At what temperature can honey be added to tea? Can you put honey in hot tea? What does science say about this?

Hot tea with honey is often used to prevent acute respiratory infections, as well as to warm up on cold winter evenings. The opinion has taken root that such a drink brings only benefits to the body and is good for health. Is this true, let's try to figure it out in the article.

Separately, tea and honey are healthy products. The main components of natural sweetness: bee enzymes, organic compounds and vitamins. But when heated Chemical properties change, and it can harm the body.

At temperatures up to 50 °, the natural substance turns into ordinary sweetness and loses its benefits due to the decomposition of invertase and diastase. Upon reaching 70 °, it loses its positive properties due to the destruction of enzymes, amino acids and proteins. It begins to produce a substance that is harmful to health.

What does science say about this?

When heated in a natural substance, a carcinogen begins to form, the regular use of which provokes intoxication. This poison can cause the growth of malignant tumors, and also negatively affects the intestines and stomach of a person, accumulates in the liver.

What diseases are treated with tea with honey?

Most often, tea with honey treats colds. The symptoms of the disease are relieved by the expectorant action of sweets and warming tea. The natural product helps to strengthen the immune system and maintain the vitality of the body, so it is consumed in winter, during epidemics, and given to children.

With ARVI, the patient is shown to drink plenty of fluids. Tea with honey is suitable for speeding up the healing process. Experts advise treating them with allergies. The product is an allergen, but with constant use in small quantities, it allows the body to develop resistance to it.

What kind of honey is better to drink with tea?

Buckwheat honey has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and prevents from kidney failure and anemia. From colds, sore throats, tracheitis, bronchitis, linden tea is suitable. This product has expectorant and antipyretic properties.

If you suffer from insomnia, brew weak tea with sweet clover honey. It has a rich taste and vanilla aroma, it copes with headaches, neuroses and poor sleep. In inflammatory processes, hypertension and atherosclerosis, refer to tea with clover. It is good for the heart and blood vessels.

Why is sometimes candied honey better than draft honey?

The candied product has a more pronounced sweet taste, so you will not be able to consume it as much as liquid. And rightly so, because the abuse of sweetness can negatively affect the endocrine system and provoke the appearance of allergies.

On the shelves you can find liquid honey, which is converted from candied honey by melting. So unscrupulous sellers reanimate the damaged goods. When heated, dangerous carcinogens are formed in it, the harm of which was described above. By purchasing a crystallized product, you can be sure that the seller did not deceive you and did not sell products filled with poisons.

What is the best way to drink tea with honey?

If you are used to the taste of your favorite drink sweetened with honey, there is still a way out:

  • prepare tea with honey in the right way;
  • take honey with a drink.

Pour honey into tea with a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The drink will be optimal for drinking, it will not burn the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. And the sweetness will not begin to deteriorate and lose quality.

It is useful to use the product as a snack. It is worth holding it on the tongue until dissolved, and then drinking hot tea. Taste buds will get maximum pleasure, and the body will benefit from vitamins.


The article details why you should not put honey in a very hot drink. Let's summarize the above:

  • to preserve the maximum useful properties of a sweet delicacy will allow you to use it with tea;
  • do not add a natural substance to a drink that is too hot (40 ° and above), this will keep important amino acids and proteins from decay;
  • if you do not want to provoke cancer or food poisoning, never add the product to tea at 60 ° -70 °.

Do not neglect these tips, then tea with honey will give not only gastronomic pleasure, but also health benefits.

You can’t add honey to hot tea, as it is harmful in a hot drink, so you need to throw a delicacy into warm water. It is worth figuring out where the truth or myth is, and how to drink a drink so that it benefits the body.

Tea with honey helps:

  1. Treatment and prevention of colds. Starting from October, it is necessary to prepare the body for a meeting with the cold, bacteria and infections.
  2. Increase immunity. In autumn and spring period It is recommended to drink a drink with lemon.
  3. Activation of the gastrointestinal tract (relevant for girls in the process of losing weight).
  4. Acceleration of metabolism. You can use it instead of sugar.
  5. Improving the work of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Relieve stress and emotional tension.
  7. Sleep improvement.
  8. Improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  9. It is useful to breed tea with nectar to slow down the aging process.

It is forbidden to add honey and drink it with hot tea, because the dissolved product releases carcinogens. To minimize harm, there are certain rules that should be followed:

  1. The temperature at which you can drink tea with honey: no higher than forty degrees.
  2. You need to choose the right variety, because some species do not dissolve well in liquid (sunflower, rapeseed).
  3. No more than two teaspoons of honey are added to the drink.

In what cases is harm possible?

Adding honey to water over 60 degrees is dangerous. This becomes a factor in the formation of a toxic substance - hydroxymethyl-furfural. This substance does not act immediately, it gradually accumulates in the liver and, with constant use, can cause poisoning. Also, oncological tumors - cancer - can form in the stomach or intestines.

When added to a hot drink, vitamins are lost in the bee product, it is not useful and dangerous. The recovery process will be much longer. It should be consumed with tea as a bite, and not dissolved in it.

How to drink?

For colds, headaches, sleep problems, honey is added to tea or warm water, milk. You can put some honey on your palate and dissolve it with your tongue. Through the blood vessels beneficial features product will be absorbed faster into the blood and will have a beneficial effect.

You can stir honey with a warm drink. To get all the vitamins and minerals, you need to follow a few golden rules:

  1. Brew tea. To improve the smell and taste, you can mix several varieties of tea - herbal, black, green. Everything is chosen according to taste.
  2. Let the tea brew, this will take five to seven minutes. During this time, the temperature will drop to eighty-eighty-five degrees.
  3. Pour the drink into a cup and let cool a little more. In order not to get a burn of the mucosa, you must wait five to ten minutes.
  4. When you are going to drink tea, throw a couple of spoons of honey. Everything must be thoroughly mixed. This will cool the drink down a bit.
  5. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can throw a slice of lemon into a cup.

If you add honey not to tea, but eat it, put it on the tongue or palate and then drink it with liquid, then the effect of its use will be even greater. Nervousness will go away, the feeling of stress will pass. With insomnia and increased emotionality, experts recommend not diluting honey in a drink, water, coffee or milk, but putting it in your mouth and sucking it.

Video "Food that causes cancer"

How dangerous is a hot drink with bee treats and whether it can lead to cancer, see the video.

Honey is one of the healthiest foods medicinal properties which have stood the test of time. But it turns out that we still know so little about him that we continue to retell funny and stupid myths to each other. It is worth figuring out what is true and what is fiction.

Honey loses its valuable qualities as soon as it is candied. Actually it is not! Honey in general is practically incapable of spoiling and, accordingly, losing its healing qualities. Therefore, the shelf life of honey, in principle, is unlimited. Interesting fact: small jars of honey have been found even in the tombs of the pharaohs. And when this honey was tested, it turned out that it still has all the medicinal properties and does not have any changes in its composition. And in the process of crystallization of honey (what we call “candied”), not the properties of honey change, but only its physical state, that is, the consistency of honey and its color. At what any kind of honey crystallizes, but depending on the variety, honey is sugared from 3 weeks to 3 months.

By the way, in Soviet times there was even an official ban, according to which, after October 1, all liquid honey was seized from the bazaars. Because, in accordance with GOST, by this time the honey should crystallize. If this does not happen, then a counterfeit product has gone on sale.

"Health drink" - hot tea with honey Unfortunately, honey in hot tea is not only useless, but also dangerous! in the liver and soon become the cause food poisoning. And those who regularly drink hot tea with honey run the risk of getting cancer in the stomach or intestines. Therefore, honey can only be added to warm tea. Moreover, under the influence of boiling water in honey, all vitamins and enzymes are also destroyed.

Nutritionists assure that diluted honey in in large numbers liquid acts very slowly, therefore, the therapeutic effect, which we count on during a cold, does not come very soon. It is much more useful to eat a couple of spoons of honey and only then drink them with tea. Since there are many small blood vessels on the tongue, honey will be instantly delivered to all vital organs.


Store-bought honey is artificial! This is not true. If it is indicated on the jar that it is natural honey, then it is. Another thing is that manufacturers, in order to honey long time kept liquid and did not sugar, add preservatives to it.

In addition, thick honey is difficult to package, and for this, honey is subjected to special processing at the factory: passing through special filters, liquid honey is obtained. In this form, it is already easy to pour into a container. But this is the minus of "factory" honey. When heated in filters, honey loses almost all useful material. Therefore, store-bought honey is tasty and safe, but the benefits for our health are very minimal!

: 1. honey loses its properties and 2. when heated, hydroxymethylfurfural is formed in honey, and it is dangerous to drink such tea. Unfortunately, these claims are widespread. But fortunately, there are other arguments which have been confirmed by more than one study. Below are excerpts from the book "The Word about Honey" by V.A. Straw.

So, regarding the first reason: when heated, honey loses its properties: "I was a categorical supporter of such use of our favorite product. Still, the recommendations were confirmed by the results of studies by reputable scientists:

    t> 60º C - there is an intensive destruction of proteins, vitamins, enzymes, enzymes and other biologically active substances

    t> 60º C - there is an intensive destruction of enzymes, etc.

If you look at the data without hesitation, we can say - you can’t throw honey into tea. It's "without thinking". But if you do think about it. Because the no one has researched this, let's "think" together. Here are the results fundamental research J.White, 1993:

    at 30º WITH in 200 days

    at 60º WITH- the amount of diastase honey is reduced by half for 1 day

    at 80º WITH - in 1.2 hours

If add honey to tea at a temperature 80º C, That in 72 minutes its enzymatic activity will decrease only half, and at 60º C the same thing will happen in 1 day. But do we drink a cup of tea all day or even an hour? At the same time, the temperature of the tea is not constant, it tends to decrease, and after 15 minutes the tea in the glass becomes cold.

And now about the loss of flavor... Where does he get lost, and even intensively, while drinking tea? aromatic substances for that they are aromatic, to fly out of honey and captivate the consumer with its smell tea. Let them fly out and fill the room with their scents...

you can drink tea with honey!

Regarding the second reason: when heated, hydroxymethylfurfural is formed in honey, and it is dangerous to drink such tea.

In honey, the main source of hydroxymethylfurfural is fructose. Standard limits the allowable content of hydroxymethylfurfural in 1 kg of honey - 25 mg. In EU standards and the UN Food Code set limit hydroxymethylfurfural in honey 40 mg/kg, for honeys, produced in hot countries, this value rises to 80 mg/kg.

According to the materials of the Bremen Institute for Honey Research, "confectionery and jams contain hydroxymethylfurfural in quantities ten times, and in many cases much more than the allowable standard for honey. So far, no harm has been found from this to the human body."

Professor Chepurnoy says about this: “There are food products in which the content of hydroxymethylfurfural is ten times higher, but it is not even determined in them. For example, in roasted coffee, its content can reach 2000 mg/kg. In drinks, 100 mg/l is allowed. IN Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, its content can reach 300-350 mg/l».

German scientists Werner and Katharina von der Ohe found that heating honey for 24 hours at 40 °C and for 6 hours at 50 °C did not cause a noticeable increase in the content of hydroxymethylfurfural. Heating for 24 hours at a temperature of 50 °C and especially at 60 °C leads to a significant increase in the content of hydroxymethylfurfural.

Hence the same conclusion: But do we drink a cup of tea all day or even an hour? Does the temperature of the tea in the cup remain constant? No, it progressively decreases, that is, there is no heating of honey in tea for 24 hours.

Most people on earth love honey. Some people prefer to drink tea only with it, but so that the drink is hot. They assume that hot drinks will relieve them of colds, increase immune strength. But these are incompatible things! Boiling water will destroy the beneficial substances that are included in it. Then the drink will become useless for a person.

Teas, supplements

Scientists suggest adding sugar to tea is an anomaly! After all, people who drink it without sweets are rarely visited by oncology. For green tea, the situation is different. Sugar added to it increases the healing properties of the drink, assimilates the catechins that it contains. Catechins are natural antioxidants, but they are also found in black tea, but here sugar inhibits their absorption.

Because of this, free radicals are neutralized. It is they who can disrupt the work of cells, which accompanies the development of tumors. And catechins do not allow diabetic signs to form in the body, they restrain heart failure. If milk is used in tea drinking, the benefits of catechins are reduced.

Harm from tea with honey

Everyone has known for a long time, honey useful product. Helps with colds. But doctors say that at a temperature of 40 degrees, diastasis is destroyed in honey. This is a valuable enzyme, too high a temperature in it can oxidize fructose. It turns into a carcinogen. Then it will provoke the development of a tumor in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, doctors prohibit putting it in drinks. They consider it a poison to humans.
To make it useful for the body, you need to eat it with a spoon. Prepare warm water and drink honey with it, but not boiling water. Otherwise, honey will lose its beneficial properties.

You also need to act with lemon. He is also from high temperature loses vitamin C, other useful substances. In order for a lemon to be useful for a person, it must be consumed with iced tea. But as a remedy for lack of sleep tea, a drink with honey is considered useful. Drink it for this purpose after a walk before going to bed. He can help a person to weaken somewhat, calm his tense nerves. If after honey perspiration appears in a person, it means that it removes toxins from the body. Then the intake of honey is considered justified.

Why can't you put honey in hot tea?

Hot tea has no medicinal properties. Vitamins and enzymes are destroyed. When honey is boiled, what remains of it is: water, glucose, sugar. But if the water temperature is less than 40 degrees, its beneficial properties are fully preserved. It is considered useful to eat a spoonful of honey in the morning. Doctors advise people with low acidity to eat it with cold water. If the human body is exposed physical activity or mental, he should eat honey with cold water.

Although our ancestors did the opposite. Honey was used in hot tea for gargling. This is evidenced by numerous old recipes. They made eye lotions out of it. This was also considered useful, but before that it should be boiled. They also boiled it for sbitney, honey koumiss, simple mead.

For the use of honey in traditional medicine it must be boiled. In this form, it benefits, helps a person to recover from the disease! Women use it for masks, make them in baths, where the temperature is very high. Despite this, the skin of women from time to time gets younger and never gets old!
