About the upcoming reform in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The agency is getting rid of the legacy of the former leadership The event may affect

Such restrictions indicate that the administrative staff will be 820 people in the apparatus, and only thirty thousand civilian employees. Many people working in the centers of EMERCOM of Russia will be given the opportunity to move to another position. That is, they will not completely lose their jobs, but will simply be transferred from a military unit to a civilian one. True, they will lose some benefits. That is why many employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not too enthusiastic about the latest news about the transformations. They do not inspire optimism. In the regions The reduction of EMERCOM centers in the regions of Russia in 2018 is discussed separately. Now there are eleven of them, and only seven will remain, because it is planned to merge (merge) several centers with each other, which is the basis of the entire reorganization. This step is aimed at improving the quality of work of the department as a whole. And it all started not today, but several years ago.

Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

  • Incentive payments for special achievements in the service
  • Bonus for employees with a higher legal education and replacing full-time positions in the legal specialty (1 time per month)
  • Monetary compensation for the performance of official duties in excess of the established normal working hours, at night, on weekends and non-working holidays
  • Lifting allowance and daily allowance when employees move to a new duty station in another locality
  • Financial assistance in the amount of one monthly salary once a year when an employee goes on regular vacation
  • The main payments, which must be monitored and on which all others depend, is the salary of the monetary content, consisting of the official salary and the salary for a special rank.

Reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by 2018: reorganization

The Fire and Rescue System The fact is that it is again the same “new”, which is not even completely forgotten old. In the fire departments, employees believe that this new reform of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is finally ruining the already feverish system.

The removal of shoulder straps from firefighters (the transfer of fire services from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Emergency Situations) has already become a step towards failure. There has already been a similar "demilitization" of the fire service in the country.

Veteran firefighters even remember what it was like when their shoulder straps were removed from them in the late fifties. After that, the USSR was simply overwhelmed by a wave of terrifying fires.


The state quickly came to its senses and returned to the firefighters both benefits and shoulder straps. But the situation turned around only more than ten years later, by the beginning of the seventies.

Now the government has stepped on the same rake.

Reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2018. structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

So far, government agencies have practically not commented on this issue, but they have already begun to act towards changes. The next year can correct a lot, the reduction of staff in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018 will affect, first of all, management personnel and vacancies that are not core for the structure.

See also: The inevitability of the collapse of the Russian economy It is planned that employees will lose in the number of approximately 10 - 15 percent of the existing staff, despite the fact that the start of such actions was laid in the past year. Supervisory and civil divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are suffering. The authorities believe that these measures will not reduce the operational efficiency of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
At the very least, representatives of the Government will try to do everything to actually optimize the service.

What's in store for the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018?


It should be noted that there is no real confirmation of such radical changes today, and so far they look just like rumors that are being replicated by a number of media outlets to raise their own ratings. Prerequisites for the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by 2018 As already mentioned, no official announcements about the reforms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by 2018 have yet followed, but now there are a number of real steps in this direction, which indicate the nature of future changes.

Salary increase for firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018

The reorganization measures of the department have their advantages, for example, the Ministry has grown to nothing quantitatively, these are only additional expenses for the maintenance of officials, and everyone who is necessary and important will certainly not be cut. The reduction in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the country will occur in two directions, all the latest news is broadcasting about this:

  1. Planned reduction of persons in leadership positions.

    This should have a positive impact on the authority of the department.

  2. Other cuts will be followed by the replacement of military positions with civilian ones. Technical and medical units will be subjected to this, which will continue to be funded from other sources than now.

Read also: Will there be an increase in salaries for teachers in 2016 in Russia?

Reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2018

The second stage of the All-Russian command and staff exercise of the Ministry of Emergency Situations takes place in the regions of the country Firefighters of Russia celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Soviet fire department Preliminary results of fire safety inspections of the shopping center were summed up at the Ministry of Emergency Situations Rescuers control the development of flood conditions in the Central Regional Center Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov addressed the firefighters and expressed his opinion on the question of Sergey Genin I can see everything from above Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day Rescuers provide targeted assistance to victims of floods Sakhalin rescuers removed more than 50 fishermen from an ice floe Employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry ensured the safety of Easter services The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations demanded to strengthen security measures during the period of seasonal risks territories that fell into the flood zone 17:11 09 November 2015 Keywords: State Fire Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations Printable version MChS-112.
After the adoption of the Federal Budget for 2018 and the planned 2019-2020 years, important changes have entered into the system of pay for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Fire Service. On whether there will be a salary increase for firefighters in 2018, the latest indexation news, salaries and other important information you will learn from this review of the ProfiComment magazine.
The content of the article:

  • 1. Salaries of firefighters in 2018
  • 2. Will there be an increase in salaries for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters in 2018?
  • 3.
    Salary increase of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018 in Russia: latest news

Firefighters' salaries in 2018 As you know, the work of firefighters is the most difficult and extremely dangerous - these are valiant citizens who save tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of lives every day.
A government source says that Last year the Kremlin is agreeing on a scheme in which the powers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be divided between the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard. “Puchkov's hardware weight was not enough to save the ministry,” the agency's interlocutor explains. According to him, during the work of Puchkov, the department demonstrated systemic problems in its work: the president many times personally had to intervene in the situation with extinguishing forest fires, floods, floods.

Under Shoigu's shift, tragedies involving employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations became more frequent: the death of a rescue team at the Severnaya mine in the Komi Republic, the crash of an Il-76 board that flew out to extinguish a fire near Irkutsk, the death of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Primorsky Krai during a recent flood. All this raises the question of the expediency of the ministry's work in this format, sources say.

Fire protection moves from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018

The basis for the newly created structure will be the FSB, which will be transferred to the subordination of the FSO (on this moment protects key persons in the system government controlled) and the SVR (whose activities, logically, are much more consistent with the tasks of the Ministry of Defense). In the same context, the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is mentioned just in time for 2018.

Fortunately, the complete disbandment of the EMERCOM of Russia by 2018 will not be carried out, but, most likely, the functional units of the department will be divided between the army and the police. In particular, the same senior government officials, who wished to remain anonymous, report that firefighting in the future will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense will take on more “field” tasks, such as emergency response and rescue work.

The transition to a three-level management system continues: from the ministry at the federal level through the subjects in the regions to the local fire and rescue garrison. The regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are excluded from the management level. Consolidation continues. The central region is now with the Volga regions, and Siberia, the Far East and the Urals are united into one territory. TO south center Ministry of Emergency Situations joined North Caucasus. released a large number of FPS officers, military personnel, civil servants and personnel, many of whom are sent to strengthen individual units.
At the same time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations promises to fulfill all social obligations to the personnel.

The global reform of all structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation began in 2015 and continues to this day. The number of employees is reduced to a minimum, and many units are simply eliminated. These changes will not bypass the rescue service - there are reports that by 2019 the Ministry of Emergency Situations may cease to exist in the form that we know.

Reduction of workers

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, over the past 5 years, about 5 thousand employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have been laid off. The main reason for layoffs is the lack of funds in the treasury. But the cuts didn't stop there. The authorities have set a goal to remove another 10-15% of the "extra" employees with duplicate positions, thereby eliminating unreasonable expenses.

In 2017, it was estimated that a quarter of all generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Such a number of officials is unreasonable, given that the main work is performed by ordinary employees.

To cut by and large will be various managers who work in offices, and not "in the field." Workers who received combat wounds, have long experience, high qualifications, or are the only breadwinners in the family, will not be fired.

Many MES-nicknames will be given the opportunity to move to another position in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or in a “civilian”. The dismissed will be paid a number of compensations, including a one-time allowance and compensation for vacation. During the year, former security officials will receive a salary according to military rank. In addition, you can apply for additional social assistance.

However, at the moment in many regions the headquarters are only 76-80% staffed. The smallest number of employees is observed in the Republic of Sakha, Magadan, Murmansk and Tver regions, Crimea. There are no 100% staffed units in any region of the Russian Federation. If the cuts continue, how will the Ministry be able to do its job?

Politicians promise that the reform will not affect the security of the Russians in any way, since all the responding units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations remain in their places, and separate detachments, on the contrary, can replenish. So, recently the Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation Evgeny Zinichev said that the issue of replenishing the staff of responding units is now being decided. Specialists will be selected very carefully, so that in the event of a situation like a fire in a shopping center in Kemerovo, the department will work as quickly and efficiently as possible.


At the moment, the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences natural Disasters(Ministry of Emergency Situations) is a state structure, which includes 11 divisions: a fire service, an airmobile squad, a mountain rescue unit, rescue military units, etc. Each of them performs separate functions: they deal with the consequences of natural disasters and catastrophes, provide fire safety, protect and rescue citizens in emergency situations.

In 2019, a reorganization is likely to take place, during which some of the units will be merged with the Ministry of Defense.

By breaking news, out of 11 units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, only 7 will remain. It is known for sure that the Department of Civil Protection will be liquidated. When deciding to close structural units the needs of a particular region of the country will be taken into account.

Why are such changes needed? The Russian government sees many advantages in the reorganization. Its results will be:

  • optimization of the administrative apparatus, reduction of the level of bureaucracy;
  • improving the work of reactive services;
  • transparency in the distribution of finances;
  • receipt of additional funds to the budget, which can be used to raise salaries, retrain personnel, purchase new technology, as well as other needs;
  • increasing the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among the citizens of the Russian Federation.

Experience shows that the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense can work together, and quite successfully. These services are inextricably linked with each other, and their cooperation gives a good result.

Another change that is being talked about in the government is the addition of new powers to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is quite possible that the Ministry of Emergency Situations will provide new paid services to citizens, such as fire risk assessment and preparation of project documentation. This will provide additional funding.

Recall that so far the bills on making the above changes have not been considered, so there is no unequivocal answer to the question of what will happen to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2019.

Salary increase as a positive side of the reform

For several years, the salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were not raised, since there were no funds for indexation in the budget. In 2018, indexation finally took place and 4% was added to wages. Nevertheless, some ordinary employees receive less than 20 thousand rubles per month, which does not correspond to the level of danger of work. At the same time, "cabinet" officials receive 2-4 times more, although they do not risk their lives.

Staff reduction should solve this problem. The salaries of rescuers should be increased to an adequate level from the savings. If in 2018 2.5 billion rubles were allocated to pay for the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then in 2019 they plan to increase this amount to 3.1 billion. wages for each division they want to establish on the basis of how many people live in the area under its jurisdiction. The more people you have to serve, the higher the salary.

In addition, rescuers must add 25% to compensation payments and 15% to incentive surcharges. To what extent all these promises are realized will soon be seen.

If you believe the opinion of the means mass media, then the Ministry of Emergency Situations is waiting for reorganization in the form of accession. The unit will become part of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. However, official sources do not yet confirm these data. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that such a reform will be carried out in the near future.

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The reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is the termination of the department, through the merger with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu addressed the President of the Russian Federation with such a request.

The implementation of the procedure will lead to the fact that the administrative apparatus will be reduced, and the department will begin to report to the Ministry of Defense.

Subdivisions in the regions, for example, the fire department, will remain. New functions can be assigned to the army. It is planned to strengthen the interaction between the military and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The final decision on the issue has not yet been made.

Employees of state bodies, which will be entrusted with the event, do not give comments on this matter. However, the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has already begun.

In the coming year, the organization is waiting for serious adjustments, which will primarily affect the management personnel and people whose positions are not core for the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

A massive reduction is planned.


Like all activities, the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can only be carried out on the basis of the law.

Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the following regulations:

All changes that are expected by the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be carried out in accordance with. Changes that are contrary to the provisions of the main regulatory legal act are considered illegal. As a result, they will not have legal force.

Video: opportunity


Today, information is increasingly emerging that the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be reorganized into the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The main reason for the event is the fact that the number of generals in the structure is ¼ all generals of the Department of Defense.

Such a number of senior officials does not contribute to the efficiency of the unit. At the same time, during the elimination of the flood on Far East The military and the Ministry of Emergency Situations worked together, demonstrating the high efficiency of actions.

Experience has made it clear that the structures are inextricably linked and their combination can have a fruitful effect on the functioning of units.

The initiator of the merger was the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, who previously headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations. He, like no one else, knows all the nuances of managing a unit and is sure that such a reorganization will benefit the structure.

However, it should be borne in mind that the merger of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is possible information. The data has not been officially confirmed.

To date, there are no decrees or other legal acts calling for the start of the event. To find out whether the procedure will be carried out in practice, it is necessary to study the news about the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Officially confirmed information is only information about a significant reduction in the number of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The first part of the reforms has already been carried out. The second will be implemented in 2020.

General provisions

What's new for the Ministry of Emergency Situations? It is not yet known for sure whether the divisions will be merged.

However, experts have already identified the main provisions that the upcoming reform will contain:

  1. State optimization.

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations is waiting for a large-scale reduction. Perhaps the complete abolition of the governing apparatus of the structure. In addition, there will be a reduction total strength employees. Up to 10% of the total number of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  2. Association with the Ministry of Defense.

    The structure will lose its independence and become subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

  3. The emergence of new features.

    Work will be carried out to bring the military and emergency workers closer together. The army will have new functions. The military will be more often involved in the elimination of emergencies and the consequences of natural disasters.

Experts are confident that such actions will have a positive impact on the functioning of the unit. Already today there is a list of positive examples of interaction between the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense during the joint elimination of the consequences of incidents.

The presence of a common leadership will allow for better coordination of the activities of the structures and will lead to an improvement in the productivity of their functioning.


The reorganization will lead to a significant reduction in the staff. The plan was announced in 2015. Then the question was raised about the need to finance combat units, crisis centers and the system of universities. These actions would solve the issue of insufficient staffing of fire departments. However, funds were needed to implement the idea. For this reason, it was decided to reduce the staff.

The changes will affect mainly the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is planned to reduce 10% senior officers and 17% fire service leaders.

IN July 2020 The President signed a decree on reducing the number of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the regions by 6,000 people.

The number of employees in this category will be reduced to 20.3 thousand people. The total headcount of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be reduced to 288,565 people.

The state will be distributed as follows:

  • fire service personnel 251 300 ;
  • soldiers of the rescue units 7 200 ;
  • total strength civilian personnel in the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 30 003 ;
  • employees of the central administrative apparatus - 825 .

The decree signed by the President of the Russian Federation will lead to total changes in the structure. The amendments will affect the Ministry of Emergency Situations already in 2017.

Headquarters optimization

What reform awaits the headquarters? Despite a number of unconfirmed data, today with 100% guarantee, we can say that it will not be possible to avoid the optimization of the composition. IN 2017 the reduction will primarily affect the management team. Ordinary workers will not be able to avoid layoffs either. Downsizing is planned for next year. 2 000 ordinary employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The total optimization will be a reduction in the total staff of employees by 10% , and civilian personnel 15% .

Deputies say that such measures will significantly reduce spending and save the budget. Reducing costs can be a reason to strengthen the unit. Officials believe that such measures will not affect the efficiency of the service. Employees who continue to work in the unit will be able to count on wage indexation.

The state tried to minimize the unpleasant consequences of the reform for laid-off workers and the remaining employees who will have to perform large quantity work.

The optimization procedure, which will take place in 2020, will have the following features:

  1. Employees who are laid off will not be fired.

    They will be transferred to civilian positions. The measure will balance the funding of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  2. The remaining employees can count on a salary increase.

    It is planned to carry out annual indexation and bring cash payments in line with the inflation rate.

  3. The salary fund for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be formed from 2 sources.

However, according to experts, the upcoming measures will not bring significant changes. Analysts predict that changes that will drastically affect the functioning of units will have to be faced after the merger of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense. However, the data on the merger has not yet been confirmed.

Experts believe that the work of service employees under one command will lead to better coordination of actions. This will increase the efficiency of the work of departments during the elimination of the consequences and liquidation of emergencies. The actions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense will become more connected and logical.

Non-core assets

Reduction awaits and employees who relate to non-core assets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The event may include:

  • technical specialists;
  • financiers;
  • lawyers;
  • programmers.

The employees of the department themselves are not enthusiastic about the upcoming changes. They are confident that non-core specialists ensure adequate operation of the entire structure. Reducing staff to a minimum can cause a deterioration in the functioning of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The dismissal will lead to a significant increase in the burden on each employee.

The reduction will affect not only people. Also in 2015 a decision was made to write off property that is not in use.

Not only material values, not used in daily work, but also entire parts of empty buildings and buildings. All planned changes will not be implemented at the same time.

The start of the reorganization began in 2015. The planned reductions will be implemented at the beginning 2017. Some experts say that in 2018 The Ministry of Emergency Situations will be included in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the President on the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

To date, the process of unification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense has not yet been confirmed by law. However, the President of the Russian Federation has already issued a Decree, according to which the bar for the maximum number of employees of the unit will be significantly reduced.

According to the regulatory legal act, the total number of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations now cannot exceed 288,565 people.

The changes don't end there. Evidence suggests that further transformations are planned.


Experts agree that changes are still worth waiting for.

A significant reduction in the costs of the state body and the proven effectiveness of the interaction between the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense can become decisive factors at the time of making a decision.

However, the reorganization is planned not earlier than 2020. So far, there is no exact information about the action, and it is too early to guess the date of its implementation.

Advantages and difficulties

Specialists are confident that the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will entail a number of positive consequences.

These include:

  • reducing spending on the ministry;
  • improving the quality of work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense;
  • increase the efficiency of tasks due to a single leadership.
  1. However, it is not yet clear how the combined unit will be led and who will take on this role.
  2. The question of the exact size of the unit remains open.

The abolition of the administrative apparatus may entail new reductions. Until these problems are resolved, it is too early to talk about the unification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense. Perhaps the authorities will decide to go the other way and abandon this idea.

Summing up the review of a possible merger of state structures, we can say that this is a rather long and laborious process. However, such changes can benefit society and reduce the burden on the country's budget.


The new head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Evgeny Zinichev announced to the heads of regional departments about the reform of the department. In particular, it is planned to cancel several rules that were introduced under the previous head of the ministry Vladimir Puchkov.

Reform through audit

« When management changes, an analysis of the activities should be carried out to understand what the budget is, what the staff is, what is with the equipment. This is necessary in order to prepare a minimum program and a maximum program for the work of the ministry", - told "Kommersant" an employee of the ministry.

Reforms in the Ministry of Emergency Situations today consist in the abolition of a number of decisions of ex-Minister Vladimir Puchkov. Yes, Deputy Minister Pavel Baryshev instructed to organize work "to amend the rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, in terms of wearing hats." We are talking about a return to uniform caps instead of the orange berets introduced under Mr. Puchkov. " Berets were to us like a red rag to a bull. They were perceived as a complete surrender of positions: the victory of the military who flooded the leadership of the Ministry of Emergencies over the fire brigade, - a fireman told Kommersant, who asked not to mention his name. - The officers did not wear berets, receiving reprimands from their superiors for this. Their cancellation has a symbolic meaning: it is a signal that the policy is completely changing».

Order and. O. First Deputy Head of Department Alexandra Chupriyana the procedure for staffing the fire brigade is being changed. Under the former minister, the assignment of new titles and staff replenishment was closed to the Central Attestation Commission (CAC), which was personally headed by the head of the department. It has now been decided to end this practice. " The order that the CAC should no longer decide on the appointment of fighters has already been sent out. It must certify the chiefs of central administrations, their deputies, and the central apparatus. The rest of the state issues will now be decided locally.", - said the source.

Sergei Shoigu invited Vladimir Putin to attach the Russian Emergencies Ministry to the Ministry of Defense, media write. Representatives of departments commented on the news about a possible reorganization on Business FM

The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, turned to President Vladimir Putin with a proposal to join the Russian Emergencies Ministry, where he was minister for 18 years, to the defense department. This is reported by Nezavisimaya Gazeta, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense.

Most likely, the numerous apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be reduced, and the ministry itself will be reorganized into an appropriate service, which will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the main structural units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, including firefighters, will remain in the regions. But their subordination will change and interaction with military units, which will also be “cut into” new functions related to participation in the aftermath of natural disasters.

The reason is the participation of the army in the elimination of major emergencies. For example, large-scale fires in the Moscow region in 2010 were effectively extinguished mainly by pipeline battalions of the Armed Forces. Last year, during the liquidation of the consequences of the flooding of Krymsk, the main work was also carried out by the army.

Indirect confirmation of the possible unification of the two ministries, experts call the increased activity of the military during emergencies.

So, in the Far East, the number of the Defense Ministry grouping, which is involved in the elimination of the consequences of floods and floods, is the largest - 25 thousand people. This is 75% of the composition of the forces involved in rescue and other urgent work. At the same time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations provided only a sixth of the equipment and aircraft, the rest - the Armed Forces.

The merger of the two ministries will benefit both, Viktor Litovkin, executive editor of the Independent Military Review, is sure: Soviet time subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Defense was the Civil Defense, the organization from which the Ministry of Emergency Situations grew. If this happens, the capabilities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will grow at the expense of the engineering units of the Ministry of Defense. In case of major man-made accidents and catastrophes, the Ministry of Defense always comes to the aid of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and performs the main work. So it was in Krymsk, so it is happening today in the Far East. Here the question is about the budget, the unification of the budgets of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Redistribution of cash flows in a particular area.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations itself has a positive attitude towards a possible unification, although so far they doubt that it will take place.

“Shoigu created it, he knows all this thoroughly. Each of our cogs, - says the head of the information department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Voronov. - What works well, probably everyone wants. But on the other hand, we can teach anyone how to work in emergency mode.”

So far, according to Voronov, no changes have been made to the department: “No decisions have been made, nothing has been made.”

The Ministry of Defense denied the information about the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The press service of the ministry Business FM stated that the information about the merger with the Ministry of Emergency Situations "is surprising."
