1 sentence with a pronoun. Pronoun: examples

All words in our Russian language belong to a certain part of speech, each of which is very important and plays a certain role in sentences. Thanks to parts of speech, the logic of the narrative is ensured, because if we remove at least one of them, we can lose the entire meaning conveyed by the narrator. This time we are interested in a specific part of speech - pronouns.

What are “pronouns”, signs of this part of speech

Pronouns are independent part speech that points to objects and their signs, but does not name the objects themselves. Pronouns help us in the text to avoid repeating the same words, as they replace other parts of speech. How to recognize this part of speech in sentences:

  • answers the questions: “who?”, “where?”, “how many?”, “whose?” and others;
  • replace other independent parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives and numerals;
  • their morphological characteristics depend on which part of speech they replace;
  • are divided into categories according to their meaning (personal, possessive, reflexive, interrogative, and others).

And personal pronouns play a special role among the categories, since in our speech they indicate the participants in the dialogue. These include the following: I, you, we, you. Third person pronouns (he, she, they, it) indicate those who are not participating in the dialogue or the things being discussed.

Personal pronouns have number and person forms, and 3rd person pronouns have both gender and case. In a sentence, the subject or object plays the role. And when used with prepositions, the letter “n” is added to pronouns: to her, with him, from him. But there are exception words, after which “n” is not added to the pronouns: in spite of her, thanks to them, towards him.

Sentences with personal pronouns

Now here are some examples of using personal pronouns in sentences:

I I want to tell you about my childhood. (Personal pronoun “I” and possessive “my”)

When You ran after the thief you it only took a minute to catch up before He disappeared from sight. (There are several pronouns here at once - you (in nominative case), you (in the dative case), he (in the i.p.)).

They came to visit for the holidays. (Personal pronoun "they")

Me confused by my father's prejudiced attitude towards to me. (Personal pronouns “me”, “me” - a form of the pronoun “I” in different cases)

She gets everything he wants. (Personal pronoun "she")

A pronoun is a special class of significant words that indicate an object without naming it. To avoid tautology in speech, the speaker can use a pronoun. Examples: I, yours, who, this, everyone, most, all, myself, mine, other, another, that, somehow, someone, something, etc.

As can be seen from the examples, pronouns are most often used instead of a noun, as well as instead of an adjective, numeral or adverb.

Pronouns are typically divided into categories according to meaning. This part of speech is focused on names. In other words, pronouns replace nouns, adjectives, and numerals. However, the peculiarity of pronouns is that, replacing names, they do not acquire their meaning. According to established tradition, only modifiable words are considered pronouns. All unchangeable words are treated as pronominal adverbs.

This article will present by meaning and grammatical features, as well as examples of sentences in which certain pronouns are used.

Table of pronouns by category

Personal pronouns

I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they

Reflexive pronoun

Possessive pronouns

my, yours, ours, yours, yours

Demonstrative pronouns

this, that, such, so much

Determinative pronouns

himself, most, all, every, each, any, other, other

Interrogative pronouns

who, what, which, which, whose, how many, which

Relative pronouns

who, what, how, which, which, whose, how many, which

Negative pronouns

no one, nothing, none, nobody, no one, nothing

Indefinite pronouns

someone, something, some, some, several, some, anyone, anyone, anything, some, some

Pronouns are divided into three categories:

  1. Pronominal nouns.
  2. Pronominal adjectives.
  3. Pronominal numerals.

Personal pronouns

Words indicating persons and objects that are participants in a speech act are called “personal pronouns.” Examples: I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they. I, you, we, you denote participants in verbal communication. The pronouns he, she, they do not participate in the speech act; they are reported to the speaker as non-participants in the speech act.

  • I know what you want to tell me. (Participant in a speech act, object.)
  • You should read the whole thing fiction from the list. (The subject to whom the action is directed.)
  • We had a wonderful holiday this year! (Participants in a speech act, subjects.)
  • You played your role perfectly! (Addressee, object to which the address is directed in a speech act.)
  • He prefers a quiet pastime. (Non-participant in the speech act.)
  • Will she definitely go to America this summer? (Non-participant in the speech act.)
  • They jumped with a parachute for the first time in their lives and were very pleased. (Non-participant in the speech act.)

Attention! The pronouns his, her, their, depending on the context, can be used both as possessive and personal pronouns.


  • He was not at school today, neither for the first nor for the last lesson. - His performance at school depends on how often he attends classes. (In his first sentence there is a personal pronoun in the genitive case, in his second sentence there is a possessive pronoun.)
  • I asked her to keep this conversation between us. “She ran, her hair fluttered in the wind, and her silhouette was getting lost and lost with every second, moving away and dissolving in the light of day.
  • You should always ask them to turn the music down. “Their dog very often howls at night, as if grieving for some unbearable grief of his.

Reflexive pronoun

The pronoun oneself belongs to this category - it indicates the person of the object or addressee, which is identified with the actor. Reflexive pronouns perform this function. Example sentences:

  • I have always considered myself the happiest in the whole wide world.
  • She constantly admires herself.
  • He doesn't like to make mistakes and trusts only himself.

Can I keep this kitten with me?

Possessive pronouns

A word indicating that a person or thing belongs to another person or thing is called a “possessive pronoun.” Example: mine, yours, ours, yours, yours. Possessive pronouns indicate belonging to the speaker, interlocutor or non-participant in the act of speech.

  • My the decision always turns out to be the most correct.
  • Yours wishes will definitely be fulfilled.
  • Our The dog behaves very aggressively towards passers-by.
  • Is yours the choice will be yours.
  • Finally I got mine present!
  • Their keep your thoughts to yourself.
  • My the city misses me and I feel how much I miss it.

Words like her, him, them can act as a personal pronoun in or as possessive pronoun. Example sentences:

  • Their the car is parked at the entrance. - They were not in the city for 20 years.
  • His the bag is lying on the chair. - He was asked to bring tea.
  • Her the house is located in the city center. - She was made the queen of the evening.

The possessive pronoun also indicates that a person (object) belongs to a group of objects. Example:

  • Our I will remember our joint trips for a long time!

Demonstrative pronouns

The demonstrative is the second name that bears the demonstrative pronoun. Examples: this, that, such, so much. These words distinguish this or that object (person) from a number of other similar objects, persons or signs. This function is performed by the demonstrative pronoun. Examples:

  • This The novel is much more interesting and informative than all those I have read before. (Pronoun this distinguishes one object from a number of similar ones, indicates the peculiarity of this object.)

Pronoun This also performs this function.

  • This sea, these mountains, This the sun will forever remain in my memory as the brightest memory.

However, you should be careful when determining the part of speech and not confuse the demonstrative pronoun with a particle!

Compare examples of demonstrative pronouns:

  • This it was excellent! - Did you play the role of a fox in a school play? (In the first case, This is a pronoun and fulfills the predicate. In the second case This- the particle does not have a syntactic role in the sentence.)
  • That the house is much older and more beautiful than this one. (Pronoun That highlights an object, points to it.)
  • Neither such, no other option suited him. (Pronoun such helps to concentrate attention on one of many subjects.)
  • So many once he stepped on the same rake, and again repeats everything all over again. (Pronoun so many emphasizes the repetition of the action.)

Determinative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: himself, most, all, every, each, any, other, other. This category is divided into subcategories, each of which includes the following pronouns:

1.Himself, the most- pronouns that have an excretory function. They elevate the object in question and individualize it.

  • Myself the director, Alexander Yaroslavovich, was present at the party.
  • He was offered the most a highly paid and prestigious job in our city.
  • The most The greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved.
  • Self Her Majesty condescended to praise me.

2.All- a pronoun that has the meaning of breadth of coverage of the characteristics of a person, object or characteristic.

  • All the city came to see him perform.
  • All The road passed in remorse and the desire to return home.
  • All the sky was covered with clouds, and not a single clearing was visible.

3. Anyone, everyone, anyone- pronouns denoting freedom of choice from several objects, persons or characteristics (if they exist at all).

  • Semyon Semenovich Laptev is a master of his craft - this is for you any will say.
  • Any a person is capable of achieving what he wants, the main thing is to make an effort and not be lazy.
  • Each blade of grass every the petal breathed life, and this desire for happiness was transmitted to me more and more.
  • All sorts of things the word he said turned against him, but he did not seek to correct it.

4.Different, different- pronouns that have meanings that are not identical to what was said earlier.

  • I chose other a path that was more accessible to me.
  • Imagine another If you were me, would you do the same?
  • IN other Once he comes home, silently, eats and goes to bed, today everything was different...
  • The medal has two sides - another I did not notice.

Interrogative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: who, what, which, which, whose, how many, which.

Interrogative pronouns contain questions about persons, objects or phenomena, quantities. A question mark is usually placed at the end of a sentence that contains an interrogative pronoun.

  • Who was that man who came to see us this morning?
  • What what will you do when the summer exams are over?
  • What there should be a portrait of an ideal person, and how do you imagine him?
  • Which out of these three people could know what really happened?
  • Whose is this a briefcase?
  • How much does a red dress cost? which did you come to school yesterday?
  • Which your favorite season?
  • Whose I saw a child in the yard yesterday?
  • How Do you think I should enroll in the Faculty of International Relations?

Relative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: who, what, how, which, which, whose, how many, which.

Attention! These pronouns can act as both relative and interrogative pronouns, depending on whether they are used in a particular context. In a complex sentence (CSS), only the relative pronoun is used. Examples:

  • How are you making sponge cake with cherry filling? - She told how she prepares a pie with cherry filling.

In the first case How - the pronoun has an interrogative function, i.e. the subject concludes a question about a certain object and the method of obtaining it. In the second case, the pronoun How is used as a relative pronoun and acts as a connecting word between the first and second simple sentences.

  • Who knows in which does the sea flow into the Volga River? “He didn’t know who this man was and what could be expected from him.
  • What do you need to do in order to get a job? Good work? - He knew what to do in order to get a well-paid job.

What- pronoun - used both as a relative and as an interrogative pronoun, depending on the context.

  • What what are we going to do tonight? - You said that today we should visit our grandmother.

To accurately determine the category of pronouns when choosing between relative and interrogative, you need to remember that the interrogative pronoun in a sentence can be replaced by a verb, a noun, or a numeral, depending on the context. The relative pronoun cannot be replaced.

  • What do you want for dinner today? - I would like vermicelli for dinner.
  • Which do you like the color? - Purple do you like it?
  • Whose is this a house? - Is this mom's house?
  • Which are you in line? -Are you eleventh in line?
  • How many do you have any candy? - Do you have six sweets?

The situation is similar with the pronoun than. Compare examples relative pronouns:

  • What to do on the weekend? - He completely forgot what I wanted to do this for the weekend. (As we see, in the second version the pronoun how is included in the category of relative and performs a connecting function between two parts of a complex sentence.)
  • How did you get into my house yesterday? - Anna Sergeevna looked questioningly at the boy and did not understand how he got into her house.
  • How does it feel to realize that you are in trouble? - I know from myself what it’s like to realize that your plans are collapsing quickly and irrevocably.
  • How many times do I ask you not to do this again? “She has already lost count of the number of times her son brought his class teacher to tears.
  • Whose car is parked at the gate of my house? “He was at a loss, so he couldn’t figure out whose idea it was to provoke a fight.
  • How much is this Persian kitten worth? - He was told how much a red Persian kitten costs.
  • Who knows what year the Battle of Borodino took place? - Three students raised their hands: they knew in what year the Battle of Borodino took place.

Some scientists propose to combine relative and interrogative pronouns into one category and call them “interrogative-relative pronouns.” Examples:

  • Who is there? - He didn't see who was here.

However, at present it has not yet been possible to reach a general agreement, and the categories of interrogative and relative pronouns continue to exist separately from each other.

Negative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: no one, nothing, none, nobody, no one, nothing. Negative pronouns mean the absence of persons, objects, and also to indicate their negative characteristics.

  • Nobody didn't know what to expect from him.
  • Nothing he was not interested enough to devote his whole life to this matter.
  • No debt and none money couldn't keep him from running away.
  • A lonely dog ​​ran along the road, and it seemed that it never had an owner, a home or tasty food in the morning; She was draw.
  • He tried to find excuses for himself, but it turned out that everything happened precisely on his initiative, and no one was to blame for this.
  • He was completely nothing to do, so he walked slowly in the rain past the glowing shop windows and watched the oncoming cars passing by.

Indefinite pronouns

An indefinite pronoun is formed from interrogative or relative pronouns. Examples: someone, something, some, some, several, some, anyone, anyone, anything, some, some. Indefinite pronouns contain the meaning of an unknown, undefined person or thing. Also, indefinite pronouns have the meaning of deliberately hidden information that the speaker specifically does not want to communicate.

Examples for comparison:

  • Someone's a voice rang out in the darkness, and I didn’t quite understand who it belonged to: a man or an animal. (Lack of information from the speaker.) - This letter was from my no one an acquaintance who had been absent from our city for a long time and was now planning to come. (Information deliberately hidden from listeners.)
  • Something the incredible happened that night: the wind tore and tossed leaves from the trees, lightning flashed and pierced the sky. (Instead of something You can substitute indefinite pronouns with similar meaning: something, something.)
  • Some of my friends consider me a strange and wonderful person: I don’t strive to earn a lot of money and live in a small old house on the edge of the village . (Pronoun some can be replaced by the following pronouns: some, several.)
  • Some a pair of shoes, a backpack and a tent were already packed and were waiting for us to pack up and leave far, far from the city. (The subject does not specify the number of objects, but generalizes their number.)
  • Some people informed me that you received the letter, but do not want to acknowledge it volume.(The speaker deliberately hides all information about the face.)
  • If anyone I saw this man, please report this to the police!
  • Anyone knows what Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky talked about at the ball?
  • When will you see anything interesting, don’t forget to write down your observations in a notebook.
  • Some points in studying in English remained incomprehensible to me, then I returned to the previous lesson and tried to go through it again. (Intentional concealment of information by the speaker.)
  • How long I still had some money in my wallet, but I didn’t remember how much. (Lack of information about the subject from the speaker.)

Grammatical grades of pronouns

Grammatically, pronouns are divided into three categories:

  1. Pronominal noun.
  2. Pronominal adjective.
  3. Pronominal numeral.

TO pronominal noun These categories of pronouns include: personal, reflexive, interrogative, negative, indefinite. All these categories are similar in their grammatical properties to nouns. However, pronominal nouns have certain features that a pronoun does not have. Examples:

  • I came to you . (In this case it is masculine, which we identified by a past tense verb with a zero ending). - You came to me. (Gender is determined by the ending of the verb “came” - feminine,

As you can see from the example, some pronouns do not have a gender category. In this case, the genus can be restored logically, based on the situation.

Other pronouns of the listed categories have a gender category, but it does not reflect the real relationships of persons and objects. For example, the pronoun Who always combined with a verb in the masculine past tense.

  • Who was the first woman to travel into space?
  • Ready or not, here I come.
  • She knew who would be the next contender for her hand and heart.

The pronoun that is used with neuter nouns of the past tense.

  • What allowed you to do this act?
  • He had no idea that something similar to his story could be happening somewhere.

Pronoun He has generic forms, but gender here acts as a classification form, and not as a nominative form.

TO pronominal adjective These include demonstrative, attributive, interrogative, relative, negative, and indefinite pronouns. They all answer the question Which? and are likened to adjectives in their properties. They have dependent forms of number and case.

  • This tiger cub is the fastest in the zoo.

Pronominal numerals include pronouns as much as, several. They are likened in their meaning when combined with nouns.

  • How many books have you read this summer?
  • I now had so many opportunities!
  • My grandmother left some hot pies for me.

Attention! However, in combination with verbs, pronouns how many, as many, several are used as adverbs.

  • How much is this orange blouse worth?
  • You can only spend that much on vacation.
  • I thought a little about how to live and what to do next.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Imagine the situation: you are standing in a souvenir shop in England, choosing magnets as a gift. You don't need those magnets, but these ones. How to say it in English? Those, these, this, this... One small word, and the meaning of what was said already changes. Today we will learn to distinguish sentences with demonstrative pronouns in English.

From this article you will learn:

Remember four simple words

When we have already dealt with personal pronouns, we need to learn other types. Those that help you indicate what you are talking about in English are called demonstrative pronouns, as they indicate the distance between the speaker and what he is talking about.

I suggest you look at the table and compare them:

Pronoun Translation Example
ThisThis, this, thisThis picture is really nice (This picture is very beautiful).
ThatThat, that, thatThat house is mine (That house is mine).
TheseTheseThese flowers are lovely (These flowers are beautiful).
ThoseThoseThose children are playing (Those children are playing).

They need to be learned!

It's simple!

Demonstrative pronouns with translation into Russian

As for pronunciation, be careful when pronouncing this and these. The difference is quite insignificant. For us, but not . Let's look at the transcription. The first word is pronounced |ðɪs| (zys), the second - |ðiːz| (ziis).

Subscribe to my blog. Find even more useful articles and rules, and you will also receive as a gift - a basic phrasebook in three languages, English, German and French. Its main advantage is that there is Russian transcription, so even without knowing the language, you can easily master colloquial phrases.

That is, in the first case there is almost the same sound, but shorter, in the second you need to stretch it a little longer. What's the difference? Read on. By the way, have you already read my new article about ?

Demonstrative pronouns

All possible values

So this is used in relation to singular or uncountable when the object to which we point is located close to us. For example, This book is interesting. That is used in relation to the same nouns, but when the object is located far from the speaker. Can you pass me that knife, please? (Please give me that knife).

As for these, we say it when we point to nouns in plural, if they are located near us. Whose are these ear rings? (Whose earrings are these?) We will answer such questions with a possessive pronoun. They are hers. Those also refers to words in the plural, but when they are far from us. Can you pass me those slippers, please? (Please give me those slippers).

Examples of using demonstrative pronouns

In addition to their main function - to directly indicate an object, demonstrative pronouns have other uses:
This can be found in temporary phrases with words like: morning, afternoon, evening, week, month, year. Such expressions denote the nearest time period. For example, Let's meet this Saturday (Let's meet this Saturday). That means Saturday this week.

  1. This year I’m going to study at university (This year I will study at the university).
    All four pronouns are used to avoid repetition.
  2. Put butter, flower and sugar into a bowl. Mix this well (Put butter, flour and sugar in a bowl. Mix it well).
    We are going to the beach and then to the restaurant at the weekend. Are you happy with that? (We'll go to the beach, then to a restaurant on the weekend. Are you okay with that?) In relation to people. To introduce them.
  3. Sam, this is my father Mr. Smith (Sam is my dad - Mr. Smith).
  4. Is that your husband over there? (Is that your husband there?)
    It can also be found in telephone conversations, either when you need to ask someone, or when you pick up the phone yourself.
  5. Hello! This is Jane speaking (Hello! Jane is on the line).
  6. Hi! Is that Oliver? (Hi! Is this Oliver?)
    Sometimes demonstrative pronouns indicate emotional intimacy. So, for example, if you are talking about what you love, what causes you pleasant, positive emotions, you can safely use this or these.
  7. I like Paris with all these beautiful buildings (I like Paris with all these beautiful buildings).
    If, on the contrary, something causes you negative emotions, you can talk about it by adding that or those.
  8. I didn’t like that new café. The food was terrible (I didn’t like that new cafe. The food was terrible).
  9. The hotel we stayed wasn’t good. All those paintings on the wall were to bright (The hotel we stayed in was not very good. All those paintings on the walls were too bright). Sometimes that is used instead of the definite article the when we mean something that many people know about. For example, Do you remember that little café on the corner? They closed it down last week? (Remember that little cafe on the corner? It closed last week).
    This is periodically used instead of the indefinite article a/an when they want to talk about something important, something that happened recently, or report news. This guy got into the bank and stole one million dollars (This guy got into the bank and stole a million dollars).

Sentences with demonstrative pronouns

Now let's consolidate all of the above and do the exercises.
Insert a suitable demonstrative pronoun in place of the blanks.

  1. _____cake tastes really good!
    For example, This cake tastes really good!
  2. _____guy knocked on the door and asked if I had ordered a newspaper.
  3. What’s in _____box over there?
  4. Sara, _____is my sister Jane.
  5. _____is my son over there.
  6. On the phone.
    - Hello! Is _____Samantha speaking?
  7. Let's order some chicken for lunch. Are you ok with_____ ?
  8. I’m going to take up yoga class _____month.
  9. I've been to _____part of Australia.
  10. You can use any of _____laptops.

Translate the following sentences:

Those books are very heavy.
For example, Those books are really heavy.

  1. Sandra, this is my friend Nikki.
  2. I'll send these cards on my way home.
  3. I didn't like that fitness club. Too small and stuffy there.
  4. Remember that supermarket by the road? There's a discount on milk right now.
  5. I really like these white t-shirts in the new store.
  6. Give me that salad, please.
  7. I need to paint those walls.
  8. Steve looked very happy this morning.
  9. Whose boots are these?

Do you want to learn more about the English language and prove to yourself that learning it is easy and simple? Subscribe to the Viva Europe blog and master English with useful articles and exercises.

I was with you, a philologist of the English language, Ekaterina Martynova.
Have a nice day everyone!
