Lesson in the dhow in the second junior. Open lesson in the second junior group “Travel with Kolobok”

2. Introductory part.
Conversation about friendship (in a circle)
Goal: to update children’s knowledge about the importance of friendship, to develop dialogical speech, the ability to select words of definition, word-verbs, and to activate vocabulary.
Q: Children, you and I have been talking so much about friendship lately, tell me, where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with kind words, from playing together, from showing care, help)
Q: Who do we call a friend? (a person who helps, takes pity, protects, shares toys, can help out, teach what he can do, will give in to a friend)
Q: If you want to have good friends, what should you be like? (a good friend, kind, non-greedy, well-mannered, benevolent)

Exercise “I’m sad, I’m happy”
Goal: development of the emotional sphere of children.
Q: How do you feel when there are no friends around? (lonely, melancholy, sad) Portray melancholy. (showing a pictogram) And when you have friends, how do you feel? Show joy. (show icon)
Q: “It’s great to have friends in the world!” It's great when everyone is happy.
Q: Do the children in our group know how to make friends? (can)
Of course, I think that all the children in our group are friends.

3. Main part.
Reading a poem about friendship by Yu. Entin.
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to a friend, grasp the main idea, answer questions, encourage friendly relationships
Q: Now Yaroslav will tell us a poem about friendship, and you listen carefully and tell me what advice to friends is in this poem?
Yaroslav reads a poem by Yu. Entin.
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

Q: What advice did you hear? What should friends do and shouldn’t do? (need to share and don’t quarrel)
Q: Correct, but if you accidentally quarrel, what should you do? (make peace) How? (apologize, regret, hug, stroke, say peace)

Physical education lesson “Let’s be friends with each other”
C: encourage children to form friendly relationships, develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, act collectively and in concert.
Physical exercise "Let's be friends with each other."
Let's be friends with each other (they alternately extend their hands to each other)
Like birds with the sky, (stretch your arms up, standing on your toes)
Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)
Like the wind and the sea, (they swing their arms above their head along with their torso)
Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)
How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

Surprise moment.
Goal: motivate children.
Etiquette situation.
Goal: continue to teach children to use polite words in speech.
There's a knock on the door.
Seryozha (the doll) comes in.
Says hello.
Teacher and children: Hello!
Q: What's your name, boy? (Seryozha)
Children, let's meet our guest, tell me what your name is (Each child extends his hand to Seryozha and says his name, Seryozha answers - very nice)
Q: Why are you so sad?
Seryozha: no one is friends with me.
Q: Why isn’t anyone friends with you? Tell us. (brings Seryozha to his ear)

Solving a problem situation.
Goal: expand children’s ideas about friendly relationships, develop the ability to analyze actions, find the right solution, develop children’s speech, and cultivate a desire to help.

Reading a poem by the teacher.
They don’t want to be friends with Seryozha.
What is the reason? Who will help?
He started playing with Irinka,
But he broke her typewriter.
I ran after the ball with Slava
And he pushed him into the ditch.
Our Sergei is used to jokes -
Kolya stuck out his tongue.
He shouted loudly to the kids:
- Hey, little ones, can I come over to you?
Nobody needs Sergei...
Why aren't they friends with him?
Q: Tell me, children, why is no one friends with Seryozha? (he offends everyone, breaks toys, calls names, pushes)
Gender orientation.
First, the girls (optional) approach Seryozha and tell him advice, then the boys.
Q: Let's help Seryozha, what advice will we give him? (children's answers)

Introducing a new word. Speaking in chorus.
Goal: expansion vocabulary children.

Q: (summarizing children's answers) of course, children, you are right, for Seryozha to have friends, and for all of us, you need to be friendly - wish everyone well and not offend, in other words - friendly. Let's say the word in unison and remember it.

Q: Now let’s sing a song about friends, and Seryozha will listen to us carefully.
(children and teacher sing a song to musical accompaniment)
The teacher brings Seryozha to his ear and says:
-Seryozha thanks us for our advice and for such a wonderful song and says that he understands that you can’t be rude, then you won’t be lonely, you can’t offend anyone, on the contrary, you need to help and protect your friends.
Q: Well done, Seryozha, we hope you will improve and you will have many friends. We will be happy to share our friendship with you and tell you what kind of children we are.
Let’s stand in a circle (and Seryozha with us) and shake hands and convey friendship to each other, share it with Seryozha.

"Friendship Relay"
(The teacher begins: “I will convey my friendship to you with a handshake, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally comes back to me again. I feel that there is more friendship, since each of I added a piece of my friendship to you. Let it not leave you and warm you, and Seryozha too)

Speech "True Friends"
Speaking in chorus.
Goal: to set children up for friendly relationships, develop the ability to hear each other, and pronounce lines in chorus.

Q: Let's say a speech about what kind of friends we are.
We are all true friends
A real family.
We study and play together
And we help each other.
We have a lot of fun
Year after year, day after day.

Q: Seryozha says that he realized how great it is when there are friends, and he will never offend his comrades again, but will be friends with everyone.
Q: Well done, Seryozha. He says that he will go to his comrades, apologize for the trouble he caused them and make friends with them.
Seryozha says goodbye to the children:
-Goodbye, children!
-Children: Goodbye, Seryozha!
B: Come visit us. We'll be glad to see you. (Seryozha thanks and leaves)

4. Final part.
Reflection. Open end of the lesson (maintaining positive emotional feelings)
Q: Children, what good deed have we done today? (helped Seryozha understand that you need to be able to be friends and value friendship) Let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me with words - yes, yes, yes. Or - no, no, no. Be careful!

Verbal game “Yes-yes-yes” - “No-no-no.”
Will we be strong friends?
Should we value our friendship?
Will we learn to play?
Shall we help a friend?
Need to piss off a friend?
How about giving a smile?
Should you offend a friend?
Shall we drink tea with friends?
Will we be strong friends?
Q: Well done!
Q: Let's dance to the song of our friends that is familiar to us, let's rejoice in the fact that we are such friendly children.
Music is playing, children are dancing.

Summary of organized educational activities

at 2 younger group

The date of the: 02/07/2018

Educator: Kovalenko S. Ya.

Educational area: Communication. Cognition. Creation.

Cross-cutting topic:"The Magic World of Fairy Tales"

Subject:"On the roads of fairy tales"


Cultivating an emotional perception of the content of fairy tales, interest in fairy tales as a literary genre, curiosity, friendliness, and a desire to help.

Development of cognitive activity, coherent speech: the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, hear and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace; through play - dramatization, develop facial expressions, pantomime, imagination and artistry, memory, development of communication skills and abilities.

Formation in children of the ability to coordinate nouns in speech: in gender and case, with verbs denoting the actions of fairy-tale characters; ability to select synonyms. Consolidating knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Activating children's vocabulary.

Teaching the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, to recognize a fairy tale by a riddle, by an illustration, by a passage (i.e. characteristic features and the actions of the characters), remember the characters and the sequence of their actions using the modeling method.

Preliminary work:

reading folk tales;

examination of illustrative material for fairy tales;

organization of theatrical activities based on fairy tales;

watching animated films based on literary works;

carrying out artistic creative activity.

Pedagogical technologies: gaming, health-saving, TRIZ elements, personality-oriented.

Resource support: a ball, a door decorated like a hut, an apron and a scarf, a ball, a magic chest, Kolobok - a toy, characters for the fairy tale “Turnip” (table theater), supporting pictures for a descriptive story about a mouse, plot pictures for the fairy tale “Teremok” (magnetic theater) , characters for the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” (bunny and fox) (bi-ba-bo theater), characters for the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” (finger theater), microphone.

1. Organizational moment

Fairytale music sounds and children enter.

Guys, look at each other and give each other your smiles.

Guys, do you like to visit? Today we will go to visit a fairy tale, Grandma Riddle. But, first, I want to know how well you know fairy tales?

I will throw the ball to you and ask you questions, and you answer me.

Blitz poll on fairy tales(with a ball)

Who left grandma and left grandfather? (Kolobok)

Who ate the kids? (wolf)

Who came to visit the bears? (Masha)

In what fairy tale did the grandfather beat and beat an egg and not break it? (Chicken Ryaba)

What has grown “Big - very big”? (Turnip)

Who carried a basket of pies to grandparents?

What happened to the ice hut? (melted)

Who said “I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie” (bear)

2. Main part

Well done guys, you know fairy tales well. Now you and I can hit the road, the path is not short (I lead the children in a circle, like a snake, twisting and unwinding the spiral). We go out into the clearing where there is a house (a house painted on the door).

Guys, look, the house is standing, Granny Riddle probably lives here, I’ll go and call her, and you sit and wait. (I go out the door and change into Grandmother - Riddle, put on a scarf and an apron)

Grandmother comes out - Riddle.

I hear, I hear, you are talking about me. Hello my dears! I'm so glad to see you all! My name is Grandmother - Riddle. Today we will go on a journey through fairy tales. And by what, you will have to guess for yourself. I have a magic chest.

Let's see what's there (I look into the chest and take out Kolobok).

Who is this? (Kolobok)

What about Kolobok? (round, ruddy, naughty)

And what is round like a bun? (sun, apple, moon, clock, ball).

And what color is the bun? (yellow)

What happens yellow color like a bun? (chicken, sun, hat, car).

What happened to Kolobok? (children's answers).

Why did the bun roll off the window?

Let's see what else is in our chest (I take out a ball).

This is a ball that will show us the way to fairy tales.

The ball rolls towards where the characters from the fairy tale “Turnip” are standing.

Around us here and there

Different fairy tales live on.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Her grandfather planted her in the field

The whole summer grew.

The whole family pulled her

It was very large.

What fairy tale have we found ourselves in? ("Turnip")

Guys, look, they just can’t pull out the turnip, why? (no mouse)

Let's make an announcement on the radio that the mouse is lost. The mouse will hear and come running to help.

Radio announcement - descriptive story based on diagrams - reference pictures

(The mouse is lost: it is small, gray, loves to eat cheese and grains, lives in a hole, squeaks “pee-pee-pee”).

The mouse comes running.

What animals live in the fairy tale “Turnip” (bug, cat, mouse)

What animals are these? (Pets)

Why did you decide that a dog and a cat are pets? (because they live next to a person, bring benefits to a person, a person takes care of them)

The ball rolls towards where the characters from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” are standing.

Grandfather couldn't break the egg

Grandma couldn't either,

Only a small mouse

It will help them break the egg.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (“Chicken Ryaba”)

Simulation exercises:

Grandfather and woman were very old.

How does he walk? an old man? (slowly, back bent).

Show how grandfather and grandmother walk (to music they walk like grandfather and grandmother).

How does the chicken walk? (waddle, wings back, go to the music)

Mouse? (she is small, nimble, runs quickly in small steps, they show how a mouse runs to the music)

The ball rolls towards where the characters from the fairy tale “Teremok” stand

What fairy tale are these logs from?

A bunny and a frog lived in it,

Wolf and fox, little mouse,

Only the bear couldn’t fit in,

Our ... (teremok) collapsed with a crash.

How did you guess that this was a tower? (Here, there is a little house, a wolf, a frog, a mouse)

Oh, what beautiful pictures here, I’ll tell a story based on them.

A bear came to the tower, then a wolf came.

Am I telling the story correctly? (No)

How can this be, I tell you from pictures. (The pictures are mixed up).

That's right, the pictures are mixed up, we need to restore order.

“Let’s put the pictures in order (arrange the plot pictures for the fairy tale “Teremok” in the correct sequence)

What animals live in the fairy tale “Teremok”? (wild animals)

Why did you decide that you are wild? (because these animals live in the forest and get their own food)

Do you think the animals in the fairy tale “Teremok” are friendly? (Friendly). Are you friendly?

Of course they are friendly. Let's play a game "If there good friend» .

Fizminutka"If you have a good friend".

The mood has dropped, the matter is falling out of hand (children stand facing each other, hands up, gradually lower their hands)

But all is not lost (they shake their fingers at each other)

If you have a good friend (clap your hands)

Let's handle this together (holding hands)

Let's breathe a sigh of relief (sigh)

Raise your spirits (raise your hands up)

And we hug each other (hug each other, smile at each other).

The ball rolls towards where the characters from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” are standing.

The bunny stands and cries.

What do you think could have happened to the bunny, who could have offended him? (the fox kicked him out of the house).

Tell the fox what she can build a house from. (From logs, boards...)

Let's reconcile the Fox and the Bunny and play together. I will turn you into bunnies and a fox.

Musical game “The bunnies ran away on the forest lawn”

3. Final part

We played and danced. Now let’s show our hands to the sun, warm them with the sun’s rays. The hands have become warm, kind, let’s press them to the heart, and now let’s connect all the hands together, give our love and warmth to each other.

It's time for you guys to come back, I've run out of fairy tales, here's a basket of treats for you for coming to visit me.

Close your eyes, I will now touch everyone, and a miracle will happen again, you will find yourself in kindergarten. (a magic melody sounds, I take off my apron and scarf)

You guys are here, but I lost you, that’s all. I went to fairy tales, I walked around, but didn’t find you, but who did you meet?

In what visited fairy tales? Who did they help?

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Visiting grandma”

educational: Teach children to combine identical (by color, size) objects into object sets according to a verbal task. Continue to learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square. Answer the question “how much?” with many words, not one. Strengthen the ability to establish relationships between concepts: big, small. Work with children on various techniques and activities to develop fine motor skills.
Continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly. Practice the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square. To develop the ability to distinguish and name primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Use non-traditional drawing techniques (finger painting on semolina) in developing fine motor skills.
developing: develop logical thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills hands Develop tactile sensitivity of complexly coordinated movements of fingers and hands in games with household items (clothespins, cereals).
raising: cultivate a culture of behavior, kindness, love for animals, the ability to work together and amicably.

Integration of educational areas:
Cognition (FEMP)
Cognition (FCCM)

Activating the dictionary:
Geometric shapes (circle, square).

Material for the lesson:
An easel with a sun drawn on it, balls (red, yellow, green, red), boxes (red, yellow, green, red), a hoop for balls, a river, large round and small round pebbles, large square and small square stones, a soft toy - bunny, rooster, chicken, Christmas tree, house, clothespins, peas, beans, plates, semolina, chickens cut out of paper of different colors without tails, treats.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher leads the children into a group while listening to music
Educator: Children, look who came to us?
Children: Sun
Educator: Let's say hello to the sun.
Children: Hello Sunshine!
Educator: and look how many guests we have, let’s say hello to them too, say hello.
Children greet guests.
Educator: Children, the sun did not come so easily, it will bid us on our way, but first it will give us a task. Look what's in my hand?
Children: Ball
Educator: What color is the ball?
Children: Blue
Educator: there are a lot of multi-colored balls in the hoop, and here the hoops are of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green). You need to arrange the balls according to the color of the hoop. Can we sort it out?
Children: Yes
Educator: Let's get started
Task No. 1 “Arrange the balls by color”
Educator: were there balls in the hoop?
Children: Were
Educator: How many were there?
Children: A lot of
Educator: Are there any balloons now?
Children: No balls
Educator: Let's see if the balls are sorted correctly by color.

What color is the hoop? green like grass and green balls, blue like the sea and blue balls, red like a tomato and red balls, yellow like the sun and yellow balls.
Educator: We completed this task. Let's move on.
We approached the river.
Educator: Children, what is this?
Children: River
Educator: There is no bridge here, but how can we get across? Look what pebbles are lying there. Round large pebbles and round small ones, square large ones and square small ones. And we need to choose large round pebbles.
Task No. 2 “Build a bridge from large round pebbles”
Educator: This is what a bridge looks like. Has everyone collected large round pebbles?
Children: Yes
Educator: Look at the bridge they built. Let's walk.
We guys need to cross the bridge, we will end up in a distant forest, there are friends and bunnies there.
Find themselves in the forest
Educator: Who's there?
Children: Bunny
Bunny: I'm a bunny
Educator: Why are you sad?
Bunny: I'm lost
Educator: and where do you live?
Bunny: By Grandma
Educator: Oh bunny, we’re also going to grandma’s, don’t worry, we’ll see you off.
The teacher looks behind the tree, and there sits a toy bunny
Educator: and who is this, small, sad and crying? What happened to him?
Bunny: This is a bunny, his owner abandoned him.
Educator: The owner abandoned the bunny, but we know the poem. Let's tell you. The teacher and the children recite a poem.
Task No. 3 “Poem about a bunny”
The owner abandoned the bunny
Bunny remained in the rain
I couldn't get off the bench.
I was completely wet.

Educator: Don’t cry, bunny, don’t cry, we’ll take you to grandma too. Let's pet it. So that our bunnies don’t feel sad, let’s play with them.
Music game
Educator: Well done! the bunnies had fun, and now let's move on, it's time for us to go, oh guys, what is this?
Children: House
A rooster peeks out of the house
Educator: Who is this?
Children: Cockerel
Educator: Let's listen to what the cockerel tells us.
Rooster: I live in the yard, I sing at dawn, I have a comb on my head, I am a loud cockerel.
Educator: Children, look what color the cockerel's comb is?
Children: red
Educator: what color is the tail?
Children: green
Educator: Petya the cockerel, we also know a poem about you
Task No. 4 Poem “Peter the Cockerel”
Petya the Cockerel
golden scallop
Olive head
Silk beard
That you get up early
You sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?
Educator: This is a good poem. The cockerel has a family. Let's get a look. Who is this?
Children: chicken
Educator: Is the chicken sad? What's happened?
Hen:"Ko ko ko." She came to the chicken coop, climbed in, and plucked all the chickens’ tails. "Ko ko ko." Grief.
Educator: Oh don't worry. Children, let's help. Look how many chickens there are here, but they don’t have tails. Come on, we’ll make tails, but we’ll match each chicken’s tail by color.
Task No. 5 “Tails for chickens made from clothespins”
Educator: Who did? Show me the chicken. Well done! What color is the chicken? (red, yellow, blue, green)
Educator: Children, the chickens need to be fed. Chickens love peas very much, but we got everything mixed up here with beans. Let's separate the beans from the peas.
Task No. 6 “Sort beans from peas”
Educator: The chickens will be happy. Well done, children! Let's give one plate of peas to the chickens so they can eat, and the chickens will come for the rest of the plates.
Educator: bunny, you don’t see anything, what does it look like?
Bunny: To my grandma's house
Educator: Children, we have come to grandma’s house, let’s go have a look.
Grandma comes out of the house
Grandmother: Hello guys!
Educator: Hello, grandma!
Grandmother: Thank you for finding me, my bunny. Who helped you? Did someone help you find the way to my house?
Educator: Grandma, we won’t tell you, we’ll show you.
Task No. 7 “Draw a sun from semolina”
Grandmother: What are you drawing, what does it look like? Circle, rays, what is this? This is the sun! It helped you find your way.
Educator: That's right grandma. This is the sun
Grandmother: Bunny, let's say thank you to the sun for helping the guys find the way to our house.
Educator: Grandma, we came to visit you, to find out how your health is, how are you doing?
Grandmother: Everything is fine, but I was worried there was no bunny, but you found it for me. Well done! Thank you! They showed me the way and brought me to me. And I have prepared a treat for you.
Grandmother distributes treats to children
Educator: Thank you, grandma! Our journey is over, it's time for us to go to kindergarten. Goodbye, grandma! Goodbye!

Lyudmila Ryabova

Target: Development of coherent speech in children.


Educational: teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; teach children to remember a familiar fairy tale - « Kolobok» based on visual images, develop the ability to hear and understand questions asked about the plot of a fairy tale, and answer them; enrich children's vocabulary - differentiate by appearance animals, call them correctly;

Developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking, motor activity; fine motor skills of hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: cultivate friendly relationships, interest in fairy tales, and joint creative activities; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment:


Stuffed Toys: bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox

Geometric figures (modules)

Pictures of wild animals,

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales « Kolobok» , "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Hare and Fox", "Teremok"

looking at illustrations for fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics, physical exercises.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look, we have guests today.

Let's say hello to our guests.

Children say hello.

Educator: Well done! I invite you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other! (Children stand in a circle).

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes

Educator: What fairy tales do you know?

Children: « Kolobok» , "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear" etc.

Educator: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. Today I met a fairy-tale character, and he really wanted to meet you! Would you like to meet him?

Children's answers

Educator: And who it was, you have to guess. I’ll tell you a riddle, you listen carefully and then you’ll recognize him for sure.

He left his grandfather

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side.

This is delicious (bun)

Educator: Well done guys, right. And look at our hero. Our bun very cheerful and perky.

Kolobok: Hello guys! I love you very much travel and you want to go with me to journey?

Children's answers

kolobok in a circle.

Educator: Rolled, rolled the bun and the bun rolled into the forest. And the wind blows in the forest. At first it’s quiet (the children and the teacher imitate the wind, but now it’s loud (children and teacher pretend to be the wind).

Look, someone's long ears are peeking out. Who could it be?

Children's answers (Hare.)

Educator: That's right, bunny. Well, describe what he is like?

Children's answers (soft, white, fluffy, etc.)

Bunny: Hello guys, hello bun.

Educator: Guys, the bunny invites you to turn into little bunnies and do exercises with him.

Physical education minute

(with musical accompaniment)

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears

So, you and I recharged with energy, turned into guys and set off further for kolobok

Children stand in a circle and walk along with the music kolobok in a circle.

Educator: Guys, in order to meet the next hero, you must solve a riddle.

He's in the cold forest.

He walks around, angry and hungry.

Who is this? (Wolf)

That's right guys.

Wolf: Hello guys. Where are you going?

Children's answers

Educator: Guys, the wolf wants to ask you to help him. His children were playing and broke the toy houses that were made of geometric shapes. Shall we help the wolf?

Children's answers (Yes)

Educator: Well, let's build houses for the wolf cubs.

Children assemble houses from geometric shapes-modules (squares and triangles of different colors)

Well done guys, they did it. Say goodbye to the wolf and let's move on. Are you ready to move on? And it rolled kolobok further, and there are puddles on the path. Someone big walked over them and splashed water all over. Will we be able to carefully walk between the puddles? Can we step in them?

children's answers (No)

Educator: Why

children's answers (you can get your feet wet and get sick)

Educator: Who walked through the puddles?

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes,

He will wake up from his sleep.

Who is this? (bear)

Children: Bear.

Bear: Hello guys.

Educator: Guys, please tell me, is the bear a wild animal or a domestic animal?

Children: wild because it lives in the forest.

Educator: Oh, do you know what the baby forest animals are called?

Children: Yes

(Pictures depicting adult animals are shown, and children must name their babies)

(bear - bear cub, wolf-cub, fox-fox, hare-hare, squirrel-cub)

Educator: guys, let's remember the finger game about animals

Finger game "Animals"

Good animals are friends

Little bunnies are friends

Beavers are friends in the lake

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky

Little hedgehogs are friends

Even the bear cubs are friends

This is how it played out

They ran away through the forest

Educator: Well done guys, the bear liked playing with you. Say goodbye to the bear and let's move on. Rolled the bun went further and met....?

Children: Fox

Educator: In a fairy tale, the fox ate kolobok, and let's ask the fox not to eat our kolobok, and for this we will call her affectionately. Fox The fox has not paws, but paws, not ears, but ears, not a nose, but a spout, not a tail, but a ponytail.

Well done, the fox is very happy. Now the fox will not eat ours kolobok, and he will return to his grandparents.

Guys, it's time for us to return home. We'll go back along the path.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

Let's clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

Raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

Educator: Here we are, did you like it? travel? But ours the journey is not over, we know many more tales, and we will definitely go travel through these tales.

What fairy tale are we following today? traveled?

Who did we meet along the way? (hare, wolf, bear, fox)

At the end the children receive a sweet gift


  • ; ways of verbally denoting equality and inequality (1,2,3);
  • practice verbal designation of geometric figures in active speech; phonemic hearing;
  • consolidate the ability to build serial series of three objects;
  • develop the ability to design according to your own simple plan;
  • develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes;
  • cultivate a sense of goodwill and empathy.

Materials and equipment: technologies “Fairy tale labyrinths of the game of V.V. Voskobovich”: “Magic square” (two-color), Lanterns (Larchik), Lanterns, cavrograph “Larchik”, Miracle flower, Pyramid turtles; fairy-tale heroes of technology: Ray Lord, Baby Geo, Magnolik, Girl Dolka.

The progress of the summary of a comprehensive lesson in the second junior group

Psycho-gymnastics “Hello!”


Hello, hands clap - clap - clap!

Hello legs, top - top - top!

Hello cheeks plop - plop - plop!

Chubby cheeks plop - plop - plop!

Hello sponges - smack - smack - smack!

Hello teeth – clack – clack – clack!

Hello my nose - beep - beep - beep!

Hello kids! One two Three!

Girls and boys, hello!

Game “Find out the voice of the heroes from the fairy tale Teremok” (the voices of animals are heard, children guess and answer the question - in which fairy tale can we meet all these heroes).

Appears to mysterious music fairy tale hero Baby Geo, who talks about how in the purple forest the Ray of the Lord bewitched the heroes of the fairy tale.

Teacher questions:

Have you already guessed which fairy tale the heroes are from? (Children's response)

What needs to be done to help them out? (Answers)

How do we know where to look for them?

(arrows with images of animals will help with this).

Game "Magic Square" (two-color)

Educator: Ray Lord turned the mouse into a magic square. To disenchant it, you need to fold the mouse. Children fold the mouse. At this time, an image of a mouse appears on the magnetic board.

"Pyramid Turtles"

Educator: Our frog fell into a large swamp and cannot get out. How can we help her? (Answers)

It is necessary to build paths for the frog. The Pyramid Turtles will help us with this.

On the table are envelopes with tasks for each child (tasks are selected taking into account an individually differentiated approach).

While the children are building paths, a picture of a frog appears on the magnetic board.


Educator: Guys, Mognolik and his “Lanterns” will help us disenchant the bunny.

Children, using the game's geometric shapes, lay out the image of a bunny in two ways: by overlaying and by modeling.

Musical physical education for a fox “We stomp, stomp, stomp with our feet...”

Educator: To disenchant the fox, we need to repeat the movements.

Children perform movements to the music that correspond to the text. An image of a fox appears.

« Miracle flower"


We set off to save the wolf. Ray Lord mixed up all the petals of the Miracle Flower and said that he would not let the wolf go until he sorted the petals into his boxes.

It is necessary to arrange the petals into boxes: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed.

An image of a wolf cub appears on the board.

Design on the carpet "Larchik"


Children, have we helped out all the heroes of the fairy tale or have we forgotten about someone?

What bad thing did the bear do in this story?

Let us help him fix everything and build a new, beautiful little mansion with the help of magic squares, ropes, circles, in which all our heroes will live.

Is there enough room for everyone in our Teremka?

Children place all images of animals on Velcro in Teremok.

Now our heroes will live together in Teremka.


Educator: Let's return to Baby Geo and tell him about our adventures.

Teacher questions:

What was the most interesting thing for you?
