What stars live in Hollywood. The most beautiful celebrity houses: where show business stars live (photo)

Majority Hollywood stars buys a home in California. This is due to the purity and natural resources of this state. It is quiet, calm here, and nearby there is a quiet ocean with azure shores and warm water. California is warm 350 days a year, but the air here is dry, making summer quite easy to endure.

The stars also order the installation of air conditioners, as well as swimming pools, to make the heat easier to bear.
Pacific Ocean is a source of quality seafood. Undoubtedly, California has its own special and unique atmosphere. For this reason, many stars of one size or another settle here. Below you can see a list of the most expensive celebrity homes in California.

#8 – Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart's mansion. The cost of the house is estimated at 2.2 million dollars. It is located in the city of Los Angeles. Its area is 312 sq. meters. The house has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a veranda and a small office. There is an adjacent area of ​​1000 square meters. meters. Here you can make a fire and have a picnic. Kristen has her own pool.

#7 – Justin Bieber

The Oaks Mansion belongs to popular musician Justin Bieber. Its cost is 6.5 million. The house has 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms.

No. 6 – Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has a cute mansion that looks more like a palace. Its cost reaches 10 million dollars. The area where the house is located reaches a size of 12 thousand square meters, while the area of ​​the mansion is 890 square meters. m. Inside there are 8 bedrooms, as well as 7 bathrooms and a luxurious sauna. Near the house there is a swimming pool and a special building for its maintenance. Not far from all this you can find a garage designed exclusively for Porsche.

#5 – Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman's house cost $14 million. It extends over 5 floors, in which there are 7 bedrooms as well as 6 bathrooms. The area of ​​this building is 450 square meters.

#4 – Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford's Penthouse Costs $16 Million! He did not deny himself the pleasure of purchasing an 11-room apartment among expensive skyscrapers. The apartment has its own elevator, roof terrace, and gym.

No. 3 – Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio owns a property worth $18.9 million. His mansion is conveniently located in the most elite area of ​​Malibu. The actor also has other mansions that are located on both coasts of the United States.

No. 2 – Jennifer Aniston

2. Jennifer Aniston. The actress owns a substantial mansion in Los Angeles. The price of her house is $19.5 million. Before that, she sold the house, which is located in Beverly Hills, for 35 million.

No. 1 – Britney Spears

Singer and actress Britney Spears takes honorable first place. She built herself a house according to the design of a famous designer. This pleasure cost 20 million dollars. The total area of ​​the building was 2000 square meters. The mansion is striking in its size. Inside there are 30 bathrooms, as well as 10 bedrooms. In addition, near the house there is a tennis court, grottoes, waterfalls and swimming pools.

Stars try not to skimp on real estate, as well as their personal space. Even if they don’t spend too much time in their many mansions, it’s still nice to return to where you are expected, and every corner is painfully familiar. You always want every corner of your home to be relaxing and enjoyable, especially if it’s hard to count them.

When you fly up to Los Angeles in the evening, it seems that all Earth turned into a large sparkling Christmas tree toy. The earth is covered to the very horizon with an endless white carpet of fire with a clear red pattern of “highways”. There is no end in sight to the ocean of lights, and I am beginning to understand the true scale of American cities. Los Angeles - the first point of my trip - is the largest city in California. Including the surrounding areas, it is home to approximately 12 million people. I check into a hotel in the city center, and at dawn I rush to get to know the main city of California.

About the unpleasant...

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase “American city”? Shiny skyscrapers? Licked streets? Shining chrome cars? Yes, this is about Los Angeles, or more precisely, about a thousandth of its area. The city center is very beautiful and insignificantly small! Downtown is the business center of the city, it has stunning parks, perfect cleanliness and perfect architecture. And, as everywhere else in the civilized world... the rich do not live here. The areas adjacent to the center are home to the poor and homeless. The city center is surrounded by cheap (by American standards) concrete housing, multi-story parking lots, and countless bridges and interchanges. And with the onset of dusk, hunting time begins, in which an onlooker on a spree can easily become a victim of street hooligans.

But on a beautiful and sunny first day of vacation, I don’t want to think about problems. I'm looking for fun. And I'm going to Hollywood.

Here dreams come true

Here national television is considered local. Films with million-dollar budgets are shot here. Outstanding actors, directors and screenwriters work here. Beauty standards are created here. Here fantasies come true and stereotypes are destroyed. This is all Hollywood.

The first point I decided to visit in Hollywood was the Universal Studio theme park.

I take a free shuttle from the Universal City metro station to the park. Admission to the park for the whole day costs about $100.

It should be noted that “Universal Studio” is an operating film studio. Here you can not only test your nerves on fantastic attractions, but also take a guided tour around the filming pavilions and learn the secrets of film production. The highlight of the park is the three- and even four-dimensional shows! All of them are created based on famous animated and film films using scenery and computer graphics. Probably nowhere else in the world can you “step up” to the screen and become a participant in the exciting adventures in “The Terminator” or wander through Dracula’s castle full of mysticism and horror, fly on a train inside an Egyptian pyramid, eluding the Mummy, or plunge into prehistoric times"Jurassic Park".

A couple of metro stations and I’m on Hollywood Boulevard, an equally popular place among tourists.

By the way, about the metro. One ride on the Los Angeles subway will cost you $1.50, and a full-day ticket will cost you $3. Tickets are sold from machines in the lobby for cash or credit cards. Out of habit, having bought a ticket, I began to look for the turnstile. But there is neither a turnstile nor any other control over payment of fares in the subway, and I enter the subway without hindrance.

Coming out of the Hollywood/Highland metro station onto Hollywood Boulevard, I immediately saw under my feet the stars so familiar from the pictures with the names of celebrities. Only a few seconds later, looking at my feet, at the ordinary gray sidewalk, I began to realize that I was standing on the Avenue of Stars. Frankly, I imagined the Avenue of Stars differently: a beautiful walking street framed by spreading trees, and in the middle - the coveted stars on which the very best are immortalized... There were no delights in what I saw, but here, on Hollywood Boulevard, life was in full swing. Heroes dressed up in incredible costumes, sellers of movie souvenirs and CDs, handprints and footprints of famous artists and many, many pedestrians, their eyes glaring at the floor. I join them too. Among names like Kevin Costner, Harrison Ford and Nicole Kidman, I found stars named Godzilla and Winnie the Pooh. Here, on Hollywood Boulevard, is the Kodak Theater, where the Oscar ceremony takes place, the beautiful building of the Chinese Theater and the stairs leading to the observation deck, from where you can see the famous inscription “Hollywood”, written in huge letters far in the mountains.

Exploring Beverly Hills

From Hollywood, now by taxi, I am moving towards the so-called “one-story America”, or rather, to its best part - Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills is the legendary land of owners of Bentley cars and luxury mansions, known for its mesmerizing high prices and sophisticated lifestyle. Today's leading American film stars such as Jack Nicholson and Sylvester Stallone continue the tradition begun by the first "high-class" residents of Beverly - black-and-white screen stars such as Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.

The sociability of Americans knows no bounds. Having learned that I am from Russia, the taxi driver, with all the generosity of the American soul, also becomes my guide. Moving along the picturesque streets, the “guide” emphasizes: “This is the famous Sun Set, here are the most expensive restaurants and clubs. And this is the street of the most expensive mansions - Rodeo Drive. Century City is famous for its shopping, and Westwood for its movie theaters...”

On the sand of Santa Monica

Walking around Beverly Hills is a pleasant activity, but I don't have much time, and I'm heading for Santa Monica.

Clean air, a picturesque Pacific coastline framed by mountains, a quiet walkable downtown and hundreds of excellent dining options are just a few of the features that make Santa Monica one of the most vacation-friendly areas of Los Angeles. This is a real paradise for shopping lovers. The main shopping centers are located on Montana Avenue, Main Street and Santa Monica Place. “Be sure to check out Third Street!” – the kind taxi driver finally advised me.

Third Street is a kind of Arbat of Santa Monica. There are shops, souvenir shops, street musicians and all kinds of food courts, and of course, street beggars.

In Santa Monica stores you can sometimes see incredible discounts. This does not mean 20 or even 50 percent. In one of the stores, an excellent leather jacket was sold for 100 instead of 500 dollars.

Walking through the streets of Santa Monica, I come to the shore of the Pacific Ocean. I breathe in the sea breeze, standing on a pier about 20 meters above the stunningly spacious beach. “This is the ocean, Vasya!..” - for some reason I remember the words from a funny film about our “cops” in America. Yes, this is the ocean... This is Malibu, this is Long Beach, this is Pasadena, this is Chinatown... This is Los Angeles!

If you have always dreamed of meeting an A-list star and visiting Los Angeles at the same time, we will help you fulfill this mission.

The world of modern media is structured in such a way that almost everyone knows world-famous celebrities. Stars of sports, screen, politics, stage, television look at us from numerous covers of magazines and newspapers, store windows, billboards, and speak to us on radio and TV. Surprisingly, almost every one of us, having once met a media person in real life, strives, if not to “touch the dream,” then at least to photograph it as a keepsake and then post it on Facebook.

Follow our suggested plan carefully, and a photo of George Clooney hugging you might just decorate your hallway.

Let's say right away that stars are stars to avoid unnecessary attention. And it’s not without reason that glossy magazines spend so much money on professional paparazzi who specifically track down celebrities. However, celestials are also people and visit a variety of places. Plus, the mentality of Americans is a little different from ours - they are more sociable and open, including celebrities.

If, thanks to our advice, you are lucky and see Brad Pitt feeding his child an omelet in a cafe, behave with dignity. Don't fuss, wait until he finishes, introduce yourself, be sure to say that you are from afar, and ask permission to take a photo. Most likely, you will not be refused.

So, iPhone at the ready, it’s time to hit the road - in search of the beauty Paris Hilton and the brutal Bruce Willis.


Many kilometers of sandy beaches, breathtaking terrain, distance from the center of the bustle of Los Angeles and a surprisingly mild climate attracted not only the Spanish discoverer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, who first landed here back in 1542, but also the most recognizable stars of our time. Today, Malibu is the city with the highest percentage of permanent celebrity residents per thousand inhabitants in the world.

Wake up before dawn, grab your surfboard and wait for the waves around the Malibu Pier from 6 to 8 am. An alternative is to jog along the surf line and meditate on the beach with the first rays of sun. This is what Will Smith, Jason Statham, Mel Gibson, Ryan Phillippe, Linda Hamilton, Pink and many other famous people who live in first-class houses along the ocean line regularly do here. The beach area is completely public, so no fences or barriers will stop you.


The fashion that has long swept California healthy eating products grown without the use of GMOs and chemical fertilizers, naturally, did not bypass the stellar representatives of humanity. The largest premium supermarket chain Whole Foods, offering a full range of organic food, has become a favorite grocery store of celebrities. The best chance of running into Jessica Simpson, Halle Barry, or one of the Lakers at a table with fresh avocados is at the Whole Foods in the Venice area, as this is the last such store before entering Malibu along the Pacific Highway (the famous Highway No. 1).


What star doesn't like to look at other stars and show off themselves? Perhaps the surest way to drop a hot dog on Jack Nicholson or spill beer on Bill Murray is to buy tickets to one of the Lakers or Clippers home basketball games. Despite the abundance of VIP boxes, many stars like to sit in the front row among ordinary fans. True, the price of tickets, reaching several thousand dollars per game, during play-off matches can scare off many, but what wouldn’t you do for a unique photo with your favorite star?


Hicking - hiking in American style. This is when you have a car in the parking lot at the entrance to the park, sandwiches in your backpack, and special urns for barbecue coals everywhere. No adrenaline, like getting lost, being eaten by wild animals or starving, like in the Siberian taiga... But great views, beautiful nature and a helicopter for emergencies (such as overwork or dehydration).

Runyon Canyon Park, located in the Hollywood Hills, 10 minutes' drive from Beverly Hills, is favored by celebrities for family picnics and small bike rides. hiking with his equally stellar children. So don't forget to take your offspring - what if they become friends?


Shopping on Rodeo Drive, a street of luxury boutiques located in the heart of the Beverly Hills area, is as much a relief from stress and depression for A-listers as a trip to the Central Department Store is for Moscow residents. Arm yourself with a platinum bank card with an extended credit line and plunge into the world of luxury and endless fittings while waiting Julia Roberts and Michelle Pfeiffer.


This is one of the leading beauty salons in Los Angeles, located in the Hollywood area. Founded by the lovely Faith Tatro, a renowned skin care specialist, Touch of Faith has become a mecca for celebrity ambassadors. fair half humanity. The author's care technology using exclusive formulas is quite expensive to increase the likelihood of you meeting a celebrity.


In general, there are as many chic restaurants in Beverly Hills as there are McDonald's in Moscow. Each of them is interesting in its own way, plus several new places always open up in the new season. By the way, the prices in these establishments will pleasantly surprise Moscow regulars of fine dining restaurants. Even in the most expensive restaurant it is difficult to find a hot dish for more than 70-80 dollars. However, our goal is not only tasty food, but also the need to be within arm's reach of Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz.

This season, perhaps, the Italian restaurant of the famous chef Edoardo Baldi is best suited for this purpose. A small room creates an atmosphere of home comfort, which means it increases your chances of getting that treasured photo, because dropping a gravy boat under the next table is as easy as shelling pears! And refined Italian food and a chic wine list will only help you cement your acquaintance. Don't forget about pre-reservation!


As with restaurants, night life Los Angeles is no less diverse. However, based on the purpose of the visit, we are interested in a top-level club, but with a fairly democratic atmosphere so that the stars are not fenced off from ordinary visitors with impenetrable VIP boxes with huge bodyguards. Drai`s is ideal for this - a small establishment located on the top floor of Hotel W. Excellent music, fresh air, an area with a swimming pool and stars, literally and figuratively (the club has no roof). Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Drew Barrymore and other partygoers may catch your eye if you haven't already had too much tequila by now. Oh, and beware of doppelgängers—this is Los Angeles, after all!


The brainchild of Elon Musk, a new generation electric sports car, quickly won the hearts of not only Silicon Valley millionaires, but also Hollywood stars. Chic design, cutting-edge technology, unique environmental friendliness, excellent image - all this has led to the fact that the queue for new car The Tesla mobile project has already lasted almost two years. In our case, one thing is encouraging - there are still more stars who have not yet bought a car than those who have bought it. So it's worth heading to Tesla Motors headquarters in Santa Monica. Perhaps, tomorrow David Duchovny will buy himself a new car there, who has stated many times that, unlike screen hero TV series Californication, who drove a Porsche 911, prefers larger cars.


Well, perhaps the most reliable way to meet a celebrity is to drink a cup of coffee with him (her) in the bar of the Private Jets Lounge while the star is waiting for his private plane to take off. The disadvantages are obvious: to do this you will have to buy your own plane or borrow one from an oligarch friend. And in this case, the question is: if you have your own plane, why do you need a photo with Beckham? Dream about something more impressive!

Multimillion-dollar fees allow movie and music stars to acquire luxurious mansions, villas and apartments. decided to find out where Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Robert Downey Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Harry Styles and other celebrities live.

Kit Harington and Rose Leslie

Former Game of Thrones co-stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie have recently not only been dating, but also living together. The actors, who have been together for about five years, purchased a house in the eastern part of England for $2.2 million. They plan to use it as a vacation spot rather than move there permanently. Due to busy work schedules, the stars are forced to constantly be in London, so they needed a holiday home. A “rest house” looks like this:

Beyonce and Jay Z

Aggregate State star couple is estimated at more than a billion dollars, so Beyoncé and Jay Z, of course, can afford all the best - including renting a luxurious villa for 400 thousand dollars a month in Malibu (California). La Villa Contenta (which is actually on the market for $54.5 million) is located in a fenced and carefully guarded area with a separate guest cottage and has 10 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, a library, a billiard room, a wine cellar, a full gym and home cinema.

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

The star couple recently acquired a new home - a $10 million mansion in Santa Barbara, which will be used as a summer holiday home. Mila and Ashton's new summer home has six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a large living room overlooking the ocean and even a private beach. The couple did not skimp on the cost of housing - the house is located in a private guarded sector, so they do not have to worry about the safety of their children: two-year-old Wyatt and seven-month-old Dimitri.

Robert Downey Jr

The star of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has gotten used to Tony Stark so well that he is already buying a home like his. Recently, Robert Downey Jr. acquired a villa, the cost of which is estimated at $3.5 million, and in appearance it is very similar to the house of Iron Man from the film of the same name, and is located in the same place where Tony Stark’s villa was in “Iron Man” - in Malibu.

Natalie Portman

The actress recently became a neighbor of Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis in Santa Barbara - Natalie and her husband purchased a house for $7 million. Natalie's new home, which a source says the star chose for its practicality, has four bedrooms and five bathrooms, two living rooms, one of which is outdoors, as well as a swimming pool and a large terrace overlooking the ocean. Portman's new home is located in a green area, which was an important criterion for the actress, who has two small children, as well as the ocean, next to which no one would refuse to live.

Selena Gomez

In May 2017, Selena Gomez acquired a new home at a very modest price - at least by the standards of show business stars. The new home cost the singer $2.25 million. Although Selena's new home doesn't cost much by Hollywood standards, it looks very nice. Inside there are 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a foyer, a living room, a library and even a spa area, in general, everything a young star might need. It is noteworthy that Gomez’s boyfriend, The Weeknd, also bought a house, and very nearby - now the lovers will live half an hour away from each other.

Harry Styles

Despite young age, 23-year-old Styles managed to achieve a lot - become a famous musician, start solo career, act in a movie with Christopher Nolan and acquire his own real estate. In September 2016, Harry Styles purchased a $7 million bachelor pad in West Hollywood. This is what Harry Styles' new "bachelor pad" looks like from the inside:

Leonardo DiCaprio

A long time ago, after receiving his royalties for Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio spent it on an apartment in Malibu, located right off the famous Billionaire's Beach, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. For years, Leo spent the summer months in this house, then rented it out, and only recently decided to put the property up for sale - for $11 million versus the $1.6 million he had previously spent on purchasing it. Here's what Leonardo DiCaprio's next mansion looks like from the inside:

Cara Delevingne and Jared Leto

No, of course, Cara and Jared do not live together - just the other day, the Delevingne sisters purchased a home from the actor, which he put up for sale back in November last year. Real estate in Hollywood was relatively cheap for Cara and Poppy Delevingne - $2 million, while Leto himself bought this house back in 2006 for $1.6 million. The mansion has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a large balcony overlooking the pool and even its own recording studio, which Jared actively used as the leader of the band 30 Seconds to Mars.

Emilia Clarke

British actress Emilia Clarke, thanks to her role in the popular TV series Game of Thrones, quickly began to conquer Hollywood - and, it seems, in the near future she will finally say goodbye to her native Great Britain and move to Los Angeles. At least the actress has already acquired housing in California, having paid $4.64 million for a modest mansion in Los Angeles in the fall of 2016.

May 26, 2014, 10:42 pm

Luxury villa for sale Prince in Marbella, worth 5.6 million euros

The entire property measures 6,000 sqm, including external space dedicated to terraces, a swimming pool, a tennis court and a large garden with tropical trees surrounding the villa.

Los Angeles, house for sale Meryl Streep for $6.75 million.

The house is located in Growth Glen Road, one of the most luxurious areas of Los Angeles, and its total area totals 325 sq.m.: 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, equipped kitchen, spacious living room, well-stocked wine cellar and small office. What makes this home special, in addition to the furnishings that were not chosen by Meryl Streep herself (she purchased the home already furnished), are windows overlooking greenery, modern finishes, a patio, and a garden featuring a beautiful pool and spa area.

Shakira reduced the price of her luxury home in Miami Beach by $2 million

After her luxury Miami Beach villa on North Bay Road went on the market for $15 million, Shakira was forced to lower her asking price by $2 million. Since July last year, she has been unable to find a buyer for her luxury property.

Christina Ricci sells his house for $1.7 million

Raised in Los Angeles, the daughter of a famous real estate agent throughout the city, Christina Ricci placed an elegant house of about 180 square meters for sale.

Villa for sale Eddie Murphy for 12 million dollars

Although Eddie Murphy was born in New York and lived in New Jersey, he purchased this house in 1998 when he married his wife ex-wife Nicole Mitchell. In 2007, it was sold to the current owner for 6.1 million dollars (about 4.5 million euros). Now its value is 12 million dollars (about 8.8 million euros).

Apartments Jimi Hendrix listed for sale for $6 million

Apartments with an area of ​​about 250 sq.m. consists of 2 residential units located on the 11th floor of the prestigious 59 West 12th Street building, located in the historic Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York.

Live in the house yourself Elvis Presley? It's possible!

The magnificent residence of the king of rock and roll is available for rent in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. The house was renovated and mostly modernized, but nevertheless retained some of the spaces that were decorated by the famous owner in his era. For the past three years, the villa has been rented out for $25,000 a month. Today, to experience the unforgettable emotions of living in the house of Elvis Presley himself, you need to pay 45 thousand dollars a month.

Luxury house for rent Janet Jackson in NYC

After marrying billionaire Wissam Al Mana and deciding to retire from show business, “nasty girl” Janet Jackson also decided to rent out her luxury New York apartment for the eye-watering price of $35,000 a month. This substantial amount, however, makes the star's city home less affordable even for those who can afford rent of this level.

New luxury villa in Palm Springs for Leonardo DiCaprio

After selling his luxury Malibu villa, Leonardo DiCaprio purchased a magnificent home in Palm Springs with the idea of ​​spending a sabbatical there. The new Californian villa costs $5.2 million and previously belonged to the famous Dinah Shore, an actress and singer popular in the 40s and 50s.

Villa in Atlanta for Justin Bieber

The villa Justin chose overlooks Blackland Road and is steps away from Usher and Jay Z's residence. The house is surrounded by a huge park and has 7 bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a spa and a gym. The luxurious residence, according to the wishes of the artist, rises in the central part, but is not visible from the road.

Sofia Vergara, over the past two years, earned about $30 million, due to which she was able to afford a house that cost her a third of her income. Sofia likes to invest her money in big projects, and when she saw this prestigious Beverly Hills residence priced at $10.6 million, the actress showed business acumen.

Luxury villa in California has 7 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms, as well as additional rooms for relaxation and entertainment. Besides, how could the “Modern Family” star not have provided a separate room for a home theater? There was also room for an equipped gym, a real bar with a lacquered wooden counter, a wine cellar with an extensive assortment, and a SPA center including a sauna.

Reduced price for a luxury home Richard Gere

Strongheart Manor, the luxury villa in Richard Gere's North Haven, has dropped in price by $9 million in one year, from House 56's $65 million, which is less than €41 million.

Originally dating back to 1902, the house was restored several times and expanded with the addition of two guest apartments. Surrounded by greenery in every sense of the word, the royal residence has 12 bedrooms and as many bathrooms

Jodie Foster sells Hollywood villa for $5.75 million

Fully furnished in Spanish style, the prestigious villa in California, which Jodie Foster decided to put up for sale, has a price tag of almost $6 million. The villa is located in the Hollywood Hills and its area exceeds 500 sq.m. The house is so large that in addition to several living rooms and a spacious kitchen, it also includes 4 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, two of which are service rooms, a small cinema room, an office, and even an apartment entirely dedicated to guests.

Luxury villas for sale Sarah Michelle Gellar In Los Angeles

Huge villa with an area of ​​more than 700 sq.m. decorated exclusively with the best materials. The luxurious villa is filled with light, thanks to large windows and walls made of glass, overlooking the lush garden with English lawn that surrounds the entire house. Numerous rooms are tastefully furnished in classic style: The main dominant style here is country style with the addition of modern elements in large quantities.

Catherine Deneuve sells dream castle in France

The castle is located in Genville, 75 km. from Paris, in a peaceful town with just over 700 inhabitants. Lo Château de Primard has 10 bedrooms and the same number of bathrooms, as well as other rooms that serve as living and recreation rooms.

The park is mainly an additional feature to this luxurious home. It was redesigned by Jacques Wirtz, the Belgian landscape architect entrusted by François Mitterrand to design the green spaces of the Champs-Élysées. The amount required to become the happy owners of this magnificent castle is just under 4 million euros, 3.9 million to be exact.
