Your first days in EVE, tips for beginners. EVE Online Tutorial Mission Guide

Hello everyone, this is a chameleon and today I want to answer you a very frequently asked question, what to do in Eve. Often people go through training, go through basic recruitment agents and they have a stupor, but what exactly can you do here? When they turn to experienced players with this question, they rightly answer them: "everyone." And indeed, Eve is a sandbox game, with a huge selection of activities in which it is sometimes easy to get lost. There is no imposed plot here, there is no such thing as in other games, to get to the maximum level, collect the best clothes, and essentially complete the game. You can play for many years and not try all aspects of the game. To verify this, you can look at this picture.

In eve, you yourself come up with an occupation for yourself, set goals for yourself and achieve them. Eve is a game where each player can influence the game itself, which is played by tens of thousands of other players.

It will take a lot of time to talk about each type of activity in the game, so in this guide I will only tell you about the most common types of earnings in the game, their pros and cons, so that you can choose your own path, what to do online.

I'll start with peaceful professions, in which you don't have to shoot and kill anyone.


The first and most obvious profession is mining, essentially the extraction of ore from asteroids. So many beginners start with this, as this is the most obvious and easiest way to make money, and dig hard, hoping to get rich. Unfortunately, mining is one of the most unprofitable ways to make money. It's simple, safe, but not profitable. Perhaps the only advantage of mining is the ability to dig in semi-afk, for example, while sitting at work, taking the dug up ore to the station every 15 minutes. Or read the guides while you dig. Yes, it can still be justified by digging only the first day or two while reading the guides, so at least along the way you will earn a minimum starting capital, but I do not advise you to do this permanently. Many make excuses, but afk, but I watch films while I'm digging, but I can at work. But the question is, why then even play the game if you are in it all the time afk? In general, in fact, you can earn money on mining, but you need to play at least 3-5 windows, and, accordingly, pay for them monthly.


The second way to earn money outgoing just from mining is production. However, I’ll say right away that there is nothing for beginners to do in production, since a certain pumping is needed for efficient production, and a good start-up capital. However, if you are a pro in excel and you are an accountant at heart and like to count a lot, you can try.


The third way to earn money is trading. Everything is simple here, bought cheaply or produced, sold dearly. You can trade on volumes sitting at one of the trading stations, so you need a good start-up capital. Or on a trading margin, buying goods at a low price and transporting them to those systems where you can sell them at a higher price. Having a good working capital, you can earn pretty decently on trading.

These were relatively safe ways to earn money, which can be done in the so-called high-sec. Oh yes, I’ll tell you right away about the security sectors. There are 3 conditional security sectors in the game, the first is highsec, systems with a security status from 1.0 to 0.5 inclusive. This is a conditionally safe space, here you can still be attacked and killed, but for this the aggressors will immediately be punished by the concorde, this can be said by the local police. Nevertheless, if you are carrying expensive cargo on a fragile ship, from about a hundred million, then you can be killed for profit.
Low-sec, systems with a low level of security are next, from 0.4 to 0.1. Here, in general, it is already almost free pvp, with minor restrictions. The aggressors who attacked a peaceful target will be unpleasantly fired by cannons near the gates and stations, but you should not rely on them, since the aggressors usually take them into account when attacking.
And finally, there are zeros, systems from 0.0 and below. There is complete lawlessness, any person is a potential enemy. This is the territory where the players themselves build their empires.


So let's get back to making money. The last peaceful way is to scan and search for signatures. Scanning itself is divided into peaceful and combat. The first is the scanning of the so-called data sites and artifacts, in slang they are often called relics. Here, in general, everything is simple and interesting, we are looking for dates or relics, we break open the containers inside, and we sell the fallen sweets on the market. It is most profitable to engage in scanning in zeros, since in highsecs there is wild competition among hundreds of the same beginners, and the loot is poor. In zeros, with luck, even a beginner can earn a couple of hundred millions in an evening. It's risky, but it's especially interesting because of it. I will devote a separate video guide to this way of earning.

The second branch of the scan is, so to speak, combat scanning. You are also looking for signals, but already combat sites or as they are also called plexes, there, as a rule, you will need to kill all the enemies and defeat the miniboss, from which there is a chance of tasty loot. In general, the occupation is a lottery, you can go through several plexes and nothing will fall, or you can knock out a bunch of expensive sweets at a time.


The next one of the most common types of earnings is the passage of agent missions. You have already met them in training. Everything is simple here, complete missions, they give you a small reward in money and also some LP, or in other words loyalty points, which you can exchange in a special corporate store for various sweets. Brings a small but stable income. Income is higher, the lower the security status. In highsecs, the income is small, but in zeros it is already quite decent. As with most activities in Eve, the higher the risk, the higher the reward. Many beginners are advised to just go through missions, but they often do not take into account the fact that only missions from lvl 4 agents are more or less profitable, which beginners do with difficulty, and more or less adequate earnings come out only after at least a couple of months of pumping.


If you don't want to take too much risk and are going to live in highsec, then you can engage in invasions, this is such a group content. In short, a fleet of 10-40 people gathers and fly to kill NPCs. They say good earnings for high-sec players, to be honest, this layer of the game is unfamiliar to me and I don’t know how it applies to beginners. However, you can visit these couple of sites and and read more about it yourself and ask more knowledgeable people.


Next we have the passage of anomalies in zeros. In fact, anomalies appear everywhere, both in highsecs and in lowsecs, but only in zeros they are more or less beneficial. Everything is simple here, it looks like missions, only without agents, you fly to an anomaly, kill everyone, you get money every 20 minutes for this, the more you kill, the more earnings. Thus, you can earn stable money only if you are a member of a zero corporation that has its own systems. Here already, the socorps themselves will be able to tell you how and what. Often, more experienced comrades allow beginners to pick up the loot that drops out of them on anomalies, since it is not profitable for them to spend time on this, and for a beginner it is quite money.


And finally, one of the most profitable ways for beginners to earn money is factional wars, or as they are sometimes called "militia". It is divided into two ways, the capture of beacons, and the passage of special missions. Factional wars themselves are associated with a certain risk, but this is perhaps The best way earnings for those people who subsequently want to do pvp. I will dedicate a separate guide to this method.

In order to craft any item in EVE, you will need the following components:
1. Drawing (Blueprint).
2. Materials required for production (indicated in the drawing).
3. The production line on which the item will be built.

Drawing (Blueprint, BP)
All BPs in Eve look like the items they are built with, depicted on a blue background:

BP has the following options:

1. Material efficiency level (ME)- the level of BP research on production efficiency. The higher this number, the less waste there will be in production.

2. Waste factor - waste level. Directly depends on ME . In the case of a positive ME, the formula for calculating the wasteage factor is as follows:
Wasage factor = Base Waste Factor / (1 + ME).
For negative ME, the following formula is used:
Wasage factor = Base Waste Factor * (1 - ME).

Base Waste Factor - Waste level for BPs with ME = 0. For most BPs it is 10%.

Thus, it turns out that by examining BP from 0 ME to 1 ME, we will reduce waste by 2 times (it was 10%, it will become 5%). However, the higher the ME level, the less effect each subsequent BP study will have. In addition, there is a limit beyond which further research becomes meaningless. Let's say that it takes 23 zidrine to produce an item. If we divide this number by 5, we get the ME number required to ensure that there is no zidrine waste in the production of this item.

If you open the information on the necessary materials for the production of any BP (Bill of Materials / Manufacturing), you can see 2 rows of numbers:
1. (You) The number of components needed to produce with your skills.
2. (Perfect) The number of components required for production at 5 lvl of the Production Efficiency skill.

Each level of the Production Efficiency skill reduces the amount of necessary materials for construction by 4%. In the absence of the Production Efficiency skill, you will need 120% of the materials from the Perfect column. At lvl 5 of the Production Efficiency skill, you only need the amount of minerals that is indicated in BP (i.e. 100%). Thus, this skill is the first thing that a production worker should download up to 5 leva.

3. Productivity efficiency level (PE)- BP research level for production speed. The more PE, the less time it will take to produce. However, it is almost pointless to investigate PE greater than 10.

BP can be conditionally divided according to the following criteria:
1. By type of BP, a Copy (Blueprint copy, BPC) and Original (Blueprint original, BPO) are distinguished.
2. According to the type of products produced, BP are divided into: T1, T2, Storyline.

BPO (Blueprint original) is the original blueprint. You can do the following with it:
1. Research (thereby increasing the level of ME and PE).
2. Copy (during copying, a BPC is obtained, while the original BPO is preserved).
3. Produce.

BPC (Blueprint copy) - a copy of the drawing, which is obtained as a result of BPO copying. The BPC has the same ME and PE parameters as the original BPO . But, unlike BPO, BPC is designed to produce a limited number of items (Licensed Production Runs Remaining or just the number of wounds). After the specified number of items have been built, the BPC will simply disappear. In addition to the production of BPC, it is also used in the inventory process (obtaining T2 BPC).

Thus, with BPC, you can perform the following actions:
1. Produce (in this case, after each item produced, the number of wounds decreases for the BPC).
2. Invention.

For research on PE, research on ME, copying and inventory, the appropriate laboratories are required (Time efficiency research, Material research, Copying, Invention). For production, you need a production line (Manufacturing).

T1 BPOs are the most common BPOs in EVE. They can be bought in unlimited quantities from some NPC vendors in the market. Such BPOs always have ME and PE equal to 0. A BPO just bought can be put up for sale in the market again. But as soon as you try to do any operation with it (production, copying, research on ME or PE), BPO can no longer be sold through the market. Researched BPOs can only be bought from (or sold to) other players through the contract system. As a rule, no specialized skills are needed to produce, copy and research T1 BPO. Usually it is enough to have at least 1 lvl Industry skill.

T1 BPC - appear in EVE as a result of copying the corresponding BPO. Such BPCs can only be purchased through the contact system. As a rule, well-researched BPCs are sold there, and their prices are much lower than the prices of BPOs. In some cases, it will be cheaper to buy a BPC for a one-time production than to buy an expensive BPO. When buying BPC, you should remember that the difference in waste (which is calculated from the original 10%) for ME10 and ME20 is extremely insignificant (waste for ME10 - 0.91%, waste for ME20 - 0.48%). But the prices for such BPCs can vary several times.

T2 BPO - there are very few such BPOs in the game. Previously, before the introduction of the inventory, RnD agents from time to time organized lotteries among the characters working for them. These lotteries resulted in a small number of T2 BPOs being randomly distributed among the players. After the introduction of the inventory, the lottery was closed, and currently T2 BPO can only be bought from those players who have saved them. T2 BPO production requires specialized skills (usually 2 RnD skills each), and Industry 5 lvl skill is also required.

T2 BPC - today most of these BPCs are obtained as a result of the inventory. hallmark T2 BPC are negative levels of ME and PE, which greatly increases the level of waste. However, due to the limited number of T2 BPOs in the game, these BPCs are also in high demand.

Storyline and Factional BPCs. Storyline BPCs are usually rewarded for completing storyline missions, while faction BPCs can be obtained from the LP Shop. Storyline BPCs are extremely unfortunate BPCs. they require special skills to produce, and sometimes require special materials. At the same time, the resulting items often have mediocre stats.

All the necessary skills for the production, copying, research of any BP are indicated in the blueprint itself.

A generalized list of skills that affect production, copying and research:

Science - Increases blueprint copying speed by 5% per level.

Research - increases the speed of researching blueprints on PE by 5%.

Metallurgy - Increases ME blueprint research speed by 5%.

Laboratory Operation - increases the maximum number of simultaneously used laboratory slots by 1 per skill lvl (if you do not have this skill, you can only use 1 laboratory slot).

Advanced Laboratory Operation - also increases the number of simultaneously used laboratory slots. Thus, if you have Laboratory Operation 5 lvl and Advanced Laboratory Operation 4 lvl, you can use 10 laboratory slots at the same time.

Scientific Networking - allows you to use the laboratory remotely. If you do not have this skill, then you can start copying, researching and inventory only directly from the laboratory itself. If you are using a lab at a station, then you and your BPO must be at that station. If you are using a lab in a POS, then your BPO must be in the lab itself, and you must be in close proximity to it. 1 lvl of this skill allows you to use the laboratory within the solar system, 2 lvl - within 5 jumps, 3 lvl - 10 jumps, 4 lvl - 20 jumps, 5 lvl allows you to use the laboratory within the region.

After the study ends, the original BPO will be in the same place where it was before the operation was started. The result of copying and inventory will always be in the laboratory. If any materials are required for the inventory (copying, research), then they must also be located in the laboratory. Otherwise, you will receive a message that there are not enough materials to complete the operation and you will not be able to start the process. Only the original BPO or BPC can be located at the specified distance from the laboratory.

Mass Production - increases the maximum number of production lines used at the same time by 1 per lvl of the skill (if you don't have this skill, you can only use 1 production line).

Advanced Mass Production - also increases the maximum number of production lines that can be used at the same time. Thus, if you learn Mass Production and Advanced Mass Production up to lvl 5, you can use 11 lines at the same time.

Supply Chain Management - the effect of this skill is similar to the effect of the Scientific Networking skill, only it does not apply to laboratory slots, but to production lines.

Most of the guides are outdated and behind the times
This guide will use established terms and definitions that have developed in the course of the normal historical process and which can be gleaned from the eve dictionary. The guide is designed for a pilot who has already mastered the basics and terminology
Chapter 1 Beginning
Be sure to complete all training. This will give useful books skills, will give an idea of ​​each path of character development (combat pilot, scanner, miner) and for the first time actively study engineering skills in order to assemble ships without crutches (ship fit elements that increase the ship’s CPU and PG.
Chapter 2 General provisions and advice
2.1 Do not eat yellow snow. Yellow wrecks and containers will make you a Suspect and you can be hit by other pilots without a response from the Concorde and Centers.
2.2 Make it a firm rule to undoc and dock only through andok beeches and indok beeches.
Andok buka is done by simply leaving the station by pressing the MIA and waiting for the flight in a straight line for 150+ better than 500 km, this reduces the risk of being killed during the andok to a minimum. Indock beech is done as far as possible from the docking station (down or up) at the point where docking is possible.
2.3 You should know about agro:
2.3.1 if you attacked (aggroed) first in the lowsec near the nut, you will be hit by the nuts from the nut. This will not happen if you attacked a aspect (yellow) or a criminal (criminal)
2.3.2 aggro subsides (low high zeros) 1 minute after the end of the battle and you can fall into the nut or dock
2.3.3 in a state of aggro it is impossible to get into the nut, it is impossible to dock
2.4 killright happens to you (for attacking first in low and high), your killright on another player, killright on another pilot
2.4.1 killright happens to you (for attacking first in low and high) allowing, if activated, to painlessly attack you in low and high. It is removed by landing on a cheap nubshin flying into low and activating by your comrades and draining you by your comrades. The egg does not need to be killed.
2.4.2 your killright on another player appears after you are attacked by another pilot in low or imp, can be made available for different categories (everyone, alliance, corp)
2.4.3 the killright of another pilot allows, after its activation, to attack with all the pilot on which it is activated in low and high without the threat of being attacked by the concorde and the nut centers (in high) and the centers in low. Attention - there are pilots who make a killright on themselves at a high price and thus undress for a claim, carefully look at the amount in the price of killrights
2.5 The post-gate clock lasts 1 minute. During its action, if you have not done anything in terms of movement, then you will not be able to aim
2.6 Be sure to use binds (shortcut keys). Bind immediately on 1 button:
2.6.1 save a point (beech) - this will allow you to make beech faster. Especially useful when creating beech in prowarp
2.6.2 be sure to bind all drone commands - reconnect (restore connection), abadon (leave), relayern (return-collect back to drone bay)
2.7 Warp
2.7.1 You can warp if you are not held by a scraper, disruptor or if you are not in a bubble (stationary or from an announcer or a heavy announcer) or if you are not held by a heavy announcer with a beam
2.7.2 You can accelerate and warp on objects, burning zinc, wreks, beacons in space, beeches and green anomalies. Inside, within the pockets of plexes and missions, warp may not always work
2.7.3 You can warp faster if you are standing in the boost and you are warping in the direction of the boost (where the bow of your ship was pointing) and where the short straight line of the tactical overview shows
2.8 Get used to flying with tactical overview turned on. This will help you maneuver correctly and see the picture of the battle.
2.9 Get used to using the subscan. Make sure your podscan settings display combat tubes.
2.10 Make the local chat so that you can always see it. Look at the locale always
2.11 Always make beech while doing this on both sides when entering and exiting the entrance
2.12 Implants are everything. Each skill has 2 parameters - the main one and the secondary installation of implants increases these parameters and improves the study of the skill. It is optimal to put implants at +3, if there is no money, you can go for the main +3 to the secondary +2 and other saving options. If you're away from Eva for an extended period, make a jump clone and install the best implants in it.
2.13 if you are caught and there is no 100% chance to leave, you need to quickly destroy the implants so as not to decorate someone else's board
2.14 specialized inexpensive implants will help you ((you can increase the targeting, missile range, scanning and opening)
2.15 Boosters, especially inexpensive ones, should be used. Fk usually indicates in letters which booster should be applied. The most popular turret tracking boosters
2.16 Carrying more than 400 million ISK equivalent or pumping your pve trough makes you a client of suicidekicks

Are you tired of entering the game where you are surrounded by knights in heavy armor and magicians in robes? Do you already know almost everything about those projects where you need to storm castles, craft armor, build houses and grow plants? Already sick of the familiar interface and not interested in sharpening familiar skills? Then welcome to the world of endless space, harsh pilots and exciting battles in the vast space of an unfamiliar galaxy!

Start playing EVE now for free

The first step to get started in any game is downloading the client and installing it on your computer, in EVE this procedure is simplified as much as possible - you just need to go to the official website and click on the "play for free" button. Yes, it happened, now you can play EVE absolutely for free, moreover, you can stay in this status indefinitely. Alta player ("free") does not have access to all types of ships and weapons, but on initial stage this is not necessary - everything you need to master the game can be obtained without a paid account. Owners of a beta account (paid) have many advantages, for example: absolutely all ships are available, including those of other races, there is an opportunity to learn skills faster and the ability to learn several at the same time. But now it is not necessary to pay in cash for a beta status: after earning a certain number of ISK (the game currency of EVE), you can buy a special coupon in the game to activate a paid account for a month.

Referral link - an opportunity to receive bonuses in EVE

Before you start playing, be sure to ask for a referral link from another, more experienced player. This will allow you to get a good bonus later, when you "mature" to a beta account. None of the friends who are already playing in EVE will refuse, because the benefit is two-sided - the one who gave the link will also receive "sweets" later. If there are no acquaintances in EVE, go to the official forum and look there - there are enough people who want to help noobs, not without benefit for themselves. On the official EVE website, before you register, you will be prompted to fill in the "referral link" line. If you do not do this, then use this bonus, it is on this account, then there will be no possibility.

Character Creation

The next step is the choice of race, gender, biography and appearance of the future hero of space. Each race has its own characteristics in appearance, but at the first stage it is important to quickly master the game, so it is recommended to choose the Gallente race as the most balanced and easy to learn (according to developers and experienced players). Beginners are exclusively engaged in mining and scientific research, and these skills are generally racialless. Gender, appearance - to your taste, the character's nickname in EVE consists of two words with a space, the player has the opportunity to come up with a unique first and last name. Appearance can then be changed, but gender, name and race are unchanged until the end of the character's existence. You can make 3 of them on one account, and the Beta status will subsequently apply to everyone.

EVE Interface

An important point: you can play using not only the English interface, which is the default in EVE. When entering the game, when the character name and password are entered, in the upper right corner, click on "language settings", select Russian, if English is too complicated; Then, if desired, the language can be changed. It is more convenient, of course, to start playing so that everything is in Russian, but it is highly recommended to switch to English as soon as possible. There are many important reasons for this, the main one is that the EVE contingent is international, communication is in English, and it will be very difficult for you to explain a question or problem to an English-speaking interlocutor without knowing the names in English. Now the translation into Russian is quite correct, before there were a lot of mistakes and absurdities, so until now the players using the “ru” client are treated with ridicule (this is the second reason). Commands used in global chat on public events, inside the game slang - almost all the words there are from the English language, and without knowing these words, it will be impossible to play in a large corporation and participate in serious events.

First entry into the game: we begin to "download" skills

In EVE, you cannot rush headlong into space, shoot and collect everything in a row - there is a set of initial actions and quests that cannot be missed. The first thing we do, without flying off the spot, is to set the training of skills. The skills menu is called up by pressing Alt + A, press "all skills", select engineering, then "operation of on-board systems" and look for "drones". This skill needs to be put to study. Skills in EVE are learned in a special way - each skill learns for a certain time. We hold the “drones” with the left mouse button and drag them to the bottom, while the empty part of the skill window. We drag this particular skill several times until an inscription appears in the system chat that the level of pumping has reached its maximum (the “drones” skill can be increased four times for a beginner). Depends on this skill maximum amount drones (shells) on the ship and their power. To the right of the skill, a time will appear, which counts down until it is fully learned, you can even exit the game - the process continues (a nice "chip" in EVE).

First action in space: learning to fly with the help of Aura

How to move in space, what to do now? In EVE, they literally lead by the hand: the game is so complex that it is impossible to figure it out without the help of training NPCs. Our guardian angel, helping to take the first steps - Aura, which will lead us through text and voice world of EVE: the text is displayed in Russian (if Russian is selected), voice messages duplicate it in English. First, Aura will teach you to simply rotate the view camera, advising you to hold down the left mouse button and rotate it. Zooming in or out of view - the rotation of the mouse wheel. Aura does not rush, it patiently waits until you complete each action, and only then continues learning.

We turned around, looked around, conjured with the approach and removal of the review, it's time to fly. You can start the flight by double-clicking on any place with the left mouse button. Around the wreckage, fragments of ships, when you hover over them with the mouse, information will appear with the name and the presence of life (in the initial locations, almost all objects have no life). To stop, you need to press "minus" on the round control panel of the boat (this panel will always be strictly centered at the bottom of the screen).

The first quest is the rescue of those in distress

Your focus is on a wreck on which the NPC escaped, he needs help and evacuation! We double-click on this object with the left mouse button (Aura will also advise this action after learning to fly and stop), when approaching it, hold the left button OVER the object again - a system window with a human figure appears. With the left mouse button, click on this figure, under it we select "pick everything", and we save the one in need of help (we take it to the ship). So the first quest began: save two "simple" creatures and one scientist. Then there will be quests for launching into outer space, for shooting at asteroid debris, and Aura will explain everything in detail. She will bring the novice player to the station where you can land the ship.

Communication in EVE. We make first friends, get an invitation to the corporation

In EVE, you can communicate in a global chat, in the so-called "private", over a corporate connection. Be prepared that if you appear in the global, you will be sent an offer to join a corporation - old EVE players immediately try to take a newcomer to them: in this game at serious events, every “body”, even on a small boat, can be useful. There will be requests to be added to the list of friends, here be careful - you can accept as friends by choosing the degree of trust up to complete ignore (refusal with the inability to accept the offer of friendship in the future). Scale friendly relations- from bright yellow (rejection forever) to blue (best friend).
But you will have to wait a bit with joining the corporation - you can only join it while at the station, and you are still in open space: just add this player as a friend and contact him when the Aura brings you to a solid surface. In general, it’s worth stepping into a particular corporation with trusted player friends in it: in EVE, any conflict is officially encouraged, from a suddenly unleashed war to the murder of newcomers, and even within a corporation, any ally can lure you into outer space and kill you there, profiting from the wreckage and resources after your death.

The first steps with the help of the Aura have been made, friends have appeared, the skill is “swinging”. Further - the extraction of valuable resources, exciting pvp, a meeting with pirates, if you dare to get out of the "nulls" (the so-called safe locations where no one can attack). Forward into the unknown, and who knows, maybe in a few months you will lead your own corporation and turn the history of EVE, unleashing a global war and changing the balance of power?
