Burda family. Anne Burda: biography, life story, achievements and interesting facts

Already at the age of 17 she knew what she should be good fashion: she must show a person himself - the way he wants to see himself. It’s pointless to dream of expensive outfits from Dior without having a penny to your name, but you can sew for yourself, to your taste and for your own money. It was a truly revolutionary idea - and exactly the kind of idea that was needed at that moment!

While still a girl, Anna kept repeating: “I want!”

Such destinies are very rare in life. Therefore, the transformation of a girl from an ordinary family into a world-famous entrepreneur and “queen of fashion” seemed like a fairy tale to many during her glory years. But it wasn't good fairy, which with one wave of a magic wand created a stunning takeoff out of nothing. She became a sorceress herself Anne Burda, her diligence, perseverance and determination.

"I want!"- she learned to say when she was still a child. And usually she got what she wanted. Anna Magdalene Lemminger was born on July 28, 1909 in Offenburg, Baden, into the family of a locomotive driver. "I wasn't an angel at all"- she admitted later. Her mother, a quiet and meek housewife, did not become a role model for her. On the contrary, her little world, limited by the kitchen, seemed too small to Anna.

Anna always wanted to achieve “something better.” Including her first communion in 1919. She wanted to go to church in a droshky, like children from rich families. Her parents refused: it was too expensive! But together with the daughter of a neighboring baker, Anna scraped together some money and still rode in the droshky.

At seventeen she decided to cut off her wonderful dark hair. “The other girls wore traditional braids, but I had my hair cut short.”- she later said. She even changed her name. As in her favorite song “Enchen from Tarau,” Anna turned into Enne - but now, when the name “Enne” was pronounced in Offenburg, everyone understood who they were talking about. At the age of 17, Enne graduated from a junior parochial school and began running the cash register at an electrical appliances factory. She then kept records of debt collection at the Offenburg printing house and publishing house Burda.

At twenty-two, Anne married the owner of the printing workshops, Franz Burda, to whom she gave birth to three sons. The family's income was modest, Enne's days were filled with everyday chores, although her husband, at her unquestioning demand, paid for the services of a housekeeper and nanny. Almost twenty years passed this way, perhaps Enne’s whole life would have passed this way, and she would have remained an ordinary happy German, if not for one banal news that radically turned her life upside down. One day, Anne learned that Franz had long been in a love affair with his own secretary, who had already given birth to his daughter. To provide for this by-law family, the unfaithful husband gave his mistress one of his printing workshops and a small fashion magazine, Effie Moden, which quickly fell into disrepair due to mismanagement.

If fate gives you lemon, make lemonade!

Forty-year-old Enne was not afraid to turn a family tragedy into a personal opportunity. Filled with healthy anger, she called a lawyer, but not to start divorce proceedings, but to take away the fashion magazine from her husband’s mistress and head it herself. She succeeded brilliantly, and the debt-ridden magazine received a new concept: pictures and patterns of simple, comfortable and elegant outfits (the kind that any German woman who knows how to hold a needle in her hands can sew on her own) plus culinary recipes and tips for improving your home interior with your own hands. For post-war Germany, where women altered old soldier's uniforms and passionately dreamed of beautiful and inexpensive clothes, of a comfortable and peaceful life, Enne's ideas turned out to be revolutionary, and in the first six months the circulation grew from one hundred thousand to half a million copies. The magazine received a new name in honor of the owner, and Franz Burda became the junior partner of his wife, who had forgiven him.
Business grew quickly.

Anne Burda is the queen of fashion in Russia.

Enna Burda was always full of energy. Other women slowly retire in their old age, but at 77, Enne began the official propaganda of the Western way of life in the Soviet Union. In March 1987, the first issue of the Burda Fashion magazine was published in Russian. Behind the cover with a title that sounded dissonant to the Russian ear, there was a loophole into another world - a world where you can calmly and thoroughly take care of yourself and your own home in a German way. Every magazine was devoured, every model from it was sold in dozens of copies, every recipe or home advice was put into practice many times.

Craftswomen who knew how to “sew according to Burda” were in great demand. The restrained style of “Burda” appealed to Soviet women, who were not ready, after their meager domestic life, to accept the riot of models and colors of Western “haute couture” fashion. This style nurtured the tastes of a whole generation of young beauties who abandoned the dubious achievements of the domestic light industry in favor of independent creativity inspired by Burda. Looking at excellent quality pictures with models, hairstyles, makeup, delicious food, exquisite interiors, women of the late 80s dreamed of such beautiful life, which suddenly turned out to be quite real and achievable, fortunately, both recipes and patterns were included.

By the way, Enne Burda herself, paradoxically, did not make a single stitch in her life and hated household in all its manifestations (except, perhaps, cooking). But her business acumen and intuition are beyond praise, and she is described as an intelligent, emotional person, alien to doubts and accustomed to achieving everything that she finds necessary and useful for herself. Anne went to Paris and Milan fashion shows, selecting models for her magazine and adapting them in accordance with the tastes and financial capabilities of her readers. She single-handedly managed her sprawling media empire (dozens of magazines, millions of copies in circulation) until 1994, when, at the age of 87, she decided to retire.

Her mother's empire was inherited by her younger son Hubert, who bought out their shares from the brothers. And Enne’s memory will remain of a street named after her in her native Offenburg, where she lived all her life, and the playful name “Burdapest” assigned to this city by local residents - here, by the way, the headquarters of the Hubert Burda Media Holding company is located.

"Burda Moden" is still sold in kiosks, but it is bought only by those who really need high-quality patterns. It has ceased to be a symbol of a beautiful and comfortable “foreign” life. Now it is just one of many sewing and home improvement magazines.


Order " Grand Cross for services to Germany"

Ring of Honor of Offenburg “For merits in economic development cities"

Bavarian Order of Merit

Awarding the title of honorary resident of Offenburg
Jakob Fugger Medal of the Bavarian Publishers "For outstanding services in magazine publishing" (first awarded to a woman)
Award of the Karl Friedrich von Rumohr Ring of Honor for merits in the culinary arts

Order of Charles Valentine

Golden Badge of Honor of the State of Salzburg

An extraordinarily successful entrepreneur, Anne Burda, receives the German Cross of Merit with a star.

As part of the celebrations to mark Enne Burda's 95th birthday, a street in Offenburg has been renamed Enne Burda Alley.

Quotes from Anne Burda

"I will prove that miracles can be done with your own hands."
“You need to make your own decisions in life.”
“I learned not to grow old in my heart and maintain the joy of life within myself.”
“The desire for beauty is not subject to crises.”
“To be human means humanity, that is, sympathy, benevolence, and therefore kindness.”
"A compliment is friendliness expressed in words. It costs nothing, but can work wonders."
"Tenderness expressed in words is a charitable contribution."


July 9 1931

IN 1949

Enne Burda is the founder of the world's largest publishing house, Hubert Burda Media, specializing in fashion magazines. She was repeatedly called the “queen of dresses” and the “female symbol” of the German economic miracle.

Anna (Anne) Magdalena Lemminger was born on July 28 1909 years in the family of a locomotive driver in the city of Offenburg in Germany.

At the age of 17, she graduated from a junior parochial school and began managing the cash register at an electrical appliances factory, and then accounting for debt collection at the Offenburg printing house and publishing house “Burda,” where she met her future husband, the owner of the printing house, Dr. Franz Burda.

July 9 1931 year the wedding took place. The business became a family affair, and Enne helped her husband in every possible way.

Later, when the family's well-being improved, Frau Burda became recognized as the most society lady of Offenburg. Her ability to dress, wearing jewelry and floor-length dresses, was appreciated in the world.

They also remembered how she went to the hairdresser in neighboring Baden-Baden in a Karmann Ghia car - yellow with red seats; and the fact that Frau Burda preferred to relax in Sicily.

IN 1949 In 1998, Enne Burda took over the management of a small publishing house in the city of Lahr, whose financial condition was deplorable. But Enne was confident that she would be able to create something significant on its basis, and she succeeded.

A year later, the first Burda Moden magazine was published. His popularity was and remains fantastic.

The most famous designers created models for Burda Moden magazine - Wolfgang Joppom (brand Joop!), Gil Sander, Karl Lagerfeld.

“Hollywood” patterns have become for many women a desktop guide to a stylish life.

In the 60s, Enne Burda traveled a lot - she traveled to all continents, established international contacts in the fashion world, which later helped her in creating branches of her company around the world.

In the Soviet Union, the magazine Burda Moden appeared under the rule of Mikhail Gorbachev. Rumor has it that the initiative to publish this magazine came from his wife Raisa Maksimovna.

March 8 1987 The first circulation of the publication appeared in 2010 - 100 thousand copies, which sold out instantly. The magazine could not be purchased at retail. It was distributed through trade union committees at enterprises.

It was also possible to get the magazine from speculators. The price reached an astronomical figure for those times - 50 rubles - 1/3 of the salary of an ordinary Soviet engineer. Fashionistas had to buy together, rewrite and redraw articles, and exchange with each other.

As German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher said at the time, Enne Burda “has done more than three diplomatic missions before her.”

Many noted that the first release of Burda Moden in Russian was an important political step. In honor of this event, a grand fashion show was organized in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, to which the best fashion models in the world were invited. True, mere mortals were not allowed to attend the fashion show. The first Soviet “defile” was attended exclusively by the party elite of the USSR.

Anne Burda worked in publishing before 1990 -x: wrote editorial columns in each issue, provided general management. After retiring, she took up painting. Anne Burda loved spending time with her family. By the age of ninety, she had 3 sons and 12 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Anne Burda died in 2005 year in Offenburg at the age of 96 years. Her publishing house still exists today, and Burda Moden magazine is published in 90 countries in 16 languages ​​and is women's magazine with the largest circulation in the world.

For her services, Enne Burda was awarded many awards: the Order of the Grand Cross of Merit for the Federal Republic of Germany ( 1974 ); Jakob Fugger Medal of the Bavarian Publishers “For outstanding achievements in magazine publishing” (first awarded to a woman) ( 1985 ); Order of Charles Valentine ( 1990 ).

IN 2004 as part of the festive celebrations in honor of Enne Burda's 95th birthday, the street in her hometown Offenburg was renamed Enne Burda Alley.

Voice recording of B.O. Burdy
From an interview with “Echo of Moscow”
June 30, 2009
Playback help

Boris Oskarovich Burda(genus. March 25 ( 19500325 ) , Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian journalist, TV presenter, writer, bard. Laureate of many art song festivals, expert in the game “What? Where? When? ", player of "Own Game".


He graduated from Odessa School No. 116 with a gold medal, his classmate was grandmaster Semyon Palatnik. He studied at the Faculty of Thermal Power Engineering, specializing in “Automation of Heat and Electric Power Processes.” He graduated from the institute with honors and received the qualification “heat power engineer for automation”.

He is a bard and enjoys art songs. Plays six-string guitar and piano. Loves to play badminton. By his own admission in the TV game “Pahonia”, in his youth he was an active football fan, supported Chernomorets and even bought a season ticket for the team’s matches in Odessa. I personally watched as the club won bronze medals at the USSR Championship in 1974.


Boris Burda is in his second marriage and has two sons:

and two grandchildren: Dmitry (born in March) and Timofey.

Participation in mind games

"My own game"

Since 1994, the editor and player of “Own Game” won a car after winning five games in a row. On the way to victory, he also beat the first champion of the game, Alexei Tugarev. He returned to the game only in 2001. Having won 3 stunning victories over his opponents, in the fourth game he lost to not the strongest opponent, Vladislav Dronov. In 2003, he took part in the new Challenge Cup, but managed to win only 2 games, and having received the opportunity to play in the revenge tour, he lost to another master, Anatoly Belkin. Since then, he played once each in 2004, 2009 and 2014, but did not win a single victory.

"What? Where? When?"

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  • on the website “What? Where? When?"
  • (interview)
  • Online ""
  • . Interview with Boris Burda (unavailable link)

An excerpt characterizing Burda, Boris Oskarovich

“It seems that I can congratulate you,” Anna Pavlovna whispered to the princess and kissed her deeply. – If it weren’t for the migraine, I would have stayed.
The princess did not answer; she was tormented by envy of her daughter's happiness.
While seeing off the guests, Pierre remained alone for a long time with Helen in the small living room where they sat down. He had often been alone with Helen before, in the last month and a half, but had never told her about love. Now he felt that it was necessary, but he could not decide to take this last step. He was ashamed; It seemed to him that here, next to Helen, he was taking someone else’s place. This happiness is not for you,” some inner voice told him. - This is happiness for those who do not have what you have. But something had to be said, and he spoke. He asked her if she was happy with this evening? She, as always, answered with her simplicity that the current name day was one of the most pleasant for her.
Some of the closest relatives still remained. They were sitting in the large living room. Prince Vasily walked up to Pierre with lazy steps. Pierre got up and said that it was too late. Prince Vasily looked at him sternly, questioningly, as if what he said was so strange that it was impossible to hear. But after that, the expression of severity changed, and Prince Vasily pulled Pierre down by the hand, sat him down and smiled affectionately.
- Well, what, Lelya? - He immediately turned to his daughter with that casual tone of habitual tenderness that is acquired by parents who caress their children from childhood, but which Prince Vasily only guessed through imitation of other parents.
And he again turned to Pierre.
“Sergei Kuzmich, from all sides,” he said, unbuttoning the top button of his vest.
Pierre smiled, but it was clear from his smile that he understood that it was not Sergei Kuzmich’s anecdote that interested Prince Vasily at that time; and Prince Vasily realized that Pierre understood this. Prince Vasily suddenly muttered something and left. It seemed to Pierre that even Prince Vasily was embarrassed. The sight of this old man of the world's embarrassment touched Pierre; he looked back at Helen - and she seemed embarrassed and said with her eyes: “Well, it’s your own fault.”
“I must inevitably step over it, but I can’t, I can’t,” thought Pierre, and he started talking again about an outsider, about Sergei Kuzmich, asking what the joke was, since he didn’t hear it. Helen answered with a smile that she didn’t know either.
When Prince Vasily entered the living room, the princess was quietly talking to the elderly lady about Pierre.
- Of course, c "est un parti tres brillant, mais le bonheur, ma chere... - Les Marieiages se font dans les cieux, [Of course, this is a very brilliant party, but happiness, my dear..." - Marriages are made in heaven,] - answered elderly lady.
Prince Vasily, as if not listening to the ladies, walked to the far corner and sat down on the sofa. He closed his eyes and seemed to be dozing. His head fell and he woke up.
“Aline,” he said to his wife, “allez voir ce qu"ils font. [Alina, look what they are doing.]
The princess went to the door, walked past it with a significant, indifferent look and looked into the living room. Pierre and Helene also sat and talked.
“Everything is the same,” she answered her husband.
Prince Vasily frowned, wrinkled his mouth to the side, his cheeks jumped with his characteristic unpleasant, rude expression; He shook himself, stood up, threw his head back and with decisive steps, past the ladies, walked into the small living room. With quick steps, he joyfully approached Pierre. The prince's face was so unusually solemn that Pierre stood up in fear when he saw him.
- God bless! - he said. - My wife told me everything! “He hugged Pierre with one hand and his daughter with the other. - My friend Lelya! I'm very, very happy. – His voice trembled. – I loved your father... and she will be a good wife for you... God bless you!...
He hugged his daughter, then Pierre again and kissed him with a foul-smelling mouth. Tears actually wet his cheeks.
“Princess, come here,” he shouted.
The princess came out and cried too. The elderly lady was also wiping herself with a handkerchief. Pierre was kissed, and he kissed the hand of the beautiful Helene several times. After a while they were left alone again.
“All this had to be this way and could not have been otherwise,” thought Pierre, “so there is no point in asking whether it is good or bad? Good, because definitely, and there is no previous painful doubt.” Pierre silently held his bride's hand and looked at her beautiful breasts rising and falling.
- Helen! - he said out loud and stopped.
“Something special is said in these cases,” he thought, but he could not remember what exactly they say in these cases. He looked into her face. She moved closer to him. Her face flushed.
“Oh, take off these... like these...” she pointed to the glasses.
Pierre took off his glasses, and his eyes, in addition to the general strangeness of the eyes of people who took off their glasses, looked fearfully questioning. He wanted to bend over her hand and kiss it; but with a quick and rough movement of her head she captured his lips and brought them together with hers. Her face struck Pierre with its changed, unpleasantly confused expression.
“Now it’s too late, it’s all over; “Yes, and I love her,” thought Pierre.
- Je vous aime! [I love you!] - he said, remembering what had to be said in these cases; but these words sounded so poor that he felt ashamed of himself.
A month and a half later, he was married and settled, as they said, the happy owner of a beautiful wife and millions, in the large St. Petersburg newly decorated house of the Bezukhyh counts.

The old Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky in December 1805 received a letter from Prince Vasily, informing him of his arrival with his son. (“I’m going on an inspection, and, of course, it’s not a 100-mile detour for me to visit you, dear benefactor,” he wrote, “and my Anatole is seeing me off and going to the army; and I hope that you will allow him to personally express to you the deep respect that he, imitating his father, has for you.")
“There’s no need to take Marie out: the suitors are coming to us themselves,” the little princess said carelessly when she heard about this.
Prince Nikolai Andreich winced and said nothing.
Two weeks after receiving the letter, in the evening, Prince Vasily’s people arrived ahead, and the next day he and his son arrived.
Old Bolkonsky always had a low opinion of the character of Prince Vasily, and even more so recently, when Prince Vasily, during the new reigns under Paul and Alexander, went far in rank and honor. Now, from the hints of the letter and the little princess, he understood what was the matter, and the low opinion of Prince Vasily turned in the soul of Prince Nikolai Andreich into a feeling of malevolent contempt. He snorted constantly when talking about him. On the day Prince Vasily arrived, Prince Nikolai Andreich was especially dissatisfied and out of sorts. Was it because he was out of sorts that Prince Vasily was coming, or because he was especially dissatisfied with the arrival of Prince Vasily because he was out of sorts; but he was not in a good mood, and Tikhon in the morning advised against the architect coming in with a report to the prince.
“Can you hear how he walks,” said Tikhon, drawing the architect’s attention to the sounds of the prince’s steps. - He steps on his entire heel - we already know...
However, as usual, at 9 o'clock the prince went out for a walk in his velvet fur coat with a sable collar and the same hat. It snowed the day before. The path along which Prince Nikolai Andreich walked to the greenhouse was cleared, traces of a broom were visible in the scattered snow, and a shovel was stuck into the loose mound of snow that ran on both sides of the path. The prince walked through the greenhouses, through the courtyards and buildings, frowning and silent.
- Is it possible to ride in a sleigh? - he asked the venerable man who accompanied him to the house, similar in face and manners to the owner and manager.
- The snow is deep, your Excellency. I already ordered it to be scattered according to the plan.
The prince bowed his head and walked up to the porch. “Thank you, Lord,” thought the manager, “a cloud has passed!”
“It was difficult to get through, your Excellency,” added the manager. - How did you hear, your Excellency, that the minister will come to your Excellency?
The prince turned to the manager and stared at him with frowning eyes.
- What? Minister? Which minister? Who ordered? – he spoke in his shrill, harsh voice. “They didn’t clear it for the princess, my daughter, but for the minister!” I have no ministers!
- Your Excellency, I thought...
- You thought! - the prince shouted, pronouncing the words more and more hastily and incoherently. – You thought... Robbers! scoundrels! “I will teach you to believe,” and, raising a stick, he swung it at Alpatych and would have hit him if the manager had not involuntarily deviated from the blow. - I thought so! Scoundrels! – he shouted hastily. But, despite the fact that Alpatych, himself frightened by his audacity to dodge the blow, approached the prince, obediently lowering his bald head in front of him, or maybe that’s why the prince continued to shout: “scoundrels! throw up the road! He didn’t pick up his stick another time and ran into the rooms.

Ksenia Burda was born in Ukraine in the city of Kherson. Ksenia grew up in a dysfunctional family. When the girl was 3 years old, her mother died. The girl was raised by her father. Despite this, Ksenia did not feel disadvantaged. The girl's father always surrounded her with care and attention.

IN school years Ksenia Burda was a very shy child. She always tried to avoid public speaking. Ksyusha paid special attention to studying geography and physics; the girl could study these for hours academic disciplines. Ksenia also attended a fine arts club.

Model business

In 2009, Ksenia Burda moved to Moscow, the girl entered the capital’s university at the Faculty of Journalism. Ksenia always dreamed of connecting her life with television; the girl was very interested in journalism. However, she was unable to connect her life with this.

The modeling business for the girl was opened by her hairdresser. He invited Ksenia to shoot for a famous hairdressing brand. This was the beginning of the career of model Ksenia Burda. The girl still remembers her first shoots and reviews her first photographs.

Afterwards, Ksenia began to receive offers from major advertising brands. At that moment, Ksenia’s life changed dramatically; the girl decided to leave her dreams of journalism and devote herself to a modeling career.

Rumors about plastic surgery

Ksenia Burda is a media personality; there are many rumors about the girl on the Internet. Some of which are about plastic surgery. On Instagram you can often see photoshopped photos of Ksenia Burda with the caption “Girl before plastic surgery.” The girl’s ill-wishers are sure that Ksenia’s beauty did not come from nature, but from the hands of plastic surgeons. However, these are all just rumors.

Ksenia never turned to surgeons for help. The girl more than once showed her childhood photographs with which she confirmed her natural beauty.

Also, in the comments under Ksenia Burda’s photos on Instagram, you can often see comments about her excessive thinness. The girl is accused of excessive dieting. However, Ksyusha never denied herself extra calories and never went on a diet. Her amazing figure is the result of genetics.

Personal life

Despite the popularity of the model, Ksenia keeps her personal life secret. However, it is known that now Ksenia Burda has no relationship. In one of her interviews, the girl said that she prefers older men. In her opinion, a man's age plays a big role. Older men seem more stately and interesting to her. Communicating with Ksenia’s peers is very boring.

Ksenia Burda on Instagram

One of the most popular girls on Instagram in Russia is Ksenia Burda. The girl runs a very interesting blog. Unlike other popular girls on Instagram, Ksenia also makes videos in which she dances, sings, and shows off her outfits. Such content is interesting not only to girls, but also to men. The percentage of Ksenia Burda’s male audience on Instagram is more than 35 percent.

Ksenia Burda is the standard for many girls. She has ideal proportions: Ksenia’s weight is 48 kilograms, her height is 166 centimeters. Many of Ksenia’s subscribers love her for her carelessness. beauty and of course for her charisma. In 2018, Ksenia Burda’s Instagram was followed by more than 700 thousand subscribers.

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On November 3, 2005, at the age of 96, the woman who invented the super popular fashion magazine “Burda moden” in our country died: Enne Burda. She loved to repeat the phrase: “You can always do a miracle with your own hands!” - and confirmed this truth with her whole life

It may seem that Enne is a textbook Cinderella: she rose from a simple housewife to a successful businesswoman, became a famous and respected person in the fashion industry... All this is true.

Only in this story there was no good fairy with a magic wand. There was only Enne herself and her amazing determination and efficiency.

"I want!" - this motive was defining for her all her life. She knew how to achieve everything she wanted.

Fashion can be comfortable and modest

Soviet women understood this when they saw the magazine “Burda moden”. Previously, most of them believed that they could only dress fashionably “over there,” in the West, and that it was impossible to wear the kind of clothes that are shown on the catwalks: they are too pretentious, flashy, and sometimes vulgar.

And the models from “Burda,” as the magazine began to be called in our country, captivated us with their restraint and elegance. A teacher, an accountant, and a secretary could afford to wear such suits, dresses, and skirts every day, and at the same time look fashionable and stylish!

In addition, each issue of the magazine was accompanied by patterns - this was a real treasure for Soviet women. After all, only ugly and uncomfortable models hung in clothing stores.

Mom is not a role model

Born in the small German town of Enne from the very early childhood was a "daddy's girl". My father worked as a train driver.

No, she also loved her mother, but her behavior caused an unconscious protest in the girl. A patient, silent housewife, mother of three children denied herself everything, and Enna did not like such self-sacrifice. She decided for herself: she would never be like this! She was oppressed by her mother's correctness and excessive modesty. She wanted a different life...

But it all started like with my mother...

Life in a provincial town did not allow you to dream too much. Enne graduated from a convent school and studied for a year at commercial school and then got married. Franz Burda was the owner of his own printing house - this was considered a successful match. And Enne became an exemplary housewife: she gave birth to three sons one after another. And why not - after all, her husband’s income made it possible to use the help of a housekeeper and nanny!

Cheating husband and tough divorce

It would seem that, family life Things are going well, the children are growing up, there is enough money to live on... However, confidence and calm collapsed overnight when Enne found out about her husband’s love affair with his secretary. They even had a child. In fact, Franz has long since formed a second family.

Enna was 40 years old by that time. And the measured life of an ordinary provincial housewife is a thing of the past.

Many publications publishing the biography of Enne Burda write that her husband gave her a magazine and a printing house, and this is where her career began. In fact, he gave the magazine to his mistress, and Enna, with the help of lawyers, took it away. The magazine publication was dying, and Enne rolled up her sleeves.

How anger and resentment can become the engine of success

She didn't know how to sew and didn't understand anything about the publishing business. However, the anger at her husband and the desire to gain success and independence (“I will prove it to him!”) were so strong that she learned everything.

Anne came up with an idea of ​​what her magazine should be about: it would be a publication for ordinary women with low incomes who want to look good!

She mastered all processes, all stages of publishing herself. She hired dressmakers and carefully supervised their work. I chose the best outfits and photographs. She drew up a plan for the magazine and developed the cover design. She established connections with famous couturiers.

The first issue of Enne Burda's fashion magazine was published in 1950. The circulation was impressive - 100 thousand copies, but all of them were instantly sold out and began to be sold by speculators at exorbitant prices.

Post-war years were difficult for the losing Germany: a change of power, a split in the country, a severe shortage of everything - including clothing. And women at any time and under any regime tend to want to be beautiful and dress well. So the magazine with simple tips and the available patterns came in very handy.

The women passed the first issue on to each other, copied models and patterns, rewrote advice...

Anne did it all! The realization of this filled her with such joy that she forgave her unfaithful husband, stipulating the conditions: the mistress and the child move to another city and receive financial assistance, and their family remains a family.
