Dana Borisova - latest news. Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Age of Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova is a TV presenter and actress who gained fame as the host of the educational and entertainment program created by Alexander Ilyin, Vyacheslav Murugov and Daniil Krakov, "Army Store". Dana was born on June 13, 1976 in the small Belarusian town of Mozyr. Soon after the birth of her daughter, the whole family moved to Norilsk. The girl began to work at school. She received her first experience in front of the camera and the first fame as a presenter in the framework of the youth program of the Norilsk television and radio company. Borisova soon graduated from high school. The girl's performance was high level. According to the results of training, Dana received a silver medal. Immediately after graduation, she decided to leave Norilsk and went to Moscow. Borisova's goal was to receive a prestigious metropolitan education. Dana chose the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. After success in the entrance exams, being a first-year student, Dana took part in the casting for the role of the leading educational and entertainment program "Army Store". Created by the former special correspondent of the department of military editors-consultants of the USSR State Radio and Television and one of the founders of the Central Television Studio of the Ministry of Defense, Alexander Ilyin, the program was released on weekends and was aimed at covering military-patriotic topics. In one of the headings of the "Army Store" famous actors and pop stars shared with viewers memories of serving in the army, in the other - army-themed jokes were played out. The program was supplemented by the musical heading "Musical hit". To devote myself completely new job, Borisova issued an academic leave at Moscow State University. Soon she transferred to the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism. Already during her second year, Dana decided to leave the University. In 1996, Borisova became one of the first Russian TV presenters to take part in photography for the men's magazine Playboy. The frivolous experiment caused an uproar from the Ministry of Defense and became the reason for a serious official investigation. As a result, in 1997, Borisova was removed from the Army Store program. In the fall of 2002, the TV presenter received an offer to take part in the adventure reality show by Sergei Suponev and Sergei Kushnerev "The Last Hero 3: Lost." Filming of the program took place in the Dominican Republic. This release of the game differed from the previous ones with a stellar cast. This time the project was attended by politicians, actors, TV presenters, musicians. Borisova left the game twelve days later. Holding on a little longer than Elena Kondulainen, Chris Kelmi, Alexander Pashutin and Igor Livanov. Two years later, the girl again received an invitation to the program, which was now called "The Last Hero 5. Super Game." This time, Dana was more practical and left the island only on the thirtieth day. In 2003, Borisova tried herself as a co-host of the City of Women program. Two years later, she hosted The Domino Principle on NTV. A year later, Dana's cinematic debut took place. The girl starred in one of the main roles in Valery Nikolaev's thriller "Bear Hunt" along with such famous domestic actors as Vasily Livanov, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Valery Nikolaev.

Thanks to her attractive appearance, intelligence and bright charisma, the charming TV presenter Dana Borisova was easily able to win the love of the public and turned into one of the most famous stars of the domestic show business. Despite brilliant career and great popularity, the blond beauty had to face many difficulties, both in her creative and personal life. However, the experienced trials did not break the girl, and she, not paying attention to the difficulties, continues to stubbornly move towards her goals.

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Borisova Dana Alexandrovna was born on June 13, 1976 in Belarus, in the small town of Mozyr. Soon after the birth of the child, her parents decided to move to the city of Norilsk, it was here that the girl spent all her childhood and youth.

A few years later, another baby was born in the family. However, even despite the appearance of a sister, the future TV star with early years did not leave the feeling of loneliness. The girls' parents spent most of their time at work, so they had to sit at home alone. In addition, the cold Norilsk climate was not conducive to frequent walks, and the sisters rarely had the opportunity to play outside with other children. The girl did not develop relationships with her peers even in adolescence. The thin excellent student did not arouse interest among her classmates, moreover, for her good grades she was often teased as a "scribbler".

However, parents spent a lot of time creative development girls. Dana went to various circles and for several years studied at the music school to play the piano. One day, she saw an advertisement for a local television and radio company recruiting for courses for television journalists. The girl decided to participate in the competition and successfully passed a strict casting.

For the first time on the television screen, a young blonde appeared at the age of 16. She worked as an announcer on a local television channel, as well as a host in the youth program Zebra and in the program Congratulations.

After leaving school, Dana decided to continue her television career and, having left Norilsk, went to conquer Moscow. The girl entered Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov in 1993 and during the same period got a job in the popular TV show "Army Store". It was very difficult to combine a career and study, so two years later the TV presenter dropped out of school, preferring work. This decision turned out to be very successful for her, she soon gained incredible popularity. For Russian soldiers, the charming blonde became a real sex symbol; every day she received many love letters from fans from all over the country. Dana Borisova also liked this state of affairs.

Despite a dizzying career, not everything went smoothly in the life of a TV presenter. She had to get from work to home in the late evenings by train, as her family moved to Sergiev Posad. In addition, soon the girl's parents decided to divorce, her father returned to Belarus, and her mother moved to Moscow.

In 1996, the sexy blonde was invited to appear in Playboy magazine. Dana Borisova became one of the first domestic stars to be published in this well-known publication. This event prompted an investigation by the Department of Defense. However, it was after filming in the magazine that the girl's popularity reached unprecedented heights.

The TV presenter left the Army Store program in 1997, then she returned briefly, but after a while decided to finally leave the project. In 2003, the girl took part in the popular program "The Last Hero - 3". Living conditions on the island turned out to be too difficult for the fragile blonde, so she soon left the show.

On the wave of popularity, a young woman was invited to Channel One to host the program "City of Cougar". In 2005, she began working on NTV, in the Domino Principle program, where she appeared before her fans in a new, more strict and serious image. After the closure of the program, Dana hosted the TV show This Morning for two years, which she left due to the birth of a child. The talented presenter returned to work in 2012, she began to host the Business Morning program on RBC.

In 2015, the girl announced that she had changed her profession and would now work as a PR manager for a clinic specializing in cosmetology and practical surgery. The former TV presenter is engaged in this activity to this day, she declares that she is very pleased with her work, because now she has the opportunity to devote more time to her family.

Personal life

In 2005, Dana Borisova began dating businessman Maxim Aksenov, and two years later she gave birth to a girl from him, whom she named Polina. The child was not even a year old, as the couple broke up. This event plunged the girl into severe depression, according to rumors, she even began to abuse alcohol.

After breaking up with her common-law husband, the blond beauty had several more high-profile novels, which, however, did not last long. In 2015, Dana Borisova officially registered a relationship with businessman Andrei Troshchenko, the wedding took place with relatives and friends in one of the best Moscow restaurants.

Dana Borisova was born in 1976 in the Belarusian city of Mozyr and was brought up in the family of a policeman and a nurse. A few years later, the Borisovs moved to Norilsk, where Dana became interested in TV journalism courses conducted by the city television and radio company. Already at the age of 16, the girl became the host of the youth program "Zebra" and the program "Congratulations".

In 1993, Dana Borisova moved to Moscow and entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov. The aspiring journalist was invited to become the host of the TV show "Army Store". The girl quickly gained fame: a fragile and pretty blonde, talking about the male army service, attracted the attention of not only the audience, but also the media.

In those years, Borisova's life was not at all easy: she combined work with studies and trips to her parents. And yet she was able to remain a permanent TV presenter of everyone's favorite morning project "Army Store". In 2002, Dana was invited to participate in one of the seasons of the reality show "The Last Hero". This made her even more popular, although survival on the island was very difficult for the girl, and she quickly left the show. In the future, she also appeared as the host of the TV shows Cougar Town and The Domino Principle.

Personal life

Dana Borisova has never been distinguished by constancy in relationships. Your first famous novel she started with the singer Danko. After that, in 2005, she began dating businessman Maxim Aksenov, becoming his civil wife. Two years later, the couple had a daughter, Polina, but soon the man left the family. Borisova's next husband was Andrei Troshchenko, whose wedding took place in 2015.

After another relationship broke up, Dana Borisova had an affair with hockey player Alexander Morozov, but they were separated by career and personal differences. Since then, nothing was known about Dana's relationship for some time, and she stopped appearing on television.

In 2017, the family of the TV presenter announced on the air of the program “Let them talk” that she was addicted to drugs. It is not known exactly who pushed Dana to this harmful addiction. According to one version, it was one of the boyfriends of the woman Tim Brik, who later died of a heart attack, according to another - another lover, stylist Ray Samedov.

In total, several issues of a talk show dedicated to Dana Borisova's drug addiction were released. The TV presenter herself appeared in one of them, saying that she was undergoing rehabilitation at a clinic on Koh Samui in Thailand. Currently, her health has improved significantly, and fans are hoping for a full recovery of the talented and beautiful blonde.

Dana Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in Norilsk. Mother - Ekaterina, worked at the ambulance. Father - Alexander, a police officer. Dana has a younger sister, Ksyusha, who works as a flight attendant.

Dana Borisova: “There was no trouble with me. I graduated from school with a gold medal, easily entered Moscow State University. Mom, as she still says, wanted to see me as the host of the Vremya program.

When the future singer was a year old, her family moved to Norilsk. In high school, Dana worked as an announcer in the Norilsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, hosted a youth program. After graduating from school with a gold medal, Borisova came to Moscow and entered
Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (graduated from only four courses of journalism).

Dana Borisova: “In the tenth grade, a commission from Krasnoyarsk University came to us. And according to the results of the final exams, I was enrolled in the Faculty of Journalism. I thought: “Since studying at the university is still in my pocket, why not try my hand at Moscow State University?”
The quote is taken from the magazine "7 Days", No. 39 (09/18/2008)

From 1993 to 2003, Borisova hosted the Army Store program on the ORT channel. Gaining incredible popularity among the audience, especially among the military and officers.

In addition to working on television, Borisova is often invited to conduct concerts,

Dana Borisova is one of the most famous television presenters. She shocks and amazes her fans. The woman seems to be a brainless beauty, but she is not. She thinks ahead of every step she takes.

For several years she swallowed handfuls of pills, but refused to admit her dependence on them. She blamed her mother ex-husband in all troubles. At present, the woman understands that her loved ones wished her only happiness.

Dana has been married twice. Now she is dating a new lover, whom she does not want to show to the public. Borisova became a mother only once, despite every now and then rumors about her delicate position. Polina is the closest person to the TV presenter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dana Borisova

After filming in the TV show "Army Store" they started talking about Dana. She got a large number of fans. Every day the girl received a large number of letters. In them, admirers of the talent of the star shared with her the most intimate. They asked questions, to which the TV presenter answered cryptically. Sometimes she was frank about topics around her person. But the question of how tall she is, age, how old is Dana Borisova, remained unanswered. This only fueled interest in our heroine.

The outrageous beauty crossed the 40-year mark two years ago. She says about herself that she has become more responsible, as she realized that she needs to think not only about herself, but also about her daughter.

Dana Borisova, a photo in her youth and now which men are smitten on the spot, proud, eccentric. She always does what she wants. The girl is lucky, although she says that she is being pursued by evil fate.

The TV presenter has been on a strict diet since her youth. She eliminated many foods from her diet. With a height of 170 cm, the weight of the beauty is 55 kg.

Biography and personal life of Dana Borisova

The biography and personal life of Dana Borisova began in Belarus. But in 1977, when Danochka was 11 months old, her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova, and her father, Alexander Borisov, decided to move to Siberia permanently. Also, another daughter was growing up in the family - Ksenia, who was several years younger than our heroine.

The girl studied mediocre at school. She did her homework with absolutely no desire, and sometimes came to classes with the unlearned. Dana was engaged in music and dancing, although she did not shine with special talents. With classmates, the future TV presenter was at war. She didn't have a single friend in the class. This, by Borisova's own admission, did not bother her at all.

Also in school years got a job at Norilsk television, where she became the host of a show program for young people. It was at this time that the girl decided to connect her life with journalism.

Having received a school certificate, in 1993, yesterday's graduate went to enter the Moscow State University named after Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. Without problems, the girl overcomes everything entrance tests and became a journalism student.

In her second year, Dana took part in one of the competitions for the position of the host of the new project of the First Television Channel. She brilliantly coped with the task and began to conduct a new program "Army Store" a month later.
Soon, due to filming and frequent absence from school, the girl took an academic leave. Then she began to study in the evenings, but then she decided to pick up the documents.

During the years of work in the Army Store, Borisova starred in a candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine. Soon the girl had to leave the show program for the military. But after a few weeks, she started broadcasting again.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a young woman took part in the third season of " last hero". In 2005, Dan made the decision to finally leave the Army Store program.

Then Borisova hosted the Domino Principle program on the TNT channel for two years with Elena Khanga. In 2006, our heroine made her debut in an episode of the film "Bear Hunt".

Since 2006, the TV presenter has worked in the mornings in a program on the NTV channel. At the same time, Dana got married and became the mother of her only child, Polina's daughter. But life did not work out, which led to the separation of lovers.

In 2012, she began working on the RBC channel. But after a month of work, she was fired. The reasons for this have not yet been disclosed.

In 2013, she participated in the sports television show "Tower", in which she took sixth place.

In 2014, she began to host the talk show "Machine", which airs on "Pepper". Before Dana, the program was hosted by the famous pop singer Anna Semenovich.

In 2015, a number of funds mass media reported that the TV presenter lives with businessman Andrei Tishchenko. The lovers did not hide their relationship. They were happy. But a few months after the wedding, the marriage broke up. After that, Dana cut off all contacts with Andrey.

In 2017, it became known to the public that Borisova was using drugs. Andrey Malakhov helped the woman cope with addiction by sending her abroad for treatment. She managed to overcome herself and stop using drugs. Recently, a woman got a job at the Dozhd radio channel, where she still works.

Family and children of Dana Borisova

The family and children of Dana Borisova have recently begun to be covered again on the pages of many media. The TV presenter has an only daughter, who currently lives with her father. Borisova only recently managed to see her Polinka often.

There is no beloved man in a woman's life. But she hopes that she can meet someone who will make her happy.

The father of our heroine was long time policeman. He returned home with small gifts for his daughters. At the beginning of the 2000s, the man began working in the workshop of the Norilsk Nickel Plant.

When Dana Borisova was born, mother Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova left work for a while. Then she again began to work in one of the hospitals in Norilsk. The woman noticed when the TV presenter began to drink pills in large portions. Thanks to this, Dana quickly got rid of her addiction.

Our heroine has a younger sister who was born 3 years later than Dana. Now she works in one of the aviation companies, where she got a job as a flight attendant. The woman is married and has two children.

The daughter of Dana Borisova - Polina Aksyonova

The only daughter of our heroine was born in 2007 in the actual marriage of her parents. The TV presenter became pregnant from businessman Maxim Aksyonov. The daughter is the most dear person for the eccentric beauty. When our heroine began to abuse antidepressant pills, her daughter's father took Polina and forbade Borisova to communicate with her.

The daughter of Dana Borisova, Polina Aksyonova, is one of the best students in the class. The girl draws well, sings, goes in for sports. She dreams of becoming a gymnast.

Polina began to communicate with her mother again when she got rid of her habit. She spends all weekends with Borisova.

Former civil husband of Dana Borisova - Maxim Aksyonov

The acquaintance of our heroine with the future common-law spouse took place at one of the secular parties. The candy-bouquet period lasted only a few weeks. Then the lovers began to live together. But even after the birth of the baby daughter, the common-law spouses did not rush to the registry office.

A few months after Polinka was born, the lovers began to quarrel, and then completely broke up. The daughter stayed with the TV presenter, and the former common-law husband of Dana Borisova, Maxim Aksenov, helped with her upbringing.

After the screen star became addicted to antidepressants, the man took Polina away from her and did not allow her to see her for several months. Only in the summer of 2018, mother and daughter were able to meet again.

Former husband of Dana Borisova - Andrey Troshchenko

At the beginning of 2013, a popular TV presenter came to the shooting of the popular television program “Let's Get Married!”, where she met Andrei Troshchenko. The woman chose him from three suitors. After that, young people began to meet. Relations developed rapidly. A few weeks after the first meeting, the lovers registered an official marriage.

3 months after the wedding, our heroine came to understand that she had made a mistake. The young husband went on a rampage right and left, wasting his wife's money. Dana herself did not understand at first that Andrei was a real gigolo.

Unexpectedly, the TV presenter realized that her beloved man stole money and took over the cars that were previously owned by her. Contacting law enforcement led to nothing. This was the reason for the divorce.

The ex-husband of Dana Borisova, Andrei Troshchenko, spends a lot of time at various resorts around the world.

Dana Borisova latest news in 2018-2019

Dana Borisova, last news in 2018 - 2019, which will most likely be discussed in various means media, was able to overcome her addiction to drugs. Friends helped her cope with addiction by sending her to one of the Thai centers for rehabilitation. It was here that the woman realized that the people around her did not wish her harm at all.

The TV presenter pulled herself together and was able to give up drugs. This was done so that the ex-husband allowed her to meet with her daughter.
Currently, the woman is trying to ensure that Polina lives with her permanently, but the court is not yet ready to meet her halfway. Perhaps the latest news of 2019 will report that Dana is again living with her beloved daughter.

The TV presenter takes part in various television projects. She began to meet with other girls to tell them the harmfulness of drugs.

Dana Borisova is a drug addict: before and after photos

Many Russians were shocked by the news that Dana Borisova was a drug addict. Photos before and after the TV presenter made it possible to see what a woman who abuses drugs looks like. For a long time she did not even admit to herself in her addiction. And she considered her ex-husband and mother traitors.

A rehabilitation center in Thailand was able to help cope with the disease, where Dana Borisova spent several weeks. The TV presenter coped with drugs and stopped using them in order to live with her daughter.

Where our heroine is now is not a secret. She lives in her apartment in the capital. The woman is trying to improve her life in order to live with Polina.

Photo by Dana Borisova in Maxim magazine

Photos of Dana Borisova in the magazine "Maxim" appeared several times. They invariably caused a stir among men.

The first photo shoot took place in the mid-90s of the last century. The girl starred half-naked for publication. It became very unusual.

The incident was even investigated by the Department of Defense, since at that time she was running the well-known Army Store program for military personnel.

The TV presenter herself mockingly says that the photos were chaste. If you saw them now, you would think that they are ordinary.
In 2014, the photo shoot was even more revealing. The woman posed nude. She showed the perfection of her lines, which caused the envy of many girls.

In the open spaces you can see videos in which Dana Borisova video touches herself. The TV presenter herself says that she has never posted such video files on the network. She blamed ex-spouse- Andrei in disseminating deliberately false information.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dana Borisova

Instagram and Wikipedia Dana Borisova exist. They replenish quite often. The TV presenter herself says that this can prevent the spread of knowingly false information about her.

A lot of information can be found on the Wikipedia page. Information about parents, husbands, sister and daughter Polina is reported here. On the page you can find out in which projects she took part. Wikipedia talks about a woman's drug addiction and getting rid of it.
