Orthopedic pillow for newborns: how to use it correctly. What pillow do you need for a newborn?

I welcome the best mommies and everyone interested on my blog! Lena Zhabinskaya is with you and the most important topic.

It’s important because it concerns sleep, and parents of babies usually have problems with this matter. Is it worth increasing them by answering the question incorrectly about whether a pillow is needed for a newborn?

I’m sure no, you don’t need this at all, so read carefully and until the end - you’ve come to the right portal.

Constantly keeping the spine in an incorrect, unnatural and curved position guarantees the baby pain in the cervical spine, scoliosis and other disorders in the future.

Neck dislocation.

Newborns move little only in the first days after birth. But you can never know for sure when your baby will want to start rolling over.

For example, my Eva turned over from her back to her tummy by the end of the first month.

If the baby is tightly swaddled in two diapers and placed in the crib on a high pillow, the risk of getting a neck injury when trying to roll over is quite real.

How to replace a pillow


Grandmothers will tell you that it’s easy to make a pillow at home with your own hands: to do this, you need to fold the diaper four times and put it under the baby’s head.

The height of this structure is about 1-2 mm, so I would like to express doubts that this significantly changes anything compared to the option when you do not add anything at all.

Nevertheless, it is at least safe, and if you personally need to put at least something under your baby’s head to calm your conscience, then, of course, it would be better if it was a diaper.

Tilt angle

You may also come across advice to increase the angle of the mattress or crib (raise them) so that the baby seems to be lying on an inclined surface.

To do this, either place a cushion under the mattress at the head, or raise the base of the bed from the side of the head. There is an opinion that this will reduce the frequency.

My many years of experience as a mother allow me to say with authority that this is not so. If the baby has eaten too much, he will vomit it, no matter what position he is in: upright, lying on a pillow, lying on the bed, on mom, on dad, etc. Body position has no effect on stomach capacity. And if the baby has eaten too much (and babies are very prone to overeat), whatever one may say, the excess will come out.

Therefore, this option is also useless, although it is also safe for the baby and, certainly, preferable to a regular pillow.

How to choose the right pillow

So, the little one has grown up and it’s time to buy his first pillow. How to do it? Let's for general development Let's look at what manufacturers offer us.

Types of pillows


It is a slightly smaller version of a regular adult pillow.

Typically 40 x 60 cm in size.

Anatomical or orthopedic

It follows the shape of the human body and has a recess for the head. The most popular option, the butterfly pillow, got its name due to its shape, which resembles a butterfly.

In addition, it comes in the usual rectangular shape, but also with a recess for the head.


It is placed not only under the head, but under the entire upper body. Ensures that the child's body is positioned at an angle.


Or a positioner pillow, designed to fix the baby’s entire body in a certain position, for example, for sleeping on his side.

Side pillow

Pillow bumpers are usually purchased for a baby’s crib to prevent legs and arms from getting caught between the bars, as well as the head hitting them.

At the same time, they are not placed directly under the head.


Down and feather

It's better not to buy these because:

  • unhygienic;
  • may cause allergies in the baby;
  • can become a breeding ground for dust mites and other insects,
  • labor-intensive to care for (do not wash).


It has unique thermal conductivity; usually it is not hot on such a pillow in summer and not cold in winter.

However, it is short-lived, can cause allergies, and also become a breeding ground for dust mites.

Artificial (synthetic) filler.

Preferred because:

  • hypoallergenic (does not cause allergies);
  • easy to care for (can be washed in a washing machine);
  • it does not harbor dust mites;
  • durable.

Such materials include synthetic winterizer, comforter, latex, holofiber, etc.

Child's age

The guideline is this: the thickness of the pillow should be equal to the width of the child’s shoulder.

Therefore, pillows for two-year-olds should be different from pillows for five-year-olds.


It is convenient when the cover is removed separately for washing and is made of 100% cotton. The latter will eliminate the possibility of electrification of the product from hair.

An orthopedic pillow is a special item that should ensure the correct position human body during sleep and rest. In this way, you can achieve the greatest possible relaxation.

Sleep and rest help restore the entire body. If the process of sleep and rest goes wrong, then deterioration in well-being, bad mood, constant fatigue, and deterioration in brain function are possible.

In addition, lack of normal rest contributes to the development of many diseases. You can make your rest more complete by changing your pillow from a regular one to an orthopedic one.

During sleep, the body can take a variety of positions, not all of them are correct. Sometimes such an incorrect posture creates unnecessary stress on the spine and may well lead to poor circulation.

Resting on an orthopedic pillow prevents you from adopting an incorrect position, thus ensuring good health.

The use of this orthopedic device can help in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • osteochondrosis, including the cervical spine;
  • frequent migraines;
  • chronic radiculitis;
  • a large number of neurological diseases;
  • increased tone of the neck muscles.

In addition to the fact that the pillow can be used while relaxing at home, it can be taken with you on various trips.

The fact is that when moving from one place to another, sleep is not always carried out in comfortable conditions. Having such a thing will help you relax more fully and gain strength.

It is also useful for children to sleep on an orthopedic pillow. Firstly, they have a beneficial effect on the posture of a growing organism. Secondly, they help the muscles fully relax during sleep.

What is an orthopedic pillow for infants?

More recently, so-called orthopedic pillows designed for little ones have appeared on the market. Manufacturers position their products as a necessary thing for every baby.

The fact is that many parents, feeling full responsibility for their child, try to provide him with everything necessary for a comfortable developmental life.

Worried about their child and the correctness of his growth, many fathers and mothers will not save on purchasing things for his sleep. However, do babies really need orthopedic loading?

The main purpose of this thing is to support the neck and head during sleep. This ensures a reduction in the load on the muscles and normalization of the blood circulation process. In addition, an orthopedic pillow for little ones can provide optimal heat transfer.

In addition to all this, this is a thing in the production of which only hypoallergenic materials were used.

The pillow keeps its shape for a long time, even after a long period of use and several washes.

However, despite their numerous orthopedic pillows, orthopedists are still very skeptical about them.

Some even of the specialists who deal with problems in the field of orthopedics of newborns are sure that such a thing can be harmful to the rapidly growing body of a small child.

The thing is that during the period when the child is just learning to hold his head, the formation of the cervical spine occurs. It is at this time that the cervical curve is formed.

The formation of the thoracic curve occurs at the time when the child learns to sit. Lumbar The spine is formed during the first steps of a small person. Accelerating all these natural processes may well lead to undesirable consequences.

Types of orthopedic pillows for infants

Today, there is quite a large selection of orthopedic pillows for children, so parents may find it difficult to choose. Each variety of such pillows has its own advantages, as well as features of use.

The list of varieties of orthopedic pillows for little ones includes:

  • Butterfly pillow. Appearance This thing is a closed annular roller, which is somewhat reminiscent of wings. The pillow has a special recess in the middle, which is needed to fix the head.

    The main advantage of this pillow is the complete repetition of the anatomical features of the cervical spinal column and the occipital part of the skull, as a result of which it contributes to their correct formation.

  • Positional pad. This item is a special device that was specifically designed specifically for premature babies. The fact is that children who are born ahead of schedule, the risk of developing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is increased. This orthopedic pillow, designed for small children, allows you to fix the child's body in the correct position. Thus, the unwanted load is removed from the still fragile spine.
  • An inclined type of pillow. This thing has a lot in common with a regular pillow. It has a rectangular shape, only its sides are slightly raised, and the middle has a depression, as a result of which the child does not roll down. There is a wide variety of such pillows. Differing from each other in size, color and material from which it is made.
  • Pillow for moving in a stroller. It should fix not only the child’s head while moving in the stroller, but the upper part of the body. In addition to fixation, such a thing softens the shocks that occur while the stroller is moving.

When choosing this product for the recreation of small children, you should definitely pay attention to the composition of the filler of this item.

Classic pillow fillings include feather and down, as well as wool. These fillers are not very suitable for orthopedic pillows, as they may well provoke an allergic reaction.

The safest and most affordable option for the consumer would be a synthetic filler, padding polyester. Such fillers do not cause allergic reaction. In addition, the use of synthetic materials allows you to wash the item without losing its properties.

More expensive options for filling synthetic orthopedic pillows are latex and small-diameter comforter balls. However, such materials are more resistant to wear.

Do babies need orthopedic pillows?

Before buying such a thing for your child, you should familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons.

The arguments in favor of using such products to ensure good rest for young children are the following:

  • combating skull deformation;
  • reliable head fixation the child, as a result, healthy sleep;
  • possibility of eliminating muscle hypertonicity cervical spine;
  • reduction of pain, which are often the result of birth trauma;
  • ensuring the correct position of the spine;
  • prevention of curvature spine.

The arguments against using such a pillow are:

  • age up to one year;
  • load on the not yet formed spine;
  • the danger of a fixed head position when regurgitating.

As is clear from the information above, there are two sides to using such anatomical pillows.

However, in any case, before using this item for its intended purpose, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the real need to use the product, as well as the type that is suitable in this case.

In what cases do children need orthopedic pillows?

In the vast majority of cases, doctors recommend orthopedic products to children who received such an injury during their birth or who had any problems with the musculoskeletal system from birth.

In this case, if such a thing is used regularly, if it cannot cure the disorder, it will definitely improve the child’s health.

How to use a pillow: brief instructions

The pillow should be selected according to the size of the child. It should be used based on the position in which the child sleeps. If the child sleeps on his back, then a small cushion should be placed under his neck; if the baby sleeps on his side, then a large cushion should be placed.

Are there any contraindications: opinions against using a pillow for babies

Many experts are confident that using orthopedic pillows is harmful for children under one year of age.

However, there are cases where the child has some kind of musculoskeletal disorder that can be corrected by using it for sleep and Everyday life pillows, but such a decision should definitely be agreed with your doctor.

Generalized reviews from mothers about use


The pediatrician advised us to place the child on a pillow because the child was diagnosed with torticollis. The results appeared over the next three months. The neck has become much straighter. Will use this pillow for my baby's full recovery.


Many people told me that a child does not need a pillow, but I still bought a special one for walking my son in a stroller. The presence of a pillow ensured the child's position was fixed and he did not slide. There was no harm from this for my child.


We bought a square pillow that has a depression in the middle. When they put my daughter on it, she immediately burped. And when I left it for a while I started to choke. I don't think this kind of thing is suitable for small children.


I have a very active child who often turns his head while walking, causing him to slip. I bought a ring pillow. I was quite satisfied with the result, and apparently so was the child.

When my son reached one year old, I also bought a pillow for sleeping. Over time, I noticed that the child became calmer and woke up less often at night and what is called “on business.”

Average cost of orthopedic pillows for infants

The cost of orthopedic pillows intended for the smallest varies from four hundred to two and a half thousand rubles.

The cost of this product largely depends on the following factors:

  • material, used for making pillowcases and as filling;
  • shape and size pillows;
  • firm, which is the manufacturer, the more famous the manufacturer, the more expensive his goods are, as a rule.

Before the birth of a baby, parents try to prepare as much as possible for this event. Considering the fact that the child will spend a significant amount of time horizontally, it is necessary to arrange a crib. Bed linen should be made from natural ingredients, the mattress should be hard. Previously, pediatricians believed that an anatomical pillow for newborns was strictly prohibited. However, now one can argue with this, because manufacturers produce models that are not capable of negatively affecting the health of children.

The use of a regular pillow for a newborn baby is strictly prohibited by pediatricians. This can negatively affect his spine and neck.

Reasons why your baby should not sleep on a regular pillow:

An orthopedic pillow is a completely different matter. It adapts to the physiological characteristics of the child and has a positive effect on his health.

What does it give?

  1. Supports the cervical spine, normalizes muscle tone.
  2. Helps to avoid flattening in the occipital region, from birth it forms the correct shape of the baby’s skull.
  3. Allows you to avoid putting on caps and regulates the temperature that is comfortable for your child.

At what age can a baby sleep on such a pillow? This question interests all young parents. Manufacturers are now producing options for pillows that can be used to place a child from the first days of life.. Of course, it would be advisable to first consult with a pediatrician. He will tell you what kind of pillow the baby needs.

The need for an anatomical pillow for pathologies

Sometimes an orthopedic pillow for children is needed due to the presence of congenital pathologies. The pediatrician must first examine the child and understand at what age this particular child should be put to sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Common pathologies:

  1. With torticollis, the muscles of the cervical spine are poorly developed, which leads to the fact that it is constantly tilted to one side. If treatment is not started in time, the baby will develop scoliosis in the future. For torticollis, the pediatrician recommends that the baby sleep on a special pillow with an indentation (turned to the affected side).
  2. Hypotonicity and hypertonicity. In this case, massage and physiotherapy are often prescribed. An orthopedic pillow also helps to correct the condition of the muscles. Any orthopedic doctor will advise you to buy it.
  3. In case of birth injuries in a baby, the pain can be eased in this way. Surprisingly, the anatomically correct shape has been proven to calm nerve endings.
  4. When rickets has been diagnosed at an early stage, a special anatomical pillow can be used to avoid deformation of the cervical spine.

In any case, before using an orthopedic product, you must consult with your doctor and find out at what age your child can sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Types of pillows

Manufacturers today produce a huge number of anatomical pillows for children, varying in size, color, thickness, and characteristics of the effect on the body.

  1. Headrest with a slight recess. It's called "butterfly". It is very useful for torticollis in a child. There are models on sale that vary in size; for your child you need to choose the one that will suit his head size. The “butterfly” supports muscles and maintains a comfortable temperature for the baby.
  2. "Positioner". This orthopedic model consists of two rollers connected in the middle with a tape. The model can be used for children of any age. It is possible to adjust the distance between the rollers using Velcro.
  3. Inclined. She is very similar to the usual one. The shape is the same, only the model has an inclination of 30 degrees. This option is very convenient for a child.
  4. Antichoking. When parents just hear the name of this model, the most unpleasant thoughts begin to arise. Of course, the name is scary, but it is safe for children and comfortable to sleep on. The surface is perforated and covered with a special cotton cover. When the baby rolls around in his sleep, this orthopedic pillow will ensure a constant supply of air to the baby.
  5. Multifunctional model. It can be used by mothers when feeding their baby. It maintains the spine in the correct condition and will be needed as the baby grows, when he begins to slowly sit down.

Manufacturing materials

You need to choose an orthopedic pillow for your child, taking into account the individual characteristics of his body. Consult with an orthopedist and pediatrician first so that they can advise on the optimal shape and model of pillow that your baby needs.

Anatomical pillows for small children are made of anti-allergenic synthetic materials, which is why you don’t have to worry about your baby developing a rash on his body. It will not happen.

Fillings used for pillows:

  • polypropylene;
  • viscose;
  • polyurethane;
  • latex.
  1. When choosing a pillow, make sure that it is made by a trusted manufacturer and has a quality certificate.
  2. Buy orthopedic products for children only in specialized stores so as not to stumble upon a fake.
  3. When choosing a pillow, you need to take into account the baby's age and the size of his head. The child should sleep comfortably.

Manufacturers choose these materials for the manufacture of their products for a reason. Their main feature is elasticity, durability and slow wear. When the baby sleeps on such a pillow, his body and head will be in the correct position. This will contribute to stronger and healthier sleep, and you don’t have to worry about discomfort - there is none.

A correctly selected anatomically shaped pillow for infants is an excellent option that allows you to take care of a child’s spine from early childhood.

Even before the baby is born, parents begin to collect all the necessary things for him. When it comes to a pillow, many questions and doubts immediately arise. Does he need a pillow? If yes, which one? How to use it? From what age? Pediatricians say that a child does not need a pillow until he is two years old, but orthopedists say the opposite. In order to help mom and dad solve issues with the pillow, we will analyze them in detail.

Debates about the benefits or harms of an orthopedic pillow for newborns continue to this day.

Initially, the idea of ​​​​creating this type of pillow was to correct the cervical spine due to congenital or acquired torticollis, as well as to ensure the normal development of the cervical vertebrae.

The pillow evenly supports the head and neck of a newborn, reduces stress on muscles, normalizes blood circulation and treats hyper/hypotonicity. But, despite all its advantages, an orthopedic pillow is not a necessary item for a baby. It is necessary only for children who have certain problems and deviations in the development of the cervical spine.

The use of an orthopedic pillow for healthy children is not recommended, as it will not bring much benefit. The fact is that natural process The development of the cervical vertebrae is regulated by the stages of growth, and placing a special pillow under the head can lead to an undesirable outcome due to increased load on the neck.

An orthopedic pillow does not harm the baby, but it is also beneficial for healthy child doubtful.

Types and models

To date, manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have made a lot of efforts to ensure that a newborn baby feels comfortable, comfortable and safe to lie on special pillows. A wide range of types, models and sizes will help parents choose a special orthopedic pillow suitable for their child.

The most popular types of pillows:

  • Butterfly headrest. The most common type of pillow for infants up to one year old. In the center there is a recess, on the sides there are sides for fixing the head. Designed for the correct development of the cervical spine (used mainly to correct torticollis). You can use the butterfly from four weeks. The size is selected according to the age of the child.
  • Donut pillow. Used for torticollis. Functionally similar to a butterfly, but shaped like a ring.
  • Fixing pillow “Positioner”. Designed to secure the child in the desired position (on the back, on the side). Two interconnected rollers tighten (or expand) depending on the position required for the child.
  • Wide pillow with an inclination (pillow-headrest). This model is adjusted to the width of the crib and has an inclined shape, raising not only the head and neck, but also the back of the child. The pillow has a wide rectangular shape and fits snugly on the sides of the crib, so that the child cannot roll off it. The angle of inclination is no more than 15 degrees (if more, it will harm the spine).
  • Orthopedic pillow for infants against suffocation. Thanks to this pillow, the child can safely roll over in his sleep. This model is very elastic and has a low rise. Made specifically from breathable materials with perforations.
  • Pillow with multifunctional use (designer). Used to ease baby's motion sickness and make feeding more comfortable for the baby. Your baby can rest on this pillow (from six months). The device supports the back well and helps to quickly master the planting process (the designer pillow is recommended to be used for planting after 6 months).
  • Freyka's pillow. A special orthopedic pillow device developed by Dr. Freik for the treatment of hip dysplasia in infants.

There are more than 5 different options for orthopedic pillows that are recommended for use in various pathologies of children.

When is an orthopedic pillow necessary?

Considering the growing popularity of such pillows, it is worth understanding that they are intended mainly for treating the neck and proper formation of the skull of a child up to one year old. It is in such cases that an orthopedic pillow is simply necessary. But you should know that they are prohibited for children prone to constant regurgitation.

The specialist prescribes an orthopedic pillow:

  • if the child’s neck was injured during childbirth (damage to the cervical vertebrae);
  • with torticollis (congenital or acquired);
  • if the child has problems with neck muscle tone;
  • with skull deformation.

For neck injuries, low tone of the neck muscles or deformation of the baby's skull, an orthopedic pillow is simply necessary.

In case of serious problems, one pillow is not enough. Monitoring by specialists and, if necessary, drug treatment will be necessary.

Only a doctor can prescribe an orthopedic pillow for your child. You shouldn’t buy it just because a neighbor recommended it to you or because you thought this device was a convenient item.

Can I use a regular pillow?

Due to the high risk of suffocation, a child is strictly prohibited from placing a classic pillow (even a smaller copy) under his head. Experts recommend delaying introduction to a pillow until 2-3 years and give reasons.

  • Even the lowest and flattest pillow raises the child’s head, and this entails the risk of cervical scoliosis. For the correct formation of the cervical vertebrae, it is necessary to keep the head and the axis of the body at the same level.
  • A child may accidentally roll over on his tummy in his sleep and bury himself in the pillow. Which will cause suffocation.
  • Many simple pillow fillings can cause allergies in children. They also become an ideal home for dust mites.

From what age can it be used?

If a child grows normally and does not have any developmental abnormalities, then he does not need a pillow (whether simple or orthopedic) until he is about two years old. Doctors and manufacturers argue to this day about when and why to put pillows on a child. Considering that such pillows began to be manufactured and used on children quite recently, it is difficult to say how this will affect human health and development in the future.


Any orthopedic pillow has a non-standard shape and size. Take, for example, a butterfly pillow: the shape is unusual, and at first glance it is difficult to guess how to place the child correctly. One side of the pillow has a narrow crossbar under the baby's neck - it is intended for sleeping on the back. On the other hand, this crossbar is thicker and wider - the child is placed in this place when he is resting on his side. The dimple in the pillow is for the head (back of the head).

Before using this pillow, you must first read detailed instructions, which is always attached to this product.


Despite the advantages of such pillows, there are still significant contraindications for their use.

  • Considering the fact that the orthopedic pillow limits the baby's movement, he may accidentally burp and not turn around. In this case, the child will simply choke.
  • Newborn period (first 28 days). Cervical region is not yet strong, and the extra load in the form of a pillow will only make the child worse.

Under no circumstances should the pillow be used after feeding and until the baby is 28 days old.


The price of an orthopedic pillow depends entirely on its manufacturer. Popular brands always inflate the prices of their products, as they promise greater reliability and safety. Products from lesser-known brands cost hundreds of rubles less, but the buyer will not receive any guarantee of the purity of the material.

Approximate models and prices for them:

  • An ordinary butterfly pillow costs around 500 rubles.
  • F-505 Luomma has a classic version, size 23x25 cm, the manufacturer provides a quality guarantee, the approximate price is 1100 rubles.
  • Feretti pillow consisting of flaseline with interwoven fibers. The price is around 1800 rubles.

Expert opinion: you shouldn’t skimp on buying a quality pillow for your child. Moreover, you cannot sew it yourself, because only specialists can correctly draw up a pattern and select the desired shape and size.

It's great when parents understand that the best solution Proper arrangement of a sleeping place is essential for a child’s quality sleep. In this case it means the use orthopedic mattress and pillows that provide the most correct condition for the spine while the child sleeps.

Several application considerations

So, the complex and responsible process of choosing and purchasing an orthopedic pillow for a child is over and the long-awaited purchase is finally at your home. On the one hand, caring and loving parents feel relief, but on the other hand, a new question is brewing: how to place an orthopedic pillow under a child’s head so that it really becomes a useful addition and does not cause harm?

There are several points to consider here. The first is the age of your child (newborn, child under 5 years old, child over 5 years old). Secondly, the state of his health (the pillow is used for preventive purposes or to achieve a certain therapeutic effect), etc.

The question of “how to lay” is no less important and requires understanding and responsibility than the question of how to choose an orthopedic pillow.

The nuances of using an orthopedic pillow

If you look closely at the design of an orthopedic pillow, it is easy to see a certain “asymmetry” in it - on one side there is a large cushion, and on the other – a small one. It turns out that this is how it should be!

A smaller cushion is placed under the baby's head when he sleeps on his back. This allows you to maintain the natural, even position of the neck relative to the rest of the spine, evenly distribute the load and relax the muscles. The result is normal breathing, blood circulation, and oxygen supply to the brain.

A larger bolster is useful if your baby sleeps on his side.

The height of the cushion should be equal to the width of the child’s shoulder; only in this case will the neck be maintained in an even position during sleep.

This important points, which every parent should know, since they want to use an orthopedic pillow for the benefit of their child’s health, and not vice versa!

How important is a pillow for a child?

Many doctors, as well as parents of the “old school,” are confident that a newborn child does not need a pillow (including an orthopedic one), since at this age the child’s spine is so fragile that the slightest imbalance in position can lead to postural disorders. It's hard to disagree with this. However, the question remains: does a child, say, need an orthopedic pillow at the age of one?

And here it is fundamentally important that parents take a responsible approach to the issue of choosing a pillow for their baby. Shape and color alone should not be the only arguments that guide parents when choosing a pillow for their child. Size, materials, and the child’s health are much more important. There are a number of cases when an orthopedic pillow is simply necessary! It helps to correct abnormalities in the development of the baby’s spine and eliminate the development of diseases.

Of course, an orthopedic pillow itself will not teach you how to sleep properly, but it can become an excellent assistant in the hands of caring parents, for whom the baby’s health is most important!
