Do Capricorn husbands cheat on their wives? How to tell if a Capricorn man is cheating on you

This cheating horoscope will tell you how zodiac signs experience cheating, what precedes a breakup on such an occasion, and what will happen if you cheat on Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. This is, of course, a humorous characterization, but, as they say, in every joke...

Couples can break up for a thousand reasons. But despite this and the fact that all people are different, there is one reason why a huge number of unions break up. This is treason. Dealing with betrayal is difficult, and everyone reacts differently. However, it is still possible to identify some common behavioral traits among representatives of individual constellations before, during and after separation due to the betrayal of a partner. So, the horoscope will tell you how they experience betrayal and how the zodiac signs relate to it. Don’t take everything to heart, but... keep it in mind.

How do Aries men and women cope with betrayal?

How does an Aries man feel about cheating?

If you cheat on an Aries man, it is better to leave this person quietly and unnoticed. If he catches you packing your suitcases, he rushes to the front door and locks it. He does not want and cannot believe that you intend to leave such a wonderful man like him. And he will want to return the mind that you have lost to your head... with his hands. Either screaming at the top of his voice, or grabbing your legs, he will stop you, threaten you and demand to know the name of “that bastard” who turned the head of his property – the woman he loves.

However, the horoscope of betrayals of the Zodiac signs warns: if you do not allow yourself to be intimidated, he will quickly lose patience and his tactics will change. What then does Aries do if he has been cheated on? He himself will throw your things out the window with the comment: “You yourself don’t know what you’re doing. Without me you will die, but when you regret it, it will be too late! And since the representative of this sign must always remain on top, get ready for the fact that he will tell everyone that he abandoned you himself.

How does an Aries woman feel about cheating?

The Aries woman, in response to her partner’s betrayal, takes even more painful revenge: about every lover who abandoned her, she willingly tells how short his mind is and what an even shorter genital organ he has.

However, in a week or two, zodiac Aries of both sexes will stop worrying about betrayal and will forget about all this turmoil, as they will start hunting for new game.

How do Taurus men and women cope with betrayal?

How does a Taurus woman feel about cheating?

A Taurus woman, if cheated on, will not allow herself to be abandoned and betrayed so easily. After all, she knows more than one secret of her ex-partner! What will Taurus do after cheating? He will tell one thing, gossip something to another, make friends with a rival, cry into his mother-in-law’s vest, ask his boss for help, for many years he will be suing for alimony and will use any method to not let the cheater out of his hands.

How does a Taurus man feel about cheating?

Stunned by the news of an inevitable separation, Taurus wastes no time in crying and melodramatic scenes. He immediately rushes to cabinets and boxes, checks bank accounts, and leaves his luggage as collateral just in case. You can leave him in only one dress. If a Taurus man cheats, he will not only be worried - he will be devastated. This man is desperately counting the money he lost on movies, flowers, and the expensive gift he senselessly bought last year. Who will now wash his clothes, cook a three-course meal, and weed his garden? The partner cheated on Taurus and left - who will take the broth to his mother in the hospital? A wound in his pocket and budget hurts him more than a wound in his heart, because Taurus never believed in the sincerity of feelings. And always in money!

How do Gemini men and women cope with betrayal?

How does a Gemini woman feel about cheating?

If you cheat on a Gemini girl and lady, she reacts violently and loudly expresses disappointment. Because how could he cheat on her, the perfect woman? But she loved him so much! “I’ll show you again!” — this is how Gemini responds to his partner’s betrayal. She quickly forgets about tears, because the cruelty hidden in her comes to the fore. The Gemini woman who survived betrayal promises herself to finish off her ex, calls him an idiot and is surprised at what she saw in him at one time. Before finally parting with the partner who betrayed her, Gemini will definitely say that he is an absolute zero and will leave traces of her claws on his face. More than once the cheater will see her in the arms of another, because the Gemini woman will never refuse such a trick. She has a lot of fans around her, and living in a love triangle is her specialty.

How does a Gemini man feel about cheating?

How do Gemini men cope with betrayal? They fall into despair because their world has collapsed. Such a person walks as if poisoned, sighs and quickly comes to the conclusion that he must challenge the infidel. Well, she didn’t appreciate the merits of his mind, she was stupid, so there’s no need to regret anything! And, waving his hand, the Gemini man who has survived the betrayal is already approaching his neighbor from the house opposite. At the same time, he is not at all bothered by the fact that she is married. It is important that she is elegant and wealthy. But before he seduces her, Gemini will take comfort in the arms of several other women, because - just like his astrological sister - he always has someone on hand.

How do Cancer men and women cope with betrayal?

How do Cancer women and Cancer men feel about cheating?

The news of Cancer's betrayal is deafening and stunning. A representative of this sign faints, experiences a heart attack, and when he comes to his senses, decides to commit suicide. The Cancer man writes a long letter and calls his friends asking to borrow a gun. The Cancer woman buys rat poison and, before taking it, sends it to ex-lover daughter with the news that she is going to poison herself.

Representatives of both sexes tell everyone they meet along the way about their misfortune and the meanness of their partners. If Cancer is cheated on, then for the next few years, when pronouncing the name of the unfaithful person, his hands will tremble and his eyes will darken. Cancers who have been cheated on and abandoned quickly gain weight and become victims of alcoholism or another disease, just to prove to the whole world how mercilessly and unfairly fate treated them, how they suffered.

Since from the day of betrayal and separation, suffering for Cancers becomes the main content of their lives, they, as a rule, do not have time for new romantic relationships. Therefore, if Cancer is cheated on, she may remain alone for the rest of her life. Indeed, who could stand for long a person who constantly complains and suffers because of a broken heart? In addition, Cancer, who has already fallen in love, will never stop loving, even if at the same time he begins to hate. Deep down, he hopes that one day his repentant ex-partner will come crawling on his knees. And then Cancer will forgive him for his betrayal and all the insults, and they will live happily ever after again.

How does Leo man and woman cope with betrayal?

How does a Leo woman feel about betrayal?

“He betrayed me, got involved with someone else!” A proud Leo woman will not forgive betrayal. She quickly becomes so angry that the walls of the house shake. It's better to get out of her way - if possible, of course. Because, as a rule, she cuts off all escape routes, hits, scratches and throws at the victim everything that comes to her hand. If you cheat on a Leo woman, you should not expect that all this will pass quickly. The lioness will watch the infidel and take revenge on him different ways. For example, he will puncture car tires and cut expensive suits. She will call his boss to report that her husband once spoke about his boss, and will report to the tax office that he has illegal income. The Leo woman will calm down after betrayal only when a superman appears on her horizon - an ambitious, wealthy man with good manners. If you are about to break up with a Lioness, then it is best to find such a gentleman in advance and slip it to her. Then there is hope that she will limit herself to only a noisy scandal - so that her ex-husband will remember her well.

How does a Leo man feel about betrayal?

The Leo man experiences betrayal less violently, he is not as hot-tempered as his astrological sister. But you will hurt his nerve if you say that you don’t want to live with him. However, he will not show that he is suffering. He will proudly raise his head and, declaring: “You are not worth my little finger,” he will leave with his majestic gait. What happens if you cheat on a Leo man? In the coming months, he will change women like gloves in order to prove to himself that he is the best in the matter of seduction.

How do Virgo men and women cope with betrayal?

How does a Virgo woman feel about betrayal?

If the Virgo woman turns out to be one of those lucky ones who had a fiancé in her life, then after the news of his betrayal and separation she will take up a new plan of activities. She will erase the cheater from her life, calendar and garbage collection schedule - once and for all. If Virgo cheats, what will she do? She will not think of crying, or fighting, or thinking about suicide. She simply cuts off the part of the heart that hurts her, and with a completely effective pump for pumping blood, she sets off on her further journey through life. A Virgo woman who has been cheated on will promise herself to be more critical next time and not get too involved in the relationship until she has tested the candidate for at least five years in every possible situation.

How does a Virgo man feel about cheating?

Virgo will not blink an eye when you say that you cheated on him and are leaving for another man. He will help you pack your things, take out the furniture and find an apartment. Although this is a reserved and friendly person, Virgo is still not entirely indifferent to the fact that he has been cuckolded. He just won’t show it to anyone, not even himself. After all, only he is perfect, and the whole world is vile and insidious - why be surprised? So Virgo will survive this next blow of fate - betrayal - with dignity.

How do Libra men and women cope with betrayal?

How does a Libra woman feel about cheating?

Just in case, she always has a few more backup options on the side. So, if you cheat on a Libra girl or lady, her eyes will water only for a moment. The louder she grieves, the less she actually cares about the breakup. In the evening, the new lover will carry her in his arms, and she will assure him that she has always loved him or will love him to death - the more the new partner is more beautiful, stronger, the thicker his wallet and the wider his circle of acquaintances among famous personalities.

How does a Libra man feel about cheating?

Rest assured that breaking up with a Libra due to cheating will be a melodramatic scene from a movie. He will fall to his knees, shouting: “I beg you, don’t do this, you’ll lose me!” He will ask you to think that you will die without him. But he won’t promise suicide, out of fear that you will change your mind. In tears, with dark circles under his eyes, the Libra man on the second day after your betrayal will already be looking for someone else to take your place. Because in fact, human memory is short, and there are many attractive girlfriends. He will not miss one moment: to console Libra after betrayal, he will have to give him a house or a car, or both. Otherwise, he will begin to starve under your doors, notifying first all his friends, and then his family, radio and television.

How do Scorpio men and women cope with betrayal?

How do Scorpio women and Scorpio men feel about betrayal?

Scorpio of any gender is too jealous to accept betrayal and betrayal. Although rage and hatred will rage inside him, he will appear before the world with a poker face. He will smile sweetly as if nothing happened. Only he knows how much poison there is in this sweetness.

What happens if Scorpio cheats? He will not forget what happened until he dies—yours, of course. He will make his children take revenge on your subsequent generations. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” he repeats to himself, recharging the batteries of hatred. The fact that Scorpio himself can cheat and that by nature he is an unfaithful person does not really matter in this case. True, deep down he longs for a permanent and ideal relationship, but every time they turn out to be wrong. So, if it comes to light that Scorpio has been cheated on, representatives of both sexes will immediately, officially, legally, without any boundaries of decency, rush into the whirlpool of a dissolute, promiscuous life.

Does this mean they will forget about you? Oh no! If Scorpio has been cheated on, he will begin to take revenge and persecute you and your new love, not even disdaining to slip your couple laxatives. If you want an abandoned Scorpio to leave you alone, move to the other end of the country, change your name, or even better, your gender.

How do Sagittarius men and women cope with betrayal?

How do Sagittarius men and Sagittarius women feel about betrayal?

This free and independent-spirited person - Sagittarius - will not worry very much about betrayal and the fact that you have someone. "This is good! The more of us, the better!” - he will shout optimistically, before it dawns on him that you do not recognize love triangles. Not very faithful himself, he prefers open relationships. After a while, however, Sagittarius will become sad and begin to moralize, saying that it’s not so bad with him, because he doesn’t get caught up in trifles, doesn’t keep an eye on you, doesn’t interfere in your affairs, and that your new partner, of course, will worse.

However, if Sagittarius is cheated on, he will grumble and grumble, and that will all end, because he does not like scandals or fights: this is beneath his dignity. With his calmness after betrayal, Sagittarius will even confuse you a little. Although by that time you will already have someone else, you will not be too pleased to find out that they broke up with you so easily and quickly. But a devoted Sagittarius behaves this way not because he did not love, but because he accepts life as it is and does not grieve over spilled milk. Sagittarius will not endure the betrayal of his other half for a long time. He quickly realizes that he is truly free now and begins the hunt.

How do Capricorn men and women cope with betrayal?

How does a Capricorn woman feel about betrayal?

As soon as a woman born under the sign of Capricorn feels that her husband has someone on his side, she immediately begins to actively consult with a lawyer or a friend who has already robbed seven husbands. Sends a detective for his unfaithful partner, collects photographs, witness statements and calmly waits. When she hears the word “I’m leaving” from him, she smiles and opens the door herself. She finally got what she wanted! If a Capricorn woman has been cheated on, then her husband can be thrown out of her head, and all her property can be hers. In addition, she already has an old man in mind with a good bank account, which means life goes on!

How does a Capricorn man feel about cheating?

If you cheat on a Capricorn man, he not only worries, but becomes a truly unhappy person. So the plan he had drawn up back in the day failed. kindergarten and implemented it throughout my life. So much work and sacrifice, not to mention the expense! This thought sobers him up and prevents him from being captured by emotions. The Capricorn man you cheated on makes a list of things and amounts that you owe him back. He will be merciless in remembering what he considers to belong to him. He will not forgive even a few rubles that he once paid for you on the subway.

What else does Capricorn do if he is cheated on? He is terribly jealous and cannot forgive himself for missing the moment when you cuckolded him. He may fall into depression or such despair that for the rest of his life no woman will be able to reach him.

His astrological sister, the Capricorn woman, does exactly the same after cheating.

How do Aquarius men and women cope with betrayal?

How does an Aquarius woman feel about cheating?

If an Aquarius has been cheated on, he will be damned sorry, but he will not plunge into depression, although anger will increase in it. “He just recently said that he loves me, that I’m the only one! And how to trust these men! It’s good that I never fully trusted him,” the Aquarius woman consoles herself after her partner’s betrayal. She explains to herself that you cannot force anyone to love, and decides to remember only the most beautiful moments of their life together. After all, life doesn’t end with just men’s pants! What happens next after the betrayal? The Aquarius woman proudly raises her head and takes on general cleaning of the house, learning a foreign language or planning a career. So no one will ever know that she was heartbroken. After effective work therapy, she is ready for her next romance.

How does an Aquarius man feel about cheating?

No one will be surprised if their Aquarius husband is cheated on. Probably he himself too. Because, absorbed in his projects, he completely forgot that someone else shares his life with him. After betrayal, Aquarius, of course, will be a little upset, because there will be no one to take care of his house, take care of him and the children. “We’ll have to look for someone,” he mutters under his breath and goes about his business. An Aquarius man is a person already seasoned in breakups. Women were already leaving him because in the bedroom he only read or drew diagrams of his new inventions.

How do Pisces men and women cope with betrayal?

How does a Pisces woman feel about cheating?

Even just the vague suspicion that she has been cheated on causes a hysteria in a Pisces woman that knows no bounds. Not only does she shed tears in a stream and sob at the top of her voice. In desperation, the sufferer swallows all the pills from her home medicine cabinet, washing them down with a glass of vodka. The fish feverishly comes up with combinations so that the traitor will find her half-dead - may he not be able to get rid of the feeling of guilt until the end of his days! As a rule, the matter ends with gastric lavage. But this is not enough for a Pisces woman if she has been cheated on. She shaves her head bald and tattoos “I hate you, son of a bitch” near her navel.

If her partner, finished off by her behavior, nevertheless leaves, the Pisces woman falls into prolonged melancholy. She will get drunk every evening, and only another romance can save her, for example, with a handsome emergency doctor.

How does a Pisces man feel about cheating?

If a Pisces man cheats, then when he finds out about it, he starts drinking, even if he usually doesn’t like to put it in his collar. For weeks he sits over a glass in which he drowns his sorrows and grievances, and the bartender, when he sees him, hides behind the counter so as not to listen to a confession for the hundred-fiftieth time about what a crappy woman his client got. “To the girls” a Pisces man cannot go after betrayal, because he knows very well that in this state he male power will refuse to obey, adding shame to his master. So all he can do is drink...

Judge for yourself how much truth there is in this humorous horoscope. We wish you on our personal experience never find out how the zodiac signs experience betrayal and how they behave after it. Live in love and harmony!

A complete collection of materials on the topic: why does a married Capricorn cheat? from experts in their field.

Striving for perfection, a man born under the sign of Capricorn chooses his wife very carefully. He needs a woman who will be a good mother, she should cook well, be a good housewife. Only after this should she be well dressed. It is desirable that she be smart and well-mannered. The most important thing for him is beauty and physical compatibility. He greatly needs tenderness, understanding, emotional comfort and closeness of soul. He prefers soft and intuitively receptive women with a light character who would understand his problems without words. He likes you to value his opinion and ask him for advice. He strives for perfection in everything and, having found the ideal partner, he will give himself to him with all his heart. He will never connect his life with a “business woman” who spends days and nights at work; it is important for him that his wife be a “home” woman.

How to tell if a Capricorn man is cheating?

Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully; This applies to romantic relationships no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before She looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret. Before making an appointment with Her, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and cannot devote much time to you; he will outline walking routes and choose places where romantic dates will take place, he will provide for everything...

Only to decide at the last moment that the game was definitely not worth the candle. If, nevertheless, One arises for whose sake it would be worth making all the efforts described above, he is rarely so cautious, because he unexpectedly and completely loses his head. Capricorn the Traitor is easy to expose, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed.

Why does a Capricorn man cheat?

This man takes family ties very seriously and only in the rarest cases can he decide to cheat. And for this there really must be serious reasons that push him to such a decision. It is important to understand one more important detail - intimate relationships, love and family often find themselves on different planes, and it can be difficult for him to combine them in one woman.

Reason 1: unsatisfied desire

Despite the restraint of feelings, it is very important for him to satisfy his desires in an intimate way. If his companion does not suit him in bed, then this may lead him to look elsewhere. But this will not happen right away, because first he will think it over carefully. Therefore, if you notice a fading interest, then take urgent measures - diversify your intimate life and try to adapt to his needs.

Because of the fear of being rejected, the Capricorn woman, in most cases, does not take the first steps. They only give a signal that they don’t mind getting to know each other, and then everything is in the hands of the man. Outwardly, representatives of this zodiac sign resemble an icy and inaccessible block, but inside them a real fire of passions and feelings burns. Such women are quite scrupulous when choosing a partner. They despise men who “collect” women. For representatives of this zodiac sign, loyalty and sincerity are very important; this is what they expect from a partner. But sometimes such women can fall in love at first sight and completely surrender to their feelings. Because of this, they go down the aisle quite early.

Once married, a Capricorn woman expects such qualities from her husband as hard work and reliability. He should be the breadwinner and support in the family. She herself strives to maintain the status of a good housewife and mother in high level. There are cases that after some time the Capricorn woman realizes that the marriage was a mistake, but it is very difficult for her to decide on divorce, since family is above all else. After a divorce, such women will not be alone for long. Only now they will approach the choice of a partner even more carefully and responsibly. A Capricorn woman will never forgive betrayal, since she herself remains faithful and follows all the rules of conduct for a married lady. But in this case there is an exception: she can leave for another man only if she is 100% sure that in the new relationship she will feel happier and more loved.

How faithful is a Capricorn woman?

For people of this zodiac sign, comfort in relationships is above all else, only then feelings. If Capricorn is in a relationship simply for his own convenience, then he will not see anything reprehensible in cheating on his partner. But if he loves and respects his chosen one, he will be able to refuse intrigues. Women of this zodiac sign do not forgive betrayal. For the most part they are virtuous, but can be led by very strong passions. He will blame himself for this for some time, but then he can go all out again.

Why does a Capricorn woman cheat?

A representative of such a zodiac sign as Capricorn is a serious, reasonable and sensible lady - both in matters of love and in any other, able, if necessary, to control herself, and to keep a tight rein on her feelings and emotions. But she, too, can be struck down by a love arrow that is not at all from her husband: with all her ability to reason sensibly and not be led by feelings, the Capricorn woman is capable of being seriously carried away by a man, and one who is the exact opposite of her legal life partner - a superficial and frivolous man. And if on his part an affair with a Capricorn woman can only be a fleeting intrigue, then she takes everything very seriously, without doubting his intention to officially connect his life with her. Having been deceived by her lover, the Capricorn woman returns to the bosom of her family.

Infidelity in a Capricorn woman also happens on sexual grounds. Behind her external coldness, which, by the way, is feigned, hides a passionate nature, ready for various experiments in bed. And if usually with a permanent partner the Capricorn woman in question sexual relations She is quite conservative and does not dare to experiment, but with her lover she allows herself to realize her wildest erotic fantasies.

And yet, a Capricorn woman cannot be called two-faced: it is incredibly difficult for her morally to have a lover while her husband is alive. By withdrawing into herself and constantly thinking about the current situation, she becomes too hot-tempered and irritable. And this is already a wake-up call for her husband that it’s time to “rescue” his beloved from the arms of others before she decides to move into them for good.

The Capricorn woman never forgives betrayal. First of all, a man who has become her fan should know this. She has characteristic feature: Her beauty and charm only increase with age. At 35, men will like her more than at 18. But courting her is not easy. This is the type of woman who loves her independence.

She could be a superwoman who flirts and charms men. In her presence they will feel like giants, capable of protecting her from cruel world. Or, on the contrary, she may be calm, cold and aloof, sitting on a marble pedestal, and her suitor will have to strain all his strength to win her hand.

But whatever she is, she has one goal - a steely determination to grab the right man. Her chosen one should occupy a fairly high position that she can be proud of.

She is subject to many moods, like all women. But the difference between a Capricorn woman is that she can have very long dark periods. If she feels unappreciated, she may be in a deep trance for days, weeks, or even months.

This woman does not accept ridicule. Her man has to keep them to a minimum. To be honest, she is simply unable to appreciate humor, the object of which is herself. There is a huge physical desire in it, much greater than one might suspect, and it is very difficult to satisfy.

Sitting and wasting time on kisses when the future has not yet been decided is not her credo. But if she has decided that this man is the person she needs, that his finances, like his position, are sufficient, she can be tender, loving and even passionate. Capricorn does not believe in vague dreams. She needs to know exactly what port the ship of her love is sailing to and that it is sailing in safe waters.

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Paul writes | 03/05/2010 10:08 | e-mail

I'm an Aquarius, Capricorn is clearly not for me...

Anastasia writes | 05/03/2010 12:41 | e-mail

I am a Capricorn, I can say from my own experience, she is a Capricorn not for a Volodya man..

Julia writes | 03.11.2010 11:40

and why don’t you Aquarius like the Capricorn girl so much?

Olga writes | 09.26.2013 03:09 | e-mail

My husband is an Aquarius, and I am a Capricorn... He is crazy about me, but I couldn’t stand it and kicked him out. Now ours
relationship at the stage of divorce. And he tries to win me back, sometimes he gets drunk out of grief and offends me. But
immediately begs for forgiveness and begs to return. So all Aquarians are different.

Such a goat writes | 03/06/2015 00:07

Aquarians need to be kept under a tight rein, and not allowed to talk rudely, and if they are rude, then be offended and not talk - they are
They hate it, but we are pleased)))

And I thought it was just me and my husband
such a relationship, because I didn’t really believe
in the compatibility of signs. But it turned out that
Aquarius is not a match for me at all(

Men born under the sign of Capricorn are often presented as models of marital fidelity. However, take a closer look at the image of the astrological Capricorn: its lower part belongs to some kind of sea monster. Hence all his composure, equanimity and icy calm. But he got the upper part from a goat, which at all times was considered a symbol of voluptuousness... and irrepressible sexual desire. And this part of him will definitely demand its own, although not immediately. If his wife does not satisfy him sexually, the Capricorn man will endure it for a couple of years, and then find relief “on the side.” If everything else in the marriage suits him, then he will not tell his wife about his little adventures. For him, family, love and sex are three completely different things. If you can combine them all in one partner, great. Capricorn will be completely happy. But if not, he won’t worry too much.

Interestingly, he will not feel guilty about this. In the end, it's just sex and nothing more! He may have one permanent girlfriend or several - in general, he does not particularly distinguish between them. It is unlikely that they expect him to marry. Most likely, the lovely fairies are aware of his family obligations. Why does he attract them? You may not like the answer - money. Yes, Capricorn knows the value of money, since he was forced to earn it himself. Now he has money, but some beauties just don’t have enough of it - so why not carry out some kind of exchange, a deal, if you like? Capricorn believes that everything here is honest, without deception.

If you are ready to forgive and accept your loved one back, then nothing is simpler - just provide him with the amount of quality sex that he requires. And even a little more, with a margin, so to speak. Then he won’t look in the direction of young, long-legged blondes. The older Capricorn gets, the more willing he is to experiment sexually. This is exactly the case when “gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib.” Often the spouse herself is to blame, since she believes that they are “not so young for all these perversions.” And what do you order the voluptuous Goat to do?

Another part of Capricorn's nature is that colder than ice- is a deterrent. Capricorn can endure relationships for decades that do not suit him. Sometimes this happens because of the fear of change - “as if it won’t get even worse. Here, at least, everything is familiar to me,” Capricorn thinks, and pretends that everything is fine. There is not a drop of rebellion in this man - only submission to fate... and waiting. However, as soon as a better option appears, Capricorn will not fail to “try it out.” That is, having met a woman who seems to him a more worthy life partner, he will be interested. No, he won't start courting her directly. But he won’t refuse her invitation to come in for a cup of tea and will happily keep up the conversation. If you come across a lady who is assertive and proactive, then she will simply snatch Capricorn from her rival in a whirlwind. Of course, with his full consent.

Capricorns prefer honesty in relationships. They are just in no hurry to implement this goal of theirs. He may wait quite a long time before admitting that he has another woman, and therefore you will have to break up. Don't think that he is afraid of offending his ex-love. He is rather afraid for himself, since he hates emotional hysterics, scandals, and ugly accusations. However, having chosen the moment, he still admits the true state of affairs. The solution here is prevention. Ask your lover more often if he is happy with everything in your relationship. And under no circumstances enter into an argument with him if he expresses any dissatisfaction. There should be complete trust in your relationship. Your Capricorn must be sure that he can trust you with any of his experiences - and not encounter misunderstanding or resentment on your part.
