How to dress for the mountains in autumn. Camping equipment

Autumn frosts are not a reason to refuse hiking. After all, autumn is a great time for nature tourism. The day is still quite warm, the season of annoying mosquitoes has passed, and the forests are filled with the smells of mushrooms and bright colors falling leaves. To fully enjoy the hike and not think about the cold - we have collected tips on how not to freeze in the autumn forest.

What to bring?

Tent. Single-layer tents are easily blown through, so double-layer tents are better suited for an autumn hike. Pay attention to the frame - it must be resistant to frost. So take a look at the options with aluminum arcs.

Backpack. You can take a standard backpack, the same one you use for summer trips. The average size is 60-70 liters for women and 80-90 liters for men. The main thing in the autumn campaign is to protect the backpack from the rain. To do this, you will need a special cover - a cape from the rain. It is worn on top and protects the backpack along with the contents from rain and dirt.

Advice . When trying on a backpack in a store, put something heavy in it - so you will definitely understand whether the model is right for you.

Sleeping bag. Autumn nights can be quite cold, so you need to take a warmer sleeping bag. When choosing, look at the comfort temperature, and not at the “extreme” indicator. The air temperature at night should be 5-10 degrees higher than the comfort temperature of the sleeping bag. So you will be sure that you will spend the night warm.

inflatable mat. An inflatable rug will better save you from night frosts and protect you from the cold autumn floor. But as an option - you can take a thicker karemat and lay clothes between it and the sleeping bag.

protective equipment. Mosquito repellent - if you are going camping early autumn. And a protective face and body cream for colder weather to save the skin from chapping.

Rain protection. Even if there is a clear sun in the weather forecast, rain can start at any minute in autumn. Therefore, take a supply of garbage bags on the road - you can pack personal items, firewood and food in them. Grab awnings as well to set them up over the fire pit and table.

Cloth. Expect the weather to be slightly colder than the forecast. In autumn, you need to be prepared for any surprises. Minimum set: a membrane jacket, trousers, several warm jackets (for example, from fleece), waterproof shoes, thermal underwear, a hat, gloves and several pairs of socks. And don't forget a separate, dry set of comfortable overnight clothes.

Matches in sealed packaging, a set of personal utensils, a flashlight on your head, a camera and a couple of voluminous thermoses for the whole company.

Parking place

The main rule for autumn parking is to find a place that would be warmed by the sun at the same time, but protected from the wind. The ideal option is a small lawn protected by a forest. In cold weather, the temperature in the forest is several degrees higher than in open places. And at night and in the morning, the difference, even a couple of degrees, is very strongly felt.

There should be enough fuel in the parking lot - preferably spruce. In addition, dry spruce branches will be an excellent base-insulation when setting up a tent. There must be a river nearby. clean water. The advantages of the river are also that you can catch fish for dinner. But if there are no rivers in the area, then a spring or a stream with clean water will do. And most importantly - from your parking lot should offer a beautiful view of the colorful autumn landscapes.

Meals for the autumn trip

In autumn, camping food should be:

  • Nutritious and give enough energy;
  • Prepare quickly;
  • Be light in weight and volume.

In the autumn campaign, it is important that breakfast and dinner are hot. At the same time, fast-cooking foods - soups should be avoided. fast food, noodles and puree. This kind of food is of no use. Therefore, take with you products for a complete and healthy nutrition. To lighten the weight of products, you can pre-prepare them. For example, dry vegetables and take white bread crackers together (weight is lighter, and energy value- is the same). From cereals, first of all, take buckwheat. It is easy to cook and gives a lot of energy. Pasta and whole grain cereals are also good.

In the interval between the main meals, nuts, dried fruits, lard, sausage and cheese will save. They have great nutritional value (especially lard), so they will help you warm up quickly. And do not forget about sweets - you can afford them on a hike. Chocolate and biscuits with jam will help you quickly have a snack and fill up not only with strength, but also with a good mood. Also take some thermoses. One for food - to quickly and easily cook buckwheat or oatmeal (more recipes for the hike). And leave the second for drinks - in the autumn campaign it is important that hot water is always at hand. And you could quickly warm up with a mug of aromatic tea or invigorating coffee.

Healthy sleep

Most of all, in the fall, spending the night in a tent scares you. If the days are still warm, then at night the temperature drops quite low and one sleeping bag may not be enough to keep you warm. We have put together a few tips that will allow you to comfortably survive even the coldest autumn night in the forest.

Good news for those who like to eat at night. In the autumn campaign, this is not only possible, but necessary. In the cold season, the body spends a lot of energy to keep warm. A hearty snack before bed will help stock up on strength and replenish energy reserves. And do not get into the sleeping bag frozen - first warm up by the fire or do exercises to disperse the blood. Put on a hat before going to bed, even if it's not very cold outside. The main heat loss occurs in the open parts of the body - that is, the head. If you are still afraid of freezing, put a heating pad in your sleeping bag. Just do not use a bottle with hot water- at night the water will cool down and you will only get colder.

It is impossible to use burners and open fire to heat the tent - synthetic materials burn out in seconds. But you can buy special tourist compact gas heaters or lamps. Or make your own oven. Heat some stones the size of egg, put them in a wooden box and take them to the tent. The camping heater is ready. If there is no box at hand, put the stones in an empty pot. Just wrap it in any non-synthetic piece of fabric so you don't get burned at night.

Morning in the autumn forest

Morning in the autumn forest is known not only for silence and bright colors, but also for the refreshing frost. To happily meet a new day - do not rush to get out of the tent. First, warm up your clothes - put them in a warm sleeping bag for a couple of minutes. And in the meantime, do a little exercise yourself.

If you don’t want to get to the stove first thing in the morning, take care of breakfast in advance. In the evening, put oatmeal in a thermos, pour boiling water with diluted milk powder over it and close the lid tightly. In the morning, a hot breakfast will be waiting for you - all that remains is to add dried fruits, chocolate or a little honey.

Now you are ready - in warm clothes and with a hot breakfast in hand, no morning frost is terrible. Get out of the tent, breathe in the fresh, invigorating forest air and enjoy the bright variegation of the autumn forest. Good morning!

Summer is over, but is this a reason to close the outdoor recreation season? The most amazing landscapes can be seen just at this time of the year. Dress warmly and catch the last sunny days: go camping with an overnight stay or have a picnic with the whole family. And these tips will help you spend the weekend without unpleasant moments.

Find out about promotions and discounts in nature reserves

At the end of the summer season, many nature reserves, sanctuaries and National parks may provide visitors with discounts on travel services. Carefully study the sites so as not to miss a profitable promotion. For example, you may be offered a discount on accommodation in a guest house when booking a certain excursion.

Go to the forest in the peak of golden autumn

To get the most magical memories (and photos too!), plan a trip for that short period of time when all nature is transformed and puts on a luxurious golden outfit. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long.

Check the weather forecast ahead of your trip

When planning a family outing in the woods a few weeks in advance, of course, you have checked the long-range weather forecast. But remember that the weather is an unpredictable thing, so keep an eye on weather sites.

Make a trip plan

Write down all the things that you need to do the day before (for example, rent a tent or sleeping bag, call the reserve, etc.), take it with you. Estimate a rough plan for the weekend to make it easier to navigate the place.

Check all equipment before you go

Make sure that all the pegs for installation are included with the tent, the zipper in the sleeping bag does not diverge, the tourist chairs are intact, etc.

Bring warm clothes

It is clear that you are unlikely to go to autumn forest without a sweater and warm jeans or pants. However, this is not enough to keep you warm at night.

Take with you:
- Thermal underwear
- Fleece jacket
- Waterproof jacket
- Warm hat
-Gloves or mittens (plus one spare pair if the first one gets wet)
- Powderpuffs (even if the weather forecast is favorable)
- Boots with water-repellent coating
-Spare boots
-Many (!) pairs of socks
- Several changes of clothes (depending on the duration of the trip).

Bring skin protection

Take with you a jar of protective face and body cream that will save your skin from chapping in nature.

Take firewood and coal with a margin

This is something you should never skimp on! It is better to take a smaller amount of food, but it is imperative to keep the camp warm all the time.

Get ready for the rain

Even if the weather forecast promises clear skies with no rain, prepare for rain. Stock up on trash bags to pack food, personal items, firewood, etc. Take awnings with you, which, if necessary, can be installed on a fire pit, a table and the entrance to the tent. Put rubber boots or galoshes in the trunk.

Set up camp in a protected area

Do not set up tents open space. It is desirable that the camp be protected from the wind by a forest. Also choose a place so that it warms up with the sun.

Install awnings

An awning can be set up over a picnic area and attached to the trees behind the tent for added wind protection.

Eat fats and carbohydrates

Given that your body will freeze faster in the fresh air, eat fatty and carbohydrate foods with peace of mind, because these are fast sources of energy. Yes to kebabs and bars!

Drink hot drinks

Coffee in the morning, tea and cocoa during the day, and a little mulled wine before bed will help keep you warm. It is advisable to take a high-quality tourist thermos with you and keep it with you.

Think about active activities on the trip

The more you move, the warmer your body is - it's just like two and two. Organize time in nature so that you are constantly physically busy. Organize hiking, football game and so on.

Make a simple menu

Simplify the camping menu as much as possible and thank yourself for your prudence while cooking. No one wants to freeze their hands, carefully cutting the ingredients for a stew of 10 types of vegetables, when it is much easier to cook pasta with stew.

Set up camp before dark

When hiking in autumn, keep in mind that it gets dark early at this time of the year, and you should set up camp before sunset.

Grab a flashlight on your head

He will save you more than once.

Protect the environment

Treat with respect environment: Do not leave rubbish, do not destroy bird nests, do not camp in tents in prohibited places, and so on. Make sure you leave a clean parking lot after.

Take a supply of food

Count on the fact that you can unexpectedly get lost or lost, so have an untouchable supply of snacks that will help you out in unforeseen circumstances.

Pack untouchable stock

For emergencies, have the following untouchable supplies with you:
- waterproof matches
-Pocket and headlamp
- Bright bandana (suitable as a respiratory mask; a flag with which you can signal to rescuers; a bandage)
- Rescue blankets made of foil (will help not to freeze)
-Insulating tape
-Toilet paper (can be used to mark the trail)
- Cotton balls soaked in Vaseline or oil (will help start a fire)
- Disinfectant (for wounds, scratches, etc.)
- A small cosmetic bag (to carry it all with you in your pocket)

Also take with you:
-First Aid Tools
-Water supply
-Paper map of the area
-GPS or compass - if possible

Let your loved ones know about your trip

Make sure that relatives or friends can find you in case of unforeseen situations. Leave them a detailed itinerary and let them know when you plan to return.

Following these simple rules, you will spend an autumn trip to the forest comfortably and safely.

When hiking or traveling, it is important to dress properly, and unlike Everyday life, right - it means not trendy colors and popular brands, but an understanding of the functions of all the components of your hiking wardrobe.

If initially a person invented and put on things only in order to physically feel more comfortable, then later, thanks to cozy urban conditions, comfort faded into the background, giving way to fashion. When traveling, when conditions can be quite close to primitive, it is important to remember that clothing is our protection from harsh weather conditions. That is why I think it is important to take a closer look at all your clothes before serious trips. Estimate what functions all elements carry and how effectively they interact with each other. At first glance, this may seem like some kind of time-consuming process, but everything is not so difficult - we will talk about this in this article.

We will divide all our clothes into three layers, because: firstly, it will be easier to figure it out, and secondly, this is perhaps the most The right way selection of clothes for hiking conditions.

The first layer is contact with the body.

First layer, which has direct contact with human skin, is basic. The comfort of the sensations of the clothing itself depends directly on it. On a hot summer day, it can be a simple T-shirt, but if any one is suitable in the city, the main thing is to look good, then it’s very nice when you have it on hikes. a number of functional features.

First: the T-shirt must quickly remove moisture away from your body, that is, dry quickly. You have probably seen the backs of people who took off their backpack on a hot day - their T-shirts, at times, can be squeezed out like a doormat. This happens because an ordinary cotton T-shirt quickly absorbs moisture, and in places where there is no free movement of air (armpits and under a backpack), moisture accumulates without evaporating. Hiking underwear is often made from good synthetics, which wick moisture much better.

The same synthetics, of good quality, has another important characteristic: it does not pass ultraviolet. This is very useful property, especially in mountains or latitudes close to the equator, where unprotected skin can easily get a serious burn.

Another useful feature that good hiking underwear should have is the ability to do not absorb odors. As you know, the smell appears due to the multiplication of bacteria, the right underwear creates an unfavorable environment for them due to the use of special materials or impregnations. It is very convenient when you can simply rinse your clothes in a cold stream to freshen them up, knowing, moreover, that they will dry quickly after washing.

In those moments when T-shirts are no longer enough, since it is cold or even frosty outside, they use the so-called thermal underwear. I talked about it in detail in another article.

In general, thermal underwear should be as pleasant to your body as possible. Feel the things that you plan to wear, imagine that you have to wear them for perhaps more than one or two days in a row without taking them off, unlike an office shirt that you eagerly want to take off by the middle of the working day.

The second layer is warming.

If the task of the first layer is to give comfort in contact with the body, then the task of the second layer is to keep warm. This layer creates a layer between the cold air outside and the heat from our body from the inside.

With the characteristics here is a little easier than the first layer.

The insulation layer, firstly, must be effective in the ratio weight - heat capacity. That is, grandfather's cotton sheepskin coat really has a decent heat capacity, but the weight is completely unacceptable for comfortable travel. It is much better to use things from modern materials. More than others, the so-called fleece is used as an insulating second layer. Fleece- this is a whole family of materials with different properties, but their main task is to keep warm. Down and all kinds of synthetic products can also be used as a second layer. We will talk about insulation materials in a separate article.

Secondly, it is very important that the second layer interact with the first, that is, also “ breathed". Otherwise, the work of thermal underwear will be in vain, all the moisture will remain under the clothes, causing discomfort. Accordingly, it is good when the heater dries quickly And does not absorb odors.

The third layer is weather protection.

The task of the top layer is to protect us from any manifestations of adverse weather: rain, snow and wind. With the first and second layers, we create comfort for our body, and the third one prevents external factors from disturbing it. But, if the top layer was only supposed to protect, it would be possible to wear a rubber raincoat, absolutely impervious to wind and moisture. However, in addition to protection, like other layers, the top one must also interact with the previous ones, that is, “breathe” again. Modern jackets, pants and windbreakers made using membrane fabrics help us with this. You can also read about membranes detailed description in our other article. And in short, main characteristic the third layer is his moisture resistance And vapor permeability. In addition to the basic properties, outerwear should be strong enough for abrasion and tear: it would be very sad to tear the jacket on the second day of the trip, catching it with a simple branch in the forest.

Modern materials and technologies are gradually blurring a clear distribution into three layers, and a number of alternative theories for the correct selection of tourist equipment have already appeared, for example: the use of interesting materials called Soft-shell (I will try to tell you in detail about it in one of the following articles), which combine multiple functions at once. In addition, for example, thermal underwear can, in addition to the main function, be a heater, just like in a windbreaker, a layer of synthetic or down insulation can be sewn in. But to date, three layers in clothing is still the most versatile way.


Let's summarize all of the above and draw up a rough plan of how to dress properly for a hike:

1. Dress in layers

  • The first layer is moisture removal, comfort for the body.
  • The second layer is insulation.
  • The third layer is weather protection.

Layering provides maximum comfort and adaptability to all weather conditions. You can always combine layers. It's hot, but it's raining - we put on only the first and third layers; cool, but without precipitation and wind - the first and second layers, etc.

The main thing is to control what happens to you and remove or add this or that layer before you sweat or freeze. Stopped for a break on a cold day - put on something to keep warm. You overcome the pass, take off your extra sweater before you start to sweat a lot, etc.

2. The quality of the layers must match each other

You can't significantly increase comfort by buying an expensive membrane jacket, but leaving an old turtleneck and a knitted sweater as the first and second layers.

Imagine what will happen if you put a gearbox from a brand new Mercedes into a Soviet Muscovite of the eighties: it is unlikely that you will get a comfortable car until you change the engine and suspension, and the body would be sorted out. The same with a set of clothes - everything should work on the same level.

3. Choose functional clothes

When traveling and hiking, equipment and clothing must be functional. Instead of two sweaters, you can use one down vest as insulation, which will be much lighter. Instead of jeans, it is better to take trekking pants, which will be lighter and more elastic, and so on.

Same with appearance. When traveling, it is preferable to use bright colors in clothes. First, in emergencies, you will be much easier to find on any terrain. Secondly, you will be visible on the road, whether it be a motorist, a snowmobiler or even a group of other tourists on horseback, they will all notice you earlier and will be able to maneuver if something goes wrong.

It's really important point and I still do not understand the love of Russian tourists for camouflage; very frequent accidents different types transport on such invisibility. It is generally desirable for cyclists and those who hitchhike to have reflective elements on their clothing so that motorists flying fast on the road can see you from afar.

Camouflage lovers often explain their affection by the fact that dirt is less visible on such clothes. That's right, dirt merges with camouflage, but is it necessary to sacrifice your safety in favor of the fact that you look less dirty on a hike? After all, you still won’t go to a restaurant in the same camouflage, and soiled pants on a hike are not so scary. In addition, bright colors are not the most easily soiled: on black, also loved by many, dirt is more visible than others. Try to wipe the dusty window sill with black trousers and something bright, even white. On black clothes, dust and dry dirt can be seen much better.

Hiking clothing list

And finally, a checklist of essential travel clothing and accessories. This is a list of those things that may come in handy, but depending on the weather conditions, duration and type of trip, some of them can be left out, but something else can be added. If you are going hiking for the first time or are not sure about your outfit, be sure to consult your instructor, you can also ask us a question below in the comments or on our VKontakte pages.

1. Head:

  • hat (warm)
  • hat (from the sun)
  • scarf or buff (protection of the neck from the wind)
  • Sunglasses

2. Body:

  • light t-shirts
  • long sleeve shirt (sun and insect protection)
  • underwear for movement
  • sleepwear
  • jacket - sweater - sweatshirt or vest (insulation layer)
  • storm jacket (protection against wind, rain and snow)
  • warm jacket (during the cold season and for high mountains)

3. Legs:

  • running pants and/or shorts
  • thermal pants for walking
  • sleep pants
  • storm pants
  • warm pants (during the cold season and for high mountains)
  • underwear

4. Feet:

  • running shoes
  • shoes for overcoming water obstacles (slates, subs)
  • shoes for the camp, hotels, transport or city.
  • running socks
  • sleeping socks and warm socks for the cold season
  • leggings (popularly “flashlights”) to protect against sand, snow and moisture getting into shoes.

5. Other:

  • gloves or mittens (protection from cold, protection of hands from injury)
  • bathing suit
  • other protection against insects, dust and sun


My dad always says, “There is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothes.” And this is absolutely true, Anyuta and I personally, repeatedly, felt this ourselves.

I remember very well one of the first trips, in a well-chosen set of clothes. We climbed on a hot day (at the start it was about + 30 degrees) to a pass about 3000 meters high, and we were covered by a snow cloud with a strong wind and constant precipitation. We remembered the descent from the pass for a long time, but not because we got wet and cold; On the contrary, we were very comfortable! The membrane coped with our sweat, in moments when it was hot to climb and, at the same time, did not let in the strongest wind with rain and snow at the top. And we remembered this moment only because we saw all this riot of nature and the constantly changing landscape: snow, rain, clouds, through which the sun's rays, rainbows and mountains cut through like a picture, it was incredible. If the clothes were different, we would hardly have admired all this, but rather just tried to run away to the shelter in the forest after the pass.

We are often told that in order to travel, you need to get out of your comfort zone, but thanks to modern travel clothing, the meaning of this statement has changed a bit. Now you can travel, leaving only the zone of moral comfort, physically staying dry in the pouring rain, warm in the bitter cold and cheerful in the sweltering heat.

More comfortable travel for you and see you soon!

Meals on a trip in autumn

If you are going on a day trip, do not neglect this point. Any human activity is accompanied by a loss of strength, calories and an increase in appetite. In addition, a well-timed snack helps to keep warm. Do not neglect small meals, your body will be grateful to you and will respond to this with new strength and good mood.

So, on a one-day trip, a tourist will need a thermos of hot tea and any favorite food. Suitable for a snack and sandwiches, and buns, and fruits, and vegetables, anything - nothing will go bad in half a day, and even more so in cool weather.

On a two-day trip, it is important to have breakfast and dinner with hot food, and lunch can be left with a snack with hot tea. However, it is better to avoid any quick-cooking foods (noodles, mashed potatoes, instant soups). It is worth taking normal foods with you, with vegetables and fruits, so that the food is complete. It is advisable to avoid glass containers, it is better to replace them with reusable ones. plastic containers, and pour the liquids into PET bottles.

In multi-day trips, meals should be regular, satisfying and complete (as far as possible in autonomous travel). Instant products are excluded, they are of no use. Due to weight savings, freeze-dried products are sometimes used. But try to save weight not on food, but on other things in the backpack. If porridge, then let it be with butter and powdered milk, with the addition of dried fruits or candied fruits to it. If soup, then with potatoes, stew and dried vegetables (you can buy them or dry them yourself in the oven). If tea, then with sugar, biscuits and sweets (it is better that tourists have a choice of what to drink - tea, coffee or cocoa). Dinner should be denser than other meals. Do not forget that good food on a hike is not only a replenishment of the expended energy, but also a guarantee of a good psychological atmosphere in the group.

What else do you need on a trip?

For one day, a backpack up to 30 liters is enough, even a school bag will do. Before longer hikes, choose your backpack very carefully. This is your future companion who will sit on your shoulders and will not leave them until the end of the journey. The choice of the volume of the backpack primarily depends on the size of the equipment that will be put there. Do not take a backpack with a margin. The larger the backpack, the more it weighs. Do not try on the backpack unloaded, ask the sellers to put something weighty in the backpack. So it will become clear whether this model is convenient for you or not. For PVD (weekend hikes), backpacks from 45 to 65 liters are suitable, for longer hikes - from 60 to 100 liters. Get a backpack cover right away, it will protect the contents from getting wet.


For the autumn period, it is better to choose a two-layer tent, since in a single-layer condensate accumulates more strongly, and it is better blown. Pay attention to the bottom of the tent and its awning. The bottom indicators must be at least 6000 mm of water column, and the awning - at least 4000 mm. The frame must be resistant to frost, so I advise you to opt for aluminum arcs.

Tourist rug (foam). The main concern of the tourist is not to freeze at night. The earth cools quickly in autumn, and the cold comes mainly from it. Thicker mats will help, I suggest choosing a mat at least 12mm thick.

Sleeping bag. It should be two or three layers, with a comfort temperature corresponding to the night forecast temperature.

Personal utensils. The best cookware is plastic, but one that can withstand high temperature. The metal gets very hot and burns.

Flashlight. IN day trips you can do without it, unless you have to go to a cave.

Personal first aid kit with essentials. The risk of getting hurt or injured is always and everywhere, but this risk is greater in travel than in everyday life. Be especially careful on kurumnik and rocks, wet rocks are very slippery.

Matchbox. Packed in a sealed package to ensure they don't get wet.

Charged mobile phone. Even if you are going on a one-day hike, the communication device must be in good working order and ready for immediate use to call for help.

Compass and map of the hiking area. It is better to play it safe, especially if you are new to hiking.

Personal hygiene items.

A camera is optional. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year, which will give you a rich variety of picturesque landscapes.

How not to freeze in a tent

It is the overnight stay in a tent that frightens off many people on autumn trips. But if you prepare well, you can make an overnight stay in the cold season quite comfortable.

Do not lie down in a sleeping bag already frozen - warm up thoroughly by the fire or run, jump, squat around the tent. Physical activity will disperse the blood and warm you. Before going to bed, be sure to go to the toilet. This will save you from having to get up in the middle of the night. And the body spends a lot of energy on "patience", let the body spend these forces to warm you. Do not forget to wear a hat at night, most of the heat loss falls on the head. If it starts to freeze at night, put an empty backpack under the sleeping bag, and cover yourself with your jacket on top.

Some tourists pour water into a PET bottle and take it with them in their sleeping bag for the night as a heating pad. However, this method is only suitable for a while to keep warm in the sleeping bag yourself. It is better to remove the bottle immediately before going to bed, because after one and a half to two hours it will cool down, and the effect of its presence will be the opposite.

Compact gas heaters and gas lamps help to heat the tent. The former usually work from a simple collet cylinder, the latter from threaded cylinders. The efficiency from the heater is not even discussed, but from the lamp it is acceptable (at zero degrees overboard, the lamp can heat the temperature in a three-person tent up to +10 degrees). These useful little things are sold in tourist equipment stores. But! Never heat the tent with a torch! This is very dangerous, modern tents are made of synthetic materials that burn out in seconds!

If you foresee the possibility of connecting two sleeping bags into one large one, then sleeping with a friend may be warmer. Use each other as living heating pads, feel free! Get into the tent correctly - the colder places at the edges of the tent are usually occupied by young people, and the girls are put in the middle. On particularly cold nights, lie down alternately: boy-girl, boy-girl (men have a slightly higher body temperature during exercise than girls, so sleeping next to them is much warmer).

I would like to debunk the myth about warming with alcoholic beverages. Our body is designed in such a way that the vital organs are located in the logical center of the body - chest and abdominal region. This helps support optimal temperature organism. When a person drinks alcohol, there is a sharp expansion of blood vessels. The blood from the organs through the vessels quickly spreads throughout the body, it seems that we are warm, sometimes even hot. But at the same time, the body begins to remove alcohol from the blood, the vessels narrow, and serious heat loss occurs. The person starts to freeze. However, under the influence of drunk, he may not feel this hypothermia, which adversely affects the entire body in the future. So basking in alcohol is useless and even dangerous. Take care of yourself!

To everyone who is going hiking in the near future, do not pay attention to the vagaries of autumn. Get a lot of impressions and positive emotions.

If during summer travels no one really thinks about the cold, then in the spring-autumn period hikes take place in a wider range of temperatures, especially when it comes to mountainous terrain. These seasons are known for their changeable and completely unpredictable weather, and when it also rains on the route, sometimes dragging on for several days, no one wants to be distracted from rest by thoughts of chilled limbs. For beginners, the question naturally arises: what to wear on a hike in autumn or spring so as not to freeze?

The range of things now allows you to feel comfortable even in the most uncomfortable weather conditions, and modern fabrics allow you to wear fewer things on a hike, but warmer and more comfortable.

The most common among tourists in our time is three-layer concept when choosing clothes, which is worn on hikes in autumn and spring. Its implementation is possible at any financial level, from the most budgetary to the most expensive. The beauty of the three-layer concept is that in different weather conditions, they can be combined at your discretion.

The first layer of clothes for the autumn hike

If you go hiking often and stay in nature not for a couple of days, but longer, it makes sense to purchase thermal underwear. Its composition, as a rule, includes synthetic (polypropylene, polyester, polyamide, polyacryl, elastane, etc.) and natural (wool, silk, cotton, etc.) fibers, which, due to the special weaving structure and composition, not only retain heat, but and effectively wick away moisture.

Such underwear, tightly fitting the body and at the same time not causing discomfort, will perfectly warm and prevent you from overheating and sweating during prolonged physical activity. You can wear a set of synthetics on a hike in autumn or spring, and for sleep, purchase models with the addition of natural fabrics. Such an investment will pay off in full, because thermal underwear is wear-resistant and durable with proper care, you can find models even on a small budget.

If it is not possible to wear such underwear on hikes, then choose underwear for a multi-day trip that removes moisture from the body and dries quickly to prevent you from freezing. Immediately exclude cotton or its additions, it quickly absorbs moisture and dries for a very long time, but additions of wool are possible.

For hiking you will need a long-sleeve top and bottom, although the bottom for not too cold weather may be superfluous, but it will definitely come in handy for sleeping. If you choose thermal underwear, then choose the right size, sleeves and legs should not be too short. Do not forget to bring 3-4 pairs of warm socks with you, choosing the warmest pair for sleeping.

The second warming layer of clothing for the autumn hike

Knitted sweaters, woolen sweaters, etc., if you really want to, you can wear hiking, but on the first day you will be convinced of their worthlessness. Such clothes are heavy, voluminous, get wet from sweat very quickly, stop warming and eventually lead to the fact that you will freeze even more. It is extremely difficult to dry such clothes in autumn or spring hiking conditions, it simply becomes damp. That's why experienced tourists are so fond of fleece- knitted synthetic fabric made of polyester.

It is fleece that will serve as the perfect middle layer for your travel attire. It can be a trowel, jacket, sweatshirt, vest, turtleneck and more. This material is lightweight, elastic, durable, quick-drying and breathable, hypoallergenic, non-biodegradable. To make the fleece wet, you need to soak it in water on purpose, and even when wet, it warms well.

It is better to wear a set of tops and bottoms in the autumn hike, while the pants can be sheathed with fleece on the inside, and on the outside have a synthetic layer that protects against wind and, ideally, is waterproof. Regular fleece-lined sweatpants will also work. It is better to take a couple of tops, one is denser, and the second is lighter.

The third protective layer of clothing for the autumn hike

Ideally, they put on an autumn campaign windproof jackets, it is better with hydrophobic impregnation (which does not allow raindrops to seep into the fabric), and with good financial opportunities - with the so-called membrane fabric, which allows body vapor to pass through itself and at the same time better protects against wind and heavier rain. On hikes, as a rule, jackets are worn a little larger, so that a pair of fleece jackets can fit under them in case of extreme cold.

For an autumn-spring hike, additional pants with hydrophobic impregnation or membrane fabric are unlikely to be needed, unless you are going on a serious mountain hike with a large temperature difference. Pants insulated with fleece, complete with thermal pants or underpants / tights, but not made of cotton, are quite enough. Don't forget about hat and gloves. It is better that they are fleece, but this is not critical, choose from what is available.
