Europrotocol is a legal entity. Europrotocol

Tue, 07/14/2015 - 10:36 | admin

On July 1 of this year, 2015, the regulation on the procedure for registering minor accidents under the Europrotocol comes into force.

The introduction of this provision is intended to alleviate the emergency situation on the roads and unload them at rush hour, reducing the time required for participants in an accident to draw up related documents.

What is Europrotocol?

Europrotocol is a document, the completion of which will help the participants in the accident to describe its causes and consequences as accurately and in detail as possible. Each driver who participates in the OSAGO program receives a Europrotocol form upon signing an agreement with an insurance company. This document is filled in by hand, with a ballpoint pen, by each participant in the accident and certified. In the future, the Europrotocol form will serve as a document confirming the fact of the accident, as well as the damage caused to the car, for the insurance company, from which compensation will follow.

There are several restrictions for issuing a Europrotocol:

  1. The amount that participants in an accident that occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, can claim should not exceed 50 thousand rubles. Wherein:
    • In the event that at least one of the OSAGO agreements was concluded before 02.08.2014. - the amount of payments to each participant in the accident cannot be more than 25 thousand rubles.
    • If the OSAGO contracts of both participants in the accident were concluded after 08/02/2014, then the amount of insurance payments will not exceed 50 thousand rubles.
    • For car owners whose contracts were concluded in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, after 01.10.2014, the amount of payments should not exceed 400 thousand rubles. At the same time, this rule will be valid for these regions only if drivers can attach a recording from a DVR that meets the declared standards for such recordings to the Europrotocol. Namely: the record must reflect the date and time of the event, as well as geographic coordinates using GPS or GLONASS.
  2. There should not be more than two participants in an accident - also registration according to the Europrotocol is not possible if a pedestrian or a driver driving a vehicle with a trailer became a participant in the accident (the trailer will be considered the third participant in the accident).
  3. Registration according to the European Protocol is not possible if the accident caused harm to the health of drivers or passengers.
  4. The Europrotocol can be drawn up only if both participants in the accident have a common point of view and do not come into conflict.

In the event that at least one of these points is not observed, registration of an accident according to the Europrotocol is not possible, it is necessary to call the traffic police to register the accident.

The procedure for issuing the Europrotocol.

If there was a minor accident, between the two participants traffic, which did not entail human casualties and did not bring injuries to anyone, and both drivers do not have any claims against each other and agree on all points of the causes of the accident, you can proceed to registration according to the Europrotocol.

  1. Follow all the rules of the accident: stop, turn on the emergency signal, set the emergency sign, ensure the safety of the accident site, traces, fragments, and the position of the cars.
  2. Call the traffic police and report the fact of the accident, as well as that you intend to file an accident according to the Europrotocol.
  3. If your DVR worked, do not rush to turn it off and save the recording. Recording from the DVR will be valid only if it reflects the time and place based on the binding of the recording device to GPS or GLONASS, and also made after the accident. The recording must continue for 60 minutes, it is necessary to film the place of the accident, the position of the cars, their license plates, damage, braking distance, license plates of witnesses, and other evidence of the accident. Only then can the video be saved.
  4. Collect the contact details of those involved in the accident, as well as witnesses. In addition, you can make additional video and photographs of the accident, which saves the time code and location based on GPS or GLONASS on a recording device. All this will help, if necessary, to provide the relevant authorities with more complete information about the incident. The insurance company is obliged to accept video and photographic materials of appropriate quality in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.10.2014 and take them into account when making a decision on the amount of insurance payment.
  5. Fill out the Europrotocol form together with the other participant in the accident.

Filling order:

For one accident, one form is filled out. It has two mandatory sides, as well as two columns "A" and "B", each of which is filled in by one driver. After filling out the front side of the form, it is disconnected, and the drivers proceed to fill out the back side.

Filling in all fields of the form is mandatory, if any field cannot be filled in (there is nothing to fill in), it is also filled in with a dash or the Latin letter Z. The front side of the notice contains information about the participants and witnesses of the accident, the place, cause of the accident, damage etc. introductory information.

Filling questions may cause the following points:

Clause 14 - in this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate all visible damage and their nature. It is not necessary to describe internal damage - this is the work of experts. As accurately and briefly as possible, indicate the presence of cracks, deformations, tears, scratches and other visual damage.

Clause 15 is intended to make additions to clause 16, which specifies the circumstances of the accident. In this paragraph, you can state your comments on the nature of the accident.

P. 16 Carefully read the entire provision and remember the wording from the traffic rules, so the option "parking" is not the same as "stop". If you stood at a red traffic light, then it was just a "stop", but if you left the lane, stopping on the side of the road, then it was a "stop".

Clause 17 is necessary for a graphic description of an accident. Images should be schematic, but important objects should be shown in the figure - adjacent streets with names, road signs, markup, etc.

Item 18 contains the signatures of both participants in the accident. After signing, the form is divided into two halves, divided between drivers. Carefully check the presence of signatures of the second participant in the accident on your copy. Please note that the signatures of both drivers must be in paragraphs P. 15 and P. 18.

The reverse side of the form is required for filling in the information by one driver - follow the instructions, carefully read the points, information about the accident is filled in in the first person. If you did not have enough space to describe the accident, make an application, which must be signed by the second participant in the accident.

  • Filled out illegibly, the information is unreadable
  • Damaged - torn or badly soiled
  • Has corrections not certified by drivers' signatures
  • Has unfilled items.

Actions of the driver after registration of the Europrotocol.

Check the rules for payments for insurance events in your company for OSAGO and CASCO, it may be that the insurance rules exclude the possibility of payments without providing an accident certificate from the traffic police - in this case, you will have to call the traffic police. If there is no such mandatory item, then follow the procedure below.

Within five days from the date of the accident, be sure to submit the following package of documents to the office of the insurance company:

  1. A duly completed Europrotocol form.
  2. Electronic data on a digital medium (photo, video, recording from a registrar)
  3. A statement that all information provided in digital form has not been altered in any way.
  4. Application for direct indemnification, a sample application can be asked at the office of the insurance company, or found on the Internet.
  5. Documents confirming the identity, availability of insurance and ownership of the vehicle affected by the accident.


What should I do if, after an accident, a traffic police officer stops a damaged car?

In this case, the driver presents a copy or original of the Europrotocol. This form is an official document - do not forget to make a copy of it before submitting the original to the office of the insurance company.

Is it worth photographing an accident and how to do it in accordance with the rules?

Photo and video filming can greatly help in defending your interests in an insurance company or other structures. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take photographs, but if you want to receive compensation in the amount of up to 400 thousand rubles (according to the above amendments), then providing photos and video of proper quality is mandatory.

How to take photos and videos of an accident:

  • Take a picture of the general plan of the accident from all sides, the license plates of cars, markings, road signs should be clearly visible on the shooting.
  • Fix the braking distances, fragments of cars, obstacles that have arisen along the path of the car, etc.
  • Take a detailed picture of the results of the accident - damage, chips, scratches.
  • Record the license plates of witnesses to the accident on the photo and video.

What if the data in parts of the Europrotocol form "A" and "B" are different?

This means that the participants in the accident did not agree on its causes, which means that the accident cannot be issued according to the Europrotocol, because one of the prerequisites for such registration is the consent of the parties. The form is not valid - call the traffic police.

Is it possible to register an accident according to the Europrotocol, if one of the participants in the accident is not a citizen of the Russian Federation or the car has registration numbers of another country?

Of course, it is possible, but only if the procedure for finding a citizen in our country is followed, and the vehicle has the appropriate insurance - the Green Card of international liability insurance.

The Europrotocol or notice of a traffic accident is a document that allows car drivers who have been in an accident to issue it quickly, on their own, without involving traffic police officers and without creating many hours of traffic jams. And in the end, also receive monetary compensation under the insurance policy in your insurance company.

Registration of the Europrotocol depending on the type of insurance policy:

According to current legislation Russian Federation you have the right to receive payments or car repairs under any insurance policy, whether it is OSAGO or CASCO.

In what cases can I issue a Europrotocol in 2020?

Europrotocol can be issued at the scene if:

  1. The collision took place between two cars. But you need to know that a car with a trailer will be counted as two cars. Therefore, if more than two cars are involved in the accident, or one of them was with a trailer, then the conclusion of the Europrotocol is impossible. If three or more cars got into an accident, then you must call the traffic police. Otherwise, when you come to the insurance company with the Euro protocol, which will indicate that more than two cars were involved in the accident, you will be denied acceptance.
  2. As a result of the accident, only vehicles and no casualties(passengers, drivers, pedestrians).
  3. Between the participants in the incident no disagreement about the circumstances of the collision. The conclusion of the Europrotocol was a mutual and voluntary decision.
  4. Damage to the injured party should not exceed 100 thousand rubles.

If at least one of the conditions for concluding the Europrotocol has been violated, then it is necessary to call the traffic police. If you did not do this and filed an accident with the Europrotocol, then your insurance company will refuse to pay you.

Where can I get the Europrotocol form?

If you still got into an accident and decided to issue it yourself, then the question arises: Where can I get the Europrotocol form? This form can be obtained free of charge from your insurance company. It is also possible that you already have the Europrotocol form. Most often, insurance companies, when selling an insurance policy, put one copy of the form into it.

Can I print the Europrotocol myself?

If you do not want to go to the insurance company, you can download the Europrotocol template on the Internet. But keep in mind that the insurance company may make a number of claims against the form downloaded from the Internet or even refuse to accept it.

The Europrotocol, which will be written by hand on a blank sheet of paper, is not official evidence of an accident that has occurred.

Rules for issuing a Europrotocol in case of an accident in 2020

The Europrotocol, like any other document, must be filled out correctly and in accordance with strict instructions.

Read also detailed instructions on how to behave as a driver and what actions to take in order not to be denied an insurance payment.

The sequence of actions of drivers after an accident

  • firstly, you need to make sure that none of the drivers, passengers or pedestrians were injured in an accident;
  • secondly, it is necessary to make sure that only two cars were damaged as a result of the collision, and other surrounding property was not affected;
  • thirdly, do not drive cars away from the scene until the end registration of an accident while putting up an emergency sign;
  • fourthly, it is necessary to inspect the damage to each car and roughly estimate the damage;
  • fifthly, make sure that both drivers have a CASCO or OSAGO insurance policy;
  • sixth, take clear and high-quality photographs of the location of the accident so that the surrounding area is visible, photograph in general and big plans places of damage to cars with numbers, traces of braking, fragments of parts and take testimony from witnesses.

How to fill out the Europrotocol in case of an accident?

You must fill out the form:

  • blue ballpoint pen, large block letters and legible handwriting;
  • competently, concisely, avoiding the use of jargon, fill in each item of the form;
  • try to avoid blots and corrections. If corrections have been made, they are certified by the signatures of each party.

If changes have been made to them after signing the notice of an accident, they must be certified by the signatures of both parties.

What to pay attention to when filling out the Europrotocol form?

In the form of the Europrotocol there is a special place where it is necessary to draw a diagram of an accident with the most accurate indication of all the nuances of the incident.

The diagram should show:

  1. The location of the vehicles after the collision.
  2. The direction of movement of each car.
  3. Features of the geographical area.
  4. The presence of signs, traffic lights and markings on the road.
  5. Incident address.
  6. The presence of damage to the road surface, if this was the cause of the accident.

Do not forget that the Europrotocol is a voluntary and mutual decision of each driver. And if you see that the second driver does not contact you or refuses to fill out an accident notice, or is intoxicated with alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, immediately call the traffic police.

The maximum payment under the Europrotocol in case of an accident in 2020

On this moment time maximum size damage that can be paid by the insurance company in case of an accident cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles. In some cases, if you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or in adjacent areas, the maximum payment can reach 400 thousand rubles. BUT! This is only possible if both drivers have satellite equipment installed that will track the exact location of the accident.

Changes in legislation!

If the accident occurred before the amendments to the Federal Law "On OSAGO" on increasing the amount of damage came into force, then the maximum permitted amount of damage will be considered 50 thousand rubles. If the accident occurred after June 1, 2018, then the maximum amount of damage will be increased by 2 times, that is, it will be equal to 100 thousand rubles.

What is the danger when registering an accident with the Europrotocol?

If the form is filled out correctly, taking into account all the conditions for its conclusion, there will be no danger when registering an accident with the Europrotocol. It is also important to come to the insurance company for monetary compensation according to the protocol in fixed time. If these conditions have been violated, the insurance company will refuse to pay you.

Deadlines for claiming insurance benefits

After you got into an accident and issued it with the Europrotocol, you have five calendar days to contact your insurance company. If you do not meet the deadlines, your Europrotocol will not be accepted and the payment will be refused.


Summing up, the Europrotocol can be safely called the fastest, easiest and most convenient way to register an accident. Like any thing, Europrotocol has its pros and cons.

Advantages of Europrotocol

  1. Handling minor accidents.
  2. No need to call the police.
  3. Receipt of compensation from an insurance company.
  4. The permitted amount of damage to cars is up to fifty thousand rubles, and from June 1, 2018 it will increase to one hundred thousand rubles.

Cons of Europrotocol

  1. Registration of an accident according to the Europrotocol is possible only in strictly defined cases.
  2. The consent of the second driver is required. Sometimes this can be very difficult to achieve and you have to call the traffic police.
  3. The term for applying to the insurance company for payments is only five calendar days.

This article is based on the following regulations:

To the injured

What to do next for the victim when the protocol is drawn up? After drawing up the document, the injured party must apply to the insurance company no later than five working days from the date of the traffic accident, providing the necessary package of documents, including the Europrotocol.


What should the culprit do next after filling out the documents? The guilty party submits a copy of the Europrotocol to its insurer within 5 days. At the same time, the culprit is prohibited from repairing his vehicle within 15 days after the accident. If a car repair is necessary, then the guilty party provides its vehicle to the victim’s IC for an examination, after which he will be issued permission to carry out repairs.

If the guilty party has not submitted a notice of an accident to its insurance company, then this will not be the basis for refusing to pay compensation to the injured party (based on Article No. 14.1, Clause 25 of Article No. 12 and Clause 2 of Article No. 11.1 of the OSAGO law).

Where should the victim go after registration?

Where to go with the europrotocol to hand it over? The injured party then contacts his insurance company, the one with which she has an insurance contract (or OSAGO). As already noted, you need to contact the insurer within 5 working days from the date of the accident and write an application for compensation due to the occurrence of an insured event.

After reviewing the submitted documents and conducting an examination of the car by the insurer, the latter calculates the amount of damage and issues a referral for the repair of the vehicle in one of the car services (with which the insurance company has an agreement) or monetary compensation is issued. Find out more about the features of insurance payments for OSAGO under the Europrotocol.

It is not recommended to operate the car before the examination of the insurance company, since if the vehicle receives additional damage that is not specified in the Europrotocol, this will be regarded by the insurer as an error in the accident notice.

What documents are needed to apply to the SC to receive a payment?

The motorist, in addition to the drawn up Europrotocol, must submit to the insurer the following package of documents:

  • motor third party liability insurance policy;
  • completed application for compensation;
  • applicant's identity card (passport);
  • certificate of vehicle registration or title;
  • VU of the person who was driving the car at the time of the accident;
  • power of attorney for the right to drive the vehicle if the driver is not the owner;
  • electronic media containing information about the traffic accident (video and photo materials);
  • account details for the transfer of compensation.

The presented photo and video materials can be sent for examination to establish their authenticity at the initiative of the participant in the accident.

You can find out more about what documents are needed for insurance under the Europrotocol after an accident.

Do I need to go to the traffic police and register there?

No, it is not necessary to register it with the State traffic inspectorate, as well as notify the traffic police about a traffic accident, both in the presence of OSAGO and in CASCO.

How to give and is it possible to send papers to the UK?

There are three ways to submit documentation to the insurer upon the occurrence of an insured event.:

When sending by e-mail, it is important to know that some insurers require some documents to be submitted in writing, so they will need to be sent to UK 1 or 2 in the manner described above.

What happens if you missed the deadline for applying and did not take the documents to the insurance company on time?

Serious consequences for the submission of documents after the deadline does not entail(legally). The insurance company may refuse to compensate the driver for the damage caused if the victim did not provide paperwork, citing non-compliance. In this case, the decision can be challenged in court.

It is important to remember here that The insurance company can refuse to pay compensation only to the person responsible for the accident, this fact should be recorded in the Europrotocol. If the insurer refuses the victim, then filing a claim with the court is the only way out of this situation.

Also worth mentioning on submission of an incomplete package of documents. If the application for damages was submitted on time, and the missing documents later, then you need to provide the insurer with objective reasons for the delay. This may be a certificate from a medical institution (when the insured is on treatment), a travel certificate or a ticket (if the accident occurred in another city). Any documentary method of confirmation will increase the chances of a positive resolution of the issue.

Drawing up is a prerequisite for registering a traffic accident and receiving compensation from an insurance company (if the traffic police were not called). After compiling it, you need to collect a complete package of documents and, together with the Europrotocol and an application for damages, submit to the UK within the prescribed period (5 days). Documentation can be submitted in person by registered mail or via email(scanned copies).

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Not every motorist knows what is OSAGO Europrotocol. It is necessary to understand what exactly this document can greatly simplify the procedure for registering an insured event. Let's consider in the article what it is, how to fill it out correctly and in what time frame to present it to the insurer's office so that payments go through without problems.

What is Europrotocol

The Europrotocol is an official document, thanks to which you can independently record an emergency and receive compensation.

Thanks to the notification, you can save a lot of personal time and cash, since there is no need to wait several hours for traffic police officers or spend money on paying for the services of an emergency commissioner.

How to draw up a Europrotocol is indicated in the document itself, on the reverse side or in the OSAGO insurance rules. If necessary, each client can receive qualified assistance regarding filling out the Europrotocol from our specialist on the site, which works 24 hours a day, completely free of charge.

In what cases can the Europrotocol be applied in Russia?

Within the framework of the law, the participants in the accident can independently resolve the issue if:

  • no more than two cars are involved in the accident;
  • the driver and passengers were not injured;
  • the amount of loss is not more than 100 thousand rubles;
  • both have valid OSAGO policies;
  • The participants voluntarily decided who was guilty and signed the notice.

Important! As for the minimum limit, it is set for all Russian cities, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg + regions. For these territories, there is an increased limit of 400,000 rubles.

How does the European protocol work in case of an accident in 2020

In fact, the accident registration scheme according to the Europrotocol is very simple and takes no more than 20 minutes.

All you have to do is:

  1. Determine the amount of damage received. To do this, both parties must decide who is the injured party.
  2. Prepare a notice in accordance with all requirements.
  3. Within 5 working days, visit the office of the insurer and write a statement about the insured event.
  4. Provide the damaged car to an authorized employee for a visual inspection in order to establish the damage received.
  5. Get compensation or a referral to a station.

Important! The insurer must make a payment or issue a referral for repairs within 20 days from the date of submission of a complete set of documents. If the organization violates the deadlines, you can draw up a claim and go to court.

What does the document for registration of an accident look like on your own

Unfortunately, many motorists do not even know what the notice looks like, which should be filled out when an insured event occurs. You should know that the form of the form is approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 155.

The standard package of documents consists of two forms fastened together, with a self-copying side. Also on the document (on the reverse side) there is a clear instruction on how to fill it out. As far as color is concerned, documents are printed in blue as standard.

Where can I get the Europrotocol form

When concluding OSAGO, an employee of a financial institution is obliged to issue two forms to the client for fixing an accident. But what if the policy was purchased online or the forms were not received? Nothing wrong with that.

It is important to consider that only one form is required to record an emergency. It does not matter at all what company it will be from.

If you have issued an electronic OSAGO, we offer it on our insurance portal.

What should a driver do after an accident?

Often, when a motorist gets into an accident, he immediately gets upset and forgets what to do. In fact, everything is very simple.

A driver involved in an accident must:

  • Will stop. The most important thing to do is to stop moving and leave the car in this state until an emergency is recorded.
  • Put up an emergency stop sign. According to the rules, the sign must be at least 15 meters from the vehicle.
  • To take pictures. The main thing is to take a general picture, details of damage and cars with a license plate.
  • Take the coordinates of the witnesses and find out if there is a security camera nearby.
  • Issue a notice.

How much can an insurance company pay under the Europrotocol

Payments under OSAGO according to the European protocol depend on the region in which the owner of the car is registered. As for the maximum limit, it is 400,000 rubles. Such a bonus was received by car owners living in Moscow, St. Petersburg and, accordingly, in these regions.

Other motorists can resolve the issue on their own if the amount of loss does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

Under what conditions will it be possible to use the Europrotocol with a limit of 400,000 rubles

To receive money, each participant in the movement must comply with general requirements.


  • provide photographs from the scene of the accident or video;
  • report the damage received;
  • issue a case using the GLONASS system (navigation system).

What is the procedure for filling out the Europrotocol form

In order to financial institution made a payment, the document must be filled out correctly.

How to draw up a Europrotocol:

What should be displayed on the road map

If you decide to fill out the notice yourself, but it is important to draw up an accident diagram correctly.

The diagram should show:

  • in which direction the cars were moving;
  • state registration mark;
  • contours of the road part indicating the street;
  • all important items that relate to the fact of the accident.

Application and payment deadlines

Within the framework of federal law, the term for applying under the Europrotocol is 5 working days. If the driver provides documents after the specified period, the insurer may officially refuse to pay.

As for the payment, the company is obliged to transfer funds to the victim's account within 20 days after the submission of the last document.

Is it possible for the perpetrator of the accident to further challenge the notice that he signed earlier

This is true if the culprit signed the document through negligence or under pressure from the second party. Unfortunately, there is no practice of contesting the document in Russia. Of course, you can draw up documents and try to get justice.

In practice, such cases are considered on an individual basis. Experienced experts always recommend thinking well before signing. Know that you can always formalize the case.

Getting a refund

The injured party in an accident according to the Europrotocol is obliged to receive payment. In connection with latest changes a financial institution can not only pay money, but also issue a referral for repairs.

Europrotocol repair

In this case, the payment procedure is as follows:

  • the insurer issues a referral to the station;
  • the victim provides a car for repair work;
  • the owner shows the repaired car to the representative of the insurance organization.

If the damage is greater than the amount under the European Protocol

But what if the amount of loss is higher than the established loss? In this case, the victim will have to compensate for part of the costs at his own expense.

If the perpetrator did not send a notice to the insurer

The Europrotocol form is a mandatory document for receiving payment. Based on it, the insurer can determine when the accident occurred and who was at fault.

What to do if the culprit does not go to the insurance

Under the law, the insurer has the right to ask the perpetrator to come and provide the car for a visual inspection. However, if the perpetrator refuses, the injured party still receives the payment. In this case, the financial institution has the right to set recourse claims against the culprit.

Refusal to pay

Some motorists are denied a refund. What is the reason for the refusal? In fact, there may be several reasons:

  • there are corrections in the document, which is categorically unacceptable;
  • Europrotocol without OSAGO (when one participant in an accident has no protection);
  • the document was submitted after 5 days;
  • the injured party did not show the car;
  • missing photos;
  • traffic rules are not followed.

Answers to important questions:

In this section, we will answer the most frequently asked questions that motorists have when compiling a notice.

How can I get more information about Europrotocol

You can always make a request for the necessary information from a consultant on our portal, which works 24 hours a day. Information is also available by calling the customer support service number, which is indicated on the back of the OSAGO form.

Why are witnesses needed?

In the event of a dispute in court, witnesses will be required. Therefore, in case of an accident, you should take the coordinates of citizens who can confirm whose fault the accident occurred.

If the car is stopped after the accident what to present to the police

In this case, you just need to show a copy of the drawn up European protocol.

Do I need to take pictures of what happened, if so, how should this be done?

Yes, the presence of photographs is prerequisite to receive compensation. Should do:

  • general view, where you can see the location of cars, signs and the territory of the accident;
  • both cars with license plates;
  • braking path;
  • received damage.

Is there anything else that can be done so that there are no difficulties in subsequent proceedings?

Of course, the injured party can always shoot a video, take the contacts of witnesses and clarify if there is a street camera that could record an emergency.

The form was filled in. Photos were taken. Phone of witnesses.

It is necessary to record the case with the insurance company within 5 days after the accident.

Is an emergency commissioner required when drawing up a European protocol?

Under the law, it is not necessary to use the help of an emergency commissioner.

Registration of the European protocol for CASCO

If the guilty party has a CASCO policy, then you need to call a traffic police officer and record the case. A notification of the event is not accepted as a document confirming the fact of the occurrence of an insured event.

Europrotocol for non-contact accidents

In this case, the document is not drawn up, but a trace examination is carried out.

Is it possible to issue a European protocol if one of the vehicles is not registered in our country

Actions in case of an accident are the same for everyone. The main thing is that a foreign driver has an OSAGO policy or a Green Card.

Is it possible to use the Europrotocol if more than 2 vehicles are involved in an accident

No, in such a situation, you will need to call the traffic police or an emergency commissioner.

What to do when people in an accident suffered damage to their health

In this case, you should call an ambulance and record the case officially.

Is it possible to submit a notice to the insurance company in which there are contradictions between the information about the accident provided by the participants

No, because the company will not be able to make a payment if a disagreement is identified.

Summing up, it can be noted that within the framework of OSAGO, drivers can arrange an insured event on their own. For this purpose, a notification form has been established in case of an accident. In this case, you should take into account the basic rules, such as: the deadline for submitting documents and the rules for filling out a notice.

If necessary, you can always seek help from an expert on our portal, who will help you as quickly as possible.

And what to do if it happened, you will learn further.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of registering an accident without calling the police according to the so-called "European protocol", when both participants fill out a notice of a traffic accident and sign it. We will now tell you how to do it correctly in order to get insurance.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 11, paragraph 1 of Art. 11.1 Federal Law "On OSAGO"; clause 2.6.1 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, independent registration of an accident in 2020 is possible only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • damage caused by the accident only vehicles involved in an accident (no harm to life or health);
  • The accident was the result of a collision two vehicles (including vehicles with trailers to them), the civil liability of whose owners is insured under the OSAGO policy;
  • the circumstances of causing harm in connection with damage to property as a result of an accident and (or) the nature and list of visible damage to cars do not cause controversy participants in the accident.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 11.1 of the Federal Law "On OSAGO", when drawing up documents about an accident without the participation of traffic police officers, the amount of insurance compensation due to the victim in compensation for damage caused to his car cannot exceed 50 000 rub. The victim must understand that the insurance company will pay only this amount, even if the actual damage is greater.

In case of registration of documents about an accident that occurred in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions , insurance compensation to the victim is carried out within 400,000 rubles. subject to the provision to the insurer of data on the circumstances of causing damage to the vehicle as a result of an accident, which are recorded using technical means of control that provide uncorrectable registration of information (photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage on accident scene, as well as data recorded using navigation aids operating using the technologies of the GLONASS or GLONASS system together with other global satellite navigation systems) (clause 5, article 11.1, clause "b" of article 7 of Law N 40-FZ).

In accordance with clause 2.6.1 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, participants in an accident right not to issue documents about the incident, if the vehicles or other property of only these participants are damaged in the accident and each of them does not need to draw up these documents.

The procedure for registration of an accident according to the European protocol

Pull yourself together and follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Inspect the scene of the accident together with the second participant in the accident (the driver of the second car). Find out if you have disagreements about who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. If there are no disagreements, then go to step 2. Otherwise, we call the traffic police.
  2. Check for damage to vehicles. If the damage to the victim's car, according to a rough estimate, does not exceed 50,000 rubles, follow the instructions further. If the damage is more than the specified amount, it is worth registering an accident only with the participation of the police.
  3. Check the documents carefully driver's license, car documents. Both drivers must have valid OSAGO policies and be inscribed in them (if the number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle is limited). Problems with documents - without hesitation we call and wait for inspectors. Yes, according to the “OSAGO rules”, it is the responsibility of the driver to communicate the insurance policy data to other participants in the accident at their request. We strongly recommend checking the policy of the culprit on the PCA website -
  4. Record all the circumstances of the accident - the location of cars, damage, markings, road signs, etc. This can be very useful in case of disputes. Fixation of harm can be carried out with the help of photography or video filming or with the use of navigation aids. A smartphone with geolocation enabled is suitable. Enable adding coordinates to pictures and/or videos in your phone's camera settings.
    In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules for submitting information about a traffic accident to an insurer, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2014 N 1002, photo or video filming must be performed within no more than 60 minutes after the accident and include images:
    state registration plates of vehicles involved in an accident or identification numbers (VIN) (in the absence of state registration plates of vehicles);
    places of damage to the vehicle;
    the relative position of the vehicles involved in the accident with reference to transport infrastructure facilities or other non-movable objects;
    the state registration plate of the vehicle of the witness of the accident (if any).
  5. Remove vehicles from the roadway. According to clause 2.6.1 of the SDA of the Russian Federation, the driver involved in an accident is obliged to clear the roadway if an obstacle is created for the movement of other vehicles. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in a fine (1000 rubles).
  6. Jointly fill out the form of the Europrotocol - notification of an accident. Detailed instructions read below.
  7. Exchange phone numbers, shake hands and you can leave the scene of the accident.
  8. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible. This can be done by phone or through the website of the insurer.

Instructions for filling out an accident notice

The notification form is filled in two copies - one for each of the drivers. It is highly desirable to use a ballpoint pen, since when filling out the information is copied onto the sheet from the bottom. The color of the ink can be any - blue or black.

Front side filling

This side must be identical on both copies of the notice. We start with points 1 - 8:

p.1 Location of the accident - indicate the settlement, street and number of the nearest house. If the collision occurred at an intersection, then the intersection of streets is noted on the form. In the event of an accident on the highway, you must indicate its number and name, direction of travel and approximate kilometer.

p.2 Date of the accident - fill in the date and time of the accident. If there is a DVR recording, then the exact time of the collision can be viewed there. If there is no record, write the time approximately.

p.3 Number of damaged vehicles = 2. Registration of the Euro protocol is possible only in the event of a collision between two vehicles.

Clause 4 Number of wounded = 0. The Europrotocol cannot be issued if there are wounded or dead. In the presence of victims, it is imperative to call the traffic police inspectors.

Clause 5. Whether the road accident participants were examined for intoxication - “No”. Only police officers can send for a medical examination.

p.6 Material damage caused to other vehicles (except for "A" and "B") - "No". This will be another proof that only two units were involved in the accident. If transported items (for example, a laptop) are damaged in the car, be sure to check the “other property” box.

Clause 7 Witnesses to the accident - enter the names and addresses of witnesses. It is advisable to indicate the contacts of one or two witnesses to the accident, this will help in case of disputes with the insurance company.

Clause 8 Was the registration carried out by the traffic police officer - “No”. Self-registration of the incident is the essence of the European protocol.

Having filled in the "header" of the notice, we proceed to fill in the information about the cars:

p.9 Make, model, VIN and state. We take the number for vehicles "A" and "B" from the relevant registration certificates (plastic card).

p.10-11 We indicate the data of owners and drivers of cars. You need to understand that the driver of the vehicle does not have to be its owner. The insurance company will compensate the damage not only to the owner, but also to the person who has a power of attorney with the right to receive insurance compensation.

Clause 12 We take data from OSAGO insurance policies. We tick the box next to “Vehicle insured against damage” only if this car is insured under CASCO.

p.13 We mark the place of the initial blow with an arrow.

item 14 We write visible damage. For example: rear bumper burst, deformed: rear left fender, rear door, rear lights broken, etc.

item 15 Remarks. At this point, the culprit of the accident NECESSARILY should write: “I admit my guilt in an accident”, and the victim “is innocent in an accident”.

After filling out paragraphs 9 - 15, we proceed to the central part of the notification form. Here you need to check the boxes next to the circumstances of the accident (each car has its own) and draw a diagram:

Try to reflect on the diagram the road profile, markings, signs, the position of cars before and after the accident, the direction of movement. There are no special requirements for the drawing, the diagram just needs to be clear.

Don't forget to put signatures in the appropriate fields at the bottom of the document.

Back side filling

First separate the original and the copy of the notice (a copy is created automatically on the second sheet of the notice). The victim usually takes the original, as everything is more clearly visible on it.

If the front side should be identical on both copies, then on reverse side each participant fills in the information regarding their car, marking "A" or "B". As you can see, there are fewer points here.

As you can see, the rules for filling out the Europrotocol are quite simple.

What to do after filling out the Europrotocol?

So, the document is completely filled out and signed by both drivers - there are no mutual claims, which means you can continue driving. But the rights and obligations associated with an accident do not stop there. According to the current legislation, both the victim and the perpetrator must submit notices to their insurance companies within 5 days. The culprit must also be ready to show his car to the insurer, otherwise the insurer has the right to present recourse claims. We wrote more about this, as well as about the risks that arise when registering a European protocol. We strongly recommend reading!

In addition to a copy of the accident notice form filled out by drivers, the victim, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law “On OSAGO” and clause 2 of the OSAGO rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2014 N 1002, within five working days from the date of the accident, the following documents and materials must be submitted to the insurer that insured his civil liability:
claim for direct damages;
electronic media with information containing photographic or video filming of vehicles and their damage at the scene of an accident, the date and time of photographic or video filming, as well as the coordinates of the location of the technical means of control;
a statement that information containing photographs or videos is uncorrected.
