Natural or artificial: Which fur is more ethical and environmentally friendly. Faux fur versus natural What is the difference between faux fur and natural fur?

In order to learn to distinguish fur, you need to decide what fur is.

Fur- animal skin, removed along with wool and dressed into a fur coat. Natural fur was the oldest material from which clothing was made. Such clothes reliably protected from the cold. If we talk about modern production, today the skins of certain animals are called fur: mainly the families of mustelids, cats, fox, beaver, deer, serval, and Karakul sheep.

By the way

The quality of the products does not depend on the skin itself, but on the quality of the production of the mezra, that is, the top layer of fur adjacent to the skin. The flesh should be thin, extremely soft, but very durable.

Natural fur does not allow moisture to pass through, does not get wet, and dries quickly away from radiators and heaters. This fur is a good protector from the cold. But it needs proper storage. In order to preserve your fur product for a long time, you need:

1. Store it in a loose gauze bag.

2. Also store in a place with good air access.

3. Clean natural fur only possible with special equipment.

Types of natural fur

There are two types of fur: smooth and fluffy. The fur of sable, mink, otter, marten, ermine, muskrat, squirrel, seal, etc. is classified as smooth fur. The most famous fluffy furs: arctic fox, fox, raccoon, rabbit. Natural fur is expensive, so it is considered a very status material. In modern clothing, it is used not only as insulation, but also as an object of respectability and high status.

Artificial fur

Artificial fur is a pile material that can be developed in one of the following ways:

1. adhesive,

2. on looms,

3. on knitting machines.

This fur is most often used as an insulating lining, or for finishing inexpensive products. These can be collars, edges and cuffs. Of course, fur coats and hats are also made from it. Faux fur is much cheaper than natural fur and does not provide much warmth. His appearance Quite quickly it becomes less attractive, the fur may shrink or fall off. Fur coats made from natural and artificial fur can be practically indistinguishable in appearance. But if you look closely at the product, natural fur is smoother and more pleasant to the touch. If you compare a product made of natural fur and artificial fur, then the natural product shines brighter in the light. A product made from natural fur will be much softer than a product made from faux fur. Despite the fact that such a product is more expensive, it will pay for itself in the future, because a natural fur coat retains its original appearance for a long time.

We offer you several practical advice: how to distinguish real fur from artificial fur.

1. The surest way is to tear out a few hairs from the fur coat and set them on fire. Typically, real fur will catch fire and smell like burnt hair, while artificial fur will start to melt and smell like a chemical. Of course, such actions cannot be performed in a store. Because it is unlikely that the seller will agree to pull fur out of fur coats and hats, so this method is possible only after the purchase.

2. A fairly reliable way is to check the base of the fur. If the fur is natural, then you will see the skin of an animal - wrinkled skin, and if the fur is artificial, then the base will be a cloth cloth.

3. Another way to identify fur is its appearance and the inscription on the label. It must indicate the type of fur and its origin.

All inscriptions must be clear and legible and should not be “blurred”.

Let's sum it up

1. Real fur is more expensive.

2. Natural fur requires careful care and proper storage.

3. Faux fur is not damaged by moths.

4. Natural fur burns, and the characteristic smell of burnt hair is released; artificial fur does not burn, but melts.

5. Natural fur has a base of wrinkled animal skin, while the base for faux fur is made of fabric.

6. Be sure to pay attention to the label: all words and numbers on it must be well printed.

Now you will be able to distinguish real fur from artificial fur, this will help you avoid being deceived by the seller if he presents artificial fur as natural.

Taking care of environment- this is what everyone is talking about now. Television, the Internet, celebrities and scientists are all calling on humanity to treat nature with greater responsibility.

Today, more than ever, love for nature is not only important, but also a little fashionable.

If 25-30 years ago even vegetarians were a curiosity and were extremely rare, now every fifth person invents a way to replace the cutlet with beans and spend the Russian winter in a synthetic coat instead of a mink one.

Animal fur has been a sign of status since BC. To allow himself to wear an animal skin, a primitive Cro-Magnon had to at least catch an animal, kill it with his primitive primitive weapons and remain in good health in order to wear this skin. Of course, only the most strong representatives kind.

Fortunately, to wear first-class clothing in the 21st century, you don’t need to chase anyone or kill anyone with your bare hands. To do this, it is enough to have an amount with five zeros on your account.

But even despite universal tolerance modern world, in certain circles, natural animal fur still remains one of the markers of status and wealth.

Over the past decade, the picture has begun to change. The issue of protecting nature is becoming more acute. Natural materials have to take a few steps back, giving way to synthetic ones, which stubbornly step on their furry heels. Does this mean that in 10-20 years we will have to say goodbye to fur completely? It is impossible to confirm 100%. All that remains is to watch the development of events. And events are developing in such a way that every year more and more famous designers choose faux fur and completely abandon natural ones.

The fashion house Gucci shocked everyone the most last year when it announced that it was completely abandoning animal fur. Just think, those who forced fashionistas to even wear fur slippers have committed an acrylic fireplace out. According to Gucci, there will be no place for natural fur in their collections in the future.

Inspired by the example of Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Jimmy Choo, Armani, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger went all out. Well, even before Gucci, back in 2000, the greenest designer, Stella McCartney, did this. She gave up not only fur, but also leather, suede and some types of glue, which partly consisted of animal components.

Why are designers all giving up fur? Is this cunning marketing or has the time come when everyone unanimously decided to become tolerant? There is no answer to this question. And to wear or not to wear real fur, shout about your civic position from every alley social networks or quietly bask in a cozy mink coat, still remains your personal business.

Like any important issue, there are two sides to this.

Arguing their refusal of natural fur, designers talk about cruelty to animals. Our four-legged friends live in terrible conditions, where no one cares about their humane departure to another world, their death is painful, and their life is short.

I always find it awkward to listen to people who talk about how they gave up fur because of the “suffering of poor animals,” but at the same time they calmly walk around in leather shoes and continue to eat steaks. In short, not wearing fur just for ethical reasons is a rather superficial decision.

Fendi D&G

Dior Saint Laurent

If you think that now I will agitate you to abandon natural fur for the sake of synthetic fur, then, alas, it is not so simple.

Pros and cons of faux fur

Faux fur coats are made from acrylic polymers containing complex chemical components and petroleum products. Even after the onset of the apocalypse, such a fur coat will decompose for several hundred years. Well, the waste from production where synthetic fur is produced pollutes the environment so that both people and the above-mentioned fur-bearing animals suffer as a result.

Dries Van Noten Miu Miu

Nina Ricci Bottega Veneta

For very humane people who still really love natural fur, there is also a solution. Over the last few years, fur coats made from natural wool have become popular, but the wool is not torn from the animal, but carefully combed and glued to the fabric from which the coat is sewn. The famous Teddy Bear Coat from Max Mara is made using exactly this technology. This is camel hair. Using the same technology, similar coats are sewn from sheep and llama.

Max Mara Burberry

Which fur coat is warmer? Depends on the owner of the fur coat. Some people are fine with a coat in winter, but others wrap themselves in five sweaters and a down jacket and still feel cold. I have all kinds of fur coats. From natural to brushed. I can’t say that any of them are significantly warmer. I also feel warm in acrylic, especially with a warm sweater underneath. In any coldest situation, an ultra-thin down jacket worn under outerwear will save you. I'm for it and warm.

By the way, geese don’t voluntarily give up fluff for your loved one either :-)

In our country, a mink coat is much more than just a fur coat. This is both a status and an object of desire and a way to look richer than we actually are. I know a lot of stories of our women when a mink coat was bought on credit or in order to buy it they had to save for a very long time, denying themselves something.

Only in Moscow in the winter half of the women in the subway car are dressed in mink. In our country, it is still believed that faux fur is cheap and the lot of teenagers. But, hand on heart, I can say that you can look cheap even in the most expensive mink coat with the most beautiful mother-of-pearl button (and this happens very, very often). No matter how expensive your favorite fur coat is, alas, it is not a vaccine against bad taste.

The purpose of faux fur is not to imitate natural fur, but the exact opposite. The more similar the fur is to the skin of a non-existent acrylic animal, the more beautiful it is. Such a fur coat will cost less, and will be no less warm than a sable one. The main thing is HOW to wear it. well and bright color, unusual texture or complex print is only a plus.

What to wear with faux fur

You can, as usual, get inspired by the perfect combination of fashionable items with an equally fashionable faux fur coat in street style.

Modern manufacturers of fur products are very dexterous and cunning, no matter what they go to, trying to reduce production costs and maximize their profits. In turn, buyers need to be extremely vigilant and attentive, know all the traps and tricks so as not to fall for scammers. How to distinguish faux fur from natural fur? The answer to this question seems obvious until you are faced with a choice. Today, faux fur products have become a worthy alternative for those who want to look impressive without overpaying. But there is still a difference between faux fur and natural fur.

Where to buy

If you want to purchase a fur coat, vest, or hat made of natural fur, we recommend making purchases in trusted places. Currently, there are enough chain stores that value their reputation and can provide all the necessary certificates. The chances of running into a fake in this case are minimal. The label contains all the information about the product, so be sure to take a look at it. In any case, the main differences between faux fur and natural fur, little tricks and recommendations will never be superfluous.

Main differences

There are basic methods of differentiation, basic criteria that you need to pay attention to first. In answering the question, we will start with them.

The basis

The base of natural fur is wrinkled, quite hard and unpleasant to the touch; in the case of faux fur, it is made of dense fabric. If you cannot determine the type of base, use an ordinary sewing needle and stick it into the base. If you don’t have to make any effort, the needle will go in and out quite easily, most likely, you have a fabric base in front of you, but if you hit an obstacle, you will have to make some effort, you have natural fur with a natural base in front of you. Try scrunching the fur in your hand. Artificial one wrinkles quite easily, its fabric base hardly returns to its previous shape, leaving characteristic creases. Take the time to inspect the base: the presence of folds indicates that this is fur of artificial origin.

fur hairs

The method of checking hairs is truly extreme - arson. You need to pull out a few hairs and, using an ordinary lighter or matches, set them on fire. Natural fur burns out quite quickly, leaving an unpleasant smell of burnt hair. The artificial material does not burn, but rather melts, giving off the smell of burnt plastic. I must admit, this method is considered one of the oldest and most effective. Natural fur fibers taper at the end, while faux fur fibers are square in shape. It is this difference in structure that gives natural fur its smoothness and softness.


Particular attention must be paid to the label and the information contained on it. If you don’t know how to distinguish faux fur from natural fur, at least read what the manufacturer indicated. All information about the composition of the fur, its origin must be indicated, the features of using the product, as well as the subtleties of caring for them must be reflected. The absence of a label should be a red flag. In 2010, a document was adopted in the Russian Federation obliging manufacturers of fur products to provide complete and reliable information about the materials used.


Of course, the cost of a finished fur product does not always represent its quality. However, if you do not know how to distinguish faux fur from natural fur, and you do not have the opportunity to do this using standard methods, then pay attention to the price. An undervalued price should alert you and raise a number of questions.

Mink fur

Mink is perhaps the most common fur today. Almost every modern beauty dreams of a mink coat. Fraudsters are trying to sell us a fake, even a skillfully created one, for exorbitant amounts of money. That is why it is necessary to always be on guard and understand that the most popular fur is the most often counterfeited. We will tell you how to distinguish faux mink fur from natural one. Elite mink is faked using rabbit or marmot skins. Externally, sheared fur is almost impossible to distinguish. Replacement with faux fur is also common - again, with high-quality dressing, painting and processing, an inexperienced buyer is unlikely to be able to find the differences.

You will be able to suspect deception only after a couple of years, when the fur begins to shine, thin out in places and dry out. In order not to experience such disappointment, do not rush, approach the purchase more consciously, pay attention to some criteria:

  • Tactile sensations - rabbit fur is very soft, marmot fur, on the contrary, is quite hard and unpleasant to the touch. You should focus on something in between: mink is quite soft and moderately hard, sometimes it can be slightly prickly.
  • Length of hairs - along the entire length of the product, mink hairs are the same length, creating a perfectly flat surface.
  • Availability of a certificate - the seller who wants to sell you a mink coat must have it.

Arctic fox fur

How to distinguish natural arctic fox fur from artificial one? I would like to immediately note that the arctic fox is almost impossible to replace: its thick and fluffy pile with the same length of hairs cannot be replaced by any other natural fur. That is why it is often counterfeited with natural fur. With skill, it is quite easy to distinguish it by paying attention to a number of characteristics:

  • Appearance - animal fur will change color when different lighting. So, for example, in bright light it will begin to shine, which will never happen with fur of artificial origin - it will retain its dullness and inertness.

  • The weight of the product is that natural arctic fox fur is much lighter than artificial fur.
  • Setting fire to individual hairs - in the case of the Arctic fox it works general rule. Set fire to a few fibers - natural fur will quickly burn, leaving a pungent smell of burnt hair.

We hope we have revealed for you the main secrets of choosing natural fur. Now you won’t have to wonder how to distinguish faux fur from natural fur, you can easily identify a fake and save yourself from disappointment in the future. We wish you a pleasant shopping experience!

If you want to buy a high-quality natural fur coat, you need to go to a specialized store. It is advisable to choose between well-known network points that have been on the market for a long time.

As a rule, they have long proven themselves with the best side, have good reviews and will not spoil their reputation for the sake of one sale. In addition, in “networks” each fur product is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. The chances of purchasing a fake are reduced to a minimum. But even in well-known stores, sometimes unpleasant situations happen: there are a lot of scammers in the country.

How to distinguish a natural fur coat from an artificial one

If you don’t have the slightest idea about the differences between artificial and natural fur, in the store you should at least study the label of the fur coat with particular meticulousness. On the tag, the manufacturer reflects basic information about the animal’s fur, its origin, rules for caring for the product and how to use it correctly.

This method does not always help: unscrupulous manufacturers may well indicate false information on the label. The complete absence of any tag almost certainly indicates that the product is a skillful fake. This is due to the fact that 8 years ago a law was passed that obligated manufacturers of fur products to attach tags with brief information about the product.

Key differences

There are several criteria by which you can buy a natural fur coat without the risk of ending up in the hands of scammers. When purchasing, you need to focus on them, as well as on your own intuition.

The basis

For products made from natural fur, the basis is leather. The base must be carefully studied: it will not be easy to do this in a natural fur coat, since animal skins have a very thick pile. Parting the hairs to see and evaluate the backing of a faux fur coat is much easier: dense fabric is used as the base in such products.

In addition, when you try to separate the fur in different directions, there is a high probability of individual hairs falling out in a synthetic fur coat. The basis of a fur coat is made of natural animal fur - hard, rough-textured leather. It is difficult for a beginner to recognize the basis at first glance. To understand what type of product the buyer is looking at, you can arm yourself with a long sewing needle and try to pierce the backing of the fur coat. If the “tool” goes in smoothly, it is faux fur with a fabric base.

In addition, you can wrinkle a piece of fur in your hand, which is usually attached to the inside of the product: artificial materials wrinkle easily and take a long time to return to their original shape. The animal’s skin does not leave creases and quickly returns to its original shape.

Tactile perception

Seasoned fashionistas who regularly purchase fur coats made from natural fur can distinguish artificial materials by touch. Indeed, tactile perception is an excellent assistant when choosing a fur coat. Natural fur is very soft; running your palm over it, you can feel it flowing like silk through your fingers.

In the case of synthetic materials, the palm will feel rough, brittle pile, not much reminiscent of natural fur. Such enormous differences are due to the unique structure of animal fur: each hair of natural fur is wide, round at the base and tapered towards the end. Artificial material - square hairs. That is why the original fur coats flow, shimmer and play brightly in the sun.


The above methods sometimes do not work due to good quality produced counterfeits. Faux fur is very similar to natural fur; some “good” fakes even use leather as a base. But the cost of such products is still an order of magnitude lower. Fur obtained artificially is an inexpensive material; manufacturers from China even give it away for almost nothing. Hence the low cost and low market price.

There is a separate category of people who prefer faux fur - animal rights activists. Therefore, fur coats made from such materials are in demand among the masses. And not everyone can afford a luxury product made from natural fur when choosing alternative options warm clothes.

Reliable verification method

It sounds strange, but one of the most effective ways checking for authenticity - setting fire to hairs of a fur coat. To do this, you just need to quietly pull out a few hairs and set them on fire with a lighter. A guarantee of a natural fur coat is the characteristic unpleasant smell of burnt hair and rapid combustion.

Artificial hairs do not differ in such properties: after being set on fire, they begin to melt, curl and emit a toxic smell of plastic. This is the most reliable method to understand whether the seller is offering a natural product. However, it is not always possible to conduct this kind of verification.

How to distinguish mink fur

The most popular fur coats are the ones most often counterfeited. Of course, faux fur is not passed off as elite mink products: natural fur is also used for their production. To reproduce a high-quality fake, manufacturers use the skins of rabbits or marmots.

These fur-bearing animals also have soft fur, but striking differences are felt to the touch. It is necessary to note that rabbit skins are too soft; probably many have once petted rabbits and understand what we are talking about. Marmot skins, on the contrary, are too tough.

But mink is the golden mean between them. Soft, but at the same time harsh, when held with your hand in rare places it can prick. It is also necessary to evaluate the quality of the hairs: in a natural mink coat, they are all matched, even and of the same length.

If you do not reveal the deception at the stage of purchasing a fur coat, the girl will wear the purchased product for another 2-3 years without noticing the poor quality. But after this time, the rabbit fur begins to “come out”. The fur coat looks shabby, with sparse shiny fur.

If you really want to buy a fur coat made of natural fur, you need to understand that you will have to provide it with proper care: after each season, dry-clean it, store it in covers and strictly ensure that no unwanted insects are found in the product.

The answer to this question seems simple only until you come face to face with the problem itself. Some products have no doubt about the origin of the fur, but there are others that need to be purchased with extreme caution, otherwise you risk becoming a victim of dishonest sellers.

How to distinguish real fur from fake?

If you buy a fur item in a well-known brand store, where the chances of “running into” a fake are small, then the label will help you figure out the quality of the material. A good manufacturer will remember to mark on it what kind of fur he used.

But even if you are used to buying clothes in other stores, then, having the knowledge of how to distinguish natural fur from artificial fur, you can protect yourself from fakes.

The main differences between natural fur and artificial fur

  1. The basis of natural fur is wrinkled, rather tough leather; the lining of faux fur is made of dense fabric with a fabric base. If the fur on the product does not move well, then use a needle for the test - just stick it into the product. If it comes out easily, then you have a woven base, but if it hits an obstacle, then most likely it is leather, which means natural fur.
  2. An “extreme” test method is to tear out a few hairs from a product or sample and set it on fire - natural fur burns quickly and smells like burnt hair, artificial fur has the smell of burnt plastic and takes much longer to melt.
  3. The price is not a 100% indicator of naturalness; too large a discount should make you think that you are being deceived.

How to distinguish between natural and artificial mink fur?

Elite mink fur is very often counterfeited. For this purpose, they use completely non-elite skins of rabbits or marmots. Recognizing deception can sometimes be difficult. Only after a couple of years, when the fur begins to shine, fall out, and dry out, can you suspect something is wrong. To prevent such disappointment from befalling you, do not rush into the purchase, but carefully inspect the fur and pay attention to the following points:

  • rabbit fur is too soft, and marmot fur, on the contrary, is too hard, so focus on the golden mean - the mink is moderately soft and hard to the touch, and may be a little prickly;
  • The length of the mink fur hairs is the same throughout the entire product;