears, or pride. You cling to this quality that has come out of the Soul. The soul complained to you about what bothers it the most.

You say the following words out loud: “I call upon you Dark Forces for a ritual of renunciation of your gifts, power qualities that harm my soul.

I thank you for this gift (and name the quality that came out of you, for example, envy, despondency, pride, etc.).”

And you continue: “I don’t need him anymore! I renounce it forever and ever and return this quality back to you, the Dark Forces. And so that even the spirit of this quality would not be in me. And even the spirit of this power quality I forever return to you, the dark forces.”

Say: “Heavenly Father! Forgive me for carrying this power program within myself and being deprived of Grace. I ask you to help me cleanse myself of this power program and take all the power from You.”

Next, you wait for the dark forces to take the program out of you in the form of some kind of image, and say: “Give me back, Dark Forces, that piece of my Soul that I once gave to you in exchange for this program.” And you relax and wait for what they will give you. At the same time, observe what will happen to your body, what sensations and vibrations will go through it. The body must be filled with Grace. You will feel a blessed calm. Something of yours comes back to you.

A word may come to you, for example, “grace” or “joy” or “happiness” or “love” or “peace”. Or your kindness will be returned to you.

At the end, thank your Heavenly Father for your help in cleansing and regaining the fullness of your soul.

But until you constantly feel the love and joy of every moment, and become a saint, continue to renounce power programs and negative character traits.

You close your eyes again and say into your soul: “Soul, tell me, what other negative qualities in me prevent you from opening up?”

The soul will tell you, for example, fear, or specifically - fear of illness, or fear of poverty, or fear of loneliness, or fear of war, or simply fear, or self-doubt, or timidity. The soul will show you an image and tell you that there is something foreign in you.

You thank the Dark Forces and say: “I thank you for this fear (and call it), I no longer need it. I renounce him forever and ever. I ask you, Heavenly Father, to forgive me for carrying this fear (and call it) within me, and by Your Divine Power I ask you to cleanse me of all strong qualities.”

You wait for the dark forces to take their programs out of your body and take them into their dark worlds.

Then you say again: “Dark forces, give me back that piece of my soul that I once gave to you in exchange for this power program.” You wait for your spiritual piece to be brought out to you and invest it in yourself, living according to spiritual laws with gratitude and joy.

Be sure to thank your Heavenly Father for getting rid of power programs, and then you will live out of love, and not out of protective power programs. The soul begins to command the parade of life, you are in spiritual reality, your every action is spontaneous and originates from love.

For the benefit of all sentient beings, you have realized the qualities of a saintly personality. Continue to relieve countless sentient beings from suffering.

Observe yourself, how do you react to the behavior of people around you? All people are your teachers. They open yours strength programs that you cannot discover in yourself.

For example, some person annoys you. Know that it is not him, it is you who have a power program of irritability. Alien energy in you. When you renounce, no matter how much someone irritates you, you simply cannot be irritated! You will not have this program, this connection.

Thank this person for bringing out your irritability and showing you what you need to renounce today. Right there and then, without getting irritated, you close your eyes and call on the Dark Forces, give them back the power program that has crawled out of you, ask for the help of the Heavenly Father, and return a piece of your soul, a spiritual channel.

You will see that every person you don’t like shows what strength you still have in you, what strength hooks, qualities, programs. If someone clings to you, it means there is something to cling to. Nothing touches or touches the saints. This is the nature of the soul; it is entirely spiritual.

For example, a person who has a touchiness program. Anyone can offend him! The problem is not with others, but with the fact that a person views the world through a program of resentment. He expects, knows and firmly believes that he will be offended, and this happens. People fulfill his wish. If you don't have a touchy-feely program, no one can hurt you! Instead of resentment, you will experience calmness, love for this person, forgiveness, kindness, humility, meekness, peace of mind and tranquility.

Or a jealous person. This is a foreign program in you, a program of distrust of your dear Soul. This often sits together with the lust program. Lustful people are jealous. You need to renounce jealousy and lust. Further, fears may awaken in you, some person scares you. It wasn’t he who scared you, it was the Universe that showed through him that there is fear in you. And you again renounce according to the algorithm.

If you watch every minute of your life what programs are being revealed in you and renounce them, then in a few days you will not recognize yourself. In a few days (for some weeks, for others months) you will see and feel how spiritual strength will return to you, you will pump up the muscles of your Soul. Then no one will ever be able to get you out of a state of calm, no one will be able to cause you mental wounds or offense. You will have the inner strength to love people, to feel God, you have moved from the kingdom of power to the kingdom of love.

You can help people only when you yourself are free from suffering and power programs.

For example, your son is a drug addict or your husband is an alcoholic, or similar cases when a person dies. This means that the strength has left the Soul, and the Soul is already on the verge of exhaustion. You can simply pump up this Soul with your Spiritual power.

Such Love, such Divine Grace will flow from you to all people that everyone will be drawn to you. You will see that the outside world cannot influence you in any way. And even if people all over the Earth are frightened by television, the news, the end of the world, whatever, then your inner peace of mind will be unshakable.


In meditation, you tune in to your Soul, ask what power quality harms the soul and renounce it in favor of the spiritual.

Further, when people provoke you into aggression, resentment, anger, greed, fears, any manifestations of pride, something powerful, then you thank them for revealing these power programs in you. They have it in them, and you have it in you. You immediately, at this very moment, carry out the practice of renouncing what has been revealed in you, and regain your spiritual quality.

If there is discord, scandals, fights, misunderstandings, and no love in your family, then you just need to carry out a ritual of renouncing these programs, moving from the kingdom of power to the kingdom of love. If everyone in the house is a security force, what kind of love will there be?

Let the world of love open to you fully.
