Polunin actors biography. "Gossip" calendar: Slava Polunin and his "Snow Show"




Graduated from Leningradsky state institute culture named after N. K. Krupskaya (St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts) and the variety department of GITIS.

Since 1988, he has worked mainly abroad (lived in London, then near Paris): in England he was awarded the Laurence Olivier Award for the best performance of the year, in Edinburgh his performance was recognized as the best theatrical performance of the festival, in Liverpool and Dublin he received awards for the best show of the season , in Barcelona - an award for clownery, as well as a prize from English critics and Timeout magazine. Received the title of honorary resident of London.

Since 1989, he has come to Russia several times. One of the organizers and directors of the international festival of street theaters “Caravan of Peace” (1990). One of the main founders of the Academy of Fools, which in 1993-1994 held the “Fool Women” festivals at the Moscow Film Center.

On the eve of the January 2008 tour in Berlin (Admiralspalast), a correspondent for the Russian-language German newspaper Europe Express recorded an interview in which Slava Polunin talks about his new idea of ​​theatricalizing life:

In 2010, Slava Polunin celebrated his 60th birthday with friends in his own creative workshop in France on the eve of the “Caravan of Peace” dedicated to the anniversary - an international festival of pantomime and clownery.

On January 24, 2013, Vyacheslav Polunin agreed to become the artistic director of the Great St. Petersburg State Circus on Fontanka and plans to combine the circus with opera, symphonic art, painting and ballet.


Wife - Elena Dmitrievna Ushakova, actress, works with her husband. Children: Ushakov Dmitry; Polunin Pavel, studies at a music school in St. Petersburg (information from the early 2000s); Polunin Ivan, plays on stage with his parents.


  • - Only in the music hall - mime Polunin
  • - Never-before-seen - foreign king
  • - And then Bumbo came... - clown
  • - Four clowns under one roof
  • - How to become a star - yellow clown with a red cylinder nose
  • - Kill the dragon - balloonist, man with a wheelbarrow
  • - Hello, fools! - Yura Kablukov (Heel)(voiced by Andrey Myagkov)
  • - Clown - clown (cameo)
  • - Hoffmaniad - voice acting


Write a review of the article "Polunin, Vyacheslav Ivanovich"



  • (English)
  • (January 20, 2009, Central House of Arts)

Excerpt characterizing Polunin, Vyacheslav Ivanovich

But the cardinal, with a smile, refused.
– Tomorrow I will be in another, calmer place. And I hope Caraffa will forget about me for a while. Well, what about you, Madonna? What will become of you? I can't help you out of your imprisonment, but my friends are quite influential. Can I be of assistance to you?
– Thank you, monseigneur, for your concern. But I don’t have vain hopes, hoping to get out of here... He will never let me go... Not my poor daughter. I live to destroy it. He should have no place among people.
“It’s a pity that I didn’t recognize you earlier, Isidora.” Perhaps we would have become good friends. Now goodbye. You can't stay here. Dad will definitely come to wish me “good luck.” There is no need for you to meet him here. Save your daughter, Madonna... And don’t give up to Karaffa. May God be with you!
– What God are you talking about, monseigneur? – I asked sadly.
“Surely, not the one to whom Caraffa is praying!” Morone smiled goodbye.
I stood there for a moment, trying to remember the image of this wonderful man in my soul, and, waving goodbye, I went out into the corridor.
The sky opened up with a flurry of anxiety, panic and fear!.. Where was my brave, lonely girl now?! What prompted her to leave Meteora?.. For some reason Anna did not respond to my persistent calls, although I knew that she heard me. This instilled even greater anxiety, and I only held on with the last of my strength so as not to succumb to the panic burning my soul, since I knew that Caraffa would certainly take advantage of any weakness of mine. And then I will have to lose before I even begin to resist...
Secluded in “my” chambers, I “licked” old wounds, not even hoping that they would ever heal, but simply trying to be as strong and calm as possible in case of any opportunity to start a war with Caraffa... There is no point in hoping for a miracle it was, because I knew perfectly well that in our case miracles were not expected... Everything that happens, I will have to do only myself.
Inaction was killing, making me feel forgotten by everyone, helpless and unnecessary... And although I knew perfectly well that I was wrong, the worm of “black doubt” successfully gnawed at my inflamed brain, leaving there a bright trace of uncertainty and regrets...
I didn’t regret that I was with Caraffa myself... But I was terribly afraid for Anna. And also, I still couldn’t forgive myself for the death of my father and Girolamo, my beloved and the best people in the world for me... Will I ever be able to avenge them?.. Isn’t everyone right when they say that Caraffa cannot be defeated ? That I won’t destroy him, but will just die stupidly myself?.. Was the North really right in inviting him to go to Meteora? And was it really possible that the hope of destroying the Pope all this time lived only in me?!..
And one more thing... I felt that I was very tired... Inhumanly, terribly tired... Sometimes it even seemed - wouldn’t it have been better to go to Meteora?.. After all, someone went there?.. And why They weren’t worried that people were dying around them. It was important for them to KNOW, to receive intimate KNOWLEDGE, since they considered themselves exceptionally gifted... But, on the other hand, if they were truly so “exceptional,” then how could they forget the simplest, but in my opinion, our very important commandment is - do not retire while others need your help... How could they just close themselves off so easily, without even looking around, without trying to help others?.. How did they calm their souls?..
Of course, my “indignant” thoughts had nothing to do with the children in Meteora... This war was not their war, it concerned only adults... And the kids still had to walk long and hard along the path of knowledge in order to be able to protect your home, your family and everyone good people living on our strange, incomprehensible Earth.
No, I was thinking specifically about adults... About those who considered themselves too “special” to risk their “precious” lives. About those who preferred to sit out in Meteora, inside its thick walls, while the Earth was bleeding and those as gifted as they were going to their deaths in droves...
I have always loved freedom and valued the right of free choice of every individual. But there were moments in life when our personal freedom was not worth millions of lives of other good people... In any case, that’s what I decided for myself... And I wasn’t going to change anything. Yes, there were moments of weakness when it seemed that the sacrifice that was being made would be completely meaningless and in vain. That she won't change anything about it cruel world... But then the desire to fight returned again... Then everything fell into place, and with all my being I was ready to return to the “battlefield”, despite how unequal the war was...
Long, hard days crawled by in a string of “unknowns,” and still no one bothered me. Nothing changed, nothing happened. Anna was silent, not responding to my calls. And I had no idea where she was, or where I could look for her...
And then one day, mortally tired of empty, endless waiting, I finally decided to fulfill my long-standing, sad dream - knowing that I would probably never be able to see my beloved Venice in another way, I decided to go there “by breath” to say goodbye ...
It was May outside, and Venice was dressing up like a young bride, meeting her most beautiful holiday- the holiday of Love...
Love hovered everywhere - the air itself was saturated with it!.. Bridges and canals breathed with it, it penetrated into every corner of the elegant city... into every fiber of every lonely soul living in it... For this one day, Venice turned into a magical flower love - burning, intoxicating and beautiful! The streets of the city were literally “drowning” in countless numbers Red roses, with lush “tails” hanging down to the very water, gently caressing it with fragile scarlet petals... All of Venice was fragrant, exuding the smells of happiness and summer. And for this one day, even the most gloomy inhabitants of the city left their homes, and smiling with all their might, they expected that maybe on this beautiful day even they, sad and lonely, would smile at the capricious Love...
The holiday began from the very early morning, when the first rays of the sun were just beginning to gild the city canals, showering them with hot kisses, from which they, blushing shyly, were filled with red bashful highlights... Right there, not even allowing you to wake up properly, under the windows The first love romances were already gently sounding from the city beauties... And the magnificently dressed gondoliers, having decorated their polished gondolas in a festive scarlet color, waited patiently at the pier, each hoping to seat the brightest beauty of this wonderful, magical day.

The creator of one of the most successful and popular clown enterprises in the world and the very popular play “Snow Symphony” on American Broadway has been repeatedly included in the Forbes magazine rating as a highly paid representative Russian show business. Vyacheslav Polunin is probably the most charming participant on this list. Now he lives in the outskirts of Paris, in a large house, which is noisy, like a circus tent.

early years

Vyacheslav Polunin was born on June 12, 1950 in the Oryol region, in the small village of Novosil. Parents - Ivan Pavlovich and Maria Nikolaevna - were trade workers. As a child, Vyacheslav read a lot and constantly invented something. I never bought games, I made everything with my own hands based on the plots of the books I read. For his creative activity he received many school certificates and awards.

When he was ten years old, he became interested in what is now considered the art form land art. He built eight-story huts in the nearby forest, and in winter, entire cities made of snow. And once he made a huge three-meter slingshot, which was made from rubber from motorcycle inner tubes and a leather hat. From it Slava shot a large carrot or a piece of brick. The shell flew far, across the entire field.

Vyacheslav Polunin says that he was lucky with teacher Nina Mikhailovna at the House of Pioneers, who gave children complete creative freedom and helped them develop. He spent all his free evenings there. Children organized KVN, recreation evenings, every weekend local residents came to the House of Pioneers, because interesting experiences awaited them there.

I want to be a clown

In his childhood he was very fond of comedies. The local cinema was located opposite the school. The huge barn in which the movies were shown had a window on the side. Vyacheslav Polunin, since there was no money, asked some person who had a ticket to move the curtain a little. Through this crack the boy watched many films, including cult Soviet films: “Jolly Fellows”, “Ivan Brovkin in the Virgin Lands” and “Pitkin’s Adventures in the Hospital”.

He especially liked comedies, which he simply “absorbed.” Then the boy retold them, depicted the characters in the film, explained the plot and showed what the characters did and how. But most of all, Vyacheslav Polunin was struck by Charlie Chaplin, whose film “The Kid” is considered the best film of all time. However, Marcel Marceau played a decisive role in choosing a profession and even a way of life. Having seen the great mime on TV, within a few days he was performing a pantomime in the yard. Then he got on the school stage, then played in all sorts of local productions, and so he got to St. Petersburg.

Finding a profession

After graduating from school, Vyacheslav Polunin went to Leningrad to enter the theater school. At the interview he was told that he could not pronounce 33 letters. Then he thought, if he couldn’t pronounce, then there was no need, he would do what he liked - pantomime. True, he first began studying at a technical institute. However, he never became an engineer; he decided to start all over again and entered the Institute of Culture, where he later even taught for some time.

The first success came to Vyacheslav on All-Union competition pop artists, where he performed a duet with Sasha Skvortsov. The second prize of the competition was presented to them by Arkady Raikin. The comedians had a dozen successful miniatures that were well received by the audience. The duet became famous, but, as Vyacheslav Polunin himself said, although the audience was delighted - a sea of ​​applause, after two days they were forgotten, because the characters were not interesting, did not create their own world and characters.

Explosion of popularity

In 1968, Polunin created a film that became famous throughout the country. Real success came to him in the form of the clown Asisyai. Vyacheslav Polunin says there was an “explosion” when he first came out in a yellow short suit with a nose and played a number with a telephone. After this number was shown on TV, Slava no longer paid in taxis or restaurants anywhere, such a fantastic love overtook this image.

Then there were other numbers: “Sad Canary” (“Blue-Blue-Blue Canary”), “Nizya”. Vyacheslav Polunin and the group "Lycedei" became popular favorites. However, at some point they became cramped within the same team, and Polunin suggested working separately for some time.

Cirque du Soleil

In 1982, Vyacheslav Polunin organized a mime parade in Leningrad, which attracted about 800 pantomime artists. In 1987, he held the All-Union Festival of Street Theaters, and in 1989 - a caravan of street comedians, which began the European traditional street theater festival "Caravan of Peace". Traveling artists traveled halfway across Europe with concerts. Together with Rolan Bykov, Polunin became the initiator of the Academy of Fools organization.

When the difficult years of perestroika began, Polunin began to think about where to wait out these difficult times. He always dreamed of working in a circus, and so he called the best of them - Cirque du Soleil. Of course, they knew him there for a long time and were very happy that Asisyai wanted to work for them. So he flew to Montreal, but after a year he became homesick. The famous team worked like a machine: everything was according to the script, no improvisation.

"Yellow Mill"

When he was released from the circus, he decided to work in London. I called the director of the Hackney Empire Theater (where Charlie Chaplin's career began) and asked for shelter for a year with his performance. He was given a stage for 40 performances a year. The "Living Rainbow" performances were a huge success. For this show to Vyacheslav Polunin British Queen awarded the title "Honorary Londoner".

Then there was New York, where Polunin gave a thousand performances in Union Square. For nine months he tried to sign a contract with the producers, but he was not satisfied with the harsh conditions. And then, together with his Australian colleagues, he simply rented the Union Square Theater, in the basement of which they made a Russian club. Photos of Vyacheslav Polunin from these performances graced many city newspapers.

When it came to choosing a place of residence, the artist settled on Paris - at that time the producer offered him a contract for three years in this city. The actor said that he would agree: “But then you buy and equip the Mill, and I will go into slavery for three years.” In general, a whole humorous collection can be compiled from the apt and funny statements of Vyacheslav Polunin.

Since 2013, Polunin worked for several years as the director of the St. Petersburg circus. Now the artist is engaged in new projects and tours a lot around the world.

personal information

Vyacheslav Polunin is married to actress Elena Ushakova, who works with him. The couple has three children:

  • Ushakov Dmitry - works as the technical director of the Polunin Theater;
  • Ivan Polunin - also works as an artist, in the same theater;
  • Pavel Polunin - musician.

Now the Polunin house is located near Paris, as the head of the family says, he chose the place so that the distance was no more than 30 minutes from the airport and high-speed train, otherwise friends would not be able to stop by. True, they live there no more than three months a year, and spend the same amount of time in Russia. Every year they make a two-month tour of Siberia, and always visit Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi.

Every child dreams of being in a fairy tale. And many parents enjoy attending children's shows, especially if they are created by real wizards, which, of course, includes the famous clown, mime and director Vyacheslav Polunin. After all, many, many years ago, they themselves were delighted with the touching Asisyai, whom, having seen once, it is impossible to forget.

Today the viewer has the opportunity to once again watch a sad and funny little man in a yellow overalls during a performance that one usually only hears about positive reviews. We can talk for a long time about the performance “Snow Show” by Slava Polunin, but first it’s worth saying a few words about its creator.

Who is Asisyai

For the first time, a clown with that name appeared before the audience in the mid-80s during performances at the Litsedei Theater. In those days, the name of the artist, hiding behind the makeup of a touching little man with sad eyes, was known only to a few, even in our country. However, only a few years passed, and English critics awarded the prestigious Laurence Olivier Award in the category “Best Performance of the Year,” and then the jury members of several prestigious festivals, such as Edinburgh and Dublin, followed their example. In addition, the clown is an honorary citizen of London and actively promotes the idea of ​​“blurring” the line between art and life.

On this moment Vyacheslav Polinin directs the Great St. Petersburg State Circus. In addition, he travels all over the world with his performances, which are always popular with audiences from different countries.

“Snow Show” by Slava Polunin: description

The performance has existed for more than 15 years, and during this time it has been seen by audiences in Italy, Great Britain, Korea, Mexico and in a number of other countries, on several continents.

This is a full-fledged show of the European level, but with a Russian soul, where magnificent effects are organically woven into the story of the loneliness of a little man confronting an entire hostile world.

If we talk about the structure of the play, it consists of several miniatures. Each of them is a full-fledged completed number. Among the miniatures there are many hits that are well known to viewers. Among them are “Blue Canary” and Asisyaya’s conversation on the phone. A unique connection between the fragments of the theatrical performance is provided by a group of cheerful clowns in funny costumes reminiscent of peacoats, who actively involve the audience in their fun and even walk on the backs of chairs.

At the end of the performance there is paper snow, which is very similar to the real thing and delights not only children, but also many adults.


The main thing that the reviews point out is that Slava Polunin’s “Snow Show” is full of magic. And what, if not a miracle, can we call what Asisyai does with inanimate objects, for example, with an ordinary coat that suddenly comes to life and begins to move? The act with a ball that does not want to obey the clown’s whistle and rebels against attempts to impose its will on it looks no less magical.

Extreme ground game

Those who are in this part of the auditorium during the performance are, in a sense, the same participants in the theatrical performance. As reviews show, Slava Polunin’s “Snow Show” is extremely exciting to watch from the extreme stalls, especially if you are not afraid of being doused with water, getting tangled in a web, or having your bag “stolen.” And to top it off, you will be invited to play lapta with giant balls, and believe me, you are unlikely to refuse, even if you have long since left childhood!

Who should go

The main thing that interests those who want to attend Slava Polunin’s “Snow Show” is reviews. They do not recommend going to this show with children under 8 years old, but, apparently, older children should most likely like the show. At the same time, much depends on the character and interests of the child, although the creators of the play made sure that young spectators did not get bored. First of all, the intermission has been moved closer to the beginning, so the children do not have time to waste their attention and continue to follow what is happening without distraction.

In addition, as reviews show, Slava Polunin’s “Snow Show” is interesting for adults who have not hardened their hearts. Obviously, the fact that fathers of modern boys and girls still remember how much pleasure Asisyaya’s appearance on stage or screen gave them in childhood also plays a role, and they are simply glad to have another meeting with him and the opportunity to relive these emotions again.

“Snow Show” by Slava Polunin: positive reviews

Many leave the auditorium absolutely delighted with what they saw. Among the reviews, you can even hear many complaints that the show is too short, and they did not have time to get the most out of it.

The joy of what they see is most often expressed by children who have the opportunity to play with huge balls, roll around in paper snow and be captured by a huge shiny web stretched over an extreme ground.

As for adults, many admit that at a certain moment tears come to their eyes and their hearts ache when they understand the deep meaning of what Slava Polunin wants to convey to them.

Negative reviews

As you know, there are no comrades according to taste, so after attending a performance there are those who are dissatisfied. As reviews show, Slava Polunin’s “Snow Show” is usually criticized due to the inconvenience caused by poor visibility of the stage. What can you say: since the performance is shown in dozens of cities and in rooms with different layouts, it is quite natural that it is not always possible to arrange the scenery and other props in such a way as not to cause the displeasure of the viewer who bought tickets for seats remote from the center in the stalls or on balconies. In addition, many complain that ticket prices are too high and even feel that they were cheated because the show did not live up to their expectations. But everyone decides for himself whether he should go to the performance or not, and everything else is a matter of personal preferences, which depend on many factors and cannot be taken into account by the creators of the performance. At the same time, a negative review of the “Snow Show” by Slava Polunin (Russia) from a friend or neighbor is not a reason not to take your children to see it.

What does Polunin himself think about his show?

The author of this unique performance considers one of the main advantages of his show to be its unpredictability and the fact that in the 16 years that it has been on stage, there has not been a single performance similar to the previous ones. And this is not surprising. After all, several generations of viewers have already watched it, and the children of the late 2000s, born in the era of the “dashing 90s” with their shortage, including real art, have been replaced by boys and girls, spoiled by spectacles and cannot imagine their lives without gadgets. In addition, the clown notes that the perception of the performance differs depending on the country in which it is staged, since the viewer looks at the action taking place on stage through the prism of the cultural traditions inherent in their people. For example, relatively recently, Polunin told reporters that he was surprised by the behavior of the Spaniards, who do not distinguish between the hall and the stage and are actively trying to occupy the latter, since the clowns have “gone to the people.” In addition, he joked more than once about the fact that their team is often summoned to court in Australia, since the local population has a specific sense of humor and perceives some jokes as a personal insult.


As already mentioned, attending Polunin’s show is an expensive pleasure. Even the cheapest tickets for it cost on average (in rubles):

  • for balconies - from 3000;
  • to the amphitheater - from 3250;
  • stall box - 4000;
  • ground floor - 5000;
  • extreme ground -7000;
  • VIP - 4000.

Obviously, not every family can afford to pay 6,000 rubles or more to take their child to a show, even if it’s very high level and with your favorite artist in leading role. However, if funds allow, you should not deprive your son or daughter, or even yourself, of the pleasure of coming into contact with magic. When else will you have the opportunity to visit a real fairy tale, the ending of which everyone can come up with on their own?

Now you know what Vyacheslav Polunin’s “Snow Show” is. Plus, you'll know the positive and negative reviews of what's happening on stage, so you can decide whether you want to attend the show or whether it's worth taking your kids to see it.

Actor, director, clown. People's Artist of Russia (2001).

Vyacheslav Polunin in the West they call him the best clown of the world and era. Polunin is the winner of many prestigious theater awards, including the Edinburgh Golden Angel, the Spanish Golden Nose, the Laurence Olivier Award, etc. In Russia in 2000, he was awarded the Triumph Award.

Vyacheslav Polunin. Biography

Vyacheslav Polunin born on June 12, 1950 in the Oryol region, in the city of Novosil. His parents (Polunin Ivan Pavlovich and Polunina Maria Nikolaevna) worked in trade. Polunin's wife Elena Dmitrievna is an actress, and she works together with her husband, a famous clown. A Vyacheslav Polunin three children: Dmitriy, Paul And Ivan(he plays on stage with his parents).

After graduating from school, Vyacheslav went to Leningrad to enter the theater institute, but the attempt failed, and he began to study to become an engineer. However, career the engineer did not take place. Polunin dropped out of a technical university and entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Later he began teaching there.

It was the Leningrad period of Polunin’s life that was marked by the creation in 1968 of the group “ Actors", which showed performances in the genre of pantomime. A turning point for Vyacheslav Polunin became 1981: then A little man named Asisyai appeared in a yellow overall, with a red scarf and red slippers.

In 1982, Polunin organized in Leningrad " Mime Parade", which brought together 800 pantomime artists from all over the country. Also the famous clown became the organizer of the All-Union Festival of Street Theaters in Leningrad (1987). In 1989 - the European festival of street theaters “Caravan of Peace”, which traveled around European cities for six months. Then " Academy of Fools”, which began a grandiose project to revive carnival culture in Russia.

Now Polunin and his wife live in London, where they rent a large house, but often come to Moscow.

Vyacheslav Polunin. Filmography

Tender show 3D (2012)

Little Hunchback (2010)

Hoffmaniad (2009)

Clown (short, 2002)

Hello, fools! (1996)

Kill the Dragon (1989)

How to Be a Star (1986)

And then came Bumbo... (1984)

Nevernever (1983)

Only in the music hall (TV, 1980)

Vyacheslav Polunin

If you go out into the street and ask the first person you meet to name a mime, then maybe he will remember Marcel Marceau. If you live in France. But in Russia, exactly half of those surveyed will immediately name Vyacheslav Polunin, and the other half, moving their lips, will remember for a long time, and then enlightenedly squeeze out the cherished: “Asisyay!” And not because he doesn’t remember his last name - the fact is that in our country Vyacheslav Polunin means much more than just a “mime”.

Now that Polunin has already passed sixty, he is one of the most revered clowns in Russia (and throughout the world). But we all come from childhood, and Polunin too - he dreamed of becoming an artist from a very young age.

Vyacheslav Polunin - charm without makeup

In general, at first there was pantomime, and then classic silent comedies grew out of it. With little Slava, everything turned out the other way around: if in his distant childhood he had not watched Chaplin’s cult feature film “The Kid”, perhaps there would not have been any great mime Polunin in nature, but would have been, say, a factory director or an academician. But let’s dispense with the subjunctive mood and simply state that it was Chaplin who influenced Slava’s desire to become an artist. Well, quite a worthy example to follow.

Polunin’s homeland is the tiny town of Novosil, which is also best years numbered less than five thousand people. Of course, there was no point in him even thinking about getting an acting education - but he could become, hmm, an excellent electrician. But young Polunin was not at all attracted to this option, and after school he went to Leningrad to enter the theater school - to the strong displeasure of Vyacheslav’s mother, who dreamed that her son would choose a more practical profession.

Vyacheslav Polunin in the play “Litsedeev”

But alas! — Polunin’s hopes turned out to be in vain: he was not accepted into the theater because of some vague “diction defects.” Who knows, maybe it was then that Polunin first had the idea in his speeches to completely abandon this very diction and words in general? Be that as it may, after studying economics for some time, he found the strength to quit his unloved occupation and entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture.

It was there that the legendary “Litsedei” appeared - a great comic troupe, which later grew into a real theater. Polunin created it when he was only nineteen. The “actors” began to gain popularity quickly and methodically: first among students, in a “narrow circle” limited people", then throughout Leningrad. By the end of the seventies, the Lyceums were an absolutely professional troupe with several performances and wildly popular acts in their baggage. And then there was HE - Polunin’s television debut on Blue Light, memorable for millions of viewers, on December 31, 1980. And local fame overnight turned into an all-Union one.

But even if the whole country knew “Asisyaya” now, he was not going to rest on his laurels. The eighties were the era of the “Litsedeev”, and Polunin himself constantly invented new projects, including international ones. The peak of all this “expressive idiocy” was the celebration of the theater’s twentieth anniversary and its solemn funeral - with coffins on stage, an orchestra and everything else. This happened in 1988, and from that moment Polunin went on a solo voyage. He worked mainly abroad, and there, in 1993, he staged the grandiose play “SNOW SHOW” - perhaps the main creation in his life.

Polunin brought it to Russia late - already at the beginning of the new century. But the years of absence did not mean that Polunin was forgotten here; on the contrary, the greater was the joy of the meeting. We still lovingly call this multiple laureate, honorary doctor, sir, knight and field marshal Slava - and there is not an ounce of familiarity in this. Just like his beloved Chaplin - only Charlie, and nothing else.
