Stars living in Los Angeles. Houses of celebrities and Hollywood stars

Do you want to know how your favorite actor or musician lives, what kind of sofa he used to lie on and near which pool to relax? Celebrity houses in Los Angeles are not so easy to find, because they are securely hidden from the eyes of casual passers-by. But we found them and now we invite you to walk with us through the star mansions!

The mansion in the Hollywood Hills was built in 1935. It is made in the Spanish style, with wooden floors, vaulted ceilings and patterned mosaics. Its area is 563 sq. m. The house has five bedrooms and six bathrooms. There is also a swimming pool and a small home cinema. Famous actress and two-time Oscar winner Jodie Foster bought this villa in 1997. In 2014, the celebrity's house was sold for $5 million.

Outrageous singer relatively recently acquired real estate in California. The Mediterranean style house was built in 2005. A plot of almost 2.5 hectares is located next to Zuma Beach in Malibu. The house has 5 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms. Also have Gym, wine cellar for 800 bottles, home cinema, small bar, two-lane bowling, swimming pool with sea ​​water, a volleyball court, stables and a guest house. The chic celebrity houses are in the neighborhood.

Star couple Kanye West and Kim Kardashian not so long ago got not only a child, but also a new home. The mansion is located in the town of Hidden Hills in California. Its area is almost 1500 sq. m, and the cost is $ 20 million. The celebrity house has 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 2 swimming pools, 2 spas, 8 fireplaces and even its own vineyard.

Celebrity country houses tend to impress with their size - the area of ​​​​the former Britney Spears mansion Chateau Suenos (House of Dreams), located in the small town of Calabasas in the southwestern part of the San Fernando Valley, is over 900 square meters. m. The Mediterranean-style estate was built in 2007. The house has seven bedrooms and the same number of bathrooms. On the territory there is a fountain, a swimming pool, a garage for six cars and a guest house. Inside the luxurious mansion there is a home theater, a wine cellar, a bar and a huge library.

Jennifer Aniston, demonstrating her luxurious mansion, said that everything in it was done with love, so the house has a good atmosphere and energy. Designer Stephen Shadley, who worked on the home's interior for two and a half years, has previously designed interiors for actress Diane Keaton and her two homes in Southern California and Arizona, and director Woody Allen and his apartment in New York.

The house itself was built in 1970 by architect Harold Levitt. From the first glance, Jennifer Aniston fell in love with him and did not doubt his purchase for a single day. The whole house is made of environmentally friendly materials, and solar panels are installed on the roof.

We hope that after reading you will not have complexes about bathrooms in the amount of less than five, and vineyards and even less than one. But you obviously should not be afraid of crazy fans and the ubiquitous paparazzi.

Just yesterday, I watched on local TV documentary about life in California. This is where the beautiful and fabulous life is. Where do we live? The small town of Kissimmee, near Orlando, is a kind of one-story village, in which there are one or two attractions. There are of course Disney parks in Orlando (an hour away by car). Boring.

If you knew how I wanted to change our address of residence and move to a big bustling city with great opportunities. That same evening, after watching the movie, I decided to look at the value of real estate in different cities of California. What I saw made me very sad. If we were able to successfully sell our total of 6-room house with pool and 2-car garage, then with the proceeds from the sale we could buy a one-room apartment in an old shabby house in the suburbs of Sacramento or Los Angeles.

This is our pool

Alas ... As my dream caught fire, it went out. We are not going to increase the family budget, well, if only the daughter meets some moneybags on her way. Who knows, anything is possible. Or me. True, I have a smaller chance of this - and older and less attractive, and even still married. And there who knows what will happen next, what my years are.

Our street.

But today the question of moving has completely disappeared precisely because of the lack of funds. While looking through a property for sale, I came across a modest little house worth $13 million. This teremok turns out to be sold by the well-known pop star Britney Spears. I decided to look, but where does she live, if this house is for sale? Then I began to look at the houses of other celebrities and got so carried away that I had a photo of material about the real estate of stars for a whole article.
If I am interested in this issue, perhaps some of my readers will also find this topic interesting. One way or another, I put on your review information about celebrity real estate found from various sources. That is how this article "Houses of celebrities and Hollywood stars" appeared.

Julia Roberts Ranch in Taos, New Mexico

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bought this $40 million house in Long Island, New York.

George Clooney bought this villa for $10 million in the Italian town of Laglio.

Nicole Kidman and her husband lived in this Nashville home but sold it in 2008 for nearly $2.36 million. Immediately afterwards, they spent $2.45 million purchasing 36 acres in nearby Franklin, Tennessee. (Bauer Griffin)

The Beckham couple own houses in both Europe and America. This $12 million Beverly Hills mansion is a true gem of their family status.

Nicolas Cage has homes in England, Las Vegas, New York, New Orleans, San Francisco and Los Angeles. The same 18th-century English-style German castle in the city of Bath he put up for sale. There are 60 acres and a property worth about $10 million.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell own many homes in addition to their main home in Pacific Palisides, California, including a ranch in Colorado, a home in Ontario, a penthouse in Manhattan, and a beachfront home in Malibu. Vancouver for $3 million in 2002.

Sandra Bullock owns this beachfront home on Tybee Island near Savannah, Georgia.

Garrison Ford Ranch in Wyoming, 800 acres. There is always a sea of ​​snow to shovel, but we suspect that the man who played Indiana Jones is capable of more.

Johnny Depp was born in Owensboro, Kentucky, but lives in a house in France with his longtime French flame, singer Vanessa Paradis.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston call this residence in the modest town of Ocala, Florida home. They bought the house for $8 million in 2003, in large part because it has the largest private airstrip in the US. Travolta loves to park his Boeing 707 next to the front door. “If I can see a plane from my bedroom window, I am happy”

The beautiful mansion of Jennifer Lopez in Los Angeles resembles a museum with its decoration.

I look at these houses and think - which one should I choose?

When you fly up to Los Angeles in the evening, it seems that all Earth turned into a big sparkling Christmas tree toy. The earth is covered to the very horizon with an endless white fiery carpet with a clear red pattern of "highways". The ocean of lights has no end in sight, and I'm beginning to understand what the real scale of American cities is. Los Angeles - the first point of my trip - the largest city in California. Including the surrounding areas, it is home to about 12 million people. I am staying in a hotel in the city center, and at dawn I hasten to get acquainted with the main city of California.

About the bad...

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase "American city"? Shiny skyscrapers? Licked streets? Shiny chrome cars? Yes, this is about Los Angeles, or rather, about a thousandth of its area. The city center is very beautiful and negligible! Downtown is the business center of the city, it has stunning parks, perfect cleanliness and perfect architecture. And, as everywhere in the civilized world... the rich don't live here. The areas adjacent to the center are the home of the poor and the homeless. The city center is surrounded by cheap (by American standards) concrete housing, multi-storey parking lots, countless bridges and interchanges. And with the onset of twilight, the time of hunting begins, in which a spree onlookers can easily become a victim of street hooligans.

But on a beautiful and sunny first day of vacation, I don’t want to think about problems. I'm looking for entertainment. And I'm off to Hollywood.

Here dreams come true

Here national television is considered local. Movies with million dollar budgets are shot here. Outstanding actors, directors and screenwriters work here. Here are the standards of beauty. Here fantasies are embodied and stereotypes are destroyed. All this is Hollywood.

The first point I decided to visit in Hollywood was the Universal Studio theme park.

From the Universal City metro station to the park I get on a free shuttle. Entrance to the park for the whole day costs about $100.

It should be noted that Universal Studio is an operating film studio. Here you can not only test your nerves on fantastic attractions, but also go around the film studios with an excursion and learn the secrets of filmmaking. The highlight of the park is three- and even four-dimensional shows! All of them are based on well-known animation and movies, using scenery and computer graphics. Probably nowhere else in the world you can "climb" on the screen and become a participant in exciting adventures in the "Terminator" or wander through Dracula's castle full of mysticism and horrors, fly by train inside the Egyptian pyramid, eluding the Mummy, or plunge into prehistoric times"Jurassic Park".

A couple of stops on the subway - and I'm on Hollywood Boulevard, a place no less popular with tourists.

By the way, about the subway. A single ride on the LA subway will cost you $1.50 and a full day ticket will cost you $3. Tickets are sold from vending machines in the lobby for cash or credit cards. Out of habit, having bought a ticket, I began to look for a turnstile. But there are no turnstiles or any other control of fares in the subway, and I freely enter the subway.

Coming out of the Hollywood / Highland subway onto Hollywood Boulevard, I immediately saw under my feet the stars with the names of celebrities so familiar from the pictures. Only a few seconds later, looking down at the ordinary gray pavement, I began to realize that I was standing on the Avenue of Stars. Frankly, I imagined the Avenue of Stars differently: a beautiful walking street, framed by sprawling trees, and in the middle - the coveted stars, on which the very best are immortalized ... There were no frills in what I saw, but here, on Hollywood Boulevard, life was seething. Heroes dressed up in incredible costumes, sellers of movie souvenirs and CDs, hand and foot prints of famous artists, and many, many pedestrians staring at the floor. I join them too. Among such names as Kevin Costner, Harrison Ford and Nicole Kidman, I found stars with the names of Godzilla and Winnie the Pooh. Here, on Hollywood Boulevard, there is the Kodak Theater, where the Oscar film award ceremony takes place, the beautiful building of the Chinese Theater and the stairs leading to the observation deck, from where you can see the famous inscription "Hollywood", written in huge letters far in the mountains.

Exploring Beverly Hills

From Hollywood, now by taxi, I'm moving to the so-called "single-story America", or rather - to the best part of it - Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills is a legendary land of Bentley cars and posh mansions, famous for its mesmerizing high prices and sophisticated lifestyle. Modern eminent American film stars such as Jack Nicholson and Sylvester Stallone continue the tradition started by Beverly's first "upscale" black-and-white screen stars such as Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.

The sociability of Americans knows no bounds. Having learned that I am from Russia, the taxi driver, with all the generosity of the American soul, also becomes my guide. Moving along the picturesque streets, the "guide" makes accents: "This is the famous Sun Set, here are the most expensive restaurants and clubs. And this is the street of the most expensive mansions - Rodeo Drive. Century City is famous for its shopping, and Westwood is famous for its cinemas ... ".

On the Santa Monica sand

Walking in Beverly Hills is a pleasant activity, but I do not have much time, and I am heading for Santa Monica.

Clean air, a picturesque Pacific coastline framed by mountains, a quiet pedestrian mall, and hundreds of great dining options are just a few of the features that have made Santa Monica one of Los Angeles' most vacation-friendly neighborhoods. This is a real paradise for shoppers. The main malls are located on Montana Avenue, Main Street and Santa Monica Place. "Be sure to check out Third Street!" - Finally, a kind taxi driver advised me.

Third Street is a kind of Santa Monica Arbat. There are shops, souvenir shops, street musicians and all kinds of food courts, and of course, street beggars.

In Santa Monica stores, you can sometimes see incredible discounts. This means not 20 or even 50 percent. In one of the stores, a great leather jacket was sold for $100 instead of $500.

Walking the streets of Santa Monica, I go out to the Pacific Ocean. I breathe in the sea breeze as I stand on the pier about 20 meters above the stunningly spacious beach. "This is the ocean, Vasya! .." - for some reason I recall the words from a funny film about our "cops" in America. Yes, this is the ocean... This is Malibu, this is Long Beach, this is Pasadena, this is Chinatown... This is Los Angeles!

Almost all celebrities are trying to make their homes more unique.

Agree, almost all foreign and domestic stars want to look unique and not be like others in literally everything. This also applies to their place of residence. Celebrity homes have always been an interesting enough topic for discussion among fans. Well, it's time to find out which celebrity lives in luxury and wealth, and who is content with a standard, unremarkable interior.

Houses of foreign stars

Christina Aguilera

former house Osborne subsequently moved to Aguilera

by the most interesting house Christina Aguilera is a 1,000-square-foot mansion located in Beverly Hills. It used to belong to the outrageous Osborne family.
1000 square meters at your service…

Christina bought this house for $12 million, but moved in a year after the expensive purchase: that is how long it took the performer to get rid of everything that did not attract her in the mansion, namely all elements of the Gothic culture.

Smoky mirrors, a black pool table with pink baize, crystal chandeliers and colorful rugs by Paul Smith give the playroom the glamor Christina loves.

The playroom is made in Christina's favorite style

A chic carpet by Lilu Guinness leads to the bathroom, where you can see a lot of decorative candles, various figurines and bottles. Aguilera decided to make her son Max's room unusual too: there is a big teddy bear, and characters from cult Nintendo games, and a huge crescent moon, which, by the way, also appeared on stage during the performer's world tour.

Jennifer Lopez

J Lo's house in California

Jennifer Lopez's beautiful California home is filled with romance and the perfect mix between classic and glamour. You can see the result with your own eyes. The tranquility, uniqueness and elegance of this house make it a great place to unwind after a long tour. The home's interior designer was Jennifer Mishek Walkman, who stated that the home "has an incredibly romantic style" and that it is "as beautiful as J. Lo herself."
Almost all rooms have a beige tint.

The area of ​​the house is 1540 square meters and includes 9 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, a gym, a games room sheathed with expensive wood panels, a small theater, a wine cellar, a recording studio, 8 garages, a swimming pool and much more. The price of the house fluctuates around $10 million.
The kitchen is finished in white

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson's Favorite Farm

Mel Gibson's farm, located in a small town called Greenwich, in the state of Connecticut, impresses with its convenience, tranquility and pristineness, which makes the actor's permanent residence as interesting and comfortable as possible.
Solid tree all around

The filmmaker owns 30 hectares. As for the house itself, then, believe me, it really corresponds to the status of a movie star. The house has 15 bedrooms and 17 bathrooms, there is a small fireplace, and the height of the ceilings made of heavy-duty glass in some rooms reaches 12 meters. As you know, Mel Gibson is a Catholic. If you look at the interior of the house, you can see that some elements of the Catholic monastery are visible here.
Some rooms resemble a monastery

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Angelina and Brad's house in France

The most interesting home for fans of the star couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is their estate in the French Riviera, which the couple bought for 35 million pounds to keep their family there. big family. Some sources claim the couple considered over 1,000 properties before settling on this 25-bedroom home. The huge building is accompanied by its own small lake, forest, moat and vineyard.
View of the house from a bird's eye view

Despite such a huge amount, Brad and Angelina paid it without hesitation, because it was exactly what they had dreamed of all their lives. The house is surrounded by water channels with several fountains and aqueducts. A stream of water flows through special underground tunnels and enters the lake through a moat.
In addition to the house, the couple has additional properties.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Someone will say that a house of 1700 square meters is a real gluttony for a lonely young man who recently broke up with his girlfriend. Well, let's not condemn Cristiano Ronaldo, but rather get to know his Spanish villa better.
The house is made in modern style

The building is permeated with futuristic elements in architecture. All silhouettes of the facades are different from each other, but at the same time harmoniously combined. It feels like the house is changing its shape as you move through it.

Inside, the situation is no different. The interior space is perfectly structured: the main entrance leads you directly to the second floor, and then to a luxurious hall decorated with contemporary art. The largest room in the house is the living room, which was precisely calculated to receive a large number of guests. In addition to it, on the second floor there is a bedroom and a bathroom, a wardrobe, a swimming pool and a gym.
Looks like Ronaldo loves minimalism

The rest of the rooms (including the nursery of Ronaldo's son) are located on the first floor. In addition to luxurious bedrooms and bathrooms, there is a small garden and a spacious library.

As a result, Cristiano created an ultra-modern style with art deco elements. However original decor, for the most part whose pictures are contemporary artists, painted in a colorful palette, give the house an expressive mood characteristic of Spain.

Cindy Crawford

The home of American actress Cindy Crawford is located in an exclusive neighborhood in Malibu called Broad Beach and covers an area of ​​about 2400 square meters. It has three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, several guest houses, an outdoor pool and a spacious office.
Many rooms are similar to each other

The interior design is designed from natural materials.. Wooden floors, high ceilings with strong wooden beams, furniture made of the most expensive types of wood - all this creates a feeling of unity with nature and gives a relaxing atmosphere, in harmony with the chic landscape that opens outside the window.
Rooms with stunning views

Natural motifs are combined with antiques, as well as other "historical" items. Decorative accessories are quite traditional - these are old books, candles and vases with fresh flowers.

Houses of Russian celebrities

Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan's house near Moscow

In 2014, Dima Bilan decided to make a few changes in his life and moved from the noisy capital to a cozy country house. The performer built it for a long time and carefully, thinking over the design of each element. In general, work on the interior is not finished to this day. Only a few months ago, Bilan received the last batch of furniture, and some rooms still do not have paintings, photographs and favorite items from the old home.
Dima Bilan's house has rather high ceilings

As the performer himself says, boyish manners sometimes wake up in him, so he decided to make a special secret room, which can only be entered through a closet. The house also has swing chairs, several telescopes and a beautiful glass floor.. By the way, the bricks were brought straight from St. Petersburg.
Dima Bilan loves to play the piano and look through the telescope

In an interview, Bilan said the following about his house: “Here I feel like in a real fortress, sometimes I just don’t want to go anywhere and spend the whole day here. Moreover, only recently they brought me a piano, which I had been dreaming of for several years. Naturally, he did not fit in a Moscow apartment, but here he became part of the house and ennobled it.

Ksenia Sobchak

Journalist and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak bought a luxury apartment near the sea in Jurmala, Latvia a few years ago. In the quarter where Ksyusha's house is located, a square meter costs about 2,300 euros, although by Moscow standards this is not too terrible.
Bathroom and kitchen in the house of Ksenia Sobchak

The house is made of environmentally friendly materials. Nearby is a yacht club. Inside there are five rooms, a fireplace, a large dressing room and a spacious balcony with a gorgeous sea view. Sobchak chose a "hotel" accommodation option, which involves full service - from cleaning the premises to a car with a personal driver. But Ksyusha is much more comfortable this way, because in a Moscow apartment, as the showwoman herself says, she doesn’t even have a kitchen She only eats in restaurants. But in the purchased apartment, just, there is a kitchen and an iron, although celebrities are unlikely to ever come in handy.
The room is illuminated by an unusual lamp

Mikhail Zadornov

House of the country's chief comedian Mikhail Zadornov

In addition to the apartment in the capital, the writer and comedian Mikhail Zadornov also owns a house near Jurmala, in Latvia. In Zadornov's country house, almost everything is made of wood.. The house and internal partitions, the covering between the floors, as well as the floor are built of wood. As for interior items and decor, they are also made of unpainted wood.
Almost all rooms are made of wood

Mikhail cannot boast of a spacious kitchen, but, as he himself says, the main thing is that it is cozy, bright and, of course, wooden. Beige walls are in perfect harmony with parquet and wooden furniture.

The writer's office is even more modest. The main part of the workplace is occupied by a table made to order. By the way, Zadornov does not use a computer to create his comic stories. He prefers to write by hand.
This is how a writer spends his free time

Thus, it is easy to see that each celebrity equips the place of residence according to their whims. Someone acquires large, expensive mansions with lakes and forests for big family, someone creates futuristic interiors, alluring with their novelty and uniqueness, but some are content with little and feel comfortable in a small and cozy house with a simple but interesting design.

Dima Bilan shows his future home (video)

Multimillion-dollar fees quite allow movie and music stars to acquire luxurious mansions, villas and apartments. decided to find out where Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Robert Downey Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Harry Styles and other celebrities live.

Kit Harington and Rose Leslie

Former colleagues on the "Game of Thrones", Kit Harington and Rose Leslie have recently not only met, but also live together. The actors, who have been together for about five years, purchased a house in the east of England for $2.2 million. They plan to use it as a place for a country holiday, and not move there permanently. Due to busy work schedules, the stars are forced to constantly be in London, so they needed a holiday home. Looks like a "vacation house" like this:

Beyoncé and Jay Z

Cumulative state star couple valued at over a billion dollars, so Beyoncé and Jay Z can of course afford the best of everything – including renting a $400,000-a-month luxury villa in Malibu, California. La Villa Contenta (which is actually listed for sale for $54.5 million) is located in a fenced and heavily guarded area with a separate guest cottage and has 10 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, a library, a billiard room, a wine cellar, a full gym and home theater.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

The star couple recently acquired a new home - a $ 10 million mansion in Santa Barbara, which will be used as a summer vacation home. Mila and Ashton's new summer home has six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a large living room with ocean views, and even a private beach. The spouses did not stint on the cost of housing - the house is located in a private guarded sector, so they do not have to worry about the safety of their children: two-year-old Wyatt and seven-month-old Dimitri.

Robert Downey Jr

The Marvel Cinematic Universe star has gotten used to Tony Stark so well that he is already buying a house like his. Recently, Robert Downey Jr. got a villa, the cost of which is estimated at $ 3.5 million, and it looks very similar to the house of Iron Man from the film of the same name, and it is located in the same place where Tony Stark had a villa in Iron Man - in Malibu.

Natalie Portman

The actress recently became a neighbor of Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis in Santa Barbara - Natalie and her husband bought a house for $ 7 million. Natalie's new home, which the source says the star chose for its practicality, has four bedrooms and five bathrooms, two living rooms, one of which is outdoors, as well as a swimming pool and a large terrace overlooking the ocean. Portman's new home is located in a green area, which was an important criterion for the actress, who has two small children, as well as the ocean, next to which no one will refuse to live.

Selena Gomez

In May 2017, Selena Gomez got a new house at a very modest price - at least by the standards of show business stars. New housing cost the singer $ 2.25 million. Although Selena's new house costs a little by Hollywood standards, it looks very pretty. Inside there are 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a foyer, a living room, a library and even a spa area, in general, everything a young star might need. It is noteworthy that Gomez's boyfriend, The Weeknd, also bought a house, and quite nearby - now the lovers will live half an hour away from each other.

Harry Styles

Despite young age, 23-year-old Styles managed to achieve a lot - become a famous musician, start solo career, act in films with Christopher Nolan and acquire their own real estate. In September 2016, Harry Styles purchased a $7 million "bachelor pad" in West Hollywood. Here's what Harry Styles' new "bachelor apartment" looks like from the inside:

Leonardo DiCaprio

A long time ago, Leonardo DiCaprio, having received a fee for the Titanic, spent it on an apartment in Malibu, located right on the famous "Billionaires Beach", overlooking Pacific Ocean. For years, Leo spent the summer months in this house, then rented it out and only recently decided to put the property up for sale for $11 million versus $1.6 million that he once spent on buying it. Here's what another Leonardo DiCaprio mansion looks like from the inside:

Cara Delevingne and Jared Leto

No, of course, Kara and Jared do not live together - just the other day, the Delevingne sisters bought a house from the actor, which he put up for sale back in November last year. Real estate in Hollywood cost Kara and Poppy Delevingne relatively cheap - $ 2 million, while Leto himself bought this house back in 2006 for $ 1.6 million. The mansion has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a large balcony overlooking the pool and even his own recording studio, which Jared actively used as the leader of the 30 Seconds to Mars group.

Emilia Clarke

British actress Emilia Clarke, thanks to her role in the popular TV series Game of Thrones, quickly began to conquer Hollywood - and it seems that in the near future she will finally say goodbye to her native Great Britain and move to Los Angeles. At least the actress has already acquired housing in California, having laid out $ 4.64 million for a modest mansion in Los Angeles in the fall of 2016.
