Gorgeous girls in mink coats. Girl in a fur coat

A photo shoot in a fur coat in winter, the most picturesque time of the year in Russia, always turns out to be interesting. However, the weather does not of great importance. On a frosty sunny day, the photos come out bright, cheerful and lively. If it is cloudy or foggy outside, you can create very beautiful highly artistic pictures. Where, with whom and in what way to capture the moments of your life, you decide for yourself.

Photoshoot in Russian style

A warm mink coat, earflaps, a sweater, mittens are essential components of a women's photoset. This option both models and photographers like it, because it gives you the opportunity to experiment, and the pictures always turn out original. The photo session can take place in the field or anywhere else. A great option is to go to the Museum of Wooden Architecture.

If possible, take with you or find on the spot:

  • a bunch of donuts
  • samovar
  • box or chest
  • spinning wheel

Don't forget the red scarf with a traditional Russian ornament.

Apply bright blush on your cheeks, emphasize your lips. It is worth remembering that the main thing is your enthusiasm. In a positively tuned model, the photos are colorful.

Snow games outdoors

Use it as an opportunity to have fun and return to childhood. Remember how, together with your parents and friends, you made snowmen, built palaces and ice fortresses, skied and played snowballs. It is not necessary to leave the city - an ordinary courtyard easily turns into a platform for a photoset.

Invite loved ones and do not skimp on emotions. While playing, you can:

  • throw snow overhead
  • wallow in a snowdrift
  • peek out from behind a tree

Looking at the natural and dynamic pictures, you will recall funny moments with a smile. In addition to a fur outfit, you can wear a sheepskin coat, a down jacket or other winter clothes, as well as a hat with a pompom and a warm knitted scarf for a photo shoot.

Walk in the park

You can pose in the park both alone and with a girlfriend, lover. And you can try to convey in the photo the close connection of generations by calling your children and parents.

With loved ones in the park is good and fun:

  • drink a hot drink, pouring it from a thermos into cups (bright sweets, ice cream or cakes, Christmas balls, garlands or a shiny “rain” will complement the overall picture well)
  • just walk around and have a lively conversation
  • make snow figures

All this can be removed in the process.

A photo session in the park in winter is most often organized on a clear, fine day. All participants in the photoset in a snowy park may have the same details in their attire: fur, funny caps, scarves, scarves or gloves.

Ice rink visit

When, if not in winter, to skate? You can easily combine a fashionable photoset with this exciting activity. Even if you do not feel very confident on the ice space, relax. It is not necessary to demonstrate the skill of figure skating, you can simply take the following poses:

  • lean on the railing
  • sit on the ice
  • stand on your feet without taking off your shoes and throw your skates over your shoulder

Women's clothing for a photo shoot at the rink should be as comfortable as possible:

  • blue or black jeans, knitted sweater
  • fashionable sports suit soft fabric
  • leggings and loose tunic

Put on a cap, hat or "earmuffs" made of fur.

Thematic photoset in the forest

As you head out of the city into the snowy forest, think about a story photo shoot. Organize a photo shoot based on a movie, fairy tale, book, choosing the appropriate look and accessories for the main character / heroes. Don't think about decorations - nature has already taken care of them. In winter, the forest is always beautiful.

In addition to a natural fur coat, which looks luxurious in any circumstances, you can choose the following outfit options for a photo shoot:

  • evening dress (the girl will feel like a princess, Cinderella or the heroine of a melodrama). If such a photoset is planned, a fur shawl can be thrown over the dress. This will prevent freezing and make the picture more spectacular.
  • trousers, a jumper and a plaid on the shoulders (the model will look organic sitting on the snow and holding a cup from which steam comes from a hot drink)
  • fabulous attire (the fair sex is often photographed in the guise of fairies and nymphs). It is necessary to think over the poses in advance, choose the appropriate attire and stage makeup.

Take portrait shots in a forest setting. Penetrating through the branches of trees and reflecting with light reflections, the rays of the sun provide magnificent illumination. If the weather is gloomy, the image will have spectacular gray undertones. Often such frames do not need processing.

As for the colors of clothes, it all depends on the theme of the photo shoot. If you like performances with a touch of tragedy and drama, choose black, gray, dark golden shades. When conducting a photo shoot filled with joy, give preference to bright green, blue, orange, yellow colors.

If you are posing in a dress, you can throw a light, bright fabric over your shoulders, which will make the picture more colorful. In casual style, a warm plaid thrown over clothes will be a great addition to the look.

What props are preferable for a photo shoot in nature?

The territory of the shooting process can be decorated to your liking. There are many ideas for choosing accessories and props:

  • fresh flower petals scattered over the snow look magical in the frame, especially if you are wearing a fur outfit
  • fruits (green and yellow apples, oranges, tangerines) bring fresh notes to the photo session and look organic if you pose in a cozy sweater and with a cup of tea in your hands
  • gift boxes, dishes and Christmas tree decorations will come in handy if the theme of the photo shoot is New Year's
  • lit candles go well with the snow cover and add a touch of magic and mystery to the photos
  • glasses of champagne or wine are suitable for a photo shoot with a girlfriend, relatives, and for romantic shoots

In the process of preparation, do not forget about simple additions, such as pictures with inscriptions (for example, “Happy New Year”, “Merry Christmas”, if the photo shoot is timed to new year holidays), Plush Toys. Do not forget to stock up on a warm blanket if you are going to nature. When conducting a romantic photoset, opt for a red heart pillow.

What should be followed when choosing an outfit and make-up?

The album should contain frames in which the girl elegantly poses. It could be pictures close-up, where the main character directs her gaze to the camera. To get emotionally rich shots, you should diversify your poses as much as possible: go forward, looking around a little, sit on the ground, jump, raise your arms, spin around. Therefore, when conducting photo shoots in fur coats, and for organizing a photoset in dresses, sweaters, things should not hinder movement.

You should remember a few rules regarding the choice of hairstyles and make-up:

  • in frosty weather, a blush appears on the face, often excessive, so it is worth applying an even matte tone to the skin in advance
  • do not be afraid to focus on the eyes - the contrast of a rich make-up and a snow-white panorama is very expressive
  • in winter, as a rule, high humidity, so you should not pay special attention to carefully straightening or curling your hair - in 1-2 hours, the styling may lose its original appearance, and the preparation will be in vain

Good ideas for a photoset are natural “waves” lightly fixed with varnish, neat braids or a simple ponytail. You can also solve a hair problem by elegantly tying a scarf or wearing a wreath.

Whatever ideas you choose, make contact with the photographer, tune in to a positive mood and try to radiate warm emotions. Both a photo shoot in a luxurious mink fur coat in the image of a noblewoman, and dynamic shooting with elements of traditional fun will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Now there is a real fluffy boom! Designers show fashionable fur coats in their collections with might and main, demonstrating how natural furs, and artificial most daring colors. What to wear with a fur coat Everyday life? For you tips and photos of fashionable images.

What shoes to wear with a fur coat
The choice of shoes is very important point. No one will notice a sweater worn under a coat, but boots will immediately attract attention.
Most people think that only stiletto heels should be worn under fur, period. This is not entirely true, and there are many more options. Stiletto shoes in winter are not very comfortable and unsafe, especially since narrow models of boots do not retain heat well. Try to combine business with pleasure and complete the look with uggs, comfortable and very warm.

A short fur coat will look good with over the knee boots at low speed. If you can't live without extra inches in the instep, look for boots with solid soles or wide, stable heels. Stylish and safe, unlike thin heels.

How to wear a fur coat with athletic shoes
Fur and sneakers - bad manners? It wasn’t there, fashionistas still can’t combine this into stylish look. If you decide on this extraordinary experiment, we suggest you look at how to wear a fur coat with sports shoes so as not to look ridiculous.

What hat to wear with a fur coat
Naturally, fur is best complemented by an elegant hairstyle. However, in cold winter weather, a hat is a must. What hat to wear with a fur coat so that the image looks like a single whole?

Fur hat under a fur coat for a young girl, the option is not entirely successful, take a closer look at a plain knitted hat.

It is worth considering options for combinations of fur outerwear and bandanas, a stole or a luxurious scarf.

You don't wear hats at all? Then your option is a fur coat with a hood. Warm, comfortable, and the hair will be less spoiled.

What clothes to wear a fur coat
If you are the owner of a fur coat to the floor, you can wear anything underneath. For options to the knee or short fur coats, you need to select the appropriate combination for the style.
A time-tested classic will help create the right combination. For girls who are thinking about what to wear a fur coat in everyday looks, we offer options:

  • simple knitted dress
  • pencil skirt, jumper
  • tweed suit, blouse
  • dark skinny jeans, turtleneck
  • jeans or skirt with cashmere sweater

A more dangerous combination pantsuit, in this case, the fur coat should be short and fitted. Fashion fur coats this season are very different, so don't be afraid to experiment with different variations.

We select a bag and gloves
No matter what anyone says, the most ideal combination for fur is leather. Elegant accessories made of leather or suede will complete the luxurious look with a fur product. Choose a bag and gloves a tone lighter than a fur coat, or vice versa - darker.

What fur to choose a fur coat?
What fluffy outerwear is not sewn from! From silver fox, arctic fox, chinchilla, lynx, rabbit, puma, sheepskin, faux fur... And the most popular are mink coats. Should be remembered: a long mink coat - an exclusively evening option, short model or to the knee - quite suitable for everyday wear.

What misconceptions are associated with fur coats for women and not only?

The most common of them are that an expensive fur coat is an indicator of status, and also that a fur coat makes a woman erotic.

Is an expensive fur coat a confirmation of high income? Maybe, and undeniably yes, if we are talking about designer models, show business people, or if a woman steps out of a Lamborghini. In all other cases, when trying to calculate a lady's wealth based on the relative predictability of fur prices, disappointment is inevitable. In some cases you can guess, but more often you will inevitably be mistaken. An expensive mink coat can be, and, as a rule, can be bought on credit or by installments, and a woman, having fulfilled her cherished desire, can pay contributions for another two or three seasons. A well-to-do and practical person, who knows the score of every penny, can safely walk in a muton.

Just like any girl today knows by heart that if a guy is in a new foreign car, he has a multi-year loan hanging on him, it’s good for men to know that if a woman is wearing a new luxurious mink coat, then she is usually on loan for two to three years. In addition, the mink itself has long ceased to be an unconditional indicator of prosperity. A few years ago, a mink coat was the ultimate dream, today even middle-income owners can afford such a purchase. Moreover, a mink arranged in stripes, from pieces, filiks, foreheads, combined, sheared, plucked or mutilated in another way, can be purchased at a very reasonable price. And you can also pass off a weasel, a ferret or a marmot for a mink. In addition to furs that are very valuable in the world markets - sable, chinchilla, only a mink coat made of solid plates, excellent dressing and cut can be a status item. But even in this case, it can only be a fulfilled long-term dream of an inhabitant.

The opinion that fur clothes make a woman more erotic and sexually attractive is very, very widespread. Perhaps, if we are talking about fur capes over open evening dresses. Such outfits are traditionally shown by movie stars at festivals. Winter clothing definitely does not make an ordinary woman in the city any sexier. Indeed, a woman in a fur coat usually looks more attractive than she in a coat or, horror, in a jacket. But why?

First of all, because the very presence of a fur coat in a woman is an indicator of her class affiliation. No, it is not so much about social classes, but about the fact that the owner of a fur coat belongs to, or tries her best to approach, the class of so-called "true women". The concept is rather conditional, since it is still not known for certain how to accurately determine the truth of a woman. A woman who has identified a fur coat as a necessary item in her wardrobe undoubtedly strives to look more feminine in that old-fashioned and so beloved by men sense. Perhaps the lush fur gives the figure some heaviness, and the weight of the fur coat makes the walk not so easy. A fitted coat with a belt will make the silhouette taut, the jacket will give freedom of movement, but nothing will emphasize the inner essence of a woman like a fur coat.

What does a woman confirm with a fur coat?

A woman constantly needs confirmation of something. A fur coat is an expensive purchase, whose belonging is unambiguous. If a husband, lover, partner gives a woman a fur coat, then this is certainly in her eyes an indisputable confirmation of her value to him. For the man himself, this is perhaps just a concession to requests or the fulfillment of a whim. But the woman knows that the purchase amount could have been spent in other ways: for the same money you can often buy a car for the whole family, go on vacation together, and if the donor is a businessman, then the money could be invested in the business, but, of course, he will use a fur coat only its owner.

What proves a man's love better than buying an attribute luxurious life, which in the middle lane is undoubtedly a fur coat. Only jewels can be put in the same row with it. However, a fur coat on a woman is easier to notice than diamond earrings, especially when there is nowhere to wear them, and most of the population does not really know what diamonds look like. But we will talk about them with our other material.

Now many women have risen so high career ladder that they can buy their own fur coat. At the same time, they often have no other choice, since there is no man who is wealthy enough to make such expensive gifts. Lady - careerists can afford to love not for wealth, but for the personal qualities of the chosen one, and at the same time to supply him with the attributes of luxury. If for a married woman a fur coat is an indicator of how her husband loves and appreciates her, then by buying a fur coat on her own, a woman declares to the whole world that she herself can do anything. With a high degree of probability, it is possible to distinguish women who are provided with a fur coat at the expense of their husband, and who have achieved everything on their own, by the presence of a wedding ring. A rare husband will be indifferent to his wife buying an expensive fur coat for her. own funds even if they are in abundance.

In this regard, the winter wardrobe of an Irkutsk woman necessarily includes a winter down jacket, and if funds allow -. Classic winter coats disappeared after the roaring nineties. Today they can be found mainly on two categories of women:

  • a middle-aged madam in a traditional, post-Soviet drape coat;
  • madam arrives in a stylish coat with a fashionable silhouette, which cannot stand the real frost and only allows you to “dive” from the plane to the car and back.

So, the frost, which in March stays at minus 20, makes you warm up to the maximum. We won’t talk about it, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the evolution of a mink coat in Siberia.

If 20-30 years ago a mink coat was definitely a luxury item, today in Irkutsk the proximity to China and the tireless desire of local fashionistas to have a mink coat in their wardrobe have made a mink coat a completely ordinary clothing. Mink on the streets of our city in winter is found on almost every third woman, regardless of age and social status. Tastes and fashion for a mink coat have changed markedly over the past twenty years.


"Mink" is an object of envy and admiration. It occurs in wealthy women. The most popular style is classic: length to heels, sometimes slightly flared down, wide sleeves, sometimes a hood, the color is mostly brown, the so-called STK (“standard dark brown” or “walnut”), most often brought from Greece. Sometimes there is a “butterfly” or “flared” style - very impractical from the point of view of frost, but giving the female figure a flying silhouette and hiding all its flaws.

Late 90s - early 2000s

Business-minded craftsmen from China did their job: they filled the market with a huge variety of fur coats affordable price. A "mink" of medium length in Irkutsk could be purchased for $1,000 already available to many, or one could personally go to Manchuria (a Chinese trading village near the border). The cost of the trip is $250-300, the cost of a fur coat in China is $500-600.

Fur coats were sharply divided into classes:

  • The most accessible type is the same brown "mink" of medium or short length, sewn from plates that are clearly visible on the product. Simpler and cheaper than them are only fur coats sewn from scraps of “mink production” in the form of a “herringbone”. Such a fur coat is worn for one or two seasons and quickly peels off and crumbles.
  • Another color. One of the most popular is blue mink, which is a real chic. Then - "black diamond". The ratio of cost and parameters such as length, the presence of a hood and color is clearly indicated. The longer, the more expensive. Assessing the poor quality of frankly cheap fur coats with a thin holey inside, customers begin to understand the word "computer". “Halosaya, whole pliant, campy, smarty, kunya!” - this is one of the best offers in the local Chinese market. "Computerized" meant processing the fur line by line from the inside, which gave the canvas a beautiful solid surface on the outside, and a herringbone stitch on the inside. It was valued more.
  • Combined fur. A special chic is the combination of mink with other fur: sable, fox.

Mid 2000s and present

The “simple” brown fur coat is tightly replaced by the more fashionable black. Let a short style, but - black! The stereotype that black is a rarity in nature (see "black diamond") affects and the fact that most of the fur coats are now dyed is forgotten.

A "cross" appears en masse - a dark stripe or contrasting fur runs along the center of the white skin - black hairs on white. Gorgeous, but again less practical. Firstly, a light fur coat quickly gets dirty, and secondly, light fur turns yellow.

Sheared. Fur coats with computer-cut patterns are being distributed. Accordingly, due to the loss of the outer hair, they are even less warm, but more diverse in styles, patterns and colors.

Colors become more unusual - red, white, baked milk, black with brown patterns and vice versa are added to the typical black-brown-blue color.

Combined models with other furs are still in fashion.

There was a variety of styles. If earlier we saw women in fur coats of “three lengths” (long, medium, short) + flared + “auto-lady” (mink jacket with a hood on a “drawstring” to the waist), now - a ¾ sleeve, a stand-up collar, fur vests, chinchilla and fox trim, leather and accessories and so on.

Considering that it is cold in Irkutsk for six months of the year, insulation is a topical issue. But a mink coat is not the warmest, it is inferior to a muton, a fox, a nutria, not to mention short and sheared models. Looking at the streets of our city, it seems that the mink coat is losing not only its practicality, but also its beauty. It is worn at random, with anything, without hiding the shortcomings of a frankly inexpensive product. Fashionable elegant models are a rarity.

Who wears a "mink", and how does it appear in an Irkutsk woman?

There are several options. First: women with status or "wives". The wives of politicians, owners of factories, newspapers, ships, and the officials themselves and ladies of state. For them, a mink coat is a common wardrobe item that emphasizes status. The fur coat is usually luxurious, bought abroad (but not in China) or in a branded store.

Second: ladies from trade, commerce, sales. This may be the owner of boutiques and shops, or may be a sales representative, corporate sales manager. A mink coat-“fly-out” was even for some time almost a sign of a profession. And although women from commerce are also very fond of the fox and, in particular, the silver fox (it looks rich!), The mink is still a symbol of security, success in business, and prosperity. They buy for themselves, change more often than others.

The third category has two subtypes. A woman with ambition and a woman with a dream. The difference between them is that the first buy a fur coat for themselves, the second - give. Husband, man or loving parents. The occasion is a powerful female “I want!”. A woman with ambition perceives the presence of a mink coat as a “sign”, a symbol of a stage in the path when success is achieved. Her fur coat is on the list of her main achievements: husband, apartment, car, career, mink.

I belong to the latter type: the first "mink" - a "black diamond" floor-length was acquired as a symbol of achievement, the satisfaction of ambitions, the second fur coat - a cropped short coat - a sign of status. Both bought independently in Manchuria, which saved half the cost.

Of course, you can buy a fur coat different ways. I personally know three young women who saved, saved, begged or borrowed money from their parents for a mink. Three more wear their older sisters and their aunt, who wear more modern models. And it is almost impossible to determine the status of a “woman in a mink”. It could be a pet student who worked part-time at promotions for a fur coat, or maybe a bank manager.

Irkutsk is famous not only for its proximity to Baikal and China, it is a transport hub plus a student city. A vigorous mixture of descendants of convicts, Decembrists and romantics who built BAM, showed a rather elegant for Siberia, but conservative audience (this is my personal subjective opinion based on observations. For example, in the off-season, the number of coats and raincoats is not inferior to jackets, and it looks very stylish ). But with a mink, women are treated simply ruthlessly. The fur coat is worn not for the sake of warmth, but for the sake of “show off”, it is worn not only to work, to the store or to study, but to nature (where it is 5-10 degrees colder than in the city), “take out the trash” (according to my friend: “suddenly fate, but I’m not in shape”) and even to a team building (an active semi-sport event in nature)!

To paraphrase Terry Pratchett: “mink fur is highly valued, especially by minks themselves,” I often feel uncharacteristically sorry for the animals whose skins were used for this fur outrage.

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