Which mattress to choose for scoliosis? Which mattress is better to choose when treating scoliosis? Orthopedic mattresses: how to choose for scoliosis.

When spinal curvature is diagnosed in an adult, in most cases it is the result of improper formation of posture in childhood. Parents have a great responsibility to prevent scoliosis in their child. This applies not only physical development growing organism through physical education, visiting various sections, swimming pool, therapeutic massage and physical education. An important aspect in the prevention of scoliosis is the correct position of the torso during night rest.

In this article we will tell you how to sleep with scoliosis so as not to aggravate the disease, what the bed, mattress, pillow and optimal position should be. By following our recommendations, an adult with already formed scoliosis, regardless of the degree of development of the disease, will be able to significantly improve the condition of the spine and live a full life.

Physical activity during the day and an orthopedically well-organized night's sleep are the first steps to successfully overcoming spinal curvature. You should not neglect measures to prevent scoliosis at any age, because this disease leads not only to a visible curvature of the vertebral arch, but also causes serious dysfunction of internal organs.

There is a belief that only sleeping on a hard surface can radically solve back problems. Following this recommendation, you will either have to sleep on the floor, or put a board on the bed and cover it with one sheet.

Maybe then it’s better on nails, like yoga? At the same time, you will receive an acupuncture massage session in your sleep. Such advice in real life is impossible and cruel, aimed at creating insurmountable difficulties. How to actually sleep correctly with scoliosis?

Let's consider what requirements for bed organization should be followed by people suffering from spinal curvature.

  1. Orthopedic mattress - The best decision with scoliosis. We will tell you more about the features of choosing such a mattress below;
  2. The basis of the mattress should be self-contained spring blocks. This system allows the mattress not only to sag under the weight of the body, but also to adapt to its contours. Spending a long time in a horizontal position on such a surface relaxes muscles, relieves stress on the bone system, prolongs sleep and makes rest complete. Such mattresses are more expensive than stuffed ones, but they really help correct posture, especially with scoliosis at stages 3-4;
  3. Mattress filled with coconut coir. It will be too late to use such an orthopedic mattress for scoliosis of the 2nd and higher degrees. It is excellent as a preventive measure or at the initial stage of the disease. In the product description, pay attention to the number of layers of coir; the more layers there are, the higher the rigidity of the mattress. It is recommended to purchase mattresses with coconut filling for children's beds so that the child's spine is correctly formed from an early age;
  4. A well-chosen orthopedic pillow increases the effectiveness and comfort of a mattress for scoliosis. A pillow is a must. The usefulness of sleeping without a pillow belongs to the category of myths that have not yet been proven by medical research. It is desirable that it also preserves the physiological curves of your head and neck and has a hypoallergenic filler. Select a pillow according to the width of your shoulders - this is its optimal width. A too small or huge pillow that you sink into can cause back pain and cervical spine spine.

It is advisable to choose an orthopedic mattress for scoliosis after consulting a doctor and undergoing an x-ray. A specialist will help determine the extent of the disease and advise the optimal level of severity.

The main criteria when choosing an orthopedic mattress are:

  • Combined design (spring base and filler);
  • Anatomical - the ability to follow the curves of the body, maintaining an even line of the spine;
  • Hypoallergenic materials, antibacterial impregnation; medium or increased hardness.

In addition to the spring base, the mattress design includes fillers. These can be plates made of coconut coir, latex or polyurethane. As a rule, you can get used to a new, harder surface quite quickly. Usually 1-2 weeks is enough.

If a lot of time has passed and you still experience discomfort during sleep, often wake up, or cannot find a comfortable position, you may have chosen the wrong firmness level or filler.

How to sleep properly with scoliosis?

It is impossible to completely get rid of scoliosis in adulthood, but stopping its development is quite possible. This requires regular swimming lessons. physical therapy, yoga. Physical activity should become the norm of life, and not an episodic occurrence.

Since a person spends a third of his life sleeping, this precious time should not be wasted. During sleep, very important processes for the musculoskeletal system occur in the body: relaxation of muscles and spinal discs.

It is in a calm horizontal position, when there is no pressure on the spinal discs, that they absorb interstitial fluid and regain their original physiological shape and size.

It has been proven that a person is taller in the morning than in the evening, and the difference can reach 2 cm. Try this experiment on yourself: measure your height in the morning immediately after waking up, and then in the evening, before going to bed.

If there is a difference, then your spine receives more stress during the day. It is very important to adopt a position while sleeping that will allow the spinal column and surrounding muscles to fully recover during the night.

The human body is programmed to carry out the process of active cell regeneration during sleep, so constant lack of sleep and incorrect posture lead to nervous and physical ailments.

The correct sleeping position for scoliosis:

  • Get into the habit of sleeping on your stomach. In this position, most of the lymph flows into the peritoneal cavity, instead of moisturizing the intervertebral discs. It is not surprising that those who like to sleep on their stomachs see their puffy faces in the mirror in the morning;
  • Learn to sleep on your back. If you suffer from stage 1-2 lateral curvature of the spinal arch, this is your main pose. In this position, the arteries of the spine are not compressed, as a result of which blood circulates freely throughout the spinal column and enters the brain. In the supine position, you will sleep better and recover overnight;
  • Try to highlight night rest at least eight hours, that’s how much the body needs to reboot. The quality of sleep and its duration are directly related to the comfort of your bed;
  • A side position is acceptable if the mattress supports your curves without allowing your spine to sag. When falling asleep on your side, make sure that your head lies parallel to the mattress, and the line of your neck should continue the line of your spine, without bending upward. The pillow should support your neck. In this position, the arteries are not in danger of being compressed, and the brain receives sufficient blood supply;
  • People who have a deflection of the thoracic spine to the right side, accompanied by pain, are recommended to sleep on their left side, with their left leg extended along the body. In this case, you need to bend your right leg at the knee and rest it on the mattress. Bend your right arm at the elbow and place it in front of you parallel to your body. This pose slightly spreads the vertebrae, relieving pressure on the discs and freeing the nerve roots between the vertebrae. As a result, back pain subsides;
  • If you have a left-sided curve, then take the same pose as described above, only in a mirror image - on your right side;
  • When pain worsens, it is important to learn how to get out of bed correctly. First, roll to the very edge of the bed, then gently lower your feet to the floor, and slowly sit on the edge of the bed without doing anything. sudden movements. You need to get up from a sitting position straight, without bending your back forward. Let the main effort fall on the thigh muscles. Do this smoothly, do not jump up with a jerk.

A curved back and stoop not only look unsightly from the outside, but can also cause disability. Scoliosis entails a global deterioration in health. The initial stages of the disease can be completely corrected by following the recommendations of the orthopedist.

At stages 3-4, the patient is awaiting surgical intervention. Try to pay attention to prevention, and if you notice the first signs of scoliosis in yourself or your loved ones, do not start the problem. Take care of your spine, and it will respond to you with ease throughout your body and ability to work.

  • One of these diseases is scoliosis. But not all mattresses are equally beneficial for people suffering from spinal pain.

This article will help you choose the right orthopedic mattress for scoliosis.

But first, let's talk about scoliosis.

There is an opinion that scoliosis is a disease of schoolchildren and students, and it needs to be treated only in childhood, and transferring a teenager from a children's clinic to an adult one automatically cures it.

  • In fact, scoliosis affects most adults who spend most of their time at a desk. Most of us simply forget about our “childhood” problem and remember only when the body is constrained by pain.

Of course, scoliosis most often occurs between the ages of 9 and 17 years. This is an acquired scoliosis that occurs from sitting at a desk for a long time and physical activity, but also congenital curvatures of the spine.

In both the first and second cases, the disease does not disappear anywhere, and adults, as well as children, need medical treatment and comfortable sleep on a special mattress.

In the early stages, a person, as a rule, does not notice any inconvenience or discomfort.

It all starts when scoliosis reaches the third stage. It is characterized not just by curvature of the spine, but by its “twisting”, leading to the appearance of a hump and a sunken chest. This is already fraught with dysfunction of the limbs and pinched nerve endings.

Of course, a mattress cannot cure the disease, but it can stop its development in combination with other measures.

  • An orthopedic mattress for scoliosis reduces the load on the spine by ensuring an anatomically correct body position. And if it doesn’t cure, it will prevent the occurrence of this common disease.

Proper sleep for scoliosis

To prevent the onset of the disease at an early age, you need to pay attention to your own posture, do gymnastics and sleep on the right mattress.

  • During sleep, the body should not sag, as in a hammock.

To do this, you will have to not only change the old mattress, but also give up too fluffy pillows.

  • Sleeping on your stomach is also harmful.

It is best to fall asleep in the fetal position. It is important not only to sleep properly, but also to get out of bed. This should be done by leaning on the edge of the sofa or bed and slightly tilting the body forward.

Orthopedic mattress for scoliosis - what is it?

The main selection criterion is rigidity. Contrary to popular belief, a mattress should not be super hard. Sleeping on such a mattress will not relieve you of spinal problems.

  • On the contrary, solid support will cause new diseases to arise, since healthy areas of the spine will be regularly subjected to excessive pressure.

For adults whose only health problem is scoliosis, it is better to opt for semi-rigid models.

These can be models made of polyurethane foam, artificial latex and coconut fiber. Such models are in the collections of all manufacturers.

  • For example, it offers a fairly good range of mattresses of varying degrees of hardness.

There is no clear answer to the question: “what mattress to choose for scoliosis.” This can be either a spring or springless model.

Children of preschool and school age, and teenagers are recommended to sleep on springless mattresses of medium hardness. If the development of the disease was stopped at an early stage, you can use models, blocks of independent springs, or a double-sided mattress with different sides of rigidity.

  • The anatomical characteristics of the product are very important. They should be high enough. Don’t forget about such “little things” as antibacterial impregnations and anti-allergenic materials.

To understand how to sleep properly with scoliosis, you need to focus on the organization of the bed. It is this that is the determining factor in preventing pain that occurs in the morning in people with diseases.

Rules for sleeping and lying down with scoliosis

When organizing the right bed, you should pay attention to a number of important rules:

  • In a horizontal position, the line of the body should be parallel to the plane of the bed;
  • To avoid squeezing the arteries, you should select the right pillow. Its width should correspond to the distance between the shoulders, the filling should be made of elastic fabrics that remember the shape. We do not recommend sleeping on a pillow that is too low or high;
  • If you have diseases of the spine, it is not recommended to lie on your stomach while sleeping. You should also not sharply throw your head back to the right or left;
  • Most people find it comfortable to sleep on their side with their knees bent. In this case, one hand can be placed under the pillow, and the second one can be placed parallel to the body;
  • When turning on the bed, do not make sudden movements. They can aggravate pain syndrome. To get out of bed, rest one hand on the edge of the bed and lower your feet to the floor. At the same time, try not to tilt your torso forward.

Plays a significant role in preventing exacerbation of pain during sleep.

What position should you sleep in if you have scoliosis?

There is no ideal sleeping position that can be recommended for all people with scoliosis. You need to choose a position that is comfortable for you and allows you to sleep comfortably.

The correct position must be selected individually. For this it is recommended:

  • Lie sideways on the mattress and examine the condition of the spinal column. If it is bent backwards, and the muscular corset of the back is “tightened,” change the position;
  • We do not recommend sleeping on your stomach if you have scoliosis, but unless this position causes back pain, it is optimal for you. Just keep in mind that it leads to pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, so try to gradually change it to another.

An orthopedic bed can be called only when it perfectly emphasizes the curves of a person’s torso, but does not put pressure on soft fabrics too much.

Which mattress to choose for sleeping with scoliosis

The mattress should not cause discomfort when lying on it. The product must provide comfortable sleep for at least 8 hours. As a result of numerous studies, it has been established that short sleep does not contribute to the mobilization of forces to fight infection.

If you have a lateral curvature of the spinal column, you need to sleep more than 8 hours. This is the only way to ensure complete relaxation of the back muscles, filling with fluid and expansion of the segments of the spinal column.

With proper sleep, a person’s spinal column in the morning acquires a height reserve of 2-3 cm. This phenomenon is only possible when sleeping on an orthopedic mattress, which does not cause discomfort to a person’s back. To choose the right one, you should focus on the following principles:

  • Hygiene. Low-quality materials can cause allergic reactions upon contact with human skin. Antibacterial additives in modern products prevent the proliferation of microorganisms and insects (for example, bed bugs) in the model filler;
  • Anatomical. This property determines the main purpose of an orthopedic mattress - repetition of the physiological curves of the spinal column (lordosis and kyphosis). It is pleasant to sleep on such a product: it does not put pressure on the spinous processes of the vertebrae protruding posteriorly, which is always observed with scoliosis;
  • Orthopedicity – the ability to restore and prevent functional changes in the spine;
  • Rigidity. It is believed that for diseases of the spine, the mattress filling should be hard. Indeed, with scoliosis, it is more comfortable to sleep on a dense base, as it prevents further curvature of the spinal axis.

Lie down, roll over onto your back and pay attention to the “degree of depression” of the mattress downwards. If your buttocks have dropped down and your lower back is hanging in the air, you need to change the mattress.

Every person spends about a third of their life in bed. This is why it is so important to know how to sleep properly with scoliosis. Night rest is very important for the recovery of the entire body, including relaxation of the spine and back muscles.

Choosing a pose

There is no ideal sleeping position that can be recommended for all patients. The fact is that each case of scoliosis is unique. Curvature of the spine occurs in three planes at once: frontal, horizontal and sagittal. Therefore, doctors do not give a clear answer to the question of how to sleep with scoliosis.

The choice of sleeping position is individual for each person.

Nevertheless general recommendations exist. Experts agree that if you have scoliosis, it is best to sleep on your side. In this position, proper blood circulation in the spinal region is not disrupted, the arteries are not compressed and blood flows freely to the brain. The muscles of a person lying on his side are in a relaxed state, and the nerve endings are not pinched.

For left-sided scoliosis, it is best to lie on your right side to relieve the load on the spine. At the same time, the right leg is extended, and the left one bends at the knee and rests on. Bent at the elbow left hand freely located in front of the body at a slight angle to the body. The position of the body with right-sided scoliosis changes in a mirror manner: a person lies on his left side, stretching the lower leg and bending the upper.

Sleeping on your back is not prohibited if you have a curvature of the spine. But in this case, the torso should be positioned strictly parallel to the plane of the bed. Therefore, the pillow should not be too high and the mattress should not be too soft.

Lying on your stomach with scoliosis is not recommended. This sleeping position prevents the intervertebral discs from hydrating as fluid spills into the abdominal cavity. The internal organs in this position are compressed, which prevents their full blood supply, and the muscles cannot relax.

Many patients are interested in whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial for scoliosis. Most experts do not approve of this idea. Sufficient rigidity is ensured by a properly selected mattress. And catching a cold while sleeping on the floor is quite possible. This, in turn, can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the back.

Is it possible to sleep on a board if you have scoliosis? Here you need to be even more careful. If a person lies on a hard surface, the spine arches upward. In addition, internal organs are pinched and blood circulation becomes difficult. Without special purpose such methods are contraindicated by the attending physician.

Which mattress is better to buy?

This is a key element of any bed, through which the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases is carried out. It is the mattress that provides complete relaxation and long-term back traction for scoliosis.

The main criterion when choosing a mattress is hardness. A bed base that is too soft is not able to provide the spine with an anatomically correct position. It sags down, and the distance between the spinal discs decreases. Therefore, this option is the worst.

At and above, it is recommended to choose an orthopedic hard mattress. It will support the spinal column in the correct position, prevent its further lateral curvature, and relieve pain. This product is especially necessary in the presence of an intervertebral hernia.

Semi-rigid mattresses are well suited for and for the prevention of disease. They will preserve the natural physiological curves of the spinal column and ensure optimal distance between the discs.

Orthopedic mattresses for the treatment of scoliosis come in three types:

  1. Spring. Such products relieve tension from the back muscles, while maintaining the anatomically correct position of the spine. This optimal choice at .
  2. Springless. They are stuffed with natural, environmentally friendly materials: coconut shavings, hay, cotton wool, foam rubber, latex. Some fillers have a memory effect: they are able to accurately reproduce the contours of the human body.
  3. Inflatable. These are compact products that can be used while traveling.

It is useful to sleep on a mattress made of independent spring blocks. This product precisely adapts to the contours of the body, providing the spine and back muscles with complete rest.

When choosing a mattress, first of all you need to pay attention to the following properties:

  1. Hygiene. The product must not contain substances that have a strong odor or cause allergic reaction body. The possibility of harmful elements accumulating in the mattress or insects settling in it should be excluded.
  2. Anatomical. The mattress should follow the curves of the body, while simultaneously providing support for the spine in the physiologically correct position.
  3. Therapeutic functions. Properly selected one helps to relax the back muscles and exercises the function of tensioning the spine.
  4. Comfort. Only comfortable bedding will provide a person with a good night's rest.

Without relaxing the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, night rest will not be complete. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of pillow responsibly. It should not be too high and soft so that the vertebrae are not pinched. At the same time, sleeping without a pillow is harmful to your health.

The best option would be a cushion under the head. Its width should correspond to the shoulder girdle, and its height should be selected individually experimentally. The main thing is that there is no depression between the back and the back of the head, and that the spine remains straight.

Modern orthopedic pillows most often made of latex and foam rubber. They hold the cervical vertebrae well, allowing them to breathe. Less common are coir-latex fillers and models with reinforced springs.

Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations when choosing orthopedic pillows:

  • models with filler without springs are preferred;
  • For a child, it is better to purchase pillows made of “breathable” material (for example, coconut);
  • It is better for adults and teenagers to sleep on bolster pillows with memory foam;
  • For advanced stage disease, rigid orthopedic models with filler are suitable.

Choosing bedding and sleeping position is an important part of scoliosis prevention. But it should be supplemented with exercises and strength exercises.

Scoliosis is a disease that an adult usually views under the prism: “It doesn’t hurt, but that’s okay!” It is also believed that it is necessary to treat it only in children. It is true that treatment of childhood curvatures is most successful in childhood. This is explained by better skeletal plasticity in childhood. Unfortunately, our adult scoliosis is a consequence of an untreated disease in childhood. It is almost impossible to correct scoliotic deformity in adulthood. But it is possible and necessary to partially reduce or prevent the further development of scoliosis, without waiting for it to become painful. And an orthopedic mattress can help with this.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress for scoliosis

Let's figure out why you should say “no” to scoliosis, even if you

  • adult,
  • you have no time
  • you only go to the hospital under threat of death or when the pain is very bad

Isn’t it better to let him quietly and calmly develop himself further? Well, if you’re a little crooked, so what? Tea will not get you married or down the aisle...

Dangers of third degree contortions

Alas, this disease will not always be so kind. With, if you remember, the angle of curvature is already so large that the spine begins to twist around its own axis. And then, to the surprise of where the humps suddenly appeared in the area of ​​the ribs and shoulder blades, and why the chest suddenly became sunken, the “tunnel” syndrome is added:

  1. Nerves in the curved spinal tunnel are pinched
  2. Pain and dysfunction occur in internal organs associated with these nerves
  3. Motor reflexes in the limbs are disrupted (for example, the feet stop bending, etc.)

How does an orthopedic mattress work?

Thanks to a special design with increased rigidity, the orthopedic mattress holds the body in the desired position and prevents the spine from sagging during sleep.

Since it has no contraindications, it can be recommended to absolutely all people for the prevention of scoliosis and comfortable sleep. You need to sleep only on a flat surface.

Types of mattresses

According to the degree of hardness, mattresses are divided into three groups:

  • Soft goods
  • Semi-rigid mattresses
  • Increased rigidity products

Which mattress is better to choose?

The answer to this question is determined by many factors:

  • Your age
  • The degree of development of scoliotic deformity, if any
  • Presence of other spinal pathologies
  1. If there are no deviations, then it is better to choose semi-rigid mattress, since in this case it is most comfortable
  2. Orthopedic hard mattress for scoliosis, it is selected in the following cases: In childhood with progressive curvature. In the third case - with severe pain or the presence of an intercostal hernia
  3. Soft mattress better suited: In old age, in the presence of osteoporosis. With low weight

When choosing a mattress, you need to be guided by your feelings: the type that makes you most comfortable is suitable.

Orthopedic mattress design

Depending on the type of filler, this bedding is divided into groups:

Based on material with memory effect (polyurethane, latex foam)

These mattresses can provide maximum comfort as they take the shape of all your curves.

However, if you sleep restlessly and toss and turn from side to side all night, then this mattress, alas, is not for you, and you need to choose a different design

With springs

A spring orthopedic device is more suitable for a double bed, as it takes into account the difference in weight and prevents rolling on each other

With a “winter-summer” effect (fillers: foam rubber, latex, coconut coir, etc.)

The fillings on both sides of the mattress are different:

  • in summer we sleep on one side, which ensures no greenhouse effect and better ventilation
  • in winter - turn it over to the side where the heat-saving top coating is

How to get used to a mattress

When moving to an ultra-comfortable mattress (according to all the advertising claims), you may be disappointed:

  • On the contrary, it became uncomfortable to sleep
  • When waking up in the body - a feeling of fatigue or even pain

However, do not rush to return the product to the store and attack the sellers:

How long have you slept on your usual, long-lost and sagging mattress? Probably more than one year. During this time, you got used to it and literally grew together.

Now it takes some time to get used to a new, tougher friend. Be patient a little and you will see that toughness really can be a good thing.

If two months have passed and the discomfort has not gone away, it means that you chose the wrong remedy.

Perhaps it is too hard for you or, on the contrary, soft

Before choosing an orthopedic mattress, you can consult an orthopedist. It’s a good idea to choose the time for at least an X-ray of the spine, and then just go to the store. It’s better to spend a few hours and very little money than to hastily buy a “pig in a poke”, which is not cheap at all, and then go to change it.

The role of the orthopedic pillow

The effectiveness of the mattress and the comfort level will increase if, in tandem with it, you purchase and

If the mattress on your bed is orthopedic, and the pillow is ordinary, then it can discredit the mattress, since cervical osteochondrosis will give the following symptoms:

  • Tension and pain in the shoulder and neck muscles
  • Feeling tired, migraine, dizzy, etc.

Without sleep, in a bad mood, you will exchange the new product you just bought, and the pillow will be to blame.

A mattress is not a panacea for all ills

When buying an orthopedic mattress for scoliosis, you need to remember that it is impossible to cure the disease with its help:

  • Can reduce pain in severe scoliosis
  • Slow down the progression of the disease and create a comfortable body position with curvature of the first or second degree

Treatment for scoliosis should be multifaceted.

In severe cases, you may need:

  1. Restoring mobility
  2. Normalization of internal organs
  3. Special with corrective exercises
  4. Asymmetrical swimming under the guidance of a rehabilitation specialist - a specialist in curvatures
  5. Wearing
  6. Thalassotherapy(treatment with natural remedies and climate): Marine climate and water. Wrapping with seaweed and mud, etc.

An orthopedic mattress in this regard can be considered as one of the additional means that alleviate the condition of a patient with scoliosis
