Technique for performing exercises with a butterfly expander. "Butterfly" (simulator): exercises, photos, reviews Universal butterfly simulator

Good day, dear readers!

Summer is in the air and the beach season is in full swing. Some of you have prepared in advance for the long-awaited vacation, others are frantically trying to find a miracle cure for the perfect figure, which can be obtained in three days.

If someone is upset when they find out that such a remedy does not exist, contact me - I won’t find a miracle cure, but I’ll tell you miracle exercises. Then by the next beach season, only the phrases “order a tour at sea”, “ best resorts and hotels” and “swimwear catalogue”.

And now I am happy to share with you the very miracle tool that will help you achieve better results. I present to you the butterfly expander exercises for the hips and buttocks, which are simple and highly effective.

Friends, I’m writing specifically for those who need to be reminded that you can’t eat everything all day long and stay slim and fit (unless, of course, you are a happy owner, although it would be nice for them to stick to proper nutrition).

It would seem, what is difficult? And just at this time, your little assistant will greatly complicate the training process for you. But do not lose heart, only the first few sessions will be hard, and then get involved.

It is well known that strengthening the inner thighs is quite difficult, and there are not so many special exercises. I will share with you tips on how to modify the exercise. There is dynamic and static muscle work. It has been proven that static muscle work causes more calories to be expended.

Bringing your legs together with the expander, try to stay at the maximum point of tension for 3-5 seconds (you can easily increase the time to 30 seconds or up to 1 minute, it all depends on your capabilities), then slowly spread your legs. Do not under any circumstances sudden movements so as not to accidentally injure the muscle or ligaments.

Exercise for the buttocks and the inner surface of the legs

  • Get down on the floor on your back, hold the expander with your hips. Slowly lift the pelvis up, squeezing the "butterfly", linger at the top point for 3-5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. You can perform the same exercise in statics, holding at the top point for the maximum possible time. And soon your buttocks will become like a nut!

  • Take a body position on your side and bend your knees and hold the expander, slowly bring and spread your knees. The secret is the same - stay at the maximum point of tension for a while and do not rush to relax the muscles.

Beauty in the hands

Expander "Butterfly" can be deservedly called a universal thing. It is suitable not only for the hips and buttocks, but also helps to work out the upper body perfectly.

Raise the expander at chest level, spread your elbows in different directions, slowly bring your hands together, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position. Performing the exercise, you will perfectly strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and back.

Today I shared with you a miracle remedy that will help you get in shape, strengthen muscles and improve strength. I am sure that you will appreciate the "Butterfly". Follow the news. All the most interesting things are ahead of us!

In contact with

This machine is one of the cheapest and easiest to work out that you can get for home workouts and exercises. The butterfly expander works on compression and allows you to work out almost all muscle groups that work on contraction, including pectoral muscles, hamstrings, shoulders, arms, abs, and even triceps and upper back.

Below I will show you exercises with a butterfly expander that you can perform at home or in gym. Ideally, such training should last at least 20-30 minutes a day in order to achieve good results. The number of repetitions should be done from failure, that is, at least 15-20. Moreover, you can break the training into several parts and spend it during the day. And do not forget to warm up the whole body before exercising.

Inner thigh muscles

This exercise is the most common. Sit on a chair so that your hips can move freely and put your feet together, holding the expander between your knees so that its head is down. Then put your palms on his handles and start squeezing the expander using the strength of your hips. In total, you need to do up to 50 times, you can do it in several approaches.

The same exercise can also be performed while lying on your side.


Hold the expander between your forearms, as shown in the photo. Hands should be pointing down. Now squeeze them together, keeping your elbows as close together as possible. Then slowly release and repeat.

upper body

This exercise is a good choice if you want to develop your shoulders and upper chest. Just take the butterfly in your hands and lift it up, almost vertically. Then, using the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, begin to compress the expander. This can be done quickly or slowly, and for more effort, keep your arms as far away from your body as possible.


Put one handle of the expander on the thigh, and put the forearm on top of the second. In this case, the elbow should be pressed as close to the body as possible. Now press the top handle to squeeze the expander. Then slowly return to the starting position.


Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place the butterfly between your knees so that the handle is about half way between your thighs and the other handle is in front of your face, as shown in the photo. Then lift your legs off the floor, squeezing the expander and feeling the tension in the abdominals. Slowly return to the starting position.

These exercises with a butterfly expander will allow you to work out all the necessary muscles to look slim and fit. Good luck!

I see that I have infected many with this thing)))

At the request of those who do not understand what to do with it, I took pictures. sorry for the quality, it's hard to hold a butterfly and focus)))))

So. Where do we put it:

We rest it in a place under the knee, where it is firm. It doesn't hurt that much.

The photo is upside down

Here general form(sorry for the light eroticism))))

It is in a relaxed state.

Here on compression

See where it goes

It does not hurt. If the butterfly is located correctly, then it does not press on one point, but evenly with its entire surface!

I managed to take a picture from the side:

It's under full compression. Pay attention - the butterfly does not look up, but towards the knee, that is, as a continuation of the thigh.

Here's a not-so-complicated thing. I really don’t understand what’s complicated there and why it jumps out of you or presses painfully.

Effect in 2 months. Did not do every day, with breaks. In general, I rocked for about 30-40 days. On average, 40-50 times 6-8 approaches.

The jelly has completely disappeared, you can’t show this in the photo, but to the touch the leg in the most problematic place is much firmer.

In almost every gym you can find a wonderful and indispensable in its functions simulator with a beautiful name. Expander "butterfly" refers to a group of strength training equipment, it is so named because during its use the movements resemble the wings of a butterfly. "Butterfly" is indispensable for women who want to work out the muscles of the chest region and achieve a beautiful bust line. It can also train the buttocks, legs, hips, arms and even the press. "Butterfly" will help to strengthen both individual parts of the body with the help of isolated exercises, and the relief of the body as a whole.

Exercises on the expander "butterfly" for the hips, legs, buttocks

The butterfly expander is effective for training the lower body, its work is based on the principles of elastic deformation.

Exercises for the thighs and inner legs

The most effective exercise for the inner thighs is the reduction and breeding of bent legs. There are not so many exercises for this zone, and this is one of the most effective.


  • Sit on the simulator like a chair, bend your legs at the knees.
  • Feet should be firmly pressed to the floor surface.
  • Bring and spread your legs, trying to stay at the maximum point for 3-5 seconds.
  • Do not make sudden movements: this can damage the ligaments.
  • Gently bring and spread your legs, keep your back straight.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times in 3 sets. At first, use light weights, gradually increasing the load.


Exercises for the buttocks and the inner surface of the legs

On the "butterfly" you can effectively work out the gluteal relief, for this an exercise in a lying position is ideal.


  • Lie on your back, hold the expander between your thighs.
  • Slowly lift your pelvis up, squeezing the "butterfly".
  • Hold at the top for 3-5 seconds and slowly come back down.
  • Repeat the exercise 50 times in 5 sets.


  • Lie on your side, bend your knees.
  • Hold the expander between your legs and slowly spread your knees.
  • Hold at the maximum point and keep the muscles in tension.
  • Repeat 50 times for 5 sets.

Exercises for a flat stomach and strong abs with the butterfly machine

Abdominal workouts with an expander bring excellent results if done correctly and regularly. Remember a few basic exercises.


  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees.
  • Hold one handle of the expander between your legs, fix the second with your hands.
  • The head of the simulator should look up.
  • Raise your legs, squeezing the projectile and strain your abs.
  • Repeat the exercise 40 times in 4 sets.


  • Fix the expander on the wall, turn your back to it and take it from above.
  • Sit on your knees and pull so that your elbows drop to your knees.
  • Having reached the lowest point, tighten the press and linger for 3-5 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times for 3 sets.


  • Fix the expander at the bottom of the wall.
  • Take a pen and stand sideways.
  • Step back a little and do a movement similar to cutting with an ax with a twist of the torso.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Do 40 reps for 4 sets, alternating sides.

Exercises for the arms and chest on the "butterfly" expander

The simulator uses the area of ​​the pectoralis major muscle, the clavicle, the anterior delta and the short head of the biceps. Thus, you not only shake your arms, but also tighten your chest.

Butterfly abduction is a key movement for creating strong arms and a beautiful line of the female bust. For correct execution exercises, you need to adjust the simulator specifically for yourself. Set your comfort level pectoral muscles and starting position for hands. To do this, move the stick responsible for choosing the weight to the desired height on the adjustment scale.

Sit on the simulator always straight, keep your back straight, make sure that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Rest your feet on the floor and look forward.

Recommendations for reducing hands on the simulator "butterfly"

  1. Try not to straighten your arms to the end, keep them slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. Hold at the point of convergence, tighten the pectoral muscles.
  3. Do not throw weight, but slowly spread your arms, maintaining tension.
  4. Bring your hands together faster than you spread them.
  5. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor.
  6. With a strong asymmetry of the chest, you can only reduce to one hand in order to pump up the muscles.
  7. The number of repetitions on each side should match if you do not have obvious asymmetry.
  8. Start with small weights, gradually increasing the load with each week of training.


  • Sit on the simulator, as you exhale, begin to bring your hands together.
  • At the end point, bring your hands together so that the pectoral muscles contract, linger in this position for a couple of seconds.
  • It is very important to maintain peak muscle contraction.
  • Perform mixing and dilution of the hands 20 times in 4 sets.

Butterfly expander- a small simulator, consisting of a “head” equipped with a spring, as well as two semicircular levers, moved apart in different directions and made of neoprene, which does not allow it to slip and injure the skin during exercise. The expander functions through the principle of elastic deformation and serves to locally work out various muscle groups.

What muscle groups is it designed for?

Expander "Butterfly" is designed for almost all muscle groups. It is equally good for the upper back, shoulder girdle, pecs, arms, biceps, thighs, buttocks, and abdominal muscles. It has become one of the most sought-after accessories in all fitness clubs, but it can also be used at home.


There are a lot of physical exercises that can be done through this expander. They allow you to maintain excellent physical shape and strengthen the muscles of the body as much as possible.

For hips

  • For such exercises, the position of the body on a solid base is suitable. Place the butterfly between the thighs, while bringing your knees to the maximum to the junction of the handles. The hips should be parted by relaxing the spring. First stage includes no more than 20 exercises. Gradually, they can be brought up to level 50.
  • Exactly the same exercise is done on the floor while sitting. The back does not rest on anything. The abdominal muscles are used to maintain balance. It should be repeated up to 15-20 times.
  • You can resort to the development of the inner thigh and abdominal muscles. In this case, the exercise is performed in a supine position.
  • Lie on your left side, bend your knees. The knees must be between the handrails of the fixture. Slowly take your right knee to the side, then return your leg to its original position. Do the same with the right side. Exercise on each side is 15 times.

For the press

  • To work out the muscles of the press, you should take a supine position. Put your feet on the floor, bend your knees. One handle of the simulator is placed between the thighs, and the other is held in a fixed position by the hands. The head of the device looks up. Raise your legs off the floor, squeeze the expander. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be in a tense state.
  • Attach the expander to the wall. Take one step back and kneel so that they are at a 90-degree angle. The distance from your body to the wall should be about 1 m. Bend your body, bending at the waist, then pull your hands to the floor so that the angle at the elbows is straight. Freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  • Attach the expander to the wall. Turn your back to her and grab the simulator from above. Sit on your knees and pull the expander down so that your elbows come close to your knees. When reaching the lowest point, tighten the abdominal muscles as much as possible and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Attach the machine to the wall so that it is flush with your chest. You should stand sideways against the wall and grab the handle of the expander. Then you should turn your back to the wall and move away from it. Return to starting position.
  • Attach the expander to the bottom of the wall. Take the handle of the expander and stand sideways against the wall. Move away from the wall a little and make a movement resembling an ax cutting. The body must be rotated. Repeat the same on the other side.

For upper body

  • Both sitting and lying position are suitable for performing the exercise. Take the expander with both hands and lift it up. Gradually squeeze the handles of the device. At the same time, the department of the upper part of the shoulder girdle is in tension. The load will be more intense when the arm is moved away from the body for a longer distance.
  • By means of a butterfly, you can use the largest muscle of the back. Place the expander at hand. Its head should look at the body. Bend the handle with your elbow.
  • Another exercise that is very easy to perform is also suitable for the development of the muscles of the spinal region. The simulator should be held in bent arms at the same level with the chest. When exhaling, press on the handles of the expander, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Perform compression smoothly. Exactly this type of exercise can be performed with the arms straight.
  • Take a standing position. Hold the expander behind your back, press it with your left hand to lumbar. With your right hand, press the other handle of the device and grasp the waist area. While inhaling, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise with each hand 10-15 times.
  • Get up. Stretch your arms forward. With an overhand grip, an attempt is made to connect the hands from the back. Initially, the exercises are performed 5 times. As the load is added, they can be increased up to 20 times.

For chest

It is worth noting that exercises designed for the chest muscles also have a beneficial effect on the arms, back and shoulders. Consider several options for exercises:

  • Take the expander so that its head is at the level of your chin, and the handles looked down. The head should be clasped with hands, and the forearms should be placed on the handle.
  • By the same principle exercise with a squeezing effect is performed.
  • Stand up, stretch one leg forward. The second should be in a 45 degree unfolded position. Place the expander behind your back and hold it by the handles. As you exhale, slowly extend your arms forward. Shoulders should not rise. This exercise is recommended to be repeated 10 times.
  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up with the expander folded in half. Do low inclinations to the left, then to the right.
  • Fasten the expander to the wall at the bottom. Stand with your back to the wall and grab the handles of the fixture. Bend your elbows and begin to raise the expander to chest level. For stability, it is recommended to put your foot forward. This exercise can also be done with one hand.
  • Attach the expander to the wall at chest level, stand with your back to the wall and grab the machine by both handles. Extend your arms out to the sides and slowly back away from the wall with one foot forward.


Expander "Butterfly" has become the most affordable tool for adjusting the lines of the body. It is suitable for all age groups. It can be used even by people who have nothing to do with sports.

Exercises with an expander require no more than half an hour a day. You can do shorter sessions throughout the day. They are a great addition to cardio or aerobic workouts. To increase the effectiveness of classes before them, it is recommended to resort to a short warm-up, which will stretch and warm up the muscles.

How to improve the effectiveness of classes

In order for the level of efficiency from exercising with an expander to be high, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't quit your workouts. Physical exercise should be done regularly. At the same time, add the degree of load evenly.
  • Set aside at least half an hour a day for exercise.

Expander for breeding

When you apply effort when doing exercises, then you spread the arms of the expander, thereby stretching the spring. This is how muscles develop that have a spreading function in the thighs.

There are a number of breeding exercises:

  • Get on all fours, fix the expander on your knees. The head should point backwards. Raise your knee to the side as high as your body allows. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times on each leg.
  • Lie on your side, secure the expander with handles around your knees. The head should be pointing down. Spread your knees to the sides to the maximum Do the exercises 30 times.
  • Sit on a chair, fasten the handles of the simulator on your knees so that its head looks down. Spread your knees as wide as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  • Sit on a chair with a high support. Fix the simulator in the knees so that its head looks down. Spread your knees as wide as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

additional information

  • Despite the fact that the developers talk about its versatility, it should still be noted that it does not work out all the muscles.
  • The product weighs very little.
  • Differs in compactness.
  • It has affordable price, but this applies to conventional models. Professional-level models have a fairly high price.
  • When performing exercises for the arms and chest, calluses and unpleasant painful sensations may appear.


With regard to contraindications, it is worth considering that important point that it is not worth overloading the body unnecessarily. Before deciding to exercise with a butterfly, consult a doctor for advice to eliminate all possible side effects.

When exercising with an expander, the legs experience a rather large load. There are certain diseases in the presence of which the use of sports equipment is strictly contraindicated.

Health problems include:

  • fragility of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of a cancerous tumor;
  • skin diseases of an infectious nature;
  • the presence of wounds and ulcers on the legs.
  • By doing exercise muscle tension should coincide with exhalation, and relaxation with a sigh. Proper breathing is the key to a highly effective workout.
  • The number of repetitions of the same movements should be calculated so that you make the last movements with effort.


Many women do not do the exercises all the time and leave them for lack of time or desire. This is considered a big mistake, since the expander will not bring any results in this case.

You should also stop taking heavy high-calorie foods. With normalization, the results from training will be much more effective.
