Watch Dogs crashes. Throws it on the desktop

Sometimes errors appear during startup. It’s unpleasant, but the game you installed may not launch, crashing, freezing, showing a black screen and displaying errors in windows. Therefore, quite logical questions arise: “What to do?”, “Why is this happening?” and “How to solve the problem?” We tried to collect all the necessary information with instructions, tips, various programs and libraries that are designed to help solve the most common errors related to .

Required software for Watch_Dogs

We strongly recommend that you review the links to various useful programs. For what? A huge number of errors and problems in Watch_Dogs are associated with uninstalled/not updated drivers and the lack of necessary libraries.

Low FPS, Watch_Dogs slows down, freezes or lags

Modern games are extremely resource-intensive, so even if you have a modern computer, it is still better to disable unnecessary/unnecessary background processes (to increase processor power) and use the methods described below to help get rid of lags and slowdowns.

  • Launch the task manager and in the processes, find the line with the name of the game (Watch_Dogs). Right-click on it and select from the menu "Priorities", then set the value "High". Now all that remains is to restart the game.

  • Remove everything unnecessary from startup. To do this, in the same task manager you need to go to the tab, where you need to disable unnecessary processes when the system starts. It’s better not to touch unfamiliar applications unless you know what they are responsible for, otherwise you risk ruining the system’s startup.
  • We also recommend that in the settings related to energy consumption, set "Maximum performance". The same applies to the video card: you need to set maximum performance in the GPU settings (this can be done in "Managing 3D Settings"), and in texture filtering select the parameter "Quality".
  • If your Nvidia video card is no older than the GTX 10 series of GPUs, then it is quite possible to increase the frame rate by speeding up the work with the video card. To implement your plan, you again need to open "Control Panel" Video cards, go to the already familiar tab "Manage 3D Settings" and select the game in the list of programs, then find "Vertical sync pulse" and click on it to set the parameter in the menu "Fast" .
  • You should delete temporary folders, unnecessary files and cache. On the Internet you can find a bunch of the most different programs that help to do this. We recommend using BleachBit or CCleaner for this.
  • Defragment or optimize your hard drive. To do this, go to “Hard disk properties” tab “Tools” “Defragmentation” or “Optimization”. In addition, you can also check/clean the disk there, which helps in some cases.
  • Ultimately, go for a simple design so that your computer is not burdened with resource-intensive effects. For example, you can safely disable built-in debuggers, search indexing, and much more.

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    Most computers and laptops have an integrated (built-in) graphics card. But only part of the video adapter is used to operate...

    Watch_Dogs crashes at random or on startup

    Below are a few simple ways solution to the problem, but you need to understand that crashes can be associated with both game errors and errors associated with something specific on the computer. Therefore, some cases of crashes are individual, which means that if no solution to the problem has helped, you should write about it in the comments and, perhaps, we will help you solve the problem.

    • First of all, try the simplest option - restart Watch_Dogs, but with administrator rights.

  • You should definitely check whether Watch_Dogs has any conflicts with other applications on your computer. For example, many players often swear at a utility called MSI AfterBurner, therefore, if you use this or any other similar one, disable it and try to start the game again.
  • It is quite possible that the game refuses to work adequately due to Windows Defender(aka "Defender") or due to antivirus. So you should go to options and add .exe file running Watch_Dogs as exceptions, or immediately disabling the antivirus along with Defender (they could also delete some vital file for the game that needs to be restored).
  • DLL file is missing or DLL error

    First, we should explain how errors related to DLL files occur in general: during startup, Watch_Dogs accesses certain DLL files, and if the game cannot find them, then it instantly crashes with an error. Moreover, the errors can be very different, depending on the lost file, but any of them will have the prefix "DLL" .

    To solve the problem, you need to find and return the missing DLL library to the folder. And the easiest way to do this is to use the DLL-fixer program specially created for such cases - it will scan your system and help you find the missing library. Of course, not every DLL error can be solved this way, so below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with more specific cases.

    Error d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_2.dll, x3daudio1_7.dll, xrsound.dll, etc.

    All errors whose names can be seen "d3dx" , "xinput" , "dxgi" , "d3dcompiler" And "x3daudio" are treated in the same way - use the web installer for DirectX executable libraries.

    Error MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll, runtime-x32.dll, etc.

    Errors with the title "MSVCR" or "RUNTIME" are treated by installing Microsoft Visual C++ libraries (you can find out which library is needed in the system requirements).

    Getting rid of the error MSVCR140.dll / msvcr120.dll / MSVCR110.dll and other DLLs once and for all

    Very often I began to notice that people cry about errors “the program cannot be started because MSVCR120.dll is missing on the computer.” This occurs...

    Common network errors

    I don’t see friends / friends are not displayed in Watch_Dogs

    An unpleasant misunderstanding, and in some cases even a bug or error (in such cases, none of the methods below will help, since the problem is related to the servers). It is curious that many players encounter this, and it does not matter which launcher they play in. We noted for a reason that this is a “misunderstanding”, since, as a rule, the problem is solved in the simple ways described below:

    • Make sure that you and your friends are going to play in the same game region, and that the launcher is set to the same loading region.

  • If the method described above did not help, then it’s time to clear the cache and run a file integrity check.
  • The most radical way to solve the problem is to completely reinstall the launcher. At the same time, be sure to delete all files associated with the launcher so that nothing remains on the computer.
  • Specifically for Steam, there is another extremely simple way to solve the problem: choose any section you like "Library" or "Community", then go to the open tab in "Steam" "View" "Friends" "Games" "Help". And then in the section with friends, in the drop-down menu, check the box next to the item "Online"(or rearrange the status, but return to where you are online).
  • The server creator needs to open ports in the firewall

    Many problems in online games are due to the fact that the ports are closed. There's not a single living soul, your friend can't see the game (or vice versa) and you're having connection problems? Now is the time to open ports in the firewall, but before doing so, you should understand how “it” works. The fact is that programs and computer games, using the Internet, require not only trouble-free access to the network, but also open ports. This is especially important if you want to play some online games.

    Often the ports on the computer are closed, so they should be opened. In addition, before setting up, you need to find out the port numbers, and to do this, you first need to find out the IP address of the router.

    • Open a window with command line(opened by command "cmd" in Start).
    • Register the command "ipconfig"(without quotes).
    • The IP address will appear in the line "Main gate" .

    • Open the command line using the command "cmd" in Pusk.
    • Re-enter the command "ipconfig" without quotes.
    • Run the command "netstat -a", after which it will be displayed full list with port numbers.

    • Be sure to make sure that you have Windows Administrator rights.
    • You need to go to the firewall settings: Start Control Panel Firewall. You can also use the keyboard shortcut "Win+R", then enter the command in the window "firewall.cpl"(this method is better in that it is relevant for any version of Windows OS, so if there is no button "Start", use it).
    • Go to the tab “Additional parameters” In the left column, select “Rules for eligible connections” In the right column, select “Create a rule” .
    • In the window that opens, you should select the rule where it says "For the port", press "Further" .
    • In the next window you need to decide on the protocol: 1 – "TCP" , 2 – "UPD". Select an item in the field below "Specific local ports" and enter your ports. If suddenly there are several ports, then you need to list them either using a comma, or indicating the range of these ports using a dash. Press "Further" .
    • Now the little things: select “Allow connection” “Next” select connection profiles, “Next” specify a name for the newly created rule and if you want, you can add a description. All you have to do is save all the changes and you're done.

    DirectX error in Watch_Dogs

    Errors related to DirectX may occur specifically when running Watch_Dogs. Don't be surprised if one game works fine and another throws an error. There are usually quite a lot of such errors, so we have collected the most common ones among users. So if you suddenly have a message "DirectX Runtime Error" , "DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET" , "DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG" or "DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED", use the instructions below to resolve these errors.

    • The first thing you need to do is install a “clean” version of your video card driver (that is, don’t immediately rush to install the same GeForce Experience, nothing extra from AMD and audio).

  • If you have a second monitor, try turning it off, and also turn off G-Sync and any other types of additional/auxiliary devices.
  • Use the checker system files to restore damaged or missing system files.
  • If you are using a video card from Nvidia, then try turning on "Debug mode" in the video card control panel.
  • Often the cause of the error is an overheated video card, so we recommend using the FurMark program to check its functionality. If this turns out to be true, then you should lower the frequency of the video card.
  • If you suddenly encounter other errors, then we recommend reinstalling DirectX, but before that it’s better to delete the old version just in case (be sure to delete all files in the folder before reinstalling, starting with "d3dx9_24.dll" and ending "d3dx9_43.dll").
  • Error 0xc000007b in Watch_Dogs

    At worst error 0xc000007b or "This application was unable to start correctly" is associated with damaged OS system files, or, at best, with Nvidia video card drivers.

    Common ways to solve the problem:

    • The most obvious and easiest way to deal with the error is to reinstall the drivers for the video card, and then run the game as an administrator.

  • Next, try updating or installing .Net Framework, DirectX and Visual C++.
  • Alternatively, use the command line (“Start” “Run”), where you need to enter the command “sfc /scannow” (the system will scan everything and, if possible, try to replace damaged files if cached copies exist).
  • And finally, you should try to remove software that conflicts with the video driver. Typically, such unnecessary software includes programs that improve graphics.
  • The second method is the free Dependency Walker 64bit program:

    • After installing Dependency Walker 64bit, run the utility and go to the following address: “View” “Full Patch” “.exe file of the problematic game”(in some cases, after this a window with errors appears, but you should not pay attention to it, just close the window). Switch to section "Module", scroll to the end of the error, look at the values ​​in the columns.

  • The CPU column includes all DLLs, all of which must be 64-bit for the video game. Therefore, if you notice a DLL file with x86 architecture in the red column of the CPU column, then this means that it is because of this file that error 0xc000007b occurs.
  • Once the problematic file is found, all that remains is to go to the official website and download the 64-bit version of the DLL file there. Find, download, place it in a folder "C:\Windows\system32" and to the Watch_Dogs root folder, after which you check the functionality.
  • "Out of memory" error

    An error occurs due to insufficient memory for almost a dozen reasons. Of course, the most common ones are either a lack of random access memory hardware, or the small size of the swap file. In the latter case, even if you configured nothing, everything could easily be ruined by third-party software or by simply disabling the paging file.

    • You need to try increasing the swap file ( “Start” “System Settings” in the line at the top enter “Performance” select “Customize presentation and system performance” “Advanced” “Change” uncheck the “Automatically select...” function select the size).

  • It is possible that a certain program, or even several, causes a memory leak or a virus. To check and possible solution problems, open the task manager, after which you need to sort everything by memory consumption.
  • There is no sound in Watch_Dogs or disappears in the cutscenes

    Most often, the problem is related to the high sound resolution in the Windows settings, namely, the bit rate and sampling rate. Therefore, there is only one way to get rid of the problem - lower this resolution.

    • In the tray, right-click on the speaker icon;
    • In the menu that opens, select the item "Sounds" ;
    • Next you need to select a device (it can be either speakers or headphones) and click on "Properties" ;
    • Go to next tab "Additionally" ;
    • Find the menu called "Default Format" to set a value, but it must be lower than the current one;
    • Click "Apply", open Watch_Dogs and check the result of the work done.

    The problem associated with the lack of sound in screensavers cannot be solved using the first method, so do the following:

    • Again in the tray RMB on the speaker icon;
    • In the menu, find a function called "Spatial Sound" to disable;
    • All that remains is to restart Watch_Dogs and check the result.

    And most importantly, do not forget to determine where exactly the sound is missing - everywhere on the computer or only in the game. There are other unlikely, but quite possible reasons no sound: the sound card is too old and therefore does not support DirectX; incorrect settings; incorrectly installed drivers for the sound card or some specific error in operating system. In such cases, be sure to write in the comments, and we will try to help correct the errors!

    A black screen appears in Watch_Dogs

    The appearance of a black screen is often associated with a conflict between video drivers and software. And least of all with certain Watch_Dogs files. However, there are quite a few other reasons associated with the appearance of the “black screen of death”.

    The first step when a problem occurs is to update the video driver. Many people neglect this completely, but we strongly recommend doing this, because for many modern games Then important updates are released that help launch this or that game.

    • Are the drivers installed/updated, but Watch_Dogs still refuses to work properly? Then you need to check the software to see if the necessary libraries are installed at all? First of all, check the availability of libraries Microsoft Visual C++ And .Net Framework, as well as the presence of “fresh” DirectX .

  • If none of the above has given the desired result, then it’s time to resort to a radical way to solve the problem: launch Watch_Dogs and when a black screen appears, press the “Alt+Enter” key combination so that the game switches to windowed mode. This way, perhaps, the main menu of the game will open and it will be possible to determine whether the problem is in the game or not. If you managed to switch to windowed mode, then go to the Watch_Dogs game settings and change the resolution (often it turns out that a mismatch between the resolution of the game and the desktop leads to a conflict, which causes a black screen to appear).
  • This error can also be caused by various video capture programs and other applications related to video effects. And the reason is simple - conflicts arise.
  • And finally, the problem most likely can be related to the technical component of the hardware. The video adapter can overheat, as well as the bridges on the motherboard, which entails reduced power consumption of the video card. We will not go into detailed technical details, so we simply recommend that you clean your machine of dust and also change the thermal paste!
  • Color screen appears

    The appearance of a colorful screen is often due to the fact that two video cards are used at once. If in motherboard There is a built-in graphics processor, but if you play on a discrete one, the game will launch on the built-in one anyway. This is why “color” problems arise, since the monitor is connected by default to a discrete video card.

    No less often, a color screen appears if there are problems with image output. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, but there are two most common: 1 – the drivers are outdated; 2 – your video card is not supported. Therefore, we recommend updating the drivers first.

    The image in Watch_Dogs flickers

    Typically, the problem is associated with an overheated video card. The first thing you should do is check the wires, in case they blocked the cooling system fans, but if they are in perfect order, then it’s time to reset the overclocking of the video card: you need to enter the application MSI Afterburner(or similar) and click on "Reset" .

    Mouse, keyboard or controller doesn't work

    Most often, if such problems arise, it is strictly on the player’s side. When connecting a new device, the OS immediately tries to install the necessary driver package, but the problem is that it is standard, which means it will not be compatible with every device, so check the availability of the necessary drivers. Additionally, viruses may affect the controls, so be sure to check your system.

    And finally, as an option, you should try to remove all USB devices registered by the computer. You cannot touch only the software that is associated with the main devices (gamepad, keyboard, mouse, wireless adapter), then be sure to restart the computer. It is quite possible that a conflict has occurred and because of this the control does not work.

    If you are faced with the fact that Watch_Dogs slows down, crashes, Watch_Dogs does not start, Watch_Dogs does not install, controls do not work in Watch_Dogs, there is no sound, errors pop up, saves do not work in Watch_Dogs - we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

    First, check if your PC's specifications meet the minimum system requirements:

    • OS: Windows Vista SP2 (64 bit)/Windows 7 SP1 (64 bit)/Windows 8 (64 bit)
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0 GHz
    • Memory: 6 GB
    • Video: 1024 MB video memory, DirectX 11 support - Nvidia Geforce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5770
    • HDD: 25 GB of free space

    Be sure to update your video card drivers and other software

    Before you remember the worst words and express them towards the developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, drivers specially optimized for them are prepared for the release of games. You can also try installing a later version of drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

    It's important to remember that you should only download final versions of graphics cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may contain a large number of no errors found or corrected.

    Don't forget that for stable operation games often require installation of the latest version of DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

    Watch_Dogs won't start

    Many problems with launching games occur due to incorrect installation. Check if there were any errors during installation, try uninstalling the game and running the installer again, after disabling the antivirus - often files necessary for the game to work are deleted by mistake. It is also important to remember that the path to the folder with the installed game should not contain Cyrillic characters - use only Latin letters and numbers for directory names.

    It also doesn’t hurt to check if there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can try to run the game as Administrator in compatibility mode for different versions of Windows.

    Watch_Dogs is slow. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

    First, install the latest drivers for your video card; this can significantly increase the FPS in the game. Also check your computer's load in the task manager (opened by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE). If before starting the game you see that some process is consuming too many resources, turn off its program or simply end this process from the task manager.

    Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the post-processing settings. Many of them consume a lot of resources and disabling them will significantly improve performance without significantly affecting the picture quality.

    Watch_Dogs crashes to desktop

    If Watch_Dogs often crashes to your desktop slot, try to start solving the problem by reducing the quality of the graphics. It is possible that your computer simply does not have enough performance and the game cannot run correctly. It's also worth checking for updates - most modern games have a system for automatically installing new patches. Check if this option is disabled in the settings.

    Black screen in Watch_Dogs

    More often than not, the problem with a black screen is an issue with the GPU. Check if your video card is compatible minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is a result of insufficient CPU performance.

    If everything is fine with the hardware and it meets the minimum requirements, try switching to another window (ALT+TAB), and then returning to the game window.

    Watch_Dogs is not installed. Installation stuck

    First of all, check if you have enough HDD space for installation. Remember that for the installation program to work correctly, the stated amount of space is required, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. In general, remember the rule - there should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not work correctly or may refuse to start at all.

    Installation problems can also occur due to a lack of Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the antivirus while installing the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of files or deletes them by mistake, considering them viruses.

    Saves don't work in Watch_Dogs

    By analogy with the previous solution, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system drive. Often save files are stored in a documents folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

    Controls don't work in Watch_Dogs

    Sometimes game controls do not work due to multiple input devices being connected at the same time. Try disabling the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, then remember that games are officially supported only by controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is detected differently, try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

    Sound does not work in Watch_Dogs

    Check if the sound works in other programs. After this, check whether the sound is turned off in the game settings and whether the sound playback device to which your speakers or headset is connected is selected there. Next, while the game is running, open the mixer and check if the sound there is muted.

    If you are using an external sound card, check for new drivers on the manufacturer's website.

    GAMES The British PlayStation Access channel published a video ahead of time free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers for April 2020. And although the video has already been removed, its contents are instantly...

    Not a single game on this moment not without problems and errors at the launch stage. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of different builds of both OS and PC in the world and it is impossible to predict in advance where a conflict will arise. Today we will talk about the problems arising from these conflicts.

    Watch Dogs won't launch?
    To run the game you need a 64-bit OS and at least Windows Vista SP 2
    1) Check that the game meets the system requirements, and also run the game not on the built-in video card, but on ati/nvidia
    2) Update or reinstall the drivers for the video card. Driver malfunctions occur. Find out how to update drivers in this question
    3) Update DirectX -, Microsoft Visual C++ - and you need to install the x86 version Even if you have a 64 bit system.
    4)Run the game as an administrator or in compatibility mode
    5) Disable your antivirus during startup
    6)Check that there are no Russian characters in the path to the game. Not all games understand Russian letters and therefore cannot get the path to the game resources, which is where problems arise.
    7) Check the integrity of the game cache in steam - It is possible that during downloading, some files were downloaded incorrectly, then you will have to download them, for this integrity check is used.
    8) And finally, if you have a pirated version, then try changing the crack/repack, and also use only original Windows builds from MSDN because Unofficial builds may have compatibility issues.

    Watch Dogs crashing?
    1) Reinstall the drivers for the video card
    2) Disable all additional software during startup, such as players, various clients, browsers, etc.
    3)Run the game as an administrator or in compatibility mode
    4) Lower the sound quality on the system
    5)Check the integrity of the game cache.
    6) Enable DEP for the game exe file
    7) If you have overclocked your video card, it is recommended to restore the settings to their pre-overclocking state. Overclocking causes the card to heat up more, and overheating causes the system to send a signal to close applications that load the video card.
    8) Read point 8 above

    Watch Dogs black screen?
    1) Update or reinstall the drivers for your video card.
    2)Update Microsoft Visual C++
    3) Launch the game in a window, and if the game starts, switch it to full screen mode by pressing ctrl + enter (however, it does not work with all games). Windowed mode can also be enabled in the game settings files or by specifying the –w parameter in the launch parameters, but this also does not work in all games.
    4)Run the game as an administrator or in compatibility mode. Moreover, if this does not help you, try running the game simultaneously in compatibility mode and in windowed mode.
    5) Disable the 2nd video card if available
    6) Switch from the built-in video card to Ati/Nvidia if you play on a laptop. How - read above!
    7) Uncheck Read-only from all game files. Right-click on the game folder and select properties.

    Watch Dogs slows down, FPS sags! How to increase FPS in the game?
    If you periodically experience freezes, then there is a funny bug in the game: start the game, load the save and when freezes appear, pause the game, then minimize it by pressing Alt + Tab and return to the game again. Friezes will disappear.

    Wait for the patch that will fix friezes on PC. The developers announced its development. It will be released within a month after the game's release.

    In the meantime, you can try:
    1)Open the control panel of your video card and reset the settings for the 3D application to default.
    2) Update your video card drivers to the latest version. If the beta version of the drivers is newer than the stable version, install it - this does not mean that the drivers are dangerous, it means that in this driver assembly the files are adjusted to the latest released games. How to update drivers, you can find out in this question
    3) After the update, turn off all additional software that you do not need while playing: players, browsers, antivirus, etc.
    4) Lower the game settings to minimum.
    5) Increase the priority of the game process in the task manager to High
    6) Launch the game using programs that free up memory Game Prelauncher - or Gamebooster -
    7) Enable Vertical Sync in the game settings (Vsync) and if the situation does not improve, then turn it off. This option can either increase or decrease the number of frames.
    8) Use 64 bit OS for comfortable game into new games.

    Fixing the config file helps someone: Documents/My Games/Watch Dogs/
    Open GamerProfile.xml and look for DeferredFxQuality="console". Replace "console" with "PC"
    Also update your graphics driver.

    Watch Dogs not saving?
    1.Make sure that there are no Russian characters in the path to the game.
    2.Make sure that in your name account OS does not have Russian characters.
    3.Try to run the game as administrator.
    4.Wait for the patch, maybe it will fix the security bug.
    5.Change crack/repack, this may be the problem.
    6.Try to reinstall the game by disabling the antivirus.

    How to get rid of graphic artifacts in Watch Dogs?
    1.You may be running the game on the built-in video card. Switch the system to work with an Ati/Nvidia video card.
    2.Update your video card drivers.
    3.If your drivers are the latest, try reinstalling them again.
    4.Delete the game configuration files. The game will create them again the next time you start!
    5.If you overclocked your video card, return it to its pre-overclocked state.
    6.Check that the video card is not overheating and that the cooling system in the System unit is working correctly.
    7.If the temperature of the video card in loaded mode is more than 70 degrees, add another cooler or clean the video card, replace the thermal paste.
    8.Clean the entire computer from dust and check the video card/RAM connectors, etc.
    9.If artifacts appear in any game, or at least in several, then take it for repair or replace it under warranty. Graphic artifacts are one of the first signs of a video card malfunction or its imminent demise.
    10.Increasing the graphics in the game can solve the problem, but this can lead to a decrease in FPS.

    What to do if there is no sound in the Watch Dogs game?
    1.Update DirectX
    2.Restart your computer
    3.Check the sound settings in the system and the sound settings for the game exe.
    4. Turn off additional software (skype, players) and check that the computer's playback device is not used in exclusive mode.
    5.Check your cache. Reinstall sound drivers.
    6.Change the crack

    Faced a problem and don't know how to start Watch Dogs on PC? Or it won't start for you Watch Dogs on Uplay? You will find the solution in this article. Here you will be provided with a launch guide Watch Dogs on PC and will give answers to many questions: how to fix the APPCRASH error, where to find and download missing files, how to fix hieroglyphs to normal fonts, how to improve performance in Watch Dogs and increase FPS, how to get rid of crashes and blue screens, etc.

    Path Watch Dogs turned out to be very thorny for release: numerous reworkings and transfers under the pretext of additional polishing - Ubisoft did everything not to lose face and meet the highest expectations of players who in absentia dubbed this long-term “GTA killer.” On May 23, the game was leaked to torrent trackers - buggy and with “crooked cracks,” which significantly spoiled the plans of the French publisher. Today Watch Dogs has officially gone on sale, and it turned out to be no less buggy than its “pirate” sister. Our traditional article will help you solve numerous problems with the game.
    As you know, most problems arise due to the lack of system files necessary for the game, and although the Steam client itself downloads everything necessary after the game has finished downloading, it would not be superfluous to manually pave the yellow brick path for it from launch to the first gameplay frames. But first, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements for the game:
    • OS: Windows Vista SP2/7 SP1/8 (x64);
    • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz | AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.0 GHz;
    • RAM: 6 GB;
    • Graphic arts: AMD Radeon HD 5770 1 GB | Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 1 GB;
    • HDD: 25 GB;
    • DirectX version: 11.

    Files, drivers and libraries

    After this you need to update your video card drivers Nvidia GeForce to the latest version. On May 26, just before the game's release, Nvidia released a special version of drivers that increase its performance:

    For graphics adapter owners AMD Radeon links below: If you have APU graphics or are not sure, use the utility below: Do not neglect to install the auxiliary software, and the game will thank you:

    A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

    • download Driver Updater and run the program;
    • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
    • Update outdated drivers with one click.
    Auxiliary DLLs:
    • (Download )
    • (Download )
    • (Download )
    • (Download )
    Note: If you are using any build of Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 with various tweaks, then we strongly recommend that you remove this junk and install a clean image from Microsoft. Otherwise, you risk getting a whole bunch of errors. If you have done all of the above and/or received any specific error, we suggest you review the options below.

    Watch Dogs crashes with the error APPCRASH. Solution

    A similar error occurs more often on systems with AMD video cards. You need to go to the Catalyst Control Center and go to the “Games” tab, and then disable “AMD Radeon Dual Graphics” there. If you have multiple Nvidia cards, try disabling SLI.

    While loading Watch Dogs, a blue screen appears and the computer restarts. Solution

    To make the blue screen disappear, we recommend updating your drivers to latest versions(you will find the links above), then do the following: open system properties by pressing WIN+PAUSE/BREAK or right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon and selecting “Properties” -> Advanced system settings -> “Advanced” tab -> in the “Boot and Recovery” column, click “Options” -> uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” option.

    Watch Dogs uses hieroglyphs instead of fonts. Solution

    Exit the game, switch to English language in the language bar and launch the game again.

    When I launch Watch Dogs it says “3dmGameDll.dll is missing from your computer.” Solution

    You can download 3dmGameDll.dll. After that, unzip the file and place it in the bin folder, which is located in the root directory with the installed game.

    Isdone.dll error occurs in Watch Dogs. Solution

    There may be several possible solutions:

    1. You can download isdone.dll. After that, unzip the file and place it at: C:WindowsSystem32 (or SysWOW64 if you have a 64-bit system), while making a backup copy of the file you are replacing. Restart your computer.
    2. Press WIN+R (or Start -> Run) and type “cmd”. In the window that appears, enter regsvr32 isdone.dll and press ENTER.
    3. If you have any tweak enabled that switches your computer from normal state to game mode, you should turn it off.

    When I start Watch Dogs it says “UplayPatch Failed to start exe! OK." Solution

    The error occurs in the pirated version Watch Dogs. The most The best decision- buy the game. But if there is no money, and you really want to spit in the face of the publisher who released this wonderful product on PC, then we do the following:
    1. Install the game, then install Uplay and register a new account there.
    2. Launch Uplay and log into your new account.
    3. In the game folder, find the “game launcher64.exe” file. Launch the game through it.

    Watch Dogs has low performance/low FPS. Solution

    Install the latest drivers for your video card. Remember that the game is very demanding on the processor and voracious in relation to RAM. If you have a weak or average dual-core processor and/or 4 GB of RAM, then you should not expect 60 frames per second from the game.

    In Watch Dogs the sound disappears/there is a delay in sound and dialogue. Solution

    Try reinstalling the sound driver (for example, if you have a sound chip from this manufacturer).

    Watch Dogs won't launch on Uplay. Solution

    Take heart - the Ubisoft service most likely cannot cope with the influx of people wanting to play Watch Dogs. So for now all we can do is wait. Try also running the game offline, but then you will lose achievements and multiplayer.

    How to disable mouse acceleration in Watch Dogs? Solution

    1. Open the file “GamerProfile.xml” with notepad, which is located at DocumentsMy GamesWatch_Dogs.
    2. Set the Sensitivity parameter to “1”.
    3. Set the UseMouseSmooth parameter to “0”.
    4. Set the Smoothness parameter to “0”.
    5. Save the file.

    In Watch Dogs cutscenes, the image is distorted / the screen turns black. Solution

    “This is not a bug, this is a feature!” © Don't worry, these effects are the intention of the developers and will appear periodically in some cutscenes.

    Watch Dogs executable not found. The game won't start. Solution

    • Double-check your game cache. To do this, find it in your game library, right-click on it and click “Properties”, go to the “Local Data” tab and click “Verify cache integrity...”.
    • First, launch the Steam client. Find the Watch_Dogs folder in the Steam root directory (located in SteamSteamAppscommon by default), cut it out and move it to any other folder and rename it (for example, Watch_Cats). Go to the Steam client and delete Watch Dogs, then exit Steam. Then rename the game folder back to Watch_Dogs and return it to its original location. Go to Steam again, find the game in your library and click “Install” - Steam will begin checking and download the files missing for the game.
    • If all else fails, then completely remove the game and re-install it for download.

    In Watch Dogs, textures disappear (become black). Solution

    The game suffers from some bugs. The developers are already working on the first patch, so please be patient. Try also installing the latest drivers from Nvidia or AMD (you will find links above).

    Error msvcr80.dll/msvcp80.dll | msvcr90.dll/msvcp90.dll / msvcr100.dll/msvcp100.dll | msvcr110.dll/msvcp110.dll | msvcr120.dll/msvcp120.dll in Watch Dogs. Solution

    These errors indicate that you do not have a certain Visual C++ package. You can find links to installation files at the beginning of the article. Remember that if you have a 64-bit OS, you will need to install both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Visual C++.

    Error d3dx9_25.dll / d3dx9_47.dll / d3dx11_43.dll in Watch Dogs. Solution

    Error 0xc000022 in Watch Dogs. Solution

    Right-click on the game's shortcut and select "Run as administrator."

    Error 0xc0000142 in Watch Dogs. Solution

    This error occurs when the program being launched fails to initialize. Simply put, something went wrong while installing the program (the most common option), the program was uninstalled incorrectly, etc. A complete reinstall might help. Watch Dogs, preferably with antivirus disabled and programs like Radmin and GeForce Experience uninstalled.

    If it doesn’t help, we recommend that you once again refer to the note at the beginning of the article, which says that the vast majority of errors disappear by themselves if the game is installed on a clean and original system from Microsoft, and not on some build of Mega Ultimate SuperZver Ultra Gamer Edition from Vanya from the next door. A complete reinstallation of the system and following all the recommendations at the beginning of the article will help you get rid of the error 100%.

    Error 0xc000007b in Watch Dogs. Solution

    As with the previous error, the most effective option would be to reinstall your system, but first, try (re)installing all the software from the “Files, drivers and libraries” item above.

    4. Something else is running.

    We highly recommend that you do not skip this point. As you know, in order for any game to play normally, you need to provide it with the maximum computing resources of your computer. Turn off all programs you can and then launch the game.

    Attention! Sometimes viruses have a negative impact on performance. Moreover, it became known that the Bitcoin miner was in one of the Watch Dogs distributions, so if you have a pirate, you may be infected. It's better to check with an antivirus program.

    In order to determine whether any virus is active, run the task manager Ctrl+Alt+Delete and open the list of processes there showing the load. Normal computer load by default is 0-2% CPU, we recommend turning it off suspicious process, which quite loads the system, if any.

    5. During the game, nothing should be copied anywhere or run in the background. The game must be installed on a disk where there is still space and it must be a fast disk and, most importantly, an internal one, not a USB one.

    7. If you play on a laptop, then connect the power cable and set the energy saving settings to "Maximum performance".

    8. Despite the fact that this is already the eighth point, it is advisable to do this right away. You need to switch your uPlay to Offline mode.

    9. Open the file Documents/My Games/Watch Dogs/GamerProfile.xml and edit the urgent DeferredFxQuality="console", where you need to replace the “console” parameter with “PC”, and then save the file.

    10. There is also an opinion that you can remove friezes in the game with a clever maneuver with the sound (you will lose the sound in the game). We launch the game, minimize it, find the volume speaker in the tray - right-click on it - Playback devices. Next, select your current device and click configure. In the window that appears, select a different set of audio channels from the current one. Those. if you have 2.0, set it to 5.1. Let's try the game.

    11. The Sweet FX mod can help you a lot, adding performance in the game.

    Is Watch Dogs freezing?

    You can see how textures are loaded in

    Most likely the problem is in a small amount of RAM (less than 6), try increasing the page file - this should help. We recommend installing 8GB - that's for sure.
