Who are the titties? The history of modern neologism What are titles in Ukrainian.

Fame for a young athlete from the White Church came unexpectedly. Almost two years ago, Vadik Titushko attended a rally "Get up, Ukraine!" in Kyiv. He was part of a group of sports guys who, for a small fee, participated in mass events, creating the appearance of supporting the Yanukovych regime.

There, Vadik got into a fight, which eventually turned into a three-year suspended sentence for the guy. Titushko was saved from a real prison by a settlement agreement, to which journalists Olga Snitsarchuk and Vlad Sodel agreed with him, who became the main victims in the incident.

Now Titushko is actively making amends for the mistakes of the past. At the end of March in hometown the guy passed the tournament "The Strongest" in elite fights, co-organized by none other than Titushko himself.

IN sporting event the Bila Tserkva team in hand-to-hand combat and free-fight and the Ukrainian team in elite fights participated. The Bila Tserkva team won with a score of 8:2. Vadim himself did not take part in the tournament, but as a co-organizer he awarded the athletes.

Vadim now recalls his “finest hour” at a rally in the capital with regret. He is not very pleased that his last name was subsequently given to all guys of athletic build, participating in political or business provocations for money.

Contrary to the wishes of the guy, the name "titushki" quickly took root. It was applied to all regulars of rallies from the Party of Regions, participants of the Anti-Maidan, as well as support groups of some candidates from the authorities at polling stations. But the worst thing is that the “titushki” “evolved” to such an extent that at the end of the revolution they already took an active part in dispersing the Maidan. Some of them not only participated in the brutal beatings of activists, but, moreover, with weapons in their hands, they fired accurately at the protesters.

Now “titushki” is a word that has crossed the borders of Ukraine. Increasingly, it is used in Russia, and "titushkas" are also mentioned in their reports. international organizations who monitor the situation in the post-Soviet space.

Meanwhile, Vadik Titushko himself is graduating from high school, thinking about a second higher education and attending church. The athlete spoke about what his life taught him in a frank conversation with the Commander-in-Chief.

About Titushko

This "popularity" was very unexpected. At first it was rather unpleasant, to some extent regrettable, somewhere insulting that certain guys are called my last name. But nothing. Now this is my cross and I have to bear it. I will not build myself white and fluffy.

Am I right or wrong… Yes, I made a mistake, showed unsportsmanlike behavior at the rally and paid for it. My parents are very decent people and raised me with dignity. After that incident at the rally, they criticized me a lot, disapproved that I had "stumbled" into such a thing. But I explained to them that there was such a situation, at a certain moment they set me up. Parents then understood and reacted to this normally ...

About the fight at the rally

Some of those events are understandable: there was noise, euphoria, everyone exploded, I behaved emotionally. Everyone now understands perfectly well that it was an ordinary set-up.

Yes, I am definitely guilty - I allowed aggression. But I am by nature a very calm person, balanced. In any life situations(at discos, on the street) it's very hard to piss me off. But then that's the way it was. I didn't run away like the last coward, but I seemed to be in a state of passion. A wave of aggression came over me. When I remember all these moments, I just don't recognize myself. It hurt me to watch the video of those events.

About the verdict

Of course, the court's decision is not fair to me. In fact, they should have given me an administrative fine and 15 days of arrest. But 3 years probation, for what? Yes, they raised this topic as if they had beaten a journalist. Nobody even laid a finger on Snitarchuk. It was beneficial for someone to untwist all this. But to whom, I don't know. The amicable agreement influenced the mitigation of the sentence, that's all. Of course, I am very grateful to journalists, Olga Snitsarchuk and Vlad Sodel, for signing this amicable agreement. If it wasn't for him, I'd be behind bars. It is a fact.

About Sodel and Snitsarchuk

From time to time, it happens, I switch the TV, I see Olya in parliament. But since the trial ended, we do not communicate. I don’t know if Sodel and Snitsarchuk will want to communicate with me after that. I would not mind sitting with them somewhere in a cafe, apologizing for my behavior. Just shake hands like a human being and leave. Without all these cameras and hype. I don't need this publicity.

About making money at rallies

Then I got to that opposition rally purely by accident. Why do athletes go to demonstrations? They just don't have money. Athletes are not paid money in our country. How to train? I know a lot of athletes, international athletes, masters, candidates, they all train with sheer enthusiasm, without any kind of support. Why should they look for sponsors? They must be provided by the state.

In Ukraine, all financial expenses fall on the shoulders of athletes, parents and coaches. This is insanity. This is not the case in other countries. I'm very good friend abroad he won competitions in freestyle wrestling, he was presented with a three-room apartment, a car and a salary of $ 2,000. Of course, a person has an incentive to engage. There is motivation. We don't have that in Ukraine. In Ukraine, a businessman can get money, show the boys a pack, and the guys will follow. Because their life forced. So let's kill the sport in general. Let's spread drug addiction, alcoholism, is that better?

About study and work

Last fall, I helped a friend, the president of the Federation of Belotserkovsky hand-to-hand combat, train children. Now I train by myself, just for myself. I thought about starting my own business, I can’t tell you yet which one. But now I do not risk because of the unstable exchange rate. In addition, the situation in the country is very difficult, so I slowed down with this matter for the time being. This is not the time to start a business.

Now I am studying at the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, finishing the 4th year. I think I will make it to the 5th year, and after that I will either go to Kharkov or Kyiv to enter the Faculty of Law somewhere. I think that knowledge of the laws is very important now. I also want to enter the Faculty of Physical Education, get a second higher education. Let it be.

About patriotism

Yes, I helped the Maidan during the revolution, I chopped wood, I was at a checkpoint on the highway. The activists treated me very well: hugging, shaking hands and taking pictures, sharing sandwiches and tea. But there is no need to make a window dressing out of patriotism. The feigned patriotism irritates me. When everyone was silent and no one was heard. And then bam! And in six months everyone immediately became patriots! And why? Here is the question.

About ATO and mobilization

I didn't get a summons because I'm on probation. But a very good friend of mine died in the ATO, his name was Andrei. A sniper killed him near Mariupol. Andrei was a good guy, a master of sports, two small children and a wife were left without a father. But he was posthumously given the order for courage. Question: who will help his family now? Will the country help financially raise children or support his elderly parents? Why give a posthumous order ... a piece of metal, why is it needed? No payments for the dead soldier were given to the family.

I used to help the ATO. When volunteers with boxes stand near the store, I threw money there, as far as possible - 100-200 hryvnias. But now I don’t have such an opportunity, now it’s very tight.

About politics

I don't want to talk about politics. It won't fix everything in my opinion. I haven't learned to swear yet. I do not follow political news and do not advise you. But I like that after the Maidan the society has become more united. There was a sense of unity.

About goals

I want to become better, to be an example for others, I don't want to be remembered as an unbalanced athlete. It always hurts me to remember that incident at the rally. I know that at certain points I was wrong, but if I could turn back time, I would change something. There was no one to correct me then. If, God forbid, I didn't have parents, I probably would have left. But I have someone to live for. My task now is to make my parents proud of me.

About forgiveness

I sometimes go to church. When my heart, you know, sucks, I come to church, I can sit on a bench for an hour or two and sort out my thoughts. I forgive my enemies and mentally wish all my loved ones health and longevity.

About family

Where!? I am only 22 years old. It's too early for me to get married. All in good time, you know...


"Titushki" (Ukrainian titushki) is a collective term that arose in May 2013 in Ukraine, originally to refer to young people who are secretly used for political purposes as mercenaries to organize forceful provocations, brawls, and other actions using physical force.

Since the beginning of 2014, in a number of Ukrainian media, the term has been used to refer to the totality of all those who oppose the Euromaidan and the European association.

The term "titushki" comes from the name of an athlete from the White Church, nicknamed "Romanian" (Ukrainian Vadim Serhiyovich Titushko), who on May 18, 2013 in Kiev participated in brawls against the opposition and attacked journalists Olga Snitsarchuk and Vladislav Sodel. The attack was filmed by photojournalists, which served as the main evidence of his guilt in court. Titushko was convicted and received prison term 3 years, but the sentence was commuted to 2 years probation. Soon, journalists identified a number of other participants in the attack on protesters and journalists.

Several prominent Ukrainian athletes, such as Denis Berinchyk, Andriy Starovoit, Andriy Stadnik, Vyacheslav Uzelkov and Oleksandr Usyk, have come forward to denounce the “titushki”.

Who are the titties? An interesting, colorful term was a companion word for Euromaidan. Not a single mention of revolutionary protest was complete without titushki. The word, untranslatable into other languages ​​of the world, suddenly became known and widely used far beyond the borders of Ukraine, while it appeared a few months before the appearance of the Maidan.

Titushki: the meaning of neologism

This term was among the most popular neologisms in 2013, as well as its ideological antonym "Euromaidan". So who are the titties? This is a collective image that arose and was needed to refer to young people (men) from a certain social stratum of society.

These are people of athletic appearance who are actively engaged in boxing or martial arts, who are members of sports clubs or groups. civil activists and journalists established and proved that they were used by the authorities (as well as the authorities themselves) to intimidate, disperse and create provocative actions in places where people gather who express disagreement with the policies of the official authorities.

Vadim Titushko went down in history

To understand who are called titushki, you need to know who they appeared thanks to. In May 2013, in the center of Kyiv, 2 actions opposite in ideological content took place: one was from the opposition, the other (as a contraction) - from the ruling party (Party of Regions). Both rallies were quite numerous, well-known journalists attended them.

At some point, a fight broke out between the participants, as a result of which a girl (media representative) and another journalist were injured. During the investigation, it was established that Vadim Titushko was the instigator and provocateur.

This young man was caught on camera at the time of the attack, and only because of this he was brought to justice. In September of the same year, this 20-year-old guy was awarded 3 years, which were replaced by 2 suspended ones. As for his personality, Vadim was in the sports club of the city of Belaya Tserkov (near Kiev), was engaged in martial arts, and had distinctions. In his environment, he was known as Vadim the Romanian.

His surname Titushko has the form singular, but, having become a collective image, it was transformed into a plural form. So they began to designate aggressively minded young people whom the current government informally used to perform "black" and criminal work, namely: beating, intimidation, blackmail, kidnapping, robbery.

After the May events and the condemnation of Vadim, perhaps titushki as a term would have gone into oblivion. However, they were to play their even more significant role in the historical events of the state of Ukraine.

Who are the titushki on the Euromaidan? Street fighters for 200 UAH per day

They appeared immediately after the formation of the Euromaidan and became an unofficial, alternative organization to the police and other law enforcement agencies. Throughout the entire period of confrontation (from November 2013 to February 2014), titushki were involved in the most criminal and criminal events. They abducted Maidan activists, burned their cars, beat, tortured, robbed, mocked. In addition, some of them took part in the murders, which is already a proven fact today.

Titushki were delivered from the south-east of the country, where the top of power came from and where there was great loyalty to its representatives. The so-called titushki acted together with the police, taking part in the dispersal of the Maidan and in the detention of its participants. Already at the end of the events, when the preponderance was clearly on the side of the protesters, members of the Party of Regions formed and sent to Kyiv from these regions entire trains and bus columns full of titushki.

However, thanks to the increased support from the public, these “tours” were blocked even at the entrances to Kyiv.

After those events, not a single person remained in Ukraine who did not know who the titushki were.

Vadim Titushko against titushki

Yes, that's what history is capable of. After the escape from the country of President Yanukovych, Vadim Titushko appeared in the information space and protested against his "namesake". At the same time, he said that he had made a mistake at one time, and now he supports Euromaidan.

He, according to him, would gladly join him, if not for a two-year ban on taking part in various political and public actions. The only thing he could do was to chop wood for the Maidan activists and protect the entrances to the city from the influx of guys with a sporty appearance. That's how Titushko did not let the titushki into Kyiv.

After Maidan

The role of the titushki has yet to be assessed, because the investigation into massacres, torture, kidnappings and bullying of peacefully protesting people is still ongoing. Interestingly, in the rhetoric of activists, one can often hear about titushki when it comes to the most terrible, bloody events on the Maidan. That is, not even about the police or special forces, but about titushki. This means that they took an active part in the winter confrontations, and they were feared no less than people in uniform.

That's all about who the titushki are. In the process of analyzing the events, it was found that they mainly belong to people from the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, who have a criminal record, problems with the law, are unemployed and are engaged in bandit attacks. Interestingly, the participants of the Maidan easily distinguished them from other civilians by their characteristic manner of dressing (sportswear) and a special facial expression, completely devoid of signs of intelligence. As someone said, they were ordinary gopniks, or gopota, as they are commonly called in certain circles.

On the picture Vadim Titushko, whose name is now called thousands of criminals, these are those who sold their conscience and civil position - for money.
("Vadik "Romanian" - such is his nickname, among fellow athletes).

Titushki is a new word from Ukraine, which the whole world has already learned.
These are strong sports young criminals hired for money to destabilize the situation at rallies, unleash fights, and perform other illegal actions. They work under the protection or with complete inactivity of the police.
This is a shadow mercenary army created by pro-government forces against the people of Ukraine.

Athlete Vadim Titushko from Bila Tserkva, near Kiev, gave his name to Ukrainian hired provocateurs.
Glory came to him not in the ring, but during the rally "Ukraine Get Up!", where Titushko beat the journalist of Channel 5 Olga Snitsarchuk and her husband, photographer Vlad Sodel. The incident occurred on May 18, 2013 near the building of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv on Volodymyrska Street.
“About 10 people in tracksuits attacked us. We filmed how they beat the Svobodovites, and they categorically did not like it,” the photographer said. The titushki beat them until they bled: Olga Snitsarchuk had her lip and hands broken - the attackers knocked out her phone. Sodel himself, who tried to protect his wife, received minor injuries.
According to the reporter, the police did not intervene in the incident, although journalists repeatedly called on law enforcement officers to protect them.
As a result of the beating, Olga Snitsarchuk was hospitalized in an ambulance - she was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury.

The recording of the incident documented that the police, from behind whose rear a group of athletic young men are attacking, do not particularly prevent the attack on journalists.
The footage of Vadim Titushko's face distorted during the attack went around all Ukrainian media; journalists began to use the word "titushki" as a definition of the collective image of such personalities.

In September 2013, the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv passed a verdict against Vadim Titushko and other accomplices - an amicable agreement was concluded between the accused and the victims.
The decision states that Titushko was sentenced to three years' imprisonment with a two-year suspension. In addition, Titushko was ordered to pay material damages to journalists - UAH 11,000 each.

Army of titushki
How many titushki are there in Ukraine? Only the one who organized this bandit army for the pro-government masters will answer. Alarming figures are heard in the press: from 20 thousand and more. The main purpose of the thugs is provocations against participants in legal mass actions and rallies in order to bring protest methods outside the legal field. Representatives of the power structures willingly see opposition activists in the titushki, which can delegitimize both the protests themselves and their leaders. Titushki also often act as security guards for employers' events.
In the Mariinsky Park in Kyiv in November-December 2013, titushki were collected in columns. As in a real army, these "soldiers" are fed, transported, and given orders in an organized manner.

Versions of where the hordes of titushki came from in Ukraine vary with minor additions. Basically, everyone agrees that the titushki are hired members of sports clubs, often semi-legal, and (or) representatives of near-criminal groups. There are suggestions that among the titushki there are ultras and groups of football fans, and they are the most aggressive; according to rumors, it was these people who could provoke the assault on Bankovaya on December 1. Representatives of the opposition stated that representatives of law enforcement agencies posing as civilians were involved in provocations against Euromaidan participants. By the way the events on the Maidan unfolded, it can be judged that the titushki are really connected with the police - at least they do not interfere with their activities in any way.

Titushki in the service of business
Titushki appeared long before the events of 2013 and Euromaidan. For years they have been collected and used in personal needs to solve business-related issues. For example, as support and intimidation units during raider attacks. Source from big company, who owns real estate, told that not a single raider takeover was complete without the participation of paid titushki:
"There was always a group of athletically built men for support - older and more experienced than today's titushki. They dispersed the crowd of dissatisfied people, dismantled fences, carried out any power support."
By the end of 2013, these disparate groups were turned into an organized army, and the situation began to resemble an attempt to take over an entire country.

How to recognize a tit
As a rule, these are athletes who are engaged in martial arts. They are fit and in good physical shape. Ready to inflict bodily harm on the protesters. They act as provocateurs to provoke people against the police. During these brawls, the police detain the protesters, not the perpetrators of the conflict. In order to counteract the titushka "on duty", during provocations, it is advised to film everything, take pictures and contact the police. Titushki are afraid of publicity. Usually they are in hoods, hiding their faces, so they need to be fixed as much as possible. After the first incident involving titushki during the assault on Bankova Street on December 1, leaflets with instructions on how to recognize them and what to do if they became active began to be distributed among the Euromaidan participants.

Uniforms of titushki - tracksuits and sneakers. Favorite brand is Adidas. Characteristic appearance- athletic young people in hoods, who during the "operations" cover their faces with scarves or scarves. Titushki of a lower class (who did not have enough for an Adidas suit) are usually associated with the social class of "gopniks" - poor urban youth, often close to the criminal world. “The gopnik who does not dream of becoming a titushka is bad,” they joke in Ukraine. They are dressed simply and without brands. Vadim Titushko was indignant when he was called a gopnik, and for good reason: the black Adidas suit, which has become a symbol of the titushkas, is expensive and beautiful, unlike the cheap clothes of the gopniks who were called up to fight Euromaidan. Photo: UNIAN

The word "titushki" thundered all over the world. The European press uses it widely, especially since titushka sounds quite familiar to foreigners, thanks to its consonance with the famous Russian babushka.

Sale of conscience
Today, the broad masses have joined the army of titushki - hired students, paid protesters. They don’t hit their opponents in the face, they don’t act like hooligans (unless they get drunk), but they hold flags in anger, earning their 200–300 hryvnias for participating in rallies supporting the Party of Regions.
The demonstrative action of the authorities, during which on December 14 and 15, using administrative resources, arranging free travel, tens of thousands of paid protesters were brought to Kiev, revealed one of the biggest problems in Ukraine. In modern European country, actually brought to default, against the backdrop of an impoverished and partially degrading population, a large slave market operates, where slaves readily sell themselves for a penny to local masters of life.


Origin: 2013

Heyday: 2013

Focus: crime


Elements: Hooliganism

Related: Gopniks

Titushki(ukr. Titushki) - illegal formations hired provocateurs, young people of a sporty appearance, gopniks used for forceful methods of dispersing demonstrations, starting fights, provocations and beating demonstrators; attacks on journalists and media representatives.

During the period of political confrontation in connection with the processes European integration of Ukraine, "titushki" has become a collective designation of active opponents of European integration in Ukraine, and provocateurs from the "Party of Regions".

Origin and meanings of the word "titushki"

Term "titushki" comes from the name of an athlete from Belaya Tserkov Vadim Titushko , who attacked journalists Olga Snisarchuk and Vladislav Sodel on May 18, 2013 in Kyiv. The attack was filmed by photojournalists, which served as the main evidence of his guilt in court.


The concept of "titushki" has negative meaning. "Titushki" usually have a distinctive appearance: athletic young men in hoods and / or sports uniforms. They start brawls with protesters, seeking a withdrawal mass events dissatisfied with the authorities beyond the legal field. Often this image merges with the image of a gopnik who sided with the reactionary sector of the politician. In turn, representatives of the authorities see opposition activists in the “titushki”.

  • Radio Liberty reported on the involvement of “titushki” in provocations people's deputy Ukraine, head of the parliamentary commission of inquiry, former head of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Kyiv lieutenant general Police Vitaliy Yarema:

    I even know the amounts, from 200 to 500 hryvnias a day they receive. As a rule, these are people who are engaged in martial arts, physically strong. They are ready to inflict bodily harm on the protesters. They act as provocateurs to provoke people against the police. And then, during these brawls, the police come into action and detain the protesters, and not these “titushkas”. This is extremely dangerous.

    Vitaliy Yarema also advised during provocations to film everything, take pictures and contact the police.

    They are afraid of publicity. As a rule, they are in hoods, hiding their faces, so they need to be fixed as much as possible.

  • People's Deputy Inna Bogoslovskaya:

    I have a witness. This is my husband's assistant. He saw that these people live in the Kiev hotel, they are paid 250 hryvnias< ...>I heard these people now singing the anthem, that's how they sing it in the stadiums.

    According to former member The Party of Regions of I. Bogoslovskaya, a year ago, this party considered the possibility of using it in provocations football fans.

Proverbs and sayings]

  • That gopnik is bad who does not dream of becoming a titushka.

  • Before the elections, there is a seasonal increase in demand for titushki in the labor market.

And the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance continues a series of special projects dedicated to Ukrainians who passed through Nazi concentration camps. The publications are based on the materials of the exhibition "The Triumph of Man", which in May --- August In 2018, she worked near the Main Post Office in Kyiv. The researchers of the Center for the Study of the Liberation Movement, in collaboration with partners, have collected unique materials about people who have gone through the most difficult trials, but have not lost their human dignity. Previous publications have presented about female prisoners, about priests Ukrainian nationalists And prisoners of war, O persecution of Jews. In this part of the cycle - a story about the fate of children who ended up in concentration camps.

Edition and history of concentration camps, information about camp life and order, story about female prisoners, about priests who were behind barbed wire, as well as what tests fell to the lot Ukrainian nationalists And prisoners of war. In this part of the cycle - a story about the persecution of the Jews.

Edition and Center for Liberation Movement Studies continue a series of special projects dedicated to Ukrainians who passed through Nazi concentration camps. The publications are based on the materials of the exhibition "The Triumph of Man", which opened on May 8, 2018, on the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, near the Main Post Office in Kiev and worked until August 23. The researchers of the Center for the Study of the Liberation Movement, in collaboration with partners, have collected unique materials about people who have gone through the most difficult trials, but have not lost their human dignity. Previous publications have presented history of concentration camps, information about camp life and order, story about female prisoners, about priests who were behind barbed wire, as well as what tests fell to the lot Ukrainian nationalists who ended up in concentration camps. In this part of the cycle - stories about the fate of prisoners of war.
