Series universe eve online worlds of the commonwealth. Book series "EVE Online Universe (Worlds of EVE Online)"

On an unnamed frontier planet, an experimental program of mental development is coming to an end. The success of the team of enthusiasts is not to the taste of the influential forces of one of the leading states in the galaxy. It would seem that a sudden attack by pirates finally destroys a handful of scientists who dared to stand in the way of interests largest corporations. But the son of the nominal leader of the colony remains alive. The young man does not want to forget about what happened, conducting his own investigation... Against the backdrop of disturbing events within the alliance of intelligent races, a completely unpredictable figure begins his game...

Initially, this book was conceived as a fan fiction based on “Miner” by I.A. Horta. Then - as a parody of him. In the end, it turned out to be just a book in a similar universe. The political and social system, but a lot has changed in the details. Asteroids are no longer piled in space, like gravel on a road, within some mysterious “belts” with clearly defined boundaries, but that doesn’t matter. Implants and neural networks are present, as well as spaceships roaming the expanses... But in fact, the book is not about them. And about one little man who was unlucky to end up in this harsh world.

Failed operation implementation of skills turns Tom Jow's life into a deadly race with an avalanche of intelligence agencies and powerful enemies. Cities and planets fly by, faces and documents change, but old and new opponents do not lose track. Fate introduces you to the crazy intelligence of the battle station, lets you touch the echo of the forerunners and indifferently throws the hero into the thick of the confrontation between the world and a magical civilization.

Many people have probably read books by various authors who write in the science fiction genre about the distant worlds of the galactic “Commonwealth.” I noticed that in these books very little is written about ancient world Jorah and the ancient race Jorah. Jore - in one of the ancient languages ​​means - Descendants. In the books of various authors, I was interested in small grains of references to ancient races in the Universe. I took these small pieces of information as the basis for my fantastic story. As a result, I decided to write something of my own, combining together space science fiction and ancient knowledge that was preserved in ancient Slavic legends, as well as in the ancient traditions of other peoples of the world. In the fantasy stories from the “Path to Origins” series, I would like to tell my version of who is the descendants of whom. Book 2 - "RETURN TO REUL"

Well, damn it, we hunted... humanoids. What a shame it was to steal honest citizens! Part one is finished. Over time, the text will be corrected and supplemented. This is absolutely NOT based on EVE! I've never played it, and I don't have the slightest idea about it. Therefore, I read what was written, either from my head or somewhere, at some time. I also post on Litostrovka:

Have you found yourself on the other side of the galaxy in a civilization much more advanced in development than your home world? Lost your memory and don't remember anything about your past life? No problem. If you have the strength and will to achieve your goals, then nothing will stop you. And even entire multi-system countries, having put you on the wanted list throughout the inhabited universe, will not be able to stop you. After all, you are not a mercenary or a merchant, not an engineer or anyone else. You are a Pirate. And woe to those who stand in your way.

What should an ordinary earthling do, who woke up on board a spaceship, and in his head there is a huge memory loss and not a single thought, how did you manage to do this... In addition, you find out that you are a slave and you have a corresponding slave implant in your head , which after six months turns its owner into a vegetable. To prevent this, there are two ways: either buy yourself out, but of course there is no money, or become very useful to your owner... Well, that means you have to try very hard!

The story of an earthling who was promptly recaptured from the slave traders by representatives of the fleet of the Ataran Empire. Then the ambiguous contract of the lighthouse keeper, intrigues of the management and dismissal due to staff reduction. Main character is a veteran of the Ataran Imperial Navy and a former Imperial Security Agent. All in the past. There is family and new beginnings on the planet of sojourn. In his new status, he meets with his former employer. And the GG managed to trust him... Hence the new misfortunes...

The frontier is not a place where a person can survive alone. The right of force here is considered more significant than the right of law. This is a world of predators, ready to grab the throat of any neighbor, just to snatch a more tasty morsel from his mouth. If you want to be a victim and die, that’s your choice. But if you want to stay alive and determine your own destiny, find yourself companions who are ready to follow you. As adamant and tough as you are. Those who can go to the end, no matter what. And now you will no longer be alone - your own CLAN will stand behind you.

For lovers of the world of EVE, the title of the book alone will tell you what it is about. Yes, these are indeed Commonwealth worlds, but I would like to make one remark. I really like the world created by the works of Hort's many followers, but at the same time it cannot be accepted completely and unconditionally. At the same time, there is a world EVE games, which I played while trying to figure out how it fit into the Hort Commonwealth. And besides, there are many more worlds created by the efforts of other authors, not inferior to the worlds of EVE and the Commonwealth. Well, and as a cherry on the cake - when reading many works concerning fantastic cosmic worlds, in the end there was a feeling that everything could be a little different. This is how the idea for this book came about. This is not the Commonwealth pure form, although its name remains, and not the worlds of EVE, although many of the attributes inherent in them are present. I hope you enjoy this version of the Commonwealth. Happy reading.

Belonging to a noble family does not make a person an exceptional person. The right of blood alone does not give the right to rule. Often force can be a more effective and efficient means to achieve it. The free barons of the Great Void from a distant galactic sector knew this simple truth from birth. They are always ready to defend their domains with arms in hand from outside attacks. Even if it leads to interstellar war. One of these rulers turned out to be a former earthling named Max Wolf.

Science fiction - Neural networks, implants, space, earth, other planets. Failures result from fear, peace, delicacy and carelessness. Eliminating fear creates confidence and abundance. Arise and arm yourself, let the weak receive alms!

A story within the framework of the inter-author project "Land of the Superfluous". A new planet means a new weapon, right? By chance, he knew about the portal opened by scientists on New Earth, and slowly prepared for the move. Weapons master engraver on Novaya Zemlya. The point of view of someone who not only knows how to shoot, but also how to repair and create.

(Frontier Trapper) Alex Sedov, a retired Planetary Forces officer, finds himself in a difficult situation. life situation. His career was destroyed, his health was lost, but he is a fighter in life and finds ways to solve problems. In order to pay for a complete cure, he is forced to enter into a contract with a galactic corporation to work as a hunter-hunter on one of the frontier planets. But in these wild places The most terrible beast turned out to be not a huge bloodthirsty raptor dinosaur, but a man with a machine gun. With weapons in hand, putting his loved ones on his shoulders, the hero will go through a thorny road, difficult trials and amazing adventures. This work is about active, militant, hardworking and successful natures. The text has been revised.

Book in progress!!! !!! These are drafts and work is being done on another resource: !!! You are passionate about survival, but there are situations for which you cannot be prepared. How will you behave if you find yourself in a neighboring galaxy and what actions will you take to survive, and then you will also learn about the main enemy of all living things. What will you do then? But do not despair, the road will be mastered by those who walk. The plot of the cycle unfolds slowly and many things will become clear to you only by the third book. This is my first work, so please do not judge me strictly. Thank you all in advance and happy reading. Personal thanks to my girlfriend, my first reader. Dangerous, there may be “Errors” or “Typos”!!! If you find errors and typos, or if there are interesting comments, I will be glad to hear them.

Book in progress!!! !!! These are drafts and work is being done on another resource: !!! Our hero went through a lot to convey information about the rachni to the Commonwealth. Also to meet the same creatures who were lost to their time, and most importantly, to meet the one for whom he is ready to fight the entire universe. The most scary dreams the rachni invasion is coming true and is on the doorstep. What will Vicks have to do to prevent the cycle from repeating, what lengths will he go to in order to preserve the future for himself and humanity. Will the Commonwealth's preparations help them meet the enemy of all living things? You will learn this and a lot in this book. Danger, there may be mistakes!!! If you find errors and typos, or if there are interesting comments, I will be glad to hear them.

The ancients said: the most long haul starts with one step. Earthling Nick, who by the will of fate was thrown into an alien world many thousands of light years from his home planet, could add to this: but in order to take this step, you need to realize for what you are taking it. After all, a person can do anything. Really everything. Everything he realized was his goal. No matter how grandiose, impracticable, fantastic it may seem...

A sinful impulse leads to an extraordinary night... Chloe has always loved her gay best friend Kyle, so when he and his lover Rick invite her into their bed, she is unable to resist. Rick, an alien from the planet Jernodrian, is looking for suitable partners on Earth who would ideally complement his family cocoon. He has always been irresistibly drawn to Chloe and Kyle, so when Chloe volunteers to go to bed with them, Rick realizes that Chloe, as well as Kyle, are the perfect halves to complete his family. Rick instinctively claims her, marking her as a Gernodrian del-shera. And now Rick must explain to her that her life has changed forever, and introduce her to his three other spouses. Will Chloe accept that she is now part of Rick's Jerdorian family cocoon, or will his impulsive act alienate her and destroy his newly formed family? And of course, the heavily armed alien hunters pursuing them are getting in the way at every turn...

Space is limitless... The average person, very far from astronomy, and even more so from celestial navigation, is simply not able to imagine what it is like in practice - thousands of light years from the point of view of overcoming them. Similar for him pure water abstraction, nothing more. Incomprehensible, beyond the bounds of earthly and familiar distance, filled with virtual emptiness. But here’s a paradox: even during these colossal volumes, those few races and civilizations that undertook to conquer and develop them waged real squabbles among themselves, like stray dogs over a randomly thrown bone. But the same axiom says: you can plow these very abysses for decades, overcoming them some with wire dowsing, some with jump jumps, and some using vector punctures, but never meet anyone on your way. For one simple and very banal reason - there is enough space in the Universe for everyone for a long time. And there will still be a legacy for grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

He is not a scientist or a researcher, he is just too curious.

Having found the diaries of another person close in spirit, he decides to experiment... which takes him almost to the other end of the Galaxy, where interstellar ships fly and Star Empires exist.

Where will his curiosity lead him in this new world?

Who would have thought that the first independent space flight of navigator Angelica Orzova would end in captivity and... a meeting with a mysterious Arian, a man of a different race from a distant unknown planet. What could they have in common? Nothing, of course! In addition to common enemies, imprisonment on a prison planet, escape and... the future!

"Black Star" - military spaceship, on which the squad flies special purpose under the command of a telepath top level, one of the best fighters on the planet Gorra Thorn es-Zarqa. A coincidence of circumstances will bring three girls to the ship - a dugout, a Gorean and a Shaggitterian. One of them will steal the commander’s heart, but then the “Black Star” will be at the epicenter of the war, which means death will be very close.***The book has been re-uploaded! A large introductory fragment has been posted (the beginning of the novel) Full version can buy.
