The problem of bad teeth in adults: a list of diseases and photos with a description of the main dental diseases. Teeth are a reflection of our life and illnesses. Problems with teeth began

Eight right teeth upper jaw associated with a person’s desire to manifest and express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world.

Physical blocking

Dental problems include any pain caused by tooth decay, tooth breakage, or loss of enamel. People often think of uneven teeth as a problem, but it is more of an aesthetic problem. Teeth grinding is also considered a problem.

Emotional blockage

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations.

Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and is not able to bite someone in real life or stand up for himself. Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caff-fen:

The eight right teeth of the upper jaw are associated with a person’s desire to express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world.

The eight left teeth of the upper jaw are associated with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself.

Eight right teeth on lower jaw associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction.

Eight left teeth in the lower jaw are associated with sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental block

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Also, the four upper incisors (front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and the four lower incisors represent the place your parents occupy. Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need.

Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you suffer from WEAR of your teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually erased from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to take advantage of you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel true, unconditional love for them.

GRINDING of teeth, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger within yourself and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake.

But this is only a temporary relief. You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth. To do this, you must go through all the stages of forgiveness. published

©Liz Burbo

1. TEETH (PROBLEMS)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Resentment towards father.

I forgive all insults to my father. I imagine him as a little boy and my heart is filled with love for him.

2. TEETH (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Dental problems include any pain caused by CARIES, TOOTH BREAKAGE or ENAMEL LOSS. People often think of uneven teeth as a problem, but it is more of an AESTHETIC problem. GRINDING OF TEETH is also considered a problem.

Emotional blockage

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are related to how a person chews new ideas or circumstances to improve them assimilate. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations. Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and incapable in real life. bite someone to stand up for themselves. Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caffin:

The eight right teeth of the upper jaw are associated with a person’s desire to manifest, to express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world. The eight left teeth of the upper jaw are associated with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself. The eight right teeth on the lower jaw are associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction. Eight left teeth in the lower jaw are associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental block

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Also, the four upper incisors (front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and the four lower incisors represent the place your parents occupy. Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of have a tooth on someone, better take care of your desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you suffer from WEAR of your teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually erased from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to take advantage of you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue you use, try to feel real, unconditional love for them.

GRINDING OF TEETH, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief. You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth. To do this, you must go through all the stages of forgiveness described at the end of this book.

3. TEETH, DENTAL CANAL- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Unable to bite into anything with his teeth. No convictions. Everything is destroyed. Teeth symbolize the ability to make decisions. Indecisiveness. Inability to analyze ideas and make decisions.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I have laid (laid) a solid foundation for my life. My beliefs support me. I make good decisions and feel confident knowing that I always do the right thing.

Most of us still perceive going to the dentist as an ordeal. The comparison of a dental appointment with torture is widely reflected in popular culture, which is not surprising - just a couple of decades ago the level of dental services was far from ideal.

Along with the development of this branch of medicine, the idea of ​​aesthetics has also changed: snow-white, even teeth have always been considered an advantage, but now it is a mandatory touch in the image successful person. We will tell you about common dental problems that should not be ignored. When preparing the material, we consulted with specialists from the Moscow medical center “K +31”. They claim that there are no dental defects that cannot be treated.

1. Caries

One of the most common oral diseases today is caries. Under its influence, hard tooth tissues soften and cavities form. In addition, the enamel loses beneficial minerals, which leads to tooth sensitivity. This disease occurs due to exposure to acids produced by bacteria living in the mouth. Another reason is the decomposition of carbohydrates that come with food, especially sweets.

There are several stages of caries: initial - a stain appears on the enamel; superficial caries - the spot becomes darker with a rough surface; medium - affects deeper tissues; deep - all layers of mineralized tissue are damaged.

The sooner the disease is detected, the easier the treatment. However, for a long time, caries does not cause discomfort, and you may not realize that it exists. Only regular preventive examinations at the dentist will help to diagnose the problem in a timely manner.

During the treatment of the initial stage of caries, specialists strengthen the enamel and restore its mineralization. With superficial caries, the tooth requires a filling, but it can be done without anesthesia. In the case of medium and deep caries, you also cannot do without a filling, but the treatment is already more labor-intensive.

2. Yellow teeth

Few people can boast of naturally white teeth, but anyone can become the owner of a sparkling smile. There are several effective methods for whitening teeth. It is better to choose which one is right for you together with a specialist.

The most popular methods of whitening: laser - it not only improves the color of teeth, but also kills bacteria; photobleaching; chemical; endobleaching - usually used if other types have not given the desired result.

This procedure must be approached with caution. Only a doctor can tell you how to make your teeth lighter without causing harm. The use of light or laser can lead to overheating of teeth, and chemical exposure can damage the enamel. The most common by-effect from bleaching - a temporary increase in tooth sensitivity.

3. Bleeding gums

Painful sensations in the gums, bleeding, redness indicate inflammation of the gum mucosa. This disease is called "gingivitis". The tooth itself is not injured. Even if this does not cause you serious discomfort (which is unlikely), you should not neglect the problem - this can lead to damage to deeper tissues and serious complications. Gingivitis occurs due to plaque that accumulates along the edges of the gums. Over time, it can form into tartar.

To treat gums, the doctor first performs a comprehensive teeth cleaning. After this, the oral cavity is treated with medications based on herbal ingredients to relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

Gingivitis is a periodontal disease that, according to WHO, affects more than 90% of people.

4. Violation of tooth integrity

A tooth can chip due to enamel problems or injury. Modern medicine offers various methods for restoring tooth integrity:

- tabs. The combination of orthopedic and therapeutic care led to the emergence of microprosthetics. It uses the most gentle treatment of dental tissue, aesthetic and durable materials. In the lateral group of teeth, inlays can be used - small prostheses that fill the shape of the tooth.

- veneers. In the restoration of anterior teeth appearance especially important. A popular way to quickly create a perfect smile is veneers. This is a special veneer that covers the visible surface of the front tooth in the form of a shell. Such onlays solve two problems at once: they restore the dentition and make it beautiful.

Veneers are attached to the tooth using a special compound. They can be ceramic, composite material or porcelain. The disadvantage of the first two types is the need to grind off the enamel. This means that after installing such veneers, your teeth will no longer be restored. But the so-called Hollywood veneers can be removed without problems, and they have the longest service life - up to 20 years.

Extension methods are used if no more than 30% of the surface is destroyed. They are suitable for correcting the shape or color of a tooth.

5. Gaps between teeth

They even tried to bring a gap between the teeth, or a diastema, into fashion as a sign of the individuality of its owner, but the cult of an even, snow-white smile turned out to be stronger. This feature is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also contributes to the development of oral diseases.

The causes of diastema are usually hereditary. In addition, a gap may occur due to prolonged sucking of the pacifier. childhood, malocclusion or bad habit of chewing on a pen.

Fortunately, today you can correct any type of gap. Various methods are used for treatment: wearing a special orthodontic system, installing veneers, trimming the frenulum under the lip.

6. Missing tooth

One of the most reliable and effective ways restoration of a lost tooth - implantation. Essentially, an implant replaces the root of a tooth, and it can withstand the same loads as any molar. It fits in well bone tissue without causing allergies or rejection.

Implants can be worn from three to 12 years. The tooth installed on its base is perceived as native. The most important thing is that implants allow you to maintain the load on the bone tissue and avoid deformation of the entire dentition.

7. Malocclusion

An orthodontist is involved in correcting the bite. Many people think that this problem can only be solved in childhood, but treatment is available to people of any age. An incorrect bite not only spoils the appearance, but can also cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs.

The most popular method of changing the bite is the installation of special structures. These can be braces, trainers, plates. Surgical intervention is used only in the most difficult cases.

By the way, malocclusion cannot always be determined visually. Sometimes people find out about a problem when it has already led to dental problems.

Maintaining oral hygiene ensures beautiful and healthy teeth. It includes several the most important rules, which must be followed by everyone who wants to preserve their own teeth for as long as possible. Regular oral care can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and many other dental problems.

Cleaning teeth and tongue

You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day - morning and evening, and better yet, additionally and after each meal. This should be done for 2-3 minutes using a toothbrush and toothpaste. At the same time, do not forget that you need to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue.

How to brush your teeth correctly

The brush movements should be vertical, from gum to gum (approximately 20 movements per 1 tooth). Teeth must be brushed both from the outside and from the inside, and also do not forget about the chewing surfaces in the lateral areas. In these zones, the brush is placed on the chewing surface and movements are made from the incisors to the last tooth and back. From the inside, movements with a toothbrush are made in the same way - from the gums to the cutting edge of the incisors and fangs or to the chewing surface of the lateral teeth.

When brushing your teeth, you should avoid horizontal movements: they do not make it possible to clean the interdental spaces, contribute to the accumulation of plaque in them, and can also provoke the formation of so-called “wedge-shaped defects” - lesions of the hard tissue of the teeth.

How to properly clean your tongue

Bacteria also accumulate on the tongue, which can lead to bad breath. In this case, you can use special scrapers or universal toothbrushes, with reverse side which have a rough surface for cleaning the tongue. You should make 20 light movements along its entire surface. There may be some discomfort at first, but it will go away over time.

Brushing your teeth with dental floss and brushes

Dental floss and brushes are additional means for dental care; they help remove plaque and excess food even in the most difficult to reach places - the interdental spaces. You need to floss your teeth very carefully, passing the floss between each tooth, starting at the back of your mouth. It is necessary to avoid sawing movements and applying too much force to avoid the appearance of grooves on the surface of the teeth. Using brushes, each interdental space is also cleaned.

Mouth rinse

There are special mouth rinses that are an additional means of hygiene. They contain active ingredients that prevent gum inflammation, plaque formation on teeth and caries, and also give fresh breath. You should rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and, preferably, after each meal for several minutes, after which the liquid should be spat out. It is best to choose a mouthwash from the same brand as the toothpaste, as they tend to complement each other.

Dental beauty and nutrition

For beautiful teeth, you need to adhere to proper, nutritious nutrition. It should be balanced and contain all the necessary food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, as well as dairy, rich in calcium and other useful microelements. It is better to minimize products that contain sugar, since its residues on the teeth contribute to the development of microorganisms and the further appearance of caries. Caution should be exercised when consuming products containing a large number of acids, as they provoke increased tooth sensitivity. It is also recommended to avoid too cold and hot foods.

Healthy chewing gum

Chewing sugar-free gum, consumed within 5 minutes after meals, is useful for cleaning teeth. In the absence of the opportunity to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, it removes food debris and promotes the secretion of saliva, which has a bactericidal and remineralizing effect.

Regular visits to the dentist

Regular visits to the dentist are one of the factors that guarantee the health of your teeth and gums. Even if nothing worries you, you need to visit a specialist at least twice a year, because only he will be able to determine whether there are any problems with the teeth, gums and oral cavity, and also indicate the necessary care procedures. After all, it is not always possible to prevent the occurrence of dental problems with the help of home hygiene products, especially if there are bad habits. And a qualified specialist will be able to provide the necessary timely medical care and provide qualified advice for the future.


Nice to see someone with snow-white smile, because health is an indicator of the condition of the whole organism. Therefore, we are taught to care for her from the very beginning. early childhood. Despite this, many people face quite common problems.

7 problems

As noted by dentists with many years of practice, the main problems with teeth are related to:

  • with destruction of hard tissue - caries;
  • raid;
  • erosion;
  • curvatures;
  • mechanical damage;
  • gum diseases;
  • implanted structures.

Let's talk about them in more detail.

Caries: occurrence and consequences

We often hear the word “caries” from TV screens. Almost every toothpaste advertisement claims that the disease must be fought, otherwise you can lose your dental health, and this is indeed a true statement. Our teeth are made of hard tissue that can break down over time. This occurs under the influence of acid formed when eating sweet foods and foods containing starch components. Initially, destructive processes affect the enamel coating, then corrode the pulp. Infectious microorganisms, penetrating deeply, they cause painful sensations, which are sometimes very difficult to bear.

Changing the health of teeth affected by caries is the most common problem today. Our diet has become dominated by foods high in sugar, and snacking only contributes to the formation of more acid-producing bacteria. Although enamel has the ability to recover, constant food residues slow down this process.

Cracked teeth are the most vulnerable areas of acid accumulation where bacteria form plaque. white, gradually turning into stones. Dental problems, namely caries, cause discomfort in oral cavity and contribute to the destruction of enamel.

What does plaque on teeth mean?

The opinion that the color of teeth should be snow-white, as dentists say, is erroneous. There are different shades of tooth enamel found in nature. It can be either snow-white or yellowish, and sometimes even gray. Some people note a gradual change in color due to a change in color not of the enamel, but of the dentin.

Dentin (translated from Latin as “tooth”) is the main hard tissue with a thickness of up to 6 mm that supports the enamel. Darkening of dentin from the inside indicates inflammatory processes. In most older people, darkening is characterized by age-related changes.

An excess of fluoride in toothpastes can cause white or brown spots. It is very important to keep an eye on them, because even the change in their color has certain reasons. For example, brown spots indicate bleeding in the pulp area. Blood accumulating in dentin leads to tooth death.

You should be careful when taking medications that also cause discoloration. So, dental problems in children preschool age may be caused by the use of Tetracycline.

An unpleasant yellow coating can occur due to frequent consumption of drinks with a coloring effect (coffee, tea, wine). Those who want to have perfect teeth color should avoid or at least reduce the amount of consumption of such products.

Problems with baby teeth in children can occur in the cervical area, as this is where plaque accumulates. Its appearance is associated with bacterial activity, but it is easily removed with a brush.

A brown coating is also formed by tobacco smoke lovers. As a rule, they have an unpleasant tint.


The food we eat generally does not harm our oral cavity, but there are still foods that can provoke the destruction of enamel. This includes foods and drinks with a high acid content. Abuse of citrus fruits, sweets, and juices leads to dental diseases. Acid, getting on the surface, begins to destroy their structure. This process is not related to the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity, it depends on the content of excessive acidic compounds in foods, which, by causing dental problems, can deprive us of the opportunity to have a great smile.

Bruxism (grinding your teeth at night) also contributes to wear and tear. The habit arises against the background of stressful situations. Constant grinding wears away the enamel coating. There are special devices on sale that can be attached to protect against erosion.

Shape distortion

Nature first gives us milk teeth, which are eventually replaced by permanent teeth. In the practice of dentists, there are often cases of their improper growth. A problem with teeth in the form of curvature forces parents to seek help from an orthodontist. As a rule, the most frequent patients of such specialists are children 11-12 years old. The molars have already erupted in their mouth.

Sometimes treatment for this problem requires the removal of some teeth. Special braces that your doctor will install will help eliminate the causes of problems with teeth that are unevenly positioned. The period of wearing such structures is determined by the orthodontist, but, as a rule, the row is leveled out in a year or two.

Mechanical damage

Often, destruction occurs as a result of an impact, when one or more teeth may break. Don’t delay visiting the dentist, because dental problems are urgent. Inflammatory processes after an injury can bring not only pain, but also require removal of the fragment.

The older we get, the more the gum tissue wears out, and the sensitivity at the roots worsens. A loose tooth injured by a blow should not be constantly loosened. Problems with mechanically damaged teeth can only be solved by a doctor. He will determine the extent and severity of the injury and treatment options.

Gum diseases

Plaque, inflammation, bleeding and swollen gums cause various dental problems. The most common is gingivitis. This condition can be caused by a negligent attitude towards oral hygiene:

  • irregular dental care;
  • non-compliance with a certain sequence of cleaning the oral cavity;
  • use of low-quality pastes and hygiene products.

If plaque is removed poorly, it hardens and gradually turns into stone, which is very difficult to remove on your own. Only a dentist can carry out this manipulation using special instruments.

Constant indicates the occurrence of periodontitis, when bacteria damage the site of the periosteum. The tooth is separated from the gum, and pathogenic bacteria and microbes penetrate into the resulting cavity. According to statistics from the Dental Association, periodontitis is the most common oral disease and causes loose teeth in people under 40 years of age.

Implanted structures

Like any branch of medicine, dentistry does not stand still. The operation to install implants has become widespread and in demand. Such innovations make it possible to restore the aesthetic appearance of the oral cavity, without grinding down or thereby disturbing the structure of neighboring teeth.

However, it should be noted possible problems with dental implants:

  • the likelihood of sutures coming apart due to the careless attitude of the patient himself during the postoperative period;
  • non-compliance with hygienic rules for caring for implants;
  • failure to follow doctor's recommendations;
  • individual intolerance by the body to a foreign body;
  • Later complications include peri-implantitis and rejection of the implant itself.

Moreover, both foreign body rejection and peri-implantitis can occur in both the lower and upper jaw and do not depend on the cost of the implant itself.

However, despite the expensive cost of the procedure, many strive to get a sparkling smile and the ability to chew food calmly. But complications after surgery directly depend not only on the doctor who performed the implantation, but also on the patient himself, his ability to care for a new smile and maintain hygienic cleanliness of the oral cavity.

In case of problems, the help of a doctor is mandatory, because foreign body can cause a violent reaction in the body, the outcome of which may not be in favor of the patient.
