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Passenger transportation is a profitable business. Transportation services are in demand even during periods of acute crisis in the country. People always need to move around the city, often they need to do it as quickly as possible. This is where the transportation service comes in.

Business idea - taxi

The modern organization of the taxi fleet makes it possible to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch without spending extra money. To implement a business idea with a taxi fleet, you need to use one of two options:

  • open a dispatch service;
  • become a taxi partner.

The first option requires large investments, extended staff, additional equipment. The second option is suitable for those who want to become a taxi intermediary for a large operating corporation.

Opening a taxi business involves the purchase of several cars in working order, a staff of drivers, and a license to carry out passenger transportation activities. If there is no money to buy several cars for the transportation of passengers, you should not leave the business idea. You can offer free taxi drivers who work on their own cars to unite, connect to the program, and open a representative office in their city.

What you need to open a taxi company

To start a profitable business, you need to know how the taxi business works from the inside. To open a taxi fleet from scratch in Moscow, you need to conclude an agreement with one of the leading taxi companies: Yandex, Gett, Citymobil, Uber. But you need to start your business with a license and other documentation.

The activity of passenger transportation is regulated by a separate Federal Law No. 99, which indicates the current regulations, provisions, rules. To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the provisions of the law, and only then take on the development of a business service.

After that, you need to choose the type of legal entity on behalf of which the business service will grow and develop. Then you can start issuing a permit for passenger transportation. The document is drawn up for a long time, you will need to collect the entire package of papers to simplify the task. To obtain a license, you need to equip cars for passenger transportation in accordance with the requirements of the law. Evidence will be required to present to the department. When connecting to Yandex or Gett services, this task is undertaken by the partner company. You will have to pay extra for assistance in obtaining a license, but the review time will be shorter, and the result will be more reliable. The license is issued for a period of 5 years.

Mandatory expenses when opening a taxi service

Option 1

If you do not take into account the purchase of cars, additional equipment, other elements, opening a passenger transportation service from scratch will cost about 20,000 rubles. This amount is made up of:

  • registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC - from 2000 r;
  • smartphone purchases - from 5000 r;
  • buying a phone number - from 2000 r;
  • installation of mandatory equipment on a car: checkers, a lantern, a taximeter - from 3000 r;
  • trademark registration - from 7000 rubles.

Option 2

Moreover, if you become a taxi aggregator and work through Yandex, Gett or other companies, the savings on mandatory expenses are about 100,000 rubles:

  • installation of a walkie-talkie - from 30,000 r;
  • subscription fee for radio frequency - from 10,000 rubles per month;
  • salary for the dispatcher - from 30,000 rubles;
  • office rent - from 30,000 rubles.

Separately, a novice businessman will have to pay for an advertising campaign to promote a new taxi fleet. If you become a plug, these expenses can be avoided. Popular taxi companies have already been promoted and provide a large passenger flow to a novice entrepreneur.

Facilitate and automate business with TaxiAgent

A single integrated TaxiAgent service guarantees the entrepreneur the simplification and optimization of all business processes. With the service multifunction programs the manager can manage the taxi fleet directly from home or office. The program is installed on a PC or laptop and works in real time. Through the program, the entrepreneur tracks the location of each driver, the idle period for taxi drivers, the number of completed and canceled applications, and the calculation of net profit.

The program has advanced, unlimited functionality of two-way communication. The manager works directly with the exchange of orders. He was provided with four leading aggregators: Yandex, Gett, CityMobil, ApTaxi. Unlike other services that provide programs for working with aggregators, TaxiAgent allows you to dispatch your own orders and maintain a single balance for all sources of orders.

The manager no longer needs to spend time recruiting additional staff, the program will be an accountant, HR employee, secretary.

Public transport does not suit, it takes too long and is not comfortable, you don’t have your own car, but you need to get to the office or university. The metropolis has strict time requirements, and sometimes the townspeople are not in the mood for jokes, a lot can depend on the timely arrival at the destination. And there is only one way out - to call a taxi.

In the business environment, it is not in vain that the transportation of passengers and cargo is considered a reliable business - even in the most crisis times, there will be customers. However, opening a taxi from scratch is difficult. Entrepreneurs without experience often go bankrupt already on initial stage due to organizational errors and lack of environmental analysis.

Consider in the article: how to open a taxi, the benefits and disadvantages of a business, the registration procedure, a list of documents, etc.

Opening a taxi service as a business is a serious matter.

Idea No. 1 - to create a dispatch service that coordinates private transportation, to transfer an existing business to a new organizational level. The project will require certain investments in marketing and equipment, but with a competent approach, it will quickly pass the “zero” mark and become profitable.

In addition to creating a control room, you can also think about how to open a taxi depot: buy cars, but this will require multimillion-dollar expenses.

A great idea is to open a taxi franchise, without mind-boggling advertising costs, bureaucratic delays in paperwork.

And yet, the creation of a dispatch service, in our opinion, the best option is:

  1. Moderate start-up costs.
  2. Large-scale development prospect.


  1. Tough competition.
  2. Long-term investment in advertising.

In addition to a competent marketing policy, the competitiveness of the emerging taxi service will provide:

  • quality communication;
  • discipline in the enterprise;
  • transparent formation of the cost of the trip;

As for the form of activity, the most rational is the creation of an LLC, but individual entrepreneurship is also acceptable.

Obtaining a license to operate a taxi service causes difficulties for entrepreneurs and legal entities planning to engage in this business.

The procedure for licensing a taxi is regulated by Federal Law No. 69 dated 04/21/2011

Paragraph 1 of Art. 9 informs: a document authorizing the transportation of passengers by taxi is called a permit, that is, we are not talking about a license, and the norms of Federal Law No. 99 “On Licensing” are not applicable to taxis.

The reason for the confusion in this aspect is the incorrect use of the word license in everyday life. It is correct to say - permission to transport passengers.

Further, Federal Law No. 69 informs that in the Russian Federation there is no single state structure authorized to license taxis, and that each subject of the Federation decides this moment at your own discretion. Accordingly, when making decisions, local authorities are guided by both federal and regional legislation.

National legislation in the aspect of opening a taxi regulates:

  1. The procedure for issuing licenses.
  2. Form for drawing up applications for extradition.
  3. Requirements for vehicles and drivers.

And also determine the aspects controlled by local regulations:

  • the form and duration of the permit;
  • the procedure for filing applications and obtaining permits;
  • permit cost.

Obtain permission for commercial transportation, according to Federal Law No. 69, they can legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in the presence of one or more cars located:

  • in personal property;
  • rented or leased;
  • by proxy or otherwise.

Federal Law No. 69 indicates: Permission to use a car as a taxi is issued individually for each vehicle, with the right to exercise commercial activities in this region.

List of documents that you need to open a taxi:

  1. Passport copy: full name, address.
  2. Copy of TIN.
  3. Application for state registration entrepreneurial activity certified by a notary.
  4. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system.

The application is considered up to 5 days, after which a certificate of registration is issued. Next you will need: registration with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which is responsible for compulsory health insurance.

  • submit data on the planned number of employees;
  • open a bank account;
  • order a seal and a stamp.

When registering an LLC, the following documents will be required:

  1. LLC Charter.
  2. The decision to establish an LLC or the Agreement on the establishment of an LLC and the protocol for the creation of a legal entity. faces.
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  4. Copies of passport pages certified by a notary.
  5. Application for transition to a simplified tax system.
  6. Application for registration of a company as LLC.
  7. Confirmation from the owner of the rental property.
  8. Legally certified copy of the form of ownership of the property.

After submitting the documents, the enterprise and the individual entrepreneur become registered with the MHIF and the Pension Fund, open a current and correspondent account, and register a cash register.

If you do not seriously consider the individual option of making money on a taxi as a business, there are two ways left:

  • create a fleet of vehicles and personnel;
  • organize the work of the control room, without investing in the purchase of a vehicle;

In turn, the implementation of the idea with a car fleet is possible as an own business project or as a franchise, under the protectorate of a chain brand.

Franchise Benefits:

  1. Reducing risks when investing.
  2. Ready-made action plan from the parent company.
  3. Purchase of vehicles and equipment at preferential prices.
  4. Special software.

And if the entrepreneur agrees to give up part of the sovereignty, in return he will receive the support of one of the whales of the industry with multimillion-dollar currency turnover, advanced analytics, and the name of the service.

The option of independent development in the face of competition with network services, such as Yandex Taxi or Uber, seems to be difficult and risky, as it will require huge investments, with no guarantee of return.

Step-by-step instructions on how to open your own taxi from scratch.

Aspects with the registration of the enterprise have been resolved, it's time to purchase cars. The purchase will cost about 600 thousand rubles. for a unit. That is, a small fleet of 10 cars - 6 million rubles. This is a large and risky investment, an error in calculations, business pitfalls, can lead to ruin.

Opportunity to save significantly - apply for leasing, long-term lease of equipment with the right to purchase.

With this decision, the entrepreneur can count on solid discounts and 10 cars, instead of 6, they will cost 3 million. But, at the same time, you will have to pay 120 thousand rubles a month, for 3 years, until the loan is fully repaid.

In order not to be stranded, after buying cars, we recommend creating a reserve fund, distributing expenses over several months, until the work of the enterprise stabilizes.

If you don't want to run the business yourself, rent out your leased cars to a reliable taxi service for a long term and earn regular profits.

An option for organizing a business, without monthly loan payments, with savings in capital investment, is buying used cars, but in this case, get ready for repair costs, vehicles are very likely to start to fail soon.

You can do without sky-high investments by opening a taxi dispatch service, renting out existing cars. The cost of renting new cars is about 1300 rubles. per day, used 800.

The form of payment is chosen by mutual agreement, the driver makes:

  1. Fixed fee.
  2. Percentage of profit.

In our opinion, the first method looks reliable, but the second one is more profitable.

Effective work of the enterprise is ensured by efficient equipment.

For the control room, this is:

  • means of communication for placing orders and transmitting data to drivers;
  • servers and dispatcher terminals;
  • devices that control the work of personnel.

Walkie-talkies in taxis are currently used in small towns and rural areas, with poor mobile coverage.

The device is easy to operate, but this is its only advantage compared to modern means of communication:

  • the radio is easy to intercept and “steal” the order;
  • communication channel is not stable;
  • constant crackling in the cabin creates discomfort.

In addition, walkie-talkies are difficult to repair, devices require additional equipment with amplifiers, recording devices, etc.

Using cellular is easier. Ordinary touch phone with a special application, includes the following functions:

  • taximeter;
  • remote order acceptance;
  • walkie-talkie.

In turn, the control room is equipped with terminals for accepting orders and a server with a taxi automation program. The program provides communication with drivers, records conversations, tracks the location of the car in Live mode.

Usage modern means communication in the taxi service allows:

  1. Save 20-30% running costs.
  2. Place orders quickly.
  3. Simplify logistics and navigation.
  4. Supervise the work of staff.
  5. Generate reporting.

The disadvantage of the system is interruptions in work with poor coverage, so cellular communication is not relevant in small towns and rural areas.

The category of taxi fleet equipment includes components for installation on cars: checkers, stickers, etc. The requirements and rules for using these devices are regulated by regional laws.

To organize a full-fledged control room, you will need experienced, trained personnel:

  1. Qualified drivers (experience more than 3 years). To test the professional level, define a trial period for drivers, make sure that they are free to navigate in the city.
  2. Qualified dispatchers responsible for taking orders and transmitting information to the driver. Accuracy, speed, attentiveness, skills of working with special programs- the main requirements for the work of the dispatcher.
  3. Accountant for financial reporting and tax documentation.
  4. Medic to check physical condition drivers before leaving the line.

The functions of a director in a taxi service are usually the priority of the business owner.

The marketing task of the new taxi service is to quickly and loudly declare itself and the benefits of the service.

  • favorable tariffs for customers;
  • punctuality;
  • delivery of the client on time to the destination;
  • driver behavior;
  • the appearance of workers and vehicles, etc.
  • on banners and billboards along the roads;
  • in printed publications;
  • in the Internet.

Order from the printing house: business cards, flyers, hire people to distribute printed materials and take care of advertising to attract drivers.

Pay special attention to the company name. Mandatory components of the brand - the word taxi at the beginning, the second part must reflect the essence of the commercial offer of the service - the opening of a taxi business, economy class, luxury, etc.

An important marketing ploy is easy-to-remember, simple phone numbers for the service. A person who sees the numbers for calling a taxi on a car or a billboard should not strain his memory, the “correct” number is remembered without effort.

Once the business has gained momentum and the brand has established loyal customers, open a patent on the company name - this will prevent competitors from using your service name in the future.

Discussing how to open a taxi service, we come to the conclusion that this is an expensive and rather risky project. Registration of an enterprise will cost 1–1.5 thousand rubles. plus the same amount for a permit-license for each car.

Then you need to purchase or pay:

  1. Radio station: 15-40 thousand rubles.
  2. Radio wave rental: 16-18 thousand rubles.
  3. Office software - 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Phone number - 2-3 thousand rubles.

Equipping one vehicle will cost (walkie-talkie, taximeter, checkers) - 2.5 thousand rubles. Multiply the resulting amount by the number of cars in the park. Registration of a trademark costs at least 6-7 thousand rubles.

The main item of expenditure is the purchase of cars. Working on the leasing system, it is realistic to reduce current costs by 8-10 times.

In addition to purchases and mandatory payments, there are monthly expenses.

  • rental of office space;
  • communal payments;
  • radio frequency rental fee;
  • employee salaries, etc.

A characteristic feature of the business, regardless of the region, the profit from the taxi service is about the same. The income from one transport unit per day is about 3 thousand rubles. that is, 80-90 thousand per month. Of these, the driver's salary is 30%, the rest is profit. Based on the above data, a hypothetical company will be able to reach zero in 6–7 months, and in the case of organizing a fleet, in 1.5–2 years.

Deciding how to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch, we come to the conclusion that this idea is rational and, if existing requirements are met, will lead to success - opening a profitable enterprise with acceptable payback periods.

At the same time, it is not easy to fulfill the task, given the significant risks and fierce competition in the market. A mandatory requirement for an entrepreneur is the presence of a well-written business plan, taking into account the existing conditions and characteristics of the region.

Taxi service is a great business option for both large and small towns. With the right approach, the money invested in a taxi pays off in just six months and begins to make a profit. Let's figure it out: how to open a taxi from scratch, and what is needed for this.

Explore the Market

First of all, you need to study the market. Find out if there are working taxi services in your locality, find out how many trips one car makes on average per day, what average bill collects and other useful nuances. To do this, just take a ride with a taxi driver and talk to him. You can collect information on city forums or in in social networks People are happy to share information and recommend their favorite services.

Taxi from scratch - a profitable and interesting business

Think Concept

Most likely, there will already be several operating taxi services in your city. There is no need to be afraid of this. In order to effectively deal with competitors, you need to come up with a unique selling proposition. Offer your clients Better conditions: free car delivery, discounts, various promotions. Such proposals may include:

  1. Free kilometers for regular customers.
  2. Delivery of products from the store.
  3. Preferential service for events, weddings, corporate parties.
  4. VIP transportation.
  5. Services of a children's taxi or a taxi for pensioners.
  6. Callback, ordering a car from the website or via SMS.

Think about what else you can offer your customers. Entering the transportation market is quite difficult, but in order to stay on it, you need really interesting offers.

How to register

Let's make it clear right away: you will not buy cars and hire drivers. It's not the best The best way. It is much more efficient to work as an intermediary, taking calls from customers and addressing them to free drivers. That is why it will be enough for you to obtain a patent of an ordinary private entrepreneur and provide classic information services.

You can also register an individual entrepreneur - in the future it will be easier for you to pay taxes. Also, be sure to study Federal Law No. 68, which regulates the activities of taxi services.

Note:this law describes all the requirements for cars, drivers and taxi services, but its requirements may vary in different regions.

Follow the changes and additions to this Federal Law: various changes are made to it regularly. Also, in some cases, you will need to obtain a license for cars. Usually it is issued at the local branch of the Ministry of Transport. The procedure is not particularly difficult - you will receive a license for about 5 thousand rubles for 5 years.

You do not need to buy new cars - look for good drivers with vehicles

Obtaining an OKVED code

To open a taxi dispatch service , you will need to get the code of the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (abbreviated as OKVED). In total, it includes 17 categories, of which we are only interested in these items:

  1. 52.61.2. Allows the retail sale of various goods and services via the Internet and computer networks.
  2. 63.2. Allows you to engage in auxiliary transport activities.
  3. 72.6. Lets lead various activities associated with information technology and computing technology.
  4. 74.83. This OKVED allows you to provide editorial and secretarial services, as well as translation services.
  5. 92.4. Allows to engage in the activities of news agencies.

You can choose either one of these codes, or register them all, which will expand your capabilities somewhat.
