Cabbage in a greenhouse. Growing cabbage in a greenhouse: useful tips for summer residents

Also in the greenhouse much more convenient for the same reason. In a certain period of growth, it needs different temperature conditions, which is very difficult to provide at home. And high-quality seedlings are the key to a good harvest. How cabbage is grown, we will consider further.

Find out about which can be grown in a greenhouse on our website.

cabbage varieties

By all accounts, in a greenhouse it is better to grow early varieties cabbage. They can be used not only in salads and cooking, but also sour. The earliest ripening white cabbage is Dietmar Early. She gives the first harvest in 50-70 days after the seedlings are planted.

A round, slightly flattened head of cabbage can weigh up to 1.5 kg. You can remove up to 40 kg from 10 sq. m. The most common variety in gardeners' greenhouses.

The Golden Hectare 1432 variety does not crack and is very tasty. Ripens within 105-130 days after the first sprouts appear. Heads of cabbage have White color And grow up to 3 kg. Suitable for salads, hot cooking and pickling.

A friendly harvest gives the variety "Number One K-206", ready for harvest 100-120 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Productivity up to 40 kg/10 sq.m. m, heads of cabbage weighing up to 2 kg. You can choose and early hybrid varieties of cabbage bred by foreign breeders - Dutch, French, Polish, etc.

Landing and care

Grow cabbage in a greenhouse even for beginners vegetable gardener. The technology for growing early cabbage in a greenhouse is not complicated. It is enough to follow the rules and know some of the subtleties of caring for it. When to plant cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse?

The seeds are sown in February, in the greenhouse seedlings are planted in mid-April. Some, the most daring specialists, sow seeds in December, illuminating the seedlings with phytolamps, while receiving a harvest in early June.


Even in the greenhouse cabbage is grown only from seedlings. How to grow seedlings of early cabbage in a greenhouse? To get strong seedlings, you need to choose and plant the seeds correctly. Choose the largest and darkest.

Before planting, they must be processed - first 20 minutes in hot water(up to 50°C), then lowered for a few minutes in cold water and dry. As a prevention of fungal diseases, they can be treat with a solution of nitrophoska.

Planting seeds

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings on steam beds or greenhouses. When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, biofuels are most often used. To prepare a steam bed, you need in the ground dig a trench up to 30 cm deep and 100-120 cm wide. Biofuel is laid on its bottom, covered with earth from above. For seedlings, a substrate of equal parts of soddy land, peat and sand is most suitable.

seedling care

How to grow cabbage seedlings in an unheated greenhouse or under a film? In the soil warmed up to 20 ° C, seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. A frame with a film at least 30 cm high is installed on top. The first shoots hatch after 4 days, this means that you can open a greenhouse during the daytime to harden seedlings. Watering seedlings is not yet recommended. After the appearance of the first leaf, the temperature should be raised by 2-3°C until reaching 10-12°C.

When the first 1-2 leaves appear, seedlings need to thin out and begin active watering and fertilizing seedlings. During her growth feed 3 times.

The first time they are fed with a mixture of phosphorus, potash and nitrogen fertilizers, the second time - only with nitrogen, and the third time - before planting seedlings in a greenhouse - they are again fed with a nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus mixture. Watering is carried out daily in the morning.

Transplanting seedlings in a greenhouse

The most important thing - seedlings - you have already grown. There is very little left, the main chores behind. Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, the soil is prepared. In addition, the greenhouse must be equipped with additional illumination lamps.

Cultivation of seedlings of cabbage, proven way to create optimal conditions, which is increasingly gaining popularity among gardeners and summer residents.

The soil

Cabbage is a plant that loves a lot of water, so the soil for it must be dense, well retaining moisture. It is better to start cooking it in the fall - dig it up properly, no less than on a shovel bayonet, while at the same time applying fertilizer. It can be compost humus or manure and mineral fertilizers. Cabbage does not like acidic soils therefore, if necessary, liming should be carried out in the fall.

It is impossible to plant cabbage on the same land from year to year. Crop rotation must be observed otherwise you won't get a good harvest.

The best predecessors for her are cucumbers, potatoes, onions or legumes, after which many useful substances remain in the ground.


Transplantation to the greenhouse is done when the sprouts have formed 4 leaves, it looks strong and has green-lilac color. If the sprouts are light green in color, this indicates their weakness and unwillingness to transplant.

A few days before landing seedlings need to be hardened off a little. To do this, in the greenhouse, the daytime temperature drops to 16-18°C, and the night temperature to 12°C. It is also aired regularly. It is better to survive seedlings by transshipment, without shaking off an earthen ball from the roots, so as not to damage them. A hole is made in the ground, watered with water and fertilizer.

A seedling is lowered into the hole, the earth around it is tightly compacted, which ensures maximum root-to-soil contact. There should be a distance of at least 30 cm between seedlings. Watering cabbage should be started a week after planting, when the seedlings are well rooted.


Caring for cabbage in a greenhouse consists of regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and maintaining temperature and light conditions. Cabbage is very photophilous, daylight hours for her should be 14-17 hours. If necessary, it must be illuminated.

The temperature for normal growth and maturation is maintained at 16-20°C. Once every 2 weeks cabbage fed with manure dissolved in water. Required humidity - 70-80%, watering should be regular and plentiful.

Types of cabbage

White cabbage, although it holds the championship, is still not the only one. Now in the gardens you can often see beds with broccoli, Peking and cauliflower. them too can be successfully grown in a greenhouse.


Wonderful lettuce - Beijing- precocious, her can be harvested after 40-80 days after germination. The conditions for growing Beijing cabbage in a greenhouse are a temperature of 16-18 ° C, loose fertile soil.

Shoots appear at a temperature of 20°C, then it is reduced to 10°C. Seedlings grow within 20 days at a daytime temperature of 22°C and a night temperature of 16°C. 20-day-old seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse.

Beijing cabbage needs frequent watering, the optimum humidity is 70-80%. The landing is carried out according to the scheme 20x20. It is fertilized with superphosphates, humus, ammonia fertilizers and potassium chloride three times from planting seedlings to harvesting.

It is often planted in a greenhouse along with cucumbers and tomatoes as a "compacter". A head of medium density weighing 300 g is considered ripe. With proper care you can collect up to 8 kg from 1 sq. m.


Recently, nutritionists strongly advise including broccoli in the diet. Some call it a "rejuvenating" vegetable for the content of methionine and choline in it, which prevent the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body. The richest set of trace elements and vitamins makes it an invaluable product on our table.

The process of growing broccoli in a greenhouse is no more difficult than breeding ordinary cabbage. It can be sown with seeds in a greenhouse as early as March (it is quite frost-resistant). Seeds germinate fairly quickly, and after 10-12 days the seedlings already have 3-4 leaves.

The temperature regime is 18°C ​​during the day and 12°C at night. The soil is prepared in the fall - it is dug up and fertilized with superphosphate, organic matter, ammonium nitrate and potassium salts, and limed if necessary.

Further care consists in loosening, weeding and deep watering (at least 40 cm). Before the flowers bloom cutting off the center heads, which grew to 10-12 cm in diameter, while grabbing 10 cm of the stem.

The heads and stem are quite edible, but if they grow further, they will become loose and tasteless. Pruning will make it possible for children to grow - small offspring up to 6 cm.


This the most demanding type of care cabbage. But it is easier to grow it in a greenhouse than in open field because you can create optimal mode temperature and humidity. The soil and air temperature should not exceed 16-18°C, and humidity should be high. If these conditions are not met, her head will lose density and begin to crumble. The greenhouse must be ventilated regularly.

Eat features and in top dressing cauliflower. Cauliflower in a greenhouse does not tolerate nitrogen and potash fertilizers. A good composition would be mullein infusion with the addition of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea. For the second top dressing in this composition is required add ammonium molybdate and boric acid.

Molybdenum is needed cauliflower, otherwise its head will be coarser and change color to yellow-green or even yellow-blue. A mature healthy head of cabbage weighs about 400-500 g.

It will seem to someone that too much trouble and effort needs to be made to grow a good crop of cabbage in a greenhouse. But agree that growing costs early cabbage in the greenhouse worth it so that already in the first months of summer your plate is fresh, full of vitamins, delicious cabbage. Good luck to everyone and bon appetit!

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This cabbage is perfectly cultivated almost throughout the country. In the northern regions, the cultivation of cauliflower is carried out in greenhouses or greenhouses, and to the south, they are planted in the ground. Cauliflower seeds were brought to our country over 2 centuries ago from Europe. Since then, the plant has become a regular in greenhouses and garden beds of experienced and not very experienced gardeners. The plant is very whimsical. For those who decide to grow it, it is better to take into account all the nuances so that it does not turn out that the inflorescences darken, wither or ovaries do not appear.

A lot depends on the right soil.

- means to saturate the soil with phosphorus, potash fertilizer and boron with lime. Nitrogen application should be limited. Cauliflower needs a soil acidity of PH5:5. There are no restrictions on the composition, but the cultivation of cauliflower should be carried out in a land where there is no or a minimum of impurities of harmful substances. It is important to saturate the soil with fertilizers and carry out high-quality watering. The most acceptable soil composition for this crop is chernozem, medium loamy soil.

Well, if before planting such a crop, they grew in the ground:

  • tomatoes;
  • Potato;
  • Beet;
  • beans;
"lived": radish and related crops. Cultivation of a vegetable in one place is permissible for no more than 3 years. Later, harmful microorganisms can accumulate in the main part of the soil.

Sow seeds in open black soil in early May. The depth of planting cabbage seeds is no more than 2 cm. The ground is well moistened beforehand. The first shoots can be expected in July.

How to grow seedlings?

It is important to remember one thing - the correct seedless way of planting a plant, when seeds are thrown directly into open ground, is suitable only for the most southern parts countries. There, almost all vegetables are harvested using this method. To the north, sowing cabbage seeds directly into open ground is fraught with the death of bushes, or the complete non-ripening of the culture.

In the northern parts, seedlings are sown correctly in special boxes during March (early varieties), from the first days of April to early May (mid-late) and from the last days of May to June.
. In open ground, seedlings should be properly relocated:
  • After 56-60 days (early varieties);
  • After a month and a half (medium-late);
  • A little more than a month later (late).

Before planting cauliflower seeds in boxes, it is better to do a thorough dressing. For disinfection, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. In addition, a contrast temperature is required to harden the material. Her swings along with the right way fertilizers lead to the fact that summer residents collect an excellent harvest.

This type of cabbage is an annual crop, so sowing to get seedlings and a soil or greenhouse crop is carried out annually. The varieties are quite varied. The most common:

  • summer resident;
  • Amphora;
  • Purple;
  • Snowdrift;
  • Hybrid Cheddar.

The correct inflorescences are not only white, but also green, yellow, purple tones.

To properly grow a crop, it is worth finding a suitable box and fertilizing the ground for young bushes. Seedlings are kept at home until the unprotected soil warms up very well.

A week after transplanting into greenhouses or open areas, the black soil is divided into squares directly in boxes, according to the growth of each bush.
This is done in order to form seedlings of an optimal root system. To transplant cabbage seedlings into open ground as early as possible, you need to create seedlings in February - March.

There is a method for forcing cabbage seedlings, in which several seeds are planted in separate glasses filled with very well-fertilized soil. In this case, the nutrient solution can be introduced during the growth of the bushes. As a fertilizer, it is important to use peat, ash, mullein.

Boxes with seedlings must be kept indoors, the air in which is not higher than + 20 ° C. As soon as shoots appear, the temperature is reduced to + 8 ° C.

(too hot or cold), buds may not form.
. It is necessary to monitor how the earth dries in the boxes. Watering is desirable to carry out more often, in the case when the room is dry.

Proper transfer of plants for growing on the beds

In unprotected soil, the culture is planted at a very cloudy time, when the rays of the scorching sun do not fall on the inflorescences. In this case, warm weather is necessary, a sunny place is chosen for landing.

To properly grow a crop, it is recommended to fertilize the soil first. It is desirable to add humus, peat, compost.

A little ash is poured into each well separately.
It is desirable to deepen the cabbage by the first leaf and water it. Initially, the bushes need to be covered with a film so that the cabbage gets used to the new conditions and the crop does not deteriorate. This protects it from pests and various diseases.

In the process of crop growth, experienced summer residents recommend properly loosening the bushes and removing weeds. High-quality watering is not a glut of plants with moisture. In order to grow the culture correctly, the soil cannot be turned into a swamp. .

A lot of moisture will disrupt root growth and spoil the tops. It is recommended to feed cabbage three times a season. This is done for the first time, 11-12 days after planting. Further fertilize the bushes every couple of weeks. It is enough to pour a liter of liquid under each bush. Among the fertilizers are welcome:

  • Mullein;
  • bird droppings;
  • Urea;
  • Potassium chloride;
  • Superphosphate.

In order to grow cabbage correctly, as soon as the ovary appears, feeding should be stopped, and the cabbage head should be covered with its own leaves, breaking them up. . Proper watering should be carried out in the same mode.

What cabbage diseases prevent crop growth?

- mushrooms.

If their signs are on the leaves, it is urgent to do the treatment with Fitosporin, which perfectly eliminates the enemy without harming the inflorescences.

Therefore, the main defense should be deployed precisely against these insects, otherwise you will not get a rich harvest. The drug "Enterobacterin" will help, but burdock tincture is the safest. Leaves of fresh burdock are placed in a bucket, poured and infused for 24 hours. Watering is carried out under the root and spraying the site.

Receiving and proper harvesting

(mainly head of cabbage). If the leaves are powerful, and the head is not ripe, remove secondary, weak shoots. The same can be done for the second crop. Plant care is carried out in the same order as when receiving the first result.

New inflorescences will not be as lush, and the heads will be large, but you can get a completely acceptable result. For growing, cabbage is dug up along with the roots and transferred to a warm, secluded place. . It is important to properly water the bushes when growing. The plant will no longer need sunlight. After a couple of months, new heads will appear and you can enjoy the harvest.

What are the important things to grow cabbage?

As soon as the first inflorescences appear on the cabbage, it is advisable to shade the fruits. Do not expose the culture to the burning rays of the sun. They can cause great harm to the plant. The head will darken even if it is covered with leaves.

Even if the alarm is false, it will not hurt the bushes. At the very end of the season do not take risks. Colds can come very soon, and the cabbage will not ripen yet. It is advisable to safely apply the growing technique in order to obtain the desired result.

For this, seedling and seedless methods are used. The first is suitable for almost all regions. To get good material to cultivate it in summer time in the ground, you should try to initial stage. In order to properly grow a crop, it is necessary to prepare the land with high quality and take care of the seedlings at the time of its growth.

Growing cauliflower is becoming more popular year by year. This vegetable crop, common in our country, is very often grown by gardeners in the country and is one of the varieties belonging to the garden cabbage species or the Votrytis group. Caring for this plant has some features. In addition, you can plant cauliflower not only in garden beds, but also in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

In the “we grow greenhouse cauliflower” category, many experienced gardeners share not only the secrets of growing high-quality cauliflower seedlings in the country, but also photos of the most suitable varieties for cultivation in protected ground. If we grow productive cauliflower, then we should familiarize ourselves with the biological characteristics of this vegetable crop.

General information

To understand how to properly grow cauliflower and get the maximum yield, it should be borne in mind that this plant has an annual development cycle, in which a product organ in the form of a head is formed in one season.

The growth of the head contributes to the formation of elongated seed shoots, united in brushes. With further growth, the development of pods and seeds is observed.

For gardeners engaged in the cultivation of cauliflower, it should be remembered that this vegetable crop is characterized by the presence of an extended period of entry into the stage of technical ripeness. Against the background of white cabbage with the duration of the return of a ripened crop at the level of two weeks, for cauliflower this period is extended for a month. This feature requires paying attention to the quality care of the plant. In addition, an important factor is a well-executed planting of cauliflower.

Description of varieties

In the conditions of central Russia, several varieties can be recommended that are great for growing in greenhouse conditions, and caring for such a vegetable crop is not difficult. It should be remembered that cauliflower varieties have differences in leaf shape, size, density and color of the vegetable head, as well as the duration of the growing season. The duration of the growing season allows you to divide all existing varieties and hybrids of this vegetable crop into several groups and make right choice this vegetable crop:

  • early cauliflower ripens in two months;
  • mid-season cauliflower, including mid-early, mid-season and mid-late varieties and hybrids, ripens in three months;
  • late ripening cauliflower reaches the stage of technical ripeness in five months.

You can choose which variety of cauliflower to plant in each case after reading the photo of this vegetable crop and in accordance with the reviews of more experienced gardeners. The following varieties are most in demand for cultivation in a greenhouse:

  • early variety "White Castle";
  • early variety "Alpha";
  • early variety "Movir-74";
  • early variety "Express";
  • mid-late variety "Yako";
  • mid-late variety "Patriotic";
  • late variety "Regent";
  • late variety "Autumn Giant".

The choice of a particular variety should be made after familiarization with its characteristics and cultivation features.

Shading cauliflower (video)

Landing methods

High-quality preparation of seed material consists of several actions:
  • calibration and sorting of seed material by size (only the largest seeds are subject to planting);
  • disinfection of seed material with non-toxic substances, including garlic infusion and heating in warm water;
  • soaking seed material in solutions with trace elements.

Spring planting involves growing seedlings in heated film greenhouses using peat pots or cups. Seed embedding is carried out to a depth of not more than five millimeters. It is not advisable to do a deeper sowing, as the period for growing seedlings can be significantly delayed.

After sowing, the soil should be mulched with dry sand, followed by abundant irrigation. Ten days after the appearance of mass shoots, cabbage seedlings should be picked. For the entire time of growing seedlings, it is required to perform two root top dressing. Two weeks after picking, the vegetable crop must be fertilized with nitrophoska.

To transplant plants to a permanent place in the greenhouse, dig holes measuring 70 x 30 centimeters. In the wells you need to add wood ash, humus and complex fertilizer such as "Kemira".

Features of care

Proper care for greenhouse cauliflower includes timely watering, high-quality weeding, regular loosening of the soil and competent top dressing.

Watering the cauliflower

Not only the quality and quantity of the crop, but also the health of the cultivated vegetable crop depends on the indicators of soil moisture. The soil in the greenhouse should be regularly moistened, especially during the formation of the cabbage head. With insufficient moisture, the time for crop formation is significantly lengthened and the quality of the fruit decreases.

Cauliflower nutrition

The main dressing of cauliflower is done after the formation of four true leaves. For top dressing, a solution of nitrophoska is used. The third stage of fertilization is carried out ten days later using ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulphate-4 and ordinary boric acid, with the addition of copper sulfate and manganese sulfate. Stimulation of growth and development is achieved by using foliar top dressing using a solution of boric acid and ammonium molybdenum.

In addition, caring for cauliflower requires compliance with certain microclimatic requirements.

Thermal and water regimes

All phases of development depend on optimal temperature conditions, and any deviations can have a negative effect on plant growth and provoke the formation of small or coarse heads. The optimal temperature parameters at the stages of germination of sown seeds and the formation of cabbage heads are about eighteen degrees. The culture is moisture-loving and grows well with humidity levels of eighty percent.

plant lighting

At all stages of development, you need to maintain maximum illumination. It should be remembered that a long daylight hours causes the formation of heads that break up into shoots-peduncles. A shortened daylight hours, on the contrary, contributes to the formation of the largest and most dense heads. Shading is unfavorable for cauliflower and causes plants to stretch and weaken resistance to diseases or pests.

Diseases and pests

Improper or inadequate care for cauliflower can cause damage to this vegetable crop by the following diseases or pests:

  • mucous bacteriosis;
  • blackleg;
  • viral mosaic;
  • fungal alternariosis;
  • cabbage keel;
  • fungal pernosporosis or downy mildew;
  • cruciferous fleas;
  • cabbage flies and aphids;
  • stem secretive proboscis;
  • butterflies such as cabbage scoops, moths and whites.

Fresh vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, it is very important to be sure of the quality of the products used. One of the most popular and healthy vegetables- cabbage.

In order for it to hit the table as soon as possible and its quality to be one hundred percent, it is not necessary to run to the market. You can grow cabbage in a greenhouse in the country. This process is not difficult to carry out, especially armed with the necessary information.

The best varieties for planting

In greenhouses, early varieties of cabbage are usually planted, which are eaten in early summer. The most popular among vegetable growers are the following:

Soil preparation

The most suitable soil for planting cabbage is sandy loam. It is better to place greenhouses on a hill so that the earth dries out faster in spring period. This will speed up the start of the boarding process.

Soil treatment for planting cabbage should be started in the fall so that most soil pests do not survive the frost. It is good if cucumbers, onions, potatoes, carrots or legumes grew in this area before cabbage, as after them there are many nutrients.

Cabbage needs loose sandy soil

All previous vegetation from the garden must be removed immediately after harvesting. Then the soil is dug up - the deeper, the better. The arable layer should be about 20 cm. Simultaneously with plowing, you need to fertilize the soil. For this, mineral preparations and various organic matter such as manure or decayed contents of compost pits.

Site preparation continues in the spring immediately before planting. If the ground is stale and hard, it needs to be dug up again. If the arable layer is not compacted, it is enough just to loosen it.

Preparing seeds for planting

To get high-quality seedlings, the seeds must be prepared before planting. They are chosen according to the principle - the larger, the better. Usually high-quality ones have dimensions of up to one and a half millimeters and look darker than others.

The best seeds for sowing are large and dark

To do this, use a special calibration sieve, or lower the seeds into salt water and use only those that did not surface. It is important to dry the seeds after this method.

The next step is heat treatment. It will help protect the plant from fungal and other diseases in the future. The process itself consists in placing the seeds in water with a temperature of about 50 degrees for 20 minutes.

After this time, the seeds are immediately immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes. After - dry to a crumbly state. To dry the seeds faster, they are laid out in a thin layer on a towel.

If desired, you can play it safe and treat the seeds with a special preparation that will kill other possible pathogens of the plant. But for home use, it is better to reduce the use of chemicals.

Film greenhouse for cabbage

What are greenhouses?

Planting seeds of early cabbage in greenhouses is carried out at the end of February. Later - in March.
Basically, biofuel and frame greenhouses are used for early country sowing. The first ones are a small pit, on the bottom of which biofuel is placed, sprinkled with earth.

Then the bed is covered with a film. The second option is easier to use. The frames are installed at a height of at least 30 centimeters above the ground and are covered with foil in the same way. You can also grow seedlings in pots on the windowsill and balcony loggias. But it is more difficult to create the necessary conditions.

Planting seeds

It is better not to plant seeds in ordinary soil. A special soil mixture is prepared for greenhouses, consisting of turf, sand and peat in equal amounts. After the layer of this mixture is poured, they wait for the desired temperature to reach under the film. If the soil already has 20-25 degrees of heat, you can safely start planting seeds.

Cabbage seeds are sown in a row in the soil mixture to a depth of about one centimeter. A sufficient distance between the sowing lines is 3 centimeters. Between the seeds - one.

Seedlings can be grown in a tray

Shoots will appear in 4 or 5 days. All this time, the temperature in the greenhouse should be the same as when planting - 20-25.

After the entrances, it is reduced to 10 degrees. After a week, the greenhouse should get warmer again. Optimum temperature during the day - from 14 to 17 degrees, at night - 9.

When the seedlings are 14 days old, the sprouts can be transplanted into separate containers, for example, with a peat mixture. But this is not necessary - a simple thinning will be enough.

But if the picking (transplantation) of plants is nevertheless carried out, then an hour before this, it is necessary to water the seedlings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. By the way, such watering once a week for seedlings will not be superfluous. Sprouts need to be taken out of the soil along with clods of earth.

And in the new soil they sit on the lower leaves. After transplanting, the temperature in the greenhouse rises a couple of degrees so that the plants take root. After that, the previous mode returns.

It should be noted that temperature regime very important in a greenhouse. If it is too hot there, the seedlings thin out and grow upward, which makes it unsuitable for further transplantation. Accordingly, at low temperatures, growth slows down significantly or does not occur at all.

Crops must be accustomed to the cold

Before the plants move to a permanent place in the greenhouse, they must undergo a certain hardening - get used to the effects external environment. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated more often, and the temperature in it should be reduced by a couple of degrees.

Before the transplant process, plants can be “feeded” by spraying with a special solution of urea and potassium sulfate - one tablespoon per bucket of water. For one sprout, you need to use about a glass of water.


Seedlings are ready for planting if the plants already have 3-4 leaves. Early cabbage is planted in greenhouses usually in early April. A good seedling is considered green with a purple tint. The one that is greener has weak roots and may not take root. For a whole week before planting, the seedlings do not need to be watered; it is necessary to pour abundantly immediately before removing it from the soil.

Seedlings are planted in rows, between which there should be a distance of 60 centimeters. It is most convenient for further work with seedlings if there is a gap of 30 centimeters between the seedlings. The sprout is placed in a hole filled with water with fertilizer, preferably together with the soil in which it germinated.

That is, the soil from the roots does not need to be shaken off. Just as with picking, the stem is covered with earth to the base of the first leaves. Next, you need to lightly tamp the soil around the root in order to ensure the greatest contact between the plant and the new soil.

Ready crops are planted in the ground

Seedling care: watering and pest control

Seedlings should be watered at least twice a week. Moreover, about 8 liters of water are consumed per square meter. It is better to do it in the morning.

Once every 10 days, cabbage can be fed with sulfate solutions or tinctures of mullein, urea. After each such fertilizer, the soil must be loosened.

Spud seedlings when she is 20 days old, again - after another 10.

Seedlings need to be fertilized

For the active growth of cabbage, seedlings can be fed with various fertilizers from time to time. It can be superphosphate, and potash, and nitrogen fertilizers.

Wood ash can be used as top dressing. It is sprinkled with cabbage leaves. Plus, such a fertilizer will protect plants from various pests, although they are quite rare in greenhouse cultivation.

If you add naphthalene to the ashes, you can get rid of cabbage flies, whites and scoops. Tobacco dust with lime will help ward off cruciferous flea.

With proper greenhouse cultivation of cabbage, seedling troubles are rare. But still, you should know the enemy in person. There are some of the most common diseases that affect cabbage:

But if you pre-heat the seeds, as indicated above, such problems should not arise.

One of the main rules for caring for cabbage is to avoid shadows. This plant is photophilous. Also, a high yield will ensure regular watering and ventilation of the greenhouse.


You need to collect early cabbage when a loose head is formed. For medium and late varieties - the head should be quite dense. But the main thing in this matter is not to overexpose the head of cabbage on the stem so that it does not start to crack. Otherwise, such cabbage will not lie for a long time.

By the way, with a neat cut of the head, the plant may well form a new head of cabbage.

Growing cabbage in a greenhouse provides much more guarantees for positive result than in open ground. After all, all the necessary temperature conditions are observed in the greenhouse. And determination, lack of laziness and the implementation of the above simple rules guarantee an excellent harvest.

Growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse has a number of features, without knowing which it is difficult to get healthy and strong seedlings. In the article, I share my experience of caring for seedlings of cabbage grown in greenhouse conditions.

How and when to sow cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings

The term for sowing cabbage seeds for each region is different. It is determined in such a way that by the time of planting the plants have reached the age of 60-65 days. I live in Kaliningrad and sow cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings in the second half of March. And I plant somewhere in the middle of May.

In a greenhouse, cabbage seedlings are grown in two ways: by sowing seeds in containers or directly into greenhouse soil.

In the first case, the substrate is prepared from two parts of humus, one part of good garden soil and one part of sand. For a 10-liter bucket of the mixture, I advise you to add a glass of wood ash.

In the second variant, a mini-bed is formed in the greenhouse. Then 130-150 grams or 200-250 grams of lime, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 45 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium sulfate per square meter of sown area are applied to the soil.

For a box 35 centimeters wide and 50 centimeters long, you will need about 3 grams of cabbage seeds, and 10-14 grams per square meter of greenhouse.

When growing cabbage without a pick, the seeds are sown in rows at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. And between individual seeds leave 2-3 centimeters.

In order for the seeds to germinate quickly, cover the greenhouse soil with a film, and wrap the containers in plastic bags.

Conditions for growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

At a temperature of + 18 ... 20 degrees, cabbage hatches already for 3-4 days. For the full development of seedlings, the temperature on a sunny day should be + 15 ... 17 degrees, and on a cloudy day - + 13 ... 15 degrees, and at night - + 7 ... 9 degrees.

When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, plants require hardening. To do this, after full shoots, the air temperature in the room is reduced to + 8 ... 10 degrees.

The temperature optimum for the roots is lower than for the aerial part. Therefore, the cool microclimate in the greenhouse helps to obtain super high-quality seedlings.

On a gloomy, cloudy day, photosynthesis in plant tissues proceeds sluggishly. In such weather, it is recommended to keep the temperature 2-4 degrees lower than on a clear day.

Also make sure that the greenhouse is colder at night than during the day. Excessive night heating leads to pampering of cabbage seedlings..

Picking and thinning cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Black leg often affects cabbage seedlings with excessive watering.

As soon as the first true leaf appears on the cabbage plants, they are seated in cups with a diameter of 6 × 6 or 8 × 8 centimeters. If you are growing seedlings in greenhouse soil, remove excess seedlings - bring the distance between seedlings in rows to 5 centimeters.

To prepare the soil mixture, I take three parts of peat and one part of humus. Alternative option- one part of garden land for 3-8 parts of humus. I add 20 grams of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 50 grams of superphosphate to a bucket of substrate.

Before cabbage seedlings are watered abundantly.

Carry out like this:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the box.
  2. For better development lateral roots, the core root is slightly trimmed.
  3. The seedling is immersed in a hole 2-3 centimeters deep in the center of the pot.
  4. The substrate is slightly crushed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots and hypocotyl knee.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all cabbages and lightly water the potting mix.

For 2-3 days, seedlings are placed in a semi-shaded and warm place.

Caring for cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

It is also convenient to grow cabbage seedlings on a warm bed.

When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, they need occasional but generous watering. Plants are watered every 7-10 days in the morning. After that, the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent an increase in air humidity above 60-70%. Raw air is the main reason for the defeat of seedlings by fungal diseases.

The first time the pickled seedlings are fertilized when there are 2-3 true leaves on it. To do this, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Each seedling is given 2-3 tablespoons of top dressing.

The second top dressing is done 10-15 days after the first. The rate of ammonium nitrate is increased to 30 grams, superphosphate - up to 60 grams, and potassium sulfate - up to 20 grams. Under each plant contribute 100-150 milliliters of top dressing.

Cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse need preplant hardening. It is designed to accustom spoiled plants to the harsh realities of open ground.

Hardening procedures begin 14 days before the planned landing. The first 3-5 days the greenhouse is heavily ventilated. And 10 before planting the seedlings in the garden, they remove the frames on the greenhouses or partially remove the roof on the greenhouses.

Seedlings of kohlrabi cabbage in a greenhouse

It is desirable that the plants are regularly exposed to direct sunlight. But you need to make sure that rain does not fall on them - a week before planting, the number of waterings is drastically reduced.

To mitigate the stress experienced by seedlings during transplantation and immediately after it, the day before work, the cabbage is fed with mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium. To do this, 60 grams of potassium sulfate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of ammonium nitrate are added to 10 liters of water and 100-150 milliliters of solution are consumed per plant.
